The other day, crackpot federal judge Richard Matsch ruled Colorado public officials had to kill the state’s sex offender registry and pay reparations to sex offenders. The lawyer for the predatory scum, errr, sex offender plaintiffs, is working at least two other similar cases, and in one of the cases, the ACLU is also involved on the side of the rapists and against the public.
This item popped up on Fox News September 6, 2017:
“DAVENPORT, Fla. – Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd put out a warning to sexual offenders and predators, and even those with outstanding warrants, that they’re not welcome at evacuation shelters.
Sheriff Judd Tweeted early Wednesday that sworn law enforcement officers will be at shelters checking IDs and that those who are sex offenders or predators are not allowed to stay. He went on to say that anyone with an outstanding warrant will also be escorted from the shelter to the Polk County Jail.
Other Twitter users, including the ACLU of Florida, fired back at Judd in response to the sheriff’s series of Tweets, saying he is exploiting natural disaster and endangering lives.
The ACLU released a statement on Twitter saying people with warrants are dealing with non-violent offenses and pose no risk to those in a shelter and shouldn’t have to worry about facing a natural disaster without aid to avoid going to jail over things like unpaid traffic tickets. “With a storm of Irma’s size and ferocity bearing down on the people of our state, Sheriff Judd should be working to prepare his community, not burnishing his Joe Arpaio-style ‘tough cop’ credentials with a series of irresponsible tweets,” the ACLU said.
Sheriff Judd says he stands by his statements. “If you show up at a shelter, we’re going to shelter you safely, but it’s going to be in the county jail because we have a legal obligation to execute the warrant,” Sheriff Judd told FOX 13.
The sheriff says that his tweets give all offenders fair warning, four or five days in advance, so those with warrants still have time to take care of their infractions and then go to a shelter if they choose to, or make other arrangements.”
Fox News noted: “Sexual predators and offenders, however, are never welcome at shelters, he (Sheriff Judd) said, and which is something they are told when they are placed on the sex offender registry.”
“In a time of potential disaster, there needs to be a place that you can run to and absolutely know you’re safe,” said Judd. “Do you want your five-year-old daughter sleeping next to a sexual predator?”
Why didn’t the ACLU offer to house all the sex offenders and other predators at their shelter?
Trick question.
The ACLU doesn’t have a shelter. Anywhere.
It’s like when the ACLU attacks Catholic hospital staffers for not performing abortions. Why doesn’t the ACLU offer abortions in their own hospitals? Because the ACLU never built a hospital in all the years of their miserable existence. They don’t do charity. What they do is complain and file lawsuits aimed at extorting the money of good people so they can do more suing and extorting, in my opinion. Besides, the ACLU is not in the hospital business because germicides don’t play nice with germs like them.
The ACLU and others like them lie about the recidivism rate of sex offenders in arguing against government sex offender registries. (But they don’t argue against fringe groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center tagging many normal organizations as hate groups even though fringe people use the info to shoot people with these organizations.)
If sex offenders really don’t commit many repeat sex offenses, like the opponents of the public wrongly claim, then it means sex offender registries which publicly label sex offenders as predatory scum are a good idea because they keep many young girls and young boys away from these monsters.
The people of Polk County, Florida elected Grady Judd sheriff to protect and to serve. Homeland security begins when women and children are protected … especially from vermin like child predators.
Sheriff Judd even offered to help these vermin if they would temporarily ride out the hurricane in the county jail. The child predators could also go out of state, like to Hollywood, or to a public school teachers’ convention, where they could blend in with their peers.