• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


October19/ 2017

Toward the end of the “Wizard of Oz,” Dorothy’s dog Toto pulled back the curtain to reveal the Wizard as a scam artist.

Someone similar happened recently. Someone made sex offender charges against Harvey Weinstein that the media finally saw fit to print.

Actress Rose McGowan, who the lecherous film exec settled out of court with when she charged he sexually abused her, and two other of Weinstein’s victims were finally believed. Their charges went viral when the New York Times published them in early October.

Harvey gave all kinds of money to various Democrats.

The Obamas let their daughter Malia intern for Harvey Weinstein recently.

Obama’s own mother Stanley Ann Dunham (no apparent relation to ugly exhibitionist Lena Dunham) was a model for pornographer Frank Marshall Davis. This is why some charge Davis and not Obama Senior was Barry’s natural father. There’s a silver lining to this for BO. If Frank Davis actually was Barry’s babydaddy, then since Davis was born in Kansas, the birther thing goes away.

Weinstein isn’t the only sex offender who gives big to the party of the Clintons. Most actors and actresses, TV and movie execs, musicians, and music business execs donate to leftist politicians. There has been no push from the Democrats who run the justice system in New York and California to do anything about the child molesting and rapes of girls, boys, and young women that these entertainment industry vermin commit.

Ironically, two presidents have showbiz backgrounds — Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump. But they are far outside the mainstream of entertainment business groupthink. “Old Hollywood” stars who were friends of Reagan helped him, but most of Hollywood attacked him. Virtully no one in the entertainment business who is big has had anything but hatred to spew at Trump. Espousing leftist politics, like covering up for powerful sex offenders, keeps you working in showbiz.

As the picture shows, Harvey Weinstein’s money really arouses Hillary. She and her foundation are refusing to give back any of the money Weinstein gave her.

The same with other Democrats who got Harveywood money. Those who are “giving up” funds are routing the cash to other political groups with similar goals to theirs, so it is a sham.

Harvey Weinstein gave big money to Planned Parenthood. Why not? He doesn’t want to pay child support, so they need to be available to abort the results of his exploitation. The Planned Parenthood Nazis aren’t giving up Harvey’s blood money either.

Harvey’s money even got Lisa Bloom, the phony feminist attorney daughter of feminist ambulance chaser Gloria Allred, to whore for him. Rose McGowan charged the female shyster offered her $6 million to support Weinstein publicly when he started to take incoming fire. Rose turned it down. Rose also shamed actresses and actors who are friends or enablers or servicers of Weinstein for their silence.

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October17/ 2017

In the late evening of October 1, 2017, a person or persons stationed in a suite and/or adjacent hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas started shooting on a crowd of concert goers to the Route 91 Harvest, a country music festival. The firing lasted about 10 minutes, and the person or persons doing the firing killed close to 60 innocent people and wounded more than 500 victims.

Two weeks later, the law enforcement officials in charge of investigating this horrible crime are starting to stand accused of an ugly crime nowhere near as brutal, but potentially fatal for their credibility – providing information in such a way as to stand accused of potential official coverup.

And the security guard who may well have seen who went in and/or out of a room the shooter used as a sniper post went missing five days ago, just before he was to tell his story to a national TV audience. Top that, Area 51 buffs.

I have held back from writing about this tragedy for so many decent people and their loved ones because I’m not there investigating the crimes against them personally.

However, what we’re hearing is not making many people feel good about the honesty of those telling us what happened.

Murder is a crime that falls under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement. However, the FBI will take part in a criminal investigation if the perpetrators violated federal laws or if the criminals appear to have crossed state lines or if the local people need extra help. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms will take part perpetrators broke federal laws involving these items. And other federal forces (ICE, Secret Service, and the like) will take part if the lawbreaking involves their areas of concentration.

Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo, who leads the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department responsible for policing Las Vegas and the rest of Clark County, is the local lawman in charge of the Route 91 Harvest mass murder investigation. The FBI is also involved. The FBI’s Special Agent in charge of the Las Vegas Division is Aaron Rouse. Disgraced fired FBI chief James Comey appointed Rouse to the position in July 2016, per a 7/28/2016 FBI press release.

The narrative being pushed by law enforcement is that one demented guy did it.
He snapped and went off, supposedly, due to a downturn in his life or gambling losses. Opponents of citizens’ right to bear arms right away called for massive gun control.

Days later, police announced they found notes that were calculations on trajectory, distance, and other technical matters that would have helped a shooter kill more people. Were the notes in Paddock’s handwriting? If so, it implies Paddock was a careful planner.

FBI people said the shooter acted alone.

Then Sheriff Lombardo blurted out the obvious at a press conference a few days later, according to a report in the 10/5/2017 Daily Mail.

“Do you think this was all accomplished on his own?” Lombardo asked, noting the arsenal of weapons the shooter amassed, and the discovery of explosives in his car. He added: “You’ve got to make the assumption he had to have some help at some point.”

