• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025

Child Predators and their Government Friends

June17/ 2019

There have been a number of stories in the media about state governors and attorneys general preparing to get tougher against child predators and other sex offenders.

They coincide with revelations of widespread sexual abuse within the Baptist clergy, and with the ongoing struggles within the Catholic Church to stop the ordained homosexuals who have been responsible for at least 80% of all their victims.

The churches are Exhibit A in why background checks are important.

A much larger Exhibit B is why background checks are important when screening teachers, public officials and other government employees, and foster parents. Why? They commit hundreds of times as many sex offenses as the corrupt clerics do. We will address each of these today.

Back to the articles on government leaders preparing to get tougher against sex offenders. Mark my words. The politicians are scam artists. They will not go after the most flagrant sexual abusers.

One such article, by a coven of mopes from the Associated Press, featured the Democrat attorney general of Michigan attacking the Catholic Church.

Gretchen “Glee” Whitmer — failed to go after predator and enablers


This woman, who shall remain nameless because she is a nonentity, works for Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer.

In the Larry Nassar case (the Michigan State U. doctor who molested hundreds of girl gymnasts and other girl athletes), we showed on this website the local prosecutors in Ingham County, Michigan, where Michigan State University is, were Democrats who bowed to the pressure a big university can exert. Stuart Dunnings III, the first coverup artist, later went to jail for his crimes in connection with prostitutes.

Gretchen Whitmer, who succeeded Dunnings, was such a wimp or a fixer that the MSU campus police chief Jim Dunlap took the child pornography evidence against Nassar to a federal prosecutor and took the rape evidence against Nassar to then Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette. Chief Dunlap didn’t want Gretchen rolling over on the cases.

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Pentecost, D-Day, Rome, and the Deep State vs. Amelia Earhart

June10/ 2019

Once again, sorry for my extended absence. Another investigation is smashing my schedule.

Now for some thoughts this Pentecost Sunday.

Luke the Evangelist in my opinion is the greatest author of all time. He labored with ink and a stylus on parchment two millennia ago. The two works he is known for, The Gospel of Luke, and the Book of Acts, stand the test of time for all time. He ends his Gospel and starts the Book with the Ascension of Our Lord, then covers the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. He was a meticulous fact checker who wrote in easy-to-understand prose. Luke captures the Nativity of Christ, and the essence of the down-to-earth kindness of Jesus Christ, as well as His majesty. He is a readable and enjoyable historian and preacher.

Last week was a week of awe-inspiring history. Donald and Melania Trump were in England and France, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the D-Day liberation of Europe. The Trumps, as always, represented the United States well.

Lost in the commemoration was the fact that June 4 was the 75th anniversary of the U.S. Army’s liberation of Rome. General Mark Clark (whose mother’s people were Romanian Jews) and American soldiers who had battled up the Italian boot entered the city.

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Memorial Day: Military People and Armed Citizens

May27/ 2019

Memorial Day is always a gut-punch for me, because the sacrifices our fighting men and some women made for us overwhelms me.

Our most horrible war was the Civil War. We lost 620,000 or so men, 360,000 of them in blue and 260,000 of them in gray.

By comparison, Americans suffered 400,000 deaths and beat the Germans and the Japanese in less time in World War Two. United Americans can do damn near anything.

Donald and Melania and troops honor our fallen at Arlington National Cemetery, 2019.


In 1968, Lyndon Johnson and the Congress decided to make Memorial Day a Monday holiday for a three day weekend. LBJ, who helped in the murder of war hero John Kennedy, did more to demoralize the military of this nation than any other president. His inept and dishonest leadership of the military led to needless losses of American lives and failure in a winnable war.

Self satisfied college punks and their worthless profs fomented hatred against soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. Leftist politicians like the Clintons and the vast majority of Democrats since the Carter Administration fed the hatred for the military. May they burn in Hell!

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News You May Have Missed — Memorial Day Weekend Edition

May26/ 2019

President Trump has decided to declassify the records that show the Deep State putsch against him was illegal in so many ways. This should lead many top Deep Staters to prison.

Fired and disgraced FBI chief James Comey, Obama National Security Agency chief James Clapper, and Obama’s CIA chief John Brennan (a Communist Moslem), are publicly accusing each other of misusing false evidence to push the illegal spying on Donald Trump and his people.

Unlike our military people who have given their lives in conflicts from the American Revolution to today’s Moslem sandbox wars we should get out of, Comey, Clapper, and Brennan and most of their underlings are cowards. They will publicly rat out each other in even more embarrassing and cowardly fashion than Oliver North did to save his skin during the Iran-Contra fiasco. Only Fawn Hall (above) stood tall in the aftermath of that failed coup against President Ronald Reagan. And Fawn proved a secretary with a high school educaton could outwit a roomful of US Senators.

They didn’t face down danger on their ways up the career ladder. They plotted, sucked up and kissed ass, backstabbed, and brown-nosed their ways to their positions. They made deals with the Deep State politicians like the Bushes, the Clintons, the Obamas, and the varmints in Congress and the federal agencies.

The FBI, CIA, and NSA are full of little people with big badges. They need to be shattered.

The FBI, CIA, and NAS need to be disbanded, most of the agents and bureaucrats need to be fired, and a lot of them need to be tried, convicted, and incarcerated. These government services own the Mafia apologies for committing more crimes than the guys with vowels on the ends of their names.

Due to the death struggle between Donald Trump and the scum of the Deep State, many other newsworthy items have not seem much light. Here are a few of them for your review this Memorial Day weekend.



No doubt too many of Lois Lerner’s disciples in the Cult of the Crooked Commissioner still have IRS jobs. This screams for civil service reform. What was their excuse? “The Devil made me do it?” The Devil, you say!

“Descent into Hell” by Gustave Dore


Source: The Daily Caller, 4/25/2019



Luke Rosiak reported this in the 4/1/2019 Daily Caller:

“The federal government isn’t cutting its funding for the Special Olympics, but New York State is, according to its budget.

Contestants hold hands during Special Olympics race. Sportsmanship and friendship, not steroids or greed or or cheating or recruiting violations or guys claiming to be gals, are the lessons of these games. “May I be brave in the attempt.” San Juan Capistrano, CA  Times.


New York’s budget for the Special Olympics decreased from $200,000 in 2018 to $150,000 for this year. Meanwhile, every one of the state’s 213 lawmakers will ultimately receive a raise that is almost the same amount cut from the games for disabled athletes.”

