• Today is: Thursday, January 9, 2025


January12/ 2019

Due to all the leftist and globalist lying about how safe illegal migrants are, you may have missed some feel-good stories as we ring in the new year. Here’s a roundup of some of my favorites.



From Breitbart, 1/5/2019, this:

“A man who ran an international child porn ring was beaten to death in prison this week, but one of his victims predicted his fate long before his demise.

A judge sentenced Christian Maire, a married father-of-two from upstate New York, to 40 years in federal prison in December for running an online operation where he and eight of his accomplices posed as teenage boys on dating sites trying to convince young girls to perform sex acts via their webcams.

The men even tried to convince their victims to cut themselves while in front of their webcams.

Amanda Todd, 15, of British Columbia, committed suicide in 2012  after someone tricked her into showing her breasts in a chatroom. Someone then tried to blackmail her into making a pornographic film. A compromising picture of her showed up on the Net, and other kids at her school bullied her.  The bullying she received pushed her over the edge. Parents, check on your kids’ Internet use …. and teach them to dress and act modestly. A lot of vermin out there view your precious children as prey. You are their first responder.  Source: 10/18/2012 CTV News. Photo courtesy of her family. RIP, Amanda, child of God.


But at least one of Maire’s victims did not seem surprised that Maire would suffer this fate.

One female victim, who is now 20 years old, predicted at Maire’s December 2018
sentencing he would get beaten up in prison. Continue Reading


January06/ 2019

The Nativity of Christ has brought more and more cultural misappropriation by leftists this past Christmas season, which concludes today.

Since they can’t reconcile the holy lives of the Holy Family with their own excrement-stained lives, they resort to lying.

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Some of the losers claim Mary and Joseph were immigrants coming to Bethlehem. This is untrue. As members of the tribe of Judah, and descendants of King David, whose town was Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph came to that town to fulfill their duties under the Roman order for a census. They were observant Jews who lived in Israel, which was under Roman control.

Some of the losers claim Mary and Joseph were illegals whom Egypt sheltered. This is also false. The Romans ruled both Israel and Egypt. People under Roman control could go where they wanted to go within the empire, if they were not slaves. And if one wants to argue Joseph and Mary were disobeying Herod in fleeing, the officials of no other area under Roman control would have a similar problem with the Holy Family. It is the right of innocent people to flee murderers … but the leftists conveniently forget to say virtually every land Israel touched was also under Roman control.

These same hypocritical scumbags that invoke Christ to support illegals and others coming to America would have forced His mother to undergo an abortion, after calling her a liar for saying she was a virgin.

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January06/ 2019

Today is Epiphany, the Feast of the Three Wise Men bringing gifts to the Christ Child and worshiping him.

Matthew the Apostle covers their visit in Chapter 2 of his gospel.


Matthew notes that the wise men from the east (Persia, today’s Iran, because the Magi were a priestly caste in that land, and Persian scholars were very learned in astronomy for their time) saw a star in the west that meant to them an important king was born, and they decided to do him homage.

As Matthew reported, the three saw the star, journeyed to Israel, demanded an audience with Herod, and said, “Where is the newborn King of the Jews? We observed his star at its rising and have come to pay him homage.”

Herod “became greatly disturbed, and with him all of Jerusalem.” (Actually, most of the people of Jerusalem could care less. Only those close to the government — much like the parasite class of lawyers, lobbyists, aides, and bureaucrats inside the Washington Beltway — had any cause to worry.) Herod had fathered many sons by many wives, but had many of them killed because he was paranoid. So a “newborn King of the Jews” in his mind meant his “rule” and his “line” was going to come to a bad end. And well he knew the end could come for him at any time … he owed his power to his willingness to do the bidding of the Romans, and the Roman emperor could put someone else on the throne of Israel with no trouble. Most Jews despised Herod because he was a bootlicking pagan who had essentially abandoned the faith of the people (he was an Idumean whose people were converts to Judaism), and a backstabber who had the last of the Maccabees put to death. Even though Herod had the Temple rebuilt, most Jews saw him for the corrupt little puppet he was.

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All Trump is Saying … Is “Give Peace a Chance”

December24/ 2018

Why are the Swampers and the Deep Staters trying to smash “I’ll be Home for Christmas” for our servicemen and servicewomen?

President Donald Trump is withdrawing our fighting men from Syria after they bombed and shot ISIS into near extinction. Now the Syrian government, the Kurds, and others will finish the job.

Democrat politicians are screaming because President Trump is bringing our servicemen home. The peace party now wants war.

Is it because they are that anti-Trump and anti-military? Are they off their meds?

Or is it because they are getting money from globalists who prefer a weak America squandering blood and treasure in Third World hellholes while our own borders leak like a sieve?

Antifa fighting formation


Maybe George Soros and the Dems should send some Antifa people to the Middle East to fill in if it’s so important to keep an armed American presence in Syria. Oh, that’s right. The Antifa people are good only for massing and attacking grossly outnumbered political opponents, usually middle age women. A real opponent with real weapons would kill most of them and send the rest of them scurrying home to Mommy’s basement like the bedwetting cowards they are. Forget I brought it up.

Quite a few Republican politicians are also screaming because President Trump is bringing our servicemen home.

Is it because they are that much in love with the Bushes and John McCain – and that much anti-Trump?

Or is it because they are getting money from defense contractors who want to sell more gear and services?

Like Nixonites and Bushies, and like Mitt Romney, the GOPers still haven’t figured out the Chinese, not the Russians, pose us the most threat.

And here come some of the generals and alleged national security and terrorism experts out of the latrines and into the conversation.

Stanley (Laurel) McChrystal in particular is punditing against President Trump. Ignore his stars. He’s either a dummy or a coward. He lacked the common sense, or even worse, he lacked the manhood and the honor, to stop the imposition of ridiculous rules of engagement upon our troops in Moslem countries. As a result, the locals killed many of our good young men and women. Young soldiers and Marines I know to a man hated McChrystalMeth for his worthless rules of engagement policies.

McChrystalMeth’s sucking up to the Obama administration (and his having the same first name as Obama’s Mama) still didn’t save him from being canned by BO in 2010.

McChrystal got some good post-forced-retirement gigs at colleges and with globalist corporations. Read about them in Wikipedia. He’s part of the government payroller/college/defense contractor complex.

McChrystal’s not alone, but he’s the most prominent. Former four-star David Petraeus praised Mattis but didn’t directly bash President Trump. Yet. Petraeus is hoping to replace him.

Fat chance.

Petraeus is the disgraced CIA director who lied for the Obama administration about the Benghazi massacre and the Obama administration’s gunrunning to lslamist terrorists. (The Benghazi massacre of our envoy and three other Americans was the result of the Moslem counterpart in Obama gunrunning to his DOJ gunrunning to “needy” Mexican drug gangs in Operation Fast and Furious, that led to the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.)

Paula Broadwell holds her ironically titled book about her time under Petraeus.


Petraeus lied for Obama because Obama’s people had the goods on him cheating on his wife with a homewrecker who was young enough to be his daughter. Paula Broadwell, the can-opener-nosed Army colonel who made her key terrain very available to Petraeus, has not yet commented publicly. Nor should she.

John Brennan, the Communist and Moslem CIA director under Obama, attacked President Trump over his desire to save American lives by bringing them home from Syria. Why? He’s a Communist and a Moslem. Thus a perfect fit for real-America-despising Obama. Nuff sed.

