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Crazed American Soccer Dyke Advocates Raping Girls and Women

July13/ 2019

While Megan Rapinoe was making headlines for saying “F Trump,” one of her kickball teammates did something much worse.

She said she wanted to rape girls and women.

Per Breitbart, 7/11/2019, this:

“In one short segment, (backup goalkeeper and lesbian militant Ashlyn) Harris yells, “Hide your kids, hide your wife, and lock your f***in’ doors because we got the key to the motherf***in’ city, and I’m comin’ for all y’all bitches.”

I went on the Net and found footage of Ashlyn saying the above, so it’s not fake news.

So it could well be one of Ashlyn’s fantasies.

Was she drunk? High? Or rocking a remote control sex toy getting her freak on when she said this?

What does it matter?

Evil bitch Ashlyn has a fiancee. Fellow US Women’s Soccer player Ali Kreiger. Ali, the brunette, wears the dress. Ashlyn, the blonde, wears the coat and tie.


Isn’t Larry Nassar in prison for sticking his fingers in the vaginas and rectums of scores of girl gymnasts, to include many stars of the girls’ US Olympics team? And didn’t many athletics people, both male and female, cover for him for years?

Shouldn’t the protection of young girls, who are more than half the rape victims in the country, matter more than some backup lesbian (no pun intended) soccer player?

Several conservative sources covered Ashlyn’s meltdown, and reacted with tsk tsk disapproval. One leftist news outlet chided them for their disapproval.

The Left mocks disapproval. The Left only hurts when you punish them and mock them.


So punishment and mockery will be the twin thrusts of this column. Can I use the word “thrusts” in a column about lesbian soccer stars?

Ashlyn’s an evil bitch who deserves major punishment. The least of these should be expulsion from the team. And permanent barring from contact with youth soccer too.

The US Women’s Soccer organization must donate their entire take from the World Cup to rape victim and rape prevention programs.

Ashlyn deserves jailing for advocating the rape of women and children.

If womens’ kickball, errr, soccer authorities don’t act on the first three, then they should lose all taxpayer subsidies and accreditation.

As for prosecution for advocating the rape of women and children, since Ashlyn the Ashole did it in New York City, don’t expect mincing DA Cyrus Vance Jr. to bring charges. Vance let Jeffrey Epstein get away with raping underage girls in Manhattan. Vance also sabotaged the criminal prosecution of Harvey Weinstein, who sexually abused women. Vance also allowed International Money Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who evidently raped an African maid in a New York hotel, to escape without prosecution. Her lawyers made the Frog cough up more than a million dollars for the victim several months later.

If the Trump administration or any AG in a Republican state wants to take a bite out of their hides, he or she can check on the US team any time any of their members was involved with a girls’ soccer event in their jurisdictions. If any girl comes forward to say she was victimized, then let the prosecutions begin.

Is Megan Rapinoe foreplaying the World Cup trophy?


Maybe Lin Wood, the lawyer who is representing the Covington Catholic High School kid who was victim of lying shits in the media and in Hollywood and in the political world, can put together a class action suit on behalf of all women and children who feel less safe because Ashole advocates raping women and children.

After all, if the ACLU can extort money from towns across the country because the town piss-ant or some atheist shitheads from Wisconsin feel aggrieved, surely a good lawyer for the side of victims could do likewise.

Mr. Wood should sue Ashlyn Harris, the US Women’s Soccer organization for not punishing her, the City of New York for hosting the parade at which she made her remarks and failed to arrest her, and her dyke fiancee (and US Women’s Soccer teammate) Ali Kreiger and the other kickball bitches and team coach Jill Ellis and others in the US women’s soccer association for not restraining her. And all the sponsors and media pukes who enabled her.

I would exempt Kelley O’Hara because she was the only US Women’s Soccer team member who picked up the American flag from the ground when teammate Allie Long foolishly dragged it and dropped it.


Lin Wood could also represent Jaelene Hinkle. Who is she, my fellow women soccer illiterates?

Jaelene is the best American soccer player at her position. She was left off the national team after she refused to wear a rainbow lesbian pride jersey. Even a foreign media source noted her snubbing, because she is that good a player in the women’s game.

