• Today is: Monday, April 29, 2024

The Murder of a Kind Little Black-Haired Girl Named Honey

March03/ 2018

Today, 69 years ago, a little girl named Avril Terry came into the world. Her murder was a key reason I went into muckraking and exposing dangerous criminals and the politicians who cover for them.

Here’s her story, from the pages of “How to be Your Own Detective.” I dare you to read it and not cry and not be angry.

Avril Terry, 1949-1960. Courtesy Avril’s family.


When I was 9 years old, I read a horrible account about the murder of a girl in a magazine article about paroled killers. The girl’s name was Avril Terry, she was 11, and she lived in Boonville, Indiana, east of Evansville. The polite and cheerful little black-haired girl, who others called “Honey,” had walked a few blocks to the center of town on the morning of August 16, 1960 to buy her little sister Candace a present and buy cake decorations for her birthday. Her Mom let her go by herself, because her town was like Petticoat Junction, small and neighborly. Avril had promised her Mom she’d be back soon. She never came home.

Late that night, local police finally figured out they should check on one Emmett Hashfield, who had served four different prison terms for raping a woman, a girl, and two boys. They went out to his house, found him covered in blood and scratches, and found Avril’s bloodied little bra in his car. They arrested him and jailed him, went back to his place and found Avril’s clothing and blood throughout his dwelling.

Hashfield, who apparently had done some handyman work for the Terrys, admitted to seeing Avril in town, and offering her a ride, although the lying scumbag claimed he couldn’t remember the events leading up to her death. He somehow “remembered” he drove to the Ohio River and tossed her body into the river.

Hashfield had a short uneasy stay in the Warrick County Jail in Boonville. Avril’s father, Dr. Robert Terry, who looked like Clark Gable, reportedly punched him in the head a few times inside the jail. Hashfield had told Dr. Terry he didn’t know anything about the disappearance of his daughter. A couple hundred people gathered outside the jail and chanted for Hashfield’s lynching. At least 20 sheriff’s deputies and policemen had the unenviable task of defending the monster in the jail against their own friends and neighbors. A couple of days later, deputies had to rescue Hashfield from the other inmates, who beat him bloody. While he was in the local jail, Hashfield claimed he’d been having psychological problems and blackouts for weeks. He said he was upset crowds of people had gathered around the jail to vent their spleens against him. Poor baby.

Police divers searched the Ohio River for Avril. Hashfield neglected to tell them he had beheaded Avril, and then had further dismembered her body before throwing the pieces of her body in the river. Other searchers found Avril’s severed arms and headless torso miles downstream from where Hashfield claimed he disposed of Avril’s remains. But they didn’t quickly find her head or legs. Searchers eventually found seven parts of the girl’s butchered body. A disturbing photo showed the searchers lugging a sack with Avril’s body parts in it.

Another sickening detail emerged – Hashfield had disemboweled Avril and cut out her vagina in a crude attempt to hide evidence he had raped and sodomized her. A coroner confirmed rape and sodomy and found a fair amount of flesh under Avril’s fingernails. This evidence and the scars across Hashfield’s chest and back showed little Avril had tried to fight him off and didn’t go quietly. The coroner ruled Avril died from a traumatic neck wound – a neck wound she suffered when Hashfield was cutting off her head.

Local authorities moved Hashfield to confinement in Evansville. Two years and many delays later, due to defense motions on evidence suppression and on Hashfield’s sanity, he stood trial in Bloomington, Indiana for the murder of Avril Terry. Hashfield’s lawyer tried to get all the evidence and his admission he disposed of Avril’s beheaded and dismembered body thrown out by claiming the search of his residence was illegal, his arrest and imprisonment that prompted his confession were illegal, and that he didn’t have food or water or a lawyer or rest before he admitted dumping Avril’s body. Hashfield also entered a plea of not guilty by reason of temporary insanity.

Police found Avril’s bloodied bra in Hashfield’s car, found blood all over him and his house, and found him covered with scratches. He had a record as a serial sex offender. They had plenty of probable cause to arrest him, hold him, and search his place for a missing girl. Hashfield admitted folks calling for his lynching left him unable to sleep. The sheriff said Hashfield said he didn’t want to say anything because his last lawyer didn’t stop him from getting a five-year rape term. Judges ruled against the defense ploys. They concluded Hashfield had acted lucidly with criminal intent to avoid being caught, and when caught, acted lucidly to provide limp excuses and denials to avoid incriminating himself. This was a demon who had done four terms for rape.