Lisa Nowak, the jilted astro-nut who allegedly drove for a day in space diapers from Houston to Orlando, Florida so she could try to kidnap Air Force captain Colleen Shipman, a sex rival of hers, was a Navy captain (equivalent to colonel in the Army and Air Force and Marines) until she pulled that evil and stupid stunt. Lisa was committing adultery with fellow astronaut William Oefelein until he dumped her for the younger Trixie, errr, officer. Lisa denied wearing NASA’s version of Depends, but essentially did not deny the kidnaping attempt of her rival.

Lisa could redeem her reputation by dying while trying to save children from a burning building. She could redeem it much more painlessly with the Left and with neverTrumpers by criticizing the Donald on CNN for bringing the troops home. So far she hasn’t taken the bait.

Lisa Caputo Nowak — half-zipped astronaut and handcuffed convict


But Lisa and the others mentioned above are proof high-ranking officers don’t always make the best choices.

General Mattis has resigned as Defense Secretary because President Trump disagrees with his desire to throw more troops at Syria and Afghanistan and many other hellholes around the world. That’s not a good idea for any number of reasons, the most basic being it’s a needless sacrifice of the lives of our servicemen and servicewomen.

It cost trillions of dollars to send our people to fight in the Middle East. And for what? Saddam is dead. He at least was a problem for the Iranians, the Turks, and the Saudis. And Saddam was not a good enough Moslem to hate Christians or grind women into the dirt. In Saddam’s Iraq, just like in the Shah’s Iran, women uncovered their heads and wore skirts that uncovered much of their legs. And they held jobs outside the home. In Iraq, and in Assad’s Syria, the Christians were not singled out for persecution and genocide. There have never been more than a handful of Christians in Iran for at least a millennium. There are fewer Christians there now then there were when the Shah ran Iran.

The Turks murdered millions of Christians in the Middle East and in Eastern Europe and Ukraine from the 1300s to the 1900s. Only the Russians and the Poles and Ukrainians consistently fought the Turks to protect Europe. The Turks, aided by Kurds, so thoroughly murdered the Armenians that the remnant of that unhappy people chose Communist Russian rule over Turkish rule. The Turks and Kurds also murdered most of the Christian Assyrians of present-day northern Iraq.

Armenian woman and three children. Four of more than a million genocidally murdered by the Turks during World War One. A German officer, revulsed, took this picture.


Ohio-born Januarius MacGahan, one of the top war correspondents of the era, sent dispatches to the London Daily News in the summer of 1876 on the atrocities the Turks committed in Bulgaria. Here are some of his observations on the treatment the Turks gave to the villagers of Batak:

“They (the dogs) barked at us in an angry manner, and then ran off into the adjoining fields. I observed nothing peculiar as we mounted until my horse stumbled, when looking down I perceived he had stepped on a human skull partly hid among the grass. It was quite hard and dry, and might, to all appearances, have been there two or three years, so well had the dogs done their work.”

“We looked again at the heap of skulls and skeletons before us, and we observed that they were all small and that the articles of clothing intermingled with them and lying about were all women’s apparel. These, then, were all women and girls. From my saddle I counted about a hundred skulls, not including those that were hidden beneath the others in the ghastly heap nor those that were scattered far and wide through the fields. The skulls were nearly all separated from the rest of the bones – the skeletons were nearly all headless. These women had all been beheaded.”

“And now we begin to approach the church and the school-house. The ground is covered here with skeletons, to which are clinging articles of clothing and bits of putrid flesh. The air was heavy, with a faint, sickening odor, that grows stronger as we advance. It is beginning to be horrible. The school-house, to judge by the walls that are part standing, was a fine building, capable of accommodating 200 or 300 children. Beneath the stones and rubbish that cover the floor to the height of several feet are the bones and ashes of 200 women and children burned alive between these four walls.”

“We entered the church yard, but here the odor became so bad that it was almost impossible to proceed. We take a handful of tobacco and hold it against our noses while we continue our investigations.”

“Some weeks after the massacre orders were sent to bury the dead. But the stench at that time had become so heavy that it was impossible to execute the order or even remain in the neighborhood of the village. We are told that 3,000 people are lying in this little churchyard alone, and we could well believe it.”

“The harvests are rotting in the fields and the reapers are rotting here in the church yard.”

“The number of children killed in these massacres is something enormous. They were often spitted on bayonets, and we have several stories from eye-witnesses who saw the little babes carried about the streets, both here and at Olluk-Kni, on the points of bayonets. The reason is simple. When a Mohammedan has killed a certain number of infidels, he is sure of Paradise, no matter what his sins may be.”

“We asked about the skulls and bones we had seen upon the hill upon our first arrival in the village, where the dogs had barked at us. These, we were told, were the bodies of 200 young girls who had first been captured and particularly reserved for a worse fate. They had been kept till last; they had been in the hands of their captors for several days – for the burning and pillaging had not all been accomplished in a single day – and during this time they had suffered all that poor, weak, trembling girls can suffer at the hands of the brutal savages. Then when the town had been pillaged and burned, when all their friends had been slaughtered, these poor young things, whose very wrongs should have ensured them safety, whose very outrages should have insured them protection, were taken in the broad light of day, beneath the smiling canopy of heaven, coolly beheaded, then thrown in a heap and left to rot.”

Old woman sits in sorrow with some of the decapitated skulls of the girls and young women the Turks raped and beheaded in and around Batak.  MacGahan was a real journalist, not fake news.


In those days, writers (and editors) used euphemisms like “outrage” and “wrong” for “rape.” What MacGahan was saying was the Turks picked out the prettiest older girls and young women, raped them for days, then cut off their heads before they moved on.


The Turks would love to kill the Kurds now, because some Kurds want a Kurdish state and want Turkish, Syrian, and Iraqi territory for it. However, the Russians would love to smash their ancient Turkish foes, retake Constantinople and its European hinterland next to Greece and Bulgaria for Christianity, and scrub all the Moslem desecrations out of the Hagia Sophia church which Emperor Justinian had built so many centuries ago for orthodox worshipers of the True God. The Russians also want to run their ships freely in and out of the Straits of Constantinople instead of listening to buggers like the Turks, who the globalists allow to control the Straits for now.

Hagia Sophia in Justinian’s Time. Courtesy of 99, who painted it.


The people of most of the world envy and resent Americans, so there’s no reason to help them.

Our Moslem “allies,” especially those in Afghanistan, treat women like dirt and rape young boys for fun. Some of our men have been punished for stopping these evil people from raping children. General Mattis has apparently not stopped the wrongful prosecutions of our child protectors.


Nor has General Mattis cleared another of our heroes, Major Matt Golsteyn, who shot a Taliban IED maker who had killed our soldiers.

Thanks to Rowan Scarborough and the Washington Times (12/19/2018), here’s his story:

“Maj. Matthew Golsteyn has been forced back into active duty, his beard shaved, his civilian job in jeopardy.

The Army once named him one of its most heroic soldiers in Afghanistan and awarded him a Silver Star. On Dec. 12, the Army called him a murderer for killing “Rasoul,” a known Taliban bomb-maker, nearly a decade ago.

Phillip Stackhouse has been the former Green Beret’s attorney in his on-and-off ride through the military justice system. He told The Washington Times that he has seen no new evidence since the Army reopened its investigation of Maj. Golsteyn in the fall of 2016.

“Based upon my review of all the evidence that was given to me back in 2015 and our own independent investigation, there’s no new evidence,” said Mr. Stackhouse, a former Marine Corps defense lawyer.

A charge sheet presented to Maj. Golsteyn on Dec. 12 and obtained by The Times states that the officer “did, at or near Forward Operating Base McQuery, Marjah, Afghanistan, on or about 22 February, 2010, with premeditation, murder a male of apparent Afghan descent known as Rasoul by means of shooting him with a firearm.”