Jaelene refused because she is an Evangelical Protestant. I’m guessing the soccer coaches would argue they kept her off the team for “chemistry” issues. In other words, Jaelene would of course be disruptive because she is not likely to twerk, get drunk on champagne, drag and drop the American flag like a beach towel, swap sex toys and positions with her teammates, piss and moan about her salary, curse President Trump, or advocate lesbian rape.

(Disclosure: I have made hundreds of gallons of red wine, white wine, and hard cider in the past two decades. And I like champagne too. A lot. But I only buy Andre or Cook, which retail for about $7 a bottle, not much more than malt liquor. So I am not mocking champagne, but floozies who can’t hold their liquor in public. I will try not to make the previous sentence into a double entendre joke about our women kickball stars.)

American women’s soccer coach Jill “Doubtfire” Ellis, a German-looking immigrant from England, sizes up talent under her control. Jill is also “married” to another lesbian. Did her orientation play a role in her decision to keep Jaelene off the national team? This picture provides some possible forensic evidence on why she’s a lesbian.


I never heard of Jaelene until yesterday. So I checked out her picture and, being a Sherlock, I noted Jaelene is darker than Kamala Harris.

Yes. Jaelene, instead of being the inspiration for a Dolly Parton song, is black.

Women’s soccer in Europe and America is almost entirely entitled white girls. They must be racists.

But since they are leftist racists, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Kamala Harris and Cory Bugger and all the other race hucksters did nothing to help Jaelene.


What was also unforgivable was all the leftist journalists and politicians who couldn’t wait to kiss Ashlyn Harris’ ass and her nether regions. They were willing to report her garden variety drunken obscenity, but not her advocacy of raping women and children. Maybe they were silent because their mouths were full.

(Disclosure: My vocabulary can be truly vile – vile enough that I have made militant pro-abortion females gasp and even cry when I have attacked them verbally – much to their distress, and to the outrage of “Christians” who were present … they were angrier at me being totally uncouth than at the pro-aborts for being crude, bloodthirsty, and anti-God. I am no prude. There is right and wrong here. Advocating the rape of women and children is satanic. Cursing the satanic is what curse words were meant for. )

These same leftist journalists were silent when the US Women’s Soccer Oppressive Matriarchy blackballed Jaelene Hinkle for being a normally wired black Christian woman who refused to wear the garment of lesbian degeneracy. Besides, the fagele and lesbian rainbow excludes the colors white, black, and brown, the colors of most of us.

Jaelene Hinkle. CBN photo.


Ironically, Jeff Epstein is deservedly facing life in prison for acting out Ashlyn’s fantasy in the same city where she proclaimed it at a parade in honor of the almost entirely white American women’s kickball team beating other almost entirely white Eurofemales. The alleged journalists, who covered for Epstein for decades because Bill and Hillary Clinton separately made more than 20 trips to his Island of Underage Girls, covered up Ashlyn’s “indiscretion.”

But if Alex Rodriguez or Gronk or Kawhi Leonard or Floyd Mayweather or Dog the Bounty Hunter had drunkenly advocated heterosexual rape, the media leftists would bury them in bad copy. They would be forced to apologize and some sports organizations would suspend them.


Ms. Ashlyn shouted, “Hide your kids, hide your wife.”

As a lesbian activist, she meant girls when she said ‘kids.” Or maybe very young boys, which is at least in statutory rape territory, or in rape territory if they are young enough. Many very young boys get victimized by women or much older girls who are lesbians who actually hate males.

Boys past 13 would be strong enough to handle Ms. Ashlyn.

In fact, a Texas boy’s soccer prep team (a team of boys being trained for possible placement on men’s professional teams) beat the US women’s national soccer team, the team that would smash the girls of Thailand and Chile, and the squads of several Euro countries, by a 5-2 score when they played in 2017. None of the boys was older than 14. But they handed the Best Women’s Team in the World cougars’ heads to them.

After losing to the boys, were some American Women’s national team soccer players in Anne Boleyn mode?


Back to the narrative.

Ashlyn Harris’ comment was far more objectionable than anything Megan Rapinoe emitted from her flatulent piehole.

Not that Ashlyn had only the one mask drop.