Officials also said Paddock checked in to the Mandalay Bay Hotel September 28.

But an independent reporter named Laura Loomer reported valet records indicate Paddock was at the hotel as early as September 25. She accused FBI officials of lying.

It is conceivable one man could have taken all the guns and ammo up to the room in question using an elevator and a luggage cart. Paddock supposedly kept the housekeepers out, so they couldn’t report his arms cache.

But why would the guy need all that weaponry? No shooter used much of what he had.

He was alone in his room, lawmen said. His shack-up honey, one Marilou Danley, an Australian citizen of Filipino ancestry who met Paddock while she was a hostess for high rollers in casinos, went out of the country not long before his killing spree. She left her husband of 25 years, a man named Geary Danley, to be with Paddock. Paddock reportedly wired her as much as $100,000 while she was in the Philippines in late September.

But room service receipts that surfaced implied he was ordering for two. Who was the second person?

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October09/ 2017

Columbus Day … once a day of civic remembrance, is now just another paid holiday at our expense for federal and state and local government and public school loafers.

It is now ground zero for some social justice weenies who want to deface the great captain’s statues.

When I was young, the only statues in danger of defacement were those on college campuses.

Rival schools’ students would paint, say, Tommy Trojan, in their school colors.

Now a bunch of spoiled children are wanting to vandalize statues of Christopher Columbus. Some have already been defaced.  (Columbus statue in Central Park, NYC, is below and right.)

Like it or not, Columbus made it possible for permanent European settlement in America. Like it or not, Europeans settled the Americas and their descendants born in the Americas organized them into the societies we have today. That’s historical fact, not fiction.

Columbus and his men sailed across the Atlantic Ocean in wooden ships using navigational tools no more complex than a quadrant and an astrolabe. He kept a log and timed his voyage with a sandglass. And he could read star positions to guess his position at night. The average social justice warrior, at least one who owns a car, couldn’t find his way across town without a GPS.

Columbus’s voyage wasn’t even the most important event in Spain’s calendar that year. In January 1492, the Catholic rulers Fernando and Isabella and their soldiers smashed Moslem resistance at Granada and forced the Moors to return to North Africa. Ending the bloodthirsty and predatory occupation of Spain by Moslems that lasted almost eight centuries brought peace and unity to Spain.

New York police supposedly are guarding Columbus’ statue in New York. Maybe members of the Mafia are monitoring other statues so they can treat the disrespect of the First Italian with the severity they decide it deserves.

This follows on the heels of the Confederate statue controversy.

The desire to remove Jeff Davis’ and Nathan Bedford Forrest’s statues are rational. One ran the Confederacy; the other ran the KKK and massacred black soldiers.

But Silent Sam and other statues which show the average Rebel soldier should absolutely stay up. Like it or not, more than half the white men in the states of the Confederacy – about 1.5 million men – served in its rebellious army. Those statues represent Everyman in those states who left family and home and served in a war the evil and dumb politicians of those states started. Their bravery accounts for why the Civil War lasted so long. My ancestors in blue and about 2.8 million other Union soldiers needed four years to put them down.

Re-enactments of Civil War battles and the Old West are heritage, not hatred. The Yanks (including 200,000 blacks in uniform) and Rebs and cowboys and Indians and Buffalo Soldiers were tough.

We treasure American Indian memorials today even though many tribal nations were at war with the United States. And there is a monument in San Diego County, California that commemorates the victory of Mexicans and Spaniards over Americans at San Pasqual. It happened. We lost that day. Both sides’ men fought bravely. The monument belongs.

If there is any monument we should destroy, it is the monument we allowed the Japanese to put up in the Aleutian Islands to remember their dead. They sneak-attacked us and seized Alaskan islands. They murdered tens of millions of Asians and forced many thousands of women to service their troops sexually. To quote Harry Truman after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, “Screw the Japs.” Melt that monument into bullets for our military. The social justice punks are nowhere in sight on that issue. They are too busy affirming draft dodgers and sex offenders like Bill Clinton.

We don’t fail to honor the service of American men, even in the Balkan wars, although Bill Clinton wrongfully decided to have thousands of Serbs murdered after he was outed receiving oral sex from Monica Lewinsky. One could argue our men were in the wrong because the Serbs were fighting Moslem aggression. Friends of mine who served in that fiasco did not want to kill the Serbs, and they were disgusted by our Moslem “allies.”

Some argue the monument to Ulysses S. Grant in New York should come down. The agitators flunked history. Grant won the Civil War, which allowed the outlawing of slavery. But New Yorkers weren’t fond of Grant when he was alive. A very low proportion of New York City residents served in the Civil War, and draft riots in the Big Apple in 1863 were so severe that Union soldiers who had just fought at Gettysburg had to quell the rioters. New York City was pro-Southern and mostly Democrat during the war; their leaders hindered the draft and other pro-Union work during the Civil War. Those are historical facts too.

