• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


March24/ 2019

One of my best readers and a friend of mine since we played keep-away on the grounds of our parish school in the early 1960s contacted me yesterday and asked me to step out of my investigator role and into my history teacher role for a column.

Marcus T, my long-time pal, said since public schools and colleges are teaching leftist propaganda instead of American history, the public could use a tutorial on the Electoral College.

Coeds from our parish high school at library, 1965


Marcus T is a moldmaker machinist. He is a king in the blue collar world. He designs and makes the molds used to make iron and aluminum and other metal castings for parts in aviation and a hundred other industries. This means he knows trig and algebra backwards and forwards, so he can calculate where he needs to cut to make molds. This means he knows machining and metallurgy so the molds and the parts will come out right. It is hard enough to design a part …. he designs the molds that make the parts.

Marcus T is a professional. All you psychologists, political scientists, and social justice diversity HR types with degrees in lesbian studies can pound sand. Marcus T would charitably advise you to avoid pounding casting sand. It could be a little hot after molten metal is poured into it.

For Marcus T and all the other “Valiants” who have tuned in, here it is.

The Electoral College was not a way for the Founding Fathers to protect slavery, like prominent Democrat liars say. (I realize “Democrat liars” is a redundancy.)

Bur since they are all campaigning to end the Electoral College and lying about it, their lies bear refuting.

Constitutional Convention. George Washington, America’s original Man in Black.


I will cover the origin of the Electoral College, the few close elections they had to determine, and why the Electoral College is a good idea even today.

The short answer? The Electoral College is a firewall against national vote fraud that would queer the vote in a popular vote presidential contest every time. That’s not how the Founding Fathers designed it, but the unintended consequence of the Electoral College is to limit the damage election fraud felons can cause.

Now for the history.

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St. Patrick’s Day: Ireland and the West Need Evangelization

March17/ 2019

Today is the feast day of St. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland.

St. Patrick gave the Irish their Catholic faith, and their national emblem. The three-leafed shamrock, which everyone associates with the Irish, was the plant St. Patrick used to demonstrate the concept of the Holy Trinity to the Irish. And so the Irish made the humble shamrock the sign of themselves as a people, because St. Patrick had used it in a holy cause.

Statue of St. Patrick on the Hill of Tara. Photo by Author.


Only King David, whose six-pointed star the Jews have adopted as their own, can lay that claim to a people.

David was a Hebrew, but Patrick was not Irish. Patrick was half- Roman and half-Gaul. His father was a Roman official stationed in Britain. His mother was a Gaulish woman, from the tribes of people who lived in present-day France in the centuries just before and just after Christ.

NOTE: I use BC as before Christ and AD as “in the year of our Lord.” The “CE” nonsense that atheists in academia and the media want to use to ignore Christ stands for Cattle Excrement.

What was Patrick really like, and how did he come to take as his life’s work the conversion of the Irish to Christianity?

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Why Planned Parenthood Needs To Be Executed

March01/ 2019

Author’s note: About halfway down in this column, I am giving away a downloadable report of more than 300 pages on the illegal, revolting, and substandard acts I found Planned Parenthood personnel committed (allegedly) by using the public record. Stay tuned.

This last few weeks have been eye-opening.

The Democrats are becoming the party of infanticide. New York legislators and governor put into law a bill that allows abortion up to birth. Other hard left state legislators are considering similar Nazi measures. Virginia’s Democrat governor Ralph “Nazi” Northam, said he was okay with abortion providers killing full-term children born alive. Meanwhile, his wife was handing out cotton bolls to kids.

Members of the U.S. Senate just voted down a proposed measure that would have forbidden infanticide of babies who survive abortion. The proposed bill, called the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” would have penalized doctors who refused medical care to babies who survive abortions and are born alive.

Per CBS News, 2/27/2019, this:

“The legislation — which fell seven votes short of the 60 it needed to move forward — would have required doctors to provide care to infants who “survive an abortion or attempted abortion.” A similar bill passed in 2002, but the most recent one was different in a key way: It would have imposed fines and potential jail time for doctors who didn’t provide care.”

Amy “Chase Parked Car” Klobuchar.  Believer in Infanticide.  Is she ordering another double, or telling a staffer to fetch her a comb so she can eat a salad?


For some reason, the proposed bill needed 60 votes to win, and it got 53. Of the senators, 44 Democrats voted against it. Lisa Murkowski, the Alaska abortion pimp who is a Republican, did not vote on it. Neither did two other GOPers, Tim Scott of South Carolina and Kevin Cramer of North Dakota. Supposedly the trio couldn’t get back to DC in time for a vote.

Note: I call the capital DC and the state Washington.

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February22/ 2019

Let’s start the post with yet another reason why North Carolina may be gaining on Florida as the South’s most unstable state.

No, I’m not talking about the arena full of knuckleheads at Duke who cheered Barack Obama’s presence at their game with North Carolina. They got to watch the result of Obama’s sellout of American manufacturing as Duke star Zion Williamson’s Nike basketball shoe blew out on court, and the kid hurt his knee as a result. Maybe one of the Chinese sweatshop slaves wasn’t up to the shoe sewing or gluing job on that pair. Thanks, Barry. And Bushes. And Bill.

Nike. Asian sweatshop labor. Swoosh.


I’m talking about this:

Scumbags vandalized a statue of General Lee in Dunn, North Carolina overnight under cover of darkness. The statue was of General William Lee, the founder and commander of the 101st Airborne Division. First at Normandy, survivors of Battle of the Bulge. In World War Two, not the Civil War. 99’s father fought in this battle and was severely wounded. I served in the 101st in the 1970s and 1980s.

These Antifa-like a-holes couldn’t figure out the legendary father of American paratroopers wasn’t the legendary Marse Robert of Civil War fame. Different uniforms. No horse. These scumbags know no history. Going thru life in anal defilade will do that to people.

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February12/ 2019

Today should have been a reflection on the greatness of Abraham Lincoln.

But events call for the spotlighting of the New Copperhead traitors even more.

So let’s start slashing and burning.

The Democrats in Congress don’t want to defund Planned Parenthood, whose evil people murder children, provide Wal-Mart quality sexual health care, and protect rapists and incestors by not reporting their crimes.

But they do want to defund the agencies who provide border security to the nation.


The Democrats in Congress are pushing to force federal authorities to admit without question all aliens who show up in our country with children. Per Breitbart 2/4/2019, this:

“The House Democrats’ first offer to President Trump in negotiations to fund his proposed United States-Mexico border wall includes a provision that would end all immigration enforcement for migrants trafficking children across the southern border.

The draft budget provides the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency with $7.4 billion, nearly $850 million less than requested by the Trump administration, and funds only 1,250 beds for adults and migrant children coming across the border this year, a decrease in detention space.

Attached to that funding, though, is an immigration enforcement ban first introduced by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and supported by every Senate Democrat. The Democrats’ offer demands that all immigration enforcement end for any adult crossing the border with a child by the end of Fiscal Year 2019.

Rather than being held in detention for a period of time, those adults and the migrant children they trafficked across the U.S.-Mexico border would be released immediately into the interior of the country.”

This is the perfect way for alien criminals to traffic girls and boys as sex slaves. And it is the perfect way to give the pervs in Harveywood and the Gay Area fresh meat.


Here’s where negotiations are now, per Breitbart 2/11/2019:

The Democrats are calling for a cap of about 16,000 aliens that Homeland Security agents can hold in detention. They won’t offer any more money for more detention. Any alien car thief, robber, attacker, drunken drive killer, rapist, and murderer above this number they want the authorities to release unsupervised into the country.

The Republicans want a cap of 40,000 or so, which is also many thousands below what President Trump wants.

The Republicans are willing to settle for $1.3 billion in border wall funding, with many restrictions on how the money can be used.

Abraham Lincoln would have recognized this. Most powerful Republicans in his day criticized him constantly and interfered with his prosecution of the Civil War.


Most of today’s House and Senate Republicans are egg-sucking dogs. Sadly, the Democrats suck worse.

In fact, Democrats who a week ago were calling for fellow Democrat Nazi Northam to resign as Virginia’s governor are now helping him hunker down.

Northam’s mother called him Ralph. I call him “Nazi” because he is for all abortions, and for the infanticide of children born alive at term.

Someone who knew Nazi Northam was appalled also, so he let it be known Ralphie was wearing blackface or a Klan hood in his medical school yearbook. The picture led Democrats nationally and in Virginia to call for Northam to resign.


One of these was the Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring. He is the No. 3 man in Virginia government.

Justin Fairfax, a black man who is the Lt. Governor of the Old Dominion, said nothing. He didn’t have to. Northam was going to be forced out of office and he would become governor.

Until two women came forward claiming Fairfax raped them. One woman said he forced her to perform oral sex on him at the 2004 Democratic Party convention. The other woman said he raped her while they were students at Duke. Fairfax has denied the charges and has kind of blamed Nazi Northam for them. Fairfax said Northam wants to stay in office.

So it looked like Mark Herring was going to swim into the governor’s office since Northam is a racist and Fairfax is a rapist (allegedly).

Not so fast. Herring admitted he too wore blackface, or at least black shoe polish, for a social event.

(Sources: USA Today 2/12/2019; Breitbart 2/8/2019; Breitbart 2/5/2019; CNBC 2/6/2019)

Given the standards of today, Herring is a fish out of water. Will he lose his gig as Virginia’s top prosecutor?

No. The guy behind Herring in the line of succession is Kirk Cox. For all we know, he has not appeared in blackface or raped anyone. The standards are not real high in Virginia right now. But Cox is “gasp” a Republican.

You know what is going to happen next. Democrats will try to remove Fairfax. And white boys Northam and Herring will try to ride it out, protected by Democrats. They will blubber like twin televangelists about how sorry they are and how they can best make amends by continuing to lead the state as progressives.  Redistricting and the 2020 election are too important not to have Democrats in control of Virginia, which went closely for Hillary in 2016. Parasites on the federal payroll helped the Democrats lock up the Old Dominion.

The Democrats would replace Nazi Northam in a minute if Fairfax did not have rape allegations against him and Herring wasn’t also evidently a racist. Democrats picked another booger (Tina Smith, a Planned Parenthood baby-killing and rapist protecting executive) in Minnesota to replace Al Franken after the truth about that unfunny fish-faced election stealer’s groping came out. Since the next person in line for the job without racism or rape allegations is a Republican, the Democrats will be defending Northam. The Dems are as flexible morally as a prostitute who services men and lesbians.

But Fairfax might be innocent. And he’s black. And many Virginia Democrats are black. Virginia has had a history of slavery and, after the Civil War, Virginia has had a history of injustice to the freed blacks and their descendants. Will blacks stay home in the state elections in 2019 and in the national elections in 2020 to show the descendants of slaveholders and the carpetbaggers like Terry McAuliffe who run the Old Dominion they shouldn’t railroad a black man who might have been wrongfully accused?

There hasn’t been this much turmoil in Virginia politics since General Grant chased the Rebel government out of Richmond. Jeff Davis and his people evacuated April 2, 1865, and Rebel soldiers burned the bridges to slow down the Yankees. Problem is the fires they built burned down so much of the city that the local leaders surrendered to General Grant so Union men could douse the fires. Shortly afterward, Honest Abe saw the burned-out Rebel capital city, and he knew the end was near. General Lee surrendered his men to Grant at Appomattox April 9. Days later, Democrat Copperhead John Wilkes Booth murdered Honest Abe.

Nazi Northam has another personal reason for wanting to hold on to power, He once was a pediatrician. He is now a politician and will have to stay one, or become a late-term abortionist, as no mother with an IQ above 30 would ever bring her children to this insane idiot for treatment ever again.

President Trump, in his rally in El Paso last night, burned the spotlight back on the abortion lobby and the Democrats for wanting to go full Mengele on abortion in states they control. Unlike most Republicans, who are gutless, President Trump is not afraid to attack objective evil. Nazi Northam and Babycrusher Cuomo are rats who have drawn attention to what abortion really is.

Democrats want to be the Socialist Party. They already are the Sociopath Party.



Ed Buck, millionaire donor to Hillary and other top Democrats, is a homosexual.

He is also toxic to blacks. Two have died at his home.

From Breitbart, 1/7/2019, this:

“Wehoville (a West Hollywood outlet) reports law enforcement has yet to release the identity of the deceased male who died in Buck’s West Hollywood apartment. Buck was investigated — and later cleared — following the death of Gemmel Moore, a young man who died of a drug overdose at the 65-year-old’s home in July 2017.

Following Moore’s death, Buck has been accused of having a “fetish” for inserting drugs into black men he meets through dating websites. Before his death, Moore wrote of Buck injecting him with drugs during their encounters.

Buck and Hillary. She knows her way around sex offenders. Picture by The Advocate.


Local activists have said the Los Angeles Police Department declined to press charges against Buck due to his sizeable financial contributions to then-California Gov. Jerry Brown and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.”

The L.A. Times reported 1/18/2019 that Buck, who is from Arizona, was busted for grabbing a man’s crotch in a bookstore in that state. Maybe the other guy grabbed the last copy of “Moby Dick.” Buck has been a model, and set himself up as a fixture in gay-dominated West Hollywood. He has been the target of several restraining orders …. and court officials have destroyed the records of several others.

Buck has still not been charged in the death of the second man, who has been identified as Timothy Dean.

Then just up the Left Coast in Oregon, another Democrat donor recently had his life made more complex by a court action. From Kathleen Joyce’s 1/18/2019 article on Fox News, this:

“Prominent Democrat donor Terry Bean was indicted earlier this month on two counts of sodomy and one count of sex abuse for allegedly having sex with a teenage boy.

Bean was arraigned Thursday on the charges, TV station KGW8 reported. He pleaded not guilty and was taken into custody at Lane County jail in Oregon. He was released Thursday and told KGW8 he was “innocent.”

The indictment was filed on Jan. 4 but made public following the arraignment.

Bean, a gay rights activist who donated almost $70,000 of his own money to former President Barack Obama’s campaign, was charged with sexual abuse in 2014 but the case was dismissed after the alleged victim did not testify. Prosecutors refiled the charges after this, court records stated, according to The Oregonian. The “alleged victim is not named in the new indictment” but the dates are similar to the previous charges, KGW8 noted.

Bean, a real estate developer, and his former boyfriend, Kiah Lawson, allegedly had sex with a 15- year-old boy in a Eugene, Oregon, hotel in September 2013. They allegedly used the app Grindr to arrange the sexual encounter. Lawson was also charged but his case was dismissed.”



Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), one of the most obnoxious members of Congress, will be in court soon for allegedly firing a former aide. The woman intended to sue Damien Jones, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s intern supervisor, because she charged he raped her in 2015 while she was an intern. She reported the matter to DC police, who dropped the case. Jones left the group soon after the alleged rape. She complained about Jones seeking work on Sheila Jackson Lee’s staff. According to LegiStorm, a research group who tracks Congressional staffers, Sheila has a n annual staff turnover of 62%, which has led some to call her the worst boss in Congress.

Kamala Harris, a California senator and an irritating “Me Tooer,” was the subject of a recent post on this website covering her inadequacies in protecting rape victims when she was Attorney General of California. In December 2018, California taxpayers paid $400,000 or so to a woman who one of Kamala’s top aides sexually harassed.

Per the San Francisco Chronicle 12/6/2018, this:

“A senior aide to Sen. Kamala Harris of California has resigned after it was reported that the state paid $400,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him for his alleged conduct at the California Department of Justice while Harris ran the agency.

Harris denied knowing about the alleged harassment or settlement until this week. Larry Wallace, a senior adviser in the Democratic senator’s Sacramento office, resigned after the Sacramento Bee inquired about the settlement Wednesday.”

Bob Menendez (Fat Slob and Perv, NJ) checks out beach bunny while he and other Democrats were on a junket in Puerto Rico during the cold shutdown.


Cory Booker and Bob Menendez, both Democrats, are New Jersey’s senators. Bob recently survived a hung jury trial during which he was credibly accused of helping himself to underage girls at a Caribbean resort.

Cory Booker, who attacked Brent Kavanaugh for allegedly groping Christine Blasey Fraud, admitted he groped a girl in an essay he wrote while attending Stanford University. Ironically, Christine Sixteen has ties to the college founded by robber baron Leland Stanford.

Per Monica Showalter’s 10/21/2018 American Thinker article, this:

“Sen. Spartacus Booker of New Jersey is shaping to be quite a piece of work.

After grandstanding through the Senate confirmation hearings about the evils of sexual harassment as he sat there in high-eyed judgment on the blameless Judge Brett Kavanaugh, calling himself ‘Spartacus’ for his feigned moral courage, he found himself exposed as a hypocrite as word of his 1992 first-person essay about how he sexually harassing a woman made its way back to print, in that Internet-is-forever reality.

Not much moral authority over Kavanaugh, pal.

Now it’s gotten even worse: Some man has come out and said Booker sexually assaulted him, in 2014.

