• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


November26/ 2017

Since the start of 2016, Donald Trump and his opponents have been giving the people a large number of civics lessons. I’ll list a few today.

Ted Cruz’s people beat Mr. Trump in Iowa by falsely claiming Ben Carson was dropping out to get some of Dr. Carson’s base.

Mitt Romney’s operatives stood credibly accused of dropping naughty pictures of Melania Trump to get the people of Utah to vote against Mr. Trump.

Cruz and John Kasich colluded to try to deny Mr. Trump the Indiana primary victory. They failed. Meanwhile, a judge ruled Cruz, who was born in Canada to a Cuban national and an American woman who renounced her citizenship, was not ineligible to run for president, despite what the Constitution says. Of course, if Cruz won the GOP nomination, the same judge or others like him would issue rulings weeks before the general election that they read the Constitution and decided he was not eligible after all.

Trump won a majority of delegates to the GOP convention. Then the professional Republicans in the state committees and the national committee looked for ways to deny Mr. Trump the nomination before and during the convention.

The public got a civics lesson on political chicanery in the nominating process because the GOPers were dumb enough to plot openly.

Opponents of Mr. Trump pumped up the Libertarian Party and ran a CIA/big banks creature of the Mormon faith named Mc Mullin (who Mr. Trump called “McMuffin) in an attempt to split the anti-Hillary vote in Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and some other states with large numbers of Mormons to deliver their electoral votes to her.

Many GOP senators, representatives, governors, and other bigwigs denounced Mr. Trump for some locker-room talk he made with Billy Bush a decade earlier. (In 2017 it would come out these same members of Congress were running a sex offense slush fund; more later.) They also denounced him for wanting to build a wall, vet Moslems, and bring manufacturing jobs home. Media people openly lied about Mr. Trump and belittled him because there was no penalty for them for lying.

But the GOP insiders, the media, and the Democrats lost. Enough people voted for Mr. Trump to help him win the election November 8, 2016.

The Ronald and The Donald

What went unnoticed by the non-professionals was that the GOP leaders in a couple of counties withheld reporting their vote count until after the thieves in Philadelphia brought home the Democratic vote. This meant the Dems in Philly didn’t know how many votes they had to fake to get a good enough tally to win. This is a good lesson for future GOPers who run boards of elections.

Then there were the recounts demanded by Hillary’s people in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin using Jill Stein as a sock puppet.

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November23/ 2017

In the days before the ACLU, it was not unusual for the leaders of the nation to ask for prayer or to declare the need for giving thanks.

George Washington proclaimed a day of thanks giving on October 3, 1789, his first year as president.

French Ursuline nuns in New Orleans prayed for the success of General Andrew Jackson and his men before the Battle of New Orleans. They won it in a rout on January 8, 1815.

Ursuline Nuns and Old Hickory. Courtesy of WLW-TV, New Orleans.


Zachary Taylor in 1849 called for a day of prayer and fasting due to a horrible cholera epidemic.

People in different parts of the nation celebrated a giving thanks day on different days.

One woman, ladies’ magazine editor Sarah Josepha Hale, petitioned several presidents to make a national holiday of giving thanks.

Abraham Lincoln thought her idea was a good one.

On October 3, 1863, three months after the Battle of Gettysburg, and a couple of weeks after the Battle of Chickamauga (a Rebel victory in northern Georgia that was almost as bloody a battle as Gettysburg), and 74 years to the day after George Washington’s act, Lincoln made Ms. Hale’s idea his policy.

Here’s Honest Abe’s order.

Washington, D.C.
October 3, 1863

By the President of the United States of America.

A Proclamation.

The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.

In the midst of a civil war of unequalled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore.

Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy.

It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.

And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.

Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the United States the Eighty-eighth.

By the President: Abraham Lincoln

Honest Abe, 1858. Photo by Byers.

Last Thanksgiving, 99 and I paid a visit to the boyhood home of Zachary Taylor and to the little monument where he and Peggy Taylor are buried, in Zachary Taylor National Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky. Why on Thanksgiving? Last year, it fell on November 24, which was also Taylor’s birthday. His mother Sarah gave birth to him in a cabin on a relative’s farm on the Virginia frontier; her husband Col. Richard Taylor and his hired men and slaves had crossed over the Appalachians and spent the winter building cabins in the Louisville area for all of them.

In the spring of 1785, Col. Taylor came back to Virginia for his wife and their children. They crossed the Appalachians and took a flatboat down the Ohio River to Louisville, then a frontier town armed and awaiting American Indian attacks.

Zachary Taylor was Lincoln’s superior officer in the Black Hawk War. Lincoln didn’t serve under Taylor, but met him several times in the course of the conflict. The towering militia captain admired the stocky and rough colonel, who shared the discomforts of his men.

Zachary Taylor, a victorious general in the Mexican War and a slave holder, would come to see slavery was tearing the country apart, so during his brief presidency, he looked for ways to end slavery peaceably.