Avril’s Dad and sisters. Her poor heartbroken mother was in seclusion. (Courtesy Evansville, IN Press)


At trial, Avril’s 17-year old sister Robin sobbed pitiably on the witness stand as she identified Avril’s bloodstained red slacks and white blouse that were found in Hashfield’s house. Avril’s heartbroken mother Gail Terry, while describing Avril’s birthday party errand for her little sister Candace, looked Hashfield in the eyes and shrieked, “It was the last party Candy ever had!”

Jurors convicted Hashfield of first-degree murder in late 1962 and recommended the death penalty. The judge agreed. Hashfield’s lawyer hung up his execution for years until the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court foolishly outlawed capital punishment. However, a doctor took Hashfield’s life by performing a tonsillectomy on him roughly enough in early 1974 he choked on his own blood and bled to death from the throat wounds hours after the surgery.

I was too young as a 9-year-old to know what terms like “rape” and “sodomy” meant when I read the crime story. But I sure as hell understood an evil man kidnapped and did some horrible things to a girl two years older than me, who was trying to be nice to her little sister, then he cut off her head, butchered her like she was a slaughter lamb, and threw her body parts away like she was trash. Miss Avril’s horrible death has stuck with me to this day.

I’m sorry I had to share that horrible crime with you. Avril’s ordeal makes me hurt all over retelling it, and I’ve been carrying her story with me since I was a little four-eyed nine-year-old boy.

There is a lot of lying, hype, and inexactness on how many sex offenders and victims there are. It is in the government’s interest to minimize rape, and it is in the interest of certain groups with agendas to maximize rape. You can’t grasp the problem unless you have a rough idea of who the victims and perps are, and how many of them there are. I am providing the following estimates, based on state and federal crime figures and reports going back to the early 1990s. These figures come thanks to all 50 state police departments and attorney general offices, U.S. Justice Department and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services studies, and my forensic math using the figures and breakdowns by age and relationship provided to estimate who the victims and perpetrators are and how many of them there are.

Not counting victims of illegal aliens, or prison rape, there are at least 600,000 to 700,000 victims of rape, incest, or other serious sexual offenses each year. Of these, almost 35% are adult females and another 2% are adult males. This means almost 65% of the victims of rape and other serious sex offenses are below the age of 18. THE VAST MAJORITY OF SEX OFFENSES ARE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN.

Slightly more than half of all rape victims – 50% to 51% – are girls below the age of 18.

About one in six of all rape victims – 16% – are girls younger than 11.

About one in four of all rape victims – 24% – are girls 12 to 15.

About one in nine of all rape victims – 11% – are girls 16 or 17.

One in eight of all rape victims – 12% to 13% – are boys 17 or younger.

And unlike adult female victims of rape, who are usually raped once, these child victims are often raped dozens or hundreds of times – usually by the same perpetrators in their circle of family and acquaintances.

Most molesters are adult males. Adult male and female molesters are about 85% of the sexual predators.

Virtually all boys are victims of males. About 90% of the girls are reportedly the victims of males, and 10% are reportedly the victims of females. The actual percentage of adult female perpetrators could be much higher. Why? Forcible and statutory lesbian acts by women against girls, willing or not, meet with much more societal tolerance and approval. The vast majority of female sex offenders rape or molest girls.

Do the math – 98% times 13% (male rapists raping boy victims) plus 10% times 51% (female rapists sexually abusing girl victims) adds up to 18%.

Divide 18% by 63%, the number of child sex offense victims. The result is 29%; about three children in ten who are sexually abused are the victims of same-sex homosexual or lesbian assault. At the very most, homosexuals and bisexuals make up 10% of the population, by the claims of homosexual and lesbian activists. Centers for Disease Control researchers estimate homosexuals and bisexuals make up about 2% of the male population. The truth is probably somewhere in between … no more than about 5% of males are homosexual or bisexual, and perhaps 5% to 8% of females are lesbian or bisexual.

This does not count prisons, where rapes are frequent. Virtually all prison rapes involve same-sex homosexual or lesbian assaults. Ever since regulations against homosexuals in the armed forces have been weakened, rapes of males in uniform have skyrocketed until now there are more uniformed male rape victims than uniformed female rape victims.

