• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


September13/ 2021

by Sherlock



Ed Wheeler, a soldier and historian and investigator and patriot, was laid to rest in Tulsa, Oklahoma on September 11.

Ed (whose given name was Peter Edward Wheeler) and his second wife Susan became friends of 99 and me about a decade ago. He liked some of the sarcasm I put out on a former officers’ and parents website. He encouraged me to start this website. We talked often, and whenever Ed and Susan came our way on their way to Northeast Pennsylvania, they would stop and visit.

Big Ed Wheeler and his daughter Kelsey. She has a nickname too — Miss Oklahoma 2013.


Born in New York City, Big Ed moved with his family out to Oklahoma in the late 1940s. Ed was a fan of the Brooklyn Dodgers, who were a rough and tumble and successful bunch from the late 1940s until the owners took them out of Brooklyn to L.A. Ed also was a fan of fellow Southwesterner Buddy Holly, who was tearing it up on the charts when he was a teenager. Ed joined the Army as an enlisted man and then became a commissioned officer.

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Labor Day thoughts, Afghan Fallout, Helping Teachers Out Themselves, Sex Offender Database Misses Current Perv

September06/ 2021

By Sherlock



Due to the length of one of my recent columns, some of you said you missed this reminder of what it can take to build up a nation in blood, sweat and tears. Bear in mind the coal mining industry, the trade that made America into the leading industrial power on the globe, took as many American lives as World War One did … well over 100,000 men and boys. Farming, mining, drilling, fishing, logging, construction, electrical work, manufacturing, making chemicals or steel or other metals out of ore, treating water, treating sewage, disposing of trash, trucking, seamanship, longshore work, slaughtering livestock, and burying our beloved dead, along with military and first responder work and emergency room work, are all fields full of people whose work is honest and approved by Our Lord …. and all too often is underappreciated by others.



This somber pic is of the Harlan County Coal Memorial in Harlan, KY. (I went into a coal mine on the other side of Black Mountain from Harlan County in 1986.) The monument has 1300 names on it, all men and boys who died in mines in Harlan County.

99’s great grandfather and more than 100,000 other men and boys, many from Eastern Europe like him, died in US mines from the late 1800s to today. (This counts only on the job, not black lung deaths.) 99’s great-grandfather had his back broken by a falling slab of rock in a mine in southwest Pennsylvania. The other miners got him out of the mine, and a horse and wagon jolted him painfully for a half-hour ride to the train station. The next train wasn’t due for several hours, so he lay in agony in that wagon. The train took him to a town with a hospital, and his wife and children came to see him. Virtually his last words were to his oldest son, 99’s grandfather. “You will be the man of our family from now on.” In a few days, 99’s grandfather, a 12-year-old boy, was working in an underground coal mine.

The first Appalachian mines of any size were in northeast Pennsylvania. The men dug anthracite coal out of the ground. Later on, geologists and prospectors discovered coal throughout Appalachia.

If any industry was the most important in upbuilding the nation, coal mining is one of the very few that can make such a claim. Without coal mining, there would not be the fuel to power the steel mills or the railroads. Or the planting and harvesting equipment that made the farmers so much more productive than farmers and laborers in other countries.

That doesn’t mean the people of Appalachia grew rich on mining. Most got by, and a few got rich. Bad wages, unsafe mines, thieving landmen who conned people out of their mineral rights, corrupt politicians, evil hired gunmen who were called “detectives,” and the robber barons who ran too many coal companies all conspired to grow rich and keep the miners in poverty.

Most people lived in narrow “hollers” … hollows in the mountains between the mountain ridges. These were prone to flooding once coal companies cut trees down to use for timber in the mines, or once strip miners blasted the earth and rock off of the tops of mountains to get at the coal. The hollers where railroads ran filled up with soot from the engines and soot from the densely-packed coal camps, where miners and their families stayed warm burning coal in their stoves and fireplaces.

And now that the coal is so hard to reach because the best coal seams have been mined, the companies are shutting down the mines in much of Appalachia. The people didn’t benefit much from all that wealth in their hills.

Harlan County had about 9000 people in 1900, roughly 75,000 people in World War Two for the war effort, and has about 25,000 people today, as the easier to get coal has been mined for decades.

That monument has 1300 or so names on it … more than 1% of the national coal miner death toll, from one isolated little county in deepest darkest Kentucky. And unlike too many of the counties in Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Tennessee, Harlan County didn’t have a mine disaster that killed dozens or hundreds. Just the steady drip of blood – one miner here, two miners there, mostly one miner at a time, for more than a century till the body count is 1300 poor souls who left widows and orphans or grieving mothers and fathers and sweethearts.

There are other manufacturing disasters whose victims’ deaths should bring tears of sorrow and anger. About 150 girls and young women (and a handful of men) burned to death or jumped to their deaths or died of asphyxiation in the Triangle Shirt Waist Fire in New York City on Annunciation Day 1911. It was such a horrible sight to so many people that it couldn’t be hidden.

Triangle Fire. Many seamstresses, shown at the feet of first responders looking upward for more to join them, jumped to their deaths. Al Smith, in the wake of this tragedy, led the successful fight to enact workplace safety and labor laws.


Then there were the “Radium Girls” of Ottawa, Illinois. These young women in the 1920s and 1930s painted watch dials with radium paint to make them glow in the dark. Many girls and young women who worked for Radium Dial Company and Luminous Processing started to notice aches and pains and falling out teeth. (Managers had been encouraging them to wet the tips of their brushes with their mouths.) Catherine Donahue, one of the painters, was fired because radiation poisoning screwed her up so badly she had to walk with a very bad limp, which was allegedly bad for worker morale. Catherine sued the company and other girls who noticed their deteriorating health did likewise. The companies lied about the safety of radium in court and tried to blame the young women for their horrible ailments. Some women’s heads or other body parts disintegrated from the radiation poisoning.

Many of the women were buried in lead lined coffins, and some people with Geiger counters could get readings in the cemeteries above their graves many years after their deaths. The EPA labeled the locations where they worked Superfund sites, and did not declare them clean until the early 2000s. They had contractors scrape most of the ground up and dump it in a landfill in Idaho. Some of the material the EPA allowed to be buried 10 feet underground in La Salle County, Illinois.

It was a hard series of millions of jobs to upbuild this country

The average coal miner from the late 1800s to World War Two worked for little and did so in dangerous conditions. They didn’t share in the riches their labors produced. And yet their sweat and blood made the industrialization, the lighting and heating of America’s homes, and the manufacturing base of this nation possible.

We have come a long way since the coal camp era of mining, and the Radium Girls and the Triangle Fire victims, but much work remains to make workplaces safe. The same motive – greed – that led management to run mines and businesses with indifference to human life is alive as the MBAs and robber barons of today export working Americans’ jobs to China and India and other places where servile labor is the main business model.

If you or I have a rough day on the job, it is better than the best day any of those poor souls had on their jobs. Thank God for your circumstances.

