• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025

St. Patrick’s Day: Ireland and the West Need Evangelization

March17/ 2019

Today is the feast day of St. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland.

St. Patrick gave the Irish their Catholic faith, and their national emblem. The three-leafed shamrock, which everyone associates with the Irish, was the plant St. Patrick used to demonstrate the concept of the Holy Trinity to the Irish. And so the Irish made the humble shamrock the sign of themselves as a people, because St. Patrick had used it in a holy cause.

Statue of St. Patrick on the Hill of Tara. Photo by Author.


Only King David, whose six-pointed star the Jews have adopted as their own, can lay that claim to a people.

David was a Hebrew, but Patrick was not Irish. Patrick was half- Roman and half-Gaul. His father was a Roman official stationed in Britain. His mother was a Gaulish woman, from the tribes of people who lived in present-day France in the centuries just before and just after Christ.

NOTE: I use BC as before Christ and AD as “in the year of our Lord.” The “CE” nonsense that atheists in academia and the media want to use to ignore Christ stands for Cattle Excrement.

What was Patrick really like, and how did he come to take as his life’s work the conversion of the Irish to Christianity?

Patrick, as we mentioned earlier, was born to a Roman official and his wife. Patrick’s mother was from Brittany (the large nose-shaped peninsula of western France), and one of her uncles was St. Martin of Tours … the Roman soldier who gave his cloak to a beggar on a cold night, saw a vision of Christ, and then became a priest and bishop.

Patrick’s parents named him “Succat” and had him baptized under that name. “Succat” means “brave in battle” and comes from Britain, where his father was stationed.

Succat was a typical youth, high-spirited and fun-loving. He and his sisters took a trip from Britain to Brittany when they were teens to visit their mother’s people in Brittany … and it was on this trip that seafaring raiders from the High King at Tara captured Succat and sold him into slavery in Ireland.

Succat was put to work herding animals in the north of Ireland. While tending the herds, Succat had time to pray, and reflect about the meaning of life, and how he intended to use his if he ever became free. God must have approved of Succat’s plans, because Succat was finally able to escape his master, get aboard a ship 200 miles away, and sail back to Gaul.

Succat’s family rejoiced that he was safe again, and Succat was glad to be with his loved ones, but all his years in Ireland had changed him. He knew the people and their customs, and he felt the calling to bring Christianity to them. So he bid his people farewell, joined the priesthood, and after many years received permission from his superiors to evangelize the Irish.

Pope Celestine gave Succat the nickname of Patricius, which is Latin for “nobleman” and implies “leader.” “Patrick” or “Padraig” is the Irish form of his nickname.

Patrick would live up to his nickname, and then surpass it. For Patrick did more than the average leader … Patrick became the Patriarch of a people … priest, prophet, and king.

The early days of Patrick’s return to Ireland were perilous. The High King at Tara whose raiders had captured Patrick had died, but his son who became king was no pushover, either. The new High King was a pagan, and a bold warrior. He was not happy this Roman came bearing a new religion that threatened his people’s long-held beliefs.

But it was a fire that Patrick lit that really caught the High King’s eye and his ire. Patrick, within sight of the king’s court, boldly lit a fire on a day which no one was supposed to light a fire before the pagan Druids lit a ceremonial fire. Patrick lit the fire on the Hill of Slane, and it was visible from the Hill of Tara, ten miles away.

St. Patrick’s Fire. Artist Unknown.


As luck would have it, the day was Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. The enraged king ordered his warriors to force Patrick and his assistants to come to his court and explain their transgression.

It was Easter morning when Patrick and his men stood before the High King at Tara.

“Tara” has a mystical ring to it, and resurfaced in Americana as the name of Scarlett O’Hara’s plantation in “Gone With the Wind.” Of course she was of Irish blood.

Vivian Leigh as Scarlett O’Hara. Publicity still.


But the Hill of Tara was not the site of a fancy palace. The High King, as the overlord of a very rural people, liked to hold court outside. So imagine a crew of men as tough as American Indian warriors holding deliberations almost like an American Indian council of chiefs.

The Hill of Tara is higher than much of the countryside of Ireland around it. When 99 and I went there, it reminded me of the hills and serpent mounds of Ohio.

