• Today is: Wednesday, October 16, 2024


September20/ 2017

Illinois governor Bruce Rauner is taking criticism for signing a bill that essentially makes Illinois a “sanctuary state” for illegal aliens.

The governors of California and New York have essentially withdrawn their states from the Union, much like the idiotic Southern governors did in the run-up to the Civil War, when it comes to enforcing laws against the harboring of millions of fugitives, many of whom are rapists, robbers, jihadists, and other killers, from foreign countries. The governors of Oregon, Washington, Virginia, Massachusetts, and Minnesota are ruling along the same lines. Rauner is moving his state in a similar direction. He is the only alleged Republican in the bunch.

Rauner signed legislation in August 2017 that would limit cooperation with federal immigration officials, angering members of his own party who say the law creates a “sanctuary state.” So reported Brooke Singman, a scribe for Fox News, on 8/28/17.

“The Illinois TRUST Act (the bill Rauner signed) bans local law enforcement from stopping, arresting, searching or detaining anyone based solely on immigration status. …it bars local officials from detaining anyone solely on the basis of a federal immigration detainer, unless federal officials have a criminal warrant.” So reported Ms. Singman.

Another woman is questioning whether Rauner is making Illinois a sanctuary state for bad foster parents.

We were contacted by this woman, who has been trying to gain custody of her grandson and adopt him. Her quest has run for at least four years. Her daughter and the natural father are both druggies, so she wanted to protect the little boy.

Instead, child protective services people in an Illinois county placed the boy with a relative of the sperm donor “in the best interests of the child.”

The woman asked us to look into the sperm donor and the foster couple, who state officials consider good enough to be foster parents.

We found the natural father has a string of convictions and lesser punishments for drug offenses, multiple DUIs, theft, car title violations, a concealed weapon incident, and criminal trespass in Illinois and Kentucky. He was also on the wrong end of a child support case. He is probably not father material in the sense of raising the little boy responsibly and setting him a good example.

The “haven” to where local social workers sent the little boy was the house in which the sperm donor’s uncle and uncle’s current honey live. The uncle/foster dude had financial problems, as evidenced by his conviction related to a bad check, and his eviction, as well as a divorce which showed his first ex-wife was the breadwinner. He also had assault and DUI related convictions, and matching ex-wives. The first one sued him for adultery after she was supporting him. The second sued him for cruelty, and had married him even after he beat her when she was his live-in girlfriend. The woman currently keeping his bed warm had an older son (now moved out) a paternity suit against this son’s natural father, who she later married as her first husband, a divorce, and a daughter (now moved out) who had a baby and a restraining order against a boyfriend before she was 20. Continue Reading


September10/ 2017

Holding public office in America should be an honor and a trust.

For example, the American people elected Kentucky’s Zachary Taylor as president in 1848. They chose Old Rough and Ready (a nickname he got for his guts and his lack of fake polish) not because he was a skillful politician, but because they appreciated his lifetime of service to the nation as a military officer who made good decisions and shared the dangers and deprivations of his men on the frontier and in battle. Taylor was one of the nation’s best military officers in the half-century before the Civil War.


Taylor himself was a kind and honest man who was accused of being an American Indian lover because he was much more fair to them than the average officer. During the Seminole War, Taylor and his men captured a number of blacks who lived with the Seminoles and he allowed them to go to Oklahoma with the Seminoles according to their wishes instead of selling them into slavery, like many speculators and slaveholders wanted him to do.

During the Mexican War, which started when Mexicans crossed the Rio Grande into Texas and killed or captured some of his men, Taylor clamped down on anti-Catholic bigotry in his ranks. Irishmen and Creoles were serving with his army. He told his men the Mexicans were from a fellow Christian land, even if they were Catholics instead of Protestants like he and most of his men were. Taylor punished men in his command who raped or robbed or wrongfully shot Mexican civilians during the Mexican War. (However, he let Mexican officials know he would destroy any town whose people harbored guerillas.) Taylor paid out of his own pocket for the treatment of severely wounded Mexican soldiers when he took Mexican towns they were left behind in because the Mexican government and the War Department refused to do so.

Taylor stood up to the wrongful conduct of his superiors in the Polk Administration during the war. All of the above marked “Old Rough and Ready” as a truly great man.