We outlawed slavery in the US in 1865. It is evil to export it today and to allow the products of slave labor to come into America today. The Deep State runs on servile labor … that’s why the feds and the Chamber of Commerce and the professional Left and the robber barons want the export of our jobs and the importing of the world’s indigents – to reduce our people to the state of serfdom while they grow their money and power. We have to work to preserve our way of life.

Now on to the news of the week, and two “how to be your own detective” case studies to finish up.


My friends and relatives who I served with in uniform, whether it be the uniform of St. Genevieve School or the uniform of the Army or the ununiformed solidarity and militancy of the extended Sherlock family and friends, are good and intelligent people. I get all kinds of insights from them.

Likewise, other friends I have labored with on industrial jobs, or on civic causes, are good and intelligent people.

All the ladies I ever dated until Agent 99 picked me out of a lineup at a Catholic parish social and made an honest man out of me are good and intelligent people too. One of them has gone on to her reward after being a loyal friend of mine for decades after we stopped dating. It goes without saying Agent 99 herself is a good woman and a darned intelligent and gutty one too. She stood by me like a lioness when the degenerate scumbags who run Summit County (Akron), Ohio tried to take our farm, our weapons, our money, and my freedom because we outed them as protectors of child rapists.

Most of these people have been telling me they think the Biden Bunch are going to start funding the Taliban and help them against rival goat-molesting Moslem guys. In other words, our media will help transmogrify the Taliban into devout simple goodhearted people who need lots of American money for the fight against their more ruthless Moslem rivals.

Thoroughly Modern Milley aka Milley Cyrus, the shithead general who is chief of staff, has confirmed their wisdom. In so many words, he said he expected our nation to co-operate with these child rapists and sadistic killers ….. and give them plenty of money in addition to the almost $100 billion in military equipment we left for them courtesy their pals in the Afghan army. Stone Cuck Llllloyd Austin tried to backpedal a little from Milley’s proclamation, but was unsuccessful in convincing real people. (Source: Politico, 9/1/2021)

This means the high-income white trash who run this nation thru Joe the Puppet are planning another massive raid on the treasury to fund their favorite defense contractors and fixers and allies, to make it also inevitable that we import more child molesters from the Moslem world. The Prophet himself reportedly had several wives, to include a six-year old girl named Aisha who various Moslem authorities quoted by Wikipedia say he didn’t have sex with until she was nine. Such restraint.


Per the New York Post 9/3/2021, this:

“US officials are looking into reports that elderly Afghan men were permitted to evacuate with young girls they claimed as “wives” — with some of the purported child brides brought to an Army base in Wisconsin, according to a report on Friday.

An internal State Department document dated Aug. 27 said that staff overseeing the admission of refugees at Fort McCoy — about 100 miles northwest of Madison, Wis. — had “reported multiple cases of minor females who presented as ‘married’ to adult Afghan men, as well as polygamous families,” The Associated Press reported.

“Department of State has requested urgent guidance,” added the document, seen by the AP and sent to all US embassies and consulates as well as military command centers in Florida.

It is not clear exactly how many of the incidents of child sexual abuse have been reported.

Meanwhile, US officials in the United Arab Emirates recently sent a diplomatic cable to Washington warning that some young Afghan girls had been forced into marriages in order to escape Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover.

Officials familiar with the cable told the AP it described allegations by several girls at the Humanitarian City in Abu Dhabi that they had been sexually assaulted by their “husbands.” The officials sought guidance on how to handle such cases.

Officials told the AP that they take all such allegations seriously but that many of them are anecdotal and difficult to prove, particularly amid the crush of Afghan evacuees at multiple locations in the Middle East, Europe and the US.

Note how the government pukes want to cover for the girl rapists.

I used government records, newspaper articles, the Congressional Record, books some of the key figures of Ellis Island wrote, and personal trips to Ellis Island in New York harbor and to the Angel Island immigration station in Frisco Bay to write two books on the Ellis Island Era of immigration. I also interviewed the granddaughter of one of the girls who survived the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the 9/11/1857 massacre by Mormons of settlers traveling to California. (The Mormons killed the men and women with firearms and hatchets and swords. They serial-raped two teenage girls who surrendered to them, then cut off their heads.) They then forcibly took the little children as slaves. I also read all the immigration laws from the Washington administration to the administration of the murderous LBJ. Here’s what I found:

In the Ellis Island Era (1890-1930) American officials let in about 20 million foreigners. Hardly any of them were Moslems. This was because American law forbade the immigration of any person whose beliefs were inimical to American institutions. Polygamy, child brides, the use of children and livestock for sex, and blood jihad intolerance ran against American values. Bear in mind our authorities had just wrapped up a campaign against the Mormons, WASP people who also believed in polygamy and honor killing, and killing some settlers who were not Mormons. Mormons also beheaded some of their own women they saw getting too friendly with US Army soldiers sent to police the polygamists. Our elected officials essentially forced the Mormons to give up polygamy and honor killing as a condition for allowing Utah to become a state. The truly devout Mormons (those who wanted to continue screwing more than one Mormon mama like Mitt Romney’s ancestor) fled to Mexico with their concubines, errr, plural wives and continued rutting devoutly until the Mexican upheavals of the 1910s caused them to flee back to America.

Back in the day, American officials and government employees did their jobs a lot better. It was easier to fire bad government payrollers then than it is now.

This report from Agenzia Fides, a program of the Pontifical Institute exposes how ingrained boy prostitution is into Afghan society. I could have shown worse, and the pictures are out there. These people we have been defending and fighting are the lowest vermin on the planet, in my humble opinion.



From the Gateway Pundit 9/4/2021, this:

“The US military knew there was going to be an attack at the Kabul Airport last week.

On Wednesday, August 25th the US State Department issued a warning to US nationals to avoid traveling to Hamid Karzai Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. The US told those waiting outside to leave immediately.

On Thursday, August 26th a suicide bomber blew himself up near the Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport killing 13 Americans: 11 US Marines, a Navy Hospitalman, and an Army Staff Sgt.

Following the attack, one Marine wrote a text message to The Raid Team. The Marine who was on the scene disclosed that there was a countdown before the suicide bomber detonated himself.

The Taliban allowed the bomber to get through the perimeter. The Marines did not allow the bomber to get through the inside perimeter. He was outside the gate when he detonated his explosive vest by the crowded Abbey Gate at the Kabul Airport.

According to our source, there were also reports of Marines who saw the Taliban laughing after the deadly blast.

And the Marines on the ground, according to Caz from The Raid Team Co., said the military was not even checking the names of Afghans they were loading into planes out of Afghanistan. According to Marines on the ground the Biden regime only wanted the numbers for propaganda purposes and did not vet the Afghans flying out of Kabul.”



Conservative Treehouse 9/4/2021 reported there didn’t seem to be any joyous reunions of American citizens with their families at American airports. This implies the people the Biden Bunch and the military cowards and the State Department pansies let into America in almost all cases were not American citizens of American blood, but were people the Taliban allowed to pass, including some Afghans with American papers or citizenship.