The sudden murder charge has turned Maj. Golsteyn into an American cause celebre: His wife and parents have made TV appearances to denounce the Army. President Trump tweeted a pledge to review his case.

The Army made the allegation amid a new campaign by U.S. Special Operations Command, which oversees all commando units, to review ethics standards, The Times reported Monday. It’s a reaction to a rash of drug raids, detainee abuse and killings.

Maj. Golsteyn, 38, graduated from West Point in 2002 on the front end of America’s longest war. After infantry and then Special Forces qualifications, he found himself, as a team captain, engaged in intense daily patrols and killings around Marjah, west of Kandahar, the birthplace of the Taliban.

On the Feb. 22, 2010 excursion, his joint Marine-Army unit detained a bomb-making terrorist who intelligence showed was responsible for the deaths of at least two Americans.

Rasoul had no gun or bomb-making materials on him. Under the rules of engagement, the forward base had to release him.

Maj. Golsteyn decided the Taliban would not kill again. He viewed Rasoul as a combatant ready to make his next improvised explosive device, the top killer of U.S. troops. He set up an ambush. A shot was fired. The team burned the body.

There were no recriminations until Maj. Golsteyn applied in 2011 for a CIA job. During a polygraph, he admitted to the killing. The CIA notified the Army.

Here is what he told the polygraph examiner, according to a transcript obtained by The Times: “We had an IED mark that killed two of my Marines. I caught him and shot him. … The responsibility is mine. … We caught him on site with components. … [His release] would have resulted in the death of more of my guys.

“There’s hundreds of dudes that are caught all the time. We caught probably close to that number and released every one of them because there’s no point in it. Just stop taking detainees. You know, I could have a guy that standing, you know, a nice guy with a family standing against a wall pointing, like, you know, just peeking out and, like, that guy cut off heads there weeks ago. He’s a Taliban tax collector, and this is what he’s doing.

“But I can’t do anything about that. With this guy in particular, with the IEDs as they were, he was a combatant and was going to go right back to continuing being a combatant. … So by the letter of the law, I’m wrong, but he never stopped being a combatant.”

CIA: Yeah, I’m good with that.

Golsteyn: As to me, he never stopped being a combatant.

CIA: Because as soon as you would have let him go, he’d (have) went and built himself another bomb.

In 2015, the Army opened a board of inquiry at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, home of the service’s Special Operations Command, which ultimately brought the murder charge.

The CIA didn’t provide testimony, just the transcript. No team member, including the sergeant with Maj. Golsteyn that day, offered incriminating evidence Mr. Stackhouse said.

The board recommended no criminal charges. Three officers found him guilty of conduct unbecoming an officer and suggested a general discharge under honorable conditions, which allowed him to keep his benefits.

Then-Army Secretary John M. McHugh stripped the major of his pending Silver Star, the military’s third-highest award.

In that engagement on Feb. 10, 2010, against entrenched Taliban fighters, the citation says, the Green Beret officer led a force of 80 Americans and Afghans as he “heroically distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous conduct in the face of the enemy.”

“Captain Golsteyn repeatedly exposed himself to direct and accurate enemy fire during a four-hour engagement in which his calm demeanor, decisive actions and fearlessness in the face of the enemy ultimately led to the liberation of the citizens of Marjah from an oppressive insurgent regime,” the citation states.

Bruised but not out, Maj. Golsteyn remarried, took a senior post in Washington with the International Association of Fire Fighters and welcomed a baby boy.

“His life was moving on,” Mr. Stackhouse said.

Maj. Golsteyn agreed in October 2016 to sit down with Fox News anchor Bret Baier for a special on warfighting. The officer was highly critical of tactics in Afghanistan. When asked whether he killed the bomb-maker, he said “yes.”

The answer apparently triggered Army Criminal Investigation Command to reopen the case.

Mr. Stackhouse said Maj. Golsteyn’s CIA and Fox News interviews dovetail, begging the question why the investigation started up again.

“I’m going to be asking all the questions about reopening the investigation. Who authorized it? What prompted it?” the attorney said.

Maj. Golsteyn has always said he viewed Rasoul as a combatant whom he killed, not murdered.

“The Taliban was a detainee at one point,” Mr. Stackhouse said. “He was released. And at a short time later there was an ambush on a road in southern Afghanistan, and Matt participated in that ambush and that bomb-maker was killed.

Matt Golsteyn. Military justice is often an oxymoron.


“When that guy was released from the combat outpost, he could have went anywhere in the world. The combat outpost was at a crossroads. He could have went in any direction. And where he went was the area where he was conducting his operations,” the attorney said.

Maj. Golsteyn’s regimental commander testified that he would have ordered the shot.

A “fact sheet” prepared by the office of Rep. Duncan Hunter, California Republican, said: “The bomb maker was also maneuvering back to a location where bomb components were stored — and there was agreement that this is no different than reaching for an AK-47 or progressing to any weapon, for that matter.”

After the Army reopened the case in December 2016, Mr. Hunter, in protest, cited the words of incoming Defense Secretary James Mattis.

“Major Matt Golsteyn is an American hero, and his experience calls to attention another hero, retired General James Mattis and something he said: ‘There are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot.’ I know you agree that a known Afghan bomb-maker with the blood of American service members on his hands fits into that category,” Mr. Hunter said in a letter to then-Army Secretary Eric Fanning and Gen. Mark A. Milley, Army chief of staff.

Mr. Stackhouse contends that the investigation went off track early on. An Army investigator viewed the lie detector video. The agent concluded that Maj. Golsteyn took the Taliban fighter to his home base for bomb-making and executed him there.

“Matt never said that,” Mr. Stackhouse said.

At the board of inquiry, he said, a new agent on the case agreed that the first conclusion was wrong.

The major now is stationed at Fort Bragg. The next move is an Article 32 hearing in which a presiding officer will hear the evidence and make a recommendation up the chain of command. The presiding officer could propose dismissal on one end of the justice scale or, at worst, a court-martial.

After Thanksgiving, the Army ordered Maj. Golsteyn back to active duty and summoned him to Fort Bragg but gave him no heads-up. Mr. Stackhouse said his client thought it might be to finally discharge him or award him medical retirement.

“Instead, he had a discussion with his commanding officer on a Tuesday,” Mr. Stackhouse said. “The officer said, ‘Look, I don’t know what’s happening. I know the investigation is closed. You’ll know very soon.’ On Wednesday, he handed him murder charges that he had signed off on the day before. The whole thing was a kick in the teeth. … They just lied to him.”

The Golsteyn family is counting on Mr. Trump, who tweeted: “At the request of many, I will be reviewing the case of a ‘U.S. Military hero,’ Major Matt Golsteyn, who is charged with murder. He could face the death penalty from our own government after he admitted to killing a Terrorist bomb maker while overseas.”

In another excerpt from his CIA interview, Maj. Golsteyn said: “So I’ve got a guy in the battlefield that I know is already responsible for the deaths of two, the making of countless IEDs, and whatever he’s committed before, he’s an open threat to the tribal leader in a very fragile process for us of getting some kind of popular support that allows us to get done what we want to get done. And he is a demonstrated threat to my guys. He’s — is a combatant, was a combatant when we picked him up and was going to continue to be a combatant. We were fighting. We were under attack at that point in time for six to eight hours a day.”

Matt Goldsteyn is contending with a bunch of cowardly REMFs (rear echelon MF’s aka desk jockeys) and others who kiss the asses of the weasels who have wormed their way up the chain of command. The weasels with lots of rank may have little or no loyalty to their troops or the nation — their loyalties are all too often to their careers and to their post-retirement careers in the government payroller/college/defense contractor complex.

