• Today is: Saturday, May 18, 2024


August15/ 2018

There is a simple way to ensure Republicans keep control of the House of Representatives in the November elections.

Make the election national.

Why? Elections are always about us. Who will help us more? Who will harm us less?

If idiots like Maxine Waters (D-CA) and diaper bags like Steve Cohen (D-TN) get enough gypsies, tramps, and thieves to join them in the House, they will thwart the recovery of the nation.

Individual GOP candidates for the House of course have to campaign on why they would represent the needs of the people of their districts, but they also have to pledge to do something positive with the power they hope to gain and retain.

40 and 45. Dutch and The Donald have Trumped those who obstructed the American people.


President Trump has kept many of his promises, and is being thwarted in his drive to keep other promises by Democrats and a handful of backstabbers and ninnies in the Republican Party.

President Trump’s tariffs and his people’s pruning of useless regulation are bringing back manufacturing jobs. Coal miners, and oil and gas drillers are also doing better thanks to President Trump’s moves to make America energy independent. Trump’s trade negotiators are as feared by other countries like General Sherman’s troops were feared by Southern plantation owners and farmers in their path.

While Elizabeth “Lieawatha” Warren (D-MASS) rails about alleged collusion, she is silent while Taxachusetts imports natural gas from Russia.

President Trump and his people are trying to keep illegals out, send illegals home, and smash illegals and those who cover for them when they commit rape, robbery, arson, violent assaults, DUI homicides, and murder.

President Trump is trying to make health care affordable for working Americans while not leaving behind those with debilitating ailments.

President Trump knows corn is a food, not a fuel. Turning corn into ethanol, especially when a subsidy is involved, raises food prices (corn is livestock feed, which is a large cost in the raising of animals for meat, eggs, and milk), competes unfairly with fossil fuels, and produces a fuel that is not as good and may be potentially more harmful to the environment. This doesn’t count the damage done to extra millions of acres of cropland by soil erosion and pesticide use and herbicide use. However, he is changing the direction of the subsidies to enable farmers not to get hurt by tariff wars or loss of ethanol money.

President Trump is going after drug companies for price gouging. He has given tax relief to most Americans. He is trying to purge the FBI and the CIA of all of its lawbreakers, he is looking at reviving anti-Klan anti-mask laws to strike against the criminal rioters who call themselves Antifa and the Resistance, and he is looking to give justice to those oversentenced for crimes.

In short, President Trump is trying to make the federal government for most people into a protector, not a punisher.

The GOP leaders are not focused enough on winning the fall congressional elections. Outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan, a never Trumper, has obstructed President Trump in Congress. Many suspect Ryan will go to work for some globalist firm whose interests are not the interests of the American people. Like John Kasich did.

So Ryan, who drove a Weinermobile, and who looks like Eddie Munster, is not personally interested in a GOP controlled House of Representatives working with President Trump. Ryan will make more money whoring for globalists if that is what he intends to do after Congress if the Democrats take control of the House.

I suggest the patriotic Republicans in the House get together and run a national campaign based on promises they can keep that will help the vast majority of Americans who work for their money.

Newt Gingrich did this in 1994. He called it “Contract With America.”

Such slogans go back to Teddy Roosevelt’s “Square Deal.”

FDR had the “New Deal.” Truman called his program the “Fair Deal.” JFK had the “New Frontier.” Reagan’s slogan was “Let’s Make America Great Again.” And the Clintons had “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Hillary Clinton, the narcissist sociopath, had the 2016 campaign slogan “I’m With Her” and a stylized H with an arrow that looked like she was promoting transgenders or sex toys.

Donald Trump, the master businessman and advertiser, used two slogans. One was “Make America Great Again.” The other was “I’m With You.”

Trump knew a winner in “Let’s Make America Great Again.” So he borrowed it from the statesman Ronald Reagan.

He also knew contrast with a competitor was important, and if he could add a little mockery, so much the better. Thus, “I’m With You.”

The GOP candidates for the House of Representatives could use a similar slogan.


And then make a list of promised action items that President Trump and the vast majority of candidates can agree with.

Potential future House Speaker Jim Jordan and others of good will in the leadership roles of the GOP can pick action items they can agree on that will help the public. Here’s a sampling:

More jobs through America-first trade deals.

More jobs by removing silly regulations.

Keep more of what you earn due to lower taxes and less wasteful spending and less stupid regulations.

Keep your jobs and money by enforcement of immigration laws so we don’t carry the world’s people, or import unfair foreign labor.

An economy that rewards those who work for their money.

Security through military strength.

Security with a border wall.

Security with aggressive and competent immigration enforcement and anti-terror enforcement.

Safety by cracking down on child molesters, rapists, and others who prey on the vulnerable. Also, by reinforcing sex offender databases against judicial attack.

Affordable health care through competition and cracking down on drug companies.

Justice, not abuse of power, by affirming America’s traditional values and not letting godless agitators take them away or erode them through the courts or through the unelected bureaucracies.