If you remember, Democrat politicians railed at the Trump Administration for contemplating similar cuts to the Special Olympics. Donald Trump personally restored the funding. The Democrats are as gagged as Jackie Speier and Kirsten Gillibrand were when Clinton was president and Jackie was allegedly molested by a Democrat politician.

Jackie Speier and colleague from their days as young Democrat staffers on Capitol Hill?


Jackie Speier, a congresswoman from he demented San Francisco Bay area, in 2012 pushed a bill that would prevent conversion therapy nationwide on any person of any sexual orientation. She and other Democrats blocked a GOP bid to exclude pedophiles from federal protection. She is pro-child molester and should be subject to shock therapy.

(Source: World Net Daily, 11/29/2012)



Why? To keep foreigners on the payroll and to add to their number. At the expense of American workers.

Source: Help wanted ad on Indeed



(Source: Fox News, 4/25/2019)

They also indicted a court officer for aiding and abetting the scumbag’s escape. Scumbag judge Shelley M. Richmond Joseph and court officer Wesley MacGregor, if found guilty, should be incarcerated and relieved of their pensions. Judges are among the worst law breakers in the country. They defecate on the Constitution and the rule of law daily.

Shelley in hot water outside of courthouse. Was she handcuffed? (Fox News, 4/25/2019)



Per the L. A. Times story “Dozens of Chilean ‘tourists’ tied to robbery spree in Southern California, police say’ 4/25/2019, this:

“Last week, Simi Valley police, working with the California Highway Patrol and Ventura County deputies, arrested three Chilean men for multiple vehicle burglaries. Each was here on temporary visas, police said.

The men, aged 22 to 29, used a jamming device to prevent car owners from locking their vehicles, a news release said. The device interrupts the signal when car owners activate the lock on key fobs.

The ESTA — Electronic System for Travel Authorization — visa waiver allows citizens from 38 countries to visit the United States for tourism, business, study or medical purposes for 90 days. Crime patterns began emerging in Southern California.

Mugshots of Chilean turista bandidos (allegedly). Simi Valley, CAL Police Department.


The visa waiver makes it hard for police to learn the real identities of the crooks, investigators said.

The crews’ signature identifiers include fake passports and phony identification cards. They use rental cars, sometimes masked with paper license plates. After entering the rear of homes, the burglars typically barricade front doors, including those in gated communities with private security patrols.

Once inside, crews scour master bedrooms for jewelry, money, guns and safes. Homes with parks, trails or undeveloped land behind them are prime targets, police said.

Investigators with the Los Angeles Police Department and the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office peg the burglaries in the “hundreds.”



At least the Chileans were not suspects in another Southern California phenomenon – a boost in the number of herpes cases surrounding the Coachella music festival. At this annual fiasco, music stars cavort and hundreds of thousands of their fans gyrate, drug up, and get hammered so severely the noise of the desert sunrise harms their psyches.

Per Breitbart 4/26/2019, this:

“An app which helps diagnose and treat herpes saw a jump in the number of cases of the sexually transmitted disease it treats in areas close to the famous Coachella music festival, according to a report.

Degenerates at Coachella. New York Post photo for 4/18/2018 article titled “Even Beyonce Can’t Stop Coachella from Sucking”


Herp Alert executives reportedly told TMZ that 1,105 cases in total were reported in areas such as Indio, Palm Desert, and Coachella Valley. Los Angeles and Orange County also saw a sizeable uptick in case. Over the two weekends of the festival, Herp Alert received around 250 cases per daily — a new record for the app. The app maker said treats on average 12 case daily. The last time Herp Alert saw an increase in cases was during Oscars weekend 2018, where the app responded to 60 cases per day.

While the spike in cases may raise eyebrows for some, Dr. Lynn Marie Morski, the technology company’s medical director, said she isn’t surprised by the number. “That many people, in that close quarters, for that long is going to lead to increased likelihood of anything transmittable,” Morski told the DesertSun.com.

Meanwhile, the Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, whose clinic was roughly 5 miles from the festival, said they didn’t see a”measurable increase” in herpes cases.

“They didn’t go to Coachella and get herpes,” said Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Cita Walsh. “[T]hey arrived at Coachella with herpes or other (sexually transmitted infections).”

Aborted Baby Parts. Photo from CMP investigation and sting of Planned Parenthood.


TMZ didn’t ask Ms. Walsh how many aborted baby body parts she was able to sell from the revelers.



On the subject of perversion, it was revealed the Boy Scouts or America had a list of 7800 boy-molesting perverts who allegedly molested thousands of boys. The list reportedly covers the years 1959 thru 1985. An attorney for some of the victims said the existence of the list became known in 2012.

Cartoon by John Cole


Jeff Anderson, the attorney, implied the Scout executives did not share their list with law enforcement officials, so the pervs essentially got off with being told to leave Scouting as volunteers. He said he would make the names of some New York and New Jersey pervs public.

Source: Fox News 4/23/2019 article by Robert Gearty

Comments: This is sad but preditable. Predators seek out activities where they can be around kids. I was in the Scouts and Explorers in the 1960s and 1970s, and our leaders were real men. They would have killed or seriously beaten any perv before turning his remains over to the police. My Dad beat a prowler senseless and wouldn’t let the cops use our home phone to call for an ambulance for him. Since Dad and the other Scout fathers were also military veterans active in our parish, they knew how to screen scumbags out. All too often it isn’t that way. Thus, the cover-ups.

About 1000 Catholic priests and hundreds of Protestant clergymen have been outed from the 1950s to the present. The largest source of hidden child molesters by far is in the public schools. Over a 70-year period, I estimate at least 100,000 public school teachers and other public school employees have molested children, and the vast majority got away without being charged criminally. Teacher unions almost always endorse Democrats, and Democrats are soft on sex crimes.



Among the bitterest critics of President Trump are the leaders of Amazon and Facebook. Perhaps they should clean up their own acts. Why? They made the “Dirty Dozen” list of unsafest workplaces in America. Per the Daily Mail 4/25/2019, this:

“Amazon and Facebook have been named among the most dangerous places to work in America, with Jeff Bezos’ company featuring on the list for the second year in a row.

The National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) released its annual ‘dirty dozen’ list on Thursday, naming the employers responsible for operating some of the most dangerous workplaces in America.