Patrick Redford of Deadspin, 7/10/2019, reported this:

“The World Cup-winning USWNT is currently parading its way through New York City and continuing the bender that began immediately after the women dispatched the Netherlands on Sunday. Today’s highlights include the entire team pounding Ace of Spades (a high price champagne) at 8:40 a.m., backup goalkeeper and unofficial team documentary director Ashlyn Harris announcing the team’s presence on a float by shouting, “We’re on a float, biiitch!”, and players printing out copies of the team’s equal pay lawsuit to throw around the city.

The scene begins with Harris crumpling up a page from the suit and showing what appears to be pages from it scattered, in her words, “in the fuckin’ trees, bitch.” Then Allie Long eats a page. It rules.”

SB Nation’s James Dator, 7/10/2019, scribbled this:

“In the wake of the USWNT’s incredible World Cup win we learned goalkeeper Ashlyn Harris is one of the most gifted storytellers in sports. Following the victory we got a look in the locker room that highlighted the team celebrating, sharing apples, singing Migos, and twerking.

It was an absolute delight, followed by slight pangs of ennui as we all feared maybe this Instagram journey was just a moment, frozen in time, that would be lost as the team moved on from the win.


The USWNT traveled to New York to prepare for their victory parade Wednesday, and somehow Harris’ Instagram journey became even more amazing. Everything about this team is a joy and I never want this party to end … ever. It’s impossible to rank the best moments from Harris’ latest story, but let’s try.

Megan Rapinoe posing with the cup saying “I deserve this. I deserve everything,” as if she was on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Harris yelling “We’re on a float, bitch!”

Commandeering an ABC news microphone and taking over the show.

Realizing things were coming off the rails, yelling “It’s getting sloppy. It’s getting f***ing sloppy!”

Harris and Alex Morgan singing “Who Run the World (Girls)” on the float.

Harris and Rapinoe yelling “Are you not entertained, bitch?” like they were in Gladiator.

You owe it to yourself to watch the whole story unfold, because I can’t do it justice in text form. Just know it’s rather NSFW (but we wouldn’t have it any other way).”

Neither one of these jock sniffers reported Ashlyn’s rape screaming, Nor did any other leftist publication. Again, the Left covers up sexual abuse in truth or fantasy when one of their own practices it.

Anmerican Media. Gagged like sex slaves at a NXIVM session. Top people of NXIVM were Hillary donors and friends and relatives of Kirsten Gillibrand.


Now here’s a bit of coverage from the other side.

Vivek Saxena, Bizpacreview writer, 7/12/2012 reported this:

“Roughly a day after the U.S. women’s soccer team paraded through New York City while spewing obscenities and behaving like obnoxious, egocentric brats, one team member suffered what some have described as a “karmic” burglary and lost some cash, her wedding ring and the keys to NYC.

“After the @ESPYS show someone stole my wedding ring, cash and the key to my favorite city after just receiving it from my hotel room. Do you make copies @NYCMayor ? I would love a new one,” flag-tossing player Allie Long tweeted at 10:15 pm EST Thursday evening.

According to TMZ. the burglary occurred at a hotel room she’d rented in Los Angeles prior to this year’s ESPY Award show Thursday evening in downtown LA.

“Law enforcement sources tell us Long … had her Ritz-Carlton hotel room burglarized Thursday afternoon,” the gossip website confirmed. “We’re told Allie’s wedding ring — worth about $15k — along with the key to NYC awarded to her yesterday for winning the World Cup were taken in the theft. Sources tell us there were no signs of forced entry … and police believe the door may have been left ajar.”

Meanwhile, some among the public have responded to the burglary by suggesting that the burglary was a result of karma paying Long an allegedly much-deserved visit.

Their animosity toward her stemmed from two complaints.

First, following the U.S. women’s soccer team’s World Cup victory last Sunday, Long disrespectfully dropped the American flag to the ground and then almost stepped on it. Why? So she could participate in a photo-op with fellow player and noted anti-American Megan Rapinoe.

It took midfielder Kelley O’Hara rushing to pick up the flag to prevent it from suffering anymore undeserved abuse and disrespect.

Kelley O’Hara. Hopefully she won’t be axed from the team for gratuitous patriotism.


