• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


April12/ 2018

Ms. Justice is usually portrayed blindfolded.

This is a fantasy look that is artistic but impractical — like expecting Wonder Woman to fight crime in high heeled boots and a strapless one piece swimsuit without tripping or suffering too many wardrobe malfunctions.

Ms. Justice can’t see those who assault her if she is blindfolded.



The nation is swimming in illegals released by judges, jailers, and other failures in sanctuary cities and counties and states. They are openly violating federal law because for now the criminals in the criminal justice system are protecting them.

The latest Gestapo move by the Deep State Nazis was the raiding of Mr. Trump’s lawyer’s home, office, and hotel room he has been staying in while his residence is undergoing renovation. This is a violation of the Fourth Amendment, in violating attorney-client privilege.

Not that the feds aligned with Fuhrer Robert Mueller found anything of value. If they did, we’d have already heard of it by now.

The Nazis and Communists of the Deep State, in their illegal attack on Mr. Trump’s lawyer and friend, are nakedly telling us we have no rights if they decide to attack us. This is an open putsch by crooked authoritarians against the Republic and we the people who eork, pay taxes, and vote.

To help you fight prosecutor abuses, I’m going to give a block of instruction today on how they violate the law and their oaths of office.

How can prosecutors rape Ms. Justice? Let me count the ways.



Prosecutors plea-bargain anywhere from 65 to 95 percent of all criminal cases. Of course, most people who are charged usually are guilty of something, but that’s not always why prosecutors plea-bargain so freely. Prosecutors claim they care about people, but many of them really look at criminal cases like statistics. The more convictions they can show, the better it will look for them when they run for office or go into private law practices.

So many prosecutors will plea-bargain with criminals to pad their statistics. After all, a murderer who pleads guilty to the reduced charge of manslaughter or felony assault counts as a conviction just as much as if the prosecutor had to work a little and try him and convict him on the more serious charge and keep him locked up awhile. Prosecutors who plea-bargain too freely endanger the public because the truly dangerous and crooked criminals will avoid just punishment and will be able to prey on the people much quicker.

Another key reason why prosecutors use the plea bargain so readily is that they’re bureaucrats. Many of them have lots of cases to review, and they get lazy on some of them. This means they don’t review many of their cases thoroughly to see whether the alleged victims are vindictive liars, or to see whether they have the right person charged for crimes which some criminals DID commit against the victims. Too many prosecutors take the easy way out instead. They threaten the defendants with massive prosecutions and long prison terms unless they accept plea-bargains.

Some defendants are innocent, but scared. They know there are enough worthless judges and dopey jurors out there who could rule the wrong way on them, so they cave in to the pressure and accept the plea bargain. And in such cases, since the plea-bargaining defendants had nothing to do with the crimes, the real perpetrators are still on the loose to prey upon the public.



Prosecutors also commit crimes against public safety when they fail to prosecute dangerous or clever criminals even if they KNOW they’re guilty.

Prosecutors pull this stunt in cases where they’ll have to work a little to get a conviction. For example, reputed homosexual J. Edgar Hoover had his FBI agents concentrating on bank robbers and spying on Martin Luther King instead of going after more of the sophisticated Mob and white-collar criminals. Hoover was aided and abetted in this wrongdoing against Dr. King by JFK, LBJ, and top aides in their administrations.

A sleazy example of failure to prosecute was fired and disgraced FBI director James Comey’s decision to give Hillary a pass on her use of a private server to hide her wrongdoing while Secretary of State for Barack Obama. (Obama was smart enough not to make her his running mate. Otherwise, he’d be dead now.) Comey was such a stooge he “exonerated” Hillary before his agents interview her.

The agents did not record the interview, and Hillary was not under oath. Attorney General Loretta Lynch could then say she had no grounds to proceed against Hillary.



Another prosecutor offense is putting on a weak case against defendants, especially against those with the right political ties. For example, federal lawmen accused federal prosecutors in New Jersey of failure to prosecute a number of public officials connected with the Abscam scandal. Higher-ups in the U.S. Justice Department took the cases away from the New Jersey federal prosecutors, and sent others into New Jersey to handle the prosecutions. Robert Del Tufo, the highest-ranking federal prosecutor in the Garden State accused of foot-dragging, soon resigned. Two other prosecutors kicked off the case later appeared as witnesses for the defendants when they appealed their convictions.



Prosecutors sometimes renege on deals they cut with witnesses. Prosecutors pull this crap because they know it’s their word against the testimony of convicts, and people won’t usually believe the lousy criminals. I covered such a case in a federal court – it involved a prisoner who witnessed two of his fellow biker gang “brothers” kill another prisoner by locking him in his cell, splashing a flammable liquid on him, and throwing lit matches at him until the liquid ignited and he burned to death. According to the suit the prisoner filed, he claimed state officials promised him if he testified against the killers, they would keep his identity secret until the trial, they would keep him locked up in another prison in the state, and they would reduce his armed-robbery sentence.

The state officials went back on their word big-time, the prisoner charged. He said other gang members showed him a copy of his signed statement a month before the trial, and they proceeded to make his life a living hell. He testified against the gang members anyway, and his testimony convicted them. As his reward, he said, the officials decided to move him out of state and decided not to reduce his sentence. The prison warden and the local prosecutors I spoke with about the case told me circumstantial evidence was totally on the prisoner’s side. They said they believed he wouldn’t have jeopardized himself unless the state officials made those promises to him.



One of my earliest articles concerned an L.A. city prosecutor who saw fit to waste an unspecified amount of money to prosecute a priest who had drowned some nuisance stray cats that had been hanging around his high school. (The priest, who had once been a farmer, evidently still had a farmer’s seemingly harsh but realistic attitude toward pests.) Steve McKee, the prosecutor in question, got involved after a few bozos picketed the priest’s high school. With all the REAL crime that goes on in L.A., I said to McKee, why was he prosecuting someone for doing what local animal control people do all the time – kill strays?

McKee said he thought the drownings were serious offenses. McKee denied he was going after the priest to showboat for the lunatic mainstream in L.A., but he also refused to say whether or not he was a churchgoer, an atheist or an anti-Catholic bigot. He did say his boss Ira Reiner (a one-time Manson Family defense attorney who was city attorney for L.A. before becoming the district attorney for L.A. County) had given the go-ahead to prosecute the case.



Prosecutors rape Ms. Justice often by intentional misconduct. Sometimes they shaft her due to garden-variety negligence.

Raymond Tanner, a meat cutter by trade, chased his pretty young wife Maria Barker Tanner around the parking lot of their Cincinnati area apartment complex with a foot-long butcher knife on the morning of Valentine’s Day, 1990. He caught Maria, dragged her into the foyer of their building, and cut off her head in front of a terrified young neighbor woman.

I interviewed Maria’s mother after Raymond Tanner beat a murder rap because a judge, with prosecutor assistance, found Tanner not guilty by reason of insanity for beheading her daughter. She showed me a picture of the attractive young blonde, and she told me Maria found out a lot of negative things about Tanner after they got married. She found out he was apparently discharged from the service with a less-than-honorable discharge, he had been married and divorced before, he had financial problems, and he had fathered children by his ex-wife and a previous girlfriend. Maria learned she would have to help him pay child support for these children. Maria’s heartbroken mother told me, “Parents should delve into the fiance’s background … and check him from one end to the other.”

Butler County, Ohio prosecutor Robin N. Piper III told me he decided not to prosecute Tanner for cutting off his wife’s head on Valentine’s Day. Why? Because, he said, two state-retained psychologists who interviewed Tanner many weeks after he beheaded his wife believed Tanner thought his wife and the Masons were involved in a plot to kill him.

(Roger Fisher, one of the shrinks in question, bitched at me over the phone when I tried to set up an interview with him about his analysis. He also told me he was forbidding his staffers from talking to me about the Tanner case. Would such behavior on his part be evidence of clinical paranoia?)

I asked prosecutor Piper why he hadn’t checked with the two psychologists who examined Tanner in the Butler County jail within days after he beheaded his wife and concluded he was faking insanity. The prosecutor replied with some astonishment he wasn’t aware of any other evaluation. I told Piper the sheriff had reported to the media he had gotten these two psychologists to examine Tanner. I told him info about their exams on Tanner was in a story in the local paper. The prosecutor confessed he was unaware of their findings.

But he was negligent, in my opinion, even if he didn’t read the paper. Why? The jailhouse log, which I examined, had the two psychologists’ names on it who made visits within days of Tanner’s jailing. The interval between the first exams by the psychologists who claimed Tanner was faking insanity and the time the latter two shrinks saw Tanner could have given him time to prepare a story they’d buy. In short, the prosecutor overlooked a huge piece of evidence in the murder case of a man who savagely cut off his wife’s head.

I was able to use jailhouse records to see when Tanner was booked, what the officers noted, and who came to see him while he was jailed. The jailhouse record also referred to a police report which had info in it that led me to believe Tanner was faking insanity because his answers were lucid.

Tanner the meatcutter took two quick strokes to behead his wife, according to the autopsy report, which I obtained from the county coroner. This too indicated Tanner was exhibiting rational control of the murder weapon. A defense attorney might say Tanner wasn’t quite as sadistic as the Islamists who use extended cutting and sawing to behead victims for their propaganda videos.

Was Raymond Tanner insane? Most rational men don’t behead their wives on Valentine’s Day – or on any other day, for that matter. But jury members who received all the evidence should have made that decision, not a prosecutor who in my opinion mishandled the case. Thanks in large part to Piper’s apparent negligence and his failure to put on a case, a judge found Tanner not guilty by reason of insanity in June 1990. Tanner walked free from the state nuthouse when another shrink convinced a judge Tanner was all better.

Robin Piper, by the way, was at last check an appellate court judge in Ohio. Foul up and move up?