The High King and his queen and leading nobles, were sitting in the highest part of the court atop the hill. The king’s warriors silently and forebodingly ringed the court with their shields and weapons. The High King ordered his Druids to confront Patrick and punish him with their brand of black magic.

So in an Easter morning showdown worthy of Elijah the prophet’s contest against the false prophets of Baal, Patrick squared off against the Druids of the High King at Tara. The Druids conjured up a cloud of darkness over the open court (maybe with smoke), but could not dissipate it. Patrick performed a miracle with the help of God, and made the cloud disappear.

“They can bring darkness,” Patrick, pointing at the Druids, declared solemnly and powerfully to the king, “but they cannot bring light.” Only God, Who made the sun, and Who handed down the Commandments, and Who sent His Son out of love for humanity could.

Patrick then boldly preached the Gospel of Christ to the High King and his court, and by his powerful presence, converted several warriors, two noblemen, and the Queen herself to Christ. Later, Patrick converted two of the High King’s daughters. The High King remained a pagan, but even he was impressed enough with Patrick to allow him to evangelize in his realm without persecution. Within 25 years, virtually all Ireland would become Christian.

Mound atop Hill of Tara. Photo by Author.


Patrick’s conversion of the Irish in time became a European event as well as an Irish event. Patrick brought the gifts of Roman culture and learning to Ireland, along with the priceless gift of the Catholic faith and the written Bible and other fine church books, and the people appreciated them. The raids of the Huns and many other barbaric tribes destroyed many books and other articles of culture and learning on the European continent right after Patrick converted the Irish.

But these raiders couldn’t reach Ireland. After the raids, Irish monks, like human embers from a brightly burning hearth, went to the devastated countries of Europe with new books. They relit the fires of knowledge throughout Europe. The Irish priests also converted large areas of Northern Europe to the Faith, because these rustic men were more at ease with the farmer and the warrior than the Latin churchmen of the towns and ordered farms of the Mediterranean countries, and of France and England. In this age, Ireland earned the nickname of “Land of Saints and Scholars.”

The Irish, even as pagans, were a big-hearted, fair minded people. They were at first skeptical of Patrick and the new faith that preached worship of a God Who only demanded ethical conduct and Who would allow His only Son to be sacrificed to redeem men and women in their failings. But they saw the good that Patrick did and the zeal within him, and they followed this man into the Church with such gusto that their descendants missionized Northern Europe, the Americas, and anywhere on earth where people needed to hear the word of God.

One sign of the fairness and big-heartedness of the Irish was the set of rules that governed them. The Brehon laws of Ireland, which stressed compensation to the victim over tribute to the rulers, formed a just legal code for the Irish people. Patrick, at the request of the leaders of Ireland, modified them slightly and added a Christian focus to them. He said they were otherwise fair enough not to need any tinkering from him.

St. Patrick was also one of Ireland’s first advocates against the oppression of the English. A British warlord named Coroticus sent warriors to the Irish coast, and they murdered some people whom Patrick had just baptized personally, and captured many young girls, whom they sold into sexual slavery. Patrick was a one-time escaped captive, so he was outraged almost beyond words. He angrily demanded the excommunication of Coroticus and the return of the captives.

“Aye, and where shall Coroticus with his most villainous followers, rebels against Christ, where shall they see themselves, who distribute baptized damsels as rewards?” he shouted in a letter to the people of Coroticus’ court in an attempt to rouse them to rebel against him. “Is it a crime,” he thundered in the letter, “to be born in Ireland? Have we not the same God as you have?” Seumas MacManus noted this two-sentence sarcastic attack by Patrick upon the oppressors of his adopted people has echoed in the hearts of the Irish through the centuries of oppression at the hands of professed fellow Christians in Britain.

One of my favorite stories about St. Patrick was the time he baptized King Angus, one of the chieftains of Ireland into the Catholic faith. It wasn’t every day that a king decided to serve the Lord, so St. Patrick decided to perform the ceremony in his finery — his bishop’s robes and his crozier (a long metal instrument the size of a shepherd’s hook).

As Seumas MacManus tells it in his book The Story of the Irish Race, St. Patrick, with a sufficient dramatic flourish, thrust his heavy metal crozier, by its point, into the ground, or so he thought, as he prepared to baptize the king. Instead, he missed earth, and ran it right through the king’s foot!

