• Today is: Saturday, May 4, 2024

Ellis Island, Not Gilligan’s Island (Part One)

June20/ 2018

Our current immigration mess did not happen overnight. Like many societal ailments this nation has today, its germs came from the 1960s.

On the TV in the mid 1960s was a dumb but harmless sitcom called “Gilligan’s Island.” It was about a group of people who survived a tourist boat wreck and landed on an uninhabited island. It had some nice eye candy in Dawn Wells and Tina Louise, but the focus of the show was on Bob Denver’s character Gilligan, the poor stooge who was the butt of everyone else’s jokes because of his dumb ideas which he expressed dumbly.

Gilligan’s bumbling would be an apt metaphor for the nation’s immigration policy from that time forward to today. What is considered the “modern era” of immigration began during the administration of Lyndon Johnson in the mid 1960s, while “Gilligan’s Island” was a popular show. Johnson and his Congress produced the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which introduced daisy-chaining of families of aliens into this country as federal immigration policy. In a way it is fitting, because Johnson owed his seat in the Senate (and his subsequent career which put him in the White House when he and the Deep State arranged the murder of John Kennedy) to illegal votes attributed to Mexican nationals in South Texas.

(In today’s post, and over the next few posts, I am going to review immigration for you in an era when America did it right. I researched and published the book “When America Did Immigration Right” in 2010. I did the work using US laws and public record and interviews with subject experts. When you are done reading these, you will know more about immigration than almost all of our members of Congress and all of the liars in the media.)

It is easy and irresponsible to criticize the majority of immigration agents at Ellis Island and elsewhere from the safety of today. The truth is no other country welcomed immigrants like the United States did, and as a nation the United States was barely 100 years old itself when Ellis Island opened for business. In that time, the United States grew from an Atlantic Seaboard country into a country roughly as large as Europe, and had withstood a terrible Civil War.

There was no federal immigrant inspection law until 1891.Until that time, state officials had admitted immigrants to the United States. Federal authorities had federalized immigrant processing in New York City’s harbor in 1890, and they federalized immigrant processing in the rest of the country in 1891.

This chapter looks at how American officials screened immigrants coming through Ellis Island. We focus on Ellis Island for a very simple reason – volume. From when the U.S. government first started screening immigrants in New York in 1890 until the end of the great waves of immigration in 1924, federal agents on Ellis Island and elsewhere in the harbor facilities of New York City processed about 70% of all immigrants seeking to gain entry into the United States.



Since the opening of the Erie Canal in 1825, which tied the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean via the Hudson River, New York City was the dominant seaport of the United States. Therefore most immigrants came in steerage through New York City’s port. They simply got off the ships when they landed, and settled in New York or went elsewhere.

The first formal immigration station in New York City was at Castle Garden on Manhattan Island. New York state officials processed immigrants at Castle Garden starting in 1855 to protect immigrants from being ripped off by New York sharpies and other vermin in Gotham. However, the ongoing corruption of New York officials and other state officials in the immigrant processing business led the Feds to take over processing immigrants in the early 1890s. Federal officials started processing immigrants at the Barge Office on Manhattan Island in 1890 until Ellis Island opened for business in 1892. (After the fire destroyed the wooden structures on Ellis Island in 1897, federal agents processed immigrants at the Barge Office again until the new brick facilities on Ellis Island were ready in 1900.)

Castle Garden is the kidney-shaped building with the turret on the roof in the foreground. You can see the Statue of Liberty out in the harbor, and Ellis Island, the low island with the big building surrounded by ships, to Liberty Island’s right. Photo taken 1902.


Ellis Island and the other federal immigration stations had a more thorough mission … screening immigrants as well as protecting them. Processing of immigrants was supposed to screen out those deemed a detriment to the United States. The immigration officials proceeded on the reasonable standard that immigration should benefit the United States instead of benefiting only the immigrants.

As immigration officials learned their jobs and learned what to look for when inspecting would-be immigrants, they adjusted the inspection process to improve it.

The advance of science brought better medical techniques and public health practices. This allowed inspectors to screen out would-be immigrants with medical problems that forbade them from coming into the United States. This also allowed immigration officials to disinfect immigrants to prevent the spread of disease and allowed the immigration service’s doctors and nurses to treat and cure many sick immigrants.