Maybe Ulysses and Julia Grant should come home to the Midwest if New York City’s ingrates want them and their memories gone.

Why can’t Bill and Hillary be buried east of the Mississippi River? Unfortunately they’re not dead yet.

The social justice weenies want Andrew Jackson’s statue in New Orleans gone. Again, jealousy. Or maybe (how do I say this without vulgarity?) envy of his masculinity. Jackson and Creoles, Kentuckians, Southerners, blacks and some reputed pirates protected the Crescent City from British invasion and looting. In the process, they killed half the redcoats sent against them, and killed the general who led them.

DC was not so fortunate. The Brits burned the White House four months earlier. The feds fled. But Dolley Madison and the servants and slaves of the White House spirited away George Washington’s portrait, the dies and plates used to make U.S. coins and paper money, and some important government records. Dolley’s heroism and charm is why the great Zachary Taylor, speaking at her funeral, called her the “First Lady” of America.

Some scumbag spray-painted the statue of Padre Junípero Serra in front of San Fernando Mission in L.A.s’ San Fernando Valley this year. Father Serra protected American Indians from the harshest aspects of Spanish rule, and integrated American Indians into Hispanic society.

Some inbred scumbag even spray-painted social justice gibberish on the beautiful golden bronze statue of Joan of Arc in New Orleans this year. Not a single feminist complained. Guess they were too busy servicing Harvey Weinstein. Joan and her men lifted the siege of Orleans in France, the city our own Big Easy is named after. She is the patroness of New Orleans.

Joan of Arc Statue, New Orleans. Photo courtesy of Maid of Heaven.com

Some Chicago pinhead, whose mother may be unsure who his father is, defaced and set fire to a statue of Abraham Lincoln earlier this year. This, after some loser or losers defaced the Lincoln Memorial in DC. No good deed goes unpunished.


Destroying history is robbing Americans of their heritage. Then charlatans can rush in and make ridiculous claims. Like President Obama did when he claimed Moslems helped build America. Yep, Abdul Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Habeeb Beauregard fought in the Civil War. And Mohammed and Clark explored the West.

Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.

On October 7 this past Saturday, more than one million Poles traveled to the boundaries of their nation to pray the Rosary for the protection of their nation. Why?

On October 7, 1571, outnumbered Spanish, Italian, and Croatian sailors and soldiers under the command of Don Juan of Austria defeated the Moslem Turks in the sea battle of Lepanto off the Greek coast. It was the last great sea battle between galleys. Pope Saint Pius V attributed the victory to the praying of the Rosary, and he chose October 7 to be Our Lady of the Rosary Day on the Catholic calendar.

The Poles and other Eastern Europeans are muscular Catholics, not sissy kumbaya Catholics. 99 and I attend Mass in Eastern European ethnic parishes when we can for this reason. They defended Europe from the Mongols and Moslems. The Poles and other Eastern Europeans lifted the Moslem Turk siege of Vienna in 1683. The Poles fought the Nazis and the Communists. When they were expelling Swedish invaders in the mid 1600s, one of the bishops of Poland fired a cannon at the Swedes.


Poles pray Rosary at eastern border of nation. Photo by Wojtek Radwanski.

During World War Two, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen said the Poles were like Christ, crucified between thieves. FDR’s leftist bedwetter functionaries contacted Bishop Sheen and demanded he not attack the Communist Soviet Union as they were our allies. Bishop Sheen replied he would call the Russians the good thieves.

Poland’s faithful Catholics ignored the social justice ravings of Pope Francis, who wants Europe to let in so many Moslems that it becomes Eurabia. They prayed for the protection of their land. They know what it is like to face oppression.

So do the Hungarians, the Lithuanians, the Czechs, the Slovaks, the Croatians, and the Slovenes (Melania’s people); these nations are historically Catholic. So do the historically Orthodox Christian Serbs, Romanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, and Macedonians.

It is no co-incidence the people and leaders of these lands are reaching out to fellow nationalist and promoter of European and American civilization Donald Trump. Their patriots and our patriots have the same God and Nation and Family mindset.

Prayers can help other Christian societies as well. America is mostly a Protestant society. Who besides atheists and jihadists would argue God doesn’t listen to Protestants’ and Jews’ prayers when they reflect His will? Washington prayed regularly at Valley Forge. Zachary Taylor declared a day of fasting and prayer during an epidemic in 1849. Taylor also postponed his inauguration for a day because the day fell on a Sunday. He believed people’s prayers were more important than politicians’ power. (Compare this to how LBJ crudely took power while poor Jackie Kennedy, spattered with JFK’s blood and all cried out, watched in shock.) Abraham Lincoln set up Thanksgiving as a national holiday. And he said America should try to be on God’s side instead of assuming God was on America’s side. These great men were Protestants.

Back to Columbus. When he presented some American Indian captives in chains to Fernando and Isabella, Queen Isabella became enraged. “Unchain them!” she demanded. “These are my subjects, not slaves!”