U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russian Collusion Snipe Hunt because he campaigned for Donald Trump. Sessions had his No. 2 man in the DOJ, lifer attorney Rod Rosenstein, choose a special prosecutor.

Rosenstein chose a friend of his –Robert Mueller, the former FBI chief. Mueller in turn is friends with his successor and former subordinate James Comey, who Trump had fired.

In the recent raid on Trump attorney Michael Cohen, U.S. Attorney for New York Geoffrey Berman recused himself because he is a Trump donor. Robert Khuzami, the No. 2 man in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York City, is not. He’s a Bush 43 supporter and a big McCain donor. But that didn’t stop Obama from appointing him to run the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Khuzami’s SEC people stood accused by an SEC investigator of negotiating fines with corporate violators to keep them out of prison. Later, writer Matt Taibbi reported Khuzami’s SEC people were destroying investigation records systematically. Khuzami didn’t deny it, but defended it as a continuation of SEC policy. A quick Wikipedia search on Khuzami revealed these items.

Khuzami is the kind of prosecutor Wall Street could be proud of. Khuzami gave the go-ahead for the FBI goons to make the Michael Cohen raids.

Also, about half of the lawyers Mueller hired for his Brownshirts were big Hillary donors. None was a Trump donor.



Honchos in the FBI and elsewhere in the Justice Department are not releasing subpoenaed documents as ordered. Current FBI chief Christopher Wray and DOJ No. Two Rosenstein are being threatened with congressional impeachment and removal for the lawbreaking of their subordinates.

Contrast this with Michael Cohen, who has produced the documents the Mueller team have asked for.

Compare this with Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch submitting to Bill Clinton during the Hillary investigation. Some call this tampering.

Comey and other FBI officials paid for a false dossier whose author was in the pay of Hillary and used it illegally to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Mr. Trump and his associates.


Double standards, selective prosecution, and personal misconduct are all other things a crooked prosecutor could do.

In Ohio, compromised state attorneys tried to imprison a police officer who was checking on a resort owner and big donor he suspected of trafficking girls. In a sham of a trial, the judge sentenced the officer to jail for five months for allegedly misusing a police computer system. It was evidently the largest sentence ever given for such a conviction in Ohio.

To my knowledge, only two other police officers drew any jail time at all for this. One was using the police computer system for harassing an ex. Another was using it to tip off drug dealers. A number of female prosecutors were using the police computer system to check on boyfriends and girlfriends; none of these sweeties drew any jail time.

On my advice, the officer pleaded indigence (he was broke and the state attorneys were killing his job opportunities) and a court appointed lawyer won him a reversal of the unjust uconviction on appeal.



Dirt-digging on prosecutors is not an exact science. However, there are ways to get the job done.

You can check the percentage of felony cases in which prosecutors get convictions. Likewise, you can check the percentage of felony charges that are downgraded to misdemeanors. If your county has a low conviction ratio or high downgrading ratio relative to other counties in your state, your county prosecutors may not be getting the job done.

You can check for evidence of inequities in plea-bargaining, failure to prosecute, weak prosecution, wasting time with stupid cases, and incompetence in the criminal case files. Using the instructions in the chapter on checking crimes, go through the criminal case files as follows:

Note the kinds of cases the prosecutor has tried.

Check for race, sex, and evidence of income of defendant.

Check for how rigidly authoritarian or how ridiculously lax the prosecutor is in arranging to lower charges and sentences in exchange for guilty pleas.

Check the pattern of plea bargaining – how far the prosecutor will go depending on what evidence he has, whether or not he drops numbers of charges or drops the most serious charges, or whether or not he insists on imprisonment. Check for evidence of discrimination based on race, sex, or income. How does he handle crimes of violence? How does he handle non-violent crimes?

Check for evidence of a strong defense case and evidence of a prosecutor bullheadedly trying to prosecute the case or trying to secure a plea-bargain by ridiculously overcharging a defendant.

Check for evidence the prosecutor isn’t presenting a strong case when damaging evidence might be available to him.

Check for evidence the prosecutor has mishandled the case in some other way.

See what kinds of sentences the defendants receive if tried and convicted. See if they are convicted on a lesser charge because the prosecutor couldn’t make a more serious charge stick.

Note how often defense attorneys get judges to issue directed verdicts. A judge, in issuing a directed verdict, is in effect throwing out the case because the prosecutor hasn’t proven the defendant committed the crime.

Note how often juries or judges find defendants innocent. Note how often defendants successfully appeal the convictions.

Also check to see if the prosecutor gives a damn about victims. Too many prosecutors treat victims as mere pieces of evidence instead of as people who have been hurt deeply by the criminals. Does the prosecutor seek restitution for victims? Does he consider victims’ wishes and concerns? Does he shield victims from abusive and unwarranted cross-examination in court while still allowing the defense attorneys to defend their clients?



Now that you know what to look for in prosecutors, stay alert. Short of divine intervention, only an intelligent and angry public can make the lawyers and politicians slow down when it comes to breaking the law. Too many prosecutors are lawyers first, and defenders of the public only when it suits them.

In the next post, we will talk about how these prosecutor crimes and unethical acts are playing out in the putsch by the Deep Staters against elected president Donald Trump. Stay tuned.




Moslem Spies and Democrats and the Pigs of Gadara

April11/ 2018

The legendary cowboy humorist Will Rogers once said, “There are men running governments who shouldn’t be allowed to play with matches.”

He also said many times, “I am not a member of any organized party. I am a Democrat.”

Today’s topic, courtesy of Luke Rosiak and the 4/1/2018 Daily Caller, embodies both of the real Mr. Rogers’ truisms. It also shows how not to do background checks, and why the Democrats are the party who gave Stalin the atom bomb and Putin our uranium reserves.

We at How to Be Your Own Detective tell you how to check on people. Does the person have a criminal record? What about lawsuits that might show crooked or evil behavior? What about bankruptcies that show money problems? And what about police calls to the person’s residence?

If you buy HOW TO BE YOUR OWN DETECTIVE, you will get detailed tips on how to do these types of checks. Even the pages on this website give you some good info for starters.

But many Democrats in Congress ignored basic security when they allowed a family of Pakistani Moslems to do their IT work. The Pakis stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in computers and harvested info from these Dems and others. And yet the Dems are still against punishing them. All while they blame President Trump and the Russian tooth fairy for allegedly stealing an election …. and applaud Fuhrer Mueller for violating the law to go after him.

Here’s the Rosiak article.

“Every one of the 44 House Democrats who hired Pakistan-born IT aides who later allegedly made “unauthorized access”to congressional data appears to have chosen to exempt them from background checks, according to congressional documents.

All of them appear to have waived background checks on Imran Awan and his family members, even though the family of server administrators could collectively read all the emails and files of 1 in 5 House Democrats, and despite background checks being recommended for such positions, according to an inspector general report. The House security policy requires offices to fill out a form attesting that they’ve initiated background checks, but it also includes a loophole allowing them to simply say that another member vouched for them.

Among the red flags in Abid’s background were a $1.1 million bankruptcy; six lawsuits against him or a company he owned; and at least three misdemeanor convictions including for DUI and driving on a suspended license, according to Virginia court records. Public court records show that Imran and Abid operated a car dealership referred to as CIA that took $100,000 from an Iraqi government official who is a fugitive from U.S. authorities.

Numerous members of the family were tied to cryptic LLCs such as New Dawn 2001, operated out of Imran’ residence, Virginia corporation records show. Imran was the subject of repeated calls to police by multiple women and had multiple misdemeanor convictions for driving offenses, according to court records.

If a screening had caught those, what officials say happened next might have been averted.

The House inspector general reported on Sept. 20, 2016, that shortly before the election members of the group were logging into servers of members they didn’t work for, logging in using congressmen’s personal usernames, uploading data off the House network, and behaving in ways that suggested “nefarious purposes”and that “steps are being taken to conceal their activity.”

A pair of closely-held reports on Imran Awan, his brothers Abid and Jamal, his wife Hina Alvi, and his friend Rao Abbas, said, “he shared employees have not been vetted (e.g. background check).”

“Shared employees”means they were all hired as part-time, individual employees by individual members, cobbling together $165,000 salaries. Jamal began making that salary at only 20 years old, according to House payroll records; Abid never went to college, his stepmother said; and Rao Abbas’most recent job experience was being fired from McDonald’s according to his roommate. (“Whether they had formal training or not, they were trained on the job by Imran,”one of Imran’s lawyers said.)

Among the 44 employers, the primary advocate for the suspects has been Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, who introduced a bill Monday that would require background checks on Americans purchasing ammunition. “Without bullets a gun is just a hunk of useless metal,” she said, calling ammunition the “loophole”in gun control policy.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz in “rode hard and put away wet” mode


(Ms.) Wasserman Schultz was also chair of the Democratic National Committee when Wikileaks  published its emails. (The Wikileaks emails show that DNC aides called Imran when they needed the password to her device.) Since then, she and other Democrats have described cyber breaches in the strongest possible terms, such as “an act of war ”and “an assault on our democracy.”

But there is no indication Democrats put those concerns into practice when they entrusted the Pakistani dual citizens with their data, nor when suspicious activity was detected. Police banned anyway. He was in the building and in possession of a laptop with the username RepDWS months later, according to an April 6, 2017 police report.

(Comment: No one in the Democrat Party called Debbie Wasserman Positive an aggressor against democracy when she basically whored and allowed Hillary Clinton to take over the Democrat Party and cheat Bernie Sanders out of the 2016 Dem presidential nomination. BTW, “Wasserman Positive” is a term meaning someone has tested positive for syphilis.)

The House security policy, HISPOL 16, says “House Offices shall…Ensure background checks, as defined in this policy, have been conducted on Privileged Users.” It includes quarterly reviews of privileged accounts’ appropriateness. By the time the policy was enacted, some members had dropped the Awans for assorted reasons, including Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona in early 2015 for what her spokesperson called “incompetence.”

