• Today is: Thursday, March 6, 2025

Zachary Taylor, Donald Trump, and Why the GOP Must Become the Working People’s Party

November24/ 2018

Holding public office in America should be an honor and a trust. Because today (November 24) is his birthday, I’m going to talk about an American hero who really did merit the honor and trust of holding public office.

The American people elected this man, Kentucky’s Zachary Taylor, as president in 1848. They chose him not because he was a skillful politician, but because they appreciated his lifetime of service to the nation as a military officer who made good decisions and shared the dangers and deprivations of his men on the frontier and in battle. Taylor was one of the nation’s best military officers in the half-century before the Civil War.

Taylor himself was a kind and honest man who was accused of being an American Indian lover because he was much more fair to them than the average officer. During the Seminole War, Taylor and his men captured a number of blacks who lived with the Seminoles and he allowed them to go to Oklahoma with the Seminoles according to their wishes instead of selling them into slavery, like many speculators and slaveholders wanted him to do. Taylor punished men in his command who raped or robbed or wrongfully shot Mexican civilians during the Mexican War. He paid for the treatment of severely wounded abandoned Mexican soldiers out of his own pocket because he told his men they were from a fellow Christian land, even if they were Catholics instead of Protestants like he and most of his men were. And he stood up to the wrongful conduct of his superiors in the Polk Administration. All of the above marked “Old Rough and Ready” as a truly great man.

Taylor’s wife Peggy, instead of sipping juleps on the porch of their plantation, served on the frontier with him. She lived in rude housing, raised their children, sewed uniforms, nursed the sick, and wrote letters home for illiterate soldiers. She turned down the honor of being the First Lady (a term her husband coined) because she made a vow to God to turn down the honors of Society if only He would let her Zack come home safe from the Mexican War. (Their charming daughter Betty served in her stead as “Hostess of the White House.”) No woman of Peggy’s wealth would do these things today. She was a noble woman in the best sense of the word.

Zachary Taylor. “Old Rough and Ready.” Our 12th President.


Taylor, despite being a slaveholder, saw slavery was tearing the country apart. So he decided to limit slavery with an eye toward ending it. Senator William Seward evidently got him to consider using federal money to buy the slaves their liberty and set them up as sharecroppers or pioneers in the West. The Democrats, the party of slavery, opposed Taylor. Taylor’s own Whigs, like the GOP today, were led by establishment politicians who were spineless. Taylor defied them all. He maneuvered to get gold rushing California and mostly Spanish and Catholic New Mexico into the Union as free states to break the slavery deadlock in the Senate. He threatened secessionist politicians to their faces with hanging if he was to catch them in rebellion. He sent troops to New Mexico to keep Texans from seizing the land. And he considered the Mormons were degenerate polygamists, so he rejected their claims to Nevada, and large parts of Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Idaho, and California, and kept them in limbo.

Senators like Whigs Henry Clay and Daniel Webster and most Democrat senators wanted to put a fugitive slave act on the books, which would allow white trash to crisscross the free states grabbing blacks and enslaving them. Taylor opposed this as well. Taylor said slaves ran away because they were being mistreated. Even though he was outnumbered in votes in the Senate and House, Taylor could veto legislation, order the Army to protect the people of New Mexico from invasion by Texans, and order the Navy to block a slaveholder attempt to invade Cuba and make it a slave state. “Old Rough and Ready” did all three.

Taylor blocked the Democrats and his own party’s senators’ attempt to sell out on the expansion of slavery. Taylor also blocked the demands of speculators to use federal money to cover bonds Texas had issued because it wasn’t the public’s duty to bail out greedy speculators. Taylor, on the verge of victory over the enemies of the Republic, sickened suddenly on the 4th of July, 1850, and died five days later. He served only 16 months as President, all of which were filled with tumult. After his death, a series of punk presidents (Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan) and cowardly congresses made the Civil War inevitable. It remained for Taylor’s followers Abraham Lincoln and U.S. Grant to deal with this horrible disaster.

