• Today is: Thursday, March 6, 2025

Scum on Parade: Deep Staters Didn’t Rest over Labor Day

September10/ 2018

Special Counsel Robert (Gestapo) Mueller finally got a conviction and sentencing related to the Trump campaign.

Low-level guy George Papadopoulos drew two weeks in prison “for lying to investigators about his contact with individuals tied to Russia during the 2016 campaign,” CNN breathlessly reported 9/7/2018.

The Mueller Monkey Trials


Meanwhile, fired FBI leader James Comey and his henchman Peter Strzok have lied repeatedly to other law enforcement types and to members of Congress and are roaming free. Mueller, a close friend of Comey when he ran the FBI and Comey was his subordinate, has not lifted a finger against his crony.

Also this week, an alleged “resistor” allegedly wrote a screed talking about wide-scale resistance to President Trump within his own White House and elsewhere in his administration.

I think it’s a hoax. But if someone actually pulling a federal paycheck wrote this, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Virtually all Democrats in federal service hate President Trump. So do many Republicans. Many other Republicans are passive-aggressive. If President Trump succeeds, they’ll take credit. If it will help their careers to subvert his work, they will do so. Likewise for criticizing him.

Why? Trump is a patriot and a nationalist, not a Repubican or a Democrat. Virtually all professional Democrats and most professional Republicans (those who hold office or get paid to work in politics and lobbying) are globalists. President Trump is threatening their paychecks and the payoffs they get from globalist ccoporations and billionaiers like Soros, Silicon Valley robber barons, the Koch Brothers, and the Chamber of Commerce set.

These people want other countries to punk us on trade and send in their riffraff to lower the wage scale. Aliens kill thousands of our people each year, and steal billions in benefits that we have to pay for. Even Bernie Sanders was honest enough last week to move against corporate parasites like Amazon for paying workers poorly and conniving to get them food stamps and other government benefits. You and I are making Jeff Bezos richer as he plays Chinese labor king with people he needs instead of paying them reasonable wages.

A 9/7/2018 article in The Hill, a leftist publication, attacked Bernie for wandering off the plantation. Is it coincidental that Bezos also owns the Washington Post, a paper which constantly leaks FBI and Justice Department and CIA attacks against President Trump? A paper whose bosses hired 20 writers to do noting but attack President Trump in the 2016 election? Especially since President Trump wondered if Amazon is an illegal monopoly of sorts.

The Washington Post has complained that groceries are costing more because farm worker wages are rising. Others complain about small increases in consumer goods proces because tarifs are forcing manufacturing to come back to America. President Trump is helping working Americans, not the fat cats, and this is angering the Resistance.

Another fact is Donald Trump does not have a base of loyalist politicians and bureaucrats and lobbyists. So to staff his administration he had to use many GOPers who opposed him. They follow their own agenda, not President Trump’s, until they are caught and disciplined.

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A Straightforward Way to Purge the Churches of Abusers

September02/ 2018

The Pennsylvania grand jury report on Catholic priests noted one thing the media is not reporting. About 80 percent of the victims were boys. This proves the Catholic Church has a homosexual problem, one that can be solved readily.

Let’s talk about the support for homosexualism in this country, and some statistics on child molestation. Then we will get into why the Catholic Church and any other church that actually wants to bring people to God must purge homosexuals from their leadership and clergy.

Most priests, like most male Democrats and most male globalist Republicans, are not homosexuals. (For you female Dems and globalist GOPers, most of you are not lesbians or bisexuals.)

However, a disproportionately large percentage of Catholic leaders and bureaucrats are homosexuals, just like their counterparts among the Democrats and the globalist GOPers. This also applies in the way of a disproportionately large number of female Democrat and globalist GOPer leaders and bureaucrats being lesbians or bisexuals.)

The rainbow flag saluting politicians brought us gay “marriage” (Chipper and Dustin or Ellen and Maude). In Ohio, globalist GOPers like Rob Portman and John Kasich led the move. Portman admitted he did so because he has a homosexual son. Having a problem child means you get the kid some help; you don’t change the law to make him feel better. Kasich was “outed” by Democrats in 1996, who claimed he was light in the loafers because as a Congressman he was living with an aide who was male. Kasich later married.