The advance of science brought better communication. The “wireless” radio telegraph joined the telegraph and the telephone as a means of rapid communication. This meant immigration officials could quickly get tips on unsavory individuals trying to enter the country, so they could detain them, arrest them, and deport them.

The advance of science also advanced industry. Industrial innovations included quantifiable standards, the discipline of quality control, and time and motion studies to improve products and production. Government officials – many who came from the private sector and after a few years went back, instead of too many of the careerists of today – applied these ideas to systematically organize the processing of immigrants.

There was at least one other factor which contributed to the treatment of immigrants at Ellis Island and other immigration stations – the growing participation of reformers in public life.

Labor unions were very controversial in the 1890s. That decade saw the bloody Homestead steel strike in Pennsylvania, several miners’ strikes in the West that involved bloodshed, and the Pullman Car strike in Illinois, which escalated into a nationwide railroad workers’ strike that soldiers broke with gunfire. It wouldn’t be until Theodore Roosevelt that there was a president who was openly sympathetic with strikers when their strike was just. However, more and more people who were not manual laborers began to see the appalling conditions of many job sites and the abysmally low wages for the jobs many workers performed were unjust.

Likewise, the blatantly crooked people who ran city, state, and federal governments inspired the outrage of many people. Since the people of the late 1800s were much more prone to react to corruption than we are now, there were politicians, publishers, and others who realized they could harness this anger to make reforms. Some politicians and writers decided to become reformers on principle; others did so to further their political careers or sell more newspapers.

Some of the best reformers in that era were women. Women as a rule could not work as white-collar employees in the corporations of the time, and they were by and large discouraged from being doctors or lawyers as well. As a class, about the only women executives in the United States were Catholic nuns who ran hospitals and school systems. As a class, about the only women who could shape public opinion were writers. Novelists Harriet Beecher Stowe (the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin), and Helen Hunt Jackson (the author of A Century of Dishonor and Ramona) changed many people’s hearts and minds on the evils of slavery and the treatment of American Indians. Print media women Nellie Bly (who uncovered abuses at a mental institution by deliberately getting committed) and Ida Tarbell (the muckraker who wrote The History of the Standard Oil Company) had more impact than most male journalists of the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Women had the right to vote in some states, but did not win the right to vote nationwide until after World War One. However, women still had the right to act. Women like Jane Addams (the foundress of Hull House in Chicago) and Mother Cabrini (a Catholic nun — an immigrant from Italy herself — foundress of many orphanages and schools) helped the poor and inspired others to do so.

More and more women became teachers, nurses, and social workers. Many of them worked with the working poor – the many families who needed Papa’s wage, Mama’s wage, and some of the children’s pennies to eke out a living. Some of the women in these professions agitated for government officials to ensure the working poor got more decent treatment. The work of these women aided the work of some men of the day in trying to put government power to use to ensure fairer treatment for people.

The desire of many Americans for more humanitarian use of authority aided the people who processed immigrants at Ellis Island and elsewhere in doing their jobs more efficiently and humanely.

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Roll Over, James Comey, Tell Rod Rosenstein the News

June17/ 2018

I was not brought up to think of FBI agents and Justice Department prosecutors as crooked scumbags. Nor were most of us.

Both of my grandfathers were Chicago policemen who were wounded in the line of duty. A criminal shot Grandpa Leo in the back, and he carried that bullet with him to his grave. The Krauts, a little earlier in World War One, gassed him, and they would eventually cost him most of his eyesight.

Grandpa Charlie also served in World War One, but never left the country. He suffered life threatening injuries in a car wreck while on police duty in the late 1920s. Grandpa Charlie, whose picture is the main picture for this website, arrested Jack McGurn, the mastermind behind the Valentines Day Massacre. McGurn (true name Vincenzo Gebardi) imported German-American gangsters from St. Louis to wear cop uniforms and shoot Bugs Moran’s gang.

Grandpa Charlie advised the producers of “The Untouchables” TV show starring Robert Stack as T-man Eliot Ness. Grandpa Charlie had arrested a number of the men portrayed in the show, and he knew a lot about them. Grandpa and my Dad, a tough stud of a man who looked like Robert Stack, also admired Frank Wilson, the bespectacled IRS agent whose number crunching made the tax case against Al Capone that sent Scarface to Alcatraz. Wilson had the stones to tell Capone where to go despite Capone threatening him and his family.