During the Bush 43 presidency, Pentagon lawyers forbade our troops from bombing an assemblage of Taliban who were meeting at night in a cemetery. The strike would have killed about 200 of their top vermin, but the pencil pushers thought it would be a violation of their religion.

Taliban vermin, allegedly photoed in a cemetery by a military drone operator, escape meeting Allah due to Pentagon pencil pushers. How many of our men did they kill later?


I talked with a friend of mine about using radio waves to blow up IEDs. This guy, an engineer who was still in uniform, said someone in the Army had an idea to mickey with the supplier of IED detonators to make them detonate prematurely. He said the chain of command and/or the Pentagon lawyers stepped on this good idea also for reasons of political correctness.

This is the nonsense the troops have had to deal with under Bush 43 and Obama. President Trump has greatly loosened presidential control of military actions and has given commanders in the field greater authority. Some know how to exercise initiative, others may not.

Contact President Trump via the White House comment website ( https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact) to support Major Golsteyn. He did the right thing while fighting under a cowardly chain of command whose superior officers cowered to power.

I believe President Trump will come through. He’s not a Bush or a Clinton or an Obama.


Back to President Trump, the president who wants real peace for our nation. He has negotiated face to face with our enemies, using economic and military weapons to force them to do the right thing. He would prefer to avoid war, but is getting the military prepared for the worst. President Trump is right to bring our troops home when they have gotten the job done or if there is no reason for them to be in a land where no one wants them.

In this, he is like John Kennedy, who was willing to negotiate peace in Southeast Asia instead of making the defense contractors rich. Kennedy, a war hero in World War Two, had contempt for people would not fight for their freedom against the Communists. He didn’t think it was American servicemen’s jobs to die for ungrateful foreigners. The military-industrial complex and the globalists gained billions of dollars and cost America billions of dollars and 60,000 or so service members’ lives and cost many more their eyesight, their limbs, or their mental health by dealing with crooked vice-president Lyndon Johnson, and IMHO working with LBJ to have President Kennedy murdered so he could take over.

General Mattis is entitled to his opinions, and his right to voice them openly when he leaves his post and becomes a civilian again. He at least admits the people elected President Trump to run the country, not him. He is resigning openly and honorably, not sneaking and spying like disgraced and as yet unindicted crooked former FBI chief James Comey.

Comey, predictably, criticized President Trump for the resignation of General Mattis.

You know why a guy who is 6’8″ like Comey has such a short profile?

He spends a lot of time on his knees and his belly.


So what if General Mattis knows more about the military than President Trump? Generals make a lot of mistakes. They are far from infallible.

Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Joseph and Albert Johnston, Jeb Stuart, Pierre Beauregard, James Longstreet, and about 40 percent of the officers in the US Army made the disastrous decision to secede with their states and fight the Union. Sadly, they were by and large the better officers in the Army. They outgeneraled the Union Army while Honest Abe Lincoln, like an expansion football team owner, had to run through a string of incompetents until Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Pap Thomas, and Meade gained the experience they needed to win consistently. Then Lincoln put them into place. They competently led Union soldiers to victory.

The Civil War, which was the result of the secession of so many officers, cost more than 600,000 Americans in the Union and Rebel armies their lives, cost hundreds of thousands more their eyesight, limbs, and mental health, led to the wholesale destruction of much of the Rebel states, and led to a century of racial hatred.

Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. Gallant hero for a bad cause.


At least these Rebel officers were courageous enough to face death with their men. Albert Johnston and Jeb Stuart died in battle. Nervous Rebel pickets killed Stonewall Jackson and damn near killed Jim Longstreet. John Bell Hood lost a leg and the use of an arm when Union soldiers wounded him at Gettysburg and at Chickamauga. Joe Johnston suffered multiple wounds. Many other Southern generals suffered wounds or death on the battlefields. Most of them and many other Rebel officers lost their money and land.

Douglas MacArthur was dumb enough in the wake of Pearl Harbor to leave his planes on the ground and refuse to use them to attack an oncoming Japanese armada from Taiwan to the Philippines. Result? The Japs destroyed his planes on the ground in the Philippines. The Japs took the Philippines and raped and beheaded and otherwise murdered hundreds of thousands of Filipinos and Americans as a result.

The Red Chinese caught MacArthur with his pants down in Korea. They crossed the Yalu River in force and drove our men back many miles because MacArthur wasn’t alert. Nor was the CIA. They gave flawed intel on how many Red Chinese were coming across the Yalu River to aid the North Koreans.

President Harry Truman had to relieve MacArthur because he was undercutting his administration. Mr. Truman later said:

“I fired him (MacArthur) because he wouldn’t respect the authority of the President. I didn’t fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was, but that’s not against the law for generals. If it was, half to three-quarters of them would be in jail.”

I don’t have time or room to document our generals’ blunders in the Vietnam Era.

The German officer corps blundered massively before World War One.

When a Serb terrorist murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie in Sarajevo, the leaders of Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, because people in the Serb government plotted the assassination of the heir to Austria Hungary’s aged emperor Franz Josef. Russian leaders roostered Tsar Nicholas II into mobilizing for war against Austria-Hungary to stop the destruction of Serbia. The Germans, allies of Franz Josef, mobilized against Russia, and the governments of Russia and of Germany declared war on each other.

Russia’s allies France and Britain intended to desert them. But the German High Command was shackled to a set of orders called the Von Schlieffen Plan. The German plan was to knock France out of the war by pouring in on them through Belgium and Luxembourg, then fighting Russia alone later. They reasoned the British would stay out of a land war in Europe if the French quit.

Kaiser Wilhelm, the cousin of Nicholas II and England’s King George V (and an unsuccessful suitor for Nicholas’ wife Alexandra, who was German herself), visited his generals. The Kaiser asked them if it was possible to stay on the armed defensive against France without attacking them unless forced to, and avoid invading Belgium and Luxembourg, and instead try to limit the war to fighting Russia alone.

The officers rebuked him, saying they were welded to the Von Schlieffen Plan, and couldn’t turn war trains around to take soldiers to the Russian front. Kaiser Wilhelm was angry, but he reluctantly okayed his generals’ aggression, warning them, “Gentlemen, you will live to regret this!”

Kaiser Wilhelm II, front, seated,  and his generals, who undercut him and doomed Europe to two suicidal wars


The German general in charge of the railroads was not at the meeting. He wailed, because he said he had alternate plans for a strike against the Russians first. The German High Command hid these plans from the Kaiser. Instead of having a limited war against Russia, the Germans forced France into the war because the French had to defend themselves. The British wanted to stay out or risk a minimum amount of troops, but they enmeshed themselves in the war too.

World War One led to the loss of millions of the bravest young men of Europe. It led to the murder and starvation and disease deaths of millions of Eastern European people. It led to the genocide of the Armenians and the Assyrians by the Turks. It led to the dismemberment of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. It led to the Communist Revolution in Russia, and to the rise of Hitler in Germany, which drove a war that left tens of millions more Europeans dead and tens of millions of Asians dead too. All because the German generals lied to their civilian leader Kaiser Wilhelm II and hid vital info from him.

(This doesn’t count American losses, which are more important than the rest of the world’s losses, in my estimation. World War One cost my Grandpa Leo most of his sight and shortened Great-Uncle Emil’s life; both men were gassed on the Western Front. My Dad and Uncles Chuck, Rusty, and Donald and Aunts Wilma and Olive lost years of their lives due to World War Two and Korea.)

General Mattis is wrong about us not keeping faith with our allies. Most of our allies not in Eastern Europe leech off of us. We have allies everywhere and friends almost nowhere.