Cartoon by Rogers, Pittsburgh Post Gazette


Amazon retained its unfavorable place on the list for the second year running, after the company recorded six worker deaths across a seven month span.

David-Jamel Williams, a former Amazon warehouse picker, told Gizmodo he saw workers ‘pushed to the brink of exhaustion’, and said those who spoke out about the working environment were ‘pressured to be quiet’.

Williams claims that while he was working at the e-commerce company, a box of chemicals that was improperly stored in a bin spilled on his face and injured his eyes.

But in a shock move, named on the list for the first time was Facebook, along with two firms who supply contract labor to the social media giant, Cognizant and Accenture.

Director of COSH, Marcy Golstein-Gelb said the two labor agencies are ‘co-responsible’ alongside Facebook for exposing moderators of the website to disturbing content that has led to post-traumatic stress disorder diagnoses for some of their workers.

According to Goldstein-Gelb, Facebook pipped its competitors Twitter and YouTube for a place on the list because workers of the Zuckerberg-owned site have repeatedly spoken out about the impact seeing such content has had on their mental health.”



News media claimed Texans were punished for enslavement recently. Of course the media lied. The two people deported for enslaving others were Moslem immigrants from West Africa.

Per AP and Fox News 4/23/2019, which also had the dishonest headline, this:

“A suburban Fort Worth couple has been sentenced to seven years in federal prison each for enslaving a Guinean woman for 16 years.

A federal judge in Fort Worth, Texas, sentenced Mohamed Touré and Denise Cros-Touré each to two seven-year terms and one five-year term, all sentences to be served concurrently. The 58-year-old Southlake, Texas, couple must also serve three years of supervised release upon completion of their prison terms and pay their victim $288,000 in restitution. They also will be deported to Guinea.

Trial evidence showed the Tourés brought the girl, then aged at least 5 years but perhaps as old as
13, from her rural Guinean village in 2000. They forced her to work without pay in their home as a housekeeper, cook and nanny until she fled and alerted authorities.”

The media forgot to say Touré is the son of former long-time dictator of Guinea Ahmed Sekou Touré.

Slave Children Today


Toure’s people have been Moslem slavers in West Africa for centuries.

On the subject of Moslem immigration, Fox News’ Adam Shaw reported this 4/4/2019:

“A top African cardinal of the Catholic Church branded mass migration a “new form of slavery” and said those who seek to use the Bible to promote migration are pushing a “false” interpretation of the scriptures.

“It is a false exegesis to use the Word of God to promote migration. God never wanted these rifts,” Cardinal Robert Sarah said in a new interview with French publication Valeurs Actuelles.

Sarah, who serves as the head of the Vatican’s liturgy office, is often named in traditionalist
circles as their hope to one day succeed Pope Francis. He’s frequently made waves with his more
conservative stances on liturgical practices, Islam, migration and other issues.

Those positions were on full display in the French article, in which Sarah, from Guinea, blasted
priests and bishops who “say fuzzy things, vague, imprecise, to escape criticism, and they marry the stupid evolution of the world.” On Europe, Sarah said that the Church should not cooperate with the increasing acceptance by politicians of mass migration into the traditionally Christian continent.

“All migrants who arrive in Europe are penniless, without work, without dignity…This is what the Church wants?” he asked. “The Church can not cooperate with this new form of slavery that has become mass migration. If the West continues in this fatal way, there is a great risk that, due to a lack of birth, it will disappear, invaded by foreigners, just as Rome has been invaded by barbarians.”

Sarah (above)  added: “My country is predominantly Muslim. I think I know what reality I’m talking about.”

He (Sarah) cited the example of Poland, a Catholic country that has strict immigration policies, and said he had urged it not to sacrifice its Polish and Catholic identities “on the altar of a technocratic and stateless Europe.”

“She (Poland) is free to tell Europe that everyone was created by God to be placed in a specific place, with its culture, traditions, and history,” he told the paper. “This current desire to globalize the world by suppressing nations, specificities, is pure madness.”

(The prelate) urged Europe to avoid embracing materialism and forgetting its Christian heritage, warning that it could lead to the extinction of Europe itself.

“If Europe disappears, and with it the invaluable values of the old continent, Islam will invade the world,” Sarah said. “And we will totally change culture, anthropology, and moral vision.”



From the New York Times 4/22/2019, this:

“Senator Kamala Harris of California, the former prosecutor who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, on Monday committed to a host of executive actions to implement gun control measures that have long failed to pass in Congress.

At a town hall hosted by CNN, Ms. Harris said that, if elected, she would sign an executive order mandating background checks for customers of any firearms dealer who sells more than five guns a year. The executive actions would also include more stringent regulation of gun manufacturers that could result in revoked licenses or prosecution, as well as an attempt to close the loophole that allows some domestic abusers to purchase guns if their victim is an unwedded partner.”

Is Kamala describing the gun of her Mac Daddy Willie Brown, or the longest joint she ever smoked? Enquiring minds want to know. Picture from CNN.


Ironically, Kamala owns weapons herself.

From AP, 4/11/2019, this:

“DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris says she owns a gun and called it a “false choice” that the only two gun control options are complete, unrestricted access or a desire to seize everyone’s guns.

The senator from California told reporters after a campaign event in Iowa that she is a gun owner. She says, “ own a gun for probably the reason that a lot of people do: for personal safety.”

Comment: In a previous column “Kamala Hairless” I laid out how Kamala was worthless when it came to protecting women in California from rapists. Besides, why does Kamala need weapons when she supposedly has Secret Service protection? Does she think Amy Klubuhard is going to attack her or make her eat salad with a comb? Does she think Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden is going to feel her up or sniff her hair? Does she think Kirsten Gillibrand’s donors are going to make her a sex slave and brand her thigh or crotch?



From Fox News 4/12/2019, this:

New York Assembly Democrats on Tuesday blocked a bill that proposed expanding college tuition aid for children of deceased and disabled military veterans after– having a week earlier– approved a state budget that set aside $27 million in college tuition aid for illegal immigrants

The Assembly’s Higher Education Committee voted 15 to 11 on Tuesday to shelve the bill, effectively quashing its chances of going to the floor, the Post-Standard reported.

The decision came after committee chair Deborah Glick, D-Manhattan, and Speaker Carl Heastie said $27 million from the state’s budget would go towards supporting the Jose Peralta New York State DREAM Act, which allows illegal immigrants to qualify for state aid for higher education, Newsweek reported.