We also grew up with “The FBI” – a show starring World War Two veteran Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. – the star of “77 Sunset Strip” and the father of Stephanie Zimbalist of “Remington Steele” fame. Zimbalist and the other actors who played FBI agents underwent background checks like FBI agents had to do. Zimbalist admired the G-men and wanted to portray them in the best light. Like Jack Webb’s “Dragnet” used real LAPD cases as bases for shows, the FBI shows based upon real FBI cases.

Grandpa Charlie was leery, not of the agents, but of the top men of the FBI. He said they could have prevented JFK’s murder, but did not do so. Grandpa Charlie, an Illinois delegate to the 1960 Democratic Party convention,  was a JFK man who blamed President Kennedy’s murder on Lyndon Johnson, who like the Clintons, was not averse to having people inconvenient to him die.

Grandpa quit the Democrats when LBJ took over. He hated murderers.

History repeats itself. The IG report confirms the FBI is nakedly guilty of trying to engineer the election of Hillary Clinton, and of illegal spying upon the people of Donald Trump in an attempt to stop his election, and to cause his removal from office.

The inspector general report, released on Trump’s birthday by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, one of the few nationally known Democrats who is not a known criminal or scumbag, is a work by committee whose people seemingly couldn’t agree, if you listen to the media.

The 14 pages of the “executive summary” of the IG report is not getting great praise. Leftists are less unhappy with it than others, because it gives them some wiggle room in defending Hillary.

Since it is now a public record, you can read it for yourself if you find it on the Net. Or, since I have found it, click on this link below to read it and download it for yourself.


I read the executive summary and parts of the full report and concluded there was some sugarcoating in the summary, but enough iron in it to mean trouble for failed fired FBI chief James Comey. It also means trouble for Peter Strzok (the FBI counterintelligence official who ran the Hillary e-mails investigation and the alleged Russia collusion with Trump campaign investigation) and his partner in adultery FBI lawyer Lisa Page. There is also trouble for other FBI agents, and for former AG Loretta Lynch and former DOJ high official Sally Yates.

FBI adulterous lovebirds Peter Strozk and Lisa Page


The writer of the executive summary noted the investigators said Comey was insubordinate and overreaching in releasing info about Hillary before the Democratic Convention that showed she broke a bunch of laws but was ignorant, not culpable.

Rod Rosenstein fired Comey in May 2017, for essentially the same reasons – insubordination and overreaching in the Hillary scandal. (President Trump wanted Comey gone because of his many problems.) Rosenstein then hired Comey’s buddy Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate Donald Trump and his people not only for the Russia snipe hunt, but for anything else Gestapo Mueller could fabricate.

The writer also said the investigators found Comey was insubordinate and overreaching in releasing info about Hillary and Anthony Weiner’s laptop days before the general election that showed she FBI re-opened the investigation on her due to Weiner’s laptop but didn’t find anything new.

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Plain Talk about Espionage, Tariffs, Despair, and Repentance

June10/ 2018

I am not much of a TV watcher.

My favorites are shows that ran when I was a kid. Perry Mason, The Untouchables. Gunsmoke, Bonanza. Mission Impossible, Dragnet. Petticoat Junction, Here Come the Brides. The Avengers, and The Saint.

“The Saint” was Roger Moore’s vehicle before he replaced Sean Connery as James Bond. He played roguish investigator Simon Templar, or “The Saint” for Templar’s initials. He was a lady’s man, but he was able to slug it out with the criminals who menaced decent people. He put on a devil-may-care façade, but he was a knight errant who was willing to risk his life fighting for justice. In many of the shows, a weak person overcomes his or her fallen nature to do something courageous to help The Saint.

Roger Moore as “The Saint”

The Saint was a good spy and break-in man, but he only used such powers to help victims.

In “The Saint,” like the rest of the shows named above, good wins and evil loses.

Sadly, that’s not how it is in real life.

Leftist news sources are touting that someone hacked the cellphone of President Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly in 2016. This is somehow in their twisted minds supposed to show Trump and his people are careless or are in collusion with the Russians.

The leftist media are not calling for anyone’s arrest over the alleged hacking.

They are also silent on the fact the FBI and likely the CIA used taxpayer dollars to put spies into the Trump campaign to help Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and the many upper income traitors in the government whose political futures and careers were tied to Obama and Hillary.

They are also silent on Chinese spies gaining access to defense secrets.