There are advertisements for interpreters who speak Afghan languages in places where the rapeugees are being held. This implies the Moslems we imported can’t speak English and are therefore not interpreters or other helpers like the military cowards, the intelligence community pocket poolers, the State Dept. sissies and the Biden Bunch claim they are. BTW, for those of you proficient in arithmetic, we imported more than 100,000 Afghans with Taliban consent, which is a larger number than the 80,000 or so of Taliban “soldiers.”


Gateway Pundit reported 9/4/2021 that a father of one of the wounded Marines said Joe and Jill Biden were “uninvited” by the wounded who are undergoing treatment at Walter Reed Medical Center This implies the wounded knew Homer Simpson and Jilldo (long O) and their crew of crapmeisters were responsible for their wounds and for the deaths of their fellow servicemen and servicewomen.


Word is the drone operator who locked on the bomber was ordered not to blow him up. Instead the bomber blew up scores of people, to include 13 American GIs. He also grievously wounded 15 other American servicemen and servicewomen, who are at Walter Reed Medical Center. (WND, from Univision, 9/2/2021).

POTATUS checks his watch multiple times during presentation of 13 U.S. servicemen and servicewomen killed by suicide bomber at Kabul airport. The word is the higher-ups forced a drone operator who had locked on to the bomber to let him live.  Military families said Joe’s conduct and treatment of them sucked eggs.


But our cowards with rank apparently allowed another drone operator to blow up several Afghans who had valid passports and claim it was retaliation for the bomber who they let kill and wound so many of our own people.



From Breitbart 9/2/2021, this:

“Pro-migration groups want at least $8 billion in Americans’ money — and a new citizenship law — to help fast-track at least 50,000 mostly unvetted Afghan migrants, according to the Washington Post.

“The number we’ve been floating around, just on the back of the napkin, is $5 billion for [the Department of Health and Human Services],$2 billion for [the Department of] State, and $1 billion for [the Department of Homeland Security], at a minimum,” said Mark Hetfield, president of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.

The advocates also told the Washington Post that they want the incoming Afghans to jump the line in the nation’s asylum courts. The line is several years long because Democrats have allowed at least two million Central American migrants into the United States since 2009 under the claim that they need asylum from crime and poverty. The Post reported:

Congress could create a mechanism to allow them to “adjust” to legal permanent residency, aid groups say, along the lines of the Cuban Adjustment Act of 1966 or more recent programs to aid Iraqis.

The [Afghan] parolees could apply for asylum, stating a fear of persecution if returned to Afghanistan, but the U.S. asylum system is badly overloaded by applicants from the Mexico border.”

Let’s do the math on this excrement fest.

Eight billion dollars divided by 50,000 Afghans comes out to $160,000 per imported raghead. This is like buying 150,000 decent houses for cash in the Midwest. And it doesn’t count the costs these people will impose on the schools, the health care system, and on local businesses when the ACLU and other anti-American lawyers come out of the urinals and sue states for making them take off their rags for photo ID, or sue local BBQ places for serving pork that the Moslems can smell and be offended. Nor does it count the crimes like rape and murder and livestock sodomy these people will commit in the name of their faith … and the extra costs they will impose on the police and the court system and the prisons.

Don’t read the rest of this section if you are sensitive.

You think I’m exaggerating the child rape and bestiality themes?

We couldn’t find a photo of Katie Hill and AOC together. So we subbed this publicity still of Two Broke Girls. They look about the same and skank about the same. The actresses’ morals are about the same as Katie’s and AOC’s. but their looks are somewhat better and I’m guessing their hygiene is better.


When Katie Hill, who briefly held the congressional seat in a part of L.A. County I ran in, had to resign in disgrace because photos surfaced that apparently showed her naked and putting her crotch in the face of her female aide, one of the political stars who ran to replace her was a former MSNBC talk show host named Cenk Uygur. Cenk, who was born in Turkey, is a lawyer and activist, a Moslem who claims he is now agnostic.

Cenk made the following policy statement: “If I was the benevolent ruler of the world I would legalize bestiality when you are giving, when you are pleasuring the animal. You see what I’m saying? …You know that case we were covering where that woman or man was pleasuring a horse until conclusion? So who got harmed?”

Bernie Sanders, who endorsed Cenk, withdrew his endorsement, but not for the bestiality comment. Other Democrat degenerates attacked Cenk, not for the bestiality comment, but for ranking young women by their looks and by their willingness to perform oral sex, among other given reasons.

The New York Times reported on Cenk 12/13/2019. They were too sensitive to share the above quote. The Gateway Pundit wasn’t quite as desirous of covering up for a typical Democrat degenerate, so they ran the quote 12/15/2019.

Look up “bacha bazi” on the Internet. This is an Afghan and Pakistani cultural practice. Our law enforcement people and the criminal code have a name for it …. men sodomizing boys.

A search of the Internet reveals most searches about sex with animals comes from users in places like Pakistan and Turkey and other countries of similar heritage. (To their credit, the Turkish government tried to censor the Internet to deny their citizens the bestiality porn.) Thus the numbers that back the anecdote. And Bill Gates must be proud.


Footage of crazed teachers saying and doing ridiculous things are starting to flood the Internet, thanks to alert young people in their schools who know the teachers are out of line. So are videos teachers take themselves and post on line. And so are videos taken by opponents of corrupt teacher unions.

The cases gathering the most attention are from California, where leftists and sexual deviates really run things and feel protected.

From the CBS TV station in Sacramento, 9/2/2021, this:

“SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — The Natomas Unified School District said it is taking steps to fire the teacher placed on paid leave after allegedly being caught on video claiming he keeps an Antifa flag in his classroom and encourages students to go to protests.

The district said it is taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and remove him from the staff.

Right-wing organization Project Veritas filmed and edited the video they say shows Inderkum High School government teacher Gabriel Gipe having a controversial conversation off-campus.

“I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries,” Gipe allegedly said in the video, and later continued, “I have an Antifa flag on my wall. A student complained about that and said it made them feel uncomfortable. Well, it’s meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, I don’t know what to tell you.”

The district said the evidence gathered so far shows the “teacher violated the district’s political action guidelines.” All signage and posters have reportedly been removed from the classroom and the district said it believes the best course to rebuild the learning environment is a fresh start.

“There is no excuse for communism on American soil,” explained Natomas resident, David Aria. “The principal, the vice principal and the board has to go.”

Frustrated families flooding Wednesdays Natomas school board meeting looking for immediate action. Angry parents in the dozens are concerned with what their students are being taught.

“Not only does his termination need to be taken effective immediately but I believe a criminal investigation needs to happen,” said one parent during public comment.

“This does not begin and end with him. He was enabled for years. Complaints were filed and nothing was done,” said parent, Richard Gilbert.

Parents like Monique Hokman calling for a full investigation into the teacher and district and changes in policy. Parents are also concerned with claims made by Gipe that he is not the only teacher that is teaching his viewpoints inside the classroom.

“I have a problem with people teaching our kids things without our knowledge,” said Hokman. “The one teacher is not just the problem, we would like to see some steps that are going to protect all our children now and all the ones that are coming up in the future.”