Glick said any expansion of college tuition aid to Gold Star families was not within the state’s budget and pointed to an already-existing program that provides $2.7 million to 145 students who are dependents of vets who served in combat zones, the New York Post reported.

Military Funeral. Grieving widow and children. We see such sights far too often, as our service members are called to defend peoples who hate them and us, like the boy raping tribesmen in Afghanistan.


“Assemblywoman Glick should be ashamed of herself,” said State Sen. Robert Ortt, R-Niagara. “We set aside $27 million dollars for college for people that are here illegally… Apparently, $2.7 million is all that the families of soldiers who are killed, get. If you’re a child of a fallen soldier, you do not rank as high and you know that by the money.”

How appropriate for Democrat vermin on a Memorial Day weekend.



We have just undergone a failed putsch against an elected president. President Trump has had to fight the Democrats, most Republicans, and most federal agents with job security in the FBI, CIA, NSA, State Department, and most other federal agencies. He has had to fight the Chamber of Commerce, who get paid richly for wanting American jobs and communities sacrificed to the false god Globalism.

I am of the opinion that this nation would have spiraled downward into serfdom had Donald Trump not won the presidency in 2016 and survived further attacks on his political (and maybe literal) life. He has made changes to help the nation’s economy and put better judges into federal courts. He has worked hard to keep his promises.

We urge you to remain vigilant, and properly skeptical of what the politicians and the media are telling you. We also urge you to work for and contribute to only those officeholders who will help you and will defend the freedom of the people of America.




Sex Slaves, Forced Abortions, and Hillary

May19/ 2019

Over the weekend, defense counsel Dirk Van Capias dropped this dime.

He sent me a link to an article by Frank Parlato.

Parlato used to be a publicist for a sex slave cult. He denied knowing the group was a sex slave cult, and left after he found out this was going on.

Since this guy Parlato can write, he is doing so. Here’s his latest post about the cult now.

“Keith Alan Raniere has been indicted on charges of racketeering conspiracy, racketeering, forced labor conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, sex trafficking conspiracy, sex trafficking, and attempted sex trafficking.

The racketeering charge includes predicate acts of conspiracy to commit identity theft, conspiracy to alter records for use in an official proceeding, money laundering, trafficking and document servitude, state law extortion, visa fraud, sex trafficking, forced labor, sexual exploitation of a child, and possession of child pornography.

He is now on trial.

Raniere submitted a motion to preclude the introduction of all evidence pertaining to abortions.

Teenage girls are more prone to be raped than any other age group of females or males in America. Picture courtesy of Catholic World Report


He evidently ordered dozens of abortions for the women he ruled and the government wants to introduce that as evidence of the kind of racketeering enterprise he led.

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We’re from the Government. We’re here to help ourselves.

May12/ 2019

Most mothers give selflessly. Too many government officials and bureaucrats take shamelessly.

In the interest of keeping you informed on government robbery and rape tactics, I am sharing a few stories to show you why you need to treat many government people with the caution a pretty girl needs to use near a colony of sex offenders.

(I’ve been busier than a one-armed paper hanger these last few weeks. Sorry for the absence.)

In Florida, city government racketeers are trying to steal homes from the elderly. From Breitbart 5/9/2019, this:

“Retiree Jim Ficken of Dunedin, Florida, may lose his home because his front lawn grass grew too high while he was out of town.

Government victim Jim Ficken displays Dunedin officials’ grand theft attempt.


Ficken was held liable for 57 $500 fines for the days his grass went uncut while he was out of town caring for his dead mother’s estate. “The grass did what grass does… and a code inspector saw it was more than the 10 inches the city allows and Jim was on the hook,” said Institute for Justice Attorney Andrew Ward, one of the men representing him.

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Easter, Martyrs, and Notre Dame

April22/ 2019

99 and I went to Good Friday services Friday and to Easter Mass yesterday. We are practicing Catholics, so Sunday Mass is one of our normal routines. Good Friday is a yearly event honoring God when He offered Himself in a painful and humiliating death as a sacrifice to redeem us from our sins.

Mass at Easter and Pentecost have an extra song before the Gospel called the Sequence. It is a somber chant. Three lines rhyme. Sometimes there is a fourth line that is an acclamation.

The Sequences come to us from the Middle Ages. The Sequence we sang yesterday came from a guy named Wipo of Burgundy, who lived in the 1000s AD. Wipo was a priest and a historian. He was chaplain to Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II. Conrad ruled Germany, northern Italy, northeastern France, and some lands that bordered Germany, Italy, and France.

Conrad II and his queen Gisela of Schwaben. A solid German babe.



The Holy Roman Empire is no more, but in its time, was an institution that defended the Christians of Western and Central Europe. An emperor, elected by the major kings and princes of the parts of the empire, was supposed to rule, but was also supposed to protect.

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April14/ 2019

While the leftists in media and government are focusing on trying to get more illegals into the United States, the Chinese government are using their citizens here legally and illegally to spy upon us.

The national media was silent on the female Chinese agent who had to be arrested when she tried to infiltrate President Trump’s club Mara-a-Lago in Florida. Perhaps the leftist media peoples’ mouths were too full of Democrat presidential candidates’ and congressional members’ asses.

But thanks to Breitbart and AP 4/3/2019, here it is:

A woman carrying two Chinese passports and a device containing computer malware lied to Secret Service agents and briefly gained admission to President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club over the weekend during his Florida visit, federal prosecutors allege in court documents.

(Yujing) Zhang, 32, approached a Secret Service agent at a checkpoint outside the Palm Beach club early Saturday afternoon and said she was a member who wanted to use the pool, court documents said. She showed the passports as identification.

Yujing Zhang, the suitless swimmer with the infected thumb (drive) .


Agents say she wasn’t on the membership list, but a club manager thought Zhang was the daughter of a member. Agents say that when they asked Zhang if the member was her father, she did not answer definitively but they thought it might be a language barrier and admitted her.

Nice job, Secret Service stooges.

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Kamikaze Dykes Murder Black Children; No Social Justice Protests

April07/ 2019

A year ago I wrote about two crazed lesbians who went Thelma and Louise. They drove their vehicle off a cliff into the ocean. So far so good. Problem is there were six children, five of them black, in that vehicle who died with them due to their homicidal rage.