Ironically, Honest Abe and another younger man, Senator William Seward, had hit on a possible solution. Use federal money to buy the slaves free and set them up as sharecroppers or pioneers or industrial workers. It was an adult solution. Taylor was already trying to add free states to the Union to outvote the South, and he was dead-set against a fugitive slave law being pushed by Democrats and lesser men like Henry Clay and Daniel Webster in his own Whig party. Taylor had already threatened members of Congress with hanging if they were caught in secession and rebellion. He had to send soldiers to New Mexico to keep Texans away, and he had to scuttle two attempts by Southerners to seize Cuba from Spain to make it a slave state. So Lincoln’s and Seward’s ideas looked like a way to avoid civil war.

Sadly it was not to be. Taylor died in office, only 16 months into his tumultuous term. Some say he was poisoned. Democrats and establishment members of his own Whig party celebrated. And they gave secessionists 10 years to organize, something that Taylor would have suppressed.

When Taylor died in office, Honest Abe summed up Old Zack when he gave his eulogy. Lincoln said, “Along our frontier, in summer and winter, in sunshine and storm, like a sleepless sentinel, Zachary Taylor has watched while we have slept for 40 years. The fruits of his labor, his name, his memory and example, have verified the great truth that he who humbles himself shall be exalted.”

Would that all or at least the majority of our public officials could merit such a eulogy.

Margaret and Zachary Taylor


No one could give Abraham Lincoln the eulogy he deserved.

My brother Bryan died a few Februaries ago. At his Requiem Mass, I said the following:

“Bryan loved America and the great patriots. In a way, it is sadly fitting that Bry’s requiem Mass is on Lincoln’s Birthday. When I took Bryan to Gettysburg, he couldn’t get over the fact he was standing on the site of the Gettysburg Address.

Like Lincoln, Bry was a “malice toward none, charity toward all” guy. But few people know Lincoln also was a man of justice as well as mercy. In that same speech, which he gave only six weeks before he was murdered, Lincoln said words like, “We pray that this bloody civil war will end. But if every drop of blood drawn by the slaver’s lash has to be paid for with a drop of blood drawn by bullets or sabers, then we must prostrate ourselves before God and admit His judgment is just.”

No politician comes anywhere near that value system today. In fact, Bry used to say the Ten Commandments were banned from government buildings because the provisos against lying, adultery, perversion, stealing, atheism, and coveting created a hostile work environment for the lawyers, politicians, and bureaucrats.”

Thinking back on Lincoln’s Thanksgiving proclamation, how many of us will give thanks for what we have, and pray for the unfortunates this day? Or give them corporal works of mercy?

I have many things to be thankful for. My life, my faculties, having two wonderful parents who have gone on to their reward. Growing up in a circle of my parents’ families and friends where the adults were good examples and were tough but kind and encouraging. Having good brothers and sisters. Bryan and Lizzie have gone on to their reward. God rest all or their souls.

I have a wonderful wife and a happy home life.

I live in the best nation on Earth.

And I and everyone else who is a worshiper of God have the consolation of Faith, the Church, and much more importantly, the love of God Who is the Creator of all that is good.

For a Thanksgiving prayer, I recommend the 104th Psalm, which follows.

God bless you all, every day, for as long as you shall live.





1 Bless the LORD, my soul!

LORD, my God, you are great indeed!

You are clothed with majesty and splendor,

robed in light as with a cloak.

You spread out the heavens like a tent;a

setting the beams of your chambers upon the waters.*

You make the clouds your chariot;

traveling on the wings of the wind.

You make the winds your messengers;

flaming fire, your ministers.b

*You fixed the earth on its foundation,

so it can never be shaken.

The deeps covered it like a garment;

above the mountains stood the waters.

At your rebuke they took flight;

at the sound of your thunder they fled.c

They rushed up the mountains, down the valleys

to the place you had fixed for them.

You set a limit they cannot pass;

never again will they cover the earth.d

10 You made springs flow in wadies

that wind among the mountains.

11 They give drink to every beast of the field;e

here wild asses quench their thirst.

12 Beside them the birds of heaven nest;

among the branches they sing.

13 You water the mountains from your chambers;

from the fruit of your labor the earth abounds.

14 You make the grass grow for the cattle

and plants for people’s work

to bring forth food from the earth,

15 wine to gladden their hearts,

oil to make their faces shine,

and bread to sustain the human heart.

16 *The trees of the LORD drink their fill,

the cedars of Lebanon, which you planted.

17 There the birds build their nests;

the stork in the junipers, its home.f

18 The high mountains are for wild goats;

the rocky cliffs, a refuge for badgers.

19 You made the moon to mark the seasons,g

the sun that knows the hour of its setting.

20 You bring darkness and night falls,

then all the animals of the forest wander about.

21 Young lions roar for prey;

they seek their food from God.h

22 When the sun rises, they steal away

and settle down in their dens.