Some military people will sell our secrets for money. Others do so because they are objectively disordered like Bradley/Chelsea/Fruitcake Manning, the jailed soldier he turned she/it who leaked thousands of classified documents to Wikileaks, and whose freak surgery we taxpayers paid for. Obama commuted his/her/its sentence and he/she/it is now running to be a Democrat senator from Maryland. He/she/it has not dropped out of the race even after a potential suicide alarm.

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John Dillinger Robbed Here First!

June03/ 2018

“John Dillinger robbed here first.”

A few days ago, 99 and I were on the road for a project. We drove into a little town in Ohio named New Carlisle. It is near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base northeast of Dayton, and is about an hour’s drive west of Columbus.

The sharp-eyed 99 saw a little plaque on a building that housed a curio shop. The plaque noted the building once housed a bank, and the bank was the first bank John Dillinger ever robbed.

Photo by Author. Where John Dillinger Robbed First?


So I looked into the claim.

John Dillinger, a native of Indianapolis, grew up in Mooresville, Indiana. He was bright and hard-working, but bored. He stole a car, then enlisted in the Navy to avoid capture. He jumped ship, married a 16-year-old girl in 1924 when he was 21, and moved her from Mooresville, Indiana to Indianapolis.

He and a hood with a criminal record named Ed Singleton tried to rob a store in Mooresville, but the police caught them. Singleton hired a lawyer, lied, and pleaded innocent. Singleton was found guilty, and got a two-year sentence. Dillinger, on the advice of his father, owned up to the crime, showed up without a lawyer after the local prosecutor promised an easy sentence, and drew a 2 to 14 year sentence and another 10 to 20 year sentence for his honesty. Dillinger did 8-1/2 years in an Indiana prison; state officials paroled him in 1933. His wife divorced him before his parole.



According to the FBI website, this is what followed:

“His (Dillinger’s) period of infamy began on May 10, 1933, when he was paroled from prison after serving eight-and-a-half years of his sentence. Almost immediately, Dillinger robbed a bank in Bluffton, Ohio. Dayton (Ohio) police arrested him on September 22, and he was lodged in the county jail in Lima, Ohio to await trial.

(The government employee who wrote this forgot to note Bluffton and Lima are both in Allen County, Ohio. This would explain why cops jailed him there because it is the county seat, and the location of the county jail.)

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Joan of Arc and the History of Memorial Day

May29/ 2018

Memorial Day is a sad day on the nation’s calendar, as it is supposed to be a day of honoring those military people who died fighting to protect our nation and our way of life.

General John Logan, the leader of the Grand Army of the Republic, picked May 30 as the day Union war veterans and the public would honor the dead in the Civil War. The first Memorial Day in the Union states was May 30, 1868.

Robert E. Lee had to surrender what was left of the Army of Northern Virginia to U.S. Grant at Appomattox. He did so April 9, 1865. General Joseph Johnston, who had tried in vain to link up with Lee’s men near the North Carolina/Virginia border, surrendered his army and Rebels still under arms in Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina to General William Tecumseh Sherman on April 26, 1865.

Rugged William Sherman (L) and crafty Joseph Johnston (R).

They became friends after the Civil War. 


Many Southerners viewed April 26 as the effective end of the Civil War. So families of Southern dead started decorating Rebel soldiers’ graves on that day. Other Southerners chose June 3, which was Jefferson Davis’ birthday, as a Decoration Day.

After World War One, when millions of Southerners and Northerners fought together under the American flag again, most Southerners started using May 30 to honor America’s war dead. They retained April 26 or June 3 for specifically honoring Confederate soldiers who died in the Civil War.

Those who attack Southern memorials today (except those for Nathan Bedford Forrest and Jeff Davis) are almost all scum. They are also conveniently ignorant of the truth that it was a war that drew almost full participation of the men of the South. Of the six million white people in the South, three million were males. Of these, 1.5 million mustered into the Confederacy’s armed services. This means virtually able bodied man from 16 to 40 served in the war. So Silent Sam is Everyman to Southerners whose ancestors were in the South during the Civil War.

The Rebels served a bad cause, but were courageous in the attempt. It took two of my relatives and 2.8 million other men who mustered for the Union to beat the Southerners. One had hard time in the Army of the Potomac. The other served under General Sherman.

By comparison, Americans suffered fewer deaths and beat the Germans and the Japanese in less time in World War Two. United Americans can do damn near anything.