According to Gateway Pundit, which has a four-page written statement from the still-anonymous victim:

An anonymous gay male stepped forward today and released a shocking description on how he was sexually assaulted by Senator Cory Booker back in 2014.

The man claims Booker came to his workplace to speak, met him as he was coming out of the men’s room, and then pulled him back into the restroom and sexually assaulted him.

The young man is a gay man and Democrat. The man tells a very detailed analysis on what took place at his work.”

Should we start calling the guy Cory Bugger?


Senator Diane Feinstein, who produced fake witness Christine Blasey Farce to perjure herself at the Kavanaugh hearings, is not immune from beaver fever either. Or at least one of her donors wasn’t.

Per the 9/28/2018 Gateway Pundit, this:

“Sharyn Bovat went on YouTube this week and disclosed her horrific story of sexual abuse and Senator Dianne Feinstein’s enabling and cover up.

In 1990 Sharyn was an escort at a Feinstein party of a Japanese investor at the Fairmount Hotel in San Francisco. Feinstein was running for governor and it was her 47th birthday. After the dinner Sharyn went up to her room and was molested and sexually abused by the Japanese donor. The next day she was kicked out of the hotel.

Sharyn Bovat and Dianne Feinstein


Sharyn’s mother was a Democrat and friend of Dianne Feinstein. Sharyn said she never was going to go public until Feinstein began her awful smear of Brett Kavanaugh. Sharyn says to Dianne, “I was helping you because you didn’t want the unions to know that you were taking money from foreign donors.

How much was this reported in Big Media?




Back to West Hollywood.

If you want to be unmolested in this town, don’t turn your back on anyone.

Per Joel Pollak’s 5/28/2018 article in Breitbart, this:

“West Hollywood Mayor John Duran, who honored porn star Stormy Daniels last week for her role in leading the “resistance” to President Donald Trump, faced sexual harassment claims that led to the city paying out $500,000 on his behalf in 2016.

The Los Angeles Times reported at the time:

A former aide to West Hollywood City Councilman John Duran who sued the city and his boss alleging sexual harassment and wrongful punishment is set to receive $500,000 after settling with both parties earlier this month, according to the agreement obtained by The Times.

Under the terms of the settlement with former City Council deputy Ian Owens, Duran and the city admitted no wrongdoing.

Duran has repeatedly denied the allegations, saying Owens did not accuse him of harassment until he was accused of wrongdoing himself.

Duran has acknowledged that he and Owens were intimate and that they met through Grindr. He said they became friends and that he hired Owens because his degree in finance and experience in hotel development and real estate made him well-qualified for the job.

Duran, now mayor of the city, escaped pressure to resign. The accusations and settlement happened almost two years before the “#metoo” and “Time’s Up” movements began to champion the victims of sexual harassment and violence.

Mayor Duran declared May 23 “Stormy Daniels Day” and gave her a symbolic key to the city. “Our values have been under threat by the Trump administration for the past year and-a-half,” he said at the ceremony, praising Daniels and her attorney, Michael Avenatti, for fighting back.

One angry member of the public actually mentioned the sexual harassment claims against Duran at the event outside the Chi Chi LaRue gay sex shop on Santa Monica Boulevard.

[It wasn’t reported if Duran Duran was using any of the place’s products to improve his vibe during the ceremony.]

“I think it’s complete B.S.,” she said, referring to the award ceremony, shortly before it began. “This is so ridiculous. It’s completely hypocritical. The mayor who is giving this to her has silenced people who have filed sexual harassment lawsuits against him. And what connection does this woman have to the City of West Hollywood? I would say none.”

She added: “I’m definitely not a fan of ’45,’ however, what happened between [Stormy Daniels] and him happened about 12 years ago, so what does it matter to me now? And I don’t see her as a feminist leader.”

The lady isn’t 100% accurate. A Columbus, Ohio female police officer did stick her face in Stormy’s cleavage or vice-versa during Stormy’s “performance” in a strip club in the town John Kasich sullied with his presence for eight years. Then officers arrested the porn figure, who was recently ordered to pay President Trump more than $300,000. Stormy was released and charges were dropped, because it is not a crime in Columbus for a non-regular at a strip club to touch patrons in a sexual way. It was a loophole big enough for Stormy to wriggle her can and her amplified rack through.

Stormy is suing the police, alleging Republicans in the department targeted her. Ironically, the governor at the time, John Kasich, is a GOPer who hates and envies the President. IMHO, the female officer’s line-of-duty interaction with Stormy’s, errr, personal space is the kind of action that most of those born female who live in West Hollywood would want.

Source: CNN, 1/14/2019]

Stormy and The Fuzz. Photos by Columbus Police Department.


Meanwhile, L.A. County and L.A. City prosecutors bent over like Stormy for her creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti, also a potential Democrat presidential nominee.

The L.A, County District Attorney, who handles felony domestic violence cases, ran away like a coward and passed the case over to the L.A. County City Attorney, who handles lesser misdemeanor domestic cases. I’m not naming either official because both are piss-ant nonentities.

Per a 2/1/2019 Breitbart article, this:

“Michael Avenatti, the attorney of pornographic actress Stormy Daniels, will not face charges in connection to a November 2018 domestic violence arrest, the Los Angeles city attorney’s office announced Friday.

“The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed all of the reports in this matter and considered all of the evidence,” a statement from the Attorney’s Office reads.

“This matter has been set for city attorney hearings in which both the victim and the suspect will have an opportunity to be heard on different days. The victim will be advised of services available to her. The suspect will be informed that although we decline to file charges at this time, this matter remains open and we may file charges at any time prior to the expiration of the statute of limitations.”

An actress who said she had a relationship with Avenatti, who once considered a bid for the presidency, alleged that he dragged her across the floor of his Los Angeles apartment following an argument over money, according to court documents.

The actress, Mareli Miniutti, wrote in a sworn statement that during the argument, Avenatti shouted expletives at her and told her she was “ungrateful”before he hit her in the face with pillows. She also stated Avenatti attempted to pull her out of a bed in his guest bedroom and snatched her phone away before she screamed for help.

In her request for a restraining order against Avenatti, Miniutti said she was wearing only a T-shirt and underpants when he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of the bed. The order was ultimately granted.

She said she was scratched on her side and leg. Court papers include photographs that appear to show bruises.

Miniutti said she eventually ran back into the bedroom, put on pants and ran to a service elevator, riding to the lobby with Avenatti. A friend picked her up and took her to the friend’s home, where she called Los Angeles police.

Avenatti was released on $50,000 bail after his arrest.”

Fox News’s Elizabeth Zwirz reported this 2/2/2019:

“Attorney Michael Bachner reportedly condemned the outcome, saying it was “an outrage,” not just for his client “but for women everywhere.”

“The message sent to victims of abuse is clear — think carefully before you come forward,” Bachner said in the statement.”

Why wasn’t the woman believed? Because the fix was in.

Avenatti serves as a useful idiot to distract the media from covering Harveywood, Jeff Bezos, and other Democrat crimes and scandals. The O.J. Simpson trial proved how worthless the prosecutors of the Los Angeles area are. They have not improved since them. They let child porn possessor and pubic masturbator Paul Rubens, the nitwit known as Pee Wee Herman, off the hook too. Ditto for Michael Jackson. And they worship fugitive child molester Roman Polanski as a god. I predict Harvey Weinstein will not suffer any criminal convictions in felony court or misdemeanor court in L.A. County for his crimes


Back to the mayors.

Here’s another case you may have missed.

Per Ed Kilgore, in the 3/6/2108 New York Intelligencer, this:

“What had looked to be a hopeful political story of a progressive woman heading up an iconic Southern city came to a premature end today as Megan Barry resigned as mayor of Nashville as part of a plea agreement with the local district attorney. Her alleged crime (a felony theft charge) was to have asked for reimbursement of travel expenses associated with an admitted affair with the chief of her security detail.

When the story of Barry’s two-year affair with Sergeant Robert Forrest Jr., first broke, she admitted it pretty quickly. Yes, both of the paramours were married to other people at the time (Forrest’s wife has now filed for divorce), but Barry clearly thought she could ride out the scandal as a personal matter. But soon enough the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation was checking into the possibility that the lovers had illegally financed their affair through expense reimbursements for travel on the taxpayer’s dime.

Megan Barry. Does tequila make her clothes fall off? Photo by Tennesseean.


It appears that what led to the plea deal was a finding that Forrest had nude and semi-nude cell-phone photos of a woman resembling the mayor from a trip during which he filed for overtime pay. This presumably was treated as evidence that the mayor herself had contrived to make the trip and arranged for Forrest’s presence without a legitimate reason for it. So both pleaded guilty to felony theft charges and will undergo three years of probation and restitution of the illegal reimbursements and overtime pay. More importantly, this lurch in the case from unlawful sex to unlawful use of public money put an end, for the time at least, to Barry’s political career.

There’s never a good time for a sex/financial scandal, but it was particularly bad timing for Barry, whose signature public transportation initiative is going before Nashville voters in May. If it passes, she will not be able to join in the celebration, but if it goes down, her conduct will likely be blamed. And it’s all something of a tragedy for progressive activists in Nashville and in Tennessee, who viewed Barry as having defied the cautious centrist template for Democrats in the state. Many assumed she would have a good chance of going to Congress if local congressman Jim Cooper retires any time soon.

For Barry personally, this calamity comes at the end of a bad stretch for her and her family. Her 22-year-old son died last summer of an apparent drug overdose. She said at the time she hoped to become a voice in the national debate over opioid addiction. Probably won’t happen now, it seems.”

Another cell phone takedown. I warned you!

I love the “oh, dear” hand-wringing of the leftist who has to tell the truth.

Nice job, Miss Megan Barry. Having a guy on payroll with more than just his night stick and handcuffs to help you Make it Through the Night. Stealing from the public to finance a Back Street Affair. Some of your partisans can claim at least you weren’t arrested while smoking crack with a hooker like another Democrat mayor named Barry.

I have other words for this episode, and they involve song titles.

Third Rate Romance, City Funded Rendezvous. Running Bare. D-I-V-O-R-C-E. F-E-L-O-N-Y. Your Good Girl’s Gonna Go Bad. Why shouldn’t the mayor of the capital of country music be a cheater, the homewrecker in a divorce, and a convicted criminal?

Back in the day, a songwriting giant like Tom T. Hall would have sung nasally about Megan the Mayor letting her hair down in a song like “Harper Valley PTA” or “Margie’s at the Lincoln Park Inn,” both of which he penned. After all, “Harper Valley PTA” was about the substance abuse and sexual misconduct of public officials.

Maybe the “Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off” guy could take care of this.

Sorry, Elizabeth Warren. Loretta Lynn already did “Your Squaw Is On The Warpath Tonight.” That was cultural appropriation too.

In Megan’s defense, she was having normal sex with an adult male, not raping a little girl or letting her staffers abuse women, girls, boys, or farm animals. Her normal sexuality might cost her cool points among the social justice weenies.

Democrat politician hires sex partner for cushy government job or uses government money to bring sex partner along for some extracurricular activity. The media doesn’t report it because it happens so often they don’t consider it newsworthy.

As a side note, I’m fond of “Harper Valley PTA” singer Jeannie C. Riley (photo below). I met her and got her autograph after a concert she put on at our military post when I was a young serviceman. My roomie was from her little town in Texas, and she stopped signing autographs to pump him for info on their home town for about 10 to 15 minutes. She hadn’t been home in awhile, and she missed her people. It was funny and heartwarming at the same time, and I’d love to have had a tape of that moment in time. God bless you, Jeannie C!


Even small-town Democrat mayors love them their sex offenders. From Breitbart 2/12/2018, this:

“A convicted sex offender who won re-election as a small Pennsylvania town’s fire chief is causing controversy after the mayor defended his victory.

Chief Roger Gilbert Jr., of Spartansburg, was convicted of having sex with a four-year-old girl in 2001 and served five to ten years in prison for “involuntary deviate sexual intercourse,” the Daily Mail reported.

Since his release, Gilbert, 43, registered as a sex offender and began volunteering with the Spartansburg Volunteer Fire Department in 2010.

The fire department recently re-elected Gilbert to serve as the town’s fire chief, which is an unpaid position.

His victim’s mother told the Corry Journal that Gilbert should not be in a position where he could interact with children and is outraged that the fire department and members of the community have allowed him to serve as a fire chief.

“They are just sweeping this under the rug,” she said. “They are putting other lives at stake by allowing him to be in this position. Children look up to and trust firefighters. He can’t be trusted because he is a child molester.”

Mayor Ann Louise Wagner says she and the firefighters who work with Gilbert were aware of his criminal history and defended the department’s vote.

‘I support the fire department and their decision to have him as chief,” Wagner told the Journal. “I don’t know why she won’t drop this,” the mayor added, referring to the victim’s mother.

State police say it is up to each town to decide whether convicted sex offenders who have completed their sentences can hold public office at the local level.”

The child molester resigned after this story became national news.

Ann Louise Wagner is a registered Democrat, per the state’s voter registration database. Per her statement, she thinks like a product of incest.

Is there any wonder the most prominent Pennsylvanians are Jerry Sandusky and Bill Cosby?


We are saving the most evil for last.

Ed Murray, mayor of Seattle, resigned in September 2017 after a fifth person, his own cousin, accused the perv Democrat of raping him when he was a boy.

National Public Radio on 9/16/2017, tried to soft-pedal the fall of Ed Murray. He has not faced any criminal charges for his sexual predations. Here is an interview they did on the case.

“Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned this week after a fifth accusation of sexual abuse. He has been denying similar allegations. NPR’s Scott Simon talks with Lewis Kamb of The Seattle Times.

The mayor of Seattle, Ed Murray, has resigned after a fifth accusation that he’d sexually abused children decades ago. This allegation comes from the mayor’s younger (cousin), who says that Murray molested him as a teenager. Ed Murray insists he’s innocent but said he resigned because, quote, “it is important that my personal issues do not affect the ability of our city government to conduct the public’s business.”

Lewis Kamb has reported this story since April, when one of the mayor’s accusers filed a lawsuit. He joins us on the line from Seattle. Mr. Kamb, thanks for being with us.

LEWIS KAMB: Glad to be with you, Scott. Thanks.

SIMON: And what are the accusations against Ed Murray?

KAMB: Well, the accusations are that 5 men now – and middle-aged men – have claimed that, decades ago, as teenagers, they were all sexually abused by Ed Murray.

And this is a scandal that kind of, like you said, gradually built since April, when a man named Delvonn Heckard filed a lawsuit accusing Mayor Murray of repeatedly raping him back in the 1980s when he was living on the streets of Seattle as a drug-addicted teen.

SIMON: Now, apparently, two of Mayor Murray’s accusers contacted reporters, and for that matter, Washington state lawmakers, about a decade ago when Mr. Murray was in the state Senate. Why the 10-year delay between accusations and reporting them?

KAMB: Yeah, right. So two men came forward back then in 2008. They had attempted to bring a lawsuit that kind of failed due to statute of limitations issues. And after that, one of the most vocal of them, a man named Jeff Simpson, who was Murray’s former foster son, started calling up these reporters, lawmakers, contending that he had raised these claims about Murray to authorities in Oregon back in the early ’80s and that an investigation was being conducted then.

But when reporters started looking into it at the time, they couldn’t find anything to substantiate those claims. Murray, of course, adamantly denied it. And his lawyers had told our reporters that these accusations had previously been debunked. So when Simpson and the other accuser – they also had very serious criminal records, which Murray’s team was quick to point out. Murray was suggesting these men were simply part of a plot hatched by his political foes.

SIMON: I guess for five months, the mayor has been under some pressure to resign. Why did that take so long?

KAMB: Well that’s a good question. It’s the question people here seem to be grappling with, obviously, now. Until the latest allegation, Murray had retained a lot of support from most of the sitting city council members here at least to finish out his term. His supporters essentially said that the four previous allegations weren’t enough because they were never proven. And these alleged incidents occurred decades ago – and that Murray had never been tried or convicted in a court of law.

Ed Murray and Hillary. She loves her some sex offenders. Photo by Colorline.


And then, of course, Murray himself was a very popular political figure here in Seattle leading up to the scandal. He was someone – he was viewed as a champion of gay rights and other key liberal issues. He had built up a lot of political capital and many allies. He had many allies and was considered a shoo-in to win re-election.

And the other part was, I think, Murray announced in May after the scandal broke that he would end his re-election bid and ride out the rest of his term and then retire. Some people said this was punishment enough for what appeared to be some unproven allegations. But on the other hand, as this scandal grew, and more and more accusers and details emerged, more and more people started jumping ship and calling for his resignation to go.

SIMON: Lewis Kamb is a reporter for The Seattle Times. Thanks so very much for speaking with us, Mr. Kamb.”