Some speculated Taylor was poisoned to make it possible for Millard Fillmore and Congress to roll over for the slaveholding interests and those who held Texas bonds who wanted big money. The coroner of Jefferson County, Kentucky, at the request of more than 100 descendants of Zachary Taylor, exhumed Taylor in 1991. Since all that remained of Taylor were his bones, hair, and nails, the only poison forensic scientists could check him for that caused the symptoms he suffered was arsenic. Taylor had an arsenic level in him average for men of his era. They could not rule out poisoning by another method (one type of poisonous mushroom causes symptoms like Taylor suffered as he lay dying), so Taylor’s death remains an unsolved mystery.

Taylor looked for adult solutions to a terrible problem. He would use force to preserve the Union, and evidently leaned toward using federal money to pay slaveholders for the liberty of their slaves. Had he lived, the Civil War would have not occurred, or only a few states would have broken with the Union. if Taylor was still alive, most of the generals who would later lead the Confederacy would have listened to his counsel and would not have broken with the Union, because they served under him and admired him.

Taylor, by his service for the nation, and by his courage, honesty, and common sense, won the public’s trust, and proved himself worthy of it in the final mission of his life. He dared to confront the slavery issue which threatened the nation’s life, and died while doing so. His death was a national calamity every bit as big as the murder of his legendary supporter (and subordinate in the Black Hawk War) Abraham Lincoln.

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Baby Blanket Bingo and Political Tricks in the Halloween Season

November02/ 2018

President Donald Trump announced this week he would look to end baby blanket bingo aka “birthright citizenship” by getting Congress to enact good laws or by executive order if need be.

Democrats, globalist Republican quislings like Paul Ryan, John Kasich, and Jeff Flake, and the other usual suspects damned the President for trying to protect Americans.

They claimed the 14th Amendment allows any illegal alien female to drop a kid on American soil, and get citizenship for herself and her entire extended family. They can all come to America and work under the table, mooch off of taxpayers, and maybe vote Democrat.

They quote the opening line of the Amendment; “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

They omit admitting “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is legalese for an American national or a naturalized American.

Disclosure: This post in no way covers (or attempts to cover) the Annette movie of a similar name.


You my readers understand history and context as backgrounds of laws. These are part of the skill set you have when you are your own detectives. So let’s go thru the history, context, and background of the 14th Amendment.

The 14th Amendment, pushed by the Republicans in the wake of the murder of Abraham Lincoln by a Democrat racist, was aimed at helping American blacks and punishing former Confederate leaders.

The 13th Amendment, ratified in 1865, just after the end of the Civil War, outlawed slavery.

The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, made blacks born in America American citizens. It also punished former Confederate leaders.

The 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, gave American black citizens the right to vote.

President U.S. Grant also signed into law in 1870 a bill that gave blacks who were not born in America the right to become naturalized citizens. This applied to blacks brought in as slaves from Africa and the Western Hemisphere. Grant and Congress also gave blacks the same rights to emigrate to America as the immigration laws gave whites.

The same U.S. Grant in 1875 signed into law a measure keeping out unskilled Chinese laborers.

Many American Indians did not get citizenship under the 14th Amendment because their tribes were not under U.S. government control. In other words, the feds considered the Sioux, the Apaches, the Nez Percé, the Comanches, and many other tribes of the Great Plains and the West to be non-citizens and hostiles. Some American Indians gained citizenship under the Dawes Act of 1887 if they left the tribal life; of course this allowed the palefaces to grab more tribal land.

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October26/ 2018

It appears the bombs mailed to George Soros, the Clintons, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, John Brennan at CNN, Joe Biden, and other prominent enemies of the Republic are fake bombs. This may well mean the Dems or Antifa or some other organized group of criminals have tried yet another desperate stunt to fool the American people before the election.

Ironically, the bomb packages had the return address of disgraced congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Positive (D). Maybe her crew of Pakistani hackers should be rounded up and interrogated.

The AP had this nugget Wednesday night:

“A law enforcement official says tests have determined that a powder found inside an envelope delivered to CNN along with a pipe bomb was harmless.

The official wasn’t authorized to discuss the investigation publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.”