Justice, not abuse, by protecting children from teachers and other government people who want to abuse them.

(Jerry Sandusky and Larry Nassar, not to mention many thousands of teachers and some lawmen and lawwomen, had or have government jobs. Government payrollers need to be background checked, and the abusers need to be removed. Teacher union bosses make bad bishops look like rank amateurs when it comes to protecting vast numbers of abusers. Recent revelations of sexual abuse scandals involving Keith Ellison, Eric Schneiderman, Al Franken, child-molesting Seattle mayor Ed Murray, and others reinforce my point about abusers who are public officials.)

Justice, not abuse of power, by cleaning out the FBI and the Justice Department of corrupt agents and lawyers.

Justice, not abuse of power, by restricting government spying on citizens, and by firing the offenders.

Justice, not crime, with anti-mask laws, and by actions against sanctuary cities.

Infrastructure improvements to make America safer, more prosperous, and easier to travel and move goods in.

The Constitutional Convention. George Washington, the original Man In Black, was leading and the others were working with him.


All politics are local. House races are also national. The more Dems in the House, the more rat infested it is.

What can you do?

Pressure GOP members of Congress to get with the program and try to win the elections of 2018. Elections are always about us. Who will help us more? Who will harm us less?

Work for your local GOP candidates. Contribute to House candidates who reflect your will if you can.

Short of the direct intervention of God, the best protectors of liberty are decent people who stay informed and hold all politicians accountable at the polls and elsewhere.




FBI Fumbles, Vegas Takes a Dive, Why the Raiders Need to Stay Away

August05/ 2018

It has not been a good week for the FBI.

Friday the FBI released a 71-page document on Christopher Steele, the British agent who came up with the discredited Steele Dossier. Steele interviewed Russian agents, who said a number of vulgar and untrue things about Donald Trump and Russian prostitutes. A neverTrumper first hired Steele, then Hillary’s people paid for Steele’s fallacious work. Dem and neverTrumper collusion with Brits and Russkies, no investigation.

It was this fake Steele dossier that the FBI used to justify spying on the Trump campaign.

The FBI document on Steele was virtually entirely redacted, except for the first and the last pages. The last page showed the FBI was dealing with Steele (who they called CHS – confidential human source) on or before February 2, 2016. This date blows a massive hole in their cover story about not tracking Trump until much later in the year.

You can see it for yourself by clicking on this link



Friday the FBI released a 158-page document on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The release left out more pages than it revealed on the laptop belonging to the perv hubby of Hillary’s reputed Moslem mistress Huma Abedin. However, there was a five-page document requesting analysis of the hard drive of the laptop, dated 11/9/2016, hours after it was announced Donald Trump won the presidential election.

This document, pages 15 thru 19 of the release, noted it was a “MISHANDLING OF CLASSIFIED” investigation and a SENSITIVE INVESTIGATIVE MATTER (SIM) (page 15).

FBI/DOJ lustbirds and lawbrakers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page


The writer asked “review media provided for evidence of intrusion” (page 16).

What was the media? “Image of one hard drive from a laptop computer” (page 17).

Page 17 noted “Media is from a sensitive investigative matter (SIM) involving a high level political figure.”

When asked if there had been any previous attempts to analyze the evidence (the laptop), the writer answered “None” (page 17).

The writer noted the headquarters program manager was Peter Strzok (page 18).

The report writer did not note who the laptop belonged to.

Page 20 of the release noted the feds did a report on “analysis of computer intrusion or malware infection or a laptop hard drive belonging to Anthony Weiner.”

If this was the hard drive mentioned in the 11/9/2016 report, then Strzok lied about checking on the laptop before the election, and especially getting amazingly quick results from the FBI tech geeks before the election. 

To see the documents, click on this link:

Hillary R. Clinton Part 24 of 24 (1)

Or click on this link:



Then the Las Vegas police announced Friday they closed their case on the murder of dozens of country music fans in October 2017. They claimed there was only one shooter. Just like the feds claimed only Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, the liars.

The FBI haven’t released their report on the murders yet. But I expect it to be full of lies and coverups.

Saying the FBI has good agents is like saying there were good Germans in Hitler’s army.

Where are the FBI whistleblowers?

The absence of whistleblowers shows there is corruption and cowardice in the FBI from top to bottom.

Let’s review the case which started the FBI’s reputation on a downward spiral.

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Haggard Merle’s Abortionists: A Woman’s Right to Know

July27/ 2018

Not many women can say they went to work for an abortion mill owner, serviced him sexually, got him to divorce his wife, married him, then took over the abortion mill when he croaked, Even Stormy Daniels can’t stoop this low, huh?

Merle Hoffman, 72, can, for she is the owner of that brief life description. She got with a much older abortion mill owner, did him repeatedly, got him to push his wife aside, ran his abortion mill for him, then took it over when the sand ran out of the greedy old shit’s hourglass.