Another stupid lifestyle choice (lesbian “marriage” aka lezlock), and an evil lifestyle choice (the desire to abuse children), buttressed by bad bureaucrats in four states, cost five black children their lives. But Black Lives Matter was not at this crime scene. Nor was any Democrat of national prominence. These black lives don’t matter to them because lesbianism outranks blackness for Democrats. Also, since unionized leftist government pukes in four states were involved, no harm no foul. Unionized government pukes rank higher than black children in the Democratic Party. They might even rank higher than crazed lesbians.

Sure you haven’t heard of this case. It wasn’t in the lunatic mainstream media’s interest to tell you about it.

But it happened last year, and after a painstaking investigation by the Mendocino County Sheriff and his people, a coroner’s jury a few days ago took less than an hour to determine Sarah and Jennifer Hart committed suicide and also committed homicide of six children who government pukes allowed them to adopt.

Here’s what happened:

In March 2018, Jennifer and Sarah Hart packed their kids in a SUV, without a change of clothes, and drove south from the Washington side of the Columbia River thru Oregon and into California. They headed the vehicle for the Pacific Ocean, and somewhere in Mendocino County, they deliberately drove it off the highway, over the cliffs, and into the ocean.

As soon as I heard the manner of death and the names of the couple, I suspected murder and suicide. I have been on Highway 1, the road that threads along the rocky and foreboding coastline of Mendocino County. It is a long drop to the cold water and rocky shore of the Pacific Ocean. It is an easy place to take a vehicle off a cliff if that is what you want to do.

The Hart SUV, upside down, is in the water at the bottom of the picture. No survivors. (Mendocino  Sheriff’s Office)


Here’s the rest of the story:

Jennifer and Sarah Hart got “married” when judges and other politicians who flunked sex education gave the two freaks a “wedding” license so they could live in lezlock.

Lesbians can’t bear children without sperm. So, not wanting to subject themselves to the patriarchy, or turkey baster bingo, Jennifer and Sarah decided to adopt children. Five of the six children they adopted were black, and one appeared to be multiracial. (I could be wrong on this; I’m just judging from their group picture.)

Kids in government custody depend upon the government bureaucrats in child protective services bureaus to use their common sense to do what is right for the kids. Sadly, few government bureaucrats have much common sense.

This is why Illinois and California child protective service agents routinely put kids in homes with sex offenders. They don’t screen. And they don’t care. (See my posts on Illinois and foster care in the archives. Note the asshole who shot up the GOP baseball game was voted foster father of the year in Illinois despite two girls in his custody eventually reportedly committing suicide. One who burned alive evidently had help in meeting her Maker.)

Some nameless bureaucrats thought it was a good idea to put children in a lesbian home. And other nameless bureaucrats thought it was okay to give more children to lesbians who had criminal records.

Every now and then, a leftist publication prints the truth. Time magazine did so on April 10, 2018. Here it is:

“Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman … told TIME he is left with three vexing questions: “Why did this happen? How did this happen? And what can we — and I’m talking we as a government — do to prevent this from happening again?”

“Those are my three questions that I ask myself every day. And I do not know the answers to any of those three,” he said.

Allman said he is concerned by a pattern of child abuse reports against the Harts — which he sees as “a piece to the puzzle” — and by the lack of skid marks at the site where their car went off the cliff. There were no suitcases or sleeping bags found in the vehicle or at the scene, no one in the car was wearing a seatbelt and no one appears to have known the Harts were leaving town.

“There are more reasons to believe that this was intentional than there are to believe that this was an accident,” Allman said.

Meanwhile, child abuse allegations dating back to 2008 have created a troubling picture of the family’s [sic] life. Neighbors and teachers in multiple states reported potential abuse, as the family moved from Minnesota to Oregon to Washington. One complaint came before the Harts formally adopted their last three children from Texas in 2009, and another complaint, which resulted in a misdemeanor domestic assault conviction, came before they pulled all six of their children out of public school in 2011 to pursue homeschooling.

In September 2008, one of the Hart children, who was 6 at the time, told a teacher about being struck with a belt on the arm, according to a police report that did not identify the child by name. When interviewed by police, both parents said Jennifer Hart had hit the child with a belt. They also said the child had fallen down a set of stairs and was having “food issues” that included stealing other people’s food at school and eating out of garbage cans or off the floor.

This should have alerted Minnesota authorities to the fact the girl was being starved by the two dykes they let have custody of her. But the Minnesota mental midgets, busy promoting lesbians to police chief jobs and hiring Somali police to murder blonde women, were guilty of dereliction of duty in failing to protect the five black children and one mixed race child.

Months later — in February 2009, according to CNN — the Harts finalized the adoption of Jeremiah, Sierra and Devonte.

(Comment: This was AFTER Jennifer’s outed incident of child abuse.)

In November 2010, an allegation of abuse surfaced again, when one of the Harts’ adopted children told a teacher “that she had owies on her tummy and her back,” according to a police report. The girl said “that her mom had put her in the bathtub and turned on cold water and then hit her” with a closed fist “because she had found a penny in her pocket.” While the girl said Jennifer Hart had hit her, when interviewed, Sarah Hart said she had been the one to spank their daughter. “By Sarah’s own admission, she stated that the spanking got out of control and was not proper and was ‘too much,’” the police report stated.

(Comment: Maybe a second strike for Jennifer would have put her in jail and cost them the kids. It is possible Sarah took the fall for this reason. Or maybe the kid was misquoted; Sarah was just as evil as Jennifer.)

Sarah Hart was charged with malicious punishment of a child, which was dismissed, and misdemeanor domestic assault. She was convicted of the latter charge on April 7, 2011 and sentenced to community service and a year of probation. Two days before the sentencing, all of the Hart children — in kindergarten through 7th grade — were pulled out of the public school system for homeschooling, according to district records.

In 2013, a family friend told Oregon child welfare officials that she had witnessed “controlling emotional abuse and cruel punishment” toward the children, but was later told by the Oregon Department of Human Services that there was not enough evidence to make a case.

(Comment: The Beaver State authorities are highly prejudiced in favor of lesbians. They also facilitated ongoing abuse of five black children and a mixed race child by the Hart dykes.)

The family’s neighbors in Woodland, Washington, Bruce and Dana DeKalb, told the Associated Press that last year, one of the Hart girls rang their doorbell in the middle of the night, “saying we needed to protect her.” “She said that they were abusing her,” Bruce DeKalb told the AP.