In 1968, Lyndon Johnson and the Congress decided to make Memorial Day a Monday holiday for a three day weekend. LBJ, who helped in the murder of war hero John Kennedy, did more to demoralize the military of this nation than any other president. His inept and dishonest leadership of the military led to needless losses of American lives and failure in a winnable war.

Self satisfied college punks and their worthless profs fomented hatred against soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. Leftist politicians like the Clintons and the vast majority of Democrats since the Carter Administration fed the hatred for the military.

LBJ died in 1973. The eternal flames marking his resting place are the fires of Hell.

My Memorial Day is still May 30. I’ll explain why a little later.

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Leftists Commit Sex Crimes; Trump Pardons Falsely Charged Jack Johnson

May28/ 2018

Harvey Weinstein faces rape and other sex offense charges in New York City.  A Manhattan judge a few days ago arraigned Weinstein to inform him of charges against him. Weinstein posted $1 million in bail, surrendered his passport, and waddled out of court.

Federal investigators are reportedly checking if Weinstein arranged the transport of women across state lines for sexually abusive purposes. For those of you playing at home, such offenses are Mann Act violations.

Social justice bedwetters are acting as if it was their work Weinstein has been charged. Just like the leftist singers and actresses of the 1970s and 1980s hid or mocked while singer Connie Francis alone fought rapists and those who enabled them, today’s social justice bedwetters had little to do with Weinstein’s arrest.

Earlier this year social justice bedwetters whined because the New York Police Department Special Victims’ Unit boss Michael Osgood, who went after Weinstein, donated more than $2000 to Mr. Trump’s presidential campaign. Many of them want Osgood fired.

While Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and other prominent leftists were committing rape, Trump as a businessman donated thousands of dollars to the NYPD so they could pay for posters identifying wanted rapists.

Sex offender Harvey Weinstein and woman beating sexual predator Eric Schneiderman

It’s up to you, New York, New York.


Osgood is an innovator in the policing of sex offense cases, and is responsible for the convictions of thousands of rapists, despite having to work with prosecutors in New York City who are leftist vermin.

Osgood’s men brought Harvey Weinstein in for questioning in 2015 after he tried to rape an Italian model named Ambra Battilana. Weinstein threatened the officers like the entitled pig that he is. Then his lawyer got ahold of the Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. (the son of Cyrus Vance the failed Secretary of State for the failed Jimmy Carter) and his minions in the Manhattan (New York County) District Attorney’s Office.

Per New York Magazine 3/19/2018, this:

“He (Weinstein) retained two lawyers with ties to the district attorney’s office, including Elkan Abramowitz, Vance’s former law partner and a donor to his campaign. To cement their access to Vance’s office, the lawyers hired Linda Fairstein, the former head of the DA’s Sex Crimes Unit and a close friend of Bashford’s.” (Martha Bashford is a chief sex crimes prosecutor for the Manhattan District Attorney.)

(How to be Your Own Detective teaching point: The writer looked up the backgrounds of the lawyers in the DA’s Office and their fellow obstructors of justice on Team Weinstein. Then the writer checked databases for donations Weinstein and his shysters made to the DA shysters and their political allies. The writer found out any relationships between Team Weinstein and the prosecutors. This is what you and I should do, and can. Especially follow the money and relationships trails when there are odd government official actions that fly in the face of justice.)

The DA’s people were so hateful to Miss Battilana (they essentially spied on her and asked her roommates if she was a prostitute) that Osgood and his men had to hide her out for several days from the leftist punks of the highly politicized Manhattan DA’s Office.

“Five days after he and his team sequestered Ambra Battilana in a hotel room to protect her from Vance’s office, she agreed to meet with Martha Bashford, the head of the DA’s sex crimes unit. Bashford didn’t inform the SVD, but Battilana’s lawyer did, and Osgood’s investigative team showed up at the attorney’s office before Bashford arrived.”

“During the meeting, according to Bock (a NYPD officer), Bashford grilled Battilana about her personal life — including one of the infamous sex parties thrown by Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi that she had attended. Battilana told Bashford that she and her friends had left as soon as the sex started. “The questioning was aggressive and accusatory,” Bock recalls. “Again, the victim was upset. She felt like she was under attack.”

Days later, Dem DA Vance and his pussy hat wearing prosecutor shysters decided not to prosecute Harvey Weinstein.