Our British allies tried to crush us during the American Revolution and the War of 1812. They openly supported the Rebels and built ships for the Confederate Navy that enabled them to destroy much Union shipping during the war. The Brits also sold the Rebels rifles and other war materiel.

The Brits tried to stop us from building a Central American canal. Presidents Zachary Taylor and Abraham Lincoln thwarted them with superior diplomacy. President Theodore Roosevelt built up our Army and Navy, and got the canal built across Panama. He also kept the Brits and Canadians from trying to claim the Alaskan Panhandle. We would have invaded Canada and annexed them if they had dared cross TR.

Progressive black-hating Democrat Woodrow Wilson allowed the Brits to seize our ships and cargos if they claimed the goods might be going to Germany. He said nothing when the Brits used American passengers as human shields to smuggle war materiel in the Lusitania and other ocean liners. But he complained like hell when the Germans sunk the Lusitania, which led to the deaths of more than 100 Americans.

In short, the Brits have caused America a great deal of harm.

The May government in Britain also helped the Obama administration and the Hillary campaign spy on Donald Trump and his associates. The Brits tried wrongfully to deny Donald Trump the presidency, thus trying to steal the civil liberties of 60 million or so voters, and they took part in a coup to try to eject Mr. Trump from the office.

And many of them are upset a black American woman snagged Prince Harry and is not knicker-twisted like British noble gals. Prince Harry was social climbing. American women ARE the gold standard, thank you!

With allies like the British government, who needs enemies?

Australian politicians and operatives were also in on the anti-Trump operation. The only nation that can help the Aussies from getting overrun by China is the United States. The Aussie leaders were idiotic to risk losing our friendship by stabbing President Trump in the back. The only excuse they have is that their brains got jostled from all that riding in their mothers’ pouches.

President Trump, the Shakespeare of Tweets, came right to the point.

“Allies are very important – but not when they take advantage of U.S.,” Trump wrote.

He also trolled his many opponents with this tweet:

“If anybody but your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, announced that, after decimating ISIS in Syria, we were going to bring our troops back home (happy & healthy), that person would be the most popular hero in America. With me, hit hard instead by the Fake News Media. Crazy!”

He’s right.

All I am saying … is give peace a chance.

Peace saves our young servicemen and servicewomen. We should be thrilled President Trump is moving them out of harm’s way from Syria and will soon, it is hoped, do the same for our people stuck in the high-altitude cat litter box known as Afghanistan.

The Democrats, the RINOs and other Republican neverTrumpers, and their funders among billionaires and millionaires with globalist countries, and others like the Koch Brothers (the Swamp and the Deep State), are all okay with flooding this country with Moslem militants and Latin American gang-bangers. They are also okay with Chinese-made opioids coming into the country. They also solicit foreigners who will work cheaper and drive down wages. The foreigners will leech social services and vote Democrat. Those who want to work will write code cheaper (but less competently), cut mansion lawns cheaper, and be servile maids easier.

And the dope will render many Americans useless and run up health care costs.

All of which benefits the Deep State and the globalists. A poor, doped, encircled electorate will keep them in power and maximize their profits.

Virtually all Democrats above the county level are part of this anti-American cabal. So are about half the Republicans. We expect the Democrats to be openly against the American people, because they are Copperheads and Secessionists, like they were during the Civil War. Many Republicans are our false friends, who are actually also against building the Wall and against bringing our troops home because their wealthy and globalist donors want cheap labor, dumbed-down and bogged-down Americans, and ongoing war so they can sell the military gear and services.

Without Republican opposition, President Trump would already be building the wall, bringing our troops home, kicking Planned Parenthood off the government contractor list, cutting wasteful government spending, reforming immigration laws to the benefit of Americans, and reforming election laws to prevent Democrats from stealing elections with dead Americans and live illegals and “harvested” and “cured” votes. Hanging Chads would be circumcised.

Trump is the only politician with the strength to stop the Swamp and the Deep State. That’s why they hate him and that’s why they obstruct him and sue him and lash out at him and fund opponents to his agenda. They want to oust him and jail him, and all too many of them want to murder him. Just like they did to JFK, and just like they tried to do to Ronald Reagan.

Trump’s opponents are your enemies, even if you foolishly voted for Hillary. They want to reduce your income, increase your taxes, dope you, and subject you to criminal assaults so they can maintain power.

President Trump is making it easier for manufacturing companies to stay in America.

He is trying to reform our idiotic immigration practices to protect the safety and livelihoods of Americans.

He will build the Wall, which will keep out millions of undesirables.

He is forcing the Democrats and Republicans in the Senate to vote against Wall funding openly so the American people will know who their enemies are.

He will use the Corps of Engineers, the Seabees, and other military studs to build the Wall. And he will put troops along the border to help repel the invaders and protect the wall builders.

President Trump makes a surprise visit to Arlington National Cemetery to thank “Wreaths Across America” volunteers who are decorating veterans’ graves before Christmas. Photo courtesy of the Daily Mail, 12/15/18.


Withdrawing from Syria because the job is done, and withdrawing from Afghanistan will save tens of billions of dollars every year. Instead of wasting time trying to nation-build in the Middle East and elsewhere, the military will resume the mission of nation-protecting the only nation that matters. The United States.


The Founding Fathers didn’t envision the Swamp. The Swamp came in the wake of the Democrats’ wins in the first half of the 1800s, and the lobbying to protect slavery.

That “swamp” fought Zachary Taylor when he tried to limit slavery with an eye toward ending that evil institution by using federal money to buy slaves free. Taylor was like Trump in that he saw business practices, including his own (Taylor was a slaveholder), were harmful to Americans, and decided to turn away from them. Taylor wound up dead after 16 months in office, possibly poisoned, and the Democrats and neverTaylor Whigs danced on his grave.

A Democrat Copperhead actor shot Honest Abe Lincoln at Ford’s Theater, and he died on Good Friday, like Christ Himself.

The Republicans built a swamp of their own when the Robber Barons of the second half of the 1800s wanted favors from the GOP-dominated Congress.

Republican swampers stole the 1912 Republican nomination away from Theodore Roosevelt. Knucklehead William Jennings Bryan threw his support to Woodrow Wilson to break a deadlocked 1912 Democrat convention in Wilson’s favor. Little did Bryan know the deepest richest Swampers poured money into Wilson and owned him … this harmed working people of all industries and colors.

Some of these swampers were war profiteers who sold arms to the British and their allies during World War One, and lent them money. They prodded their puppet Wilson into the war to protect their investment and profiteer more from selling to the US Army and US Navy.

So by the 1920s the Swamp of boodlers and profiteers who controlled Congress and White House started to metastasize into their present form.

FDR really made the Deep State possible by vastly expanding the size of the government and bringing in leftist ideologues, who he called his “Brain Trust.” Brain Truster Harry Hopkins, who lived in the White House during World War Two, made sure Stalin got the plans for the atom bomb, along with enough uranium to make it happen. The Venona Papers showed how many of these evil people honeycombed the US government. Many of them got proteges into office as well, and they held office through the 1940s, the 1950s, and the 1960s. Their proteges’ proteges got the jobs in the 1960s and the 1970s and the 1980s, and so on.

IMHO, the Deep Staters of the 1960s murdered JFK when he decided not to use American soldiers to defend people who wouldn’t fight for themselves. Or when he decided to nuke China’s nuclear program. Or when he decided to disband the CIA and neuter the Federal Reserve. All were anti-Deep State moves. Defense spending and Swamp profiteering mushroomed under their crony LBJ.