23 People go out to their work,

to their labor till evening falls.

24 How varied are your works, LORD!

In wisdom you have made them all;

the earth is full of your creatures.i

25 There is the sea, great and wide!

It teems with countless beings,

living things both large and small.j

26 There ships ply their course

and Leviathan,* whom you formed to play with.k

27 All of these look to you

to give them food in due time.l

28 When you give it to them, they gather;

when you open your hand, they are well filled.

29 *When you hide your face, they panic.

Take away their breath, they perish

and return to the dust.m

30 Send forth your spirit, they are created

and you renew the face of the earth.

31 May the glory of the LORD endure forever;

may the LORD be glad in his works!

32 Who looks at the earth and it trembles,

touches the mountains and they smoke!n

33 I will sing to the LORD all my life;

I will sing praise to my God while I live.o

34 May my meditation be pleasing to him;

I will rejoice in the LORD.

35 May sinners vanish from the earth,

and the wicked be no more.

Bless the LORD, my soul! Hallelujah!”

* [Psalm 104] A hymn praising God who easily and skillfully made rampaging waters and primordial night into a world vibrant with life. The psalmist describes God’s splendor in the heavens (Ps 104:14), how the chaotic waters were tamed to fertilize and feed the world (Ps 104:518), and how primordial night was made into a gentle time of refreshment (Ps 104:1923). The picture is like Gn 1:12: a dark and watery chaos is made dry and lighted so that creatures might live. The psalmist reacts to the beauty of creation with awe (Ps 104:2434). May sin not deface God’s work (Ps 104:35)!

* [104:3Your chambers upon the waters: God’s heavenly dwelling above the upper waters of the sky, cf. Gn 1:67Ps 29:10.

* [104:59] God places the gigantic disk of the earth securely on its foundation and then, as a warrior, chases away the enveloping waters and confines them under, above, and around the earth.

* [104:1618] Even the exotic flora and fauna of the high mountains of the Lebanon range receive adequate water.

* [104:26Leviathan: a sea monster symbolizing primeval chaos, cf. Ps 74:14Is 27:1Jb 40:25. God does not destroy chaos but makes it part of the created order.

* [104:2930] On one level, the spirit (or wind) of God is the fall and winter rains that provide food for all creatures. On another, it is the breath (or spirit) of God that makes beings live.

* [104:35Hallelujah: a frequent word in the last third of the Psalter. The word combines the plural imperative of praise (hallelu) with an abbreviated form of the divine name Yah(weh).

a. [104:2Prv 8:2728Jb 9:8Is 40:22Gn 1:67Am 9:6.

b. [104:4Heb 1:7.

c. [104:7Ps 29:3.

d. [104:9Jer 5:22Gn 9:1115.

e. [104:1114Ps 147:89.

f. [104:17Ez 31:6.

g. [104:19Sir 43:6.

h. [104:21Jb 38:39.

i. [104:24Ps 92:6Sir 39:16.

j. [104:25Sir 43:26.

k. [104:26Jb 3:840:2529.

l. [104:27Ps 136:25145:1516.

m. [104:29Ps 90:3Jb 34:1415Eccl 3:20.

n. [104:32Ps 144:5.

o. [104:33Ps 146:2

Courtesy of the U.S. National Council of Catholic Bishops



November15/ 2017

When we farmed, I used to say animals would test how good my fences were. Mine were good. They kept our livestock in and wild dogs and coyotes out.

Murderer and Hell resident Devin Kelley tested a number of government fences and beat them all. Federal, state, and local fences were broken.

I speculated the Air Force, in convicting him for breaking the skull of an infant on purpose, and for beating his then-wife, should have put him on the National Criminal Information Center data base as someone who should not have access to firearms. His related bad conduct discharge should also have kept him from buying firearms.

(And he only got a year for nearly killing an infant? That vicious attack would have bought Kelley several years in a state prison in most states. The Air Force must be politically correct, like California and New York.)

But the Air Force stooged. One of their officers didn’t do his or her job in failing to register Kelley as a hateful felon and a bad conduct discharge loser.

What the Air Force brass are not saying is that they are likely derelict in their duty in such matters routinely.

The Air Force admitted they put Kelley in a mental institution in New Mexico. Evidently security wasn’t a priority for this place, because Kelley escaped the loony bin.

Wipe the smiles off your faces, other military services. I’m betting you all have the same problems.

The mental facility’s officials told El Paso police, who bagged Kelley, that he got caught trying to smuggle weapons onto Holloman AFB in New Mexico, where he was stationed, to carry out threats against officers he had made. (I got punished for time to time for disrespect to superior officers, but I never considered killing any of them.)

This doesn’t sound like the act of an insane person. It sounds like the act of an evil person. Kelley didn’t belong in a nuthouse; he belonged in Leavenworth. Instead, the Air Force commanders and lawyers dumped him back on society instead of protecting the public. The Air Force never saw fit to punish Kelley for this offense. Or tell anyone in civilian law enforcement about it either.