When the Supreme Court made gay “marriage” (Chipper and Dustin or Ellen and Maude) the law of the land, many people suspected Justice Anthony Kennedy was blackmailed into voting the way he did. The Deep State has been using government agents to check on people for political reasons. Many people figured the Clinton and Obama appointees to the Supreme Court, whose four votes with Kennedy’s resulted in the 5-4 win for those who flunked sex education, didn’t need to be blackmailed by the Deep State because they voted in line with their degeneracies.

Ironically, the homosexualists’ little rainbow never shows the colors white, black, or brown. These are the colors of more than 90 percent of our population. The alternate lifestyle lobby and the politicians in bed with them must be exclusionary.

Christ said it would be better for child molesters to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied to their necks.


The last Democrat president who was a patriot was John F. Kennedy. He led the push to put a man on the moon. Barack Obama and the Democratic Party recently led the push to put guys in girls’ bathrooms.

Most people think “gay marriage” and girls’ bathrooms open to guys are ridiculous. On a list of priorities, most people wouldn’t even list them.

Ditto for making bakers make cakes for degenerate events. Or removing Christmas decorations from the town square.

A high percentage of politicians are sex offenders. One recent president, vice-president, and attorney general – all in the Clinton Administration — and far too many members of Congress in recent years reportedly committed sex offenses. Usually their victims have been women or girls. Janet Reno was accused credibly of molesting a girl. She bought hookers and was rough with them. Some politicians like Harvey Milk and former GOP Speaker of the House Denny Hastert like underage boys. Others like underage girls. So, apparently, does Hillary … she reportedly made several trips to convicted sex offender billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s Island of Underage Girls.

The huge amount of sexual abuse committed by teachers escapes scrutiny because of the Democrats and the globalist Republicans. If school systems had to pay reparations like the Catholic Church has had to pay, many school districts would be broke and we would have to depend upon private schools to educate the nation’s children.

Read the very first post I ever wrote, “The Janitor who tried to clean Cleveland schools.” It was about Hugh Gaughan, a school custodian, who found out a number of his co-workers were child molesters or other violent felons. The school leaders hammered Hugh for a decade before finally wrongfully firing him and making it stick, with the co-operation or an incompetent or corrupt labor union lawyer.

As a courtesy to Hugh, I’ll cover the numbers on teachers as sexual predators in the end notes of this post.

Now let’s do some number crunching to show trends in child molester behavior. Number crunching, or forensic math, is another tool you can use in being your own detective. And you don’t need a badge for it.

There is a lot of lying, hype, and inexactness on how many sex offenders and victims there are. It is in the government’s interest to minimize rape, and it is in the interest of certain groups with agendas to maximize rape. You can’t grasp the problem unless you have a rough idea of who the victims and perps are, and how many of them there are. I am providing the following estimates, based on state and federal crime figures and reports going back to the early 1990s. These figures come thanks to all 50 state police departments and attorney general offices, U.S. Justice Department and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services studies, and my forensic math using the figures and breakdowns by age and relationship provided to estimate who the victims and perpetrators are and how many of them there are.

Not counting victims of illegal aliens, or prison rape, there are at least 600,000 to 700,000 victims of rape, incest, or other serious sexual offenses each year. Of these, almost 35% are adult females and another 2% are adult males. This means almost 65% of the victims of rape and other serious sex offenses are below the age of 18.


Slightly more than half of all rape victims – 50% to 51% – are girls below the age of 18.

About one in six of all rape victims – 16% – are girls younger than 11.

About one in four of all rape victims – 24% – are girls 12 to 15.

About one in nine of all rape victims – 11% – are girls 16 or 17.

One in eight of all rape victims – 12% to 13% – are boys 17 or younger.

And unlike adult female victims of rape, who are usually raped once, these child victims are often raped dozens or hundreds of times – usually by the same perpetrators in their circle of family and acquaintances.

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Will Mollie Tibbetts Die in Vain?

August26/ 2018

Most laws have a reasonable purpose. They are supposed to protect the public.