Now for another look at the Murray case, from the reporters of KIRO-TV in Seattle. They reported the following 9/12/2018:

Joseph Dyer said Murray, his cousin, lived in the Dyer household in the 1970s while Murray was in his early 20s working as a group home employee. (The Dyers were divorced, and his mother – who was the sister of Murray’s mother – was head of the household.) He said Murray repeatedly sexually abused him – he was 13 at the time. He said a boy at the group home charged Murray was raping him also. Dyer said his uncle (presumably Murray’s father) convinced group home officials not to go to the police if Murray was to leave town. He did, and the group home officials let the matter drop.

Two young men in Oregon in the 1980s accused Murray of abusing them, then paying them for sex. (They are not named in this article.)

A teen boy named Lloyd Anderson, a druggie, met Murray at a center for troubled youths in Portland. He said Murray took him to his apartment and paid him for sex, and he used the money to buy drugs.

Another boy named Jeff Simpson said Murray raped him when he was 13. He was friends with Anderson. He also said Murray took him to his apartment and paid him for sex, and he used the money to buy drugs.

Jeff went to the Portland police against Murray in 1984. He later sued Murray and Anderson backed up his account, but the lawyer dropped the case.

Per TV station KIRO in Seattle, 9/12/2017, this:

“In April, KIRO 7 News obtained and unauthenticated a 1982 certificated that revealed a foster-father relationship. The newly-found records in mid-July show an Oregon child-welfare investigator concluded Murray abused his foster son.

But the records revealed a Multnomah County [Portland] prosecutor declined to pursue charges because of Simpson’s troubled personality, not because she thought he was lying.

“It was Jeff’s emotional instability, history of manipulative behavior and the fact that he has again run away and made himself unavailable that forced my decision,” Deputy District Attorney Mary Tomlinson wrote. She added: “We could not be sure of meeting the high burden of proof in a criminal case — of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty. However, this in no way means that the District Attorney’s Office has decided Jeff’s allegations are not true.”

No criminal charges were filed.

The records show that Oregon state [officials] closed Murray’s home to foster care in April 1984.”

Then this:

“Responses from the mayor’s team to Simpson’s and Anderson’s allegations:

The mayor’s spokesman, Jeff Reading, acknowledged Simpson and Anderson’s accusations in a news conference on April 6, 2017.

“The two older accusations were promoted by extreme right-wing anti-gay activists in the midst of the marriage equality campaign, and were thoroughly investigated and dismissed by both law enforcement authorities and the media,” Reading said.”

Uh, no they weren’t, excrement face. The Oregon authorities were incompetent. And you try to excuse your boy-raping client’s behavior by blaming people who understand God made Adam and Eve, not Chipper and Dustin, or Ellen and Maude.

Then it continues. By 1986, Murray was in the Seattle area.

Per KIRO TV, 9/12/2017, this:

“Alleged abuse around 1986: A 46-year-old Kent man has sued Murray, claiming that while he was a homeless teen addicted to drugs, Murray sexually abused him on numerous occasions in the 1980s.

Delvonn Heckard and his lawyer claim that as a teen, Heckard met Murray on a bus in 1986. Murray propositioned Heckard for private visits to a Capitol Hill apartment and paid $10 to $20 for sexual acts that continued for an extended period of time, the lawsuit claims.

Heckard made specific remarks in the complaint regarding the mayor’s body and a mole on his scrotum.

The eight-page lawsuit against Murray contains allegations that Heckard, who was then 15 years old and legally unable to consent, saw another underage boy at the apartment on at least one occasion.

Heckard admits in the complaint that he was convicted of various charges related to drug use and prostitution.

KIRO reported another man corroborated some of Heckard’s lawsuit as follows:

“Jones said he also visited Murray’s Capitol Hill apartment and wrote, “Mr. Murray gave me money for sex.” He has not filed his own lawsuit against Murray.”

“Responses from the mayor’s team to Jones’ allegations: KIRO 7 reached out to the mayor’s team for comment and received the following statement:

“As we’ve seen repeatedly from opposing counsel, this filing fits firmly into the category of sensational media stunt. Mayor Murray does not know this person. This is an ambush copycat false accusation that being made without any details, evidence, timeline or anything at all to substantiate its veracity. Mayor Murray has never had inappropriate relations with any minor, and Mayor Murray has never paid for sex. This allegation is false.”

Ed Murray quit under pressure in September 2017.

It wasn’t about his open perversion. The imbecile voters in Seattle kept putting him in office because they like fruitbaskets like him.

The Seattle Times reporter admitted to incompetence in his paper’s reporters not being able to find Oregon public records on Murray’s victims. They believed the lawyers for a liar because he was queer and powerful and the media people were his submissives.

The KIRO TV reporters, hardly Trump supporters, found evidence implying the Oregon prosecutor was an incompetent ninny trying to cover herself, IMHO.

Now let’s analyze the MO of a child predator, which Murray is. Part of fighting crime is figuring out how and why criminals act as they do.

Child rapists know pretty early what they want, and they place themselves in positions to gain access to victims. Slower predators become school and camp custodians. Smarter predators become public school teachers and politicians. Some infiltrate the various churches.

Murray was older and bigger and stronger than his cousin, so he bullied him. There was no father at home.

He also got a job in a group home, where he was older and craftier than the boys he raped. The boys had no parents who would look out for them.

He got a job in a troubled youth center, where the kids were druggies wanting cash for drugs, and there were no parents to look out for them.

Ed Murray picked victims who were broken, and molested them for drug money.

Because he has grown rich at the public trough, he hires lawyers who savage his victims because they are broken people.

Part of fighting crime is understanding motive, opportunity, and cover.

Politicians commit many crimes.

They do so because they are sociopaths with large senses of entitlement even though their achievements are little. Their motives? Virtually all of them are habitual liars. Some of the sociopaths are kleptomaniacs. Others are rapists. Still others are sadistic. And many of them have more than one of these character flaws.

Their opportunities? Their public office, as an elected official or a civil service official or a prosecutor or a judge or a school principal or teacher. They have power, and they use it corruptly. They bully subordinates or those in their custodial care into sex or into overlooking their thievery. They solicit bribes to fix civil or criminal cases, or to award government contracts, or to not enforce building codes, or to fix a crony’s property tax assessment in exchange for a contribution.

Their cover? Their ability to get subordinates to obey them. Their ability to get cronies to lie for them. Their ability to get the media to spew propaganda for them.

Sociopath prosecutors are extremely dangerous because they can have people arrested and charged on the flimsiest of evidence. Same for judges who threaten good people with long sentences.

Ed Murray wrapped himself in the rainbow flag of queerness. This is the flag that has no white, black, or brown stripes. Last time I checked, whites, blacks, and Hispanics made up most of the population of America. How exclusionary of the fageles.

The Democrats in Washington covered for Ed, after the Democrats in the Oregon prosecutor’s office covered for him.

Washington legislators did nothing. Washington prosecutors did nothing. Murray never spent a day in jail.

The media were his submissives.

The only thing that broke the case was the testimony of Murray’s own cousin.

Mr. Dyer wasn’t a drug tainted victim, and government officials in Oregon and Washington couldn’t ignore him, shut him up, or discredit him.

There are Republicans like Denny Hastert (Illinois) and Mark Foley (Florida) who are homosexual predators. Jim Kolbe ( R-Arizona), a pro-abortion homosexual who had been a page for Barry Goldwater, a pro-abortion pro-homosexual Republican whose wife was a Planned Parenthood official, oversaw the House page program when Foley was making his inroads among the Congressional pages.

Foley has ties to Scientology. Hastert, a career predator, got access to boys by being a wrestling coach. He did a term as Speaker of the House, then did a term in prison for financial crimes related to paying off victims to keep them quiet. Foley escaped prison because Congress, which was controlled by Democrats (with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker) after he resigned in disgrace in 2006, refused to turn over records of his romps with pages to Florida authorities.

We have detailed how many GOPers in Congress are whores to the globalist multinational corporations and are economic traitors to Americans. They would sell out American workers by letting manufacturing jobs go overseas, and would drive down American wages even further by letting tens of millions of foreigners come here. They are no better than the Democrats in this regard.

Sociopaths are in both parties.

But the Democrats are a sociopath party.

Any party whose leaders openly push abortion to the point of infanticide, like we are seeing in Democrat-controlled states, are a sociopathic party.

Any party whose leaders push for voting rights for violent felons are a sociopathic party.

Any party whose leaders openly fail to protect women, girls, and boys from sex offenders coming in from alien lands, and from child molesters who pay dues to teacher unions, and from their own politicians like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Janet Reno, and the list of pervs in this column are a sociopathic party.

The Democrats are criminals and criminal enablers as a party. They are the Sociopath Party. That’s what the patterns say.

Happy 210th Birthday, Honest Abe. Rest In Peace!


I’m enclosing “A Bill of Rights for Women and Children” as a list of measures your lawmakers can enact to smash sex offenders. Use my ideas freely. Watch as Democrats and some Republicans try to thwart these. Then keep score and purge them at election time.

A bill of rights to protect women and children from abuse

Politicians, judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys don’t give a DAMN about you and your precious children. When it comes to your loved ones, you are your own first responder.




February11/ 2019

I warned you about selfies.

Jeff Bezos took some that will cost him tens of billions of dollars when his soon-to-be ex-wife Mackenzie’s divorce lawyer team comes after him for cheating repeatedly with mistress TV personality Lauren Sanchez.

Bezos reportedly sent pix of his unit to said mistress while wearing a wedding ring. He also reportedly sent out a picture of her nether regions.

The National Enquirer, which is owned by Trump associate David Pecker, somehow got some of the pix and texts and had some fun exposing Bezos as a cheater. Some mocked Bezos because he is not errr, visually impressive.

Bezos, the little bald guy, is with Lauren Sanchez and her husband Patrick Whitesell. As Carol Channing would sing, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Picture from the Daily Mail.


Bezos’ wife Mackenzie got wind of the situation and decided she was going to divorce him and win THE BIGGEST DIVORCE SETTLEMENT EVER, EVER, EVER. Word is Wifey and her attorneys will walk away with a figure north of $60 billion, enough to build a Border Wall on the Mexican border and on the Canadian border.

Bezos didn’t say the National Enquirer was lying. Odds are they weren’t. They tend not to publish salacious stories unless they have virtually undisputed proof.

Continue Reading


February03/ 2019

We will follow up today on the law that will let President Trump order the building of a border wall without specific Congressional approval and without the need for declaring an emergency. It is a lesson in how several people used information that is open to the public, and some background checking by someone willing to learn the truth.

But before I explain how I believe President Trump will accomplish this, let’s take care of a few items of business related to why it has come to this.

First, the Senate.

Arizona Democrat senator Kyrsten Sinema aka Kyrsten McSilly raised some fake eyebrows when she wore over the knee boots and a short dress into the Senate a few days ago.

Some said she dressed like a hooker.

Oops, wrong swamp. Martha McSally taking a dive, perhaps?

More like it. Error in picture layout was understandable. Boot colors match those in the above photo. Besides, Kyrsten all too often thinks like a woman without a head.


At least Kyrsten in her own demented way is honest about what she is. Almost all senators not named Rand Paul are whores for the globalists and other anti-American power elites.


Let’s review a recent vote proving my point.

Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (RINO, KY) spearheaded a vote to “rebuke” President Trump for withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan. Trump is also a Republican, but evidently not much of one because he is not a globalist traitor like most of the Republicans in the House and Senate.

Donald Trump’s instincts are for peace and prosperity, and smashing the enemy if they threaten Americans. Trump is not for building camel tracks to nowhere for two decades and getting our troops killed and wounded needlessly like Bush-Clintons-Bush-Obama did during their presidencies.

McConnell in the Senate and departed Wienermobile polisher Paul Rino (former speaker of the House) sabotaged President Trump’s agenda when the GOP held both houses of Congress. They provided no money for a border wall, and they failed to fix the fiasco known as Obamacare. They represented the interests of the globalists and big businesses and defense contractors who own them.

Of the 100 senators, 68 voted to rebuke Trump, and 23 voted against the McConnell measure aimed at embarrassing his own president. Of the rebukers, 43 were Republicans, 24 were Democrats, and one was Anus King (goofball, ME). Virtually all of the 20 Democrats (including nominal independent Bernie Sanders) who voted against the measure are running for president or soon may be, and they don’t want to be on the record as voting to clip a president’s wings in conducting foreign policy if any of them wins. If it was important for them to have voted against President Trump, all of them would have done so.

Only three Republicans (Cruz, Lee, and Kennedy) voted against the measure. Rand Paul (R-KY) was out of town but he mocked the vote and said President Trump was right to withdraw from Syria and Afghanistan.

Six other GOPers (mostly RINOs who didn’t want to go on record) didn’t vote. Nor did Democrats She-Rod (Wife Beater) Brown and Turban Durbin, both who are considering presidential runs.

(Source: US Senate Roll Call Vote, 1/31/2019)

Our men and women did the job in Syria and are coming home.

Our military leaders did not come up with a plan for victory in Afghanistan despite President Trump (who opposed the war) giving them what they asked for to win. So Trump fired his Defense Secretary and his chief of staff (both generals). Those two brass hats needed to know there are consequences for failure.

We have been supporting the most degraded of Moslems in Afghanistan, vile people who rape little boys and little girls as part of their degraded culture. Their livestock are skittish too. How is that for family values? President Trump is not a Democrat or a RINO, so he is not in favor of child molesters. Democrats and RINOs have not problem supporting the child-molesting culture of the Afghans because child molesting is not far from their own open degeneracies.

Afghan boys herd goats and sheep, Tragically, they are sexual targets of many adult males in that God-forsaken land. We have spent thousands of American lives and roughly a trillion dollars on the misadventure in Afghanistan. And yet the Dems and most GOPers want it to continue, in part because President Trump wants to end it.


What made the vote even stupider was the Taliban weighing in on post-American Afghanistan. They are angry President Trump intends to cut off all aid to the high-altitude cat litter box. The Taliban is demanding aid to build up all the things they destroyed, and odds are the bisexuals, errr, bipartisans in the Senate will vote to give the money to them. Meanwhile they won’t vote for a border wall to keep criminals and drugs and freeloaders out of our country.

Per Breitbart 1/31/2019, this:

“We have told them that after ending your military intervention, we will welcome U.S. engineers, doctors, and others if they want to come back for reconstruction of Afghanistan. And they have promised to do so,” Mullah Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the chief Taliban negotiator in ongoing peace talks with the United States, declared on Wednesday, according to Voice of America (VOA).

The news outlet acknowledges that neither the Afghan government nor U.S. officials have
responded to the assertions made by the Taliban chief negotiator.”

The bisexuals, errr, bipartisans were also quick to criticize President Trump for calling out the CIA and other professional pissants in the intelligence community. President Trump criticized the spook honchos who claim Iran’s criminal leaders are abiding by the nuclear treaty and don’t mean us any harm. He tweeted, “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”

(Source: NBC News, 1/30/3019)

Our “intelligence community” people phone-tap Americans for blackmail purposes (isn’t that right, Chief Justice Roberts?) and they fail to notice events overseas.

The CIA missed the start of the Korean War in 1950. Leftist Secretary of State Dean Acheson in a speech flagged his Red buddies overseas when he omitted South Korea from our protection. This was a sign for Stalin to let North Korean puppet Kim Il-Sung start the invasion.

The CIA missed the Hungarian Uprising in 1956. But State Department traitors signaled Khrushchev via an article in the New York Times that the Eisenhower Administration considered it within the Soviets’ power to deal with. So Khrushchev sent in tanks and troops to crush the Hungarians.

The CIA was wrong about Castro. Their failures in Vietnam were legion. They missed the coming overthrow of the Shah of Iran. They missed the importance of all the uprisings in Eastern Europe that led to the crumbling of the Iron Curtain.

The CIA couldn’t figure out Saddam Hussein. Like with Korea and Hungary, our State Department let him know Kuwait was not our affair. So he pounced. By the way, the CIA found virtually no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The CIA had a role in the murders of South Vietnam’s leader Ngo Diem and his brother. Three weeks later they apparently helped JFK meet his Maker.

And before President Trump took over, Communist Moslem John Brennan ran the CIA for Barry Obama. Bush 41 was CIA chief during the 1970s.

In short, the CIA has been a recruiting ground and a work release program for some of the most evil and/or incompetent people in the country.

An article in The Hill, an anti-Trump media outlet, by Morgan Wright 11/13/2018 let readers know CIA incompetents refused to listen to a contractor’s warnings of problems they had and as a result they hung a number of spies in Iran out to dry. After the Iranians killed the spies, they shared what they learned with the Chinese. The Chinese in turn found and killed about 20 CIA people in their country. This happened during the Bush 43 and Obama administrations.

President Trump was right to criticize the CIA and others in the so-called “intelligence community.” They have at best been incompetent. At worst, they have openly operated against the American people.


The Deep State opposes President Trump and would like to murder him or remove him from office.