Osgood did not fold. Before and after actress Rose McGowan came forward against Harvey Weinstein late last year, he continued the investigation against the movie mogul perv. Since Ms. McGowan came forward, Osgood has investigated the cases of more than a dozen women who have come forward against Weinstein. (New York Magazine, 3/19/2018)

The social justice bedwetters remain silent about their leftist politicians. Vance and Ms. Bashford still have jobs, which the taxpayers of New York pay for. The social justice bedwetters, to include cop hater New York mayor De Blasio, are too busy attacking Donald Trump.

In fact, the social justice bedwetters were OK with former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman aka Eric Shysterman. According to a 5/7/2018 New Yorker article, one of his several victims was told to swallow it by other women she thought were her friends because they liked it that Schneiderman was also abusing his prosecutor powers to orchestrate multi-state lawsuits by crooked Democrat state attorneys-general against President Trump. Another of his victims kept quiet about the abuse because she also liked what he did as a politician.

How much is being said about Shysterman now? Crickets.

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Should Deep State Criminals Face Military Tribunals?

May26/ 2018

Those who know history can profit by it … so today we are talking about military tribunals.

Some people know military men tried the conspirators behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Some people know military men tried the Nazi and Japanese war criminals of World War Two.

It might be time to re-introduce military tribunals to America to protect the public from government criminals.

It turns out Obama’s former CIA chief John Brennan, a Moslem with Communist Party sympathies, was almost certainly the “mastermind” behind all the anti-Trump spying. He reportedly directed an “inter-agency task force” comprising of key people in the CIA, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, top people in the FBI and elsewhere in the Justice Department, and figures from other government agencies, the Hillary campaign, and the Obama White House.

Clapper has defended the spying as beneficial.

President Trump calls it “SpyGate.”

The Deep State spy effort against Mr. Trump was as beneficial to him as the New England Patriots’ spying on other teams was to the other teams’ success against the Patriots.

British and Australian officials worked with the Obama Administration conspirators and the Hillary campaign conspirators against Mr. Trump and his people. The CIA evidently ran a spy operation against Mr. Trump on American soil, which is clearly illegal. Top officials in the FBI broke many laws in giving Hillary a pass for her illegal server, and giving her a pass for essentially selling 20% of our uranium reserves to the Putin regime in exchange for about $150 million for her foundation.

In fact, anti-Trump special prosecutor Robert Gestapo Mueller and DOJ No. 2 Rod Rosenstein, who hired Mueller to take down Trump by conducting illegal and unethical prosecutions against his associates, were key FBI and Justice Dept. officials who let Hillary sell the Russians access to our uranium, which is used in making nuclear bombs. Andrew McCabe, the former No. 2 in the FBI, and James Comey, the former FBI chief after Gestapo Mueller, were also involved in the radioactive Putin uranium grab that had Hillary’s approval.

There is some reporting that Rosenstein was blackmailed into picking Gestapo Mueller.

There is some reporting there were multiple spies assigned to infiltrate or otherwise check on Mr. Trump and his people … and these spies drew government paychecks your taxes paid for.

There is an air of defiance on the part of the criminals. They believe they or their lawyers or their judge friends or their friends still in government, and their friends in the media, and Soros money, street criminals and leftist lawyers will help them escape punishment for their crimes.

There are a lot of FBI people and CIA people and DOJ people with weapons and explosives and the ability to press criminal and civil charges against whistleblowers and other opponents of the Deep State who are sympathetic to the lawbreakers.

There are a lot of corrupt lawyers who are friends of the lawbreakers in prosecutor and judge positions throughout the federal court system. They also have the ability to bring charges against whistleblowers and other opponents of the Deep State.

Civil service laws protect these enemies of the Republic even when they are blatant lawbreakers. IRS harpy Lois Lerner escaped with her pension despite her spying on Americans and breaking tax laws. Veterans Administration officials who let our veterans die untreated kept their jobs and got bonuses. Obama’s BATFags gave guns to Mexican drug gangs, who then used them to kill Border Patrol agent Brian Terry. And the Department of Homeland Security has too many quislings and obstructionists in its management.

The government official class protect each other and exploit We the People for budgets, salaries, and pensions.

Clapper lied about the extent of snooping the Obama Administration did on Americans in the wake of the Edward Snowden fiasco. Many people in the government and the media are blackmail targets.

Those who are not blackmail targets have loved ones they would like to see live free from harm.