Those who criticize Queen Isabella should remember she fought Moslems who used treachery and murder against her people. Queen Isabella was harsh on enemies of Spain. She was also harsh on rapists. She had them executed, sometimes by fire. What good parent wouldn’t want a person of Queen Isabella’s mindset in charge of prosecution of those who molest children?

What historical figure is without flaw?

Only Jesus Christ. And He was crucified by the jealous.

So, now that I’ve meandered thru history, what should you take away from today’s post?

Simply these:

A nation whose people forget their history are condemned to repeat it.

A nation whose people turn their backs on God will get His assent in keeping His helping hands away from them.





October02/ 2017

A California parole board in September 2017 did what too many California parole boards do – recommend a murderer be released back into Society.

But this one was special. They recommended that Leslie Van Houten, a Manson Family killer, be released.

When she went on trial, Leslie Van Houten was disruptive and defiant, because Charles Manson wanted it that way. It got out Leslie had problems before she met Manson. Perhaps they made her receptive to his message.

Murderesses Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten and police escorts, Manson Family Trial. Credit: Los Angeles Herald Examiner. I like the look on the policewoman between Patty and Leslie. My brother (who I don’t name for his own privacy), a Manson Trial buff, gave me the heads-up on Leslie’s possible break.


Leslie said her boyfriend impregnated her when she was 17, then abandoned her. Leslie said her divorced mother, with whom she lived, forced her into an “induced miscarriage” …. in other words, an abortion. It was 1966, when most people and even most judges and politicians understood abortion for covering up unwed or illicit sexual activity was homicide. So Leslie said her mother got a referral for a doctor who might abort her child illegally and had her do things that would cause her to abort the second-trimester baby. She passed the baby at home and buried her in the back yard.

Adults told Leslie it was okay to kill for convenience.

Leslie heard from her peers it was also okay to kill for Charlie. On August 10, 1969, Leslie was one of a bunch of Manson Family members who murdered Rosemary and Leno La Bianca. They stabbed the couple scores of times.

Charles Manson sent out Linda Kasabian, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Charles “Tex” Watson to murder actress Sharon Tate and her unborn baby, hair stylist Jay Sebring, heiress Abigail Folger, and her companion Wojciech Frykowski one evening earlier. Watson also murdered Steven Parent, a teen who was leaving the premises that night (August 9, 1969 going to August 10, 1969).

The next night Manson was with the other killers. He picked the La Bianca residence and had Leslie Van Houten, Patricia, Susan, and Tex murder the couple after he and Tex tied them up.

Linda Kasabian, who was present both nights, refused to attack anyone. Manson ordered her to drive because she was the only one who had a valid driver’s license.

Watson fled to Texas months later and was convicted separately from the other Manson murderers after a long extradition fight.

Leslie was not attracted sexually to Manson; she was several inches taller than him. She had a crush on another Manson Family killer named Bobby “Cupid” Beausoliel. (Beausoleil and Bruce Davis killed musician Gary Hinman after Manson slashed Hinman’s ear with a sword.) But Leslie committed murder at Manson’s command. She also fired two lawyers who intended to put on a defense for her that would blame her actions on Manson. When her court-appointed lawyer Ronald Hughes tried to do the same toward the end of the trial, he wound up murdered.

Linda Kasabian ran away from the Manson Family days after the murders and was the star witness in the trials that led to their convictions. Jurors found Leslie, Patricia, Susan, and Manson guilty of murdering the La Biancas. They also convicted Manson, Ms. Krenwinkel, and Ms. Atkins of the murders of Sharon Tate, Ms. Folger, Frykowski, and Sebring. Other jurors convicted Watson of these crime later.

California parole officials recommended parole for Leslie Van Houten in September 2017. They had also first recommended parole for Leslie in 2016, but Governor Jerry Brown shot it down. Brown may also flush the 2017 recommendation for her release. Parole officials also want to release Manson Family killer Bruce Davis, but Brown has kept him in prison. So far. Brown, like a stopped watch, is right once in a while.

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September29/ 2017

Today, September 29, is the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel. He ran Satan into Hell. He is the patron of first responders.



Sunday, September 24, Emanuel Samson, a large powerfully-built Sudan refugee with some personal issues like domestic violence incidents, decided to shoot up a Tennessee church he had attended a few times. He killed a woman in the prime of her life and wounded several other people.

(UPDATE) A 22-year-old usher named Robert Engle confronted Samson when he entered the church. Samson pistol-whipped Engle, but foolishly shot himself in the process. This allowed Engle to run to his car, get his own gun, and hold the killer at bay until police came. Police reportedly found info in Samson’s car noting his acts might be revenge for white scumbag Dylann Roof shooting black worshipers at a church in South Carolina. (Alleged killer. Samson is presumed innocent until proven guilty.) (END OF UPDATE)

Unfortunately Samson is still alive and jobless, so Tennessee taxpayers will have to house him and feed him and provide him with shrinks who will say toilet training in America was different than it was in Sudan, so maybe he went over the edge due to this injustice. Taxpayers will also pick up the tab for his defense lawyers, who will argue Samson is not guilty by reason of temporary insanity, or the whites at the church deserved it, or that police dissed him when they checked on his squabbles with his girlfriend, or some other lie.