This is why his fake friends like Lindsay Goober aka Graham Cracker (?, SC) are urging President Trump to declare a national emergency to start building the Wall. They don’t want to vote against The Wall in a showdown between Congress and the President. President Trump also knows both party hierarchies will try to tie the measure up in court and in Congress. They will attempt to impeach and remove Donald Trump and install a traitor like themselves in his place.

The Russian conspiracy liars took another kick to the groin Friday when President Trump pulled the United States out of a nuclear treaty with the Russian government. He said since the Russians are cheating by testing medium range nukes, there is no reason for Americans to handcuff themselves. He is also demanding the Chinese rein in their nuclear program as a price for any new nuclear deal.

(Source: Associated Press, 2/1/2019)

The usual suspects attacked President Trump for “escalating the arms race.” Along with embargoing Russian ally Iran, bombing and killing Russian mercenaries in Syria, providing weapons to Ukraine, and undermining the Russian economy by getting Euros to buy natural gas from America instead of Russia, President Trump’s move to scrap the nuclear treaty are not the acts of someone who Putin has any pull with.


Speaking of incompetence and corruption, FBI officials are closing the Las Vegas Shooters cover-up, errr, investigation by saying they couldn’t find a motive for one of the shooters. They claim only one guy killed and wounded all the outdoor concertgoers, but the physical evidence says otherwise.

(Source: CNN, 1/29/2019)

FBI and Mandalay Bay Hotel corporate types and their lawyers have been lying thru their teeth about this horrible crime. Recall how they kept hotel employees away from every questioner except Ellen Degenerate. The pushy lesbian TV personality pushed the corporate line when she had two alleged security employees on her TV show …. Ellen has a monetary interest in the hotel/sniper’s nest/Arab hangout.

Shooter positions (dark broken-out areas in panes) at Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas. As in positions for multiple shooters.


The biggest clue there were multiple shooters were the large holes in windows in the suites quite a few steps apart. No one reported a pause in the shooting so one guy could go from one shooter position to the other to get better shots on the crowd.

It turned up the alleged lone shooter was ordering room service food for two. Who was helping him eat overpriced room service food?

A prostitute has come forward saying she allowed (alleged shooter) Paddock to indulge in violent rape fantasies on her person several times in exchange for several thousand dollars per session. But that was months ago, she said, and he was fired up because he had been winning big at the casinos. Interesting thing …. the prostie said Paddock was a 9-11 “truther” who blamed the feds for the Arabs’ attacks that killed thousands of Americans. Not a john’s typical pillow talk. Even if the gal was bound and gagged, so she couldn’t answer back.

And, if gagged, she probably wasn’t eating or drinking anything from Room Service.

Another prostitute has reportedly claimed she was with Paddock in one of the rooms at the Mandalay Bay hotel. But she did not report the presence of a lot of weapons or ammo or other operatives. How could she miss 20 firearms, if they weren’t brought in at the last minute by Paddock or his helpers?

Read my posts from October 2017 for in-depth coverage on how and why the FBI and Mandalay Bay Hotel corporate types and their lawyers have been lying thru their teeth about this horrible crime.


Speaking of prostitutes, Belarusian model/escort/working girl Anastasia Vashukevich aka Nastya Rybka, who was facing a long prison term in Thailand, said she had proof of collusion between Donald Trump and powerful Russians. She asked for asylum in the United States so she could tell her story to Democrats. What happened was Thai authorities deported her to Mother Russia, where she said Russian officials told her not to say anything about her alleged trysting with one of the Soviet Big Boys. She is now back home in Belarus, a Slavic country northeast of Poland and southwest of Moscow within the Russian orbit. One of my associates was there recently and reported that land has some of the most gorgeous females on the planet. Sadly, Belarus also has been where some of the bloodiest battles in Europe have taken place. Their people suffered horribly at the hands of Stalin in the 1930s and Hitler in the 1940s.

Nastya Rybka. Smarter than American leftists. Prettier too.


“Miss Nasty” admitted a few days ago she lied about Donald Trump because she didn’t want to go to prison, and she figured American leftist politicians and media types would be dumb enough to fall for her tale. This was the safest bet since betting Bawney Fwank preferred boys to girls. Props to Miss Nasty for figuring out how dull our leftists really are.

(Source: Daily Caller, 1/30/2019)


Now for what I promised – info on how I think President Trump will keep his promise about having a wall along the Mexican border. This “How to Be Your Own Detective” lesson is the result of some researching by lawyers and some interpretation by another lawyer, my listening and reading comprehension regarding a speech President Trump gave, and some background info I got from two sources in the know when it comes to government construction and dealing with illegals.

The lunatic mainstream media reported President Trump’s move to allow the reopening of the shut-down parts of the federal government for three weeks is a cave to the Democrats. This is not true.

President Trump is playing for time, and playing to put the anti-American members of Congress, such as virtually all Democrats, some RINO house members, and some quisling senators like Mitt Romney on the record.

President Trump also knows Mitch McConnell and other Swamp people in the Senate and Pelosi and most of the House will not allow funding for a physical wall. Another “caravan” of Central American criminals is heading north and there will be footage of these animals when the House and Senate again refuse to vote funds for the Wall.

To quote the President:

I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!

7:33 PM – Jan 25, 2019″

What does “off to the races” mean?

On 1/24/2019, the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson’s on-line website, published a story saying Congressional researchers found out President Trump can build a border fence or wall without Congressional approval in order to stop drug trafficking routes. Our border with Mexico is one giant drug trafficking route. Therefore, they say, President Trump can build The Wall in accordance with a law okaying the Defense Department building barriers to interdict illicit drug flow.

Bad news for President Trump’s many attackers? The three Congressional Research Service lawyers who wrote the report are supposedly nonpartisan. None has badmouthed this report. Yet. Then, too, the full court pressure from the Swamp, the Deep State, and America’s other internal enemies hasn’t come yet.

Here’s a link to the report. I held off releasing it until it was readily available to the public on line.

Congressional Research Service — Can the Dept. of Defense Build the Border Wall

Most of the report talks about national emergency declarations. But one paragraph on the bottom of Page 5 of the report gets to the heart of the matter:

“Another statute that authorizes the Secretary of Defense to assist civilian law enforcement with counterdrug activities may provide some authority for the construction of barriers along the border. 10 U.S.C. § 284 (Section 284) provides that the Secretary of Defense “may provide support for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime” of any law enforcement agency, including through the “[c]onstruction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.” Use of Section 284 would not require a declaration of a national emergency under the NEA. However, the DOD’s Section 284 authority to construct fences appears to extend only to “drug smuggling corridors,” a condition that may limit where DOD could deploy fencing. “


I contacted attorney Dirk Van Capias on this matter, and he sent me back a portion of the US Code to affirm the Daily Caller article.

Federal law under Title 10, Armed Forces, says the following:

“10 U.S. Code § 284 – Support for counterdrug activities and activities to counter transnational organized crime

(a) Support to Other Agencies.—The Secretary of Defense may provide support for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of any other department or agency of the Federal Government or of any State, local, tribal, or foreign law enforcement agency for any of the purposes set forth in subsection (b) or ( c), as applicable, if—

(1) in the case of support described in subsection (b), such support is requested—

(A) by the official who has responsibility for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of the department or agency of the Federal Government, in the case of support for other departments or agencies of the Federal Government; or

(B) by the appropriate official of a State, local, or tribal government, in the case of support for State, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies; or

(2) in the case of support described in subsection ( c), such support is requested by an appropriate official of a department or agency of the Federal Government, in coordination with the Secretary of State, that has counterdrug responsibilities or responsibilities for countering transnational organized crime.

(b)Types of Support for Agencies of United States.—The purposes for which the Secretary may provide support under subsection (a) for other departments or agencies of the Federal Government or a State, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies, are the following:

(1) The maintenance and repair of equipment that has been made available to any department or agency of the Federal Government or to any State, local, or tribal government by the Department of Defense for the purposes of—

(A) preserving the potential future utility of such equipment for the Department of Defense; and

(B) upgrading such equipment to ensure compatibility of that equipment with other equipment used by the Department.

(2) The maintenance, repair, or upgrading of equipment (including computer software), other than equipment referred to in paragraph (1) for the purpose of—

(A) ensuring that the equipment being maintained or repaired is compatible with equipment used by the Department of Defense; and

(B) upgrading such equipment to ensure the compatibility of that equipment with equipment used by the Department.

(3) The transportation of personnel of the United States and foreign countries (including per diem expenses associated with such transportation), and the transportation of supplies and equipment, for the purpose of facilitating counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime within or outside the United States.

(4) The establishment (including an unspecified minor military construction project) and operation of bases of operations or training facilities for the purpose of facilitating counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of the Department of Defense or any Federal, State, local, or tribal law enforcement agency within or outside the United States.

(5) Counterdrug or counter-transnational organized crime related training of law enforcement personnel of the Federal Government, of State, local, and tribal governments, including associated support expenses for trainees and the provision of materials necessary to carry out such training.

(6) The detection, monitoring, and communication of the movement of—

(A) air and sea traffic within 25 miles of and outside the geographic boundaries of the United States; and

(B) surface traffic outside the geographic boundary of the United States and within the United States not to exceed 25 miles of the boundary if the initial detection occurred outside of the boundary.

(7) Construction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.

(8) Establishment of command, control, communications, and computer networks for improved integration of law enforcement, active military, and National Guard activities.

(9) The provision of linguist and intelligence analysis services.

(10) Aerial and ground reconnaissance.”

Sorry you had to read thru the law. Paragraph (7) is President Trump’s EFF YOU to Pelosi, Schumer, and the RINOs.

In this March 5, 2018, photo, construction continues on a new, taller version of the border structure in Calexico, Calif.  (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)


Another source of mine in the construction industry tells me the Defense Department is awaiting such orders to build more of The Wall. They are already on the job, and there will be letting of contracts.

Yet another source let me know the feds took a bunch of grief for putting up detainment camps for the illegals in the El Paso area. He says now the feds are taking grief because they closed the camp and some of the locals who got jobs caring for the lawbreakers, errr, immigrants lost their side hustles. The internal and external enemies of America will never be satisfied. It is time to flatten them.


The law the researchers made known reached a Congressional hearing this week. Per Breitbart’s John Binder, 1/29/2019, this:

“During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood confirmed to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) that Trump does not need Congress or a national emergency declaration to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The exchange went as follows:

BROOKS: I want to direct your attention to 10 United States Code § 284 which authorizes President Trump to deploy the United States military to the southern border to build fences and to do a lot of other things, and for clarity, if you look it up in the dictionary the word fence includes the word barrier and the word barrier includes walls made of a wide variety of different materials.

So that having been said, it seems to me that 10 U.S. Code § 284 can be used by the President of the United States to direct the United States military to build a wall. Now as of today, you’ve mentioned military forces along the southern border, have any of them been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284?

ROOD: Congressman, I don’t believe any of our forces have been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284. You are correct, however, that that use of authority would authorize the secretary of defense to erect barriers, roads, fencing, those types of materials to disrupt drug smuggling.

BROOKS: Does 10 U.S.C. § 284 as you understand it, require the declaration of a national emergency before it is implemented?


BROOKS: It does not?


BROOKS: Has President Trump, to your knowledge, ever used 10 U.S.C § 284 to direct the military to build the wall that is necessary for border security?

ROOD: No, not to my knowledge, Congressman.

BROOKS: If President Trump were to direct the Pentagon and the United States military pursuant to 10 U.S.C § 284 to build such barriers as are necessary to secure our southern border from drug trafficking and international crime cartels would the United States military obey that order?

ROOD: If we judge it to be a lawful order, yes sir. And I assume it would be.

For the past two years, Trump has asserted that he needs funding approval from Congress to build a wall at the southern border. This has resulted in the administration building the same steel bollard barriers that Presidents Bush and Obama built during their tenures.

The Trump administration’s main distinction, officials have said, is that their bollard fencing at the border is 30 feet high in some areas, about 10 feet higher than the barriers built under Obama.”

So research pays off. This is why records should be as public as possible, so members of the public can check on those who hold public office and government positions.


There is another possibility that may be in play right now.

President Trump views declaring a national emergency as a last resort. The new caravan of criminals from Central America will be hitting the border about the time the Dems and the RINOs decide not to fund the border wall. This will strengthen the President’s hand.

In the President’s speech 1/25/2019 during Rush Hour in the Eastern Time Zone, he delivered a shot across the bow to people who could read and listen.

Here it is:

“Without new resources from Congress, we will be forced to release these people into communities — something we don’t want to do — called catch-and-release. You catch them. Even if they are criminals, you then release them. And you can’t release them from where they came, so they go into our country and end up in places you would least suspect. And we do as little releasing as possible, by they’re coming by the hundreds of thousands.

I have had zero Democrat lawmakers volunteer to have them released into their districts or states. And I think they know that, and that’s what we’re going to be discussing over the next three weeks.”

Per Breitart 10/2/2016 by Julia Hahn and Katie McHugh: Mugshots of a few illegals they wrote about arrested a few days earlier. To wit: “In the month of September alone, a Turkish immigrant allegedly shot and killed five people in a Washington State mall; an Afghan immigrant allegedly planted bombs in New York and New Jersey injuring roughly 30 innocent people; a Somali immigrant allegedly stabbed nine people at a Minnesota mall; a twice-arrested illegal alien with a prior DUI conviction allegedly murdered a Kansas sheriff’s deputy; an illegal alien and convicted child rapist allegedly shot two California corrections officers; an illegal alien with a prior drug arrest, who had been a recipient of Obama’s executive amnesty, allegedly engaged in reckless driving killing a 12-year-old girl; a three-time deported illegal alien allegedly killed two people on what was described as a crime “rampage;” and a Mexican immigrant and Arizona pastor was arrested after it was revealed that he had allegedly molested children for years, many of whom are believed to belong to his church, and for impregnating one of his victims when she was 13 years old.”


President Trump is threatening to release alien criminals who judges allow to stay into states and congressional districts of his opponents. Odds are they will be more prone to rape, rob, and murder people in areas that sent these anti-Americans to the House and Senate.

President Trump could decide to drop the alien criminals in districts which barely went Democrat in the 2018 elections. Then he could tie the criminals to the Democrat members of Congress, making it harder for them to win re-election in 2020. After all, patriots like Louie Gohmert and Jim Jordan and Duncan Hunter oppose illegal immigration and support The Wall — why should the people who were smart enough to put them and others like them in office have to suffer the problems illegals pose to their safety, their schools, and their health care?


One GOP state that could host a boatload of these criminals is Utah. President Trump can flip off Mitt Romney and the people who put Mitt the Catcher in the Senate.

Romney’s great-grandfather was a degenerate polygamist who fled with his sister wives to Mexico when federal authorities finally started cracking down on the evil practice of the wealthier followers of Bring ‘em in Young.

Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Mexico due to the fugitive status of his polygamous ancestor. IMHO, he ran for president illegally. However, since George Romney admitted he was brainwashed, he posed no threat to win the GOP nomination. So the Dems kept quiet.

Romney opposes The Wall. Utah has plenty of open space to house our Latin American and Islamist brothers and sisters. Let the people of the state who sent this arrogant human hemorrhoid to the Senate deal with the result of his policies.

Meanwhile, President Trump will, in the name of using defense spending for The Wall to block drug trafficking routes, build the Wall properly. There is already money in the Defense Department budget for this. There will be more, due to the savings of billions of dollars when President Trump brings our men and women home from Syria and Afghanistan.

Donald Trump is in the mold of Zachary Taylor, in trying to avoid war unless national safety and national honor is at stake. Trump is not a warmonger. The globalist anti-Americans in the Swamp and the Deep State and elsewhere on the anti-American New Copperhead side are.

President Trump, in my humble opinion, does not and will not have to resort to declaring a national emergency. The drug wall law (10 U.S.C. § 284), and/or the threat of flooding congressional districts with alien criminals will IMHO get the job done.


Now for another “How to Be Your Own Detective” lesson featuring Ralph “Coonman” Northam, soon to be former governor of Virginia.

Virginia governor Ralph Northam is facing many calls from fellow Democrats to resign because some conservative researchers found his college yearbook and found a picture of him either in blackface or wearing a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood.

There are a number of lessons here.

First, Ed Gillespie and the people of his campaign are losers. Northam beat RINO Gillespie to become governor of the largest colony of federal employee parasites in the country. Gillespie’s opposition research people did not find this picture during the campaign. Or worse, they did and sat on it. Otherwise the Dems would dropped Northam then (if Gillespie’s camp revealed it too early in the campaign) or Gillespie would have won if he dropped it within two weeks of the election, and the Dems couldn’t get a friendly judge to give them a pass to switch candidates, like they did in New Jersey with Robert Torricelli, one of their many unindicted criminals.