The couple called child services on March 23 after Devonte came to their house multiple times asking for food. No one answered the door when child services officials arrived at the Harts’ house on that day. By the next morning, the Harts had driven out of town. On March 26, their SUV was found at the bottom of the California cliff.”

Hart on Hart and their six victims. The bitch in biker boots looked bigger and stronger than the oldest boy in their custody. The other sow didn’t look like she missed many meals either, even though they starved the kids without incurring punishment.


(Comment: The angry dykes were controlling and cruel enough that they evidently succeeded in breaking the spirit of the 19-year-old boy. He should have been able to knock both dykes out of commission or at least have gone to the law but apparently never attempted to do so. Did the dykes ask for frail children of below average intelligence who they could abuse with impunity? )

An AP story 4/2/2018 added these details:

“Authorities don’t know exactly when the wreck took place. A passing motorist discovered the vehicle on March 26, three days after social service authorities in Washington state opened an investigation apparently prompted by a neighbor’s complaint that the children were being deprived of food. Authorities believe at least one felony was committed but (Mendocino Sheriff’s Office captain Greg) Van Patten declined to specify.

“To the best of my knowledge, there was not a suicide note found at the residence,” said (California Highway Patrol Captain Greg) Baarts, who added that authorities have been interviewing friends and family members of the Harts. “There have been red flags,” he said, but did not elaborate.

Van Patten said he was not aware of any other evidence of abuse.

Well before the wreck, Sarah Hart pleaded guilty in 2011 to a domestic assault charge in Douglas County, Minnesota, telling authorities “she let her anger get out of control” while spanking her 6-year-old adopted daughter, court records show.

The two women, both 38, were found dead inside the SUV, while three of their children —Markis Hart, 19, Jeremiah Hart, 14, and Abigail Hart, 14 —were discovered outside the vehicle. Searchers were looking for Hannah Hart, 16; Sierra Hart, 12; and Devonte Hart, 15.

Devonte drew national attention after the black youngster was photographed in tears, hugging a white police officer during a 2014 protest in Portland, Oregon, over the deadly police shooting of a black man in Ferguson, Missouri. Devonte was holding a “Free Hugs” sign.

Two weeks ago, Bruce and Dana DeKalb, next-door neighbors of the Harts in Woodland, Washington, called state Child Protective Services because Devonte had been coming over to their house almost every day for a week, asking for food. Dana DeKalb said Devonte told her his parents [sic] were “punishing them by withholding food.” The boy asked her to leave food in a box by the fence for him, she said.

(Comment: Devonte, 15, and Jeremiah, 14, were two black boys so whipped by these dykes that they didn’t have any teen rebel in them, apparently. Nor did black girls Hannah, 16, or Abigail, 14. Again, did the dykes ask for broken frail slow children, or did they break them?)

Social service authorities opened an investigation, and a state caseworker went to the house on March 23 but didn’t find anyone home. The agency had no prior history with the family, said Norah West, a spokeswoman with the Washington Department of Social and Health Services.

(Comment: Norah and her ninnies didn’t et the police involved or look for any problems with the Hart/Hart abusers. The leftist counties around Puget Sound have enough idiots who prioritize lesbians and who are OK with covering up murders of children by illegal immigrants. This is why human turds like Patty Murray represent the Evergreen State in the U.S. Senate. She got in because Democrat Brock Adams had to leave the Senate to avoid rape charges. They also send vermin like illegal immigrant activist and tranny backer Pramila Jayapal to Congress. Did India send her here because she was too ugly to be a dowry bride?)

On Thursday, authorities in Washington state combed through the family’s home for information. The Clark County Sheriff’s Office said deputies were looking for bills, receipts or anything else to shed light on why the family [sic] left and other circumstances related to the trip, KGW-TV reported.”

It looked like a suicide-homicide case to anyone knowledgeable. But since Mendocino County is in California, and many illegals, dopers, and other riffraff put leftist looney tunes in office, the sheriff had to spend a lot of time and money to prove it.

The alternate lifestyle set doesn’t want you to know male and female lesbians are much more prone to abuse their sex partners than heterosexual males are. Use the Internet to see so for yourself. The Hart on Hart case does not fit their narrative.

Nor did government child and family services pukes want to consider this a homicide case. These losers failed in four states. Texas losers (where the children were from) allowed Jennifer and Sarah to adopt three while being lesbians, and allowed them to adopt three more after Jennifer’s abuse-related incident. Minnesota losers did not investigate why a little girl stole food and ate food out of a trashcan at school; they also allowed Sarah an abuse-related convection without taking the kids away from the crazed dykes. Oregon losers did a poor job investigating, and so did Washington losers. Evidently none of the government pukes contacted their opposites in the other states. They were all derelict in their duties.

Since no government puke is ever going to admit to wrongdoing, Sheriff Allman, who is also the county coroner, held an inquest into the deaths a few days ago. (Allman is not a doctor; he would rely on trained pathologists to perform autopsies and he would rely on accredited technicians to perform blood work and other forensic portions of death investigations.) Mendocino County, on California’s magnificent northern coast, is heavily Democrat, and is a haven to dope growers and Democrats who believe in the Second Amendment (so they can shoot at lawmen or other criminals raiding their pot farms). The dope growers have illegally diverted streams so heavily they are interfering with salmon fishing and other peoples’ use of water.

Allman has to watch himself in such an environment. The law enforcer in him combined with the politician in him led him to have the inquest. Here’s what the investigators found, per Peter Fimrite of the San Francisco Chronicle 4/5/2019:

“The jury of eight women and six men unanimously found that Jennifer and Sarah Hart committed suicide and their six children died “at the hands of another, other than an accident.”

German tourists found the family’s wrecked SUV on March 26, 2018, at the bottom of a lookout point north of Fort Bragg.

The verdict followed chilling testimony from the investigators, who used a vehicle data recorder, cellular towers and GPS to track the two women as they bought large amounts of Benadryl and googled drowning deaths and overdoses during the drive from their home in Washington state [sic] toward their doom.

Sheriff and Coroner Tom Allman had requested that the 14-member jury decide whether the deaths were an accident or “a Thelma and Louise” murder-suicide.

The witnesses Thursday painted a grim picture of two women on the run from child protective services who deliberately accelerated off a 100-foot cliff along Highway 1 near Westport in northwestern Mendocino County with their drugged children inside. Allman characterized it as the largest mass murder in Mendocino County history.