Tennessee taxpayers will be on the hook for his incarceration. It takes awhile to execute murderers, and most of them don’t draw the death penalty anyway.

Now to the usher. In the moment the killer came gunning for church victims, Robert Engle was exactly what his church needed, a responder and a hero.

“It would appear he was not expecting a brave individual like the church usher to initiate the struggle and confrontation,” (a Nashville police spokesman) said, per a 9/25/2017 CNN article.

That’s governmentspeak for Engle showing guts in detaining a guy who shot other people and hurt him. But the police spokesperson was right. The killer didn’t expect civilian opposition.

Churches are “gun free zones.” So are schools. This is why a coward or a nutjob can kill lots of people at such places. They don’t encounter armed opposition.

Moslems attack and kill priests in churches. They also killed Malcolm X the day he didn’t have armed guards at his gathering. Dylann Roof, a scumbag who is white, murdered blacks in a church. A number of worthless people have murdered others at churches and schools because they didn’t expect armed opposition.

It used to be different.

I saw pictures of Pilgrims and pioneers in church with guns when I was a boy.

When 99 and I went to Slovakia, we saw little country Catholic churches with walls around them. The people built these walls for self defense when the Moslem Turks came to raid and kill, and carry off pretty young women and teen girls as sex slaves. Or rape these desirable females for days, then behead them and stack their heads like bowling balls, like the Turks did in Batak, Bulgaria in 1876.

New Lexington, Ohio’s own Januarius MacGahan, a cousin of General Phil Sheridan, reported this horrible atrocity to the world when he came to the village a short time later. He shamed the British government into cutting aid to the Turks.

All over the Balkans there are Catholic and Orthodox churches with such walls because of the Moslems.

This is a photo of a walled church in Divin, Slovakia, taken by Franz Bauer, Vienna.

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September28/ 2017

Johnny Cash was an outlaw in the public mind, but he had a touch of detective in him too. Here, in his own voice, is a story of how he used land records to bust a thieving accountant. And true to type as a historical storyteller, Cash added a historical whodunit as a bonus; it went a little bit like this:


“My farmhouse is an old simple two-story structure built in 1847 out of poplar logs by a retired soldier of the Mexican War, Captain Joseph Weems. (He was sitting on the porch of the house) in 1862 on the day just after the surrender of Nashville to the Yankees, when two Union cavalrymen rode up into the yard.

Captain Weems had a cow out in his pasture, and the Yankees wanted it …. they didn’t ask politely, the story goes – they must have been feeling their oats – and neither did they take kindly to the fact Captain Weems was wearing his full Mexican War uniform. He was a military-minded man.

He spoke sharply. “You’re not taking my cow. I’ve got babies who have to have that milk.”

“Well, we’re taking it anyway,” said one Yankee.

“Are you armed?” asked the other.

“You’d just about have to search me to find that out, now wouldn’t you?” was the captain’s reply.

“Well,” said one, “If you’ve got a gun, we’re going to take it from you, ‘cause we’re not going to let you people keep your guns either.”

He started toward the porch. Captain Weems didn’t hesitate. He pulled out his pistol and killed both those horse soldiers right there. They died in the front yard.

Their comrades never found out what happened to them. Captain Weems and his family chased away their horses, burned their gear, and buried them in unmarked graves in the family cemetery up the hill. They’re still there today, though nobody knows exactly where. Captain Weems is there, too, his gravesite plainly marked.

The Yankees sure tried to get the truth, coming back through here day after day, but nobody breathed a word, and in the end the had to give up and go away. The whole affair remained a family secret for a long time; now it’s a local legend.”

Then Cash took his story in a different direction.

“It was odd how I acquired this place. Sad, really. It came to me as a result of a crime by a man I trusted.”

(Cash then explained his wife June Carter wanted to write a check for a lot of expensive furniture, so he called his accountant to see how much money he had in that account. The accountant hemmed and hawed and told him he owed a lot of money for bills even though Cash knew he had deposited scores of thousands of dollars in the bank from tour receipts. Cash swung by his office, looked at the bills, and discovered his accountant had not been paying bills for some time.)

“The man had been stealing our money, taking it for himself and buying properties with it. His wife had been using it to buy jewelry.

That was a hard lesson – harder for him than for me, because all I had to do was never again choose an accountant by driving down the main street where I lived and looking for a sign saying “Accountant,” which is how I found Uncle Pete. Then I’d just have to keep periodic tabs on where the money was going, whoever was actually putting it there.