It is illegal for a foreigner to sneak into the country and live here. Why are these laws on the books? Foreigners compete for jobs, and drive down the standard of living and safety. Many of them come from lands with poor sanitation and diseases we eradicated in America decades ago. So now doctors and nurses and public health people have to worry about these diseases all over again. And they have had to deal with some new ones that have never been here before, like SARS and Ebola.

In the Ellis Island Era, we didn’t have welfare. Now we do. So millions of illegal foreigners and legal daisy-chaining foreigners from the Third World are glomming on to free schools, free health care, food stamps, welfare payments, and other goodies you and I pay for. The Tsarnaev Brothers, who murdered and maimed people at the Boston Marathon and elsewhere, and the other Chechnyan Islamist scum in their family tree who made it here pulled hundreds of thousands of dollars in welfare benefits.

Many of those who come here illegally (and legally) come from violent cultures and subcultures. A very high proportion of the illegals are themselves criminals in their home countries. They have much more relaxed rules about rape than those of us who don’t live in Harveywood have.

Abraham Lincoln and other toxic Republican males enacted the 13th Amendment, which outlaws slavery. Some of our legal immigrants who worship Allah have forgotten to read that portion of our Constitution, so they enslave their household help.

Republicans and Democrats who want to extend more visas to foreign college kids are harming our own college kids. Why? Robber barons in Silicon Valley and elsewhere discriminate against Americans to hire the foreigners. Even if their IT skills aren’t as good as our kids’ skills, the HR pukes and managers of these firms fixate on how much less per hour it costs to pay these foreigners. Our kids don’t get the jobs, and have to pay off mountains of debt. And American learning doesn’t pass on to the next generation in corporate America quite as well.

99 was working at the University of Akron in the early 2000s when she uncovered a potential scam that college’s people were playing with employers against our workers. Companies would approach Akron U. for foreign STEM people. The foreigners would enroll and take a few classes, but get “intern” status. The companies would hire these foreigners at very good salaries, far more than a college intern was worth. This combo of acts got the foreigners immigration or visa status they might not have otherwise merited. And it kicked American STEM professionals out of their jobs.


99, not sure if this setup was legal, contacted the feds. But Gestapo Mueller’s Famous But Incompetent pukes did nothing. Later, these feds would help our county prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (D) cover for a corrupt child support enforcement officer who liked servicing a serial child molester enough that she shacked up with him and eventually married him. The agent shielded the child molester from sexual predator reporting laws and made it possible for him not to pay back the $60K to $70K he owed Ohio taxpayers for paying cash welfare support to his little girls for more than a decade while he was in prison for raping them.

When the Russian government warned the Obama administration about the Tsarnaev vermin, our feds did nothing. Mueller and Comey and Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch didn’t want to collude with Russia to stop Moslem murderers. So they were free to move about the country.

In other words, the laws regulating immigration should be in place to protect Americans. Failure to enforce these laws harms innocent people. All of us lose in taxes, some of us lose in jobs, and some of us lose in being violent crime victims.

Like Mollie Tibbetts.

Execs of Yarrabee Farms, where her alleged murderer Rivera worked, claimed they checked him properly.

Mollie Tibbetts and the future immigrant scientist who allegedly murdered her.


Then after Department of Homeland Security officials said their precious hardworking rapist and murderer (allegedly) wasn’t listed as a legal immigrant or a legal visa holder, the execs backtracked. One of the agribusiness’ owners said they checked his ID but didn’t run him thru the E-VERIFY system, a federal database that employers need to use to screen out illegals. Continue Reading

JURY FIXING, THREATENING OFFICIALS, AND OTHER DEEP STATE CRIMES (Also America and Europe vs. Islamists, and Smashing Child Molesters)

August19/ 2018

The Deep State showed their fangs and tentacles yet again.

Robert “Gestapo” Mueller’s team of shysters apparently have not done a good enough job of showing Paul Manafort was a crook. After two days of deliberation, jurors haven’t yet voted Manafort guilty.