The operators of the nuthouse didn’t report his criminal escape or his suspected mental unfitness to the National Criminal Information Center either. Guys with mental problems like Kelley supposedly had are also forbidden by law to own firearms.

Sadly, the military derelicts and mental facility derelicts don’t stand alone as government payroller derelicts.

It turns out a girl reported Kelley to officials in Comal County, Texas for rape in 2013. Sheriff Mark Reynolds said his deputies investigated the case, but didn’t arrest Kelley, and dropped the case when he reportedly moved to Colorado, according to a reporter. The local prosecutor at the time, a female, claimed she didn’t get the case.

I’m not buying either the sheriff’s excuse or the female prosecutor’s excuse. Dropping a felony case because you claim someone left the area puts people at risk in the criminal’s new location. And as for never hearing about Kelley’s rape case, prosecutors should be reviewing their law enforcement agencies’ crime logs and reports to see if they should be filing charges. Maybe she stooged, or another prosecutor stooged.

I exposed an Ohio county prosecutor for negligence on WLW radio (Cincinnati) and in the Cincinnati Enquirer in letting a meat cutter who beheaded his wife on Valentines Day walk free on a temporary insanity charge. The murderer, Raymond Tanner, faked insanity, in the opinion of two shrinks who examined him days after he beheaded his pretty young wife Maria Barker. He had been abusing his wife, and she decided to leave him. So he took a large knife to her and with two strokes cut off her head. Tanner beheaded Maria in front of a neighbor girl, who understandably quaked in her boots.

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November10/ 2017

Veterans Day is a time of memory and reflection for those of us who had the benefit of being born to good parents.

I’m an Army veteran, but I was fortunate never to have to prove how tough I was under enemy fire.

Many of our ancestors showed up when it was time.

99’s father survived a Nazi shell that knocked out his tank during the Battle of the Bulge.

My Dad was a US Navy veteran of World War Two. He served against the Japs.

My Dad’s older brother Uncle Chuck served in the Army in World War Two. So did my Aunt Billie, who was a nurse during the war. She married Uncle Chuck.

My Dad’s younger brother Uncle Don served in Korea as an Army medic. The Red Chinese and North Korean bastards used his medic’s cross for target practice; they wounded him five times. He had the Purple Heart with a silver oak leaf cluster to prove it.

Uncle Rusty served in World War Two as a bomber crew member. He won a Distinguished Flying Cross for a bombing run against the Japs during which the aircraft’s bomb dropping mechanism failed. Uncle Rusty basically did a pull-up and kicked bombs free to drop them on enemy targets. He damn near fell out of the plane, but he was so fired up he didn’t consider it till after he pulled himself to safety.

My Aunt Olive was an Army nurse during the Korean War.

Virtually all the men in Dad’s circle of friends at our parish and elsewhere were veterans of World War Two or Korea.

Both of my grandfathers were veterans of World War One. Grandpa Charlie was a sailor, but he didn’t leave the US. Grandpa Leo, an infantryman, got gassed by the Krauts in France. It would eventually cost him his eyesight. Granny Theresa’s brother Emil was also gassed and died young.

Grandpa Charlie came to America from Ireland when he was five years old. Grandpa Leo’s parents came to America from Ireland not long before he was born.

On my mother’s mother’s side, her ancestors came from the Czech lands about the time of the Civil War.

Granny Ruth’s uncle was a Navy veteran of the Spanish American War.

One of Granny Ruth’s Czech ancestors and a collateral ancestor served in the Civil War. One had a hard assignment – the Union’s Army of the Potomac. The other served under General Sherman.

Many of 99’s people served in the army of Austria-Hungary. We have pictures of one who served for Franz Josef in the late 1800s, and of one who served for him during World War One. 99’s people on her mother’s side came to America from Slovakia in the early 1900s.

Some of my family served in Ireland’s war of independence against England after World War One. Dad met them when he was a kid, and said it was one of the few times in his life he was awed and impressed.

That’s our families’ trees. Many others have similar foliage.

Tuskegee Airmen, World War Two

Back through history, “average” men showed up to do heroic things when their people needed them. This is the real story of Veterans Day – it’s not to honor the generals who received adulation in their lifetimes, but to remember the rest of those who served when they were needed.

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JFK, MLK, Hillary, Texas — Why Public Records Matter

November07/ 2017

The last few days in the runup to this day, the 100th anniversary of the Communist revolution in Russia, show why the public record is important, deserves protection, and deserves expansion.

The JFK papers released in the past few days reveal government spying on Dr. Martin Luther King. The documents, which reporters said were dated from 1964 through 1968, claim the feds found out Dr. King was a lecher and a drunk. Since LBJ was president and Bobby Kennedy was his Attorney General for some of those years, and J. Edgar Hoover ran the FBI during all of those years, the spying effort reeks of hypocrisy.