Merle used her influence and money often over the years. She has kept her Choices Women’s Medical Center abortion mill in New York City running despite hiring a guy who carved his initials in a woman’s abdomen, another who was involved in killing two women with abortions, and others with poor malpractice records.

Recently, Ms. Merle picked up the phone, called Albany, and got corrupt New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to abuse the law and file charges against a bunch of protesters outside her abortion mill for her. Soon a baker’s dozen of protesters were hauled into federal court to face Shysterman’s demand for an injunction designed to make them go away.

Merle and her abortion escorts claimed a number of things at trial. They claimed the abortion protesters, many who were members from a nearby church, harassed and assaulted women, and blocked entrance to her abortion mill. The defendants said all they did was witness to the evil of abortion and ask women to consider saving their babies’ lives.

Haggard Merle Hoffman. Millionare abortion mill owner.


In the rabidly pro-abort New York Times, a July 22 article by Jeffery Mays said this:

“But in a ruling issued late Friday denying the request for the injunction, Judge Carol Bagley Amon of the Federal District Court for the Eastern District said the attorney general’s office “failed to show” that any of the 13 defendants “had the intent to harass, annoy, or alarm” patients, their companions or the people escorting women into the clinic.

“The interactions on the sidewalk outside Choices were generally quite short, and there is no credible evidence that any protester disregarded repeated requests to be left alone over an extended period or changed his or her tone or message in response to requests to be left alone in a way that suggested an intent to harass, annoy, or alarm,” Judge Amon wrote in her decision.”

Jeffy was upset with the judge. Problem is she (Judge Amon) saw Schneiderman’s state-paid shysters put on a fake case to aid a truly evil businesswoman.

Schneiderman, who has spent his adult life at the public trough posing as a defender of women, wasn’t there to draw the female judge’s rebuke. Schneiderman resigned in disgrace when multiple women outed him as a sadist who beat them during sex. (Former New York AG and governor Elliot Spitzer, also a pro-abortion “feminist” Democrat, also reportedly beat and choked a prostitute in 2016 and threatened to have her arrested. Like they did for Harvey Weinstein, corrupt New York City prosecutors kept the police from arresting Spitzer.) (Source: New York Post, 11/29/2017)

It’s unclear whether Shysterman’s successor, party hack Barbara Underwood, will appeal the case.

The pro-aborts have not yet begun to apologize for Shysterman.

Or for Merle Hoffman, for that matter.

So why are we talking about her?

99 and I did some work to help the protesters. We were given two weeks to get what we could. And what we did you could do, from the comfort of your own home.

I will cover what we did so you can do likewise if you or someone you know has to fight an opponent with a lot of money but a bankrupt character.

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Joe McCarthy, Donald Trump, the Venona Papers, and the Public Record

July17/ 2018

Many years ago, I was a military cadet who had to write a term paper for an American history class. My subject was espionage, and whether or not Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin was accurate in saying there were many security risks and loyalty risks in positions of government.

There was no Internet in the 1970s. My “cutting edge” sources were the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature (a list of articles by topic in major magazines) and the Congressional Record. I spent some time in the West Point Library looking up these articles and reading the Congressional Record.

I had a list of those who McCarthy had publicly accused of being security risks (people whose circumstances like debt, substance abuse, infidelity, or perverse sexuality made them potential targets of blackmail). These people were not spies, but were vulnerable people who should have been kept away from sensitive positions, I also had a list of those who McCarthy had publicly accused of being loyalty risks. These people would include Communists, Nazis, socialists, fascists, anarchists, and jihadists …. and agents of foreign governments like the Soviet Union, Germany, or Britain.

The evidence I read in the articles and the congressional hearings indicated McCarthy was right on most of the people he named. So that’s what I reported.

Communist Alger Hiss. Lied about his treason, convicted of perjury.


The colonel who was my history prof gave me a D. He said I was wrong because the people had been cleared by those whose job it was to make background checks. I said the evidence showed these people shouldn’t have passed background checks, given their situations or loyalties, and it was proper for Joe McCarthy to question their positions in government.

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July13/ 2018


Yesterday FBI agent Peter Strzok preened, smarmed, covered up, smirked, and lied to the American public on live TV. He is the evil arrogant face of the corruption of that very corrupt agency that needs disbanding.

Yes, Virginia, the FBI is a racketeering influenced corrupt organization that violates RICO laws and laws against spying, lying, witness tampering, and election tampering. And facilitating sexual abuse of young girls by the Clintons and/or people in the Clintons’ crime family, according to the New York City police. And who knows what else?

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page


Former FBI chief Robert Mueller, who is now the special Nazi in charge of the Russia snipe hunt, was okay with Massachusetts mobster Whitey Bulger and others committing murder because they had a deal. Mueller, who ran the Uranium One investigation, was okay with 20% of our uranium reserves going to the Putin regime and was okay with Hillary getting about $150 million for the Clinton Foundation from donors who appreciated her allowing the corrupt sale of the ore needed for nuclear weapons and nuclear power to go forward.