Even the New York Times Wednesday night hinted the bombs had problems. After all, none of them exploded. John Ismay, a former US Navy officer and bomb expert, provided this for the Manhattan fishwrap:

“Some bomb technicians who studied photos of the device […] suggested that the bomb sent to CNN had hallmarks of fake explosives — the kind more typically depicted on television and in movies, rather than devices capable of detonating” https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/24/nyregion/clinton-obama-explosive-device.html …”

The “bombs” weren’t intended to explode, apparently. They were props.

And yet fake news blamed the fake bombs (allegedly) on President Trump.

Alleged bomb sent to CNN. Opening it and photoing it in a building full of people, IMHO, is not a sign the recipients were sufficiently cautious, as they would have been with a real bomb. 


This smells more like a stunt. Just like the caravan of Central American criminals coming to a border near you on Election Day is a stunt someone thought up to embarrass President Trump. Reportedly the Chinese and Russian governments are funnelling money thru ther broke client Venezuela to fund the caravan of Central American criminals and some Middle Easterners. Likewise with Christine Blasey Ford and the other lying skanks who surfaced for the Kavanaugh hearings; they were slimy stunts aimed at helping Democrats.

The caravan of Central American criminals is real. The bombs apparently are not.

UPDATE: Police arrested Cesar Sayoc, 56, a Filipino, before noon today in the Miami area in connection with the “bomb” mailings. He reportedly moved to Florida from Brooklyn; he is known to Florida and New York authorities. 

Sayoc is registered as a Republican, per several news media outlets. He reportedly was driving a van festooned with Trump stickers.

The mail-out of “bombs” still smells like a leftist or Deep State stunt. Law enforcement people are saying the “bombs” don’t appear they were meant to explode, the way they were made.

Sayoc would be aware how badly such a stunt would harm President Trump and GOP candidates running for offices in the Senate and in the House. Only a Republican as stupid or compromised as John Kasich or Jeff Flake would think at this level and call himself a Republican.

Sayoc’s GOP registration would add to the charade. I registered as a Democrat for years when I was an investigative reporter and later a litigation support consultant to spoof Dems and lull them into a false sense of security. Politicians and their people check on registrations of reporters and those around courthouses. Some of the Dems told me incredibly stupid or evil things, thinking I agreed with them. Democrat office holders from time to time complained I didn’t give only their side of the story. GOP office holders, unaccustomed to being treated fairly, were surprised by my evenhandedness and said so. Politically I am a nationalist who is pro-American worker; President Trump is both. That’s why we and many other working people support him.

Either way, the bomb prop mailer and the bomb prop maker belong in prison. He (or they) panicked postal people, couriers, and other delivery folks, and diverted law enforcement people away from solving rapes and murders and other crimes.

CNN’s people looked too cozy with the fake bomb in their presence, as if they were in on a hoax. I will retract my statements on this if Sayoc is an actual Trump supporter who intended to harm people and worked alone. But in a backdrop of so much lying and other crookedness by the Left aimed at President Trump, I’m not buying the “MAGAbomber” narrative.

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October22/ 2018

First of all, prayers for the victims of Hurricane Michael in the Florida Panhandle and across the Southeast. Please give what you can for the relief of these victims.

Thanks and gratitude for FEMA, the other government responders, and for the many many volunteers who are assisting the victims of this horrible tragedy.

Now on to today’s topic, which is the first of two posts that detail Democrats accused of wife-beating and sexual predation. These are the people who want to run your life and they must be taken out of office. Many of them have committed crimes meriting prison time.

It has not been a good week for Sherrod Brown.

Jim Renacci, Brown’s underfinanced rival for the Ohio senate seat he unworthily holds, finally outed him as a wife-beater and a sexual predator in this campaign.

It’s not that previous GOP opponents of the shifty Sherrod haven’t tried.

The media in the state, who tilt hard left, say it happened long ago and should be forgotten.

Renacci brought it up in a debate a few days ago. He basically asked how could Brown have any moral standing voting against confirming Judge Kavanaugh when he beat his own ex-wife more recently.