LBJ was a lecher. Bobby Kennedy was a lecher. J. Edgar Hoover was a reputed homosexual. Assuming what the feds found was true about Dr. King, that doesn’t change the fact he did a hell of a lot of good and died a martyr to his cause, even if he violated the commandment against adultery multiple times. And why are these documents, which bore no relevance to JFK’s murder, in the JFK files to begin with? President Kennedy was foully murdered on November 22, 1963. Bobby’s successors as Attorney General under LBJ, Nicholas Katzenbach and Ramsey Clark, enjoyed reputations as civil rights advocates, but kept quiet about the spying on Dr. King. They were loyal to their own careers.

It is also possible the reports are false. LBJ was the most sociopathic liar to occupy the White House not named Bill Clinton. Bobby wasn’t known for his veracity. And Hoover slimed one of the FBI’s greatest agents – Melvin Purvis – out of jealousy. Hoover was a desk jockey. Purvis was a field agent who was in on killing murderers John Dillinger, Baby Face Nelson, and Pretty Boy Floyd – all in 1934!

Katzenbach and Clark, as Democrat functionaries, were expected to do LBJ’s bidding in sliming Dr. King. They followed orders. Katzenbach even came up with the idea of the Warren Commission, saying the public needed to “be satisfied” Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.

The unsaid thing in these document releases is that the papers showing JFK was shot in the neck and head from the front, and in the head from the back have apparently not surfaced yet. Clinton henchman Sandy “Brown Shorts” Berger smuggled documents embarrassing to his bosses out of a National Archives reading room in his underpants. The FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service and LBJ and his people had plenty of time to destroy records and plant false documents into the JFK murder files.

Autopsy records in some states are open records and in other states are not open records. The Dallas County Coroner wanted to perform the autopsy on President Kennedy, but feds shoved him aside and took JFK’s body to Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland. Navy doctors performed the autopsy while Secret Service personnel and other feds were in attendance. They claimed JFK was shot from behind only. And they refused to release the records.

LBJ had the most to gain from John Kennedy’s death. He also had Dr. King surveilled, and it is too convenient to blame the death of the civil rights hero on a lone peckerwood like James Earl Ray. Bobby Kennedy might have prosecuted LBJ if he won the presidency in 1968, so there are some who lay the blame for his murder at the feet of the Texas interloper.

Complete autopsy records have yet to be released. And they will be suspect even if released fully, because the feds have had more than a half century to mickey with the documents and photographs and other evidence in the murder case. Secrecy breeds distrust.

All the civil libertarians under LBJ who regained their voices when Tricky Dick Nixon, a Republican, became president, were silent when a president of their own party bent or broke federal laws to slime Martin Luther King. And they were silent when LBJ maybe did something even worse – order the murder of JFK.

The National Enquirer, the nation’s publication of record, reported that CIA chief John McCone, in a memo to the Secret Service chief dated March 3, 1964, admitted Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA asset who underwent training before he was ordered to go to the Soviet Union, posing as an anti-American defector. This would explain why the feds would welcome Oswald (and the Soviet babe he acquired) back to the USA with no repercussions.

This document was not released in the recent JFK assassination document releases. It has been around for awhile. I saw it some weeks ago and held back on reporting it on this site because I couldn’t verify its source.

The National Enquirer claims an investigator for New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison says the memo is authentic.

Will the original be found? Or was it destroyed while in the hands of the Warren Commission, or other custodians of ill repute in the federal government?

(Why do I sarcastically call the National Enquirer the nation’s publication of record? Because they report on politicians like they report on celebs – they show their sleaziness truthfully. The National Enquirer showed the Clintons were degenerates while they were staining the White House with their DNA – something none of the official media would dare do or want to do.)


Speaking of the gift that keeps on giving, the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, she and it remain in the news for all the wrong reasons.

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November02/ 2017

Yesterday was All Saints Day, when Catholic believers honor those canonized as saints. Some are saints because of their holy lives. Some are saints because of their zeal and fortitude, like Saint Patrick. Some are saints because of their abilities to handle life’s trials and help others, like Mother Theresa. Some are saints because they were martyrs who died for the Faith instead of denying God and the truths they learned from the Church. The Apostles, many Christians during the days of the Romans, and people like Sir Thomas More are in this category. Others, like the Maccabees and Joan of Arc, served their nations at the call of God and died in battle or were killed treacherously or were executed openly, like Joan. The vast majority of saints are unknown but to their loved ones and some others, because they lived lives pleasing to God and He has called them home to Heaven.

Martyrdom of St. Perpetua. The soldier did not want to kill her but was under orders to do so. She guided his sword to her throat.

99 and I have been blessed to see the work of men like Junipero Serra, who evangelized California and showed the American Indians how to live in European-American society. We have placed our hands on the sarcophagus of King Wenceslas of the Czechs died a martyr to the Faith as he fought his pagan brother and other homicidal members of his court. We prayed before the tomb of his grandmother St. Ludmilla, whose own pagan daughter strangled her. We stood before the memorial to St. John Nepomuk, who a king killed because he would not divulge the queen’s confession. The king suspected his queen had an affair and wanted names. These holy people lay interred inside the churches of Prague Castle.