Manafort, the campaign manager for Donald Trump for about six weeks, refused to give them any dirt on Mr. Trump because he didn’t have any. So the Mueller team had his home raided before dawn and put him in solitary confinement in what I and many others believe was an attempt to get him to follow their made-up script.

Ironically, Rod Rosenstein, who hired Mueller and gave him the okay to go after Manafort in this tax case, looked at Manafort’s finances years earlier (when Manafort was still a member in good standing of the Swamp) and did not prosecute Manafort.

They did turn Manafort’s partner Rick Gates against him. Mueller’s team also bribed Gates. Gates pleaded guilty to crimes as serious or more serious to those they have charged Manafort with. And yet Gates may stay out of prison entirely.

Manafort’s lawyers showed Gates and accountants handled money transactions the feds say made Manafort a guilty man. They got him to admit he was a serial liar. Gates even admitted under cross-examination to stealing from Manafort and even using stolen money to finance his cheating on his wife.

Sketch of Judge Ellis during the Manafort Trial


The prosecutors apparently threw a pile of paper at the jurors without trying to make it understandable to them so they could follow the alleged paper trail against Manafort. If so, at best, this was laziness of the prosecutors. At worst, this was an attempt by prosecutors to deceive the jurors.

Judge T.S. Ellis, the trial judge, has mocked Mueller’s team for bringing the case against Manafort. He said they were trying to make Manafort turn against President Trump.

The jurors have not reached a verdict on the case, after two days of deliberation. They asked Judge Ellis for a weekend break Friday, and he gave it to them.

Then the media element of the Deep State kicked into gear. Lawyers for the New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CNN, AP, Politico, and Buzzfeed, all leftist anti-Trump companies, tried to get Judge Ellis to release the names and home addresses of the jurors.

The motive was obvious. If these dishonest news outfits put the info on the jurors out to the public, Antifa criminals and other criminals would besiege the jurors and attack them and their loved ones or intimidate them and their loved ones to force them to vote Manafort guilty.

Judge Ellis denied the weasels the info. He said releasing juror names and addresses would lead to their harm.

Judge Ellis then said he was under US Marshal protection because of a number of threats made against him. He didn’t have to say these were Deep State or anti-Trump threateners. Only one side engages in street fascism, attacks on law enforcement, and Arkancide. It is the anti-Trump side.

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August15/ 2018

There is a simple way to ensure Republicans keep control of the House of Representatives in the November elections.

Make the election national.

Why? Elections are always about us. Who will help us more? Who will harm us less?

If idiots like Maxine Waters (D-CA) and diaper bags like Steve Cohen (D-TN) get enough gypsies, tramps, and thieves to join them in the House, they will thwart the recovery of the nation.

Individual GOP candidates for the House of course have to campaign on why they would represent the needs of the people of their districts, but they also have to pledge to do something positive with the power they hope to gain and retain.

40 and 45. Dutch and The Donald have Trumped those who obstructed the American people.


President Trump has kept many of his promises, and is being thwarted in his drive to keep other promises by Democrats and a handful of backstabbers and ninnies in the Republican Party.

President Trump’s tariffs and his people’s pruning of useless regulation are bringing back manufacturing jobs. Coal miners, and oil and gas drillers are also doing better thanks to President Trump’s moves to make America energy independent. Trump’s trade negotiators are as feared by other countries like General Sherman’s troops were feared by Southern plantation owners and farmers in their path.

While Elizabeth “Lieawatha” Warren (D-MASS) rails about alleged collusion, she is silent while Taxachusetts imports natural gas from Russia.

President Trump and his people are trying to keep illegals out, send illegals home, and smash illegals and those who cover for them when they commit rape, robbery, arson, violent assaults, DUI homicides, and murder.

President Trump is trying to make health care affordable for working Americans while not leaving behind those with debilitating ailments.

President Trump knows corn is a food, not a fuel. Turning corn into ethanol, especially when a subsidy is involved, raises food prices (corn is livestock feed, which is a large cost in the raising of animals for meat, eggs, and milk), competes unfairly with fossil fuels, and produces a fuel that is not as good and may be potentially more harmful to the environment. This doesn’t count the damage done to extra millions of acres of cropland by soil erosion and pesticide use and herbicide use. However, he is changing the direction of the subsidies to enable farmers not to get hurt by tariff wars or loss of ethanol money.