Pete, on the other hand, had to give the money back and face the threat of prosecution. As it turned out, we decided not to prosecute – he had a lot of tragedy in his family around that time, and besides, he really was a nice man, well loved in the community. What we did was search out the properties he’d bought with our money and make him sign them over to us. We were doing that when it occurred to us we should investigate his farm, where Carlene and Rosie had spent many a happy weekend playing with his kids. And sure enough, there it was: he’d paid cash for it, our cash.

We sold all the other properties, but this one I just had to keep.”

Maybe Johnny remembered all the second chances he got. Cash got his money back, but he cut the thief a huge break, which saved him from prison and from losing his license and livelihood.  Would you expect different from The Man In Black?

What Johnny left out in this account (from CASH – The Autobiography) was he had real estate records checked in several Tennessee counties (and maybe even a couple of counties in Kentucky and Florida also) to see if his accountant or his accountant’s wife turned up as a property owner in the property deeds records.

Maybe Cash had those counties’ county assessor records searched as well. When you own property, there is property tax. Which means there is a public record. Some people might put someone else’s name on a property deed to hide the real owner of the property, but the property tax bills usually go to a mailing address associated with the real owner to make sure the tax gets paid.

Government people never keep their hands in their own pockets; they put ‘em in most of ours. And they generate public records in the process. Keep this in mind if you have to do some of your own detective work on property.





September25/ 2017

This post happened because of something the Cleveland Clowns and Indianapolis Sneakers did at 1 PM Eastern Time Sunday 9-24-17.

I watched as many on both teams knelt or linked arms instead of saluting the Flag.

Click. Off.

I turned on the laptop and found many other players had done something equally stupid and disrespectful around the NFL.

In fact, many of the Jacksonville Jaguars, owned by a Pakistani Moslem, and the Baltimore Ravens, stolen from NE Ohio (much like the Colts were stolen from Maryland), in London to play a game before a British audience, knelt during our anthem and stood during theirs. I guess someone forgot to tell these MENSAs most slaves brought to America came in British ships, and the British were the most avaricious of the colonial powers in Africa (if you don’t count all the Moslem slavers).

The millionaire kneelers and the parasite billionaire owners who back their posing around the league (with the honorable exception of Carolina’s NFL vet owner Jerry Richardson) also don’t mention the hideously expensive facilities where they play came out of the wallets of millions of small taxpayers, leaving the cities that have them with less money for police protection from criminals and other projects that might help the working poor in these cities. NFL owners basically blackmailed cities for decades to get the free cribs. Perhaps they should lose their anti-trust exemption and the cities should take back the stadiums by eminent domain. 

Instead of watching NFL football yesterday, I decided to write about real heroes and those who commemorate them.

Those of us who love the country by and large love the exploits of our fighting men and their womenfolk as they built up this nation. Many of you might enjoy historical re-enactments and historical sites in your areas.

99 and I have seen re-enactments and historical sites in half the states of the Union. We have visited the resting place of Good King Wenceslas inside a church in Prague Castle, the Battle of the Bulge Museum in Belgium (where my division, the 101st, held out despite being surrounded by Germans during World War Two), Charlemagne’s Cathedral in Germany, Tara in Ireland (a hill where St. Patrick preached to the High King and his court outside at night inside a perimeter of torches and armed warriors), and the house in Lorraine in which Joan of Arc lived. We went to Mass in the little church she attended also … the little home parish of a saint and a warrior patriot.

Believe it or not, there is now a group in New Orleans called “Krewe d’ Jeanne d’ Arc” which features Joan and medieval history re-enactments and history lectures. Joan’s group seems to be a mix of devout Catholics and non-religious people. Even those with few beliefs but good hearts will honor someone they respect in their own way.

I’ve been on the Battle of New Orleans site, where Andrew Jackson, a bunch of Southerners and Kentuckians, free blacks, Creoles, and French privateers beat a British invasion force. Joan and her men freed Orleans, France, and Jackson and his men protected the city named after Joan’s first big military victory.

At the politically incorrect Gettysburg re-enactment in 2013, I saw a Texas buddy in action for the Rebs one day. The next day I photographed a firefight involving the son of my oldest friend and other Union re-enactors against Johnnies coming thru the woods. Many of the re-enactors’ ladies were charming in period costume. And a few girls got into uniform to add to the ranks.

Black powder smoke makes its own fog of war. The Rebs are about to try to rush the Union troops, shown here on the defensive. In tan or gray uniforms, they blend in with the trees and the smoke. Even the Southerners’ red battle flag is only a flash in the center of the picture. I took this picture mid-morning on a very sunny day.

At an Antietam re-enactment, 99 and I saw a full-on simulated clash with some injuries and men thrown from horses and wagons. These things happened back in the day. And we witnessed some Christian espionage. A teenage girl dressed in Civil War era dress and boots slyly gave out invites to her church along with info on the battle.