Brown, an old hand at excusing his inexcusable behavior, said his ex-wife supported him, and Renacci ought to be ashamed. Lots of clapping from She-Rod’s pissant fans.

She-Rod is not ashamed he beat his ex-wife Larke and mistreated her in other ways. He has denied the charges against him, but still says women who bring abuse charges against others less exalted than he should be believed.

I’m believing Larke back in the day. She at least filed police reports. Sixteen Christine Ford filed her nails.

What is the truth about She-Rod Brown?

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Gosnell Movie: Abortionists are Scum with Government Protection

October09/ 2018

The movie “Gosnell” – about the trial of an abortion doctor who murdered babies born alive and whose malpractice caused two young woman to die – will open in theaters across the country on Friday, October 12.

It is fitting, because October 12 is the actual Columbus Day. Like Columbus’ quest, political considerations delayed the release of this important film.

There was a legitimate reason Queen Isabella held Chris back. She was fighting a war to unify Spain and eject jihadist murderers from the Iberian Peninsula. She and he husband King Fernando won the war in January 1492. They funded Columbus, and he set sail for the New World in the summer of that year.

Irish investigative documentary makers Phelim McAleer and his wife Ann McIlhinney got crowd funding to take on the Gosnell project. They raised the money in 2014, got the transcript of the grand jury report and info on the resulting trial that led to Gosnell’s convictions for murder, and put together a book and movie script based upon the judicial system records. They filmed in 2015, and released the book in 2017. The book, “Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer,” sold well.

What hung up the film’s release, besides the hatred of the leftist lunatics and pervs who run Harveywood, was a defamation lawsuit by the judge in the trial.

This, per a 6/27/2017 article in The Hollywood Reporter:

Judge Jeffrey Minehart wants at least $50,000 from filmmakers Phelim McAleer and his wife, Ann McElhinney, whom he says have portrayed him in their book — and presumably in their film — as part of “Philadelphia’s liberal corrupt government,” soft on crime and laboring under conflicts of interest.

Minehart is also suing Salem Media Group, which owns conservative and Christian radio channels that have promoted the couple’s book and their movie, which is finished but hasn’t been released or sold, and he’s suing book publisher Regnery, which is owned by Salem.

Lawyers for Minehart also make a big deal of the political leanings of Salem and Regnery, listing books by authors like Dinesh D’Souza, Phyllis Schlafly, Michelle Malkin and David Limbaugh that they say “pit conservative heroes against corrupt liberals.” On the radio side, Salem syndicates national shows from Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, Larry Elder and Bill Bennett.

“They appear to publish with a predetermined agenda that colors everything they say and do,” attorney George Bochetto told The Hollywood Reporter on Friday. He wouldn’t discuss the political leanings of his client, though.

The lawyers say the book, Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer, devotes 178 pages to describing Gosnell as “an evil, grotesque mass murderer” before then casting Minehart as part of the “uncaring bureaucracy” and “complicit establishment” that allowed him to, literally, get away with murder.

Lawyers are requesting “a mandatory permanent injunction” requiring the defendants to add a statement to the book and “any subsequent motion picture” saying that Minehart was selected by agreement of all the attorneys in the Gosnell case.

They also ask that McAleer and McElhinney correct allegedly false claims including how Minehart was a “drinking buddy” with Gosnell’s defense counsel and that he banned cameras from the courtroom.

If cameras were allowed in the courtroom thru the entire trial, why did they ned a courtroom artist? Or did the one media outlet not get the word?


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Kavanaugh Confirmed: Black-Eyed Susan?

October07/ 2018

You’re a brave man they tell me.
I’m not.
Courage has never been my quality.
Only I thought it disproportionate
so to degrade myself as others did.
No foundations trembled. My voice
no more than laughed at pompous falsity;
I did no more than write, never denounced,
I left out nothing I had thought about,
defended who deserved it, put a brand
on the untalented, the ersatz [fake] writers
(doing what anyhow had to be done).
And now they press to tell me that I’m brave.
How sharply our children will be ashamed
taking at last their vengeance for these horrors
remembering how in so strange a time
common integrity could look like courage.

– Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Yevtushenko, a “moderate Communist” critic of the Soviet system, wrote the above in the 1960s. But it might pertain to the struggle to confirm Judge Brent Kavanagh as a Supreme Court justice. By a 50-48 vote, the senators confirmed him Saturday afternoon.

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and his wife and girls. I predict leftist vermin will try to rape or harm Mom and her girls. I also predict large numbers of leftists would approve of such crimes. You can’t negotiate with criminals; you have to defeat them.


In this column, we’ll cover the events of this week and try to bring out some lessons for you as a citizen investigator.

First, the woman who turned the Kavanaugh hearing fiasco into a victory for justice was Arizona prosecutor Rachel Mitchell.

Instead of grandstanding, she calmly asked false accuser Christine Blasey Ford questions. Christine, like almost all liars, couldn’t keep her story straight.

Rachel’s report got out in the open not long after I posted my last post on the Kavanaugh case. It was dryer and more decorous than my reporting, but our findings matched on the key details.

And unlike my work, the senators actually read her report. It cleared Kavanaugh and politely said his accusers were stone liars, based upon the claims they brought that evidence and the accuser-named witnesses contradicted. No accuser had her account corroborated in any way.

Here’s her report.



I’m assuming the senators also read the FBI update that Jeffy Flake (COWARD -AZ) hysterically called for the day after the Chrissy/Kavanaugh hearing. It didn’t help the Democrats either.

Good investigators follow where the facts lead.

But at the same time, experience tells an investigator certain people act certain ways.

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Christine, Christine, Christine, You Unethical Sow!

October01/ 2018

Grandpa Charlie Sherlock, a Chicago Police Dept. detective, used to say, “When you tell the truth, all you have to do is remember what happened. When you lie, you have to remember everything you said.”

Christine Blasey Ford’s difficult Thursday at the Kavanaugh hearing she triggered is Exhibit A of his sage advice.

The Kavanaugh hearing is also Exhibit A as to why there should be term limits. And quarterly drug tests for members of the Senate and House.

Senator Grassley of Iowa and Mitch McConnell of Kentucky have been there too long. They are not mentally agile enough to impose discipline on other senators who act like hysterical children.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, who sat on the false charges against Kavanaugh so she could orchestrate a suborning of perjury, has been there too long too. Same with Hosenose Schumer.

More on the Senate corruptocrats in a bit.

Let’s examine like investigators the statements of Christine Ford and why they show she is a liar.

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Christine Blasey Ford: The Abortion Pimp’s Tale?

September24/ 2018

Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rape when the two were little preppies in the fancy suburbs of DC, has sort of agreed to testify. Her lawyers are still bombarding the Senate with demands for the conditions of this nationally-televised episode of “The Almost Bang Theory.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley ( R-IOWA), after spending a weekend calling her like a favorite daughter who is snubbing the family for Thanksgiving, has agreed to let her perjure herself before a national audience this coming Thursday (9/27). Unless she decides she doesn’t want to testify under oath and just spew instead.

Lawyers for Christine Sixteen said she felt confined flying in an airplane to DC from the Granola State. I suppose it is confining if Christine had to ride in a pet container yet again.

But she’s traveling by car, allegedly, like Missouri’s lying porcine Democrat senator Claire McCaskill was supposed to tour the Show Me State by RV until she was caught using a private jet instead.

Christine could take a train. But maybe she’s boycotting the iron horse because she’s a Stanford associate. The guy whose stolen robber baron money funded Stanford worked the Chinese who built his half of the Transcontinental Railroad like serfs. So it wouldn’t be right.

Maybe Christine can don a “Handmaid’s Tale” outfit and demand to ride east in a covered wagon. That would really delay her testimony into 2019. And snub the hegemonistic white males who invented planes, cars, steamships, and trains. She’s a little too old to be wearing the skimpy “Handmaid’s Tail” outfit being sold to frisky 20-somethings on the Net.


It would serve Christine right to get pulled over in Wyoming or Nebraska or Indiana for impaired driving – and get busted for possession. And it would serve her husband right to have to listen to the Helen Reddy CD the entire trip.