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Why No Fourth of July Column? Because Evil Never Sleeps.

July08/ 2018

Some of you who saw my column on Little Miss 1565 have asked why I didn’t do a Fourth of July column.

Fair question.

The Fourth of July was when delegates to the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence.

They weren’t barbecuing or getting hammered; they were working.

Thomas Jefferson presents the Declaration of Independence to John Hancock while John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston and Benjamin Franklin stand behind him.Library of Congress


On the Fourth of July of 1850, Zachary Taylor was working too. He dedicated the Washington Monument and chewed out a proslavery senator (Foote, of Mississippi) for preaching brotherhood when weeks earlier he drew a pistol in the Senate against Thomas Hart Benton. He was also working on the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty that secured our rights to build a canal in Central America while freezing out the Brits unless we were to take part in any venture of theirs. Taylor also had gotten the ball rolling on building a railroad across Panama, which at the time was under Colombian control, to make it quicker to go to and from California until we could put a railroad across the Plains, the Rockies, the Great Basin, and the Sierras.

Taylor would sicken that night, possibly aided by a poisoner in the pay of the many enemies of President Taylor, and would die in agony five evenings later. The Democrats almost universally celebrated Taylor’s death, but so did a lot of his own Whigs. Like Donald Trump, General Zachary Taylor beat the establishment of his own party to deliver for the people. Taylor was on a mission to end slavery peacefully (he was a slaveholder himself, but he knew slavery could not last), and he was opposed to any fugitive slave act or bailouts for greedy bondholders. His death was a victory for the slavery lobby and for speculators and for insider Whigs and Democrats.

On the Fourth of July of 1863, US Grant and WT Sherman and their men forced the surrender of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and the Rebels defending this fortress town. Vicksburg dominated the Mississippi River, and its capture essentially cut the states west of the mighty river off from the rest of the Confederacy. After they confiscated the Rebels’ weapons, Union soldiers gave them plenty of food. They also searched the town to see if speculators had been hoarding food during the siege of Vicksburg to make the townspeople pay more for it. When they found stashes, they confiscated them and let the famished people have the food for free.

On the Fourth of July of 1863, thousands lay dead in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Union troops had finally beaten Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia overwhelmingly. Lee and his Rebels anticipated an attack, and organized a fighting retreat to escape back to Virginia. Union general George Meade, who had taken charge of the Army of the Potomac only a week earlier, instead had to send men to help quell the Democrat Copperhead traitor-instigated Draft Riots in New York City. This cost Meade a chance at smashing a retreating Rebel army and possibly shortening the war.

A relative of mine, infantryman William Linskey, won the Distinguished Service Cross for valor in combat after he died in battle in France on July 4, 1918.

My Dad, 99’s Dad, and our uncles were on duty during the Fourths of July that fell during World War Two or those that fell during the Korean War. So were my aunts Billie and Olive, who were Army nurses.

When the nation turned 200 in 1976, I spent the Fourth of July in Jungle School in the Panama Canal Zone with my unit, in training. This was a much much smaller sacrifice on my part than those listed above, but no, I didn’t get any alcohol or barbecue that day either.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy barbecues and illegal fireworks as much or more than most of you. Some of my fondest memories revolve around our family reunions at Uncle Chuck’s house every July 4th, which featured plenty of barbecue and plenty of fireworks.

But on this Fourth of July, like many others during our marriage, 99 and I were also at work.

We are on a project against some objectively evil people.

Evil never sleeps, so we don’t sleep or relax as often as we would like.

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July06/ 2018

The story I’m about to tell is a remarkable case study on an investigation one man did using publicly available fire records. The two-hour interview I did with him was one of the most compelling I did in my career. His story is a primer on doing an investigation and persevering when the odds are huge against finding the truth.

In telling this story, I tip my patrol cap to him and to KD, a long-time friend of mine and a retired fireman. He and others like him go into burning buildings and save lives when others flee. And I also tip my cap to AB and MB, two emergency room nurses. AB, a pretty brunette girl of French Canadian blood who went to school with me, was kind to others and was especially kind to one of my elderly relatives when he was a patient of hers in the last months of his life. MB, a redheaded Irishwoman who was a former girlfriend of mine, consoled my sister, who worked hard but unsuccessfully in trying to resuscitate our Mom on the day of her death.  MB has reported for duty in Eternity. 

Let’s go back to the first week of July in 1944. When the circus comes to town this week in Hartford, Connecticut, World War Two is in full swing. Our GIs are pushing east across France, north through Italy, and westward through the Pacific Islands. This very week, Americans liberate Saipan (reportedly only a couple of weeks too late to save aviatrix Amelia Earhart from being beheaded by a Jap swordsman).

Many women and children, whose husbands and daddies are away fighting the war, go to see the show under the big top in Hartford on July 6 – maybe to get away from worrying about their loved ones for just a little while.