St. Patrick baptizes King Angus. Painting by James Barry.


Surprisingly, King Angus, didn’t utter a sound. After all, Angus, as a chieftain, was a leader of warriors, a hunter, and an outdoorsman by nature. So he was used to hardship. It was only after St. Patrick finished baptizing King Angus that he discovered he had pinned the chieftain’s foot to the ground.

“Why,” St. Patrick cried out, “did you not tell me this?”

King Angus answered simply, “Because I thought it was part of the ceremony.”

King Angus truly did persevere in the faith. He served as a good example to his clan … and twelve of King Angus’ sons and daughters became priests or nuns.

And so did the Irish as a whole. Their faith had remained strong despite the raids of the Vikings, and despite the centuries-long oppression of the British, which continues in part of Ireland to this day. A combination of the zeal of St. Patrick, with the good hearted endurance and good humor of the Irish had made it so.

Cardinal Richard Cushing called Patrick the Patriarch of the Irish people because he was the founder of the people .. not by fatherhood, like Abraham, but by giving them the identity of a unified Christian people of the same blood governed by the same charitable laws. He definitely was their foremost religious leader. And Patrick was a patriarch because he molded the destiny of the Irish people. By bringing the Irish the priceless gift of the Catholic faith, and by the time he spent and the example he set during his labors, he set the destiny of the Irish nation for the centuries to almost this day.

But it only takes one generation for a people to go from excellence to excrement.

The people of Ireland have largely reverted to a form of paganism since the 1970s. They have thrown away their faith and their identity in longing to join the race to the bottom.

So have most of the people of Europe and many of the people of America.

The roots were in the 1900s, after World War One, in which many of the manliest men of Europe perished or were rendered cripples. National orders were overthrown. Violent Communists overturned the Orthodox Church in Russia. In Germany after the war, rival bands of pagans fought, and the violent Nazi pagans won over the Communists and other leftist pagans. In Russia and in Germany, the new psychotic leaders like Lenin and Stalin and Hitler ordered the murder of the holiest priests and nuns and the suppression of these faiths.

The British and French, devastated by the war, suffered splits in their societies. Many of the poor struck for their rights. The upper classes, seeking hedonism, were not wired to govern justly.

The French during the Revolution in the 1790s had already persecuted the Church and took away Church property and cast out the clergy as opponents to the regime. The revolutionaries had murdered hundreds of thousands of rural faithful Catholics in Brittany and the Vendee. All French governments from Robespierre until De Gaulle after World War Two would oppose the Catholic Church. During World War Two, France lost to Germany, and was occupied. Many French leaders collaborated with the Germans. Most of the rest of the French were quiet. De Gaulle was one of the few leaders not to surrender or collaborate, so he was a hero and a true Frenchman. De Gaulle, a practicing Catholic from Joan of Arc’s Lorraine, and who had a special needs little girl, almost single-handedly kept abortion illegal in France. When he died, lower politicians once again made abortion the law of that land.

French church’s stained glass windows depict the Revolutionary soldiers murdering Catholic peasants in Vendee. Napoleon Bonaparte, then a junior officer, refused to help murder the peasants. He said France had plenty of German and English enemies to kill instead.


The British, coming out of World War One, also saw the weakening of their society. Many of the aristocracy died in the war, and the rising of the Left led King George V and prime minister Lloyd George to cowardly refuse asylum to Russia’s Nicholas II, Alexandra, and their children. The Communists murdered all of them in 1918. Anastasia apparently got away for awhile, but was later captured, beaten, probably raped, and executed by herself. The remains of Alexei, the hemophiliac boy, were not found with the rest of the family either.

Top: British women decorate grave of son and brother Fred. Center: “Next of Kin” by Kathe Kollwitz, Germany. Bottom: French officer leaves wife and baby for war. Millions of Europe’s finest young men died in this war; millions of Europe’s finest women grieved for the rest of their lives.  Lesser people took their places in European society.


British politicians allowed atheist socialist Mussolini to bomb and murder the Christian people of Ethiopia in East Africa. They sold him fuel and let his transports use the Suez Canal.