In Ireland, we stood at Tara, where St. Patrick evangelized the High King and members of his court, outside, at night, inside a ring of torches and armed guards. And on the eve of All Saints Day we attended Mass in the little village church in Lorraine in France where Joan of Arc was baptized, attended Mass, received Penance, Communion, and Confirmation, and learned her faith before God Himself sent her on a mission to free her people from the English. Since the town is remote, we were immediately the objects of the parishioners’ attention that evening. The priest knew enough English and 99 knew enough French so he and his parishioners could learn a little about us and what brought us to the home parish of such a famous saint.

And in Pittsburgh we saw the skulls, bones, and other relics of many martyrs and holy men and women of God, and a thorn from the Crown of Thorns. The pastor of Saint Anthony’s Chapel, in the Troy Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, near where the steel mills used to be, had brought these to America when mobs in Germany and Italy were looting churches to support secular rulers of those lands and to grab the gold and silver that encased the relics. The church also has life-size Stations of the Cross carved from wood and painted like Nativity Scene figures which the pastor rescued from a church in Germany. St. Anthony’s Chapel is macabre and sobering at the same time, a place where I have undergone humbling examinations of conscience in the presence of the bones of those whose lives and deaths made them great.

All Souls’ Day, Franz Skarbina

Today is All Souls Day, in which Catholics pray for the repose of souls not in Hell, but not purified enough yet to be in Heaven. Not all Christians agree with us, but we will pray for their loved ones as well as ours, for God has not revealed to us who He has called home.

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October30/ 2017

President Donald Trump, in a not-widely-covered move, ordered the quick release of the remaining JFK assassination documents late Friday. He said the only redactions he would allow to be made to these documents would be names and addresses of those who are still alive.

CNN reported Mr. Trump was angry the FBI and CIA wanted to withhold so many documents and/or make so many redactions that it violated the spirit of public disclosure.

CNN reported President Trump tweeted, “I am doing this for reasons of full disclosure, transparency and in order to put any and all conspiracy theories to rest.”

Mr. Trump is smart enough to make billions of dollars, engineer a hostile takeover of the less corrupt of the two major corrupt parties, and win the presidency despite being opposed by the Democrats and most of the top people in the Republican Party and their donors.

He knows that the remaining documents will show the involvement of government people in the murder of President Kennedy. Or they won’t, because CIA and FBI operatives and other criminals have had more than 50 years to get rid of incriminating evidence. If the former is right, people will have more proof of a government conspiracy. If the latter is right, those who believe there was a government conspiracy will blame LBJ, the FBI, the CIA, and other criminals of destroying the evidence. Like Clinton official Sandy (Brown Shorts) Berger did when he stuffed 9-11 documents in his reeking underpants to steal them and protect his master and mistress.

Two different people shot JFK, one from the front, and one from the rear. The Warren Commission said Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. That’s essentially all the evidence most thinking people need to know the investigation was more of a cover-up than a search for the truth.

I believe President Trump has two political motives for making the disclosures as complete as possible. One is to paint himself as an honorable man in contrast to the corrupt Democrats and establishment Republicans. The other, more important motive, in my opinion, is to protect himself from assassination by punishing the Deep State – and getting historical precedent to do so by reminding people the Deep State murdered JFK. The Deep State tried to murder or remove from office Ronald Reagan. But he survived in office, so that wound isn’t as deep in the national mind. Since liberals and some moderates and even some conservatives like Jack, the wound and the hurt are still there for many. Mr. Trump handled it right.

Now for another conspiracy aimed at parents and taxpayers across the country.

Friday evening I got commo from one of the Colorado Attorney General’s staffers saying her boss was going to appeal the ridiculous ruling of the federal judge who ruled the state’s sex offender data base is unconstitutional. She said the appeal is going to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is in Denver. Formal arguments are pending.

I commented earlier on this site crackpot federal judge Richard Matsch ruled Colorado public officials had to kill the state’s sex offender registry and pay reparations to sex offenders. The lawyer for the predatory scum, errr, sex offender plaintiffs, is working at least two other similar cases, and in one of the cases, the ACLU is also involved on the side of the rapists and against the public.

This is a big deal. This is the ACLU and allied shysters’ next play for your money and your children.

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October27/ 2017

This week’s headlines show why knowing about public records is so important, and why it is important to hold government people accountable.

Yesterday, on the orders of President Trump, the feds released most of the documents on the assassination of JFK they have been hiding for more than half a century. Apparently some agencies like the CIA didn’t take their responsibility to the people seriously, because these obstructionists reportedly weren’t ready to release some records. They are getting an extension of no more than six months from President Trump to review their records for national security concerns and make them available for public scrutiny.