The $1.1 million bankruptcy in itself would be enough to stop many employers from giving access to sensitive data. “Excessive indebtedness increases the temptation to commit unethical or illegal acts in order to obtain funds to pay off the debts,” so “financial problems are the number one killer of security clearances,”according to ClearanceJobs.com.

For each server administrator, an “Authorizing Official”from the member’ office must fill out a form on which the office attests “ have assessed the risk of the prospective Privileged Account holder via background check processes outlined in HISPOL 16.”

However, there is an alternative: “ I have verified that a trustworthiness determination has been made on behalf of this shared resource by another Member.”

The option B does not ask the name of the member that vouched for the employee, and the language does not directly specify that vouching for an employee requires that the earlier member provided a background check.

The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to all 44 members, and none disputed that they had not conducted a background check. Not a single one of the 44 would say which of their colleagues vouched for the Awans, nor stated what criteria they used to determine that it was prudent to give them access to all their data. Besides Wasserman Schultz, Imran has longstanding personal relationships with Reps. Gregory Meeks and Marcia Fudge of New York, Politico reported.

Employers also include Rep. Ted Lieu of California on the Foreign Affairs Committee and three members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Reps. Andre Carson of Indiana, Jackie Speier of California and Joaquin Castro of Texas.

(Comment: Moslems from Pakistan were in a position to monitor Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committee members for intel. How thoughtful of the Dems.)

The HISPOL16 policy was created in September 2015 and says “as privileged accounts have a greater potential impact on information and information systems than general user accounts, organizations must promote trustworthiness of users of privileged accounts. Authorization officials must check the backgrounds of users of privileged accounts for elements that might make trustworthiness of a user questionable…The Office of the CISO suggests that Hiring Officers and their designees use the rigorous criminal history records search services provided by the United States Capitol Police.”

The policy focuses on and encourages members to use the Capitol Police’ background check service, but it says private background check companies can also be used. The IG report does not specify whether it made the determination that the Awans had not received background checks by looking at the forms or by consulting with the Capitol Police, but it says that they “have not been vetted.”

The Shared Employee Handbook, published in 2009, says “due to the sensitive nature of the information to which Shared Employees may be exposed during day-to-day job functions, it is recommended that Member and Committee offices request a Capitol Police Criminal History Records Check on potential Shared Employees.”

Eric McCracken, a spokesman for the Committee on House Administration, would not say why the screening policy provided the option B loophole that allowed another member to vouch for the aides in lieu of a background check. Despite the IG report addressing it, Gregg Harper, the Mississippi Republican who controls the committee, told The Daily Caller in 2017 that he did not know whether the Awans had background checks.

(Nice oversight, Harper, you peckerwood.)

The Awans’ employers also included Rep. Yvette Clarke of New York, who saw $120,000 in computer equipment disappear under Abid Awan’ watch but “wrote off” he taxpayer funds rather than make an issue of it, according to the IG report and multiple senior government officials.

(Comment: Foreign Moslems stealing from taxpayers is acceptible to Democrats. Thanks, Yvette.)

Xavier Becerra, now attorney general of California, ran the House Democratic Caucus, and his server was physically stolen shortly after the IG report named it as evidence in a hacking probe, three senior government officials said.

(Note: Ironically Becerra is now the AG of California. He is the Nazi who is prosecuting muckrakers who outed Planned Parenthood as the Reich to Choose. Why? The muckrakers got Planned Parenthood officials to admit they were selling aborted baby body parts. Like Nazis who collected gold and silver fillings from piles of dead Jews and other POWs for profit.)

The IT guys in the House criminal probe could read these members’ emails. The Awans and their associates collected more than $5 million in pay from congressional offices, often drawing chief-of-staff level pay though there is reason to believe many didn’t even show up. The House’s internal probe found they logged into servers they had no affiliation with, used members’ usernames, covered their tracks, and persisted even after being fired.

A list of the members who (hired the Awans but) did not conduct background checks (on them) is below.

Gregory Meeks (D-NY)
Robert Wexler (D-FL), Left office 2010
Xavier Becerra (D-CA), Left House in 2017. Now AG of California.
Chris Bell (D-TX), Left office 2004
Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH), Left office 2008
Jim Costa (D-CA)
Hilda Solis (D-CA), Left office 2009
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Kendrick Meek (D-FL), Left office 2010
Melissa Bean (D-IL), Left office 2010
Sandy Levin (D-MI)
Tim Ryan (D-OH)
Baron Hill (D-IN), Left office 2010
John Sarbanes (D-MD)
Yvette Clarke (D-NY)
Dave Loebsack (D-IA)
Ron Klein (D-FL), Left office 2010
Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Left office 2013
Ben Chandler (D-KY), Left office 2013
Diana DeGette (D-CO)
Jackie Speier (D-CA)
Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), Left House in 2009. Now mayor of Chicago.
Marcia Fudge (D-OH)
Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Left office 2013
Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), Left office 2012. Shot by a pothead who fantasized about killing police.
Debbie Halvorson (D-IL), Left office 2010
Frederica Wilson (D-FL)
John Carney (D-DE)
Cedric Richmond (D-LA)
Karen Bass (D-CA)
Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Henry Waxman (D-CA), Left office 2015
Ron Barber (D-AZ)
Patrick Murphy (D-FL)
Joe Garcia (D-FL)
Joyce Birdson Beatty (D-OH)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Mark Takano (D-CA)
Dan Kildee (D-MI)
Julia Brownley (D-CA)
Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), Left House in 2017. Senator from Illinois.
Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM)
Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)
Tony Cardenas (D-CA)
Robin Kelly (D-IL)
Joaquin Castro (D-TX)
Katherine Clark (D-MA)
Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)
Joe Crowley (D-NY)
Brad Ashford (D-NE), Left office 2017
Andre Carson (D-IN)
Gwen Graham (D-FL), Left office 2017
Pete Aguilar (D-CA)
Ted Lieu (D-CA)
Seth Moulton (D-MA)
Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Donald McEachin (D-VA)
Charlie Crist (D-FL)
Stephanie Murphy (D-FL)
Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE)
Darren Michael Soto (D-FL)

Here at How to be Your Own Detective, we tell you how to conduct background checks. See the page for background checks on the right margin. Again, the basics include criminal checks, lawsuit checks, police calls checks, and bankruptcy checks.The 44 Democrats above violated all of the guidelines we give.

And they were okay not only with the security breach, and the equipment theft, but with falsification. Xavier Becerra reported his laptop was stolen after the IG named it as evidence in a hacking probe.

Why would someone steal a laptop belonging to a loser like Becerra unless it contained something incriminating Becerra or someone else wanted to hide?

But the Democrats couldn’t act like traitors and buffoons alone. The Republicans controlled the House of Representatives. Even though the Pakistani IT scumbags didn’t work for GOP members, the GOP House leaders let the scumbags continue to spy, errr, work for the Dems even after they were suspected of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of computers and IT gear.

Luke Rosiak gave further info on the malfeasance, in the 4/4/2018 Daily Caller, which I quote here:

“A publication for IT security professionals says House leaders of both parties were negligent and in violation of basic IT protocol by allowing Imran Awan and his family to continue in their roles as server administrators for four months despite knowing they were suspected of serious misconduct by the House Inspector General.
“The lack of concern and perspective on the potential risks posed by Imran Awan is alarming,” an article in SearchSecurity says. “This case is an example of negligence trumping security and, worse yet, common sense. Awan’s alleged activities and the way many handled themselves, from the hiring to the response in the wake of the investigation, should concern us all.”

Forty-four House Democrats employed the Pakistani-born Imran Awan and his family in a position where they could read all the emails and files of one in five Democratic congressmen. The author, cybersecurity expert Kevin McDonald of Alvaka Networks, especially faults the judgment of Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who kept Imran on her payroll for an additional six months after House leadership banned him from the network. He also questions her claim the IT aide was somehow providing tech services without ever connecting to the House network.

“When challenged about why she allowed a person under criminal investigation to continue to access the building —where computers are stored and used —to assist with IT issues, Wasserman Schultz defended her actions by telling reporters that IT admins could assist with issues without having network access, and that IT support included other elements besides the network, such as phones, printers and software,” the article reads.

Imran did, in fact, use his continued access to the building to leave a laptop apparently purchased by Wasserman Schultz’ office, which he left in a phone booth April 6, 2017, according to a Capitol Police report.

Committee on House Administration leaders Republican Gregg Harper and Democrat Bob Brady learned the Awan family was suspected of equipment theft in April 2016 but did not suspend their network access, instead tasking the House Office of Inspector General (IG) with an investigation, according to an IG presentation

The misconduct extended beyond potential theft of equipment to cybersecurity issues, according to the IG. It (the IG) presented a briefing in September 2016 that alleged Imran and family members were logging into servers of offices they did not work for thousands of times and warned of indications a “server is being used for nefarious purposes and elevated the risk that individuals could be reading and/or removing information.” The briefing went to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Harper and Brady. “Despite an ongoing investigation into potential misconduct, these members of the House IT staff were allowed to continue working as administrators for nearly a year,”McDonald wrote.

The aides should have immediately been placed on a paid suspension, he continued. “If issues or questions arise about their conduct, they should have their access immediately revoked until an investigation can be completed. There is no room for leniency or error until the concerns are alleviated.”

Donald pointed out the dangers rogue IT aides pose. “They can add programs designed to spy on users, damage systems or data, redirect data flows and communications, or fully reproduce every bit of data contained on the systems they control. They can pretend to be a user and take action as if they are that user.”

The Awans were allegedly logging in, using members of Congress’ personal usernames, according to the IG.

The security professional wrote: “I have been involved in investigations where data was deleted, information was exfiltrated, money was stolen and clients were locked out of their own systems, and even extorted by staffers with information they gained from systems access. This means that the utmost care must be taken in selecting these technology professionals, determining their access and monitoring their behaviors.”