I braved the sleet one Christmas morn, after going to Midnight Mass, to see Washington and his men cross the Delaware River. Except for his “Joisey” accent, the man who played Washington was totally believable. He was tall, in good shape, commanding, a bit blunt and harsh, and very businesslike. One woman asked, “Why is Washington’s hair brown and in a ponytail?” I said Washington had brown hair and it was only later that he started to have bad hair and facial wrinkles like Hillary. Everyone within earshot roared with laughter.

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September21/ 2017

Here are two schools whose teachers recently garnered national attention for possibly flunking the Pee Wee Herman test or the Lisa Nowak test.

“CERRITOS (CBSLA) Students tied up? Staff acting as slave ship captains?

As KCAL9/CBS2’s Michele Gile reports, a high school in Cerritos is under fire after a controversial student history project about slavery. Whitney High School junior Timothy Reyes had his hands taped together and was a part of a slave ship reenactment when he was an 8th grader on the Cerritos campus.

A mother complained recently after getting an email from her son’s teacher explaining the “unique classroom activity,” which was to be a surprise. Staff would act as slave ship captains, the email described, and the children slaves.

After lining the kids up, the note said, they’d “use masking tape to ‘tie’ their wrists together, make them lay on the ground, and in a dark room have them watch a clip from the film ‘Roots.’ ”

We and our ancestors learned history without films and without the lesson plan thought up by these outhouse Einsteins. Our history books had pictures and less anti-American propaganda.

Okay, so the school was in Southern California. But it’s not just in the land of fruits, nuts, and flakes where teachers add strange things to the curriculum.

A 9/12/2017 New York Daily News story reported this:

“A Utah high school teacher has been accused of giving students a questionnaire on sex and drugs and then grading them as “nerd” and other offensive names.

The educator, who teaches at Roy High School, was placed on paid administrative leave, the Deseret News (a Utah paper) reports.

According to Weber School District spokesman Lane Findlay, the quiz was given to junior class students as part of the college-credit course Adult Roles and Financial Literacy. Parents had to give their permission for students to take the course, but Findlay told the outlet that the questionnaire was not approved by the district to be a part of the curriculum.

The outlet reports that the 30-question assessment, titled “Know Thyself,” asked students whether they’ve tried alcohol, had abortions and their past experiences on being kissed. Some of the questions allegedly included, “have you ever had sex without using a contraceptive,” “ever stolen money to buy drugs” and “even though you are straight, would you go kinky to see what it’s like?”

The Deseret News reports that students racked up points based on whether they answered “yes” to any of the questions. They were then graded on a scale from nerd, “pure as ivory soap and maybe a fruitcake” and “hopeless and condemned.”

The district was made aware of the quiz over the weekend after parents complained to school officials.

Findlay told the outlet that the origin of the questionnaire was an “Ann Landers, Dear Abby-type of thing” and he doesn’t think the teacher was trying to be malicious. “We want to make sure it’s not ever given to students in the future,” he said. “Our apologies go out to the students and their families.” “

An update from the Deseret News on 9/15/2017 noted 25-year teaching veteran Candace Thurgood, 51, was the offender. School administrators reinstated the pry, errr, prof, but made her lose the scummy survey. The reporter noted school district officials stated the surveys on students’ sexual behaviors or illegal behavior violate federal and state laws.

No foolin’. But I’m betting they won’t push to prosecute her.

And college credit for learning to behave like an adult and manage finances? No wonder too many of our college kids need safe spaces.

Okay, so even if Utah is conservative, the people who settled it were polygamist separatists. The state’s most well-known leader had more than 20 “sister wives” and the nickname “Bring ‘em in Young.” He fathered 59 kids by 16 of these women. Take that, NBA and NFL stars.

But I could provide similar examples of teacher and administrator misconduct in virtually every state in the Union.

Such as:

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September20/ 2017

Illinois governor Bruce Rauner is taking criticism for signing a bill that essentially makes Illinois a “sanctuary state” for illegal aliens.

The governors of California and New York have essentially withdrawn their states from the Union, much like the idiotic Southern governors did in the run-up to the Civil War, when it comes to enforcing laws against the harboring of millions of fugitives, many of whom are rapists, robbers, jihadists, and other killers, from foreign countries. The governors of Oregon, Washington, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Minnesota are ruling along the same lines. Rauner is moving his state in a similar direction. He is the only alleged Republican in the bunch.

Rauner signed legislation in August 2017 that would limit cooperation with federal immigration officials, angering members of his own party who say the law creates a “sanctuary state.” So reported Brooke Singman, a scribe for Fox News, on 8/28/17.

“The Illinois TRUST Act (the bill Rauner signed) bans local law enforcement from stopping, arresting, searching or detaining anyone based solely on immigration status. …it bars local officials from detaining anyone solely on the basis of a federal immigration detainer, unless federal officials have a criminal warrant.” So reported Ms. Singman.

Another woman is questioning whether Rauner is making Illinois a sanctuary state for bad foster parents.