Second, Terry McAuliffe, the carpetbagger former governor of Virginia who picked Northam to be his running mate, didn’t catch this either. Or maybe his people did, and sat on it, like they covered up for the Clintons. McAuliffe is a scumbag moneyman and finder of the Clintons. He is septic tank scum. But he got away with it because he is a Democrat. McAuliffe is among those calling for Northam to quit. Without McAuliffe’s corruption and poor management, Northam would have never set foot in the Virginia governor’s office except as a tourist.

Third, you parents and kids who read this column, take note. Counsel your kids not to do anything stupid that can be photographed or recorded. He or she will not get a pass for being young and ignorant. Northam was in his mid 20s when he posed as a Klansman or a black …. he had already graduated from college and was about to graduate from medical school.

Especially do not get tricked into sending naked pictures of yourself to anyone. You will be blackmailed or at least humiliated beyond your wildest nightmares.

The horse is already out of the barn for most of us north of 30, because all of us make dumb moves from time to time.

Fourth, facts may or may not matter, depending on what party you are.

It came out when Northam ran for governor that his ancestors had owned slaves. This didn’t bother the Virginia GOP because they knew anyone from a long-time prominent Virginia family like Northam had ancestors who owned slaves. They were stupid not to look for Northam’s college yearbooks for evidence of his own knuckleheadism. This didn’t bother Virginia Democrats either, as Northam was a Democrat. Northam was also a pediatrician who is pro-abortion and pro-homosexual “marriage.” All the biology classes he took to become a doctor did him no good.

Fifth, the Democrats have another leftist to replace Northam with. Just like when they picked another booger (Tina Smith, a Planned Parenthood executive) in Minnesota to replace Al Franken after the truth about that unfunny fish-faced election stealer’s groping came out. If the next person in line for the job was a Republican, the Democrats would be defending Northam. The Dems are as flexible morally as a prostitute who services men and lesbians.

Sixth, if you did something stupid decades ago, like pose for a picture wearing a Klan hood or blackface, or flashing or mooning someone while drunk or stoned, and it is made public, admit it and say it was youthful stupidity. It may not get you off the hook, but you’ll retain some honor. When rumors of cocaine use swirled around Little Bush and Laura Bush, George Jr. shrugged and said he had a long learning curve in achieving responsible behavior as far as intoxicants were involved.

Don’t apologize, then come back the next day like Northam did and say maybe it wasn’t you inside the Klan hood or under the shoe polish. He really looks and smells like dog crap now. And someone in the media will likely track down a former classmate and ask why Northam got the nickname “Coonman.”

Seventh, a few days ago, Ralph Northam defended infanticide in public. When he slinks out of Richmond with his tail between his legs, what mothers are going to want him to practice medicine on their children?

Eighth and most disgusting, it is still okay for Democrats to roll in Nazi ideology like dogs roll in filth. Northam’s vile comments about killing babies born alive did not dismay any Democrat leaders, especially after professional scumbag Andrew Cuomo and New York Democrats made infanticide state policy and lit the World Trade Center in pink to celebrate.

Even many who support abortion on demand in the first trimester or even in the second trimester have problems with third-trimester abortions, and the killing of infants born alive. I know; I have friends who support abortion but not abortions that late, or the killing of live infants. In fact, there are very few abortionists who will try third-trimester abortions.

The Democrats don’t have any problems with late abortions or infanticide. The Nazis didn’t, either.

The Nazis aborted many Jewish and Slavic babies because they were Jews or Slavs. They aborted many German babies because the mothers or fathers were deemed unfit, or the children were deemed likely to have handicaps. The Nazis committed hundreds of thousands of abortions and infanticides in the concentration camps.

Planned Parenthood’s illegitimate bisexual social-climbing mother Margaret Sanger pitched birth control to female members of the Ku Klux Klan as a way to cut down on the number of blacks. Planned Parenthood people still revere Margaret; some of them would have sex with her if they could.

Margaret Sanger and Hillary Clinton — two people lower than Ralphie Northam


The New Copperheads – the Deep State and the Swamp, who are on the globalist anti-American side of the coming Civil War, along with the anti-American secessionists and nullifiers who run the most leftist places in the country, have in common with the Nazis a maniacal devotion to evil, violence, and sexual perversion. Many Nazis, Hitler included, were homosexuals or bisexuals. Hitler also forced incest on one of his nieces. He’d fit in in Harveywood, DC, New York City, San Francisco, and other leftist cesspools.

It comes as no surprise Democrats defend infanticide. It is what it is.

Maybe the anger of pro-lifers about Northam’s Nazi stance on abortion and infanticide led them to look into his past and find the yearbook picture. It’s an odd way of Life biting Northam in the ass, but again, it is what it is. Very few people in politics are clean. Or have self-control.

When it comes to defending your loved ones, you are your own first responder.



The Coming Civil War

January27/ 2019

How many of you remember high school history and the run-up to the Civil War?

The public records consisting of government papers and other archived materials, newspaper articles and other publications, the letters and papers of the prominent, and church records are the sources upon which history rest. Using them is how real historians write history.

Thanks to these men and women, here’s the skinny:

General Zachary Taylor, the hero of the Mexican War, won the election of 1848 as a Whig. He was an independently wealthy general, who owned riverside warehouses in his home town of Louisville, Kentucky. He also owned a plantation in Mississippi and a smaller place across the river in the Baton Rouge area of Louisiana.

Zachary Taylor. Protector and President. RIP, Old Zack, RIP!


Whig bigwigs Henry Clay and Daniel Webster opposed Taylor. So he had to beat his own party hierarchy as well as the Democrats. No other presidential candidate beat his own party’s hierarchy and the Democrats until Donald Trump did it in 2016.

Taylor was a slaveholder. However, Taylor was much more of a nationalist than he was a slaveholder. When Taylor became president, he decided to end slavery peaceably if he could.

During the 16 months Taylor was president, he pushed for statehood for California and New Mexico to outvote the slave states in the Senate. Taylor twice had to use the US Navy to stop Southern adventurers, aided by some state officials who gave them weapons from state arsenals, from trying to seize Cuba and make it a slave state. Jeff Davis’ wife Varina had to talk him out of commanding one of these expeditions.

Taylor had to send troops to New Mexico to keep Texans from trying to grab it. He also kept the polygamist Mormons from grabbing California east of the Sierra Nevadas, southeast Oregon, southern Idaho, western Wyoming and western Colorado, northwest New Mexico, and northern Arizona. He allowed them for a time to rule most of Nevada, which had only a few hundred whites.

Taylor promised to veto all fugitive slave law bills and had to threaten to hang some members of Congress to their faces when they threatened secession because of this.

William Seward and Abraham Lincoln, younger Whigs, proposed the federal government buy the slaves free with federal money, and then resettle slaves as pioneers or help them become sharecroppers. Taylor liked this idea. He also kept the British away from routes to a Central American canal by threatening to admit the nations as states or send white and black Southerners to the area to colonize the countries.

Taylor sickened and died a few days after the Fourth of July 1850. He had served 16 months as president. The politicians and lobbyists and other members of the Washington establishment danced for joy. They offered to bury Taylor in DC, but Peggy Taylor, who despised them for how they attacked her husband in life, had Zachary buried in the family cemetery in Louisville. (You can go there today and pay your respects to Old Zack and Peggy Taylor; it is now known as Zachary Taylor National Cemetery.)

Whig apparatchik Millard Fillmore became president. He okayed the Fugitive Slave Act and the rest of the so-called “Compromise of 1850,” which made the Civil War inevitable. Clay and Webster, who both hungered for Taylor’s job, died in 1852, so they couldn’t run for the office they sought.

Instead, Democrat Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire (a relative of Bush 43 thru his mother) became president. Piece allowed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, a ploy by Illinois senator Stephen Douglas to win slave state voters when he decided to run for president, to become law. This gave slavery advocates the impetus to flood into the Kansas Territory and shoot antislavery settlers.

Pierce was such a failure that in 1856 the Democrats nominated Pennsylvanian James Buchanan, a career diplomat who had been Secretary of State, to run for the presidency. He beat John Frémont, the first Republican Party candidate. Democrat thugs prevented Republican organizers from getting the party any standing in most of the slave states. Millard Fillmore (stooge, New York) ran as a “Know Nothing” candidate. The “Know Nothings” hated Catholics, especially the Irish, and burned Catholic churches, schools, and convents.

“Defenders of the Faith” by Kevin O’Malley, Ancient Order of Hibernians


Unlike today’s molester-protecting virtue-signaling bishops, Bishop “Dagger John” Hughes of New York City organized armed parishioners to protect Catholic churches, schools, and convents. The Irish-born bishop let it be known that if a single Catholic facility was damaged by anti-Catholic arsonists, he would ensure “the city would become a second Moscow.” As in the burning of Moscow during the Napoleonic Wars. Force in the defense of right ensured the peace. Bishop “Dagger John” opposed slavery, but he also criticized the smug abolitionists of New England and the businessmen of New York for cheating workers of a living wage.

Dred Scott, a black who had lived in the North, sued for his freedom. An official at Fort Snelling in the Minnesota Territory officiated the wedding of Scott and his wife, which should have made them free. She also gave birth to their first child in the North, which should have made the girl free. The Supreme Court heard Scott’s case in February 1857, just before Buchanan took office. Buchanan personally pressured a Democrat judge from the North to side with the Southerners on the high court to try to defuse the argument any decision against Scott would be a slave power judges’ decision.

Buchanan’s unethical ploy worked. Two days after his inauguration in March 1857, the Northern judge voted with the majority to keep Dred Scott a slave.

Dred Scott. Photo taken 1857


A Missouri antislavery man, whose family had once owned Scott and his wife and their daughters bought Scott and his wife and girls after the trial. He freed them; Scott, who was in his late 50s, died the next year of TB while working in St. Louis. He is buried in Calvary Catholic Cemetery in st. Louis.)

Buchanan tried to bring Kansas into the Union as a slave state, even though the territory’s voters were mostly antislavery families. Fortunately, he failed. Both groups of settlers killed innocent people … John Brown was one of the most notorious killers.

In 1857, Mormon criminals in southern Utah, with the okay of Mormon ruler Brigham Young, murdered 120 or so members of the Baker-Fancher party, a wagon train of people from Arkansas who wanted to settle in California. They saved two teenage girls, who begged for their lives, for repeated rape, then beheaded them. They blamed the horrible murders on “Injuns.” The murder date was September 11, an even gross of years before the 9-11 Islamist plane terrorist attacks.

Buchanan sent some troops out, but didn’t let them punish the Mormons.

Democrat Douglas defeated Republican Abraham Lincoln in the Illinois Senate race in 1858. In a series of nationally-followed debates with Douglas, Lincoln laid out the case against slavery and secession as only he could.

In 1859, John Brown and some associates seized the arsenal at Harpers Ferry. The town was then in Virginia, where the Shenandoah River flows into the Potomac River. Brown wanted the weapons for a slave uprising, Colonel Robert E. Lee and his men killed some of Brown’s men, captured Brown, and retook the arsenal. Virginia authorities hanged Brown in December 1859.

Lincoln, a Kentucky native who made his careeer in Illinois, won the election of 1860. He got some votes in the slave states of Kentucky, Missouri, the “West Virginia” counties of Virginia, and in Maryland and Delaware. None of those states ended up in his column. He got zero votes in any of the other slave states, again due to Democrat thuggery.

Buchanan allowed Southern members of the Army to seize arms and forts in slave states as the local politicians finagled people into voting for secession. Most Southerners did not own slaves, but those who did got enough people to vote for secession. This all happened between the election of November of 1860 and Lincoln’s inauguration in March 1861.

John Breckinridge, Buchanan’s vice-president and the Southern Democrat candidate for president, became a Rebel general.

Stephen Douglas, the Northern Democrat candidate for president, feeling guilty for his role in the violence that led up to the secession of the 11 Confederate states, pledged to support Lincoln in any way he could. Douglas kept his word until he died later in 1861.

Now let’s discuss disloyal opposition to President Lincoln within the Union.

All the living former presidents despised Lincoln. They included Martin Van Buren, the New York nonentity (D) who followed Andrew Jackson, John Tyler (Whig, Virginia), Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan. These five losers worked against Lincoln and were almost as bad as Jimmy Carter, the Bushes, Bill Clinton, and Barry Obama, the five scumbag former presidents who oppose President Trump. Tyler had the integrity to secede with Virginia and he died a declared enemy of the Union.

The Copperheads, a collection of cowardly Peace Democrats in Union states, plotted with Rebels to hinder the Union war effort. They induced Union soldiers to desert, and worked with Confederate saboteurs. They also plotted to free Rebel prisoners from Union POW camps. Mostly their schemes came to nought, because, unlike the real men who served a bad cause bravely in Rebel gray, the Copperheads by and large were physical cowards.


Copperhead Democrat Fernando Wood, mayor of New York City, tried to secede the Big Apple from the Union in 1861, but failed. Wood allowed the Draft Riot to take place in July of 1863. The rioters killed about 100 blacks and burned 50 buildings, to include a black orphanage. General John Wool, a 79-year old officer and New York native who had served under Zachary Taylor, mustered a few local militiamen and they held the rioters at bay until reinforcements could come.

President Lincoln had to order General George Meade, who had just won a bloody victory over Robert E. Lee and his Rebel stalwarts at Gettysburg, to send five regiments (several thousand men) to quell the riot. The soldiers, responding to orders of General Wool, broke the rioters by firing on them and killing some of them.

These men’s absence from the Army of the Potomac hampered Meade in his attempt to pursue Lee’s army and maybe hammer them in retreat. The Copperhead instigated Draft Riot was like a Rebel victory on Union soil.

The Copperheads got George McClellan, a general President Lincoln had canned for incompetence, to run against Lincoln in the election of 1864 on a peace platform. Lincoln had to ensure soldiers got leave to vote Republican in that election, because Democrats had already stooped to election shenanigans to pump up their vote. (In those days, there was no absentee balloting.) Five months after the election, Generals Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman, who like Lincoln were followers of Zachary Taylor, ended the war by forcing Robert E. Lee and Joseph Johnston to surrender their armies and weapons. Grant and Sherman, knowing how hungry the Rebels were, issued each of them 10 days of rations to carry with them on their ways home.

After the Civil War, the US government put the county Harpers Ferry is in and two other counties into the new state of West Virginia, whose residents seceded from Virginia and joined the Union a couple of weeks before Gettysburg in 1863. Also during the Civil War, Lincoln freed the ranchers, miners, and dance hall girls of Nevada from Mormon oppression by admitting them to the Union. He didn’t want the followers of Brigham Young interfering with the silver shipments from the Comstock Lode under and around Virginia City.

During 1864, Copperheads in the Ohio Valley plotted to violently overthrow the state governments of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Union officials found out about the plots, and sentenced a number of them to hang. President Lincoln, who commuted death sentences of soldiers found guilty of desertion, had no such sympathy for these scumbags. He upheld the death sentences because the Copperheads richly deserved them. Unfortunately, lawyers for the traitors appealed their death sentences, and members of the Supreme Court overturned them in 1866.

Publicity still for a movie about Abraham Lincoln


By then, the war was over. And President Lincoln was dead. A Copperhead actor named John Wilkes Booth shot him in Ford’s Theater, and he died a few hours later, on Good Friday of 1865, five days after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox.

Why am I going thru this drill?

Because we are in similar times to the 1850s. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

Donald Trump is like Zachary Taylor in that he is independently wealthy and doesn’t need bribe money. He is also pretty impervious to blackmail.

Like Zachary Taylor, Donald Trump is under attack by virtually all the Democrats and a good proportion of the Republican Party. His ideas make sense, but they will cost the globalists moneymen billions to trillions of dollars of profit from cheap labor and imported goods, and they will cost the globalist politicians control of a docile electorate inflated with imported aliens who have no concept of American values.

Donald Trump is the most powerful member of the American side, the Union side, the nationalist side.

Like with the 1850s, people of the anti-American side (globalists and others who oppose the American way of life) resort to violence to intimidate decent people. They are escalating the violence also. We will spell out at length who these people are later in the article.

Like with the 1850s, the politicians are enacting anti-American laws and putting in place corrupt judges. They lean on judges and work with judges to obstruct President Trump’s legitimate authority under the Constitution.

It takes time to appeal corrupt court orders. And the Supreme Court doesn’t always do the right thing because the Democrats on the court are reliable leftists, and Judge Roberts and Judge Kavanaugh appear to be compromised.

Edward Snowden revealed the National Security Agency has been spying on millions of Americans illegally. Odds are most in the political class are dirty and the Deep State operatives know it. Blackmail and fear of blackmail are effective behavior compliance tools.

Numerous sources, including FBI agents, have revealed crooked FBI agents spied on the Trump campaign. Robert Mueller, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, and Andrew McCabe all are dirty for letting Hillary sell 20% of our uranium reserves to the Putin regime in the Uranium One scandal. Mueller is also dirty for his criminal work with mobster and killer Whitey Bulger. Top CIA quislings and top FBI and DOJ quislings have been breaking the law openly and carelessly …. they were anticipating new jobs with the Hillary Administration.