The classroom controversy stopped abruptly in the middle of public comment. A lawyer representing the district said the meeting was stopped because of lack of decorum and would be rescheduled for a later date.

Board members left the meeting out of the back side of the building. The boards actions prompted some in the meeting to run after them and leaving parents still looking for action.

“It really comes down to accountability, who is monitoring the classrooms,” questioned one parent.

Gipe allegedly also purchased rubber stamps depicting Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro and Kim Jung Un, among others, with insensitive phrases. The district said it found Gipe had used those stamps to mark student work on at least 13 different days.

Around 100 people attended a school board meeting Wednesday evening to protest and for public comment.”

Note how the school district sons of bitches and their shyster tried to stifle dissent, then ran away like cowards.

Hey, if you pose as a writer or a journalist, some of these leftist teachers might open up to you; Leftists say the damnedest things!

In the other recent classic, someone found footage of Orange County teacher Kristin Pitzen telling students to salute the homosexual pride flag in her classroom.

Out of curiosity I looked Kristin’s particulars up on the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing website. They say very little about her, so they don’t report her age or where she went to teacher college, but they note she has essentially a provisional teacher license issued in 2019 to teach English that cannot be renewed. She has to do more to earn a full credential.


Teacher and supposed lesbian go-getter Kristin Pritzen. Her name rhymes. Someone found these images she posted, and footage of her in action too. Irate citizens lit up the school district, school officials drop-kicked her out of the school, and then said in so many words, “Kristin has left the building.” Surprisingly the Wilma Flintstone print works for her.


Another database I accessed noted Kristin Pritzen is 26 years old and lives a healthy commute in SoCal away from the Orange County school she has been defiling. Kristin apparently does not yet show up on criminal records as a sex offender.

Kristin posted the footage on her social media page, someone found it and figured out who the teacher behind the fake name was, and that someone posted it on the teacher-exposing website “Libs of Tiktok.” Her postings were self-inflicted wounds someone caught and brought to the attention of millions.

Per the left-leaning website Heavy.com 8/29/2021, Ms. Pitzen was hardly Our Miss Brooks. Here’s some of the report, which came from video she posted:

“I always tell my class, stand if you feel like it (pledging allegiance to the flag), don’t stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don’t have to say the words. So my class decided to stand but not say the words, totally fine. Except for the fact that my room does not have a flag. It used to be there. But I took it down during COVID because it made me uncomfortable. And, um, I packed it away, and I don’t know where, and I haven’t found it yet. But my kid today goes, ‘It’s kind of weird that we just stand and say it to nothing.’ And I’m like, ‘Oh well, I’ve got to find it. I’m working on it, I’ve got you.’ In the meantime, I tell this kid, I do have a flag in the class that we can pledge allegiance to. He looks around and he goes, oh that one?”

The video then pans to show the pride flag.

Pitzen giggled multiple times during the video.

Libs of TikTok also posted a second video showing Pitzen wearing rainbow earrings and glasses. “She shows off all the pride flags in her classroom and says ‘I pledge allegiance to the queers,’” that caption reads.

“Happy pride everyone! It’s June 1. The start of Pride Month,” she says in that video. She showed off pride flags throughout her classroom. “I pledge allegiance to the queers,” she said, putting her hand over her heart.

Kristin presumably is a lesbian, given her social media outburst, and her bragging about telling kids to salute the fairy flag after she removed an American flag from her classroom because it made her feel uncomfortable. Was her discomfort from putting the flagpole in a nontraditional receptacle? Enquiring minds want to know.

The footage of Our Miss Kristin shows a head that looks somewhat older than 26. Her face looks like it’s been ridden hard and put away wet.

Newport Mesa Unified School District officials have reportedly yanked Kristin from the classroom for a spell. Will her disciplining show up on the California teacher’s open records website? It should.



Darren Agee Merager, 52, went into the women’s portion of a spa in the L.A. area naked. Four women and an underage girl complained to staff the freak was showing his privates and claiming he was a woman. The insensitive real females called him a man because they saw his male organ partially erect. They said they covered up with robes, but spa staffers said trannies had a right to show their gearshifts.

The spa was the location of several protests during the summer between normal people and activists from the perv lobby. Predictably, Antifa pervs took Merager’s side.

The police put out a warrant for Merager’s arrest for the incident. The New York Post, in a 9/2/2001 article, noted the following:

“Law-enforcement sources revealed that Merager is a tier-one registered sex offender with two prior convictions of indecent exposure stemming from incidents in 2002 and 2003 in California. She (the pronoun the writer chose) declined to comment on the convictions. In 2008, she was convicted for failing to register as a sex offender.

A law passed by California Democrats that went into effect this year replaced the state’s lifetime registration requirement to a tiered system. The law allows lower-tiered sex offenders to petition to be removed from the list. However, Merager is not eligible due to ongoing criminal charges. She also has a long criminal history in California that includes nearly a dozen felony convictions for crimes ranging from sex offenses to burglary and escape.

In addition to Merager’s new felony charges of indecent exposure, she is also facing six felony counts of indecent exposure over a separate locker room incident in December 2018. Los Angeles County prosecutors accuse Merager of indecent exposure to women and children in a changing area at a swimming pool in West Hollywood Park.

“Merager claims to identify as female so he can access women’s locker rooms and showers,” reads an internal flyer by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department that was sent to law enforcement departments in southern California in late 2018. Merager has pleaded not guilty to all six counts and her next court date for the incident is on Sept. 8. Merager told law enforcement she’s transient but bail was set at $150,000 in early 2019, which was paid.”

Merager, speaking with the New York Post reporter, claimed he was the victim. He claims the women who reported him are prejudiced against deviates like himself. It won’t surprise me if he sues them and the spa and all the demonstrators who protested against him showing his junk to the women and girl.

Sounds like the twanny will sue because his pwecious wights have been viowated.

This is a internal wanted poster for one of Merager’s previous weenie wagging sessions. Courtesy Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.


Merager, who is also a convicted burglar, sued a homeowner in Malibu who pushed him off his property earlier this year. Maybe the beach guy didn’t want the freak to show his junk or case his house. Sadly, the Los Angeles County court system, which set double murderer Orenthal Simpson free, is so friendly to freaks of nature that Merager got an out of court settlement. It could be Merager, like many cons, has found a new racket.


The Daily Mail added this nugget from a 9/2/2021 article:

“The Mail also recently reported that Merager had previously exposed himself to another underage girl back in 2020, also at Wi Spa, when the girl and her mother visited the establishment last January.”

They followed up with this in a 9/3/2021 article:

“A poster released by LAPD warning of Merager’s previous arrest for indecent exposure said that the the 52-year-old is ‘transient’ with family in the oceanside LA county neighborhood of Marina Del Rey, close to the homeless hotspot of Venice Beach.

Merager registered a PO box in Marina in 2015, but no residential address.

The police poster shows a masculine-looking Merager with stubble, and says they drives a black 2008 GMC Yukon.