But they are soon caught in a spectacle almost as dramatic and terrible as the war itself. The circus tent catches fire, and the 7000 or so spectators and circus people have to flee for their lives. Sadly, 168 people don’t make it.

One of the faces of the tragedy was Emmett Kelly, the sad-faced hobo clown. He was drinking a beer outside the big top waiting to perform when the fire broke out. Kelly rushed over with a pail of water to fight the flames, then he rushed into the blazing tent and calmly directed many frightened women and children to safety. The tragedy overwhelmed him after he led the women and children to safety. The sad-faced hero broke down and wept. Kelly would paint a tear on his face for the victims — his fans — in years to come.

Another face of the tragedy was an eight-year-old girl whom authorities could never identify. Perhaps she was a neighborhood girl who tagged along with friends to the circus; perhaps she was a runaway; perhaps she had just wandered in to see the show; perhaps she and all her family perished in the flames. Perhaps she was a refugee child from war-torn Europe. But no parents ever come forward to say their little girl was gone. The young girl lays unclaimed, and on her toe the coroners put the tag 1565. She was laid to rest under a stone with the sad label “Little Miss 1565.”

Her picture – the girl without a name – haunted many. The police officers who ran the makeshift morgue and tried to identify the dead decorated her little grave several times a year the rest of their lives. Even a convicted burglar doing time in a Massachusetts pen regularly sent money for flowers for the little girl’s grave.

(Even the caliber of criminal was higher back in the day. Now a Massachusetts inmate might get the ACLU to help him get his verdict overturned on a technicality or get sex change surgery.)

Many years later, a picture of the young girl touched the heart of Rick Davey, a Hartford Fire Department investigator. In 1982, he began reviewing records of the fire. He developed leads from these records, and he interviewed people connected with the case in any way. By March 1991, he had solved the mystery of who the little girl was. He publicly identified Little Miss 1565 as Eleanor Cook.

How did he do it? When I interviewed Davey in 1995, he said the Connecticut state police did not release any of their records on the case until the 1980s, and many of these records were not available to the public. Some other records — including hospital records he checked — were not available to the public. Much of the work he did on the case, he said, was specialized work only a fire investigator or other law enforcement investigator could do. He said he got help from others because he was a lawman.

Davey told me there were obstacles to his investigation because of the laws on the books and the state of forensic science in 1944. He said no fire investigator had been in on the case, so the investigation wasn’t done as thoroughly as fire investigators can do them today. He also said the laws involving claiming bodies were laxer back then. He said all it took to claim a body was to identify a piece of the deceased’s clothing. “It was difficult to go to the morgue and not come back and have closure in the family,” he said. Some of them, he said, “needed something to bury.” He had to check on the possibility the wrong people claimed some victims’ bodies and buried their remains, mistakenly thinking they were burying their own loved ones.

Davey still ran into his share of dead ends despite his lawman’s connections. But the public record — and his ability to interpret it — was able to help him out. A Life magazine reporter, commenting on Davey’s sleuthing, noted a hospital archivist suggested he go to the Connecticut State Library. When he did, he found 20 boxes of materials the state police had purged from their files years earlier. In the boxes were a photo of a little girl named Eleanor Cook when she was alive, a lab report on samples of her hair, and many other documents pertinent to the investigation. These provided him with other leads. These records also provided the state librarian with 20,000 quarters — one for every page Davey copied on the library’s photocopier. The money came from his own pocket.

Davey said Little Miss 1565 was one of nine unidentified victims. Davey told me the girl was burned but actually died of blunt trauma not long after the fire. In other words, he said, she had been trampled to death in the general panic. He had the names of some of the unaccounted-for victims, and he tried to account for as many as he could. This meant he had to interview fire survivors and victims’ loved ones for leads and for eliminating false leads. Of the nine victims who were unidentified, two were girls. Davey eliminated a false lead by talking with a family suspected of burying the wrong girl. Davey also compared Eleanor Cook’s picture with the picture of the dead little girl in the morgue. He even took calipers to both pictures to measure distances between features on each girl’s face. In his analysis, they matched. Little Miss 1565 was Eleanor Cook.

Davey then worked to close the circle. Davey’s toughest job was one any one of us could have done if we had Davey’s determination. To find Eleanor Cook’s loved ones, Davey wrote Cooks throughout the Northeast for a year and a half … and asked them if they knew of any Cook who went to the circus the day the terrible fire struck it. Finally, Davey told me, he found a brother of Eleanor’s who had survived the fire. Donald Cook, he said, identified Little Miss 1565, the girl in the morgue photo, as his sister Eleanor. Little Miss 1565 had her name back.

Davey told me one of Eleanor’s brothers also died in the circus fire, and her mother was burned over 90 percent of her body in the terrible tragedy. He said Eleanor’s mother was in the hospital for several months, so the children’s aunt had to go to the morgue to identify her niece and nephew. The aunt identified her nephew among the dead, but she could not positively identify her niece. Eleanor’s body was buried four days later under the stone with the melancholy nickname “Little Miss 1565.”