Most teenage and child sexual assault victims know their predators. About 25% are fathers or other relatives or stepfathers, and another 65% or so are acquaintances ranging from teachers to youth group leaders to Mommie’s current boyfriends.

About 10% of all rapes of children occur at schools. Most school perps are teachers or other adult staffers.

The Justice Department claims rapes have dropped markedly the past two decades. This is false; here’s why:

The average rapist has several victims. Law enforcement sources and feminist sources do agree on this. There are roughly 30,000 arrests per year nationwide of rape and 70,000 or more arrests for “other sex offenses” (which include incest, child molestation, forcible fondling) and not counting “corrupting a minor” or “contributing to the delinquency of a minor,” or assault, some of which are sexual predatory acts against a victim plea-bargained down). More than 100,000 sex offense arrests times several victims represents at least 600,000 to 700,000 victims of rape or other sexually violent and predatory acts each year.

Due to the baby bust, there are fewer young American men now than there were in the 1980s. But there are millions more young men from other countries here now legally and illegally. Their cultures condone the sexual abuse of women and children a lot more than America’s does.

Many crimes prosecuted as rapes in the 1980s are being plea-bargained down to lesser charges. Instead of charging rapists with rape, plea-bargaining prosecutors use a reduced sentence for a lighter charge, like corruption of a minor or contributing to delinquency of a minor, or battery, as the path of least resistance. This makes the numbers of rapes artificially look lower.

Too many government people who are supposed to be protecting women and children from sexual exploitation have not been doing their jobs properly. In fact, it’s truly frightening that people in the legal system and other alleged professionals abuse victims of sex crimes further by the miserable way they treat them.

The procedure for removing a rapist’s semen and pubic hairs from a woman’s or girl’s vagina and/or rectum for evidence is greatly humiliating to the girl or woman in itself. To add insult to injury, bumbling cops and lab people lose such pieces of physical evidence (or throw them out!) much more often than they want us to believe. If the rapist has VD, the victim could be infected. Ditto for AIDS!

At trial, the defense attorney figuratively rapes the woman all over again. He tries to make it sound like she’s been pounding the streets in relentless search for a roll in the hay with a scumbag like his client. Her whole sexual history will be put on trial. Children who have been molested suffer abuse in court from aggressive attorneys who badger them and make them feel like they’ve been bad children to be in a spot like this.

Worthless prosecutors botch sex crimes cases by doing substandard work. As a result of the prosecutor’s laziness or incompetence, the rapist or molester gets off free. Or the wrong man goes to prison for the crime, while the real sex offender continues to roam free and prey upon others because the prosecutor was too lazy to figure out the truth behind the facts in his case and conned the jury into convicting the wrong man.

Rapists watch crime shows too. This is why many of them use condoms when they rape, or make females shower or bathe or douche after rape, or make them submit to hose blasts on their body parts. This is why some rapists kill their victims, and dispose of their bodies.

At least 60% of the sex offense victims who are women don’t even report the crimes to the police. An even larger percentage of children who are sex offense victims don’t report the crimes. In contrast, the vast majority of robbery and felony battery victims report these crimes. They at least can collect insurance if they report.

Rape victims get nothing and many expect nothing from the system. They may get exposed to unfavorable publicity, be humiliated as labeled rape victims, and be labeled as loose women in court. Many women victims have had to pay hundreds of dollars for the lab testing on their rape kits! This is why so many adult female victims don’t bother to report rapes perpetrated against them.

Some police and prosecutors across the country are so incompetent or behind or both that they are ignoring tens of thousands of rape kits done on victims. Journalists exposed this sordid practice in recent years. This doesn’t count the many thousands of rape kits the police have been throwing out without even putting them in the backlog bin of a crime lab. In many cases, prosecutors waive prosecution because the backlogs run into the statute of limitations on prosecuting rape charges.

Child victims of incest or rape by someone they know (like Mommie’s current boyfriend or third husband or Stepmom’s older son) don’t know their rights and are often threatened with punishment if they tell. They hardly ever report.