Taylor’s wife Peggy, instead of sipping juleps on the porch of their plantation, served on the frontier with him. She lived in rude housing, raised their children, sewed uniforms, nursed the sick, and wrote letters home for illiterate soldiers. She turned down the honor of being the First Lady (a term her husband coined when he eulogized Dolley Madison at her funeral) because she made a vow to God to turn down the honors of society if only He would let her Zack come home safe from the Mexican War. Their charming daughter Betty served in her stead as “Hostess of the White House.” No woman of Peggy’s wealth would do these things today. She was a noble woman in the best sense of the word.

Taylor, despite being a slaveholder, saw slavery was tearing the country apart. So he decided to limit slavery with an eye toward ending it. Senator William Seward evidently got him to consider using federal money to buy the slaves their liberty and set them up as sharecroppers or pioneers in the West. (This was also an idea of Congressman Abraham Lincoln.) The Democrats, the party of slavery, opposed Taylor. Taylor’s own Whigs, like the GOP today, were led by Establishment politicians who looked down on him but envied him.

Taylor defied them all. He maneuvered to get gold rushing California and mostly Spanish and Catholic New Mexico into the Union as free states to break the slavery deadlock in the Senate. He threatened secessionist politicians to their faces with hanging if he was to catch them in rebellion. He sent troops to New Mexico to keep Texans from seizing the land. And he believed the Mormons were degenerate polygamists, so he rejected their claims to Nevada, and large parts of Colorado, Arizona, Idaho, and California, and kept them in limbo.

Key senators like Whigs Henry Clay and Daniel Webster and Democrat Stephen Douglas (and most other Democrat senators) wanted to put a stern fugitive slave act on the books. Taylor opposed this as well. Taylor said slaves usually ran away because they were being mistreated. Even though he was outnumbered in votes in the Senate and House, Taylor could veto legislation, order the Army to protect the people of New Mexico from invasion by Texans, and order the Navy to block a slaveholder attempt to invade Cuba and make it a slave state. “Old Rough and Ready” did all three.

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September08/ 2017

The other day, crackpot federal judge Richard Matsch ruled Colorado public officials had to kill the state’s sex offender registry and pay reparations to sex offenders. The lawyer for the predatory scum, errr, sex offender plaintiffs, is working at least two other similar cases, and in one of the cases, the ACLU is also involved on the side of the rapists and against the public.

This item popped up on Fox News September 6, 2017:

“DAVENPORT, Fla. – Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd put out a warning to sexual offenders and predators, and even those with outstanding warrants, that they’re not welcome at evacuation shelters.

Sheriff Judd Tweeted early Wednesday that sworn law enforcement officers will be at shelters checking IDs and that those who are sex offenders or predators are not allowed to stay. He went on to say that anyone with an outstanding warrant will also be escorted from the shelter to the Polk County Jail.

Other Twitter users, including the ACLU of Florida, fired back at Judd in response to the sheriff’s series of Tweets, saying he is exploiting natural disaster and endangering lives.

The ACLU released a statement on Twitter saying people with warrants are dealing with non-violent offenses and pose no risk to those in a shelter and shouldn’t have to worry about facing a natural disaster without aid to avoid going to jail over things like unpaid traffic tickets. “With a storm of Irma’s size and ferocity bearing down on the people of our state, Sheriff Judd should be working to prepare his community, not burnishing his Joe Arpaio-style ‘tough cop’ credentials with a series of irresponsible tweets,” the ACLU said.

Sheriff Judd says he stands by his statements. “If you show up at a shelter, we’re going to shelter you safely, but it’s going to be in the county jail because we have a legal obligation to execute the warrant,” Sheriff Judd told FOX 13.

The sheriff says that his tweets give all offenders fair warning, four or five days in advance, so those with warrants still have time to take care of their infractions and then go to a shelter if they choose to, or make other arrangements.”

Fox News noted: “Sexual predators and offenders, however, are never welcome at shelters, he (Sheriff Judd) said, and which is something they are told when they are placed on the sex offender registry.”

“In a time of potential disaster, there needs to be a place that you can run to and absolutely know you’re safe,” said Judd. “Do you want your five-year-old daughter sleeping next to a sexual predator?”