British politicians joined the French politicians in appeasing the bisexual leather freak Hitler, allowing him to take Austria and Czechoslovakia. The Polish, much braver than the French and British, refused to fold. Hitler and Stalin sent troops to invade Poland and the Germans and Soviets beat the Poles in about a month.

African Christian vicims of socialism, atheism, and appeasement. Haile Selassie, ruler of Ethiopia, at podium pleads for his people’s lives and liberty before the League of Nations. Only Ireland’s De Valera would support him. Library of Congress.


The British ran away from the Germans faster than the French did, and thus were able to be saved by the sailors who crossed the English Channel to Dunkerque to evacuate them. Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union and American entry into World War Two saved the British from the fate of France.

After World War Two, the British and French lurched leftward. In a few years they would end colonialism, not because they believed it was wrong, but because it cost too much to try to stop uprisings against them in Asia and Africa.

Leftists in their elites said the British and French were paying for their militant nationalism. The leftists conveniently left out the parts about the vermin of North Africa and the Middle East (the Arabs, Moors, and Turks) occupying Spain, Portugal, Ukraine, and the Balkans for centuries and enslaving and murdering the Christians of these unhappy lands.

The leftists conveniently lied about Asians from Attila the Hun to the Mongols and the Golden Horde and other vermin who butchered millions of Russians and Slavs for centuries.

Moslem Turks raped and beheaded the prettiest girls and young women of Batak, Bulgaria in 1876. After Bulgaria’s liberation by the Russians (fellow Orthodox Christians), older women displayed some of the skulls of the victims. The Moslems of the Middle East and North Africa murdered and enslaved millions of European Christians from Spain to Ukraine. They likewise murdered and enslaved Christians in Armenia and Georgia.


They even “forgot” to mention the African slave trade couldn’t exist unless African leaders were willing to sell millions of captives to Arab, English, French, and Iberian slavers.

Italy underwent a milder form of dictatorship than Germany or Russia. But since the King of Italy sold out to socialist atheist Mussolini in the 1920s, the aristocracy in the land fell along with Mussolini, when partisans hung him and his mistress Clara Petacci upside down at a gas station in northern Italy. Hedonism came to the Boot after the Italians, funded by the Marshall Plan, cleaned up the rubble from the war.

Spain, torn by Communist, anarchist, and socialist mobs in the early 1900s, finally went over to Franco’s brand of fascism. The leftists murdered thousands of priests and raped thousands of nuns; Franco’s people protected the clergy. Franco won and kept the Spanish, except for the Blue Division of volunteers against Stalin, out of World War Two. But by the 1970s, most Spaniards wanted more freedom and more indulgence than the strait-laced Catholic Franco wanted to give them. When he died in 1975, the Spanish lurched left.

When leftist vermin in Spain couldn’t find nuns to rape, they dug up dead nuns from their graves and displayed them. These sadistic animals and many others like them are the demonic ancestors of the Antifa movement. Like these two, the Antifas can’t be reasoned with; they must be smashed and totally defeated.


The Scandinavian countries were split …. Denmark and Norway were captive to the Nazis. Sweden stayed out of the war but was a Nazi satellite country economically. The Finns, like Spain’s Blue Division, fought as allies of Hitler in revenge because Stalin had ordered attacks on their land in 1939 and 1940. They had all been Lutheran by the order of their governments …. when their nobility and politicians fell and leftists replaced them, many Scandinavians obeyed the new order and became agnostics, atheists, or pagans.

The peoples of Eastern Europe suffered Nazi occupation, then Soviet occupation until 1989. Greece escaped because we aided their resistance to local Communists. Tito ruled Yugoslavia as a dependable “independent” Communist. The other lands suffered Soviet-imposed scum as their politicians. The Nazis and Reds attacked the religions and patriotism of these unhappy peoples for five decades. The Catholic and Orthodox faiths that undergird these nations endured and emerged strong, because they were the only resistance to the Nazis and Reds with any credibility.