Crime statistics show most males who have sex with underage girls are considerably older than them. It’s not Romeo and Juliet. It’s Goldilocks and Uncle Chester the Molester or Little Red Riding Hood and Mom’s current sex partner Fletcher the Lecher. Or it’s Little Audrey and Stepmom’s much older dirtball son Pud. Or it’s Gidget and Roman Polanski. Or it’s politician Barney, teacher Harvey and poor little Malcolm in the Middle. Crime statistics show most of these guys are committing incest or rape, not just statutory rape. Percentage wise, not many girls’ “sex partners” are boys who are the girls’ own ages.

In the interest of sexual equality, it’s not Marcia and Jodie, but little Jan Brady and big Jan Reno. The female author of the play “The Vagina Monologues,” calls woman-on-girl predation “good rape.” Sadly, a who’s who of nipplehead actresses have performed in this play for political or sexual reasons, allegedly to fight rape. Many of these skanks are defenders of Roman Polanski, so they’re consistent in their hypocrisy. In Canada, a female senator named Lillian Dyck [sic] performed in this “epic.”

Planned Parenthood staffers often don’t report potential victims for an obvious reason. Reporting sex offenders will cost them money. Those who commit incest or rape or statutory rape and those covering for these vermin, like girls’ mothers who are having sex with the abusers or stepmothers who are sex partners or mothers of the abusers, wouldn’t in bring the girls to Planned Parenthood for birth control or abortion if they knew the police would be informed.


Advocates of victims of crime have pushed laws in memory of girls who rapists murdered. For example, the feds run a national database called the “Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website.” The site has this name in honor of Dru Katrina Sjodin, a cute blonde college coed from Minnesota, who looked like she could have played teenage girl sleuth Trixie Belden. Multiple rapist Alfonso Rodriguez, recently released from prison, kidnapped her as she was walking from her job in a North Dakota shopping center in late 2003. Authorities arrested Rodriguez, but didn’t find Miss Sjodin’s body until the spring of 2004. She was found naked below the waist with her hands tied behind her back, with stab wounds, a large slash to her neck, a rope around her neck, and a plastic bag around her head. Rodriguez had raped her, stabbed and slashed her, and left her tied up and head-bagged in the cold in a ravine in Minnesota. Poor Dru could have died from strangulation, suffocation, the stab wounds, the slashing of her neck, or exposure, all horrible ways to die.

You can find this federal sex offender database on the Net. I checked a couple of sex offenders I know about, and they came up on the site.

However, the U.S. Justice Department’s people, who maintain the website, deny any liability for wrong information and they warn against vigilante behavior in connection with use of info from the website.

Here’s their warning, which I copied verbatim 12/30/2014:

“Any person who uses information contained in or accessed through this Website to threaten, intimidate, or harass any individual, including registrants or family members, or who otherwise misuses this information may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability under federal and/or state law.”

Now, why does the database have any wrong information? After all, sex offenders can be forced to tell the truth on pain of prosecution for violating any number of sex offender registration laws.

Why? Because too many lazy, incompetent, and indifferent government employees across the country did negligent info collection.

Too many attorneys-general have flunked or are flunking this basic competency test in protecting children from sex offenders. Richard Cordray (D) and Mike DeWine ( R), the former and at press time the current AGs in Ohio, for example, put children in jeopardy by allowing a sex offender database put on line that was so flawed they wouldn’t vouch for its accuracy.

The terms and conditions of the Ohio Attorney General’s sex offender website in 2010 noted the sex offender database is incomplete and “may contain erroneous information.” Why? Cordray’s people said, “The database is compiled, based in part, upon information provided by the convicted offender and such information is not independently verified by the BCI&I.” (BCI&I are Ohio state police investigators.)

You read that right. Cordray admitted his database was so flawed he wouldn’t stand behind its accuracy because he depended on convicted rapists and child molesters to tell the truth. He was too stupid, lazy, negligent, or sympathetic to sex offenders to require local authorities to check on them independently.

The boldest print on the warning warned people Cordray would prosecute those who mistreated sex offenders due to using info from his flawed database. This is how a criminal, a loony, or a politician thinks.

DeWine beat Cordray in the election of 2010. The database retained the same flaws despite the change of top lawyers. The more things change, the more things stay the same.

You can’t spell “child molestation” without “Ohio.” But given what I’ve found and shared with you about child predators and other sexual predator vermin and public officials elsewhere, the problem is nationwide.