What happens if the Fords get Arkancided by a Peterbilt?

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Kavanaugh Kerfuffle: J’ Accuse!

September19/ 2018

The most divisive trial in France before World War One was the Dreyfus case.

Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish artillery officer in the French Army, stood accused of selling the design secrets to the excellent recoilless 75 mm field gun to the Germans.

Dreyfus was railroaded and sent to Devil’s Island. It turned out someone else was the traitor.

The real traitor fled to England. The officer who forged documents to cover for the traitor committed suicide.

The authorities in 1899 pardoned Dreyfus without formally clearing him. They didn’t want to admit they were wrong.

In 1906 the French government formally exonerated Dreyfus. Dreyfus, back in uniform, served his country honorably during World War One.

What helped force the French government to pardon Dreyfus was the work of the author Emile Zola.

Emile Zola wrote an article about the case in 1898 called “J’ Accuse” (I Accuse). He poked holes in the case the French government brought against Dreyfus, and accused the government of corruption at the highest levels. The article ran on the front page of a Paris newspaper.

Zola lost a libel case over the article and had to go into exile in England to avoid jail.

It is in the spirit, if not the danger, of Zola that I type out today’s article on the Kavanaugh case.


Christine Blasey Ford — Latest Face of the Resistance. Another Anita Hill. The Deep State never sleeps.


Christine Blasey Ford, in a 9/16/2018 Washington Post article, publicly accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of trying to rape her at a teen party in the early 1980s.

Ms. Blasey Ford told The Post she did not recall exactly who owned the house, how she came to be at the house, or how the party was arranged. She remembered only that the house was in Montgomery County, MD, near a country club, and that parents were not present. She also claimed she couldn’t remember how she got home.

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Third Rate Liars, Low Rent Ballyhoo (Kavanaugh edition)

September17/ 2018

First of all, prayers for the people of the Carolinas suffering from Hurricane Florence. The people in the hills of Eastern Kentucky, Upper East Tennessee, and Far Southwest Virginia will soon be suffering flooding also. Pray for these people and help charities helping them.

Thanks and prayers to all the first responders and to volunteers like the Cajun Navy. The Cajuns are country people who hunt gators, eat snakes, and rescue people in hurricanes. They are among the toughest and best people this country has to offer.

Second, President Trump on 9/11 honored a different type of resistance – the resistance of some of the passengers on doomed Flight 93 who kept Islamist terrorists from using their plane as a missile against other Americans. They died as heroes instead of just as victims.

Third, scam season is never gone. I shouldn’t have to warn this audience anyone calling claiming to be from the government and looking for money from you does not use the phone. But I will. Real government revenooers will hit you up by mail. Also, donate to real organizations for hurricane relief, not to scammers who pop up to exploit tragedies.

Speaking of scams, the Deep State New Copperheads never sleep or take weekends off.

Sunday a California college psychology professor came out as the woman who anonymously claimed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her at a teen party when they were high schoolers. She had allegedly told Rep. Anita Eshoo (D-CA), who then told Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA).

Diane claimed she had the rape charge report since July but sat on it all thru the summer. Perhaps the manila file’s edges were why her face was so contorted during the hearings.

Ms. Feinstein asked Judge Kavanaugh a number of adversarial questions at the hearings, but said nothing about the alleged rape report. This implies she thought it was a joke.

After the hearings wrapped up, Ms. Feinstein decided to make the rape report fairy tale (allegedly) public. Kinda like the Dems and unpunished liar Anita Hill did against Clarence Thomas after she followed him from job to job and he still married a white woman.

Christine Blasey Ford — Latest Face of the  Resistance. Another Anita Hill. The Deep State never sleeps.


Per the 9/16/2018 Washington Post, this:

“(Alleged victim Christine Blasey) Ford said that one summer in the early 1980s, Kavanaugh and a friend – both “stumbling drunk,” Ford alleges – corralled her int a bedroom during a gathering of teenagers at a house in Montgomery County.

While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, Kavanaugh put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in Northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

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