The Harts, both 38, were found dead in their upside-down 2003 GMC Yukon. The bodies of three of their adopted children — Markis, 19, and Jeremiah and Abigail, both 14 — were found outside the vehicle on the rocky shore. Remains of two other children, Hannah, 16, and Ciera, 12, were subsequently recovered in different locations, apparently after they were carried out by the tide, authorities said.

The body of the sixth child, 15-year-old Devonte, has never been found, but he has since been declared legally dead.

Investigators described during the two-day inquiry a gruesome scene that immediately generated suspicion when no skid marks were found at the turnout where the car plunged off the cliff.

Timothy Roloff, a CHP crash investigator, said Thursday that he examined the computerized data recorder in the car and determined that the driver had floored the gas pedal before the crash.

The data showed the vehicle idling in the turnout for 2 seconds before accelerating for 3 seconds at full throttle for 50 feet before it bounded over a small berm at the edge of the cliff and flew into the air, landing 2 seconds later on the rocks below.

The car was going 20 mph when it launched, Roloff said, a speed consistent with the maximum acceleration capability of the vehicle over the distance it traveled. (This assumes a start from a dead stop.) The SUV was found with its doors closed, windows smashed and back hatch open, cradled between large rocks that held it in place, he said.

Roloff said water in the wheel wells and a salt-evaporation line on the car indicated it had been through at least one high tide, meaning it had been immersed in 3½-feet of water. It isn’t known whether the children were thrown out of the vehicle or washed out as the tide rolled in, he said.

“Our analysis of that data was that this was consistent with this being an intentional act,” Roloff said.

Dr. Greg Pizarro, the forensic pathologist who performed the autopsies, said Jennifer and Sarah Hart and the three children found at the scene died of blunt-force injuries typical of high-impact crashes. Jennifer’s blood-alcohol level was 0.104 percent, or the equivalent of five beers, and well above the 0.08 level deemed safe for driving. Friends told investigators that she rarely, if ever, drank alcohol.

“My determination from the data I had was that none of the occupants were belted,” Roloff said.

The lack of seat belts was a key factor considering that Jennifer, the disciplinarian of the family, was described by friends as “a seat belt Nazi” who would refuse to drive until everyone was fastened in, said Jake Slates, the lead CHP investigator.

(Yep. The crazed dykes had friends. Some even tried ineptly to cover for them.)

All the victims had consumed diphenhydramine, the active ingredient in Benadryl. Witnesses told investigators that the couple would often give their children Benadryl during long drives, but the toxicology reports showed massive doses in their systems.

Slates, a trained drug-recognition instructor, said it was later determined that Sarah Hart would have had to take 42 dosage units of Benadryl to reach the level found in her blood. Markis had 19.2 dosages, Abigail had 14 dosages and Jeremiah had 8.8 dosages at the time of their autopsies, he said.

“The children were more than likely unconscious,” Slates said. “Sarah would have been extremely intoxicated at that point.”

The decomposed body of Ciera was found by beachgoers north of the crash site about a week after the crash. About a month after the crash, the skeletal remains of a foot were discovered inside a shoe a mile north of the accident site. DNA analysis determined that the foot belonged to Hannah.

The California Highway Patrol used a GPS device from the vehicle to track the movements of the family after they left Washington. One stop on the trip was at a Walmart, where investigators said the women purchased Benadryl.

Slates said Sarah Hart’s cell phone showed Google searches during the drive asking what doses of Benadryl would kill a 120-pound woman, what over-the-counter medications could be taken to cause an overdose, whether death by drowning was painful and how long it would take to die from hypothermia in a submerged car.

Disturbing accusations of long-term abuse and neglect of the children emerged after the crash.

The two women had adopted the six children from foster care homes in Texas when they were living in Minnesota. The family moved to West Linn, Ore., where they lived for four years. In 2017, they bought a home in a rural area in Woodland, Wash.

There were many signs that things were not right with the family, investigators said.

Court and welfare records revealed six prior allegations of child abuse and neglect dating to the Harts’ marriage [sic] in 2009.

“Wherever these ladies would go there were always allegations of abuse from the community toward the ladies and the children,” Slates said during his testimony on Thursday.

He said one incident occurred in 2011 when Abigail’s elementary school reported extensive injuries to the child. The 6-year-old girl told investigators that she had been accused of stealing a penny and that Jennifer had beaten her and dunked her head underwater to get her to confess.

Sarah, however, took the blame, pleading guilty to domestic assault, and she was sentenced to one year probation, Slates said.

Neighbors in Washington called child protective services on the women on March 23 after two of the children had come to their house within a year alleging that their parents were withholding food from them and they were hungry.

But when a case worker came to investigate the report, the Harts drove off in their GMC Yukon.

At about 11 p.m., on March 25, 2018, a man camping with his wife in a cliffside turnout said he noticed a vehicle pull up that fit the description of the Harts’ SUV, but thought nothing of it and went to bed.

He was awakened later “by an engine revving and tires accelerating through the gravel,” Slates said. “The last thing he heard was … the sound of a vehicle bottoming out.”

The man went outside to check, but it was dark and he couldn’t see anything, Slates said. Looking over the edge, the man told investigators that he thought he heard somebody yelling for help in the distance, but concluded it was just wildlife and went back to bed.

Slates said he doesn’t believe the Harts set out on their trip to California planning to kill themselves and their children, but at some point while driving around “they both decided that this was going to be the end … that if they couldn’t have their kids, that nobody was going to have those kids.”

The coroner’s jury returned a suicide/homicide verdict quickly. They deliberate for less than an hour before announcing their decision.

The Hart on Hart case shows law enforcement can solve a case quickly if they want to. They got GPS tracking data that showed the crazed lesbians’ murder trip, showing where they stopped, and where they wound up. They also got purchase records, presumably from credit card records, showing the drug buy.

The search they did of the phones showing methods of taking lives they could have also done on laptops.

The vehicle’s computer showed a deliberate acceleration.

The pathologist showed Hart on Hart put the kids to sleep with a huge amount of Benadryl, and Jennifer the driver was legally very drunk because she was not normally a drinker. She evidently drank to overcome her fear of her own death. She took the car over the cliff. Her lezzy buddy Sarah had 42 doses of Benadryl in her. She was afraid of the pain involved in her death too.