Those who cover for sex offenders among our government officials, from health department agents who steer grant and contract money to Planned Parenthood to politicians who try to normalize aberrant behavior and extend more protections to illegal aliens and others who rape, are like the demons who Christ sent into the pigs. They are legion.

For example, when I was working on my books on immigration a few years ago, I came across this gem:

An anonymous female doctor, reportedly an employee of a community health clinic that provided health care for migrant workers, said, “The first time I went to the camps I didn’t vomit only because I had nothing in my stomach.” Why? She was treating girls trafficked from Mexico to be used by the migrants as sex slaves. She said over time, she saw girls as young as 9 or 10 years old being forced to have sex with migrants. She claimed she counted 35 men using the same girl in an hour. (This is evidently a lie for effect on her part, but even one rape per girl victim over her lifetime is bad enough.)

Three brothers, according to a Mexican newspaper, trafficked hundreds of girls to these rape camps near San Diego. The female American doctor said police who raided the rape camp found dozens of empty boxes of condoms; each box held 1000 condoms.

This enlightened American female doctor said she worked with the pimps enslaving these girls FOR FIVE YEARS, at the instructions of her clinic boss, “to prevent HIV/AIDS and other venereal diseases in the exploited minor girls.” She claimed she fought with the U.S. government, and its agents told her she had signed a federal agreement of confidentiality so she couldn’t do anything about it. She said, “If I wanted to help these girls, I had to develop a relationship with the pimps.”

How is sucking up to pimps a better way of protecting trafficked girl rape victims from VD than having the pimps arrested and the girls rescued from being raped daily by busloads of scumbag migrants and traffickers?

You read this female doctor’s account right. This degreed bitch admitted she watched human scum rape little girls for five years and did nothing. She claimed she reported the abuse through channels, but she lacked the guts to quit her job as an enabler and go public with her charges against the traffickers, the illegal migrants, and the government officials who allegedly kept her on the job enabling the abuse of these girls. She even lacked the guts to tip off the police.

Who is the doctor? And who were the people who sent her and allegedly told her to ensure the multiply raped girls were at least getting VD protection? In my opinion, this is one case in which the female doctor and others associated with her service to the traffickers need to spit out the truth. The feds should have been confining her and her corporate and government co-conspirators at Guantanamo and waterboarding them or finding out how much juice they could take from an electrified cattle prod. Someone who assists in the serial sexual abuse of children on a government contract deserves such treatment as a minimum.

Fish rot from the head. So do governments. Bear in mind two of the top three officials of the Clinton administration – Bill himself, and Janet Reno – stood credibly accused of rape or at the very least, in Janet’s case, statutory rape and having sex with female prostitutes.

Al Gore, that administration’s Number Two, stood credibly accused of trying to force himself sexually on a masseuse in a high-end hotel in Portland, Oregon. Molly Hagerty, the masseuse in question, outed Gore publicly as a “crazed sex poodle.” On the heels of this story came word that two other masseuses claimed Gore wanted similar action from them. The stories about Gore’s hanging chad came out days after news Gore divorced his wife of 40 years because she was jealous of his infidelities. Tipper Gore must not be as progressive as Hillary.

Hillary is a consensual bisexual and a laughing defender of at least one accused sex offender (besides Bill). Hillary defended an Arkansas peckerwood named Thomas Alfred Taylor, who along with a 15-year-old, raped a 12-year-old girl named Kathy Shelton. In a taped interview she gave in the 1980s, archived at the University of Arkansas, Hillary laughed and chuckled as she recalled the tactics she used to release this vermin into society quickly.

Fortunately for Clinton’s client, the Arkansas lab personnel who found the victim’s blood on Taylor’s shorts “lost” the patch of shorts that had her blood on it. (This sort of wrongful and corrupt government employee behavior has been an ongoing “co-incidence” throughout the lives of the Clintons and their friends and allies who need to get out of jams.)

Hillary got a plea deal for Taylor that cost him 10 months in jail for a fondling charge, instead of a rape conviction. This was not much punishment for a man who raped and beat a girl, and then threatened her life if she dared breathe a word of it to authorities.

One tactic Hillary apparently forgot to tell the interviewer was her sliming of the victim, a 12-year-old girl.