Police say Merager is a man, who has pretended to be a transgender woman in order to enter women’s locker rooms.

Merager was convicted of two burglaries in 2011 and 2012. In one of the cases they were prosecuted alongside multiple alleged accomplices.

In 2000, Merager was convicted of trespassing as well as loitering with intent in two separate cases. They (the paper’s pronoun for Merager) were convicted of trespassing again in 2001.

In 2002 and 2003 they were convicted of indecent exposure, then for failing to register as a sex offender in 2006.

Merager did not appear in a search of the Megan’s Law database, a list of registered sex offenders in California, or in the similar national federal database.

Merager began 2007 with a conviction for resisting arrest, then was convicted that year for providing a false ID to a police officer.”


The Daily Mail, a left-leaning British paper, wanted to make hay of the story because Merager’s mother is a Trump supporter who lives about 100 miles away from the spa. But the Daily Mail confessed they found out his mother has wanted nothing to do with him for years and years, and her neighbors say they have never seen the perv son, naked or clothed, in their neighborhood.

When this story came out, some people used the national sex offender database we post on this website (Dru Sjodin), and others used the California state sex offender website, which is supposed to contain substantially the same info. Merager didn’t show up, despite California law saying he still should be on their website of sex criminals.

Government incompetence or possibly activism or bribery may be involved. The public record must not be tampered with. Only by jailing the guilty will this message get out to the excrement eaters with government or government contract jobs that they shouldn’t cover for sex offenders.

Also, to the tortured writers looking for pronouns to describe vermin like Merager, I have a bit of advice. If you can’t decide between he and she and they and it, compromise. Call them “shit.”




August31/ 2021


By Sherlock


Let’s hit the headlines for the week, then get to another idea or two on fixing the schools and flipping the bird to the teachers’ unions and the skool bureaucracies. And then finish with something different.



Multiple outlets are reporting the Biden Bunch and American military leaders left hundred to thousands of American citizens behind as the last aircraft left Kabul airport in the evening of August 30.

The showboat general of the 82nd Division, the outfit allegedly turning away American citizens from the Kabul Airport, got photoed being “the last soldier to leave on the last plane.” This two star general is a punk, in my opinion. The two-star asshole had a guaranteed ride out. There are American citizens our government sent there or enticed to go there who are going to have to smuggle out of the high altitude cat litter box because our government and military and intelligence pantywaists didn’t try to get our non-military people to clear the country before they withdrew all our military people who could have protected them.

“Leaving on a Jet Plane” …. photo credit unknown at this time to author. 

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August25/ 2021

We’ll hit the fiasco in the high altitude cat litter box known as Afghanistan in a few minutes. The Biden Bunch hostage crisis in progress is as bizarre a sell-out as any in this country’s history. From Hell, Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, and Alger Hiss are damning the Biden Bunch as traitors.



The real news this past week was the delivery of the forensic audit of the 2020 Arizona election. It is showing Donald Trump won and might well show that GOP loser and former pilot Martha McSally won.

Similar audits in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia (or any two) would put Trump over the top in electoral votes. This doesn’t count all the millions of pristine paper ballots “found” as mail-in ballots, or the electronic count, which doesn’t have the paper ballots to support it.

Arizona forensic audit. CNN photo.


Nor does it count similar thievery in Moslemsota, New Hampshire, Virginia, Nevada, and New Mexico.

Talk is President Trump, who was credited with about 75 million votes, was held down another several million votes by programmed counting software that gave him a fraction of a vote for every vote he really got. Likewise, the same software was giving Biden a whole vote plus the fraction subtracted from President Trump thousands to millions of times.

This doesn’t count the fact that Pennsylvania authorities got back 700,000 more mail-in ballots than they mailed out. It also doesn’t count the fact that Georgia officials mailed out a ballot for every registered voter, and didn’t worry about how that would mickey with the count. Nor does it consider about 200,000 Wisconsin votes were illegally cast, per the Supreme Court of that state.

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August09/ 2021

by Sherlock


Quick Hitter: Andrew Cuomo of the Cuomo Crime Family quit as governor. The sexual harassment charges are a laugh ….. Democrats treated Bill Clinton’s rapes and gropings and other sexual abuses as no worse than bad breath (which they all have from eating excrement). Something bigger led to the Crime Boss of New York’s quitting. 

Meanwhile, Joe Biden cheerfully abused this little girl at a ceremony where he announced the cheapening of the Medal of Honor by declaring he would give the corrupt and murderous Capitol Police on the job 1/6/21 one of these medals each. It must be an honor to have SCROTUS (so called ruler of the US) feel up your little girl, eh, pig?


Now on with the show.

99 and I recently watched a PBS TV show featuring snippy Brits called “Secrets of the Dead.” The degreed grave robbers aka archeologists dug up hundreds of dead people, and excavated Anglo-Saxon and Briton buildings from the fifth and sixth centuries AD. England had been part of the Roman Empire until the Romans left in the early 400s AD. Because of the raids of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes for more than a century, most of England fell out of contact with Christendom. The pagan Angles, Saxons, and Jutes dominated most of England except for the far western fringes of the land.

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August02/ 2021


by Sherlock


Parents around the country are fighting pervs who control their school districts.

Here’s one such example, courtesy of The Western Journal, 7/30/2021, reprinted 7//31/202021 in World Net Daily:

“Crowd gasps as parents read school’s pornographic books out loud at board meeting — Highly sexual content being peddled to children”
By Christine Favocci, The Western Journal

“At a meeting of the Carmel Clay School Board (Indiana) on Monday, outraged parents took turns reading excerpts from these materials.

They are so objectionable that it’s necessary to issue more than our usual warning of graphic content.

One parent spoke out against the “global campaign to promote sexualized material to grade school children which is heralded by the UN, championed by Planned Parenthood and is now making its way into the Carmel schools.”

Joe Biden is setting an example for public school teacher pervs.


She noted some of the titles available at elementary schools, including “Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story About Gender and Friendship,” which uses a teddy bear to teach kids that gender isn’t determined by biology. There is also “Sparkle Boy,” about a toddler’s cross-dressing tendencies, and “Call Me Max,” in which a kindergarten girl gets a teacher to call her by a boy’s name.

Another parent read from a novel available to Carmel high schoolers that includes a pornographic scene explicitly describing characters engaged in various sex acts. It’s too obscene to even summarize.

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July25/ 2021


by Sherlock

Anyone who is paying attention realizes the FBI and the DOJ have been spending lots of time infiltrating the Patriot movement.

Last week I mentioned the alleged plot to kidnap tyrannical Michigan governor Gretchen Hitler. The brownshirt in chief in Lansing has sent many old people to their deaths by ordering nursing homes to take in Chinavirus patients. It is likely she and her attorney general had a hand in stealing Michigan from President Trump and from black GOP senator candidate John James. As Ingham County prosecutor, she was squeezably soft on gymnast molester Larry Nassar. In short, she should be removed from office and imprisoned for covering up sexual abuse, election theft, and negligent homicide.

