There is a simple way to ensure Republicans keep control of the House of Representatives in the November elections.
Make the election national.
Why? Elections are always about us. Who will help us more? Who will harm us less?
If idiots like Maxine Waters (D-CA) and diaper bags like Steve Cohen (D-TN) get enough gypsies, tramps, and thieves to join them in the House, they will thwart the recovery of the nation.
Individual GOP candidates for the House of course have to campaign on why they would represent the needs of the people of their districts, but they also have to pledge to do something positive with the power they hope to gain and retain.

40 and 45. Dutch and The Donald have Trumped those who obstructed the American people.
President Trump has kept many of his promises, and is being thwarted in his drive to keep other promises by Democrats and a handful of backstabbers and ninnies in the Republican Party.
President Trump’s tariffs and his people’s pruning of useless regulation are bringing back manufacturing jobs. Coal miners, and oil and gas drillers are also doing better thanks to President Trump’s moves to make America energy independent. Trump’s trade negotiators are as feared by other countries like General Sherman’s troops were feared by Southern plantation owners and farmers in their path.
While Elizabeth “Lieawatha” Warren (D-MASS) rails about alleged collusion, she is silent while Taxachusetts imports natural gas from Russia.
President Trump and his people are trying to keep illegals out, send illegals home, and smash illegals and those who cover for them when they commit rape, robbery, arson, violent assaults, DUI homicides, and murder.
President Trump is trying to make health care affordable for working Americans while not leaving behind those with debilitating ailments.
President Trump knows corn is a food, not a fuel. Turning corn into ethanol, especially when a subsidy is involved, raises food prices (corn is livestock feed, which is a large cost in the raising of animals for meat, eggs, and milk), competes unfairly with fossil fuels, and produces a fuel that is not as good and may be potentially more harmful to the environment. This doesn’t count the damage done to extra millions of acres of cropland by soil erosion and pesticide use and herbicide use. However, he is changing the direction of the subsidies to enable farmers not to get hurt by tariff wars or loss of ethanol money.
President Trump is going after drug companies for price gouging. He has given tax relief to most Americans. He is trying to purge the FBI and the CIA of all of its lawbreakers, he is looking at reviving anti-Klan anti-mask laws to strike against the criminal rioters who call themselves Antifa and the Resistance, and he is looking to give justice to those oversentenced for crimes.
In short, President Trump is trying to make the federal government for most people into a protector, not a punisher.
The GOP leaders are not focused enough on winning the fall congressional elections. Outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan, a never Trumper, has obstructed President Trump in Congress. Many suspect Ryan will go to work for some globalist firm whose interests are not the interests of the American people. Like John Kasich did.
So Ryan, who drove a Weinermobile, and who looks like Eddie Munster, is not personally interested in a GOP controlled House of Representatives working with President Trump. Ryan will make more money whoring for globalists if that is what he intends to do after Congress if the Democrats take control of the House.

I suggest the patriotic Republicans in the House get together and run a national campaign based on promises they can keep that will help the vast majority of Americans who work for their money.
Newt Gingrich did this in 1994. He called it “Contract With America.”
Such slogans go back to Teddy Roosevelt’s “Square Deal.”
FDR had the “New Deal.” Truman called his program the “Fair Deal.” JFK had the “New Frontier.” Reagan’s slogan was “Let’s Make America Great Again.” And the Clintons had “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Hillary Clinton, the narcissist sociopath, had the 2016 campaign slogan “I’m With Her” and a stylized H with an arrow that looked like she was promoting transgenders or sex toys.
Donald Trump, the master businessman and advertiser, used two slogans. One was “Make America Great Again.” The other was “I’m With You.”
Trump knew a winner in “Let’s Make America Great Again.” So he borrowed it from the statesman Ronald Reagan.
He also knew contrast with a competitor was important, and if he could add a little mockery, so much the better. Thus, “I’m With You.”
The GOP candidates for the House of Representatives could use a similar slogan.
And then make a list of promised action items that President Trump and the vast majority of candidates can agree with.
Potential future House Speaker Jim Jordan and others of good will in the leadership roles of the GOP can pick action items they can agree on that will help the public. Here’s a sampling:
More jobs through America-first trade deals.
More jobs by removing silly regulations.
Keep more of what you earn due to lower taxes and less wasteful spending and less stupid regulations.
Keep your jobs and money by enforcement of immigration laws so we don’t carry the world’s people, or import unfair foreign labor.
An economy that rewards those who work for their money.
Security through military strength.
Security with a border wall.
Security with aggressive and competent immigration enforcement and anti-terror enforcement.
Safety by cracking down on child molesters, rapists, and others who prey on the vulnerable. Also, by reinforcing sex offender databases against judicial attack.
Affordable health care through competition and cracking down on drug companies.
Justice, not abuse of power, by affirming America’s traditional values and not letting godless agitators take them away or erode them through the courts or through the unelected bureaucracies.
Justice, not abuse, by protecting children from teachers and other government people who want to abuse them.
(Jerry Sandusky and Larry Nassar, not to mention many thousands of teachers and some lawmen and lawwomen, had or have government jobs. Government payrollers need to be background checked, and the abusers need to be removed. Teacher union bosses make bad bishops look like rank amateurs when it comes to protecting vast numbers of abusers. Recent revelations of sexual abuse scandals involving Keith Ellison, Eric Schneiderman, Al Franken, child-molesting Seattle mayor Ed Murray, and others reinforce my point about abusers who are public officials.)
Justice, not abuse of power, by cleaning out the FBI and the Justice Department of corrupt agents and lawyers.
Justice, not abuse of power, by restricting government spying on citizens, and by firing the offenders.
Justice, not crime, with anti-mask laws, and by actions against sanctuary cities.
Infrastructure improvements to make America safer, more prosperous, and easier to travel and move goods in.

The Constitutional Convention. George Washington, the original Man In Black, was leading and the others were working with him.
All politics are local. House races are also national. The more Dems in the House, the more rat infested it is.
What can you do?
Pressure GOP members of Congress to get with the program and try to win the elections of 2018. Elections are always about us. Who will help us more? Who will harm us less?
Work for your local GOP candidates. Contribute to House candidates who reflect your will if you can.
Short of the direct intervention of God, the best protectors of liberty are decent people who stay informed and hold all politicians accountable at the polls and elsewhere.