Second, many among the public were already annoyed with the entire team for the uncouth, ogreish behavior that was displayed during the parade Wednesday through NYC.

Recorded after the team was handed the keys to New York City in recognition of its achievement, one video clip from the parade shows fellow player Ashlyn Harris obnoxiously bragging.

“Hide your kids, hide your wives, lock your f–kin doors, because I got the key to the motherf–king city, and I’m coming for all ya’ll b–ches,” she drunkenly says.”


Wrongfully. Worthy of prosecution … and hopefully of civil action that will drain the bitch of her assets.


While we are on the subject of women athletes and bizarre sexual behavior, let’s note athletics are full of pervs.

Jerry Sandusky of State Penn comes to mind immediately.

We’ve mentioned Larry Nassar. Many top US women’s gymnastics officials have had to resign in disgrace because of him. And Michigan taxpayers are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to his victims after governor Gretchen Whitmer pussed out when it came to prosecuting him properly when she was the Democrat prosecutor in the county Michigan State University rules.

Ohio State is looking at paying out multimillions of dollars because a doctor on their campus named Richard Strauss reportedly molested many smaller male athletes and students.

USC OB-GYN and abortionist George Tyndall is costing Trojan Evil Empire tens of millions of dollars for his sexual abuse of Trojan coeds.

And sanctimonious Bible-hugging shit Kenneth Starr, who tanked the Clinton investigations (Vince Foster, Paula Jones) and helped Clinton’s little girl supplier (allegedly) Jeffrey Epstein beat a long prison term for rape in Florida, weaseled out of Baylor in disgrace when athletes at that school stood accused of raping coeds. Some of them are doing time now for their crimes, no thanks to Brown Starr.

This does not count the many thousands of public school teachers and coaches who are perv sexual abusers. Nor does it count the many thousands of pervs who are involved in children’s athletic or other youth activities programs.

There needs to be a federal law floor for screening anyone who works with kids. And the states can make the laws even tougher.

Child molesters know how to manipulate children and other adults. Michigan State staffers and many girls’ gymnastics coaches defended Larry Nassar, claiming his act of putting his fingers up girls’ vaginas and rectums helped them deal with the pain in the sport they were suffering.

Parents, if your girls are suffering pain clinically from a sport, take them to your family doctor and let him or her find you a specialist as needed …. and take your girls out of the sport before they suffer permanent injuries.

Likewise for boys. If older wrestlers are sodomizing younger ones with broomsticks, that isn’t hazing. It’s called “rape by instrumentality.” Abusers and negligent adults need to go to prison. Dads, perhaps you should smash these abusers and their adult supervisors repeatedly until they need emergency surgery.

Abusers honeycomb sports. You will have to check on coaches and others, and keep kids away from and expose the abusers.

They won’t go away on their own. Public schools and teacher unions protect their pervs. So do national athletic associations.


Here is a story about our US Olympics women speed skaters from 2018. Adam Raymond wrote it for Maxim magazine.


On the heels of one Winter Olympic wardrobe malfunction, comes another. But this one was not an accident.

No, the bizarre, crotch-highlighting uniforms being worn by U.S. speed skaters in South Korea were very much intentional.

The silver splotches splashed across the genitals of speed skaters are supposed to make them go faster, Yahoo reports. It’s called ArmourGlide and it’s a “super slick material that apparently reduces friction up to 65%.”

Under Armour reportedly developed the material with the help of defense contractor Lockheed Martin after U.S. speed skating disappointed in the 2014 Winter Olympics.

The company explained what was going on in a statement to InStyle: “The contrasting material in the inner thigh (friction guards) has been commonplace for speed skate skins for decades, to reduce friction. The 2014 UA skin had one panel instead of two, but in testing the new skin, the addition of a second panel reduced friction even more—by 60 percent.”

While the material doesn’t seem to have done much—the U.S. only has a one medal, a bronze, in speedskating—it’s certainly attracted attention.

A woman named Marge Williams tweeted:

“OMG! Who in the world designed the gray & black uniform for our (U.S) lady speed skaters?!!! It’s ok from waist up, but it’s most embarrassing in the crotch area! What was that person thinking!!!”