There are foreign governments in England and Australia and Russia sympathetic to the lawbreakers, and whose agents and officials assisted them in their lawbreaking. Two of the nations have atomic bombs. The British have a history of duplicity against America more than 200 years old. The Russians haven’t stopped making trouble for America since the Communists overthrew the democratic Kerensky Government in November 1917.

Despite their ugliness and demented looks, these are not Hillary supporters. But they were kindred spirits. These were female Nazi prison camp guards who would answer for their crimes.


The Deep Staters have also evidently acted illegally against the will of the voters of most of the states of the Union in spying on Mr. Trump, lying about him, targeting him and his associates for criminal or civil prosecution illegally, and conspiring with foreign powers to do so. Their acts of sedition have been aimed at overthrowing the civilian order in this nation, which is like a military threat in that they used spies and force and foreign government agents to attempt the putsch against the Trump campaign, the Trump transition team, and the Trump Administration.

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The Precinct Movement Can Help Trump; Democrats’ Organized Crimes

May21/ 2018

Every day of President Donald Trump’s administration is a civics lesson in just how corrupt the established order in this nation really is.

The report of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is days away from release. It promises to be an excrement fest for the top crooks in the FBI, the Justice Department, and other agencies full of Democrat operatives and other corrupt payrollers.

In advance of the report, some interesting things are coming out in the news.

The New York Times and other sources are admitting the FBI placed a spy in the Trump presidential campaign, even before they faked a dossier to get FISA warrants to spy on President Trump by spying on his people. (Breitbart 5/18/2018, 5/19/2018)

“The F.B.I. obtained phone records and other documents using national security letters — a secret type of subpoena — officials said. And at least one government informant met several times with Mr. Page and Mr. Papadopoulos (peripheral Trump campaign people),” the Times reported, citing “current and former officials.”

According to the Wall Street Journal‘s Kimberley Strassel, the source meant “the FBI secretly had a person on the payroll who used his or her non-FBI credentials to interact in some capacity with the Trump campaign.”

“This would amount to spying, and it is hugely disconcerting,” she wrote in a piece last Thursday.” (Breitbart 5/16/2018)

And this:

“Both the (New York) Times and The (Washington) Post reported that agents sent an informant — an American academic who teaches in Britain — to meet with advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, seeking to probe their alleged Russia ties. He paid Papadopoulos $3,000 for a paper on a gas dispute in the Mediterranean and for a trip to London for them to speak.

The Post also reported that he met with Trump campaign co-chairman Sam Clovis, offering to provide foreign policy expertise to the Trump campaign.” (Fox News, 5/20/2018)

Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who lied before Congress, says the FBI’s illegal spying on the Trump campaign was a good idea.

Clapper got Comey to tell President-elect Trump about the totally false Clinton-Steele “pee” dossier, so he could tip his soon-to-be employers at CNN, so they could talk about the “pee” dossier in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump so forces in the government could think about removing him from office. Clapper lied about leaking the “pee” dossier, but later admitted to doing so. (The Hill, 4/27/2018)

John Brennan, the former Communist and current Moslem CIA director under Obama, reportedly had a secret group trying to break down Michael Flynn, who was slated to be Donald Trump’s national security adviser. He, instead of Clapper and Comey, actually launched the illegal investigations against Mr. Trump in 2016, and got them to do their own lawbreaking with illegal probes and leaks of their own. (Real Clear Politics, 5/17/2018, Big League Politics, 5/17/2018)


Supposedly blackmailers forced Justice Department No. 2 Rod Rosenstein into appointing Robert (Gestapo) Mueller the Nazi as the Special Counsel in charge of the Trump/Russia/everything else snipe hunt. (Big League Politics, 5/17/2018)

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Rapists and Politicians; Rapists and Alcoholics Anonymous

May13/ 2018

Before we get started, let me wish all of you moms, starting with my lovely wife 99, a Happy Mother’s Day.

Mary, the Mother of Our Lord, Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist, Hannah the mother of Samuel, the mother who died a martyr with her seven sons per the Second Book of Maccabees, Helena the mother of Constantine, Monica the mother of Augustine, and so many other women throughout history made it possible for the world to improve by being great mothers to children.

Your sons and daughters might not be remembered in history books, but the good they do in their communities is a tribute to the sound example you gave them, moms.

The selfless love of mothers holds the fabric of civilization together.