But allegedly some yahoos were planning to kidnap and kill Gretchen, Turns out there were allegedly six real plotters (two of which are leftists) and a dozen FBI people. It smells like the Feds roostered a handful of unstable people into talking crime so they could discredit all people who hate tyranny.

Gretchen (Brownshirt) Whitmer


I got a call this week from a woman worried about possible infiltration of the pro-life movement. I said it was entirely possible, given the pro-tyranny tilt of the Biden team and the feds.

The feds botched the 9/11 plot … they knew about it but were incompetent or deliberate in letting it happen.

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July20/ 2021


by Sherlock

When a dictatorship wants to destroy its opponents, the state’s minions try to isolate them.

Many people who protested the Big Steal in DC on January 6 got an epiphany of this kind. The people who stole the election hate them. Many patriots have been arrested in ways that have more in common with fascist nations than with the America we knew. Many are still being isolated in jail in DC.

Ashli Babbitt is dead, the victim of “gun violence” by a homicidally negligent punk with a government-issued lawman’s badge.

Jen Psaki, the Biden press secretary, basically told the media the Biden team is working with big media and Internet companies to look for speech they don’t like so they can censor the speakers.

(Some call Jen “Raggedy Ann.” This is an unwarranted slur on the little redheaded cloth dolls loved by millions of little girls from World War One to the present. Jen has a snarky skanky face that makes it look like she has the itchies in sensitive areas of her person.)

Tech company oligarchs have canceled people with beliefs that are not politically correct, from average people to President Trump.

Someone may well be funding an army of snitches who do little but check the Web for things that might offend the Deep State.

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July12/ 2021


by Sherlock

Stolen elections have consequences.

Gas is high.

Real estate is higher.

The FBI sends dozens of agents to arrest patriotic demonstrators in their homes, while the FBI and DOJ overlords, along with twisted and cowardly local police chiefs, encourage leftist mobs to burn, loot, and mug.

Tens of thousands of communicable disease-carrying federal-hired Karens with gun backup are supposed to go door to door nationwide and nag people into getting vaxxed. Maybe they will look for guns while snooping. These busybodies will be funded with your money.

And there is a nationwide push to shame your children if they are white or sexually normal. The public school teacher unions are in on this new form of child abuse.

Special elections where one side can grab power or money and everyone else is caught napping also have consequences.

The most evil examples are school bond and levy elections. The public school apparatus calls these elections, which taxpayers fund, and many of them illegally use school resources to push for tax hikes. If they lose, they call for another special election, and so on till they win.

The public school scumbags always win. They threaten children’s education. They mistreat the children of parents who object to their misspending, thievery, and propaganda. They use public money for endless elections till they win one. Then the tax never goes away.

A few public school teachers are good and so are a few administrators. But most of them at best are failures at teaching school. In virtually every city of 100,000 or more, most kids are not achieving at grade level and most are failing math they should pass. It is what it is.

The Faucivirus has exposed the large majority of public school leaders and apparatchiks as vermin, unworthy of a single dollar of tax money.


The teacher unions aren’t really OK with coming back to class. They want to continue to do a little on-line work where they really don’t have to supervise kids or work with those having problems learning certain points of a subject. Some of them aren’t even wearing skirts or pants while on line with kids. They want their full salaries, though.

Bend, Oregon high school girl Maggie Williams, suffering from oxygen deficit because she was forced to wear a mask, collapses at the finish line. She has just run an 880 yard race. Source: KTVZ, Fox News, Oregon


The teacher unions demand children be vaxxed, even though Faucivirus doesn’t hurt kids anywhere near as much as restricting their breathing with face diapers does. Some sadists in the public school system made kids play sports in masks, which led to oxygen deficits that harmed them.

Face diapers are a form of control over children and parents that too many teachers relish. Too many educators have the little Hitler complex because they have been given authority. Many of them were underachievers, which led them to teaching. Since the public schools are a de facto monopoly, teachers and administrators can lord it over children and parents, as long as they are careful to kiss the asses of those above them in the skoolocracy. They don’t seem to mind the risk of lip cancer from all the osculations.

For example, Jill Biden calls herself a doctor. But she never treated a patient in her life. Her “doctorate” is in education, which is about as impressive as a doctorate in astrology. If the teacher is a social studies teacher, the “doctorate” is less rigorous to obtain than a bachelor’s degree in chemistry or mechanical engineering or electrical engineering or biology or math or physics.

Shrill Jill is only one example of education system underachievers putting on airs.

School boards and teacher unions alike are pushing critical race theory on children. They are also pushing sexual abnormality and sex organ mutilation on children. And public school librarians are stocking up on porn and deviancy recruitment lit aimed at kids. All on your money.

They aren’t doing too much quality teaching, though. Most public school kids are failing at math at their grade levels, and many kids are behind in other subjects too.

Public school teachers do excel in one area – sexual abuse of children.

Girls – females 17 or younger – are slightly more than 50% of all sexual abuse victims not in prison. Boys – males 17 or younger – are about another 13% of all sexual abuse victims not in prison. That’s right. Those of you who learned math see almost 2/3 of all sexual abuse victims are children.

Public school teachers and admin types form about 2% of the nation’s workforce. Perhaps another 1/2% are school helpers like custodians, cafeteria workers, and bus drivers. And yet about 10% of all children sexual abuse victims who are sexual abuse victims were sexually abuse on school property or at school activities, overwhelmingly by adult school employees. This suggests public school teachers, administrators, and staffers are about three or more times as likely to abuse children sexually than are other adults.

And this doesn’t count the numbers of children teachers and other public school employees sexually abuse in their homes or at other places away from school activities.

School teachers who sexually abuse children can count on the support of their peers and their unions. If the victim comes forward, many peers of the perp will crucify that kid.

BTW, most sexual abuse is adult male teacher on girl. Adult male teacher on boy and adult female on girl are also repulsively common occurrences. The media pushes the scumbucket female teacher with boy stories to minimize the prevalence of the other three types of sex crimes. Most boys are bigger and stronger than the female teachers spreading their legs or dropping to their knees. Also, the boys might get VD but not pregnant from an encounter of the genital kind with Ms. Chancre. And, to put it as genteelly as I can, a boy has to rise to the occasion to do a female teacher on the prowl.


Alabama middle school teacher Henry Joel Snow was arrested just before the New Year of 2021 for allegedly raping a girl younger than 16 and older than 12. Source: WPMI, Mobile, AL 1/4/2021


In the other three kinds of teacher on child sex crimes, the male teacher can impregnate the girl, and the adult male or female can usually overpower the girl or boy and force vaginal, oral, and/or rectal sex on the child. They can enjoy themselves whether they seduce or coerce the girl or boy. In each case, the victims suffer physically, emotionally, mentally, and/or spiritually.

Perv teachers also enjoy the support of their school districts. Yep. The school administrators don’t want to pay victims of their employees the money they worked hard to suck out of the public.

How do you break the public school monopoly?

Follow the money trail and bomb it.