President Trump is going after drug companies for price gouging. He has given tax relief to most Americans. He is trying to purge the FBI and the CIA of all of its lawbreakers, he is looking at reviving anti-Klan anti-mask laws to strike against the criminal rioters who call themselves Antifa and the Resistance, and he is looking to give justice to those oversentenced for crimes.

In short, President Trump is trying to make the federal government for most people into a protector, not a punisher.

The GOP leaders are not focused enough on winning the fall congressional elections. Outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan, a never Trumper, has obstructed President Trump in Congress. Many suspect Ryan will go to work for some globalist firm whose interests are not the interests of the American people. Like John Kasich did.

So Ryan, who drove a Weinermobile, and who looks like Eddie Munster, is not personally interested in a GOP controlled House of Representatives working with President Trump. Ryan will make more money whoring for globalists if that is what he intends to do after Congress if the Democrats take control of the House.

I suggest the patriotic Republicans in the House get together and run a national campaign based on promises they can keep that will help the vast majority of Americans who work for their money.

Newt Gingrich did this in 1994. He called it “Contract With America.”

Such slogans go back to Teddy Roosevelt’s “Square Deal.”

FDR had the “New Deal.” Truman called his program the “Fair Deal.” JFK had the “New Frontier.” Reagan’s slogan was “Let’s Make America Great Again.” And the Clintons had “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Hillary Clinton, the narcissist sociopath, had the 2016 campaign slogan “I’m With Her” and a stylized H with an arrow that looked like she was promoting transgenders or sex toys.

Donald Trump, the master businessman and advertiser, used two slogans. One was “Make America Great Again.” The other was “I’m With You.”

Trump knew a winner in “Let’s Make America Great Again.” So he borrowed it from the statesman Ronald Reagan.

He also knew contrast with a competitor was important, and if he could add a little mockery, so much the better. Thus, “I’m With You.”

The GOP candidates for the House of Representatives could use a similar slogan.


And then make a list of promised action items that President Trump and the vast majority of candidates can agree with.

Potential future House Speaker Jim Jordan and others of good will in the leadership roles of the GOP can pick action items they can agree on that will help the public. Here’s a sampling:

More jobs through America-first trade deals.

More jobs by removing silly regulations.

Keep more of what you earn due to lower taxes and less wasteful spending and less stupid regulations.

Keep your jobs and money by enforcement of immigration laws so we don’t carry the world’s people, or import unfair foreign labor.

An economy that rewards those who work for their money.

Security through military strength.

Security with a border wall.

Security with aggressive and competent immigration enforcement and anti-terror enforcement.

Safety by cracking down on child molesters, rapists, and others who prey on the vulnerable. Also, by reinforcing sex offender databases against judicial attack.

Affordable health care through competition and cracking down on drug companies.

Justice, not abuse of power, by affirming America’s traditional values and not letting godless agitators take them away or erode them through the courts or through the unelected bureaucracies.

Justice, not abuse, by protecting children from teachers and other government people who want to abuse them.

(Jerry Sandusky and Larry Nassar, not to mention many thousands of teachers and some lawmen and lawwomen, had or have government jobs. Government payrollers need to be background checked, and the abusers need to be removed. Teacher union bosses make bad bishops look like rank amateurs when it comes to protecting vast numbers of abusers. Recent revelations of sexual abuse scandals involving Keith Ellison, Eric Schneiderman, Al Franken, child-molesting Seattle mayor Ed Murray, and others reinforce my point about abusers who are public officials.)

Justice, not abuse of power, by cleaning out the FBI and the Justice Department of corrupt agents and lawyers.

Justice, not abuse of power, by restricting government spying on citizens, and by firing the offenders.

Justice, not crime, with anti-mask laws, and by actions against sanctuary cities.

Infrastructure improvements to make America safer, more prosperous, and easier to travel and move goods in.

The Constitutional Convention. George Washington, the original Man In Black, was leading and the others were working with him.


All politics are local. House races are also national. The more Dems in the House, the more rat infested it is.