The staffers of the Washington Free Beacon in 2014 posted court documents from the case (Case No. 75-203, Washington County, Arkansas Circuit Court) on line. One of the documents was an affidavit Hillary filed 7/28/1975 demanding the 12-year-old rape victim be ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. It contained the following paragraph:

“I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing. I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body. Also that she exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.”

In so many words, Hillary falsely claimed, “The lying crazy little slut wanted my client.”

Hillary made up the above charges against the girl rape victim because Hillary is a sociopathic liar who will stop at nothing to achieve her goals. Hillary didn’t say where her alleged inside information on the victim came from, and the victim and the detective disputed it.

The girl said she was a virgin before Taylor raped her. She went with her mother to a hospital not long after Taylor raped her for a rape exam. Leave it to Hillary to slime her, and in the process demand the use of psychiatric evaluation, a favorite weapon of Nazis and Communists.

It has been Hillary’s habit to make personal attacks, very often false, against those who oppose her or are in the way of something she wants. In this case, it was a little sixth-grade girl Hillary stooped to falsely slime.

Clintons’ victims Paula Jones (in red), Kathleen Willey (brunette in black), Juanita Broaddrick (blonde in black), and Kathy Shelton (in blue), at second presidential debate, October 9, 2016. They all supported Mr. Trump, who believed them, let them tell their cases to the media on his platform, and defended their honor.


Of course, the problem has dribbled down to the state and local level. In this book, I have commented at length about the protection of child predators in many states.

And poor little Avril Terry, the cheerful, polite little black-haired girl who I read about as a nine-year-old boy, was the victim of a depraved animal who got out of prison four times. Indiana parole board members negligently kept letting him out even though he raped a woman, a girl, and two boys. It took the conscious effort or the serendiptious indifference of a doctor to cut that demon’s throat internally so he could choke on his own blood and die.

Avril’s grave, Maple Grove Cemetery, Boonville, Indiana. RIP, Avril, child of God! Courtesy of Kevin Sherlock. The graveyard keeper told 99 and me many people still come to pay their respects to her.


If a black haired girl gets the nickname of “Honey” it can only mean one thing — that she is a sweetheart. RIP, Avril, and your Mom and Dad buried next to you.


A judge today might bar evidence of Avril’s murder as fruit of an illegal search, and direct a not guilty verdict. Or he might decide Hashfield was entitled to “the right of quiet enjoyment of children in his home.” Or the prosecutor might drop charges. Other government types would punish the lawmen for not treating the murderer with more understanding. After all, he was bisexual, and was likely suffering rejection because Avril tried to fight him off. A lawyer like Hillary the sociopath would falsely call Avril an attention-seeking slut, who wanted to be raped and beheaded. The ACLU would sue the doctor and the state of Indiana for malpractice.

We are chumps for not punishing these swine for lying to us, and in effect shielding those who continue to molest our children. We are supposed to be our children’s guardians and protectors; they deserve better than this from us. Earlier generations of Americans would not tolerate the shielding of child molesters that we put up with or ignore. The folks who surrounded the Indiana jail holding the demon who raped and murdered and dismembered poor Avril Terry (the kind young black-haired girl who folks called “Honey”) and called for his lynching and threw objects at the police defending him were much better people than most of us today.

Keep posted. I will be following up on the ACLU’s and like minded lawyers’ latest gold rush – their attempt to help sex offenders kill sex offender registries and collect billions of dollars in “raperations.”

We may have to resort to tarring and feathering lawyers and judges (or do worse) like our ancestors did during the Depression if these vermin continue their war on children.

And my practice will extend to vigilante defense for those who defend children. I hope and pray it won’t come to that, but given the assault of the criminal Left on all that is decent and innocent, I’m getting ready.

So should you. The Broward County sheriff and hundreds of thousands of other leftists like Debbie Wasserman (Positive), who represents  that  area in Congress, school board and teacher union members across America, prosecutors and ACLU types, and public officials in the Bay Area, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Akron and Cleveland, Minnesota, DC, and elsewhere have proven they will sacrifice children and young women for their political goals.

You are your children’s first responder.