In the 1980s, the Deep Staters tried to murder Republican outsider Ronald Reagan, and then remove him using the Iran-Contra fiasco that Bush 41 and Clinton were up to their necks in. Why? Reagan wanted to win the Cold War with economic pressure and give Americans a peace dividend instead of engaging in appeasement and foreign aid and defense spending that benefited the Deep State and the Swamp.

The issues and faces have changed, but the Swamp’s and the Deep State’s mission has not. They want to control the government so they can get richer and more powerful. And they don’t care whose liberty and lives they take in the process.

The Swamp and the Deep State don’t want the Wall because it will limit illegal immigration, greatly lessen the amount of dope and Chinese opioids coming into America, limit the number of sex slaves being trafficked into America, and lessen the numbers of jihadis and Latin gang-bangers coming into America. The Wall is good for Americans, but bad for Swamp and Deep State power and money.

Endless war is good for the Swamp and the Deep State because of defense contracts that pay corporate profiteers, not troops. War kills troops and damages and degrades equipment. They profit selling the Pentagon equipment and questionable services.

Endless war wears down the men and women of the military and makes our military less strong and less capable of dealing with a real threat to our nation. This is why our Founding Fathers wanted to be strong militarily, but neutral. We were supposed to be the friends of liberty everywhere but the guarantors of it only in the United States.


Let’s review.

The American people’s enemies want endless wars that will harm the military, and more importantly, kill America’s bravest young people, so there will be less resistance to them. Leftists do not really serve in the military or in the first responders’ ranks much.  The sons and daughters of working Americans of all colors in the Midwest, South, Appalachia, the Plains and Rocky Mountain States, and even in states on the West Coast and in the Northeast  serve. The sons and daughters of working Americans of all colors in all states are the salt of the nation. They are our hope.

And that’s why leftists and globalists and Deep Staters and the billionaires and millionaires who fund them attack us and them.

They prefer our sons and daughters to die or rot in jail or in drug rehab facilities to being productive and happy.

They prefer endless war to peace, especially during this Christmas Season.

We are the salt of the nation. We need to defeat them.

We need to vote their candidates out of office.

We need to boycott their businesses.

We need to call for our officials to enforce laws the Deep Staters and Swampers are breaking, or be jailed themselves for aiding and abetting these organized criminals.

The military has always had training on “Know Your Enemy.”

That’s why we are continuing the training on this website.

When you know who’s out to harm you, you will be more able to stop them.

How To Be Your Own Detective is all about you my readers using public records to determine the truth and protect yourselves.

The oldest and most widely used public record, the Bible, records the lawlessness and the bloodthirstiness of men and women in the Middle East from Cain killing Abel to the days of the Romans. In other words, the savages in that part of the world have been at each other for several millenniums. All President Trump is saying is Americans don’t need to be part of that mess anymore.

It’s not our servicemen’s and servicewomen’s duty to be unmourned deaths in a futile effort to stop all the pinhead descendants of the peoples of the Bible from doing what has come naturally to them for thousands of years – fight and oppress each other.

President Trump gets that. He asks, “Will this benefit the American people?’ Peace and prosperity and religious freedom certainly do, so he actively seeks to obtain them.

His many enemies never bother to deal with that question. They are too busy trying to oppose him and oust him and seize power and money to question whether their own acts or even their very existence benefit the American people.

Is it too harsh to seek the just punishment of those who abuse wealth and power to thwart the work of our elected president? Or is it just simple justice – and self-preservation?

And during this Christmas season, shouldn’t we celebrate peace for our troops and their coming home to their loved ones? What’s wrong with people for not wanting peace if it doesn’t compromise our national safety and national honor? And more importantly, what’s wrong with those who want our young men and women to continue to be Deep State fodder in lands where there is no desire for peace?

Christmas Homecoming, by Norman Rockwell


My Dad and uncles and many of my ancestors and relatives missed many a Christmas because they were at war defending the nation. As a soldier I missed Christmases and other holidays, but fortunately was not being shot at during those times. Soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines all want to destroy America’s enemies, but they don’t want to be sacrificed corruptly and needlessly by evil and/or stupid leaders. We should all be happy some of our servicemen and servicewomen have a shot at rejoining their loved ones, thanks to President Trump looking out for Americans instead of looking out for the Swamp, the Deep State, and the globalists’ world order.

“Adoration by the Shepherds” by El Greco. I saved the best for last.


Blessed Christmas and New Year! And Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men and Women of Good Will.





Januarius MacGahan’s article ran in the London Daily News in August 1876. The copy I used came from the W.T. Stead Resource Site. Confirmation of the article is courtesy of Rick Sowash, a historian and re-enactor who performs a one-man play in which he portrays MacGahan. MacGahan was one of the best journalists our great country ever produced. He reported on the war between the Russians and the Moslems of Central Asia, he reported on one of the Carlist Wars in Spain, and he reported on the Turkish Atrocities in Bulgaria. The MacGahan American Bulgarian Foundation and the Perry County Historical Society in New Lexington, Ohio maintain the memory of this great American and sponsor a Bulgarian-American festival each year.

Rudolph, Baby, It’s Cold Outside

December18/ 2018

It’s Christmas season, and some people are actually saying “Merry Christmas” instead of the limp “Happy Holidays.”

We are hearing stories about porch pirates and organized scum stealing toys meant for poor children. The scum are out in force. So are the professional bedwetters who call themselves social justice warriors. They are signaling how aware they are by attacking the song “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” and the film “Rudolph.”

They say the song is an ode to sexual harassment and the film is about bullying.

Last time I checked, the Rudolph film had no references to the Christ Child, even though it was a wonderful story for children and overanxious parents.

Santa was a tough old customer. He was grumpy and critical, like people with a lot of responsibilities sometime are. Mrs. Claus was his good wife, encouraging the elves even when the elf foreman ripped them. The adult deer mocked Rudolph for his nose even though he jumped higher for Santa than the other male fawns.

Rudolph did get ridiculed, excluded, and run into the ground, so much so that he ran away from home. He runs into Hermey the Elf, another runaway from Christmas Town because he wants to be a dentist. Hermey was a nerd before the term was coined. The “toxic male” Yukon Cornelius, the luckless prospector, saves them from the Abominable Snowman.

When the trio land on the Island of Misfit Toys, the flying lion who runs the island, King Moonracer, will not give them sanctuary. King Moonracer’s mission is to provide a home for unwanted toys, not living creatures who can help themselves. King Moonracer lets them stay overnight, and he asks the trio to tell Santa Claus about the misfit toys who wanted to be loved by children too.

King Moonracer gives orders to Rudolph, Hermey, and Yukon Cornelius. The Spotted Elephant, one of the Misfit Toys, is there with our pals.


Rudolph and Hermey realized they couldn’t run from their troubles. Rudolph selflessly set out alone so his nose wouldn’t give away Hermey or Yukon Cornelius or his dogs to the Abominable Snowman. He grows into a young buck on the journey home.

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“Reich to Choose” and “Intimate Whore” — How to Take Away Planned Parenthood’s Tax Money and The Merle Hoffman Abortion Madam Story

December14/ 2018

As we head into the Christmas season, I want to catch up on some unfinished business.

Our last post covered Pearl Harbor Day and Immaculate Conception Day.

The former should be a sober reminder that all military people gave some, and some gave all.

It should also be a reminder to be ever-alert. We have foreign enemies who wish us harm, and domestic traitors who also wish us harm. Our foreign enemies at least have an excuse that they love their homelands more than ours. Our own people who turn against us really do hate us and they hate God, who inspired some to found us as a nation and base our laws upon the Ten Commandments and the Golden Rule.

Our home-grown enemies are traitors who deserve harsh punishment for intending to harm the people of this great nation.