After I turned 50, some younger people asked me what I was thinking. I said I was thinking of my Mom, struggling to give birth to me in the wee hours of the night 50 years earlier, and all the work she did to raise my brothers and sisters and me. (Libby, aka Elizabeth Liberty, one of my sisters, died as a very little girl …. but I count her too.) I said I was also thinking of my Dad, who worked so hard to support all of us and who was tough and honorable.



Now to the learning topic for today — checking on workers and volunteers. We have a page on the website for doing background checks. But people refuse to check and get rudely surprised.

Alabama judge Sue Bell Cobb, a Democrat candidate for governor of that state, is wetting herself today because one of her campaign workers is a convicted rapist who was caught violating sex offender address notification and keeping distance from children laws.

I copied this article from the 5/12/2018 AL.com website so you can read for yourself how leftist judges and other leftist politicians cover for vicious rapists.

“A paid staffer working on former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb’s gubernatorial campaign resigned on Friday, one day after he was charged by authorities for violating the state’s sex offender registration and notification act.

Cobb, on Saturday following a Democratic governor’s forum in Mobile, told AL.com that she “accepted” the resignation of Paul Littlejohn III, who was released from prison in 2014 after serving 30 years for a rape and sodomy offense in 1984.

But Cobb continued to defend Littlejohn’s character, while criticizing his arrest as “politically motivated.” Littlejohn had been serving as Cobb campaign’s Jefferson County field director.

(Jefferson County is the keyest county in Alabama. It is where Birmingham and its suburbs are.)

“It’s as politically motivated of a charge as I’ve seen,” Cobb said, noting that the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is headed up by a Republican Sheriff Mike Hale. “Why? The Republicans don’t want to run against Sue Bell Cobb. Governor Ivey doesn’t want to run against Sue Bell Cobb. They found that as an opportunity to take advantage of information that had been sent out into the public forum.”

Sue Bell Cobb is a sow who refers to herself in the third person.


She said an arrest warrant was issued after she held a news conference defending Littlejohn’s character after news reports surfaced about his background.

Cobb also said that the Littlejohn first learned about the charges by a TV news reporter.

“A reporter called him,” she said. “Does that sound right to you? No that doesn’t sound right.”

(Comment: Cobb is a lying pig. Her solid man Littlejohn knew he was breaking the law by not registering his address properly and by being around children at a church daycare center.)

Cobb added, “I know there are people who are concerned. But it’s based on false information that was put into the public forum by people wanting to make sure that I’m not elected.”

Randy Christian, chief deputy with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, said Littlejohn was arrested for “breaking the law” by a sheriff’s investigator.

“He (the investigator) was doing his job, plain and simple, and doing it well,” Christian said in a statement to AL.com. “How sad that a candidate for governor supports a convicted sex offender over sexual assault victims.”

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What Trump Haters in Media Helped You Miss Recently

May11/ 2018

Here’s some stories you may have missed recently if you depend upon the Trump haters in the media — the  lunatic mainstream news organizations — for your info:



The corruptocrats of the FBI admit a criminal gang used drones to spy on them while they were involved in a hostage situation. This meant the criminal gang kept the hostage. The FBI would not say where the event took place, or if they were later able to rescue the victim. So we must conclude they were unprepared and the hostage is either still a captive or is dead.

Why didn’t they use shotguns to shoot down the drones? Or lasers to scramble them?


The FBI has spent too much time spying on Donald Trump and other patriots, and not enough time on basic crime fighting. They have crapped their drawers on 9/11, the Pulse Nightclub shooting, the San Bernardino Shooting, the Boston Marathon Bombing, and the Fort Hood Shooter, for starters.

The FBI is viciously suppressing the truth about the Las Vegas shooters. Yes, shooters. As in more than one, in the Mandalay Bay Hotel, operated by Moslem-friendly management. Was it yet another FBI/BATF sting gone wrong, like the Oklahoma City Bombing?

Are you aware the FBI was kept out of the Al Capone case?

President Hoover snubbed his namesake J. Edgar Hoover and instead tapped the Treasury Department to take out the evil mob boss. Using a ledger seized in a raid on one of Capone’s businesses, tax agent Frank Wilson put together a tax evasion case against Scarface. Meanwhile T-man Eliot Ness and his Untouchables raided Capone distilleries. They smashed or seized alcohol making equipment and alcohol, cutting down on the crime boss’ income and diverting his attention away from Wilson. Eventually they brought Capone to trial in front of Judge James Wilkerson, who switched out a tampered jury to stop Capone’s crooked plan to beat the prosecution.

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