Why didn’t the ACLU offer to house all the sex offenders and other predators at their shelter?

Trick question.

The ACLU doesn’t have a shelter. Anywhere.

It’s like when the ACLU attacks Catholic hospital staffers for not performing abortions. Why doesn’t the ACLU offer abortions in their own hospitals? Because the ACLU never built a hospital in all the years of their miserable existence. They don’t do charity. What they do is complain and file lawsuits aimed at extorting the money of good people so they can do more suing and extorting, in my opinion. Besides, the ACLU is not in the hospital business because germicides don’t play nice with germs like them.

The ACLU and others like them lie about the recidivism rate of sex offenders in arguing against government sex offender registries. (But they don’t argue against fringe groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center tagging many normal organizations as hate groups even though fringe people use the info to shoot people with these organizations.)

If sex offenders really don’t commit many repeat sex offenses, like the opponents of the public wrongly claim, then it means sex offender registries which publicly label sex offenders as predatory scum are a good idea because they keep many young girls and young boys away from these monsters.

The people of Polk County, Florida elected Grady Judd sheriff to protect and to serve. Homeland security begins when women and children are protected … especially from vermin like child predators.

Sheriff Judd even offered to help these vermin if they would temporarily ride out the hurricane in the county jail. The child predators could also go out of state, like to Hollywood, or to a public school teachers’ convention, where they could blend in with their peers.

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September04/ 2017

While Texans and Cajuns were fighting Hurricane Harvey, a Nixon-era judge was deciding to help rapists escape sex offender registries and take money from taxpayers.

The 9/1/2017 Denver Post reported the following:

“A federal court judge’s ruling finding that Colorado’s sex-offender registry violated the Constitutional rights of three sex offenders who sued could change the way the public gets access to the list.

U.S. District Court Judge Richard Matsch found that the Colorado Sex Offender Registration Act violates the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and the due-process rights guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

Thursday’s ruling came in a civil case filed against Colorado Bureau of Investigation director Michael Rankin in 2013 by registered sex offenders David Millard, Eugene Knight and Arturo Vega.

Matsch found that the men are entitled to compensation and attorney fees, which will be determined later.

There are similar cases in other states challenging sex-offender registries.

(Boulder woman Alison Ruttenberg, the attorney for the three plaintiffs) said she expects the cases will eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

“I would characterize this as a landmark case. My goal eventually is to get rid of this sex offender registration altogether, at least as it applies to a public registry that people can pull up on a website,” Ruttenberg said Friday. “I would be surprised if the state doesn’t appeal the decision.”

Matsch found that Colorado’s registration act poses a “serious threat of retaliation, violence, ostracism, shaming, and other unfair and irrational treatment from the public” for sex offenders and their families.

“The registry is telling the public — DANGER, STAY AWAY. How is the public to react to this warning? What is expected to be the means by which people are to protect themselves and their children?” Matsch wrote in his ruling.

In answering his own question, he determined the law exposes sex offenders to punishments “not by the state, but by fellow citizens.”

“The fear that pervades the public reaction to sex offenses — particularly as to children — generates reactions that are cruel and in disregard of any objective assessment of the individual’s actual proclivity to commit new sex offenses,” Matsch wrote. “The failure to make any individual assessment is a fundamental flaw in the system.” “

Of course, there are sure ways to avoid winding up on a state’s sexual predator registry. DON’T RAPE. DON’T MOLEST. DON’T ABUSE. DON’T EXPLOIT. DON’T TRAFFIC IN GIRLS.

If the U.S. Supreme Court upholds Matsch’s corrupt and/or crazy ruling, rapists get cover. And rapists will get your money. They will be paid “reparations” for being labeled as sexual offenders. That’s right. These felons will rob you, with government help, and your children will be more at risk.

“We’re the government. We’re here to help.”

Let’s understand something. At least half of all sexual offense victims are girls – females 17 or younger. Half of girl victims are 12 to 15. Another 10 to 15 percent of all sexual offense victims are boys – males 17 or younger. Most boy victims are 10 or younger. Of the remaining 35 or so percent, most are young women 18 to 30. (This does not count prisons, government-run institutions where same-sex assaults are almost all of the sexual offense crimes.) These stats come from the U.S. Justice Department and my math on their figures.