Ironically, this week a leftist crazy on a watch list got thru Capitol police checkpoints to try to assault President Trump. Government officials are calling this latest failure police incompetence. Others are calling it a dry run.

Secret Service agents were caught with their pants down yet again, like in JFK’s murder and in the attempted murder of President Reagan by a family friend of then-Vice President George H. W. Bush. President Trump should be bolstering his security and be firing and investigating those who failed.

On to the Las Vegas mass murder. It’s quiet because the feds and the Las Vegas police are not talking. Enterprising reporters decided to see if there are records border security people keep on who enters the country that could be made public. They found out Customs and Border Patrol agents do keep such lists, and they reported federal agents told them Mandalay Bay Hotel’s own Jesus Campos was on it. Campos, the security guard who one of the shooters reportedly shot, went to Mexico shortly after the mass murder, and returned several days later. The feds didn’t note when Campos went south, but did note he returned.

These reporters also reportedly accessed another public record – the database held by Nevada state officials on licensed security guards. The reporters claimed Campos was not on it, and then asked Las Vegas police what if any license a casino guard needs in Nevada. The police spokesman apparently wasn’t too happy about the question. The reporters noted he said, “Jesus Campos is a victim and we don’t speak about victims.” He could have answered the question or shrugged and said he didn’t know instead of acting like a churlish knothead.

The Sun, a British paper, reported local or federal authorities claim one of the shooters, Stephen Paddock, removed a hard drive from his laptop computer. There is no proof Paddock did it, but that’s their story and they’re sticking to it.

Paddock’s brother Bruce probably wishes he removed his own computer’s hard drive. Lawmen in Los Angeles arrested him this week after reportedly finding hundreds of images of child pornography on his computer. He is being held on an one count of child pornography and 19 counts of sexual exploitation of a child.

One of my friends, a first responder, explained possibly why it took the police SWAT team about an hour to break in on Stephen Paddock after they reached the floor he was reportedly shooting from. My friend said it was probably their decision, based on their protocol, to check rooms and try to get innocent people out of harm’s way. When I asked him why they didn’t just let the people shelter in their locked rooms while they took out a guy they still believed to be alive, he said it was also possible, due to their protocol, they were checking all the rooms on the floor for a trap before they went all in on the known shooter, who was not shooting while they were on the 32nd floor.

A trap? Like another shooter. Or shooters. Or some other assailant(s). This is why I ask people in the know for their informed opinions.

On to the last two stories, which both center on the sociopathic corruption of Hillary Clinton. Peter Schweizer, the author of “Clinton Cash,” used public records of State Department and U.S. Government actions, available through federal FOIA requests and website searches, to track how Hillary helped put American uranium ore deposits owned by Canadian firm Uranium One under the control of Russian government company Rosatom when they bought Uranium One. She and other Obama officials okayed the sale of most of Uranium One to the Russians, which put 20% of known U.S. uranium reserves into Russian hands. In 2013, Rosatom bought the rest of Uranium One.

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October25/ 2017

The long-withheld JFK assassination records are on pace to be public records tomorrow, thanks to President Trump.

The CIA is fighting the release, claiming it would give up CIA techniques.

The CIA shouldn’t be involved in domestic crimes unless foreign agents are involved.

More than a few speculate the CIA had a hand in JFK’s assassination. Bush 41, who was the CIA chief, covered for his agency by kicking the can on the JFK assassination down the road. Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama made no attempt to release these records. Props to Donald Trump for deciding to release the records.

Trump’s toughness has caused the FBI, the CIA, and the National Security Agency (NSA) to stand exposed as being riddled with criminals and conspirators in their top echelons.

The release of the JFK records might help protect President Trump’s life. The Secret Service’s historical failure to protect JFK, coupled with their failure in dealing with an attack on President Trump yesterday, might well force needed changes to protect the president’s life and the interests of we the people who voted for him to lead the nation and carry out our will.  Recall the first person to cover JFK when he was shot from the front and from the back was Jackie Kennedy. The self-styled badasses of the Secret Service were slow in reaching the fallen president. When they tried to prevent Jackie, spattered with her husband’s blood and brain tissue, from seeing him in the hospital in Dallas, she bitterly retorted she was as competent as the Secret Service agents were. Actually she was better.

AP Photo, 11-22-1963. Secret Service man gets onto rear of car after JFK has been shot from front and back. Jackie Kennedy has already been shielding JFK, exposing herself to danger.


The Secret Service pukes choked (or worse, deliberately failed to act) when a leftist provocateur threw Russian flags at President Trump when he paid a visit to Capitol Hill yesterday. There are projectile-shooting weapons that are not metal; an assassin can get by metal detectors. The Secret Service Barneys were a day late and a dollar short again. Was this a test run to figure out how weak the Secret Service and other government security agents are? Or worse, are the Secret Service people riddled with those who wish Donald Trump harm and will deliberately fail to protect him? President Trump hopefully will make changes to better his protection.