“In particular, sensitive systems in government, defense and finance should be accessed and supported only by those with impeccable work history, experience, knowledge and character,” he continued.

The Administration Committee requires background checks for IT aides, but its policy includes a loophole that allows other members to vouch for them in lieu of the recommended practice of a Capitol Police background check. The Daily Caller News Foundation reported Monday the IG report says the aides “have not been vetted (e.g. background checks),” meaning every member waived background checks for the Awans. House officials finally banned the Awans from the House network on Feb. 2, 2017. Wasserman Schultz still kept him (Imran Awan) on staff, claiming the IT aide was somehow providing tech assistance without touching the network.

“Imran Awan was allowed to continue working as an IT admin for several months with restricted network access despite obvious red flags,”McDonald lamented.

“Let’s break it down from an IT security perspective. First, Wasserman Schultz implies that allowing someone under criminal investigation to remain in proximity to sensitive computers and the network equipment connected to it is no big deal. Second, she goes on to say that, basically, phones, printers, the website and software are nothing to worry about, despite the fact that malware placed on any of the above can lead to systems’ access. Even without gaining system access, key loggers and other data capture malware can, in fact, steal copies of everything a House member or staffer is doing.”

Though the IG report says server logs show “unauthorized access,”the Awans have not been charged with hacking. Democrats, as the victims of the alleged wrongdoing, have been reticent to press charges against the Awans, a House source told the DNC. Democrats have, in turn, cited the lack of cybersecurity charges to dismiss the issue.

“Regardless of whether Awan is found guilty, the response from members of Congress should be concerning,”McDonald wrote. “Even if it does not rise to the level of espionage, it should be a massive wakeup call about who is being allowed to access congressional IT systems and other sensitive government computers.”

Imran and his wife were charged in July with felonies for allegedly cashing out their congressional retirement account under false pretenses before attempting to leave the country.

The Administration Committee hasn’t changed the policy surrounding House information security nor answered basic questions about the unauthorized access. “There should be a top-down investigation into the hiring, monitoring and termination practices of Congressional members’ IT staff, and new protocols need to be instituted,” McDonald wrote.

Luke the muckraker summed the case up nicely in a televised interview 4/2/2018 with the crafty and conscientious Maria Bartiromo. Rosiak said the entire scandal is becoming a Democratic cover up as investigators have been blocked from looking any deeper into the matter.

“There’s hundreds of thousands of dollars of equipment suspected to have been stolen and that’s basically what the IG started investigating and then it found that data was coming off the network too. And we don’t know exactly what the data was. We know that it had, quote, sensitive file names according to the IG. And the reason we don’t know more because the House actually blocked investigators from looking at some of the stuff,” Rosiak said. “This is a cover-up.”

“This is the biggest story that you never hear about,” he continued. “It’s a hack on the Congress by foreigners and the Democrats didn’t care about it, they didn’t stop it. These are the same people who were talking constantly about cyber breaches and Russia. And if you care about one, you’ve got to care about the other. So why haven’t they addressed it?”

Rosiak thinks Democrats are silent on the scandal because it would interfere with their Russian hacking narrative and affect their grasp on power.

“It basically destroys that Russian narrative just because it shows that they didn’t actually care about cybersecurity and they haven’t responded to this. And thirdly, it could just be a question of, do these guys have something on members of Congress?” he concluded.”

My only problem with Rosiak’s summary is that it ignores the RINOs in the House who would rather let the Moslem programmers steal equipment and sensitive info than stop the theft and the spying for so long. They treat the Dems as friends because they feed at the same troughs. A nationalist like Donald Trump has united all the Democrats and at least half the GOPers who infest the nation’s capital against him and against us.

In fact, the GOPers in the US Senate were terribly concerned David Zuckerberg, the Facebook monopolist, allowed Cambridge Analytica, whose people worked for Ted Cruz and then for Donald Trump, to mine some data. They ignored the fact Zuckerberg essentially gave the same work and more to earlier Obama campaigns, and likely extended the same favor to Hillary Clnton’s winged monkeys. And they took his money.

An April 10 Breitbart article had this to say about Zuckerberg’s money:

“Facebook and entities associated with it have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Senators who will grill CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Tuesday afternoon.

Zuckerberg will appear before a joint session of the Senate Commerce and Judiciary Committees on Tuesday afternoon. According to a USA Today analysis, based on data from the Center for Responsive Politics, lawmakers on the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee received $369,000 from Facebook and groups aligned with it since 2007. Facebook has reportedly donated $235,000 over the same period to Senators on the Judiciary Committee.

Facebook donated the most to lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee ($381,000), which will question Zuckerberg on Wednesday. In fact, just 9 out of 55 Members on this year’s House Energy and Commerce Committee have not received any contributions from Facebook.”

I thought bribery and accepting bribes were illegal.

Now you see why Donald Trump is a threat to almost everyone in DC. He doesn’t need the bribe money and he wants to drain the Swamp. (Thankfully, House Majority Leader and neverTrumper Paul Ryan just announced he is leaving the House.)

More on this to come in the next few days.

During Eastertide, I commented on the Gospel of Luke. I will finish with one of his spookiest accounts, in Chapter 8. Why? It would be nice to have something like this happen soon.

“Jesus and his disciples sailed on over to the territory of Gadara, which is across the lake from Galilee. As Jesus stepped ashore, he was met by a man from the town who had demons in him. For a long time this man had gone naked and would not stay at home, but spent his time in the burial caves. When he saw Jesus, he gave a loud cry, threw himself down at his feet, and shouted, “Jesus, Son of the Most High God! What do you want with me? I beg you, don’t punish me!” He said this because Jesus had ordered the evil spirit to go out of him.

Many times it had seized him, and even though he was kept a prisoner, his hands and feet fastened with chains, he would break the chains and be driven by the demon out into the desert.

Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

“My name is Legion,” he answered — because many demons had gone into him. The demons begged Jesus not to send them into the abyss.

There was a large herd of pigs near by, feeding on a hillside. So the demons begged Jesus to let them go into the pigs, and he let them. They went out of the man and into the pigs. The whole herd rushed down the side of the cliff into the lake and were drowned.

The men who had been taking care of the pigs saw what happened, so they ran off and spread the news in the town and among the farms. People went out to see what had happened, and when they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind; and they were all afraid. Those who had seen it told the people how the man had been cured.

Then all the people from that territory asked Jesus to go away, because they were terribly afraid. So Jesus got into the boat and left.

The man from whom the demons had gone out begged Jesus, “Let me go with you.”

But Jesus sent him away, saying, “Go back home and tell what God has done for you.”

The man went through the town, telling what Jesus had done for him.”

The people of Gadara were an ungrateful bunch, like many in America today who are ungrateful for the blessing of American citizenship. They bitch but they will not pitch in and help make America great again.

When President Trump and his lovely wife and his loved ones and inner circle are with him away from DC, it would be justice to hear all the Dems and most of the GOPers in Congress, their staffers, the Deep State bureaucrats and leaders, and the crooked lobbyists and judges, and the Nazis and corruptocrats in the FBI and elsewhere in the DOJ, CIA, and NSA run into the Potomac and drown.

It will tell us we are about to witness the Second Coming of Christ.

And it will confirm Our Lord has sent even more demons into these pigs.



Crazed Lesbians Kill Black Children. Why Aren’t They Being Banned?

April10/ 2018

In the wake of the Florida high school shooting, which local school officials, sheriff officials, child protective services officials, shrinks, the FBI and a greedy acquaintance helped cause, the innocent are supposed to give up their rights to own firearms.

Why? Because some high school punks, paid for and coached by professional leftists, are supposedly now our moral betters.

Here’s a story from World Net Daily around Easter that proves how superior high school kids are:

“Don’t run in the halls. Don’t chew gum in class. Don’t pass notes to your neighbor. And, whatever you do, don’t snort condoms.

Wait a minute! “Don’t snort condoms?”

That’s right. It’s the latest stupid teen craze, with thousands of kids involved, if YouTube videos and the warnings of school officials around the country are any indication.

School officials in San Antonio are holding meetings with parents to let them know about the dangerous activities their kids might be involved in – one of them, snorting condoms.

What’s it all about? It started as a YouTube Challenge back in 2013, but it’s hotter than ever. The idea is to inhale through one nostril an unfurled latex condom and then pull it through your mouth. Why? So you can become a YouTube star, of course.

As Texas state education specialist Stephen Enriquez put it, “These days our teens are doing everything for likes, views, and subscribers. As graphic as it is, we have to show parents because teens are going online looking for challenges and recreating them.”

It’s the latest potentially deadly kid fad since swallowing liquid laundry detergent pods.

Maybe it’s time for the schools to offer classes on what not to do with condoms.”

Last time I checked, the only thing people should inhale is air.

Teens should be seen and sometimes heard. But not when they say stupid things or put rubbers up their noses.

Now for a more serious turn, another stupid lifestyle choice, buttressed by bad bureaucrats, has cost five black children their lives. But Black Lives Matter is not at this crime scene.

Sure you haven’t heard of this case. It wasn’t in the lunatic mainstream media’s interest to tell you about it.

But here it is:

In March 2018, Jennifer and Sarah Hart packed their kids in a SUV, without a change of clothes, and drove south from the Washington side of the Columbia River thru Oregon and into California. They headed the minivan for the Pacific Ocean, and somewhere in Mendocino County, they deliberately drove it off the highway, over the cliffs, and into the ocean. Two children’s bodies have not been recovered yet. They probably washed out with the tide.

As soon as I heard the manner of death and the names of the couple, I suspected murder and suicide. I have been on Highway 1, the road that threads along the rocky and foreboding coastline of Mendocino County. It is a long drop to the cold water and rocky shore of the Pacific Ocean. It is an easy place to take a vehicle off a cliff if that is what you want to do.