Info on Avril “Honey” Terry and raping murdering scumbag Emmett Hashfield comes from UPI and AP articles 8/17/1960, 8/18/1960, 8/19/1960 and 8/22/1960, Evansville Press articles 8/18/1960, 8/19/1960, 10/20/1962, 11/3/1962, a 8/19/1960 Schenectady, NY Gazette column, a 9/23/1962 and a 10/10/1962 AP article, a 1/10/2010 column by a former playmate of Avril named Cynthia Booker, Encyclopedia of Kidnappings by Michael Newton, and the website www.findagrave.com. Since the vermin raped, sodomized, and murdered Avril in mid August, some newspaper clippings I copied had back-to-school clothing ads on them … it was truly sad seeing these. I shed tears for Avril, her parents, and her sisters all over again. God rest Avril’s soul – and the souls of her Mom and Dad!

Info on numbers of homosexuals and bisexuals comes from the 9/26/2014 Centers for Disease Control journal Morbiditiy and Mortality Weekly.

Info on military rapes comes from a 5/16/2013 article by Bill Briggs for NBC and U.S. News.

Info on rape kits comes from 4/28/2011 and 11/12/2014 Los Angeles Times articles, 2/23/2014 and 12/9/2014 AP articles, and a 6/3/2014 article by Michelle Andrews that appeared on PBS.

Info on “Vagina Monologues” comes from a review by Faith Oneya of Eve Ensler’s “opus” in the 2/16/2012 journal Literary Chronicles. (The original was a play; Faith was reviewing the book.) Ms. Oneya noted criticism of the “good rape” quote, and noted Ms. Ensler removed this line and changed the teen girl’s age from 13 to 16 (which is still below the age of consent in some states). Info on Lillian Dyck comes from a supportive blog by Canadian member of parliament Carolyn Bennett dated 2/14/2006.

Info on Dru Sjodin’s murder comes from an 8/30/2006 AP article. Info about Dru Sjodin comes from the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Website, and from the Facebook page “Dru’s Voice.”

Info on the female doctor who enabled the rape of trafficked Mexican girls comes from an article by Donna Hughes titled “Human Sexploitation: The World’s Sex Slaves Need Liberation, Not Condoms” in the 2/15/2003 edition of the Weekly Standard. This woman, a professor at the University of Rhode Island, is a well-known opponent of sex slavery. In the article, she slammed a New York Times editor who wrote teenage girls need “condoms and counseling about how to negotiate sex.” “Being pressured into sex by an older man is rape. Girls should be taught to negotiate with rapists?” Donna Hughes commented.

On Bill Clinton, his attempt to prey upon Paula Jones is common knowledge. Many also are aware of his reported rape of Juanita Broaddrick and his reported sexual abuse of Kathleen Willey. Donald Trump had these three victims and Kathy Shelton (the girl who Hillary slimed when she was defending the vermin who raped her) as his guests at a presidential debate against Hillary in 2016. The women also attacked Hillary and Bill at a press conference before the debate. Info comes from a 10/9/2016 Los Angeles Times online article, a 10/9/2016 McClatchy News article by Anita Kumar, and a 10/10/2016 Time article. Use the index to see all the end notes for the Paula Jones case.

Info on Al Gore and the masseuses comes from Portland, Oregon Police Department Case No. 07-9568, a 6/26/2010 New York Daily News article, and 6/14/2010, 6/24/2010, 6/27/2010, 6/30/2010, and 7/21/2010 National Enquirer articles.

Info on Janet Reno comes from Geoff Metcalf’s 8/31/1998 article in World Net Daily, Dean Arnold’s 8/12/1998 article in ConservativeNews.com, an 8/8/2000 article in NewsMax, and Kenneth Timmerman’s 10/29/2001 article in Insight. It’s not a crime to be a lesbian, but it is a crime for an adult, especially a prosecutor, to use prostitutes, and it is a crime for any adult, especially a prosecutor, to sexually abuse a girl. Ms. Reno never sued for slander Jack Thompson or Jim Traficant or anyone else who credibly accused her of using hookers or preying upon girls or young women. An innocent woman would have done so, in the opinion of many, including me.

Info on Hillary comes from Alana Goodman’s 6/15/2014 article in the Washington Free Beacon, Glenn Thrush’s 2/24/2008 article for Newsday, a 6/20/2014 article by Josh Rogin in the Daily Beast in which he interviewed Kathy Shelton, who is now in her 50s, and a 6/20/2014 ABC News article by Liz Kreutz.