Only the working people of most of the country tried to take their nation back when they put Donald Trump in the White House instead of the First Witch. We the working people are on the American side too.

On Friday, close to 30 FBI agents and at least a dozen vehicles were present in a predawn raid of the home of Deep State critic and Trump supporter Roger Stone. It looked like the Elian Gonzalez kidnaping that lesbian girl molester Janet Reno ordered when she was the Clintons’ Attorney General.


What did they arrest Stone for? Lying to Congress or government agents, who themselves lie routinely? Really?

CNN buttlickers were there, filming it all. They were just like Leni Riefenstahl, the kept German film-maker who filmed Nazi party activities and Hitler speeches for “Triumph of the Will.”

President Trump asked how the CNN buttlickers found out. Obviously the FBI corruptocrats who ordered the raid wanted to intimidate enemies of the Deep State.

Where the hell were the FBI for 9/11? Where were the FBI when a Moslem couple shot up San Bernardino? Or when an Islamist fagele shot up the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando? Or when an Islamist ran over people in New York? Or when two Islamist brothers blew up bombs at the Boston Marathon? Or when shooters killed dozens of country music fans in Vegas? Or when the kid with a history of 30 police calls shot up a high school in Coward County, Florida?

Nowhere, man. FBI agents knew about all of these mass murders before they took place. And they deliberately refused to act to protect the public.

Where was the FBI when elements of the Deep State murdered JFK? Picking out a flag for his coffin? They sure as hell weren’t trying to protect President Kennedy.

In fact, the FBI wasn’t anywhere near the law enforcement effort that took down Al Capone. Why? President Herbert Hoover kept them out. President Hoover considered them incompetent and corrupt. Hoover had the Treasury Department take out Capone instead. T-Man Eliot Ness and the Untouchables smashed Capone stills, raided his inventory of bad booze, and seized the trucks and equipment Capone’s people used to make the booze. This hurt Capone financially. Then a prosecutor brought the tax evasion charge against Scarface after tax agent Frank Wilson went thru a ledger seized in a raid and estimated Capone’s income from the figures in the record book.

Capone still got to the jury. This was Chicago, after all. So Judge James Wilkerson switched juries and Capone had to stand trial before guys who hadn’t been bribed or threatened. They convicted Capone, and Scarface eventually had to go to the federal pen on Alcatraz Island.

The FBI are worse than useless. As an agency they are a malignancy like cancer. They have to be cut out or burned out. Many of them, especially those at the top. are crooked cops. IMHO, Mueller by design forced many good men out when he required senior people to do tours in DC instead of leading agents in their home states. Many retired or went into other lines of work. Most of those who complied got promotions and are loyal to the hierarchy, not the people of this nation.

We are in the run-up to a second Civil War. In DC, it is President Trump, a few good members of House and the Senate, a couple of loyal Cabinet members and some of their agents and workers, and a couple of judges who are Americans and nationalists and Unionists.

The anti-American globalist side and their allies among the secessionists, nullifiers, and organized criminals consist of virtually everyone else in government, lobbying, government contracting, multinational corporations, and the higher levels of the media, the education profession, and Harveywood.

In DC and in the high-dollar suburban Beltway counties around DC in Northern Virginia and Maryland live thousand of power couples. They are interlinked thru colleges and country clubs and agency service. Tens of thousands of these people, and virtually all the top career government people and most judges, virtually all Democrats and about half the Republicans in Congress, and many of the top military officers and their spouses and the swarms of lobbyists and government contractors fit this mold and are in the Swamp.

Many of the high-dollar couples in DC and in the high-dollar suburban Beltway counties around DC in Northern Virginia and Maryland have a Republican partner and a Democrat partner. This is so regardless of party in power, they have entree into the Swamp. School ties and country club ties and agency ties link the high-dollar couples together to many more of their ilk. It’s a careerist mindset that IMHO is almost the moral equivalent of a cross between incest and bisexuality.

They are not misguided men and women of 19th Century honor like the officers and ladies of the Confederacy. No, these people are like the Copperheads in form and the fascists in substance.

The War Department used to have a series of films called “Know Your Enemy.”

So in that spirit, let’s talk a little about the fascist substance of the anti-American people in the coming Civil War.

Saturday afternoon, during lunch, I flipped on the tube and caught about a half-hour of a PBS show on Mussolini. They said Mussolini, a socialist revolutionary journalist, manipulated and suppressed the media, took over the schools, used street toughs to beat up and murder opponents, used the police as corrupt sluggers to coerce the public, put corrupt judges in place of honest judges, and tried to divert Italians from his failures by engaging in wars in Ethiopia and North Africa and Greece.

They mentioned Mussolini set an example for Hitler to follow. This is true. But they forgot to mention Hitler was more satanic than Mussolini, who was merely corrupt, bloodthirsty, vain, and authoritarian. Hitler was demoniacal.

Since they were PBS, they failed to mention those in the Establishment power structure in this nation also have a lot in common with Mussolini and Hitler.

Black-clad Antifa marchers arrive at Civic Center Park, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017, in a counter-protest against a planned alt-right rally in Berkeley, California. (Karl Mondon/Bay Area News Group)


The anti-American side in this nation, like Mussolini, co-ordinate with leftist media and suppress non-leftist thought. The Left has taken over the schools. Soros and the Democrats use street toughs to beat opponents. Democrat and RINO politicos use the FBI, NSA, and other government agents as corrupt sluggers to coerce the public and their political enemies. Democrats put corrupt judges and prosecutors in place of honest judges and prosecutors. The globalists seek endless wars, which kill good American men and women, and enrich defense contractors who donate to them or buy them.

The Deep State and the Swamp, who are on the globalist anti-American side of the coming Civil War, along with the anti- American secessionists and nullifiers who run places like California, New York City, New England, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Maryland, Northern Virginia, Chicago, the Twin Cities, Seattle, and Portland, have in common with the Nazis a maniacal devotion to evil, violence, and sexual perversion. Many Nazis, Hitler included, were homosexuals or bisexuals.

Anyone familiar with domestic violence and sexual violence studies and statistics will tell you a much larger percentage of homosexuals and lesbians are sexually violent to those of their own sex than heterosexual males and females are to members of the opposite sex. Various honest homosexuals and lesbians who legitimately want to fight sexual abuse admit this.

The anti-American side, like the Nazis, push euthanasia for those with disabilities and those who are “unwanted.” The Nazis viewed women as breeders, so they praised German births and forced abortions on captive Slavic and Jewish women. They valued German babies as future soldiers and mothers, not as human beings created in the image and likeness of God. Radical feminists in this country have devalued the worth of children, so they prefer to abort their own, and limit the numbers of children not their own. Politicians in New York, New England, California, and the lesser cities like Seattle, Portland, and the Twin Cities treat abortion like a secular sacrament.

Hitler loved animals but was indifferent to most people. He was a vegetarian who outlawed hunting. This is not unlike the PETA crowd and many on the Left.

Hitler was bisexual; he was marked as a homosexual when he was in the German Army in World War One. He had sex with Ernst Rohm and other male Nazis on his way up the Nazi ladder. His designs of Nazi uniforms was almost leather fetishistic in nature. He also had flings with women, and some of them turned up dead after they spoke about his bizarre and demeaning fetishes. Hitler, like Margaret Sanger’s mentor Havelock Ellis, was a coprophile and urophile.

Hitler also had an incest gear; he repeatedly molested his much younger niece Geli Raubal, who aspired to be a singer. He kept her in his apartment suite in Munich. She was found with a bullet in her chest and Hitler’s own pistol by her side in his suite in 1931; she had a broken nose and other injuries. Hitler claimed she committed suicide. Apparently Geli (in following picture) was pregnant, and intended to go back to Austria to have the baby and get out of his control. He apparently wanted her to undergo an abortion to cover up the pregnancy.

This happened before Hitler seized power; anti-Hitler Nazis planned to replace him if he was jailed or executed (by beheading) for murder. Rudolf Hess said he had to prevent Hitler from committing suicide. Hitler published a denial to being responsible for Geli’s death.

A Catholic priest in Austria named Father Johann Pant, was a friend of Geli’s who had heard her confessions; he questioned Nazis who had to flee Hitler when they angered him. Since Geli had shared her account of the depraved life Hitler had made her lead with several Nazis, as in Hitler had made several pornographic drawings of Geli and had made her perform sex acts she found repulsive, they were aware of how he had sexually abused his niece. Father Pant knew what Hitler had done to her. The priest buried Geli in a Catholic cemetery and said he would never bury a suicide in consecrated ground. He had to flee Austria when Hitler took it over in 1938. Father Pant lived until the 1960s. Former Nazi Otto Strasser during World War Two shared the info with Americans in the OSS who were psychologically profiling Hitler.

Hitler’s vegetarianism, excessive kindness to animals, and his bisexual kinks were the acts of someone who would receive little or no criticism from the Deep State about these habits. He would fit right in sexually with Harveywood, the Clintons, and other Establishment pervs.

So there is you enemy in a nutshell.

What can you do?

Pray, love your loved ones, and organize for the coming Civil War.

You will have to know which politicians to vote for and against.

You will have to have food, basic first aid supplies, and weapons for disruptions.

You will have to ally with groups in your area who want to do right.

I have recommended you read the Conservative Treehouse to follow the national news and get good explanations about the big picture. When you read “mainstream news,” realize they have an agenda and are often lying. Double-check what they say against reliable sources like the Daily Caller and World Net Daily and One America News Network. Breitbart gets overwrought at times, but often prints the news accurately.

For example, the lunatic mainstream media reported President Trump’s move to allow the reopening of the shut-down parts of the federal government for three weeks is a cave to the Democrats. This is not true.

President Trump is playing for time, and playing to put the anti-American members of Congress, such as virtually all Democrats, some RINO house members, and some quailing senators like Mitt Romney, Lamar Alexander, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins on the record. He knows Nancy Pelosi will block the use of the House of Representatives for a setting for his State of the Union address. (If Trump was a bad speaker, Pelosi would be happy to let him step in it in the House on national TV. That’s what Trump did in letting Ted Cruz set himself on fire before a national TV audience at the Republican Convention in 2016.)

President Trump also knows Mitch McConnell and other Swamp people in the Senate and Pelosi and most of the House will not allow funding for a physical wall. Another “caravan” of Central American criminals is heading north and there will be footage of these animals when the House and Senate again refuse to vote funds for the Wall.

To quote the President:

I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!

7:33 PM – Jan 25, 2019″

What does “Off to the races” mean?

On Thursday, the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson’s on-line website, published a story saying Congressional researchers found out President Trump can build a border fence or wall without Congressional approval in order to stop drug trafficking routes. Our border with Mexico is one giant drug trafficking route. Therefore, they say, President Trump can build The Wall in accordance with a law okaying the Defense Department building barriers to interdict illicit drug flow..

Here’s the link:


Is the Daily Caller right?


I contacted attorney Dirk Van Capias on this matter, and he sent me back a portion of the US Code to affirm the Daily Caller article.

Federal law under Title 10, Armed Forces, says the following:

“10 U.S. Code § 284 – Support for counterdrug activities and activities to counter transnational organized crime

(a)Support to Other Agencies.—The Secretary of Defense may provide support for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of any other department or agency of the Federal Government or of any State, local, tribal, or foreign law enforcement agency for any of the purposes set forth in subsection (b) or ( c), as applicable, if—

(1) in the case of support described in subsection (b), such support is requested—

(A) by the official who has responsibility for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of the department or agency of the Federal Government, in the case of support for other departments or agencies of the Federal Government; or

(B) by the appropriate official of a State, local, or tribal government, in the case of support for State, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies; or

(2) in the case of support described in subsection ( c), such support is requested by an appropriate official of a department or agency of the Federal Government, in coordination with the Secretary of State, that has counterdrug responsibilities or responsibilities for countering transnational organized crime.

(b)Types of Support for Agencies of United States.—The purposes for which the Secretary may provide support under subsection (a) for other departments or agencies of the Federal Government or a State, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies, are the following:

(1) The maintenance and repair of equipment that has been made available to any department or agency of the Federal Government or to any State, local, or tribal government by the Department of Defense for the purposes of—

(A) preserving the potential future utility of such equipment for the Department of Defense; and

(B) upgrading such equipment to ensure compatibility of that equipment with other equipment used by the Department.

(2) The maintenance, repair, or upgrading of equipment (including computer software), other than equipment referred to in paragraph (1) for the purpose of—

(A) ensuring that the equipment being maintained or repaired is compatible with equipment used by the Department of Defense; and

(B) upgrading such equipment to ensure the compatibility of that equipment with equipment used by the Department.

(3) The transportation of personnel of the United States and foreign countries (including per diem expenses associated with such transportation), and the transportation of supplies and equipment, for the purpose of facilitating counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime within or outside the United States.

(4) The establishment (including an unspecified minor military construction project) and operation of bases of operations or training facilities for the purpose of facilitating counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of the Department of Defense or any Federal, State, local, or tribal law enforcement agency within or outside the United States.

(5) Counterdrug or counter-transnational organized crime related training of law enforcement personnel of the Federal Government, of State, local, and tribal governments, including associated support expenses for trainees and the provision of materials necessary to carry out such training.

(6) The detection, monitoring, and communication of the movement of—

(A) air and sea traffic within 25 miles of and outside the geographic boundaries of the United States; and

(B) surface traffic outside the geographic boundary of the United States and within the United States not to exceed 25 miles of the boundary if the initial detection occurred outside of the boundary.

(7) Construction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.

(8) Establishment of command, control, communications, and computer networks for improved integration of law enforcement, active military, and National Guard activities.

(9) The provision of linguist and intelligence analysis services.

(10) Aerial and ground reconnaissance.”

Sorry you had to read thru the law. Paragraph (7) is President Trump’s EFF YOU to Pelosi, Schumer, and the RINOs.

There is another possibility.

A few months ago I wrote about certain church group parasites (the Baptists are by far the worst, but Catholics and Lutherans get dishonorable mention for their greed also) who profiteered on government contracts to resettle alien foreigners in America. They get money, and the local taxpayers have to pay for the social services the aliens suck. The locals have to put up with higher crime and higher health care costs.

Nonprofit group scammers without religious ties do it too, but they are garden-variety scumbags who have discovered a lucrative racket. Religious group are supposed to believe in the Ten Commandments, especially the ones that forbid stealing, lying, and coveting.

A cause group got a number of documents in a FOIA request from the Feds recently, that covered Obama’s administration. The group had some youngsters passed off as experts who couldn’t decipher what they had. I charged them some money to scan and analyze the documents. I was able to determine the Obama administration was paying these greedy contractors north of $40,000 per niño and niña to settle unaccompanied alien children with “sponsors.” Of course, then the parents would try to come into America and grift.

This is why so many Islamists from Bosnia and the Middle East ended up in places like Idaho and Utah to molest and kill women and children. The Bushes and the Clintons also imported so many Somalis into Minnesota that the white-bread white leftists of that state have joined the unassimilated immigrants in electing a Somali Islamist Jew hater and ISIS apologist to Congress.

Minneapolis’ former police chief (and out lesbian) Janee Harteau boogies clumsily with other women at a street event. Photo from MInnesota Public Broadcasting.


A Somali named Mohamed Noor who lesbian police chief Janee Harteau foolishly allowed to become Minneapolis cop shot dead a white Australian woman named Justine Diamond when she came to report an attempted rape. The female mayor of Minneapolis, who praised the hiring of Noor, made Ms. Harteau resign because even she realized this was a threat to her re-election effort. Ms. Harteau, when not presumably using her handcuffs and billy club for extracurricular activities, had okayed the accelerated training and hiring of Noor, even though two psychiatrists questioned his suitability of becoming a policeman in America.

(Sources: Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 7/23/2017 and 9/6/2018, and New York Times, 7/21/2017)

Why do I mention this?

Because President Trump views declaring a national emergency as a last resort. The new caravan of criminals from Central America will be hitting the border about the time the Dems and the RINOs decide not to fund the border wall. This will strengthen the President’s hand.

But in the President’s speech Friday during Rush Hour in the Eastern Time Zone, he delivered a shot across the bow to people who could read and listen.

Here it is:

“Without new resources from Congress, we will be forced to release these people into communities — something we don’t want to do — called catch-and-release. You catch them. Even if they are criminals, you then release them. And you can’t release them from where they came, so they go into our country and end up in places you would least suspect. And we do as little releasing as possible, by they’re coming by the hundreds of thousands.

I have had zero Democrat lawmakers volunteer to have them released into their districts or states. And I think they know that, and that’s what we’re going to be discussing over the next three weeks.”

President Trump is threatening to release alien criminals who judges allow to stay into states and congressional districts of his opponents. Odds are they will be more prone to rape, rob, and murder people in areas that sent these anti-Americans to the House and Senate.