The Hart SUV is in the water at the bottom of the picture. No survivors. (Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office)


Here’s the rest of the story:

Jennifer and Sarah Hart got “married” when judges and other politicians who flunked sex education gave the two freak a “wedding” license so they could live in lezlock.

Lesbians can’t bear children without sperm. So, not wanting to subject themselves to the patriarchy, or turkey baster bingo, Jennifer and Sarah decided to adopt children. Five of the six children they adopted were black, and one appeared to be multiracial. (I could be wrong on this; I’m just judging from their group picture.)

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Good Friday and Detective Work

March31/ 2018

Yesterday was Good Friday, the anniversary of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins.

“Stations of the Cross” and the liturgy after the Stations are for me the most emotional religious services of the year. There each of us is, confronted by the reality of his or her unworthiness and Christ’s sacrifice for each of us.

The Third Station – Jesus falls the first time – features this passage of blunt anger from Isaiah 63:

“Why are your garments red, your clothes like someone treading the winepress?”

“I have trodden the winepress alone; of my people, not one was with me. So I trod them down in my anger, I trampled on them in my wrath. Their blood squirted over my garments and all my clothes are stained.

For I have decided on a day of vengeance, my year of retribution has come.

I looked; there was no one to help me; I was appalled but could find no supporter! Then my own arm came to my rescue and my own fury supported me.

I crushed the peoples in my anger, I shattered them in my fury and sent their blood streaming to the ground.”

A “no snowflake” zone.

Or then for the 12th Station – Jesus dies on the cross – the Reproaches, the imagined accusations of a dying Christ to the people He loved who turned on Him. For it was out of jealousy the leaders of the people of the Holy Land schemed to put Jesus the Nazarene to death.

O my people, what have I done to you?
How have I offended you? Answer me!

For I brought you out of the land of Egypt,
but you brought out a cross for your Savior.

I scourged the first-born of Egypt for your sake
yet you scourged me and handed me over.

O my people, what have I done to you?
How have I offended you? Answer me!

I plunged Pharaoh into the Red Sea and plucked you out of Egypt’s hand
yet you handed me over to the high priests.

I parted the sea before you
yet you parted my side with a lance.

I led you as a pillar of cloud
yet you led me into Pilate’s palace.

I rained down manna for you in the desert
yet you rained down blows and lashes on me.

I gave you saving water from the rock to drink
yet for drink you gave me gall and vinegar.

O my people, what have I done to you?
How have I offended you? Answer me!

I struck down for you the kings of the Canaanites
yet you struck the head of your King with a reed.

In your hands I placed a royal scepter:
yet upon my head you placed a crown of thorns.

I raised you up in great power:
yet you raised me up on a cross.

O my people, what have I done to you?
How have I offended you? Answer me!

After the Stations come prayers and veneration of the Cross.

The person who wrote the Church’s prayers mentioned prayers for Catholics, then prayers for Orthodox and Protestant Christians, then prayers for the Jews. After the prayers for the Jews come prayers for the Moslems, the pagans, and the atheists. After the prayers for the atheists come prayers for public officials.

The liturgist realized most politicians are lower than those who deny God Almighty.

This is not a departure from Christ’s own words. In Matthew 21, He said to the leaders, “When John (the Baptist) came to you in the way of righteousness, you did not believe him, but tax collectors and prostitutes did. Yet even when you saw that, you did not change your minds and believe him.”

John the Baptist lived a harsh life. He was the herald of Christ, and was a cousin of his. John’s mother Elizabeth was a kinswoman to Mary, and the teenager Mary helped the fiftyish Elizabeth out in the last months of her pregnancy with John. John wore camel hair (ar maybe camel skin with the hair on it), ate locusts and wild honey, and did not drink wine. Most of his disciples, on seeing Christ, left John. And then Herod in his drunken incestuous lechery, had John executed because his new wife hated John for calling her a whore and because he was drunk and sexually excited the wife’s daughter (and his niece) Salome put on the equivalent of a strip club act for him and other corrupt scumbags in his regime.

Christ didn’t forget John the Baptist. And Christ is always right. He said John the Baptist was the greatest of all people who had two earthly parents.

The only touch of kindness Jesus received on His way to Golgotha was commemorated in the Sixth Station, when Veronica got around the Roman soldiers whipping Christ to move Him forward, and took a cloth and wiped His face …. and the image of His tortured face remained on the cloth.

Jesus and Veronica — re-enacted in “Passion of the Christ”

Ironically, none of the Gospels carries this account. But it happened. The Jews and others who entered into the Christian community knew Veronica and her act of kindness is part of Tradition. Tradition means two things to the Church – beliefs not specifically listed in the Bible that have the backing of God, and the history of the Church as recorded and handed down generation to generation. It is not mandatory for your salvation that you believe the truth about Veronica, but it is part of the historical record.

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Shysters and Rapists vs. Your Children and Wallets

March23/ 2018

The ACLU-style assault on state sex offender registries is continuing.

As we have covered here at How to be Your Own Detective, corrupt or crazy federal judge Richard Matsch ruled in the late summer of 2017 that Colorado’s sex-offender registry violated the Constitutional rights of three sex offenders.

Matsch’s inflammatory ruling came in a civil case filed against Colorado Bureau of Investigation director Michael Rankin in 2013 by registered sex offenders David Millard, Eugene Knight and Arturo Vega.

Matsch found the vermin are entitled to compensation and attorney fees.

The 9/1/2017 Denver Post reported the following:

“(Boulder woman Alison Ruttenberg, the attorney for the three plaintiffs) said she expects the cases will eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I would characterize this as a landmark case. My goal eventually is to get rid of this sex offender registration altogether, at least as it applies to a public registry that people can pull up on a website,” Ruttenberg said Friday. “I would be surprised if the state doesn’t appeal the decision.”

Matsch found that Colorado’s registration act poses a “serious threat of retaliation, violence, ostracism, shaming, and other unfair and irrational treatment from the public” for sex offenders and their families.

“The registry is telling the public — DANGER, STAY AWAY. How is the public to react to this warning? What is expected to be the means by which people are to protect themselves and their children?” Matsch wrote in his ruling.

In answering his own question, he determined the law exposes sex offenders to punishments “not by the state, but by fellow citizens.”

“The fear that pervades the public reaction to sex offenses — particularly as to children — generates reactions that are cruel and in disregard of any objective assessment of the individual’s actual proclivity to commit new sex offenses,” Matsch wrote. “The failure to make any individual assessment is a fundamental flaw in the system.”

Of course, there are sure ways to avoid winding up on a state’s sexual predator registry. DON’T RAPE. DON’T MOLEST. DON’T ABUSE. DON’T EXPLOIT. DON’T TRAFFIC IN GIRLS.

There are similar cases in other states challenging sex-offender registries.

If the U.S. Supreme Court upholds Matsch’s corrupt and/or crazy ruling, rapists get cover. And rapists will get your money. They will be paid “reparations” for being labeled as sexual offenders. That’s right. These felons will rob you, with government help, and your children will be more at risk.

Where is the case now?

Colorado’s attorney general appealed. The case is in the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. The case is known as Millard, Knight, and Vega (the sexual assault criminals) vs. Michael Rankin (Colorado Bureau of Investigation leader), Case No. 17-1333.

I have contacted more than 30 state attorneys general, asking them to file amicus briefs on the case to help out Colorado’s people against the sex offender lobby. I didn’t waste my time with justice-challenged AGs Eric Schneiderman of New York or Xavier Becerra of California. (Disclosure: I recently assisted people who these two worthless public officials attacked. I will discuss these cases at length at the proper time.)

I spoke in February 2018 with a court clerk on the status of the case. He said the case went to mediation after Judge Matsch’s ruling but mediation failed. This puts the lie to the criminals’ advocates’ claim that Matsch’s ruling applies only to the three criminals. It is easy to change a sex offender’s status if there was an error, or remove him from the list if his real crime was drunkenly urinating in public and not lewd acts. Ms. Ruttenberg is gunning to kill all sex offender registries.

The lawyer for the predatory scum, errr, sex offender plaintiffs, is working at least two other similar cases. In one of the cases, the ACLU is also involved on the side of the rapists and against the public.

This is a big deal. This is the ACLU and allied shysters’ next play for your money and your children.

Crackpot judge Richard Matsch ruled Colorado public officials had to kill the state’s sex offender registry and pay reparations to sex offenders. His ruling can’t be mediated; it must be destroyed.

The deputy court clerk said no attorney general from any other state had filed an amicus brief in support of Colorado’s sex offender registry yet. The clerk said they probably would wait for the merits brief (the filing by Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman) to file amicus briefs.

Not long after my conversation with the court clerk, I got this from one of the state attorney general assistants:


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Nuns and a Singing Star Who Have Been their Own Detectives

March17/ 2018

There she knelt in Mass a few days ago. A young woman, dressed in black, wearing a golden veil over her head.

She rose to stand. She stood about six feet tall, and her black boots had hardly any heels. The veil covered all but a couple of her blonde curls. The hem of her black dress covered her knees and the tops of her boots.

If Taylor Swift wanted to look like an angel in mourning, she couldn’t have picked a better outfit than what this young woman had donned to come to worship.

This striking young woman got me to thinking about the singing stars of today, and the singing stars of my youth.

Katy Perry is in the news for trying to buy a complex in L.A. that used to be a convent. The nuns intended to sell to a woman who was going to turn it into a small hotel. But Katy wanted it and waved more money. So the Los Angeles Diocese pushed the nuns aside and crooned for Katy’s cash.

The nuns, who are old, are still aware Katy Perry is a sleazy bitch. They didn’t want VD germs and satanic rituals fouling the place where they worshiped God for decades.

Per the “Church Militant” website’s 3/9/2017 article by Christine Niles, an attorney:

“[I would] not be very happy at all if Perry got the property,” said Sr. Rita Callanan. “I do not like Katy Perry’s lifestyle.”