Leftist throws Russian flags at Trump — credit NBC 10/24/2017


On the federal level, the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552 in the federal law books) regulates what federal records are public. You can see this on the Web to get more detailed info about this federal government’s basic public records law.

The states have similar records disclosure laws to the federal government. The states of the Northeast and California are the most dismissive of the public’s rights. Not so coincidentally they are the most corrupt of the states if you don’t count Illinois. Most other states have good open records laws and practices.

The federal Freedom of Information Act and similar state statutes allow you the citizen to get copies of government records that are releaseable if they exist in a readily retrievable fashion. These laws apply to people the government has checked on if info the agency has about them is releaseable under the freedom of information act (federal or state) that applies to their agencies.

Phone records exist on government-owned phones. Creative FOIA diggers could request a list of phone calls a public official made. Prosecutors grab these phone records from time to time. Media people file for these phone records from time to time. You could have FOIA people search for phone calls made to and from the phone numbers of officials you want to check on.

The same applies to government e-mail accounts. You could find out who government agents and officials have e-mailed or gotten e-mails from. IRS harpy Lois Lerner had to resign because disclosures of her e-mails indicate she was abusing her power as a tax official to target groups who opposed the Obama administration.

This is why Hillary Clinton used a private e-mail server – to hide her official e-mail communications from public view.

If you can frame a freedom of information request in a way that will cross-reference records a government agency keeps, odds are they will do business with you if the info is releaseable under the public records laws. The best way to proceed on this is to ask the freedom of information employee what types of records her or his agency keeps, and what they call their various reports and other records. Work with them to define what you want in a way that they can do the research on your target for you without charging you a great deal of money in search time, and so they will not refuse the request on grounds they don’t keep such info organized in the way you demand receiving it.

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October20/ 2017

What would you do if you got shot and found out the cops were in cahoots with those who let the shooters on their property, from where they shot at you?

And what would you do if you bribed foreigners at the request of the FBI to catch them, and then they threatened to send you to prison to keep you from disclosing the truth before a presidential election to protect one of the candidates?

In recent days, we were treated to these back to back disclosures regarding the FBI.

Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard who couldn’t stop the murders of 60 people and the wounding of hundreds of others at the Route 91 Harvest in Las Vegas, surfaced on Ellen De Generes’ talk show couch after he had been laying low for several days.

Ellen, best known for her lame comedy, got an “exclusive” interview with Campos and his sidekick Stephen Schuck. In exchange, the lesbian comic lobbed softball questions and generally tried to make good PR for MGM Resorts, who owns the Mandalay Bay Hotel, which shooter(s) used as firing points to murder 60 or so country music fans and wound more than 500 more.

It turns out Ellen has ties to MGM too. In September 2017, she gladhanded gamblers playing the slots at the MGM Grand. They have Ellen De Generes slot machines. This came from Kathryn Allison, writing for “Casinopedia” 9/21/2017. Kathryn tastefully declined to tell Canadian players not to feed any of their beaver nickels to Ellen’s slots.

I held off writing about the MGM Ellenfest until an independent voice provided further info on what went into the decision.

Per the British paper Daily Mail on 10/19/2017:

“After originally agreeing to do five interviews, Campos suddenly went missing, his union boss, who was helping set up the deal, told DailyMail.com.

David Hickey, president of the Michigan-based International Union, Security Police and Fire Professionals of America, would not confirm that MGM was behind the decision, but said the company influenced the guard.

“I was in a meeting with MGM’s upper management and they were definitely concerned about how tough someone like (Fox News’ Sean) Hannity would be on him and they voiced their opinions,” Hickey said.

“Everyone knew he wasn’t to talk about security protocols, staffing or training or give out names of employees,” he told the outlet, adding that the company pressured Campos not to reveal too much.

“I thought they were being negative, telling him that someone was going to be tough and how they were worried about his health — it wasn’t the thing he needed to hear four hours before the interviews were going to begin,” he said.”

MGM Resorts stands to lose millions of dollars over the way they handled everything surrounding the mass murder that people in their building committed, and their employees failed to prevent.

Better for the MGM corporate masters to let a comedienne and actress try to sell the public on a false timeline for the crime and elicit sympathy for Campos and Schuck than to let Campos blurt out the truth unrehearsed on a news and commentary show. Let the victims be damned!

Meanwhile Las Vegas Metro Police spokesman Larry Hadfield blamed Campos’ disappearance on independent journalist Laura Loomer. Maybe he was angry Miss Loomer had put his police force in a clown suit and the FBI in a Pinocchio costume.

Miss Loomer showed lawmen were lying about when alleged shooter Stephen Paddock first came to the Mandalay Bay Hotel. She also showed there were more than one person eating overpriced room service food Paddock was paying for. She also posted a flyer MGM Resorts put out urging their employees to donate to Moslem extremist front group CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) and the leftist extremist group Southern Poverty Law Center. She accused FBI agents of lying about the timeline of the shootings.

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