The witness who said the homicides took place late at night solved the questions of why the kids were asleep without resistance, and why they were not buckled up. The crazed lesbians wanted no resistance. They also wanted the kids to bounce around in the car to ensure their deaths. Thus, the drugging, and the pretense at pulling over for the night. His witness also affirmed the vehicle computer info about Jennifer starting it up from a dead stop and gaining speed as she took it over the side.

One child, Devonte, washed out to sea and was never found. All they found of Hannah was her foot severed from the rest of her body. Ciera’s body washed up to shore.

No one has called for ending lesbian or homosexual adoptions in the wake of this horrible mass murder of five black children and a mixed-race child. The perps were lesbians and leftist activists.

If the dykes had used a firearm to murder the children, then Democrats would have pushed for laws banning heterosexual males from owning firearms.

In fact, within the last few days, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led the House of Representatives in making it easier to take guns away from men, but not women. Per Time Magazine 4/5/2019, this:

“The bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act includes a provision making it easier to take away guns from violent offenders even if they are not a spouse or domestic partner. The amendment closes the so-called “boyfriend loophole” by barring those convicted of abusing, assaulting or stalking a current or former dating partner from owning a firearm.

Supporters said the measure was crucial to protect women in the United States, who die from gun violence at rates far higher than other high-income countries [sic].”

Even though the bill’s language is sex-neutral, the clear intent of Pelosi’s perps was to target heterosexual men for enforcement.

This is akin to many state laws exempting females from rape prosecution if the perp female uses an object to rape another female or a little boy or forces the victim female or little boy to perform oral sex on her. It is also akin to some state laws that describe rape victims as only female, which of course exempts males from prosecution if they rape boys or other adult males.

Nancy and the Demopervs left out enforcement against illegals and other aliens here in America. Latin American and Moslem men treat their women much harsher than American men do. In Moslem culture, there are a lot of “honor killings” of females deemed not subservient enough to their males. Also, there are Moslem men in any Western country they move to who “honor kill” white women who find their politics or religion or culture or body odor offensive.

Why did you leave out the aliens, Nancy? Is it because aliens and illegals vote early and often for you and your fellow Demopervs?

Now back to the Time Magazine article’s conclusion.

“Norah West, a spokesperson for the Washington Department of Social and Health Services, said the agency had no contact with the Hart family [sic] prior to the visit on March 23. West said agencies in different states share information on a “case-by-case basis.” The lack of a national registry of child abuse reports and investigations can pose a challenge in identifying and stopping abuse as parents cross state lines.

“I think social workers and child healthcare workers have some of the most difficult jobs in state government, and it comes with a number of challenges,” West told TIME. “We don’t know about any potential abuse or neglect unless someone refers it to us.”

Note the self-serving tone. Government workers never do anything wrong. They were right to give three children to a pair of crazed lesbians, and were right to let the crazed lesbians adopt three more children after one was outed for severe child abuse, and were right to let the crazed lesbians keep them after the other was essentially convicted for child abuse. No state bureaucrat in Minnesota or Texas or Oregon tried to take custody of these children away from the crazed lesbians. They would leave a state and no state child protective services puke would try to track them down.

Nora’s state child protective services people would and have screwed up likewise. They didn’t get the police involved to stop flight or noncompliance. But being a government agent means never having to say you’re sorry. Your union or civil service rules cover for you. And sovereign immunity means the government doesn’t pay either.

In the wake of Jennifer and Sarah Hart’s murder of their six adopted children, why is there no uproar over white lesbians murdering black children? And why is there no uproar over the incompetent ninnies in the child protective services bureaucracy of several states?

Nervous Nora made one point. There needs to be a national registry of child abuse reports and investigations. But child protective services people and leftists everywhere would denounce it as being an invasion of privacy and homophobic.

The ACLU would sue to prevent it from becoming a reality.

And if it becomes a reality, many to most child protective services people won’t use it. Hell, many of them place children in foster homes with sex offenders now as it is, even though there is a national sex offender database, and they could readily run teenage molesters thru the juvenile criminal databases. If they chose to protect children.

Nora, I’m going to call you on this. I’m already on the record as pushing for a national teacher database on teacher crimes and other misconduct. I’m also on the record as pushing to make criminal records accessible to the public nationwide.

So I’m going to propose the need for a national registry of child abuse reports and investigations. I’ll contact politicians and see what they say. And once it passes the talking stages, would you back it?

Or will you denounce the idea because the Trump administration intends to help children?

Bottom line? Crazed lesbians are a protected class, especially by Democrat lawmakers and prosecutors and judges and social workers. This must change.

You will have to remove from office any politician who covers for the Nutjob Noras of the world. But in a society where one party favors the infanticide of any child too slow to run away from a mother or abortionist who wants him or her dead, we have a long way to go.

Summit County, Ohio child support enforcement agent Jean Powell Workman, a prosecutor employee, and Scott Dietz, the serial child molester who she serviced in her bed for years. Dietz raped his toddler daughters and admitted molesting his kid sister and two kid cousins. Summit County prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh protected them when they violated sex offender registration laws and harboring laws. Note they are at an amusement park crawling with children. She was dumb enough to post this pic on her Facebook page.  Jean, how does it feel to know your loverboy made his own daughters perform oral sex on him before he had you do likewise? Go to Hell, evil sow and child raping vermin!


We ran into this in Summit County, Ohio, a sanctuary county for child molesters who shacked up with county prosecutor office sows. A larger than normal amount of teachers and prosecutors and others with law enforcement powers are sexual predators. It will take guts and determination and smarts to run these pigs out of office and into prisons where they belong.

We fight this fight personally, and we hear from you our readers. We will help you if we are able. Remember, when it comes to protecting children, every adult of good will should be a first responder.





March31/ 2019

Never do business with a company you can’t call on the phone.

I learned this lesson – one I give many people – for myself a couple of days ago.

I had been using Skype to do some meetings on line. Skype is a Microsoft company.

In one case it saved me a business trip and got me a contract worth close to $100,000.

But my honest face and harsh phone voice scared off some other more genteel possible customers recently. The lines of work I am in – investigation and heavy industry training and publishing – do not feature guys who look like male models. Most of the people who have been doing Skype interviews with me are young enough to be my children. They wound up doing business with prettier but less effective people.

So it was time to unplug Skype.

I found out it was easy to kill the Skype program, but not easy to pry their fingers off of my credit card.

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