“I gave a lot of the things from the Internet to show the archdiocese what kind of woman she was,” Callanan continued. “Some of the things she does are disgusting.”

“The nuns detailed their recent meeting with the pop star, where they confronted her on her supposed witchcraft.

“Katy Perry was all dressed very nicely and said: ‘I have this tattoo on my wrist and it says Jesus,'” said (Sister Rita) Callanan. “And I wanted to say, ‘Yes, and what is the tattoo on your behind?'”

Perry, who once started out as a Christian singer, quickly went mainstream after her hit song “I Kissed a Girl,” about a lesbian encounter. Perry was afterwards on record saying she sold her soul to the devil.

The nuns asked her about this claim as well as Perry’s participation in a 2014 “Witch Walk” in Salem, Massachusetts. “I asked her: ‘You are into witchcraft, you went to Salem,'” Callanan said.

Perry reportedly turned to someone in her entourage and asked if she had ever been to Salem.

“I said: ‘Come on, you didn’t know you were in Salem at a witchcraft thing? You don’t remember it?” explained Callanan. “‘That would stick way out in my mind. I read it, was that incorrect information?'”

She continued in her confrontation with Perry, saying, “I’m sorry, but I am just not into witchcraft and I am just not into people who are into witchcraft. It disturbs me, and that was our mother house and our retreat house, and it’s sacred ground.'”

So the matter wound up in court. And a few days ago, Sister Rose Holzman collapsed and died in court a few days ago. Stress can do that to very old people; Sister Rose was 89.

The nuns did a job worthy of “How to be Your Own Detective.” They checked out Katy Perry on the Internet. And they questioned her so she lied and/or evaded the truth.

And they brought the evidence to archdiocesan officials. These were nuns who knew exactly what to do. Sadly, the L.A. Archdiocese went for the money instead of doing the right thing.

(I am a practicing Catholic. I was baptized at a parish in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, and I went to Catholic schools in Los Angeles. Catholic nuns from Ireland and New Jersey taught me. I have plenty of respect for our nuns. But the church bureaucrats and the molesters? St. Patrick is needed to run the snakes out of the Archdiocese and into the Pacific Ocean.)

Sister Rita Callanan is the real deal – you can’t fake Irish sarcasm. “ ‘Yes, and what is the tattoo on your behind?'”

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Challenge to anti-NRA Leftist Guv — Return Geronimo’s Bones!

March11/ 2018

Dannel Malloy, the unpopular governor of Connecticut, made headlines a couple of days ago when he said the National Rifle Association had “in essence become a terrorist organization.”

Malloy (D), whose poll numbers are so bad he’s not running for re-election, was virtue-signaling in the aftermath of the Florida high school shooting. You know, the shooting in which the FBI ignored tips the shooter made threats against schools. The shooting in which Coward County sheriff’s deputies, led by incompetent and dishonest sheriff Scott Israel, went out to the shooter’s house more than 30 times for crimes he committed but made no arrests (which gave him a clean record to buy guns). The shooting in which Coward County school officials didn’t have the shooter arrested for previously bring ammunition onto school grounds, but put in into “alternative education,” which gave him a clean record to buy guns. With lots of money his indulgent rich adoptive mother gave him. The shooting in which shrinks and child welfare agents knew about the shooter cutting himself and committing violent acts but did nothing. And yes, the shooting in which four Broward Cowards would not enter the building to save kids, but waited outside until three real men from the Coral Springs police force went in after the shooter. Yes, that shooting.

Malloy and other leftists have blamed the NRA, an organization of millions of law-abiding citizens, but not his fellow Democrat politicians or payrollers who failed to prevent the criminally insane or sane criminal shooter from obtaining firearms, entering a high school, and shooting it up … while government payrollers with weapons cowered outside, or were told to do so by their Democrat sheriff and/or Democrat county officials.

Malloy’s claim to fame was not stopping the Newtown school shooting. This had another indulgent mother, a bat-excrement crazy kid who she bought guns for, and a weapons-free school zone full of defenseless children and female teachers. The shooter, a soft looking little punk, was a homosexual who was into molesting little boys. Homosexuals, the mentally ill, and child molesters are all part of Malloy’s base.

What is Malloy’s background?

He says he learned how to shoot a plinker (a 22 caliber rifle) as a Boy Scout.

He went to law school, then was a very junior prosecutor in New York City, then he was in private practice in Connecticut, was mayor of Stamford, CT for 16 years, and is coming to the end of his second term as governor. He got in on a very thin margin amid charges of voter irregularities that favored Democrats.

The state is now broke. Malloy didn’t help matters when he backed off state and local cops from assisting in immigration enforcement. Illegals are now sponging more off of taxpayers. Malloy also checked off another leftist diversity block. Since previous pols in Connecticut enacted “gay marriage,” Malloy was left with letting freaks use girls’ bathrooms. He complied.

(What’s a key difference between Democrats back in the day and now? JFK helped put a man on the moon. Barack put freaks in girls’ bathrooms. But I digress.)

Dannel was a prosecutor, but that doesn’t mean he fought crime. He sat in an office and appeared in a courtroom guarded by police officers with handguns. Police fight crimes. Sheriff’s deputies not in Coward County fight crimes. Prosecutors all too often let the guilty walk, plea-bargain down their crimes ridiculously, or escape justice in other ways.

Nowhere in any positive biography of Dannel Malloy does it say Malloy was a serviceman or a police officer or sheriff’s deputy. So it could be his familiarity with firearms is limited to the tin can shooter he fired as a Boy Scout.

(Disclosure: I am a veteran. I have fired rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, mortars, howitzers, and anti-aircraft guns. I have detonated various explosives. And as an officer, I pointed missiles at North Korea from a couple of miles south of the DMZ. I was only a lowly company grade officer in the Cold War, not a decorated war hero. As an officer, I made several arrests, and acquired some interesting facial scars when apprehending a combative drug pusher in our battalion. As a news reporter in Appalachia, I stopped a knucklehead prisoner who ran out of a county jail and held him so a male deputy and two female deputies could take him into custody. As a civilian, I showed a number of youths how to fire weapons, and several of them served in the military honorably. I didn’t have to put my life on the line daily like many police and deputies have to do. But I’m guessing I have more physical experience with firearms and arresting criminals than Governor Malloy does.)

In other words, I don’t think any lawman ever said to Malloy: “Book him, Dannel.”

Malloy has another problem. He is a governor of a New England state. It’s the political equivalent of size envy.

We live in the Ohio Valley, where there are real states, not county-sized statelets filled with fixers and human hemorrhoid politicians like they have in most of New England except Maine. (Maine has Susan Collins, a human hemorrhoid, but it is bigger than West Virginia and is not much smaller than Indiana.)

Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois are real states. So are Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and West Virginia. These are the states with frontage on the Ohio River. Tennessee’s rivers empty into the Ohio River, so many people count the Volunteer State as a part of the Ohio Valley too. Tennessee is a real state also.

Connecticut produced George W. Bush. Kentucky, similar in population, produced war hero president Zachary Taylor, who Abraham Lincoln looked up to. Oh, by the way, Kentucky produced Abraham Lincoln also. Illinois (at least the part of the state outside of crooked Cook County, which produced generations of organized crime figures like Hillary Clinton), where Lincoln made his name before his presidency, is the Land of Lincoln. Top that, New England.

West Virginia, with fewer than half the people of Connecticut, would whip the Nutmeggers in a fight. They have a lot more armed men and women, and they are tougher people. Even their high school kids are ruggeder.

The Marshall County, Kentucky high school murders in January didn’t trigger the outburst by Dannel Malloy and other leftists because most Kentucky people have pride and honor. The people of Marshall County asked for people’s prayers but not for media sympathy. And they are going about hardening their schools, which is what responsible adults do. Many teachers who already know firearms will soon be packing heat in the Blue Grass State.

Why is Connecticut called “The Nutmeg State?” Because some Connecticut peddlers sold women “nutmegs” they carved out of wood. In other words, Connecticut has a reputation for dishonesty almost as old as the nation itself.

Connecticut native P.T. Barnum, known for the slogan, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” did nothing to enhance the state’s reputation for honesty. Nor did all the lawyers who went to Yale like the Clintons, or the non-lawyers who went there like George H.W. Bush, whose best-known quote was, “Read my lips. No new taxes.”

If Dannel Malloy wants to do something right for a change, before the Governor’s Office door hits him on the backside, I have a project for him.

Prescott Bush (George H. W. Bush’s father and George W. Bush’s grandfather) and other former Skull & Bones fraternity punks from Yale reportedly broke into a cemetery in Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1918, desecrated the grave of one of the American Indians buried there, and stole the skull and a leg bone from the grave so they could ship it back to their frat house. The man whose grave they robbed was supposedly Geronimo, the great Apache chief. American Indian activists have demanded the skull so it could be reburied, but no federal or local prosecutors have ordered the Yale power fraternity to give up the skull. John Kerry was an older frat brother of George W. Bush in the Skull & Bones fraternity at Yale. He did nothing either.

(More info on Prescott Bush: When Margaret Sanger made the first formal nationwide funding appeal for Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1947, her treasurer was Prescott Bush. Prescott also was a director of a bank the feds seized in 1942 because of its ties to Nazi Germany.)

Descendants of Geronimo sued the fraternity in 2009. A judge dismissed their case in 2010.

As a former prosecutor, Malloy knows or should know it is illegal to desecrate graves, and it is illegal to possess bones from a desecrated grave. Except for abortionists, who Malloy and his ilk allow to put any aborted baby tissue they are not selling down a toilet or down a garbage grinder or into an incinerator or a trashcan, people have to dispose of human remains with dignity or face criminal charges like corpse desecration or grave robbing. Although I’m guessing during Malloy’s time as governor no judge in the Nutmeg State sent any Satanist or spirit cooker or any other type of desecrator or grave robber to prison. Those human offscourings are part of the Democrat base and hierarchy too.