Ireland’s priests and nuns used to serve a similar role when Ireland was under British occupation from the late 1100s to after World War One, when Irish rebels successfully fought a revolutionary war against the British and earned independence for most of the island. Eamon De Valera, a half-Spanish Irish patriot born in New York City, was Ireland’s tough and spiritual father until his death in 1975. He kept the Irish Republic (Ireland minus the six counties remaining under British rule in the north) pro-American, but officially neutral during World War Two because of all the crimes the British had committed against the Irish (to include the killing of more than half the Irish by troops under English dictator and Hell resident Oliver Cromwell, and the manufactured famine of the 1840s that cost more than a million Irish lives. The Brits, instead of providing food the Irish grew to those who were starving from the repeated failures of the potato crops, took the food to Britain.) He also excoriated the European leaders in the League of Nations for not coming to the aid of the Ethiopians. De Valera was a devout Catholic and a man who lived very frugally despite his authority. When he died, Irish society swung leftward.

Bridget O’Donnell and her children. Three of millions of starving Irish during the Famine.


British authorties used a battering ram to knock down many Irish peasants’ cottages. National Archives of Ireland.


All during the 1900s, there were efforts to smash the Catholic Church in Europe. Hitler murdered thousands of priests. The Spanish leftists did likewise. Protestant countries like the British and the Germans treated Catholics like second-class citizens. So did the atheists who ran France. But the most successful effort to smash the Church came from infiltration.

Many people who came into the clergy were leftists or fascists or communists who had the intent to ruin the Church from within. Many others, who opposed the Church’s teachings against homosexuality, were homosexuals themselves. They came in because they wanted to molest children, and in the Church, they would have access to children and the ability to cover up their crimes against children because it would be hard to believe people could be so perverse.

The infiltrators have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. The Catholic Church, despite its millenniums of charity and hospitals and schools and universities, stands today as an organization scorned by most because of the homosexuals who infiltrated the Church.

The various Protestant churches in Europe have suffered similar loss of authority because of the infiltration of homosexuals. But these churches never defined the character of their nations like the Catholic Church has defined the people of Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, southern Germany, Austria, Poland, Lithuania, western Ukraine, the Czech and Slovak lands, Slovenia (from where our First Lady Melania, a Catholic, comes), Croatia, and Ireland.

In recent years, the Irish have imposed homosexual marriage and abortion on themselves by the votes of about 60% of the public. This is due to a number of factors. One is the influence of Britain, which is a nation full of poofsters and abortion crazies. Another is the influence of Western Europe, which sees things in many ways like the British do. A third is the treason of the leftist politicians in Ireland, who are importing unassimilatable people from Moslem countries. The leader of Ireland today, Leo Varadkar, is a homosexual whose father is a Hindu from India.

These all took place after the infiltration of leftists and homosexuals into the Catholic Church in Ireland, and the bitter truth about their perversions had ruined the Church’s moral authority.

Across the Irish Sea in Britain, Moslems knife and acid-attack innocent victims, They gang-rape young girls, and yet the WASPy authorities deny it and cover it up. The Lord Mayor of London is a Moslem named Sadiq Khan, whose people came from Pakistan. He is not unduly alarmed with all the murders people of his faith are committing in Merrie England.

In France and Germany, the Moslem invaders desecrate Catholic churches, and rape and knife girls. Spain’s leftists are welcoming in North African Moslems who behave similarly. The Italians are at least fighting the invaders from North Africa who take ships to their shores illegally.

In all these lands, homosexuals and others with similar problems have special rights.

Only in Eastern Europe do most of the leaders actually believe in protecting their own from outsiders who wish to prey upon them. Then too, they are used to having to defend themselves from murderers, be they Nazis, Soviets, or Moslems. They have patriotic Catholic and Orthodox church leaders reinforcing their societies.

How can the reversal of the crumbling of society in Europe and America, and in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand take place?

Evangelical Protestantism alone is not the answer. Most Protestants who are Evangelicals pick their churches based upon the preacher’s personality. Many give themselves more authority in interpreting Scripture than the Catholic Church and the Orthodox churches give their leaders.

Evangelical Protestants have an agreement on some basic moral issues, but not on many others, That is why there are so many types of Protestant churches. Aside from believing in the divinity of Christ Jesus, like Catholics do, and aside from rejecting most of the Sacraments the Catholics hold in common with Orthodox Christians, and aside from rejecting the authority of the successors of the Apostles, Protestantism does not have a formal unifying theology and practice.

Baptism in Kansas by John Steuart Curry. Good-hearted people of God. Where is the faith of the American people today?