Using clues from the files, Rick Davey also identified a possible arsonist. Transcripts of phone calls the Connecticut state police commissioner had taped after the fire and other documents pointed to a man who evidently confessed to setting the blaze, but was never prosecuted. The suspect Davey identified was a 14-year-old circus worker at the time of the Hartford circus fire. He was a suspect in a series of fires later.

Why wasn’t the confessed arsonist prosecuted in Connecticut? The Life article’s author said the Connecticut state police commissioner in 1950 may have tried to “torpedo” the suspect’s confession. He said the suspect, Robert Segee, confessed after several circus officials had served time in prison for involuntary manslaughter and other circus officials had paid millions of dollars to the families of the dead and injured. He strongly implied the state police had botched the original fire investigation.

Segee caught the attention of Ohio authorities in 1950, after a string of fires in the Buckeye State. They forced Segee into the state asylum for the criminally insane for a spell, because someone with authority deemed him in need of mental health treatment. They let him out when he was “cured.” Segee admitted starting the Hartford circus fire when he was in the state insane asylum, but recanted after he was able to gain release by convincing shrinks he was “all better now.” An admission of guilt could lead to life imprisonment or execution; Segee wasn’t that crazy.

Davey tracked down Robert Segee, whom he found in Ohio in 1991, and interviewed him. Segee (61 years old when Davey talked with him) denied setting the Hartford circus fire. However, because of info they had on Segee, and because of Davey’s painstaking work, Connecticut authorities in 1991 considered re-opening the case. Why? There is no statute of limitations for murder.

Sadly, Connecticut officials never made anyone stand charges for setting the fire which caused all those people to lose their lives. Davey, his voice hurting with disappointment, told me the state officials re-examined the results of the old investigation (the old one was done without the help of a fire investigator), and “ignored my finding. They chose to call it (the cause of the fire) ‘undetermined.’ It was the politically safe way to get out from under it.”

A detective from the office of the Connecticut State Fire Marshal told me the agents of his office concluded their investigation in the early 1990s and decided the cause of the fire was undetermined. He told me he thought the original listed cause of the fire — a discarded cigarette butt — was not the cause of the fire. In this, he agreed with Davey. Likewise, an agent with the Connecticut State’s Attorney’s Office told me no one – including Segee (who died in 1997) – was ever prosecuted for starting the fire. This doesn’t imply any wrongdoing or negligence on the agents’ part, or any off-center stridency on Davey’s part. What it says is all of these men — presumably honest men interested only in solving crime and protecting the public — could not agree on what the evidence said. It also says sadly that no one has ever been brought to justice for killing all of those people — at least not in this life.

Some have criticized Davey’s findings. But there was no way any of these Monday morning quarterbacks or anyone else could dare criticize Davey’s effort or his heart.

Even though no suspect has been brought to justice for killing all those people, Davey’s determination is still monumental. What caused him to do what he did?

“I fell in love with her photograph,” Davey said of Eleanor Cook. “I knew she and Miss 1565 were the same person. I had to do it now, or the witnesses (most were at the time at least 65) would all die. It rubbed me the wrong way … a girl was given a name 59 years ago, and it was taken away from her. It was so wrong.” Davey, who said he was sure of the identities of three other unidentified victims, but couldn’t prove it, added, “I’m sorry I couldn’t do it (provide identification beyond the shadow of a doubt) for the rest. I’m sorry I couldn’t erase the numbers we put on their names.”

Davey said basically the same things to a reporter when he made Eleanor’s identification public in 1991. “These (fire victims), ” he said, “even in death, have a right to expect that the truth be known.”



The records police, fire, and paramedic agencies keep, because of the people and situations they cover, can help you keep your family safe and expose wrongdoing or otherwise discover the truth. Your money pays for public records. You have the right to see them. There is nothing stopping you from being as wide-ranging a digger as me or as relentless a digger as Rick Davey and making the truth known yourself.

Politicians who make it hard for the public to get the truth for themselves make it easy for criminals to break the law. Treat these obstructionists like you would treat criminals.

And remember it is the peace officers, firemen, paramedics, and nurses who are real homeland defenders against external enemies, criminals and other internal enemies, fires and explosions, injuries from accidents, and diseases of all sorts. These dedicated men and women also serve in the war against terror and the war against pestilence. In an age when too many politicians welcome into the country carriers of lethal and dangerous diseases, and in an age when sexually transmitted diseases have political status, the peace officers, firemen, paramedics, and nurses face Ebola, AIDS, and many other threats to their health and safety besides the weapons of assailants, the igniters of arsonists, and the explosives of bombers.

These are the people who are on guard at all hours of the day and night. They are the people who risk their lives for all of us. These are the people who save so many in danger. These are the people who pull many a sufferer through his or her miseries. These are the people who console and help and stand watch over many a poor soul about to die, in the light of day, or in the darkness of the night. The records of their daily lives contain stories of tragedy, looking evil and death in the eye, and triumph of the human spirit. Please pray for them, for their safety, their good character and judgment, and that they always try honestly to fulfill the missions of protection their oaths require of them.