President Trump could decide to drop the alien criminals in districts which barely went Democrat in the 2018 elections. Then he could tie the criminals to the Democrat members of Congress, making it harder for them to win re-election in 2020. After all, patriots like Louie Gohmert and Jim Jordan and Duncan Hunter oppose illegal immigration and support The Wall — why should the people who were smart enough to put them and others like them in office have to suffer the problems illegals pose to their safety, their schools, and their health care?

One GOP state that could host a boatload of these criminals is Utah. President Trump can flip off Mitt Romney and the people who put Mitt the Catcher in the Senate.

Romney’s great-grandfather was a degenerate polygamist who fled with his sister wives to Mexico when federal authorities finally started cracking down on the evil practice of the wealthier followers of Bring ‘em in Young.

Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Mexico due to the fugitive status of his polygamous ancestor. IMHO, he ran for president illegally. However, since George Romney admitted he was brainwashed, he posed no threat to win the GOP nomination. So the Dems kept quiet.

Romney opposes The Wall. Utah has plenty of open space to house our Latin American and Islamist brothers and sisters. Let the people of the state who sent this arrogant human hemorrhoid to the Senate deal with the result of his policies.

Meanwhile, President Trump will, in the name of using defense spending for The Wall to block drug trafficking routes, will bring our men and women home from Syria and Afghanistan. Donald Trump is also in the mold of Zachary Taylor, in trying to avoid war unless national safety and national honor is at stake. Trump is not a warmonger. The globalist anti-Americans in the Swamp and the Deep State and elsewhere on the anti-American New Copperhead side are.

President Trump may not have to resort to declaring a national emergency. The drug wall law, and the threat of flooding congressional districts with alien criminals may get the job done.

President Trump can also stop wasteful government spending by suspending the use of military planes for congressional travel. Nancy Pelosi and her winged monkeys will be upset having to use their own money for travel and alcohol and hookers.

He can also forbid Secret Service members from accompanying Bill and Hillary to Jeffrey Epstein’s Island of Underage Girls. The Secret Service should not be aiding and abetting the sexual abuse of underage girls by a former president and First Lady.

In other heartening news, this from TV station WCPO in Cincinnati, 1/23/2019:

“As Covington Catholic High School welcomed back students Wednesday for the first time since viral videos stirred up a social media frenzy, investigators were trying to track down people who made threats against the school and some of its students.

Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders said it’s the largest-scale investigation he’s ever seen in the county. Threats came in from across the country by phone, email and social media. Sanders said the investigation could take weeks, or even months.

“It’s not a fast process,” he said. “A lot of people think that we can just run right out and arrest a Twitter handle. It’s not that easy. We have to go out, we have to find out who owns that Twitter handle. We have to find out what IP address was being used.”

Sanders wouldn’t say exactly how many threats were made, but said they were “numerous.” Several different agencies are assisting his office in the investigation, he said.

“The bottom line is, we either have the resources here or we know where to find them,” Sanders said. “We’re going to make that make that happen. It’s going to take some time, but we’re going to pursue every possible case we can.”

Investigators will be going through all the messages and picking out the ones that violate the law, Sanders said. There are tens of thousands of emails alone. That will take some time to go through.

While investigators are working on picking out all the threats, student safety remains the priority. CovCath had a heavy police presence outside the school Wednesday. Unscheduled visitors were not allowed.

“Our number one priority from day one was making sure the students could return to school safely and get back to their studies and their classes without any concern that they were in harm’s way or in danger of any kind,” Sanders said.”

A follow-up from WCPO-TV on 1/24/2019 was this:

The family of 16-year-old Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann … on Thursday hired a Georgia attorney known for aggressive libel and slander suits against media organizations.

L. Lin Wood, nicknamed “attorney for the damned” by former CBS anchor Dan Rather, visited the Sandmann family earlier in the day [in Cincinnati], according to a news release from Sandmann family attorney Todd McMurtry.

Wood “often (seeks) eye-popping damages for those he believes have been libeled or slandered in the press,” according to a 2011 Washington Post article about his defense of Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. (Cain had been facing accusations of sexual harassment that derailed his campaign.)

Other notable clients include the family of JonBenet Ramsey, who were suspects in the child pageant queen’s murder, and Richard Jewell, a Centennial Olympic Park guard misidentified as having bombed his workplace in 1996.

Sandmann traveled with classmates to Washington, D.C., to participate in Saturday’s March for Life. The group was filmed later that day outside the Lincoln Memorial, where bellicose members of a fringe …. movement called the Black Hebrew Israelites began insulting them as well as nearby Native American activists participating in the Indigenous Peoples March for the rights of native communities.

The students and the Black Hebrew Israelites exchanged chants. [The Black Israelites basically called the kids crackers and fags. The media people didn’t condemn them for homophobia because they were attacking Catholic pro-lifers from Kentucky.] The Native American activists, among them Omaha tribe elder Nathan Phillips, entered the crowd in what Phillips described as an effort to defuse the mounting confrontation. He played a traditional drum and sang as he walked through the Covington group.

It was at this point Sandmann, wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap, was recorded smiling and standing less than a foot from Phillips’ face while he continued to sing.

(Then came a long explanation of the videos that got leftists, RINOs, and the cowardly bishops of Covington and Lexington to attack Nick Sandmann and the other high school kids.)”

Some celebs are starting to apologize because they don’t want to lose a libel or a defamation suit. Hopefully their unmentionables will be in the wringer anyway. I hope that lawyer can take megamillions from the scumbags and newspeople who slurred Sandmann and the other boys.

Likewise for the criminals who threatened the boys’ safety, the school, and the families. They need to be fined and jailed in Kentucky, where things aren’t so nice for convicts. The out-of-state criminals will be penned in federal pens upon conviction and sentencing. Odds are good their cellmates with be violent criminal aliens … on the same side of the bars as they are.

Vocabulary review for this post:

You decent Americans, President Trump, and the relatively few politicians, Cabinet members and some agents and workers in their agencies, most Border Patrol people, and most sheriffs and deputies and most police officers and other first responders and most soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are on the American side. You are all Unionists and nationalists. Red states are free states.

All you pro-American pro-Trump Southerners out there, welcome to the New Union. Your Rebel ancestors, while serving a bad cause, at least were real men, not skulking slithering Copperheads. For those unaware of American history, the vast majority of white males of military service age in the Confederate states served in their military. Our fellow Americans were our toughest enemies; the Civil War was by far the worst bloodletting in America’s history. We lost fewer men and killed far more of the enemy in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, both World Wars, and the Korean War combined than we did in the Civil War. When we are divided, we kill each other. When we are united, we can do damn near anything.

On the anti-American side are globalist side and their allies among the secessionists, nullifiers, and organized criminals who consist of virtually everyone else in government, lobbying, government contracting, multinational corporations, and the higher levels of the media, the education profession, and Harveywood.

In DC and in the high-dollar suburban Beltway counties around DC in Northern Virginia and Maryland live thousand of power couples. They are interlinked thru colleges and country clubs and agency service. Tens of thousands of these people, and virtually all the top career government people and most judges, virtually all Democrats and about half the Republicans in Congress, and many of the top military officers and their spouses and the swarms of lobbyists and government contractors fit this mold and are in the Swamp.

They embrace fascist control tactics, and Nazi devotion to evil, violence, and sexual perversion. They hate what makes America great. In short, they are the New Copperheads.


We can hope for a sign. Maybe the New Copperheads will rush into the Potomac River and other convenient bodies of water and drown, like the demonically-possessed swine that they are.

Odds are we won’t be let off the hook that easily.

Joan of Arc told her troops God would give them the victories but they still had to live clean lives, train hard, and go out into battle and earn the victories. She wasn’t standing around waiting for the Rapture.

As her fellow warrior St. Ignatius of Loyola would say sone years later, we need to pray as if everything depends upon God and work as if everything depends upon us.




January24/ 2019

The clown car known as the group of Democratic presidential candidates just picked up some more Bozos.

Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, threw his thong into the ring. He went to Harvard and Oxford and served in Navy Intelligence. However, he apparently flunked anatomy. Butt-gig is young, openly gay, civilly united to another fruitcake, and a darling of some of the Silicon Valley robber baron pervs who think he’s cute.

Meanwhile, many in his city say the roads look like IEDs blew up the blacktop. I agree with them. 99 and I were there on business last fall. South Bend is also in the top 20 in terms of violent crimes per resident.

(Source: Breitbart, 1/23/2019)

Democrat voter? Or the unveiling of the next Dem running for President?


Cue Judy Collins’ “Send in the Clowns” while we cover which Democrats are running for president so far.

Kirsten Gillibrand, the spawn of two attorneys, was a congresswoman until the governor of New York gave her the New York Senate seat Hillary stained when the First Witch became Obama’s Secretary of State. Kirsten looks like a lot of suburban women who have a jones for “Fifty Shades of Gray” and their golden retrievers. She spoke out against sex abuse in the military but kept the ball gag in her mouth about sexually abusive Dems like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Janet Reno, who had more power and seniority than she when they were in office.

Continue Reading


January20/ 2019

My Grandpa Charlie Sherlock, a Chicago Police detective, used to tell me, “Tell the truth. When you tell the truth, all you have to remember is what happened. When you lie, you have to remember what you said.”

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her merry band of Democrat junketeers found this out the hard way.

A few days ago, Ms. Pelosi “disinvited” President Trump from making the State of the Union address in the House. She said he should postpone it, or put it in writing and mail it to her.

This was a snub designed to humiliate the President and to keep him from showing American victims of illegal immigrant criminals to a national audience.

She said House Democrats wanted to negotiate an end to the partial federal government shutdown.

But not right away, evidently.

Nancy Shrew and about 30 other Democrat members of Congress and an untold number of family members, staffers, and hangers-on packed their bags and boarded a bus Thursday afternoon. They had requisitioned a military aircraft to fly them to Europe, Egypt, and allegedly Afghanistan so they could go sightseeing and undermine President Trump’s foreign policy.

Being out of the country would prevent them from being able to negotiate with President Trump.

You can’t solve a problem when you run away from it.

President Trump saw it that way too. He canceled their field trip with a letter doubtlessly e-mailed to Nancy Pelosi. This he almost assuredly did after he had his people stand down the military jet Ms. Pelosi tried to commandeer.

Here’s his letter to Ms. Nancy explaining her problems.

“Dear Madame Speaker:

Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt, and Afghanistan has been postponed. We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over. In light of the 800,000 great American workers not receiving pay, I am sure you would agree that postponing this public relations event is totally appropriate. I also feel that, during this period, it would be better if you were in Washington negotiating with me and joining the Strong Border Security movement to end the Shutdown. Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would certainly be your prerogative.

I look forward to seeing you soon and even more forward to watching our open and dangerous Southern Border finally receive the attention, funding, and security it so desperately deserves!


Donald Trump”

Why did Donald Trump cancel Nancy’s excursion? Because he can.

The Air Force reports to the President, not the Speaker of the House. Mr. Trump won 30 states to become President. Nancy Pelosi won her seat by appealing to people in her district, which covers San Francisco. Many of the constituents in this district defecate and drop needles and used condoms on sidewalks and in streets, and consider the rectum a port of entry. So we’re not talking a high level of responsibility here. Then she won the Speaker’s post by appealing to some of the most greedy degenerate shiftless people in America, Democrat members of Congress.

Nancy Shrew then claimed the letter, which she helped make public, set up her and the other Demostooges on her safari for being blown out of the sky over Afghanistan.

Per a 1/18/2019 NPR article, this:

“The back and forth between President Trump and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., over the partial government shutdown escalated Friday, as Pelosi said the White House leaked plans for a congressional delegation to fly commercially to Afghanistan.

On Thursday, Trump said he was revoking a military flight for the codel (congressional delegation), suggesting Pelosi fly commercial instead.

(The NPR reporter suffers from a lack of reading comprehension or honesty skills. Trump didn’t suggest Pelosi and her crew fly commercial; he said they could do so, but they couldn’t use a plane the taxpayers bought.)

But she told reporters Friday that in the midst of the planning, word came that the White House had leaked that the delegation was preparing to travel commercially.

“The fact that they would leak that we were flying commercial is a danger not only to us but to other people,” she said, adding it was “very irresponsible on the part of the president.”

Told that the White House denied being the source of the leak, Pelosi responded, “I rest my case.”

Congressional Clown Bus in DC. No Air Force planes for them. Photo by Fox News.


In a statement released by her office earlier Friday, spokesman Drew Hammill said:

“In the middle of the night, the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service provided an updated threat assessment detailing that the President announcing this sensitive travel had significantly increased the danger to the delegation and to the troops, security, and other officials supporting the trip,” continued Hammill. “This morning, we learned that the Administration had leaked the commercial travel plans as well.”

The White House, in a statement released on background, called the charge “a flat out lie.”

“When the Speaker of the house and about 20 others from Capitol Hill decide to book their own commercial flights to Afghanistan, the world is going to find out. The idea we would leak anything that would put the safety and security of any American at risk is a flat out lie,” the statement said.

Later, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders elaborated. “It is outrageous that she would accuse the president of the United States of putting any life in jeopardy,” Sanders said. “In fact the reason he didn’t want her to go is because he’s trying to protect American citizens. He wants to secure our border. And he wants a solution and he wants her to stay here to help him fix it.”

So Nancy claimed her plan was to get everyone aboard a commercial plane, but President Trump’s letter exposed the plan.

Uhhh, no it didn’t. Nancy Shrew’s plan was to waste a few million dollars of taxpayer money on this PR stunt by joyriding a military plane to three continents, and stay away from solving the shutdown in the process. Trump called Nancy out on her slimy stunt and stopped the Bozo patrol Thursday afternoon.

Nancy Shrew and/or her staffers evidently then might have tried to line up some commercial flights and use taxpayer money for the excursion. This is likely what triggered State Department agents to warn her there were so few commercial flights to Kabul’s airport that she and the other Dems would be likely targets.

President Trump’s letter was made public Thursday afternoon, when he prevented the military flight, and when reporters caught the congressional magic bus circling the streets of DC. It was known to anyone in the public with dull-normal or higher intelligence Pelosi and her fellow junketeers would have to go by commercial plane to Afghanistan, or to one of the former Soviet Union -istans and then by convoy into Afghanistan.

Thus the unusually frank White House charge that Nancy had told a “flat-out lie.”

Nancy already had a Pinocchio moment earlier in the week when she said Wednesday she wanted President Trump to postpone his State of the Union Address until after the shutdown because the Secret Service couldn’t guarantee the safety of the members of Congress and others in the House of Representatives and the gallery.

Leaders of the Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security said otherwise. A column in the anti-Trump Washington Post, owned by leftist robber baron Jeff Bezos (whose giant on-line retail business Amazon stands accused of worker exploitation), ran Thursday with the headline “Nancy Pelosi is lying about the State of the Union.” The columnist, Marc Thiessen, is a Bushie and a Koch apparatchik, essentially a neverTrumper. When the Washington Post sides with the Trump administration against Nancy Pelosi, some say Hell is about to freeze over.

Nancy’s planned getaway, which could have put congressional tourist and serial liar Adam Schiff (D-CAL) in close contact with camels on safari in Egypt, was just the latest attempt by Congressional Democrats to be out of town while they were claiming they wanted a deal that would end the partial government shutdown.

Nancy Shrew and pals in Hawaii. Photo by Daily Mail.


Over Christmas season, while President Trump was in DC, Ms. Nancy was at a fancy Hawaiian resort, according to the Daily Mail and various US media sources. The Daily Mail reported 12/28/2018 that Madame Speaker was staying at a place in Hawaii that costs $900 a night to stay and has a “spa without walls.”



Nancy’s own walls were breached a few days ago. Activist author Laura Loomer hired a bunch of Hispanic illegals and she and they scaled the walls of the Speaker’s Napa Valley vineyard estate.

Per World Net Daily 1/17/2019, this:

“Amid her staunch opposition to funding a border wall, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called police to evict illegal aliens from camping out at her multimillion-dollar vineyard estate in Napa Valley.

The Daily Wire reported citizen journalist and activist Laura Loomer brought illegal immigrants from Guatemala and Mexico onto the property of Pelosi’s walled estate Monday.

The entourage set up a portable canopy with the word “immorality” written on it in large red letters.

The reference was to Pelosi’s recent characterization of a wall on the southern border.

Cops confront Laura Loomer (wearing white hardhat and purple top) on Nancy Pelosi’s estate. Canopy is in background. Photo by writer Nick Monroe.


Hanging from the front of the canopy were photos of murder victims of illegal immigrants.
In a livestream of the event, Loomer read the names of the victims, adding that they were not welcome in “sanctuary state California.”

Monroe tweeted that Loomer checked to see if Pelosi had locked her front door, since “only bigots lock their doors.”

“Come on, you can’t say everyone is welcome here and then lock your door,” said Loomer. “You’re killing us, Nancy! You’re killing us!”