Girls and young women protest multiple Planned Parenthood affiliates for selling aborted baby body parts. California prosecutors are defending these atrocities — worthy of a Nuremberg Trial punishment — and are prosecuting those who exposed the Planned Parenthood vermin in the aborted baby body parts trade. (Picture is from Life News.)


This country’s people suffered another sneak attack a few days ago when Justice Roberts and Justice Kavanaugh voted with the four corrupt judges the Clintons and Obama put on the Supreme Court not to overturn judge rulings saying states could not refuse to do business with Planned Parenthood.

Ever since he voted to uphold the scam known as Obamacare, Justice Roberts has been viewed as being compromised. In other words, the Deep State, in my opinion and the opinion of other observers, knows Roberts has committed acts that are criminal and/or repulsively vile. As for Kavanaugh, did he vote the way he did because he is a Bushie, or because the Deep State is aware he has done something criminal and/or vile also?

The Bushes’ ties to Planned Parenthood go back to Prescott Bush, the patrician father of Bush 41. Prescott, who desecrated and robbed an American Indian grave to provide the Yale power fraternity Skull and Bones with a human skull and human bones, was a friend of Margaret Sanger who viewed Planned Parenthood as people who could cut down on the number of poor people by birth control and abortion. Prescott was also involved with a bank that was shut down during World War Two for its ties to the Hitler regime.

(Memo to Senator Richard (Stolen Valor) Blumenthal and the other liars who are political leaders in Connecticut: When are you going to have the skull and bones Prescott grave-robbed returned to the American Indian cemetery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma? And how come Lieawatha Warren isn’t on the warpath about this? Oh, that’s right …. one of her ancestors helped force American Indians on the Trail of Tears and another of her ancestors shot an American Indian. Her ancestors were peckerwoods. So is she.)

President Trump’s people at the US Department of Health and Human Services have changed the criteria for some federal family planning programs, and have cancelled a program that failed. These moves may cost Planned Parenthood affiliates $50 million or so – about 10% of the money they get from the U.S. Treasury. Naturally Planned Parenthood is in court challenging these moves.

President Trump is acting to cut down on the amount of money Planned Parenthood gets from federal taxpayers, but many Republicans are with Democrats in wanting this evil organization to stay on the federal payroll. The division of a Democrat House and a GOP Senate with some GOPer friends of Planned Parenthood like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski means budgets and continuing resolutions will still fund Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood is a franchise business. They have a national organization, and roughly 60 affiliates across the nation. Planned Parenthood affiliates get the most money where the Democrats are the strongest. But Planned Parenthood doesn’t go hungry in many states Republicans control.

States and the US DHHS could debar Planned Parenthood as a corrupt and substandard government contractor. Here’s how:

Evidence shows Planned Parenthood affiliates systematically break the law in not reporting girls as victims of rape, incest, and statutory rape. This can be proven thru a review of police and child protection agency records nationwide.

Evidence shows Planned Parenthood affiliates systematically mislead the feds about their staff sizes to get government contracts. This can be proven thru a nationwide review of their successful bids, the DHHS and state health department records, and other government records.

Evidence shows Planned Parenthood affiliates underserve the poor, discriminate against the poor, and offer turnstile medicine. This can be proven thru a review of the DHHS and state health department records, and other government records. Likewise it can be proven thru a review of ambulance runs to their facilities. Likewise it can be proven thru a review of their health code violations. Evidence shows they target college coeds over indigent women, and show the coeds and young 20-somethings how to qualify as “indigents” but even with this cheating, non Planned Parenthood health care providers handle a larger percentage of the poor than PP affiliates do.

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Pearl Harbor, and Bernadette the Witness to the Truth

December09/ 2018

Friday was Pearl Harbor Day. The evil Japs sneak-attacked our Navy base, and killed thousands of people, mostly service men. The Japs altered the lives of millions of Americans, to include the lives of my Dad and my uncles Chuck and Rusty, who had to go out and fight them. My aunt Wilma served in the war as an Army nurse.

World War Two led to Korea, and my Uncle Don and Aunt Olive served in that conflict. Uncle Don, a combat medic, was awarded a Purple Heart with an oak leaf cluster because the Red Chinese treated his medic’s cross as a target. Aunt Olive was involved with the nuclear tests after the war and died horribly of cancer.

The Japs altered the lives of virtually everyone in Dad and Mom’s circle. Only one or two of the men in our parish and Dad’s circle of friends who were around his age did not serve in World War Two or in the Korean War. Guys who should have been enjoying their youth had to fight for our nation, and roughly 440,000 of them were killed or died while in the Service of their wounds or of illnesses or of accidents related to the hurry-up pace of the war effort. Hundreds of thousands more lost sight or limbs or brain function while serving our nation.

Almost all of these men are dead now. And leftist vermin urinate on their graves and their memories. They were toxic masculine guys, all right. They smashed the Nazis and the Japs. And later, the Red Chinese and Norkos.

Meanwhile, the billionaires, like Hirohito’s Japs, are sneak-attacking the wages of America’s young white-collar workers.

They are trying to get their bootlicking lackey Paul Ryan (Lame Duck RINO, WI) to have the House of Representatives allow hundreds of thousands of people from India and China to come here and compete for computer tech jobs with our recent graduates. The importation of these wage scale breakers from India and China and elsewhere in Asia will make almost every American poorer. It will line the pockets of the billionaires in the IT and related businesses.

The bill is called H.R. 392, the so-called “Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act.” GOPers Jason Chaffetz (Romneyite, Utah) and Kevin Yoder (Weasel, Kansas) pushed it. Chaffetz quit Congress, and Kansas voters tossed Yoder out on his donkey a few weeks ago.

The bill’s name is lying propaganda. We already have visas for the elite talents who want to come here. Not many can qualify. We are talking talent like Einstein and the other refugees from the Nazis who helped us build the A-bomb, or highly skilled industrial engineers and scientists. What HR 392’s backers are trying to get into the country are low-grade techies no better and often worse than our college kids in computer classes.

Amil Gupta, an individual with an India subcontinent surname, wrote in the Pearl Harbor Day (12/7/2018) edition of AM22Tech.com website the following:

“When HR-392 was a bill of its own, it had about 329 co-sponsors. It is supported by Amazon, Deloitte LLP, Equifax Inc., Hewlett Packard Enterprise, IBM Corp., Microsoft Corp., Salesforce.com and Texas Instruments among others to remove country based limits. If successful, it can change the life of Indian and Chinese skilled workers forever.”

Note the big globalist companies fight against their own American workers.

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Saint Nicholas, Pope Francis, and Abortion Madam Merle Hoffman

December06/ 2018

Today is the feast day of Saint Nicholas. Saint Nick was a bishop in what is now Turkey. During the time of Emperor Constantine, and up until Moslem invasions during the Middle Ages, Turkey had many Christians – mostly Orthodox Christians.

Saint Nicholas threw dowry money into the houses of three girls who were set to be sold into slavery. This saved them from being sexual prey.

Saint Nicholas also brought back to life three boys who a butcher had murdered. The evil scumbag put their bodies in brine and was preparing to sell their flesh as pork because there was a famine in the land.

Children in many countries of Europe put their shoes out on St. Nicholas Day. The Saint (actually their parents) fill the shoes with candy and nuts and leave presents.

US Army photo … Soldier Dick Brookins played Saint Nicholas for the poor children of war-torn Wiltz, Luxembourg. US troops and Catholic nuns gave out gifts and sweets to the children. I read this story in the magazine  “America in WWII.” Days later, the Battle of the Bulge began, and we had to smash the Germans. Let anyone who criticizes the hearts of the vast majority of our military and first responders repent or suffer the punishment they deserve!