The story of Little Miss 1565 comes from an article in the 4/21/1991 issue of Newsweek, an 8/10/1993 Hartford Courant article, a connecticuthistory.org article on the fire (this site is at least partially state supported), an article in Life in November 1991, a 7/4/1950 article in the Lewiston, ME Daily Sun, and from my interview with Rick Davey in 1995. If you want to read something that will tear your heart open, read “The Little Girl in Grave 1565,” by Gary Smith, that Life article about Eleanor Cook, her mother, and all the other victims of that terrible tragedy … and keep a hanky nearby. It’s easily one of the saddest things you’ll ever read.

Doxing and You; Immigration Profiteers; Capital Gazette’s Shooting Fiasco

July01/ 2018

The latest leftist manufactured crisis is the surge of illegals, many of whom are gang members and drugrunners and jihadists, trying to get into the United States. Most of these people will be burdens to American workers, who will see their taxes and insurance premiums rise if the illegals are admitted. Others will rob, rape, and/or murder Americans. Some of these illegals will work off the books, costing American laborers their jobs and costing payroll taxes because neither hirers nor illegals will pay them.

Leftists want the illegals in the country because they can vote (illegally) and be clients for social services that government employees (mostly Democrats) need to dole out to justify their jobs. Leftists are so sure of getting most working Americans who are black or Hispanic or white laborers to vote for them they are okay with abandoning these peoples’ interests to cater to the illegals and to substandard legal immigrants.

How does this intersect with How To Be Your Own Detective?



Some of the leftists are “doxing” agents of the Department of Homeland Security to scare them into shirking their duties. They are going on line, using terms like “linkedin” and “Homeland Security” or “ICE” or “Border Patrol” or “Coast Guard.”

Then they are finding the names of people who identify themselves as members of these groups and other groups within the Department of Homeland Security. They are also using the Internet to look up companies who are contractors for DHS and are getting their key people’s names. They are also trawling Facebook and other social media sites for employees of DHS and contractor companies.

Scum on parade outside Kirstjen Nielsen’s home. Photo by Washington Post.


Then they are stalking these people, or threatening them. Recently a mob of leftist shitheels surrounded the home of DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

(For the record, the actual names of some of the key divisions of the Department of Homeland Security are the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the United States Coast Guard (USCG).)

“Doxing” means “search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.”

It’s OK to truthfully slam government people when they commit crimes or otherwise underachieve. Likewise for other crooked people. It’s not a good thing to try to incite unstable people to harm them.

Leftists are also doxing non-leftist politicians and government agents and are displaying their faces, addresses, and info about their family members on the Web. Some leftists have made threats against members of Congress and federal agency chiefs credible enough, based on their knowledge of the victims’ and their family members’ jobs or activities or schools or interests, that police have had to arrest them.

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The Truth About Ellis Island

June24/ 2018

(Continued from “Ellis Island not Gilligan’s Island, Part Two”)

Our current immigration mess did not happen overnight. Like many societal ailments this nation has today, its germs came from the 1960s.

On the TV in the mid 1960s was a dumb but harmless sitcom called “Gilligan’s Island.” It was about a group of people who survived a tourist boat wreck and landed on an uninhabited island. It had some nice eye candy in Dawn Wells and Tina Louise, but the focus of the show was on Bob Denver’s character Gilligan, the poor stooge who was the butt of everyone else’s jokes because of his dumb ideas which he expressed dumbly.

Gilligan’s bumbling would be an apt metaphor for the nation’s immigration policy from that time forward to today. What is considered the “modern era” of immigration began during the administration of Lyndon Johnson in the mid 1960s, while “Gilligan’s Island” was a popular show. Johnson and his Congress produced the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which introduced daisy-chaining of families of aliens into this country as federal immigration policy. In a way it is fitting, because Johnson owed his seat in the Senate (and his subsequent career which put him in the White House when he and the Deep State arranged the murder of John Kennedy) to illegal votes attributed to Mexican nationals in South Texas.


Over the years, many people have made many comments and complaints about immigration to America during the Ellis Island era. Since there are public histories and public records on the facts, we’ll discuss how many of these were true and how many were lies that got good PR.


(The “How to be Your Own Detective” angle — I wrote two books about Ellis Island using public records like government papers and newspaper articles. I also interviewed those in the know and submitted my work for subject expert review to a left-leaning expert and a right leaning expert. Any one of you readers could have done likewise, as my sources were open records.)



“We came to America packed in like sardines, in filthy quarters, with little food and with many sick people.”

That all too often was true until into the 1900s.

Steerage passengers were almost pure profit for steamship companies. Officers and employees of these companies sold cheap tickets to people, and fed them very little and provided them with very little in the way of sanitary facilities. They advertised all over Europe to lure poor people to buy tickets, and they were greedy enough to transport people who were sick, handicapped, or otherwise unfit to gain entry to America. They figured enough of these unfit people would somehow get by the inspectors and get into America.