What can you do?

Pressure GOP members of Congress to get with the program and try to win the elections of 2018. Elections are always about us. Who will help us more? Who will harm us less?

Work for your local GOP candidates. Contribute to House candidates who reflect your will if you can.

Short of the direct intervention of God, the best protectors of liberty are decent people who stay informed and hold all politicians accountable at the polls and elsewhere.




FBI Fumbles, Vegas Takes a Dive, Why the Raiders Need to Stay Away

August05/ 2018

It has not been a good week for the FBI.

Friday the FBI released a 71-page document on Christopher Steele, the British agent who came up with the discredited Steele Dossier. Steele interviewed Russian agents, who said a number of vulgar and untrue things about Donald Trump and Russian prostitutes. A neverTrumper first hired Steele, then Hillary’s people paid for Steele’s fallacious work. Dem and neverTrumper collusion with Brits and Russkies, no investigation.

It was this fake Steele dossier that the FBI used to justify spying on the Trump campaign.

The FBI document on Steele was virtually entirely redacted, except for the first and the last pages. The last page showed the FBI was dealing with Steele (who they called CHS – confidential human source) on or before February 2, 2016. This date blows a massive hole in their cover story about not tracking Trump until much later in the year.

You can see it for yourself by clicking on this link



Friday the FBI released a 158-page document on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. The release left out more pages than it revealed on the laptop belonging to the perv hubby of Hillary’s reputed Moslem mistress Huma Abedin. However, there was a five-page document requesting analysis of the hard drive of the laptop, dated 11/9/2016, hours after it was announced Donald Trump won the presidential election.

This document, pages 15 thru 19 of the release, noted it was a “MISHANDLING OF CLASSIFIED” investigation and a SENSITIVE INVESTIGATIVE MATTER (SIM) (page 15).

FBI/DOJ lustbirds and lawbrakers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page


The writer asked “review media provided for evidence of intrusion” (page 16).

What was the media? “Image of one hard drive from a laptop computer” (page 17).

Page 17 noted “Media is from a sensitive investigative matter (SIM) involving a high level political figure.”

When asked if there had been any previous attempts to analyze the evidence (the laptop), the writer answered “None” (page 17).

The writer noted the headquarters program manager was Peter Strzok (page 18).

The report writer did not note who the laptop belonged to.

Page 20 of the release noted the feds did a report on “analysis of computer intrusion or malware infection or a laptop hard drive belonging to Anthony Weiner.”

If this was the hard drive mentioned in the 11/9/2016 report, then Strzok lied about checking on the laptop before the election, and especially getting amazingly quick results from the FBI tech geeks before the election. 

To see the documents, click on this link:

Hillary R. Clinton Part 24 of 24 (1)

Or click on this link:



Then the Las Vegas police announced Friday they closed their case on the murder of dozens of country music fans in October 2017. They claimed there was only one shooter. Just like the feds claimed only Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, the liars.

The FBI haven’t released their report on the murders yet. But I expect it to be full of lies and coverups.

Saying the FBI has good agents is like saying there were good Germans in Hitler’s army.

Where are the FBI whistleblowers?

The absence of whistleblowers shows there is corruption and cowardice in the FBI from top to bottom.

Let’s review the case which started the FBI’s reputation on a downward spiral.

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Haggard Merle’s Abortionists: A Woman’s Right to Know

July27/ 2018

Not many women can say they went to work for an abortion mill owner, serviced him sexually, got him to divorce his wife, married him, then took over the abortion mill when he croaked, Even Stormy Daniels can’t stoop this low, huh?

Merle Hoffman, 72, can, for she is the owner of that brief life description. She got with a much older abortion mill owner, did him repeatedly, got him to push his wife aside, ran his abortion mill for him, then took it over when the sand ran out of the greedy old shit’s hourglass.

Merle used her influence and money often over the years. She has kept her Choices Women’s Medical Center abortion mill in New York City running despite hiring a guy who carved his initials in a woman’s abdomen, another who was involved in killing two women with abortions, and others with poor malpractice records.