In other words, most victims are children, and the average child victim is a victim many times. The average young woman victim is a victim once. Sexual predators ruin children by raping them repeatedly. This is why the public is rightly concerned.

“Matsch wrote that public shaming and banishment are forms of punishment considered cruel and unusual under the Eighth Amendment,” noted the Denver Post.

Being raped by a child predator is much crueler, but Matsch was silent on that. Has he molested children himself, or does he have someone close to him who has done so?

I’m for burning child molesters at the stake. It might be cruel, but if we do it often enough, it won’t be unusual anymore.



Richard Matsch was born in 1930, according to Wikipedia. Richard Nixon appointed him to the federal bench. Is he senile, or is he old and destructive like John McCain? Let’s look at two other cases Matsch handled.

Richard Matsch was the judge who ran the Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols Oklahoma City Bombing trials. Matsch kept out the testimony of Carol Howe, a US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) informant who infiltrated a group with ties to McVeigh and other figures of the bombing. Matsch also suppressed an Inspector General report accusing FBI lab technicians of essentially falsifying evidence in the case.

If Carol had gotten on the stand, she would have revealed she warned the ATF of an impending bombing, and they ignored her. She could have also testified to the presence of FBI protected instigators in the group she infiltrated, one of whom reportedly raped her. (She revealed these facts in open court when Clinton Administration prosecutors indicted her to shut her up, and she proved the feds were lying pigs on her way to acquittal.) If the IG report had been allowed into the trial, people may have concluded the FBI was hiding the probability there were others involved besides McVeigh and Terry Nichols. How could a pair of inbreds like McVeigh and Nichols bring down a massive building with no prior experience and without outside help?

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September03/ 2017

Hurricane Harvey has caused record damage to the people of Texas. It has also harmed many in Louisiana and some of the other states.

Thankfully, the stories have mostly been about neighbors helping neighbors, first responders showing up for duty even when their own homes have been flooded, and competent local, state, FEMA, military, and presidential responses to the needs of the people in this tragedy.

Wonder Woman couldn’t help out because she was in Hollywood. But many thousands of men could, and did. They saved many thousands of lives. Nothing says “toxic masculinity” like the guy carrying a mommy and her little one to safety, huh?


Houston Hero (photo by AP)


However, the predictable scavengers and predators are showing up.

Price gougers have stolen from people by charging exorbitant prices for necessities in the disaster. Some looters reportedly shot at volunteers trying to rescue people from Houston’s flooded streets. There are reports of scam calls to people threatening them with all sorts of trouble if they don’t send money or allow their credit cards to be drained. And look for some dishonest insurance adjusters and their companies to try to short people on insurance claims.

Then there are those who fund-raise off of victims’ misery and pocket the money, or use it for a dubious cause. There is a group out there called the Lilith Fund panhandling money for abortions in the wake of the disaster. Nothing says “I want to help disaster victims” more than offering to kill the children they are carrying. Is the death toll not high enough, harpies?

Islamist activist Linda Sarsour, not to be ignored, advised people to donate to the “Harvey Hurricane Relief Fund.” Reportedly, a leftist activist group named “Texas Organizing Project” (TOP) is getting the money from this appeal. TOP reportedly did do some work advocating for more disaster relief from Hurricane Ike to go to poorer victims. But if you give to them, apparently quite a bit of the money will go to paying activists, attorneys, lobbyists, and other bloodsuckers who most people probably wouldn’t think of as the needy after a disaster.

Ms. Sarsour’s appeal also seems to be a racist slap in the face of Houston’s black political leaders. Are Houston mayor Sylvester Turner, and members of Congress Al Green and Sheila Jackson Lee really such shrinking violets that they won’t speak up for the people they represent?

If you think donating to TOP’s lawyers and lobbyists and activists instead of helping victims directly is the best way to provide flood relief, have at it. But if you would rather ensure you are really helping the suffering with your donation instead of helping political scavengers, use the Internet to check on “charities” looking for your wallet. A number of websites use the “charity’s” IRS Form 990 (which is a public record) to analyze how much goes to charity and how much goes to administration. You can also call the attorney general’s office of the state where “charity” people are looking for donations, to see if any “charity” group you want to check out has a background of real charity, and if they have a track record of being looked at for questionable practices.