School districts get $10,000 to $20,000 per child in local, state, and federal taxes. Local taxes come in the form of an income tax on wage earners and/or a property tax on home owners and renters (who pay corporate landlords a markup in rent).

They secure much of this money thru special elections.

How to stop this?

You can’t do so by playing defense.

You have to go on offense and cut off their money and cut down their leaders.

Of course, as long as the skoolocracy puts money issues on the ballot, organize and vote them down. But that’s only a stalling tactic.

One good way to go on offense is to force state legislators to ban special elections for school money issues. Limit the scumbags to one school funding ballot issue every two years, to take place at the same time each state’s general elections for Congress, and general elections for the presidency take place.

This stops the school kleptocrats from counting on low turnout to deliver them victories they don’t deserve. This is something you will have to force GOPers to take on in the state legislature because Dems are teacher union whores.

Another way to go on offense is to force state legislators to allow vouchers for parochial schools. If kids have to go to school or have to show proof of homeschooling, there should be no diktat on going only to a public school.

The public schools have parasited off of Catholic schools and other parochial schools for more than a century. Parents have to pay taxes that go to public schools, even though they send their children to parochial schools so the kids won’t be taught propaganda or be beaten up repeatedly or molested. If parochial schools close, the public schools have to educate these children too.

BTW, the vast majority of parochial grade schools and high schools educate children much more inexpensively than do public schools. Compare tuition and church subsidies per parochial school student with the cost of public schools per students in your area and you will be shocked how much more money the public schools take in per pupil.

Equity in education demands that all kids get roughly equal amounts of money spent on them for educations that should be roughly equal in quality. A voucher system or a funding system that includes parochial schools would ensure this.

The public skool Gestapo and their brown-nosing pals in the media cry for separation of church and state. My reply is this:

Governments are supposed to ensure roads are maintained, and they are supposed to ensure children get educations. There are government pavers and there are private sector pavers. Both types of pavers get taxpayer money to fix the roads. It should be likewise with schools. Split the money by enrollment. Let parochial and other private schools expand to accept who they can educate in a way consistent with their missions. (Parochial schools aren’t pushing sexual perversion or history destruction and hatred of white people.) Let parents choose where to send their children.

My eighth-grade math teacher, a Catholic nun from New Jersey who probably took time out from grading math homework to lift weights, later became the principal of a Catholic girls’ high school in Newark that was all minority (black and Hispanic) enrollment. All the girls were there with the support of the diocese and their parishes …. what their families could pay in tuition was very little of what their educations cost. Virtually every girl who graduated from the school got some sort of scholarship from a college or a trade school. I can guarantee you Sister Cornelia’s school ran on fewer dollars per girl than public schools in Newark did.

These girls’ successes could be repeated many times if taxpayer money went to all schools, not just the ones run by the government for the benefit of unionized teachers.

Vouchers or splitting education money between public and private schools based on enrollment is a matter you will have to force GOPers to take on in the state legislature because (repeat after me) Dems are teacher union whores.

Security camera catches Kansas kinsergarten teacher Crystal Smith kicking a little girl. After the girl’s mother complained, Crystal lied about it, but candid camera caught her. A squeezably soft judge gave her a 30-day jail stretch for the attack on the little girl. Source: KMBC, Kansas City, 12/8/2020


A third way is to get the lawyers involved. It is possible to sue private schools for failure to educate and for breaking promises made to incoming students. It should be possible to sue public skools for failure to educate and for breaking promises made to parents and students in order to benefit the public skool personnel. I am pitching this approach to patriot activists and lawyers and donors. Some parents have already taken such cases to court. More will follow.

There are class action lawyers who could get insanely rich and help the education of children if they looked at this seriously. If any of you reading this is a lawyer who wants a gig for life, contact me and we’ll talk.

A fourth way is to assist sexual abuse victims of public school teachers and other public employees. This also involves lawyers to sue teachers and those who protect them for molesting children. Again, this is another way for class action lawyers to get insanely rich. I can help any lawyer out there who wants the pot of gold by showing how to document a pattern of protecting those who rape children by a school district and by a teachers’ union.

BTW, why do so many schools let Planned Parenthood spew their propaganda to pupils? Could it be to program the victims of sexual abuse to get VD treatment, birth control, and abortions at Planned Parenthood to cover for the teachers who have been raping them? Is this a sort of union benefit for the rapists?

Now for things you can do locally.

Parents are starting to fight critical race theory imposition and strange sex theory imposition. Parents have come into “Drag Queen Child Grooming at the Library” days to disrupt this objective evil. Parents have also flooded school boards to protest the authoritarian brainwashing of their children.

Predictably, the school board ratfinks call the police, and declare an unlawful assembly to get parents arrested. Or they close the meeting and flee like Romneyites.

It should be pretty easy for parents to throw out school board members. Usually there is not much interest in school board races, so the teacher supported apparatchiks usually get elected. A few flyers and social media posts, and ads in the local papers, and appearances on local talk shows by articulate parents who have put together a good message of why the incumbent Nazis on the board should be canned will help the challengers.

Parents can ask their kids the names of other kids who are enrolled in their classes. Thus armed, they can see who the other kids’ parents are and share the word on why the incumbents need to be flushed.

Make sure the message is accurate and sensible.

If the police jail any parents, I would push for disciplining any Barney who makes these abusive arrests. Police boards sometimes will move against their offenders and losers if the public checks in on them. If the police or the town leaders do nothing, then it is time to flush them too.

Parents need to bone up on what the teachers are selling, and how to combat it. There is a group called Mass Resistance whose people do the Lord’s work in this regard. Their website is https://www.massresistance.org

Here’s some more advice for you from my own experience.

A lot of educators are heavily involved in running worthless social programs in schools across the country. They don’t stick to the basics, like providing a safe environment for kids to learn in, and actually TEACHING the kids the basics which will help them in adult life.

If your local school system is in the clutches of some screwball social experimenters, deprogram them by denying them their money fix and voting against school system measures. But to get people to join you, you’ll have to dig up and present enough dirt on these social programs to get their attention. Here’s how to do it:

Go to the school system’s central office and ask for the books, teachers’ guides, and other printed materials and videos for the program, and ask for all documents which outline what the goals and methods of the program are so you can check them out. These are all open to the public; your tax dollars pay for them. You can also go to the school system’s central office and ask to see the school system’s administrative and financial records on this program. You can also see school board records of meetings to see who voted to impose the program. These are all public records. Pore over these records to see exactly how your school board members and administrators are using your money on this program. If you find the school board is funding a program you think the kids can do just fine without, make copies of the offensive materials, make copies of documents showing who voted for the program, and make copies of documents showing how much the school system is spending on the program.

And then go public with your findings. Let parents know they are paying taxes to support some nutjob program at a time when the school board members and the teachers’ union are moaning about tight budgets. Suggest publicly that if the school officials have enough money, say, to provide homosexual sex act demonstrations or distribute condoms to high-schoolers, for example, then they surely don’t need to inflate their budget and ream you with another school levy.