Recently, Ms. Merle picked up the phone, called Albany, and got corrupt New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to abuse the law and file charges against a bunch of protesters outside her abortion mill for her. Soon a baker’s dozen of protesters were hauled into federal court to face Shysterman’s demand for an injunction designed to make them go away.

Merle and her abortion escorts claimed a number of things at trial. They claimed the abortion protesters, many who were members from a nearby church, harassed and assaulted women, and blocked entrance to her abortion mill. The defendants said all they did was witness to the evil of abortion and ask women to consider saving their babies’ lives.

Haggard Merle Hoffman. Millionare abortion mill owner.


In the rabidly pro-abort New York Times, a July 22 article by Jeffery Mays said this:

“But in a ruling issued late Friday denying the request for the injunction, Judge Carol Bagley Amon of the Federal District Court for the Eastern District said the attorney general’s office “failed to show” that any of the 13 defendants “had the intent to harass, annoy, or alarm” patients, their companions or the people escorting women into the clinic.

“The interactions on the sidewalk outside Choices were generally quite short, and there is no credible evidence that any protester disregarded repeated requests to be left alone over an extended period or changed his or her tone or message in response to requests to be left alone in a way that suggested an intent to harass, annoy, or alarm,” Judge Amon wrote in her decision.”

Jeffy was upset with the judge. Problem is she (Judge Amon) saw Schneiderman’s state-paid shysters put on a fake case to aid a truly evil businesswoman.

Schneiderman, who has spent his adult life at the public trough posing as a defender of women, wasn’t there to draw the female judge’s rebuke. Schneiderman resigned in disgrace when multiple women outed him as a sadist who beat them during sex. (Former New York AG and governor Elliot Spitzer, also a pro-abortion “feminist” Democrat, also reportedly beat and choked a prostitute in 2016 and threatened to have her arrested. Like they did for Harvey Weinstein, corrupt New York City prosecutors kept the police from arresting Spitzer.) (Source: New York Post, 11/29/2017)

It’s unclear whether Shysterman’s successor, party hack Barbara Underwood, will appeal the case.

The pro-aborts have not yet begun to apologize for Shysterman.

Or for Merle Hoffman, for that matter.

So why are we talking about her?

99 and I did some work to help the protesters. We were given two weeks to get what we could. And what we did you could do, from the comfort of your own home.

I will cover what we did so you can do likewise if you or someone you know has to fight an opponent with a lot of money but a bankrupt character.

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Joe McCarthy, Donald Trump, the Venona Papers, and the Public Record

July17/ 2018

Many years ago, I was a military cadet who had to write a term paper for an American history class. My subject was espionage, and whether or not Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin was accurate in saying there were many security risks and loyalty risks in positions of government.

There was no Internet in the 1970s. My “cutting edge” sources were the Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature (a list of articles by topic in major magazines) and the Congressional Record. I spent some time in the West Point Library looking up these articles and reading the Congressional Record.

I had a list of those who McCarthy had publicly accused of being security risks (people whose circumstances like debt, substance abuse, infidelity, or perverse sexuality made them potential targets of blackmail). These people were not spies, but were vulnerable people who should have been kept away from sensitive positions, I also had a list of those who McCarthy had publicly accused of being loyalty risks. These people would include Communists, Nazis, socialists, fascists, anarchists, and jihadists …. and agents of foreign governments like the Soviet Union, Germany, or Britain.

The evidence I read in the articles and the congressional hearings indicated McCarthy was right on most of the people he named. So that’s what I reported.

Communist Alger Hiss. Lied about his treason, convicted of perjury.


The colonel who was my history prof gave me a D. He said I was wrong because the people had been cleared by those whose job it was to make background checks. I said the evidence showed these people shouldn’t have passed background checks, given their situations or loyalties, and it was proper for Joe McCarthy to question their positions in government.

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July13/ 2018


Yesterday FBI agent Peter Strzok preened, smarmed, covered up, smirked, and lied to the American public on live TV. He is the evil arrogant face of the corruption of that very corrupt agency that needs disbanding.

Yes, Virginia, the FBI is a racketeering influenced corrupt organization that violates RICO laws and laws against spying, lying, witness tampering, and election tampering. And facilitating sexual abuse of young girls by the Clintons and/or people in the Clintons’ crime family, according to the New York City police. And who knows what else?