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August29/ 2017

During the Iran-Contra investigation, Fawn Hall proved a secretary with a high school education could out-think a room full of senators.

In the early 2000s, Hugh Gaughan proved a school janitor with a GED could out-investigate the HR department of a big city school system.

Cleveland is on many lists for least desirable places to live in America. One survey noted its poor weather, its usually crappy sports teams, and its generations of corruption turned off many to the idea of coming to live in or near the Mistake by the Lake. (At least you could light the Cuyahoga River on fire if it was cold.)

So Cleveland was a likely place for public employee union corruption. And Hugh, a custodian in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, found it in spades.

In the early 2000s, Hugh got off on the wrong foot with his new boss, a school principal named Beverly Valencic. Hugh said she got ticked off at him when she announced her royal highness and told him her first name was Beverly, and he gave the low-class pop-off reply, “Like the Beverly Hillbillies?”

In 2002, Hugh had to move a girl out of his way with a hand push so she wouldn’t get hurt by a large piece of furniture he was moving. His school principal Ms. Beverly decided to show she could call names, too, so she called Hugh a sex offender. Co-workers teased him unmercifully, so Hugh decided to defend himself.

Hugh sued principal Beverly Valencic for slandering him. He alleged other school employees wrongfully mocked him due to her slander. He pointed out he had molested no one and she reported him for no wrongdoing, like an educator is supposed to do if she or he suspects any potential abuse of children, so she knew what she had said about him was false. She paid him an undisclosed sum to settle the case out of court.

Hugh then did something much bigger. He determined to find real sex offenders and other felons in the Cleveland school system and expose them so they could be fired. Hugh had read one of my books and decided to be his own detective. He wanted to see if what I was telling people would work.

In 2003, Hugh got a copy of the list of employees in the school district (which is a public record), and matched them against the criminal records of Cuyahoga County.

The list of employees of any government agency (except groups like the CIA, who shield good people and a large number of sociopaths) is a public record. So are the salaries of these people. You are entitled to obtain this record on any agency you choose by filing a freedom of information request with the appropriate agent at the agency. Call them or check them out on the Internet to find out.

Hugh, who has epilepsy and Tourette’s syndrome, stutters occasionally and speaks with a tic. So people look down on him. But we at Sherlock Justice don’t measure a man’s smarts or his heart or his guts by his personal appearance or by his smoothness of speech. Hugh obtained the list of employees and went to work anyway.

Hugh found roughly 10 employees were either sexual predators or other felons who the school personnel officials had not screened properly or knowingly allowed into the school system due to cronyism (ties to unions or politicians or school system personnel). This was in violation of Ohio state law, which forbids the hiring and retention of felons in the schools.

Hugh turned over this list of felons to TV investigative reporter Carl Monday. In early 2004, Monday, after finding a dozen or so more convicted felons on the school payroll on his own, ran a TV program on the scandal on Cleveland TV, which provoked a major outcry, and won him an award for investigative reporting.

Hugh’s union “brothers” figured out Hugh was the confidential source behind the outings. They were displeased he turned in “good union brothers” because they were rapists or drug dealers or vicious thugs. They didn’t care Hugh was helping children. They “expressed concern” he was narcing out union members who happened to be felons.

Union men “express concern” a little differently than most people. Good union brothers started threatening Hugh with bodily harm. Hugh’s union was Laborers International Union Local 860, the union they featured in the movie “To Kill the Irishman.” The present union boss, Anthony Liberatore Jr. is the son of the union boss involved in the bomb hit on Danny Greene which was the inspiration for the movie.

Hugh Gaughan — he cared about protecting school kids from predators


So Hugh went to school district officials and asked for some form of whistleblower protection. The internal affairs A-hole who heard his request snarked, “Why don’t you get see if you can get it from Carl Monday?” Of course Hugh, not the internal affairs loser, outed the perps and by doing so showed up HR people and internal affairs people up as a stooges parasiting their salaries off of the taxpayers.

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