Another, Emily Mellott, tweeted:

“So who designed the US speed skating uniforms? That crotch-highlighting look is a little tone-deaf.”

Sarah Jenkins replied:

“Uniform designer 1: Our new uniforms need to reflect the elegant and strong aesthetic of speed skating.

Uniform designer 2: And highlight the crotch.

Uniform designer 1: Duh of course. Gotta pull the eye right there!”

But don’t let the online ridicule fool you, Under Armor says the uniforms are being well received:

“The athletes love the look of the skins and how they perform and are getting compliments from other countries.”

Especially from guys, I’m sure. I’ll bet several of the female American speed skaters got Korean and Chinese and Japanese takes along the line of “Me rookee you nookee?”

Yet none of the American female skaters said a thing against the degrading uniforms. If it helped them skate faster, they were all in. Maybe Larry “Magic Fingers” Nassar could have helped them with their pain. They would have believed him. Or at least they may have kept silent, not wanting to get tossed from the team like the soccer dykeocracy tossed Jaelene Hinkle for being normal and having standards.

Abusers and other leftists are programming children and young adults to submit to unnatural acts and unnatural behavior and not make waves. They are anti-American.


Now for the money angle of women’s soccer.

Talk show host and attorney Clay Travis mentioned on his 7/11/2019 “Outkick” show that women World Cup teams accounted for $130 million in revenue, while the men accounted for over $6 billion (with a B). In other words, male national team soccer players were responsible for raising more than 40 times the money that their female counterparts did.

Travis also noted Megan Rapinoe missed a chance to equate women’s soccer performance with the freedom the women of America and Europe have relative to the rest of the world. Boosting her country instead of her ego never occurred to fake male Megan. He noted she blew (word choice mine) a chance to discuss her ideas with President Trump, which would have helped her immensely.

Megan Rapinoe at least stayed on message. She concentrated on attacking President Trump, demanding pay equal to male World Cup soccer players, accepting verbal oral sex from the media, saying she deserved the soccer trophy and the adulation, and positioning herself to be the female Colon Kaliphate.

Reportedly Megan’s girlfriend WNBA basketball player Sue Bird didn’t like the pink streaks she put in her hair. Like, whatever. After all, Megan already looks like David Bowie, only with a thicker stubble.

In reality, the only way women’s soccer will generate the revenue men’s soccer does to through entertainment, not sports. They are not anywhere as good as male players. If a team of boys, none of whom was of the age of sexual consent, could spank the best women’s team on the planet 5 to 2 (watch the word “spank”, bro), you can see the disparity in talent between the top men and the top women.

This picture shows Megan Rapinoe (kneeling) and her girls are not very big. In most sports, size matters. Megan is 5′ 7″. This does not mean the female players are untalented, but they are at a size and strength disadvantage to male players. Wire service photo … which had to have been reversed.


In other words, our women’s team members and the Eurobabes would make big money only if they do sex acts on pay-per-view TV programs. I don’t recommend this.

Some European gymnasts resorted to doing nude gymnastics exhibits and, errr, after-event entertainment in East Asia not too long ago. And some women rasslers made more money from real porn than from fake wrestling.


Abnormal sexuaiity plays into another problem unique to women’s athletics.

What if some cross-dressing guys go to the transgender card and want to be on the US women’s national soccer team?

Cross-dressers vs. drunken dykes could be very entertaining. And very lucrative to some lawyers who will handle the lawsuits. Democrats recently voted to let trannies shift into women’s sports.

Put that in your dope pipes and smoke it, ladies.

If Megan doesn’t get Nike commercial money, she can always settle for Snap-On Tools. Here’s a potential ad photo.

Wire service photo. You provide the caption.


And wrapping up this post, here are some pix from the Web that may be showing the Baddest Women in the Soccer World celebrating their 2019 World Cup victory.

Remember, I said only punishment and mockery work against the Left. Keep that in mind.


Megan Rapinoe on a blind date with herself?


Sue Bird is overwhelmed when she tries on the World Cup for size.



Allie Long gets pranked by her lesbian teammates for marrying a dude.


Ashlyn Harris claims she didn’t know where her head was at when she made the rape comments.



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