This tradition survived the Protestant Reformation in the Netherlands. So while witch-hunting Puritan prunefaces banned Christmas celebrations in Massachusetts (just like the Democrat politicians and other pervs who run Pansychusetts today have tried to take Christmas out of public life there), the Dutch immigrants in New York carried on the tradition. The Puritans by and large took the side of England during the Revolutionary War, and were discredited. However, since most Americans still hated Catholics, even though the French and Spanish kings had aided America in the war, and 30% of the Continental Army was Irish and Catholic, and Polish officers Koskiuszko and Pulaski were Catholics. So they really couldn’t celebrate Christmas with the kind of merriment the Catholics could — until they realized Americans of Dutch Protestant blood did likewise.

So Saint Nicholas became “Santa Claus” (Claus is German for “Nicholas”) and Americans in the 1800s returned the celebration to the Christmas holiday thanks to this great and charitable bishop who loved children, hated child murders, and hated child sexual abuses.

Saint Nicholas Day is a good day to talk about two items in the news.

The first is that Pope Francis, while not a reader of “How To Be Your Own Detective,” did something very intelligent the other day.

He said homosexuality is incompatible with the priesthood.

Since about 80% of the victims of the evil priests who committed rape and other sex offenses were boys, defrocking or isolating in monasteries current homosexuals in the priesthood and forbidding others the ability to become priests will essentially end the Church’s child molester cancer.

As someone who has fought abusers in the Church for a generation, I applaud the Holy Father’s statement. Now I await concrete action in this regard.

Of course, the politicians will protect sex offenders who are public school teachers. Teachers and other public school employees have raped hundreds of times as many children as priests have done. This doesn’t excuse the priests. But it is a call-out to politicians to stop protecting the biggest group of child molesters in the country – those who are unionized government employees.

Now for Saint Nicholas’ other pet peeve – child murderers.

A few months ago, we reported abortion madam Merle Hoffman used willing New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman like a hired goon to abuse the rights of several sidewalk preachers and other pro-life witnesses outside her Queens abortion mill.

Not many women can say they went to work for an abortion mill owner, serviced him sexually, got him to divorce his wife, married him, then took over the abortion mill when he croaked, Even Stormy Daniels can’t stoop this low, huh?

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December03/ 2018

A few months ago I covered how to check on questionable prosecutors. The behavior of some of these scumbags has become so blatant recently it is time to revisit the lesson.

The FBI a few days ago raided the house of a man named Dennis Cain, who was a key whistleblower in the Hillary Clinton Foundation case. In other words, they grabbed evidence showing she was a felon and possibly a traitor in allowing uranium for atom bombs to go to Russia … despite the guy’s status as a “protected” whistleblower witness who had already given copies of evidence to watchdogs who turned the info over to Congress! If the Feds can work openly illegally against President Trump, it is conceivable the local prosecutor and police could do likewise to anyone.

We have to stop lawless people with badges.

The FBI needs to be disbanded and many of its agents need to go to prison. I don’t want to hear about “good FBI agents.” If they are too cowardly to narc out the corrupt ones among them, they are no better than “good Germans” who tolerated the Nazis.

Bear in mind an FBI agent (retired) Monica McLean evidently helped Christine Blasey Ford make up the story about Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Problem is Christine’s letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Dirtbag-CA) noted there were four other people at the alleged get-together. Since she named all of them to the authorities, she could not have been in a stranger’s house like she claimed. Seems many FBI people, including the gal Christine showed how to beat the lie detector test (allegedly) so she could become a G-Gal aren’t even competent enough to lie properly.

I have covered Robert Gestapo Mueller, the corrupt fed whose DOJ people were in cahoots with mob boss Whitey Bulger. Mueller was also involved in the Uranium One scandal, in which Hillary’s Clinton Foundation got close to $150 million in bribes, errr, donations for allowing the Russians to grab 20 per cent of America’s uranium reserves. Mueller did nothing about this corruption of Mrs. Clinton’s. Mueller is a coward or an enabler, and he deserves to spend the rest of his unnatural life in prison.


Mueller and Whitey Bulger. Symbiotic relationship between parasite and predator.


I have covered corruptocrat Sherri Bevan Walsh, the prosecutor of Summit County, Ohio. She is being accused of forcing her employees to work on her political campaigns (sometimes while on the clock) and donate to them. Democrats have operated like this since before the Civil War, so they will shrug it off. Problem is this evil bitch also protects child molesters like Scott Dietz, when he shacked up with Sherri’s child support enforcement agent Jean Workman. Jean had no problem servicing a slime who had made his own pre-school age daughters and kid sister service him before her.

Even the network that had the excrement fest known as “Honey Boo Boo” cancelled the show when they found out Honey’s mom was having sex with the guy who molested one of her daughters. When a prosecutor’s morals are lower than a TV network’s, that is not a good thing.

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Scumbag Lawyers Try To Kill Sex Offender Registries, not Rapists

November26/ 2018

The Clintons are still at large and yet unindicted.

And other sex offender advocates are working like termites to destroy the safety of our homes and everyone’s children.




As we have covered here at How to be Your Own Detective, corrupt or crazy federal judge Richard Matsch ruled in the late summer of 2017 that Colorado’s sex-offender registry violated the Constitutional rights of three sex offenders.

Matsch’s idiotic pro-rapist ruling came in a civil case filed against Colorado Bureau of Investigation director Michael Rankin in 2013 by registered sex offenders David Millard, Eugene Knight and Arturo Vega.

Matsch found the vermin are entitled to compensation and attorney fees.

The 9/1/2017 Denver Post reported the following:

“(Boulder woman Alison Ruttenberg, the attorney for the three plaintiffs) said she expects the cases will eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I would characterize this as a landmark case. My goal eventually is to get rid of this sex offender registration altogether, at least as it applies to a public registry that people can pull up on a website,” Ruttenberg said Friday. “I would be surprised if the state doesn’t appeal the decision.”

Matsch found that Colorado’s registration act poses a “serious threat of retaliation, violence, ostracism, shaming, and other unfair and irrational treatment from the public” for sex offenders and their families.

“The registry is telling the public — DANGER, STAY AWAY. How is the public to react to this warning? What is expected to be the means by which people are to protect themselves and their children?” Matsch wrote in his ruling.

Scott Dietz. 1989 Center Road, New Franklin, Summit County, Ohio. He served 13 years for repeatedly raping his preschool aged daughters. He admitted molesting other young girls in his family, to include his sister. He was protected by Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh and cowardly Summit County police and politicians. Why? Jean Workman, the bovine female who bedded Dietz, was a prosecutor agent working child support cases for Ms. Walsh. This is one of the sex offender registry photos of this piece of excrement.



In answering his own question, he determined the law exposes sex offenders to punishments “not by the state, but by fellow citizens.”

“The fear that pervades the public reaction to sex offenses — particularly as to children — generates reactions that are cruel and in disregard of any objective assessment of the individual’s actual proclivity to commit new sex offenses,” Matsch wrote. “The failure to make any individual assessment is a fundamental flaw in the system.”

Of course, there are sure ways to avoid winding up on a state’s sexual predator registry. DON’T RAPE. DON’T MOLEST. DON’T ABUSE. DON’T EXPLOIT. DON’T TRAFFIC IN GIRLS.

There are similar cases in other states challenging sex-offender registries.

If the U.S. Supreme Court upholds Matsch’s corrupt and/or crazy ruling, rapists get cover. And rapists will get your money. They will be paid “reparations” for being labeled as sexual offenders. That’s right. These felons will rob you, with government help, and your children will be more at risk.

Where is the case now?

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