Loomer and the illegal immigrants chanted “Nancy, Nancy,” Monroe said.

Police officers showed up and asked for identification.

“I was told IDs were racist,” Loomer told the officers. “I’m so confused.”

The Daily Wire said the officers, on order from Pelosi, ticketed the illegal immigrants and removed them from the property instead of detaining them.”

How thoughtful.

The walls of her DC office complex worked better for Nancy Pelosi when Angel Moms (women who had lost children to homicides committed by illegal aliens) demanded to see her.

Per Breitbart, 1/15/2019, this:

“Women for Trump organizer Amy Kremer said in a periscope video after the protest that Pelosi not only refused to meet with the protesting Angel Moms, but were lied to about the speaker not being in her office. “Speaker Pelosi would not meet with the Angel Families,” said the pro-Trump activist. “As a matter of fact, they told us the speaker wasn’t there at that office and while we were there, somebody came in that had a private meeting with her and they escorted her back behind the wall!”



Nancy wasn’t the only congressional Democrat playing duck and cover.

While DC and its suburbs was getting hit by a snowstorm last weekend, a bunch of Democrat members of Congress accepted a junket to sunny Puerto Rico. Big company lobbyists evidently footed the bill.

Per Fox News 1/17/2019, this:

“New footage has emerged of congressional Democrats enjoying a swanky cocktail party in Puerto Rico in the midst of the partial government shutdown.

The oddly timed trip was first reported over the weekend. But footage obtained by Fox News gives a behind-the-scenes look at one of the island soirees, where at least three California Democrats can be seen gabbing with guests at the Sereno Sand Patio at La Concha Hotel, in San Juan.

Reps. Gil Cisneros, Pete Aguilar, and Mike Levin were filmed at the party organized by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PAC and heavily attended by lobbyists. The evening event was billed as a “cocktail reception and dinner.”

The trip took place at a fancy seaside resort with rooms costing more than $400 a night. The congressmen also planned to see a special performance of the hit Broadway show “Hamilton,” though they had to buy the tickets themselves.

The memo on the trip to Puerto Rico named over 100 lobbyists and corporate executives, some from Washington firms, R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions like the National Education Association.

The offices of Cisneros, Aguilar, or Levin did not respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

More than 30 Democratic members of Congress who traveled to Puerto Rico were called out by Republicans and President Trump, who criticized the timing of the trip.

“I’ve been here all weekend,” Trump told reporters. “A lot of the Democrats were in Puerto Rico celebrating something. I don’t know, maybe they’re celebrating the shutdown.”

“We have a very big crisis, a humanitarian crisis on the border. Everybody knows it, they know it.”

Another article, by Bob Bedard, in the Washington Examiner 1/11/2019, contained a portion of the CHC BOLD PAC invite to members. CHC BOLD PAC is the political action committee of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. The politicos sponsor a winter “retreat” (junket) to a warm weather resort each year. Bedard reported the following:

“We are excited for you to join us for CHC BOLD PAC’s 2019 Winter Retreat in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Each year, this retreat serves as a way for our CHC BOLD PAC Members and friends in the D.C. community to come together to escape the cold and discuss our shared priorities for a stronger and more prosperous country,” said a memo on the trip.

Some 109 lobbyists and corporate executives are named in the memo, a rate of 3.6 lobbyists for every member. They include those from several big K Street firms, R.J. Reynolds, Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, PhRMA, Microsoft, Intel, Verizon, and unions such as the National Education Association.”

Here is a copy of one of their recent party and payoff, errr, retreat memos I obtained from the Web. Click on the following link to read it.

Rep. Ben Ray Lujan CHC BOLD PAC Winter Miami Retreat Memo – Members (2)

Apparently the CHC BOLD PAC people haven’t made their 2019 party and payoff, errr, retreat memo public yet. But Bedard evidently got a heads-up, so he published details form it.

The article also showed a photo of swinish Senator Bob Menendez (credibly accused statutory rapist, New Jersey), fresh off his corruption trial (which ended in a hung jury and dismissal), which had info alleging he had sex with underage girls in a Caribbean island, hanging out in a bathing suit with a butt-crack flaunting babe. Way to negotiate with President Trump for the federal workers who vote for you, pendejo.

(Sources: New York Daily News, 8/25/2015; CNN, 1/31/2018)

Lesson One. The Candid Camera catches people doing foolish things routinely. Including Democrat senators. Photos and footage are evidence you can use in proving someone else’s wrongful behavior. I use the camera routinely in my work.

Lesson Two. The “memo” can be obtained and made public. The leftist media covered up the junket, because it made the Democrats look bad. Fox, which is a more balanced network for now, quoted it. The Washington Examiner, which is right of center, ran with it in almost TMZ fashion.

Lesson Three. A skillful liar can fit his or her tale to the facts of a situation so it will be hard to notice. Most people do not lie skillfully. Nancy’s lying about having alleged commercial flight plans exposed by the President was not skillful. Common sense said her version of the facts didn’t add up.



The story leftist media outlet BuzzFeed published about Trump’s disgraced former lawyer Michael Cohen getting a phone call from President Trump to lie when he is supposed to testify before Congress didn’t make any sense either.

Common sense should have told the BuzzFeed propagandists the story stunk.

Why would President Trump even approach Cohen? He knows now that Cohen tapes callers. Where is the tape?

President Trump also has shredded Cohen for his ongoing lying, and Cohen’s willingness to do virtually any sort of lying and groveling to reduce the prison term that awaits him.

President Trump is not guilty of any crime known to Cohen. He paid Cohen to get rid of a hooker whose loose and polluted mouth was causing him problems. Paying off a problem hooker to go away is good business, not a crime.

President Trump recently secured a judgment against the hooker that is almost three times the amount she got from him as a go-away payment. So her scheme to harm him has made her do more porn shows and beg for dollars on-line to satisfy the judgment. Imagine a hooker having to pay Trump! Now that’s a businessman!

The craziness of the BuzzFeed story should have alerted other media and the anti-Trumpers in Harveywood. Instead, they masturbated mentally, believing the story to be true. Again, it shows they lack common sense and/or honesty.

How hilariously wrong were the BuzzFeed bong hitters? So wrong that the Mueller Commission had to say they were full of it.

The leftist Huffington Post reported this 1/19/2019:

“Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office was unaware that it would be a central part of the bombshell BuzzFeed report Thursday on President Donald Trump and his former personal attorney Michael Cohen when it was originally asked to comment, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

That’s apparently why the office did not comment until after the piece appeared — and then said in a rare public statement that facts in the story were “not accurate,” according to the Post, citing unnamed insiders.”

Knucklehead feminists on parade in DC. BuzzFeed believers and Distemper Shot Queens.



Alex Berenson wrote a book critical of marijuana use that hit the market a few days ago. Then people threatened him and his family, he said in Fox News editorial. Here is most of it:

“The last week – the week since my new book “Tell Your Children” reached bookstores – has been more than eye-opening.

I knew that writing a book that suggested marijuana was not a cure-all medicine, and that cannabis may even cause psychosis and violence, would cause blowback from cannabis users, the people who profit by selling to them, and drug legalization advocates.

But the intensity of the anger – and their speed with which advocates have moved to attack a book that many have not even read – has been shocking. Cannabis advocates appear unwilling to accept anything less than full national legalization of cannabis – even if they must downplay or hide the drug’s very real mental health risks, and overstate its potential medical benefits, to do so.

“Tell Your Children” notes, “Cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia and other psychoses; the higher the use, the greater the risk.” Those words come directly from a comprehensive 2017 report on the health effects of cannabis from the National Academy of Medicine, a non-profit group that is the gold standard for health advice in the United States. It is the first comment on the mental health effects of cannabis that the group made.

But cannabis legalization advocates like the Drug Policy Alliance don’t like that comment. Instead of acknowledging it, they have pointed to the fact that one of the sixteen members of the commission – a researcher who works for a UCLA institute that openly accepts money from cannabis users – has now distanced herself from the report’s plain language. They conveniently ignore the fact that the other fifteen members have not.

Psychosis and schizophrenia are terrible diseases, causing their families and sufferers untoward misery. Unfortunately, people with schizophrenia are also at high risk for committing violence. And the first four states to have legalized marijuana have seen sharp increases in murders and aggravated assaults since 2013, when recreational legalization began – significantly faster increases than the national average.

But the advocates don’t want to admit that fact either. So instead of discussing why the increases are happening, they are trying to pretend they haven’t, doing everything possible to obscure the plain fact that murders in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington went from about 450 in 2013 to almost 620 in 2017.

My family and I have faced threats on Twitter and harassing phone calls. I ask cannabis users to leave my wife and children alone, and responsible cannabis advocates to join me in reminding users that my family is not fair game in this debate.

They don’t stop there. The director of the Drug Policy Alliance demanded that I disclose my own personal finances, implying that I wrote Tell Your Children to make as much money as possible. In fact, I took a substantial pay cut to write this book, because the public health demanded it.

It’s time for the legalization community to stop trying to shout down researchers and reporters, and face the facts on this issue, and accept reasonable – and strong – warnings that accurately reflect what we know about marijuana’s dangers.

All the shouting in the world won’t change the truth.”

Is Berenson right or wrong?

I can’t say at this point. If you need medicinal marijuana, or if you want to get stoned, do whatever. I’m the last to judge medical cures or people’s cravings for alcohol or drugs.

And I’m not necessarily buying the “legal dope means more crime” angle. The jump in the murder rate in states Berenson named could be due to illegals. They raise crime rates wherever they go.

Berenson says marijuana use increases the chances of schizophrenia and psychoses. If true, then marijuana use does make some people more prone to violence.

If Berenson is telling the truth about the threats he claims he and his family are facing, any threat to marijuana access makes too many stoners violent.

That’s a new one on me. I thought using dope was supposed to make you mellow.



Saturday afternoon, President Trump offered a little give and take on the Wall. Give me $5.7 billion for building 230 miles of the Wall, he said, and I’ll give 700,000 illegal DACAs and 300,000 temporary protected status aliens work permits for three years.

Democrats said, “NO DEAL.” Before President Trump made his speech. Then they resumed their recess vacations.

President Trump, knowing the Democrats won’t compromise, offered them more than he was willing to give them. They turned him down. Now he can go back to being a hard-ass.

I proposed to someone close to the Republican House leadership that President Trump should put full funding for the Wall – about $25 to $30 billion – into the infrastructure spending bomb, errr, bill,  and allow the Dems like spending for a project like the Gateway Tunnels between New Jersey and Manhattan. This project is estimated to cost a similar amount of money.

President Trump knows some of his enemies among the Republicans in the Senate and the departed GOP House Speaker Paul Rino Ryan blocked Wall spending when the GOP held both houses before the 2018 elections. Aided by election fraud, voter harvesting, and the laydown of House RINOs like cowards, the Dems took over the House. President Trump wants a House and Senate vote on the Wall. If they vote it down, then he will proceed to declare a national emergency and use existing allocated defense budget money to build the Wall quickly. If they vote it up, he will proceed with Wall building using the appropriated money. Either way, his enemies will be forced to put themselves on the record and in electoral jeopardy for 2020.



One side effect of the furlough of 800,000 federal employees during the partial shutdown? Increased on-line porn usage, allegedly.

Fox News’ inquiring newsgal Nicole Darrah reported this 1/18/2019:

“As the partial government shutdown heads into its 28th day, Pornhub has reported a spike in traffic — coinciding with the same time some federal workers have stayed home from work.

The site’s Insights team analyzed data from Jan. 7 to Jan. 11, and found that not only has PornHub seen an almost six percent increase in visitors, it’s also seen a “distinct shift in the hours during which people are watching porn.”

The porn-viewing site’s traffic — pre-shutdown — was usually at its peak from 10 p.m. to midnight.

But, post-shutdown, “late-night traffic increased by up to 14% above average, while early morning traffic from 9am to 10am had the smallest change.”

In Washington D.C. alone, Pornhub claims its hourly traffic has increased an average of 6.32 percent, with female traffic, in particular, increasing 12.3 percent above average.”

This is as close to porn as we will post on HTBYOD. Skirt is short enough to be interesting and long enough to cover the subject. If you suburban furloughed federal females into mommy porn need something more lascivious, you’re on your own.


It looks like our elite federal bureaucrats have found a way to fill the void since they can’t screw over the taxpayers while away from their offices. If the male and female TSA workers who routinely profile attractive American, Aussie, Canadian, and European blondes, redheads, and brunettes as terrorists so they can check on them more up-close and personal had been furloughed, I bet the jump in porn usage would be even higher.



Soul superstar Gladys Knight will be singing the National Anthem before the Super Bowl.

This has ticked off some social justice weenies. They are angry no team has signed Anthem-protesting Colin Kaepernick.

They forget the Baltimore Ravens were on the verge of doing so before the 2017 season until Colin’s female Nessa Diab posted pictures essentially calling the owner a slaveowner and calling long-time Ravens stud Ray Lewis (whose socially conscious posse gave him even more street cred by committing two homicides before an earlier Super Bowl in Atlanta) a house slave. At the time, starter Joe Flacco was injured and Ravens coach John Harbaugh, who saw Kaepernick play against his team in the Super Bowl, was in need of a QB who could steady his team. Harbaugh’s brother Jim had coached Colin while he was with the 49ers, and gave him a good reference.

Ray Lewis said the evil stunt cost Colin a gig with the team. Evidently no one else came calling Colin since then.

(Source: Baltimore Sun, 9/6/2017)

Nessa is a Moslem whose parents are from the Middle East. But maybe she’s not too knowledgeable a Moslem. Colin obeys her instead of the other way around.

Maybe that is excusable because Colin says he’s not a Moslem. Moslem believers are supposedly allowed to treat nonbelievers worse than other Moslem believers.

At any rate, this skank cost her fellah several million dollars. If that ain’t disrespect, I’m not sure what is.

Colin should consider cleansing her.

(Source: Paul Ferrell, Heavy.com, 8/3/2017)

Back to Ms. Knight, who is photoed with her brother and cousins, who were the Pips. A beautiful lady and three handsome gentlemen. Back in the day they killed it!

Gladys was born in 1944 in Georgia, when segregation, white on black crime, and other vestiges of slavery were still present in the South and elsewhere.

Today’s social justice weenies read about it in a book – assuming they can read. Gladys lived through it the first three decades of her life.

Gladys used her talent and put together a group with her brother and her cousins that rocketed them to the top of the charts.

From “Every Beat of My Heart” in 1961 to “Love Overboard” in 1987, Gladys and the Pips had 14 top 20 songs. You younger readers might have heard “If I Were Your Woman,” “Neither One of Us Wants To Be the First To Say Goodbye,” “Best Thing that Ever Happened To Me,” and their biggest hit “Midnight Train to Georgia” by Gladys and her relatives on your parents’ records, CDs or tapes, or on radio stations whose DJs still play quality wax.

Gladys doesn’t need to apologize to anyone for her accomplishments. So she didn’t. Instead, she released the following statement to the entertainment publication “Variety” on accepting the Super Bowl gig:

“I understand that Mr. Kaepernick is protesting two things, and they are police violence and injustice.”

“It is unfortunate that our National Anthem has been dragged into this debate when the distinctive senses of the National Anthem and fighting for justice should each stand alone.”

“I am here today and on Sunday, (February 3), to give the Anthem back its voice, to stand for that historic choice of words, the way it unites us when we hear it and to free it from the same prejudices and struggles I have fought long and hard for all my life, from walking back hallways, from marching with our social leaders, from using my voice for good — I have been in the forefront of this battle longer than most of those voicing their opinions to win the right to sing our country’s Anthem on a stage as large as the Super Bowl LIII.”

‘Nuf sed.

Gladys, a real activist, sang about the Midnight Train.

The congress-tart some call Alexa Occasional Escort, who passes for an activist today, talks about “running train.” To you non-hipsters, “running train” means basically what the older obscene phrase “pulling a train” means. If she ever chooses to have children, with the father’s entry on their birth certificates read “We the People?” Or will she get abortions from Planned Parenthood like a real P-ssy Hat wearer would do?



Per Fox News 1/18/2019, this:

“A House Democratic Caucus meeting was roiled Thursday morning after one representative floated the possibility that the ongoing partial federal government shutdown might affect federal authorities’ ability to secure the upcoming Super Bowl.

“That definitely got everyone’s attention,” one House Democrat who asked not to be identified told Fox News after the meeting.

Another lawmaker told Fox News that canceling the Super Bowl — a possibility that officials have not suggested — “would definitely lead to the end of the government shutdown.”

Did someone stock the Dem caucus snack bar with marijuana brownies? Not that their thinking is that good anyway.

Federal security forces will do their normal job at the pro football championship game. That’s because President Trump and his cabinet members control the agencies in question.

Notably, none of the Dems would advocate cancelling the Super Bowl on the record. They are cowards.

Try to interfere with the people’s bread and circuses, Democrats.

I double dog dare ya.



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