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page


Former FBI chief Robert Mueller, who is now the special Nazi in charge of the Russia snipe hunt, was okay with Massachusetts mobster Whitey Bulger and others committing murder because they had a deal. Mueller, who ran the Uranium One investigation, was okay with 20% of our uranium reserves going to the Putin regime and was okay with Hillary getting about $150 million for the Clinton Foundation from donors who appreciated her allowing the corrupt sale of the ore needed for nuclear weapons and nuclear power to go forward.

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Why No Fourth of July Column? Because Evil Never Sleeps.

July08/ 2018

Some of you who saw my column on Little Miss 1565 have asked why I didn’t do a Fourth of July column.

Fair question.

The Fourth of July was when delegates to the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence.

They weren’t barbecuing or getting hammered; they were working.

Thomas Jefferson presents the Declaration of Independence to John Hancock while John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston and Benjamin Franklin stand behind him.Library of Congress


On the Fourth of July of 1850, Zachary Taylor was working too. He dedicated the Washington Monument and chewed out a proslavery senator (Foote, of Mississippi) for preaching brotherhood when weeks earlier he drew a pistol in the Senate against Thomas Hart Benton. He was also working on the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty that secured our rights to build a canal in Central America while freezing out the Brits unless we were to take part in any venture of theirs. Taylor also had gotten the ball rolling on building a railroad across Panama, which at the time was under Colombian control, to make it quicker to go to and from California until we could put a railroad across the Plains, the Rockies, the Great Basin, and the Sierras.

Taylor would sicken that night, possibly aided by a poisoner in the pay of the many enemies of President Taylor, and would die in agony five evenings later. The Democrats almost universally celebrated Taylor’s death, but so did a lot of his own Whigs. Like Donald Trump, General Zachary Taylor beat the establishment of his own party to deliver for the people. Taylor was on a mission to end slavery peacefully (he was a slaveholder himself, but he knew slavery could not last), and he was opposed to any fugitive slave act or bailouts for greedy bondholders. His death was a victory for the slavery lobby and for speculators and for insider Whigs and Democrats.

On the Fourth of July of 1863, US Grant and WT Sherman and their men forced the surrender of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and the Rebels defending this fortress town. Vicksburg dominated the Mississippi River, and its capture essentially cut the states west of the mighty river off from the rest of the Confederacy. After they confiscated the Rebels’ weapons, Union soldiers gave them plenty of food. They also searched the town to see if speculators had been hoarding food during the siege of Vicksburg to make the townspeople pay more for it. When they found stashes, they confiscated them and let the famished people have the food for free.

On the Fourth of July of 1863, thousands lay dead in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Union troops had finally beaten Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia overwhelmingly. Lee and his Rebels anticipated an attack, and organized a fighting retreat to escape back to Virginia. Union general George Meade, who had taken charge of the Army of the Potomac only a week earlier, instead had to send men to help quell the Democrat Copperhead traitor-instigated Draft Riots in New York City. This cost Meade a chance at smashing a retreating Rebel army and possibly shortening the war.

A relative of mine, infantryman William Linskey, won the Distinguished Service Cross for valor in combat after he died in battle in France on July 4, 1918.

My Dad, 99’s Dad, and our uncles were on duty during the Fourths of July that fell during World War Two or those that fell during the Korean War. So were my aunts Billie and Olive, who were Army nurses.

When the nation turned 200 in 1976, I spent the Fourth of July in Jungle School in the Panama Canal Zone with my unit, in training. This was a much much smaller sacrifice on my part than those listed above, but no, I didn’t get any alcohol or barbecue that day either.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy barbecues and illegal fireworks as much or more than most of you. Some of my fondest memories revolve around our family reunions at Uncle Chuck’s house every July 4th, which featured plenty of barbecue and plenty of fireworks.

But on this Fourth of July, like many others during our marriage, 99 and I were also at work.

We are on a project against some objectively evil people.

Evil never sleeps, so we don’t sleep or relax as often as we would like.

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