We were contacted by this woman, who has been trying to gain custody of her grandson and adopt him. Her quest has run for at least four years. Her daughter and the natural father are both druggies, so she wanted to protect the little boy.

Instead, child protective services people in an Illinois county placed the boy with a relative of the sperm donor “in the best interests of the child.”

The woman asked us to look into the sperm donor and the foster couple, who state officials consider good enough to be foster parents.

We found the natural father has a string of convictions and lesser punishments for drug offenses, multiple DUIs, theft, car title violations, a concealed weapon incident, and criminal trespass in Illinois and Kentucky. He was also on the wrong end of a child support case. He is probably not father material in the sense of raising the little boy responsibly and setting him a good example.

The “haven” to where local social workers sent the little boy was the house in which the sperm donor’s uncle and uncle’s current honey live. The uncle/foster dude had financial problems, as evidenced by his conviction related to a bad check, and his eviction, as well as a divorce which showed his first ex-wife was the breadwinner. He also had assault and DUI related convictions, and matching ex-wives. The first one sued him for adultery after she was supporting him. The second sued him for cruelty, and had married him even after he beat her when she was his live-in girlfriend. The woman currently keeping his bed warm had an older son (now moved out) a paternity suit against this son’s natural father, who she later married as her first husband, a divorce, and a daughter (now moved out) who had a baby and a restraining order against a boyfriend before she was 20. Continue Reading


September10/ 2017

Holding public office in America should be an honor and a trust.

For example, the American people elected Kentucky’s Zachary Taylor as president in 1848. They chose Old Rough and Ready (a nickname he got for his guts and his lack of fake polish) not because he was a skillful politician, but because they appreciated his lifetime of service to the nation as a military officer who made good decisions and shared the dangers and deprivations of his men on the frontier and in battle. Taylor was one of the nation’s best military officers in the half-century before the Civil War.


Taylor himself was a kind and honest man who was accused of being an American Indian lover because he was much more fair to them than the average officer. During the Seminole War, Taylor and his men captured a number of blacks who lived with the Seminoles and he allowed them to go to Oklahoma with the Seminoles according to their wishes instead of selling them into slavery, like many speculators and slaveholders wanted him to do.

During the Mexican War, which started when Mexicans crossed the Rio Grande into Texas and killed or captured some of his men, Taylor clamped down on anti-Catholic bigotry in his ranks. Irishmen and Creoles were serving with his army. He told his men the Mexicans were from a fellow Christian land, even if they were Catholics instead of Protestants like he and most of his men were. Taylor punished men in his command who raped or robbed or wrongfully shot Mexican civilians during the Mexican War. (However, he let Mexican officials know he would destroy any town whose people harbored guerillas.) Taylor paid out of his own pocket for the treatment of severely wounded Mexican soldiers when he took Mexican towns they were left behind in because the Mexican government and the War Department refused to do so.

Taylor stood up to the wrongful conduct of his superiors in the Polk Administration during the war. All of the above marked “Old Rough and Ready” as a truly great man.

Taylor’s wife Peggy, instead of sipping juleps on the porch of their plantation, served on the frontier with him. She lived in rude housing, raised their children, sewed uniforms, nursed the sick, and wrote letters home for illiterate soldiers. She turned down the honor of being the First Lady (a term her husband coined when he eulogized Dolley Madison at her funeral) because she made a vow to God to turn down the honors of society if only He would let her Zack come home safe from the Mexican War. Their charming daughter Betty served in her stead as “Hostess of the White House.” No woman of Peggy’s wealth would do these things today. She was a noble woman in the best sense of the word.

Taylor, despite being a slaveholder, saw slavery was tearing the country apart. So he decided to limit slavery with an eye toward ending it. Senator William Seward evidently got him to consider using federal money to buy the slaves their liberty and set them up as sharecroppers or pioneers in the West. (This was also an idea of Congressman Abraham Lincoln.) The Democrats, the party of slavery, opposed Taylor. Taylor’s own Whigs, like the GOP today, were led by Establishment politicians who looked down on him but envied him.

Taylor defied them all. He maneuvered to get gold rushing California and mostly Spanish and Catholic New Mexico into the Union as free states to break the slavery deadlock in the Senate. He threatened secessionist politicians to their faces with hanging if he was to catch them in rebellion. He sent troops to New Mexico to keep Texans from seizing the land. And he believed the Mormons were degenerate polygamists, so he rejected their claims to Nevada, and large parts of Colorado, Arizona, Idaho, and California, and kept them in limbo.

Key senators like Whigs Henry Clay and Daniel Webster and Democrat Stephen Douglas (and most other Democrat senators) wanted to put a stern fugitive slave act on the books. Taylor opposed this as well. Taylor said slaves usually ran away because they were being mistreated. Even though he was outnumbered in votes in the Senate and House, Taylor could veto legislation, order the Army to protect the people of New Mexico from invasion by Texans, and order the Navy to block a slaveholder attempt to invade Cuba and make it a slave state. “Old Rough and Ready” did all three.

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