Instead of yammering like a knucklehead about gun control, perhaps Dannel Malloy could do something right for a change. He could order Yale’s Skull and Bones fraternity to turn over the American Indian remains they have illegally. Or he could order the state police to go in and sieze them. Then he could have the bones returned to Geronimo’s family (or to the other American Indian’s family if it turns out they are his bones and not Geronimo’s) for proper burial. It would be a basic act of decency, one that fake American Indian Elizabeth “Lieawatha” Warren from Massachusetts Colony might or might not be okay with.

(Lieawatha has been silent on Geronimo’s bones for decades. Liewatha was also silent when Gina McCarthy, the Great White Buffalo at Obama’s EPA, allowed her contractors to poison Navajo water in New Mexico and Arizona with millions of gallons of contaminated mine water from a Colorado gold mine in 2015 … and refused to order a cleanup … and the Obama EPA and Obama Justice Department refused to admit liability on sovereign immunity grounds.)

Malloy has had seven years to right this wrong, but has done nothing. I’m giving him the chance to do the right thing.

What’s the matter, Danielle? Why haven’t you done so already? Are you afraid of some college punks with rich well-connected parents?

Or are you mad at Geronimo because, unlike you, he owned a rifle and knew how to use it?

If you agree with me, you could call Gov. Malloy’s office at (860) 566-4840 or raise Nutmegger taxes by using the toll-free number (800) 406-1527. A state, even one as insignificant as Connecticut, is a terrible thing to waste.


PS: Here’s a news story on Malloy’s slimy neofascist policiy of controlling information gvern to reporters, courtesy of the 9/17/2016 Hartford Courant and reported Jon Lender:

” “He’s definitely looking to bash us in this column.”

That’s what Maura Downes, the new public information officer for the state Department of Public Health, said in an email July 13 to the governor’s office about Bob Horton, a columnist for the Greenwich Time newspaper who was asking questions about lead found in the soil outside a local middle school.

On July 15, Downes wrote another email saying she’d done some checking on Horton and now recommended “that we not respond to his questions.”

In writing those emails, Downes was complying with a recent directive from Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s top press officer, Devon Puglia. In mid-July, Puglia told about 25 executive-branch agencies’ public information officers (PIOs) to send a daily email to the governor’s office that lists all questions they received from news reporters and what responses they gave them.

The new requirement for daily press-call emails from PIOs is the latest step in a trend toward increasing coordination and control by governors’ offices — here and elsewhere — of government agencies’ communication with the public. All governors try to manage their public message, but Malloy’s office now has formalized that process.

Puglia calls it a management “innovation.” But is the Malloy administration using its roster of PIOs — many of whom make $100,000 or more in salary — to exercise tight control over the information that the public receives? Is this what people want their taxes to pay for?

Puglia says there’s no hidden agenda, that it’s more about avoiding factual errors than controlling the news.

“When it comes to management practice, this is really as basic as it gets,” he said in an emailed response to questions from the Courant. “Residents want a government that operates efficiently, one in which everyone is on the same page. That means government and the staff within it need to keep talking, because when we don’t communicate with each other as much as possible, unforced errors occur.”

More on that later. Back to Downes at the health department.

She wasn’t through with Horton, and in her July 15 email to Malloy’s office, Downes said of the columnist: “[T]his guy is like the Jonathan Pelto of Greenwich,” Downes wrote.

Not a compliment. Pelto is a longtime veteran of Connecticut Democratic politics who now writes a blog on public education and politics called “Wait What?’ and has become one of Malloy’s harshest public critics.

On July 19, Downes sent a final email about Horton to Puglia and other aides in Malloy’s office, saying she sent the following statement to the columnist: “DPH is currently in the process of reviewing data that was sent to us by the Town of Greenwich to determine if the plan proposed by the Town [to deal with the lead-in-the-soil problem] is protective of public health. We cannot comment further while this process is pending.”

She added: “Mr. Horton threatened to contact the Governor’s office if he did not get answers to his questions by the end of this week. Heads up.”

Horton ended up writing a column that was highly critical of Greenwich’s handling of the apparent lead and arsenic pollution problem near the local school, but was less critical of the state Department of Public Health.

He said near the bottom of his column that the department gave him “the usual refusal to comment on a ‘pending matter.'” But, he added: “The state last week finally told the town that it needed to test the entire Western Middle School playground before it could put modular classrooms on the site. A little late, but at least it was a step in the right direction.”

After being told on Friday what Downes had written about him, Horton said, “I wish Maura had spent more time in getting answers to my basic questions about departmental protocol and less time researching me as a columnist. Her answers were not responsive to my questions.”

Downes’ dispatches about Horton were the liveliest among 259 pages of emails that Government Watch obtained from Malloy’s office via a Freedom of Information Act request covering the first two weeks of the daily press-call emails that began in mid-July.

Most of the other PIOs’ emails weren’t as colorful, but they still documented many daily exchanges between reporters and government spokesmen that don’t necessarily show up in news reports.

On July 20, Kevin Nursick, one of the communications staffers at the Department of Transportation, said he had heard from a WTNH television news producer: “He was asking about the East Haddam Swing Bridge — possibly doing a story on ‘a day in the life’ of the bridge operator,” Nursick wrote. “After a discussion, I … suggested that there may be better opportunities for various reasons. I put him onto the idea of doing something similar with either the Glastonbury/Rocky Hill Ferry or the Chester/Hadlyme. Easy story — no negative angle.”

When bears roam through residential neighborhoods, reporters call the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection — as shown in one of three items in the July 22 email of DEEP’s spokesman, Dennis Schain:

“Hartford Courant, WFSB, NBCConnecticut — Bear in house in West Hartford. Told reporters bear entered West Hartford home. Homeowner called 911. West Hartford Police responded. Bear was gone by time they arrived. We did not respond. Explained that bears are plentiful in parts of West Hartford … but that bear entering a home was somewhat unusual, although it happens from time to time especially in parts of western CT.”

On July 14, Gary Kleeblatt, the Department of Children and Families’ spokesman, sent an email to the governor’s office listing three “Proactive Media Stories,” along with “data points” to support them. Kleeblatt indicated that his three ideas for positive stories “that we can work to place in the news media later this summer and fall” had been requested by a staff member in Malloy’s office.

One of Kleeblatt’s three story ideas: “New substance use treatment program for families at risk of having their children placed into foster care gets underway later this year and will be paid for through innovative Social Impact Bonds.”

Some days, PIOs had nothing to report in their emails. “No calls today,” Jim Carson, the spokesman for the Department of Revenue Services, wrote July 27.

“No news is good news with Gary Gnu,” Matt Smith, spokesman for the Department of Banking, wrote July 22.

Gary Gnu was a puppet newscaster character on the 1980s children’s television show “The Great Space Coaster,” and his signature phrase was “No gnews is good gnews with Gary Gnu.”

“Nothing today yo! Party on,” Lora Rae Anderson, the PIO for the state Department of Consumer Protection, wrote July 21.

So what do we make of all this — other than to take it just as a look “behind the curtain” of a state government media operation?

This is happening as the Malloy administration has begun replacing some veteran communications officers at state agencies with politically active Democrats — after the Democrat-controlled General Assembly quietly removed those posts from the state’s merit system, and made them into direct political appointments.

Critics saw this as evidence that Malloy and his people were politicizing an important public-information function. The governor’s office denied that — and Puglia, in recent days, said the motives behind the new daily press-call emails also are pure.

“This basic step, which takes our employees all of a few minutes each day to do, is as elementary as it gets when it comes to management practice,” he said. “When we aren’t on the same page, dysfunction occurs. When we are talking as a state government, we serve the public more efficiently. It’s that simple.”

He continued: “Our office, of course, plays a hands on role where relevant, and of course we occasionally make edits or suggestions to agency responses. Just like an editor might revise the copy of a reporter, and a copy editor might adjust the work of an editor, we tweak and work with our staff to punch up their external communications. And when two agencies might be giving conflicting information to a reporter (specifically because they aren’t talking to each other), of course we step in. That’s why we’re believers that the more information we share with each other, the more effective and efficient we’ll be.”

“This process – which is about as basic an organizational step as any manager of cross-functional systems can introduce — is something I personally initiated,” Puglia said. “It’s an innovation. And being innovative in an age in which information travels faster than ever before, and in an age in which speed and response time for reporters is demanded, is absolutely critical to being effective. … The process helps us plan, helps us move and
respond more quickly, and helps us improve work product so we can better serve journalists and serve the public. That’s why it only makes too much sense.”

Puglia will be leaving his job in Malloy’s office within weeks, and his replacement as communications chief has been named: Kelly Donnelly, who most recently served as chief of staff at the state Department of Education.”








Info on Prescott Bush’s desecration of an American Indian grave and the fraternity link of his grandson and John Kerry comes from CBS News (6/13/2004), and the Yale Herald (10/24/2003). Other info comes from Kitty Kelley’s Bush book called “The Family.”

Sources include a 2/19/2009 New York Times article, and an article by Oklahoma writer Roxann Perkins Yates in the 2/17/2015 issue of Red Dirt Report, an Oklahoma publication.

The Murder of a Kind Little Black-Haired Girl Named Honey

March03/ 2018

Today, 69 years ago, a little girl named Avril Terry came into the world. Her murder was a key reason I went into muckraking and exposing dangerous criminals and the politicians who cover for them.

Here’s her story, from the pages of “How to be Your Own Detective.” I dare you to read it and not cry and not be angry.

Avril Terry, 1949-1960. Courtesy Avril’s family.


When I was 9 years old, I read a horrible account about the murder of a girl in a magazine article about paroled killers. The girl’s name was Avril Terry, she was 11, and she lived in Boonville, Indiana, east of Evansville. The polite and cheerful little black-haired girl, who others called “Honey,” had walked a few blocks to the center of town on the morning of August 16, 1960 to buy her little sister Candace a present and buy cake decorations for her birthday. Her Mom let her go by herself, because her town was like Petticoat Junction, small and neighborly. Avril had promised her Mom she’d be back soon. She never came home.