American officials put laws with teeth in them into effect, and this pressure forced the steamship companies to do better. American officials started fining steamship companies for bringing in undesirables. They made steamship companies pay to feed, shelter, and provide medical treatment for aliens detained at Ellis Island or elsewhere in America, and they made steamship companies take rejected people back to Europe for free. They also quarantined ships in harbors and made steamship companies pay for related medical, feeding, lodging, and sanitation costs.

The more astute steamship company officials got the point. In the ports of Britain and Germany, the two greatest European maritime powers, there were fairly well-organized facilities for immigrants to clean themselves and undergo some medical screening. In some of the other countries, officials likewise upgraded their standards when they figured out America meant business.

Immigrants bound for America aboard the German ship “Patricia”


American immigration officials wanted to save American taxpayers from having to bear the burden of caring for and sending back people they didn’t want to admit to America. They also wanted to save would-be immigrants the expense and shattering experience of being turned back from America. So they made the standards known and prompted the steamship companies to follow them or lose money.


Irish girl and her dolly photobomb picture of this desirable Irish lass aboard the “Baltic.” The Colleen was one of about 1000 unaccompanied single young women aboard the British ship coming to New York in 1907. Word got out to the papers in New York about the precious cargo of Irish, Scottish, English and Scandinavian cuties aboard the vessel while it was still at sea. This resulted in a good-natured bachelor “riot” for the favor of these lovelies in the sidewalks of New York. Even Michigan government officials approached the young women, looking for Scandinavian farm girls to make Michigan warmer. “When you and I were young, Maggie ….”

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Ellis Island, Not Gilligan’s Island (Part Two)

June22/ 2018

(Continued from “Ellis Island not Gilligan’s Island, Part One”)

Our current immigration mess did not happen overnight. Like many societal ailments this nation has today, its germs came from the 1960s.

On the TV in the mid 1960s was a dumb but harmless sitcom called “Gilligan’s Island.” It was about a group of people who survived a tourist boat wreck and landed on an uninhabited island. It had some nice eye candy in Dawn Wells and Tina Louise, but the focus of the show was on Bob Denver’s character Gilligan, the poor stooge who was the butt of everyone else’s jokes because of his dumb ideas which he expressed dumbly.

Gilligan’s bumbling would be an apt metaphor for the nation’s immigration policy from that time forward to today. What is considered the “modern era” of immigration began during the administration of Lyndon Johnson in the mid 1960s, while “Gilligan’s Island” was a popular show. Johnson and his Congress produced the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which introduced daisy-chaining of families of aliens into this country as federal immigration policy. In a way it is fitting, because Johnson owed his seat in the Senate (and his subsequent career which put him in the White House when he and the Deep State arranged the murder of John Kennedy) to illegal votes attributed to Mexican nationals in South Texas.

(In today’s post, and over the next post or two, I am going to review immigration for you in an era when America did it right. I researched and published the book “When America Did Immigration Right” in 2010. I did the work using US laws and public record and interviews with subject experts. When you are done reading these, you will know more about immigration than almost all of our members of Congress and all of the liars in the media.)

It is easy and irresponsible to criticize the majority of immigration agents at Ellis Island and elsewhere from the safety of today. The truth is no other country welcomed immigrants like the United States did, and as a nation the United States was barely 100 years old itself when Ellis Island opened for business. In that time, the United States grew from an Atlantic Seaboard country into a country roughly as large as Europe, and had withstood a terrible Civil War.

There was no federal immigrant inspection law until 1891.Until that time, state officials had admitted immigrants to the United States. Federal authorities had federalized immigrant processing in New York City’s harbor in 1890, and they federalized immigrant processing in the rest of the country in 1891.

This chapter continues to look at how American officials screened immigrants coming through Ellis Island. We focus on Ellis Island for a very simple reason – volume. From when the U.S. government first started screening immigrants in New York in 1890 until the end of the great waves of immigration in 1924, federal agents on Ellis Island and elsewhere in the harbor facilities of New York City processed about 70% of all immigrants seeking to gain entry into the United States.



If an immigrant passed the in-line medical exam and no doctor decided he or she was diseased, crippled, or mentally defective, and no matron decided she was a prostitute, they would route him or her to the Registry Room, a huge auditorium-sized room that occupied the center of the second floor of the Main Building of Ellis Island.

In the Registry Room, she or he would undergo the legal inspection. (People pulled out of line for closer medical or mental evaluations who passed these evaluations would also then undergo the legal inspection in the Registry Room.) Ellis Island agents also called this inspection the “primary inspection.”

Italian man awaits primary inspection. Photo by Augustus Sherman, courtesy NYPL


During this inspection, the inspectors questioned the immigrants to account for them and to verify the information about them on the ship’s manifest. They also were looking for potential “problem children” that they would have to bar from entering the United States.

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