What if a single teacher with a bad attitude and a personal agenda is the problem? Sometimes a friendly talk with the teacher can square her away. However, some teachers aren’t willing to respond to reason. To crack these nuts, you’ll have to do your homework on them. Get your kid to bring home the teacher’s reading list, then check the readings to see what percentage of the books or articles push a certain viewpoint. If the teacher doesn’t show any diversity in this area, she has done you a favor by documenting her own biases. If the teacher is the sort who tries to put down kids whose families’ values irk her in any way, you can possibly convince these kids’ parents to get their kids to testify about her thought fascism to force her removal.

Check the Internet and the public files for the teacher’s criminal and civil record, and for other negative info on her. Check the curriculum vitae or resume she filed with the school board members when they hired her. It will say where she went to school and where she taught before she came to your area. As needed, check with officials who knew her from these periods in her life. Check her social media webpage for self-inflicted wounds, like ridiculous or hateful comments or advocacy of bad causes or salacious photos or stories or creepy-looking sex partners or photos with child molesters (like we did to Summit County, Ohio prosecutor agent Jean Powell Workman, who we caught shacking up with Scott Dietz, a scumbag who raped his two preschool age daughters). Organize other parents when you’ve got her unmentionables in your hands. Then expose her before your school board members, let them know about parental concerns about her, remind them of your kids’ First Amendment rights, and suggest they take personnel actions against her for her wrongdoing.

I’ve got one bit of advice for you when you deal with the keepers of school records. Many of these people are not used to seeing parents in their office demanding to look through school records. They will try to treat you like unruly students. Your response will be to explain the facts of life to them, like the records are open and they are required by law to provide them. If you need to, talk to their supervisors about their performance, and let the superintendent know he and his clerks are YOUR servants, not the other way around.

If they still stone you, file a police complaint for their violation of open records laws and get them cited or citizen-arrested. In doing so, talk to a senior officer who is not merely a buzzhead with a badge. Casually let the officer know the school is probably preaching hate again cops too. This is where it pays to know who your police officials are.



School system superintendents, school boards and teachers take a back seat to almost no one when it comes to forcing tax increases on the people. They essentially hold the education of children as hostages. They make threats and dire predictions. Teachers harass students whose parents are active against the public school machine. Teachers can become unruly mobs who trash public buildings and steal from the people.

My wife 99 and I outed our local school district officials for essentially stealing taxpayer-provided school money and using it to fund an effort to pass a levy.

This school district, Northwest Local School District, covers northwest Stark County and southwest Summit County in Ohio. Canton is the county seat of Stark County; Akron is the county seat of Summit County.

Code Red was a lobbying group that supported higher school taxes in the Northwest Local School District. Lobbying groups like Code Red have to file records of donations and spending. We looked up the records of Code Red and others involved in school district politics at the Stark County Board of Elections in Canton.

Code Red’s donation records were typical. They showed public school officials and teachers were the biggest donors. They saw passing levies as a way to raise their salaries.

But we did find an interesting expense and two interesting donations, all possibly or certainly illegal.

We found a billing by the school district for $100 to Code Red to use the school’s emergency system callout machine. Why? So they could make sales calls to parents to support the levy – a questionable use of a taxpayer-funded asset.

We found a receipt for $243 to a data firm. The school district paid for a list of all the residential e-mails in the area. Why? To send residents e-mails to support the levy? If not, then why was it in the election records as a reportable expense?

And since a school district can’t spend money that way, it’s evidence of possibly illegal activity.

We found a copy of a check from the school district to Code Red for $1000. This was the biggest single contribution. And it was evidently illegal, and certainly unethical. School district officials cannot use taxpayer money to fund elections they have an interest in.

Unfortunately, the county prosecutor, a friend of the school officials, refused to prosecute when we made him aware of the thievery. He was an excrement-eating apparatchik.

We did spotlight the school district’s lawbreaking in an attack ad in the newspaper. The voters rejected the levy in February 2009. They turned it down in several other elections.

Access to public records is one of your rights. Using them to fight injustices is your right, and it’s as American as apple pie, baseball, and contempt for corrupt politicians.

The superintendent, a crooked genius adept at the gamesmanship of levies, finally beat the residents in May 2010. He devised a plan not to raise property taxes, but to impose a 1% income tax on working people in the district. Retirees did not come out to vote against this money grab on the area’s workers like they did when property tax hikes were involved. So even though the sleazy supe didn’t get any more votes for his side, his tactic depressed the turnout against the tax grab just enough to allow fewer voters to pass the measure.

Until state legislatures outlaw greedy school district officials from pushing levies and income tax grabs more often than once every two years in the November elections (elections with maximum voter turnout), a minority of the taxpayers, composed largely of teachers and other government officials, will push such measures every quarter, using taxpayer money to pay for special elections, until they can slither to victory.

Your vigilance against school system scammers and scavengers can never lessen.

One last piece of advice: If a parents’ group needs a designated harsh SOB to confront the skoolocracy, or to be a lightning rod for public opinion on it, see if you can recruit a couple whose kids are not in the public school. Their kids can’t be targeted by scumbag teachers or administrators. I say “couple” because the wife has to be tough and capable too, like 99 is.

I was our area’s harsh SOB, so I know what I’m talking about. I ran ads that mocked the school admins and the teachers; we beat several levies. I received a lot of hate mail and calls. So 99 and I and an operative I’ll call “The Ukrainian” hit the school district with 10,000 flyers that profiled a government-protected child rapist and wondered why the school district was allowing buses with children to stop near his house. His fat evil face sickened many and enraged the levy propagandists.

Too bad, levy propagandists. To quote Grace Slick in “Stairway to Cleveland,” “Eff you, we do what we want.”

You are your own first responder. You are also your children’s best teacher.




July05/ 2021



Thanks for tuning back in.

I ‘m sorry I had to stop posting for awhile.

I have been working a series of cases against sexual predators and their enablers.

The casework has taken up so much of my time I have not had the time to write anything of quality here.

All I’ll say for now is the case work is continuing. It would greatly anger you to hear how many of those I believe, based upon my work, who are guilty are in the public schools, the medical industry, the foster care system, the public employee bureaucracy, and the politicians and their allies in business, media, and activist groups.

When I can say more, I will. For now, the work continues.


Why did I choose to return to posting this weekend?

The Patriots didn’t spend July 4, 1776 goofing off.


They signed the Declaration of Independence, which gave formal notice to the British we wanted no more of their dictatorial rule.

The Patriots of New England and other places had been rebelling openly for more than a year. Paul Revere’s ride and the battles of Lexington and Concord had happened in April 1775, and the battle of Bunker Hill had taken place in June 1775. George Washington took command of the Continental Army in July 1775, and besieged British-held Boston. Washington and his men forced the departure of the Brits on St. Patrick’s Day 1776.

The Declaration made the Revolution official, throughout the 13 colonies. No going back to colony status voluntarily. Either the Patriots would win and launch a republic, or the British would win and torture the captured Patriots to death, like they had done to the Irish.

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