Late that night, local police finally figured out they should check on one Emmett Hashfield, who had served four different prison terms for raping a woman, a girl, and two boys. They went out to his house, found him covered in blood and scratches, and found Avril’s bloodied little bra in his car. They arrested him and jailed him, went back to his place and found Avril’s clothing and blood throughout his dwelling.

Hashfield, who apparently had done some handyman work for the Terrys, admitted to seeing Avril in town, and offering her a ride, although the lying scumbag claimed he couldn’t remember the events leading up to her death. He somehow “remembered” he drove to the Ohio River and tossed her body into the river.

Hashfield had a short uneasy stay in the Warrick County Jail in Boonville. Avril’s father, Dr. Robert Terry, who looked like Clark Gable, reportedly punched him in the head a few times inside the jail. Hashfield had told Dr. Terry he didn’t know anything about the disappearance of his daughter. A couple hundred people gathered outside the jail and chanted for Hashfield’s lynching. At least 20 sheriff’s deputies and policemen had the unenviable task of defending the monster in the jail against their own friends and neighbors. A couple of days later, deputies had to rescue Hashfield from the other inmates, who beat him bloody. While he was in the local jail, Hashfield claimed he’d been having psychological problems and blackouts for weeks. He said he was upset crowds of people had gathered around the jail to vent their spleens against him. Poor baby.

Police divers searched the Ohio River for Avril. Hashfield neglected to tell them he had beheaded Avril, and then had further dismembered her body before throwing the pieces of her body in the river. Other searchers found Avril’s severed arms and headless torso miles downstream from where Hashfield claimed he disposed of Avril’s remains. But they didn’t quickly find her head or legs. Searchers eventually found seven parts of the girl’s butchered body. A disturbing photo showed the searchers lugging a sack with Avril’s body parts in it.

Another sickening detail emerged – Hashfield had disemboweled Avril and cut out her vagina in a crude attempt to hide evidence he had raped and sodomized her. A coroner confirmed rape and sodomy and found a fair amount of flesh under Avril’s fingernails. This evidence and the scars across Hashfield’s chest and back showed little Avril had tried to fight him off and didn’t go quietly. The coroner ruled Avril died from a traumatic neck wound – a neck wound she suffered when Hashfield was cutting off her head.

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March01/ 2018

If black lives matter, then why aren’t abortion providers getting hammered for aborting hundreds of thousands of black babies each year?

If you believe the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, abortionists performed about 650,000 abortions in 2014, the last year for which they report abortion statistics. And since California doesn’t report abortions at all, the reported numbers are lower than what the abortion racket knows them to be.

Even with the funny math, the CDC and others agree that about 36% of all abortions are done on black women and girls. That’s about 235,000 to 300,000 fewer blacks born every year. Since blacks are about 12% of the nation’s population, this means abortion providers are targeting blacks at a bizarrely high rate relative to their numbers.

Evangelical black pastors have criticized the abortion racket for decades over this horrible ratio. They dare to call it genocide. Finally some Planned Parenthood people decided to address the racist roots of their organization at the University of Florida yesterday. So reports Breitbart News.

But do you want to hear the Planned Parenthood self-serving version, or some sanitized Evangelical version? Or would you rather hear the unvarnished R-rated truth about Planned Parenthood’s founder, which I published almost a decade ago?

Thank you. I know you want to read the more truthful and harsh version. Without further ado, “The Devil In Margaret Sanger.”

Eugenicism was a social disease too many American elitists caught from interfacing with their infected British and German counterparts after World War One. Of course, racism was institutionalized in America’s laws against blacks and American Indians, and in practice against Hispanics. But eugenicism – the belief in breeding of human beings from “the fittest” parents and the sterilization of the “least fit” – was an even worse doctrine that came from the imperialistic circles of the British Empire, and in the cities of defeated imperial Germany, because it justified the “birth control” and enslavement of perceived weaker people and in many cases the extermination of these people once they were deemed incapable of being useful to the elites. This pathological viewpoint would lead to continued British oppression of black and yellow people around the globe, and to Hitler’s wars upon Slavs and Jews and the handicapped.

As Americans wised up, the Ku Klux Klan would plummet into becoming the moth-eaten relic it is now. The Klan would also decline in large part because one of its leaders D.C. Stephenson was convicted of second-degree murder for kidnaping and repeatedly raping an Indiana woman and biting her breasts and other body parts severely enough that he drove her to attempt suicide, and because other Klan leaders were caught stealing the sheetheads’ dues. So the ethnic and race-baiting demagogue with the most long-term influence on America would be the bisexual pro-abortion eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

Margaret Sanger, born Margaret Higgins in upstate Corning, New York, tried to be a teacher, then quit. She later tried to be a nurse, but quit without getting a nurse’s license. She married William Sanger, a young architect. Because Sanger decided to try being an artist for awhile, Margaret decided to find work. She said she did nursing work in New York City’s Lower East Side, which teemed with Jewish, Italian, and Eastern European immigrants. Maybe her employer was easy to please; Margaret still was not a licensed nurse. Nor was she particularly sensitive. “I hated the wretchedness and hopelessness of the poor,” she said in her autobiography, “and never experienced the satisfaction in working among them that so many noble women have found.” She noted, “The wives of small shopkeepers were my most frequent cases,” so evidently she didn’t spend most of her time helping the poor people in that tenement district.

Margaret’s snobbishness was at odds with her professed politics at the time. She became a socialist, and she and her husband opened their New York City digs to some of the leading radicals of the day. Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, Bill Haywood, and Eugene Debs were among the people who the Sangers tried to hobnob with; radicalism was chic in their circles at the time. Margaret also started dabbling in serial adultery. The Sangers went to France with their children in 1913. Bill studied art, while Margaret “researched contraception” and left Bill.

Ms. Sanger claimed she was active in IWW labor activity when she was married to Bill Sanger. This might have been true, but it was due to Bill’s brand of socialism. When she left Bill and started pimping birth control in 1914, any labor activity to help workers she might have engaged in stopped.

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Coward County Deputies Let Shooter Kill Kids; Worst Schoolkid Murder Was an Inside Job

February25/ 2018

The Broward County shooting fiasco has taken a uniquely evil turn.

Earlier in the week Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel had to admit the “school resource officer” named Scott Peterson, waited outside the school building shooter Nikolas Cruz invaded and listened as he shot the kids and the coach. Peterson was allowed to resign and claim his pension.

Friday afternoon it was reported that Peterson wasn’t the only alleged coward wearing a Broward County Sheriff’s Office uniform at the school while Cruz was upping his body count.

Three officers from nearby Coral Springs rushed to the Broward County high school. They saw four Broward County deputies, with their guns drawn, in covered positions outside the building where Cruz was killing and wounding dozens. The Coral Springs cops entered the building in search of Cruz.

Broward County deputies, “maintaining the perimeter around the building,” let Nikolas Cruz escape. He had left the AR-15 rifle, a magazine-fed firearm, inside the building and joined the panic-stricken kids running out of the building.

About an hour later, another officer saw Cruz walking along a road and arrested him.

The Coral Springs police were angry enough they told their chief, who in turn told the city manager about the dereliction of the Broward County deputies.

Coral Springs city manager Mike Goodrom evidently tore into Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel on Feb. 15 about the apparent cowardice of his men.

What came out of the 2018 Valentines Day Massacre from the media? Anti-NRA propaganda. Demonstrations. Gutless companies canceling business deals with NRA members.

It was almost as if the Left had a plan in place to execute that was just waiting for a school shooting in a leftist community. The Marshall County, Kentucky murders in January didn’t trigger this outburst because Kentucky people have pride and honor. They asked for people’s prayers but not for media sympathy. And they are going about hardening their schools, which is what responsible adults do.

What wasn’t reported in the 2018 Valentines Day Massacre by the lunatic mainstream media right away?

Widespread government collusion and dereliction. Or maybe something even worse, allowing a massacre for political reasons.

Broward County school officials knew Nikolas Cruz was a troubled teen. But to keep him from getting a criminal record when he brought ammo to school, they put him in an alternate schooling program. This gave him a clean record to buy firearms.

Broward County sheriff’s deputies investigated Cruz’s behavior more than 30 times. His adoptive mother couldn’t control him but lied for him.

A big medical firm specializing in mental treatment earned a malpractice lawsuit for their mishandling of Cruz. But they have been sheltered so far also, just like the corrupt and/or incompetent sheriff’s office and school system.

In one instance, Cruz cut himself deliberately with a knife. Deputies and a shrink who responded concluded he was not mentally ill. A government child welfare social worker didn’t even look at his wounds because he put on a long sleeved shirt and they didn’t make him take it off.

The school’s “resource officer” and school officials would not share info with the child welfare agent, and the agent didn’t push.

Blame the ACLU for “privacy issues” blocking of info disclosure of dangerous people. Blame the ACLU also for being behind the shutdown of mental institutions, where Cruz and many others should be.

Cruz was never arrested or put in a mental institution for mandatory evaluation. The failures of the deputies, the school people, the shrinks, and the child welfare people gave Cruz a clean record so he could buy weapons legally.

It did come out the FBI got two credible threat reports about Cruz but did nothing. President Trump has exposed the FBI for being so worthless it’s even okay for leftist media to occasionally report their failings now.

The hard left in the media, the Democratic Party, the schools, the entertainment field and elsewhere didn’t attack the derelict government agencies in Broward County, all run by Democrats. Instead, they attacked law-abiding people who own firearms.

Broward County officials attacked President Trump and First Lady Melania for coming to visit victims, health care people, and first responders who did respond.

What started the break to the other side was the money trail.

I and many of you asked, “How could a kid with no job buy an AR-15 rifle and several other firearms? Where did he get the money?”

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