One of the best people I know is a Baptist preacher whose field of ministry is in Southwest Ohio. He is not a charismatic glib figure, but a rough-hewn tough man of God who does have a sense of humor. He has done a lot for the poor, and he has done a lot to try to convince sinners, especially those who shack up, screw around, or commit adultery, to mend their ways and get right with God. He has poor congregants, and he declines to take a salary for his work. He has supported his family as an aviation professional for decades.

Sadly, the evangelical Protestant seminaries are not turning out many men like him.

The old “main line” Protestant churches (Anglicans, Lutherans, Calvinists, Methodists) are in worse shape. They are beset with the same problems as Catholic churches – moral wimpiness, homosexuality, denial of centuries of national and religious heritage, and a snobbish looking down upon most of the natives of their own lands. It’s likely more Moslems in Britain, Scandinavia, Germany, and the Netherlands attend religious services than Protestants do in these lands. Falling attendance and observance are plaguing these churches in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand as well.

Father William Corby gives general absolution of sins to the soldiers of the Irish Brigade (NY 69th) at Gettysburg before they charged into the Wheat Field on July 2, 1863. Of the 530 men, 200 died in battle or suffered wounds at Gettysburg. Father Corby later led Notre Dame. But his soldiers were truly the Fighting Irish! Painting by Bradley Schmehl.


It will take the rededication of Catholics and Protestants and Orthodox Christians and observant Jews to the Ten Commandments and the other tenets of their faiths that hold men and women responsible for their actions. It will take the overlooking of doctrinal differences and the common goal of making communities and nations into places whose people really do follow Christ’s admonitions to serve God and treat neighbors with charity.

All churches need to purge homosexuals from the clergy and lay people church offices. Statistics released by Catholic dioceses show about 80% of sex abuse victims were boys. The numbers are unarguable. Only about 5% of males are homosexuals or bisexuals, but almost all of the clerical child molesters were and are homosexuals or bisexuals. It goes without saying all churches also need to purge those who molest girls. In the Gospel of Matthew (18:6), Christ Himself said pervs who abused children would be better off thrown into the sea with millstones around their necks.

Molesters are all too common in all the Christian faiths. This includes youth ministers and other lay people ans well as clergy. Bear in mind pervs who choose church work do so for access to victims, and to protection from being outed, or protection from punishment when they are outed. It stands to reason those who cover up for these vermin also deserve purging from the Church, like Christ said the lukewarm He would vomit out of his mouth.

In other words, the Catholic Church and other churches will have to rebuild their moral authorities according to the commands of God from the rubbles they are now. This means godly an honorable conduct publicly and privately for anyone who assumes to the clergy, the sisterhood, or the laity of the Christian and Jewish faiths.

It will also take the rededication of patriotic believers, and of patriotic people who are uneasy with organized religion to push for national pride of achievement and national character. There is nothing anti-Christian about this. In the Middle Ages, Catholic Church leaders from across Europe were proud of their homelands. They did try to limit war among Christians with the aim of ending Christian-on-Christian violence. Chivalry was the Catholic and Orthodox Christian leaders’ and warriors’ code of protecting women and children, and valuing the contributions of women as children of God.

Joan of Arc. Patroness of defenders. Our patroness.


Many patriots, for many reasons, are uneasy with organized religion. We all need to work together against those who wish all of us patriots harm and doom. President Trump is a relatively recent convert to “the cause,” but a damn powerful one, thank God. Men and women of different faiths, and some without a great deal of religiosity, welcomed him as a real American man and as an alternative to the politicians who routinely sell out working Americans.

Joan of Arc succeeded in large part because Christian warriors were willing to accept her as a child of God prepared and sent to lead them and help them. Queen Jadwiga of the Poles and Lithuanians succeeded in her mission to protect her lands likewise.

“Oath of Queen Jadwiga” by Josef Simmler. Nazis stole this painting from the Polish people during World War Two. I am displaying it here with the OK of the Polish government to aid in its recovery. Anyone who may know its whereabouts is requested to contact the Polish Embassy in your land to aid in its return to the peole of Poland.


The leaders of the Church believed in self-defense, and protection of their lands from the pagan Vikings, the pagan Asian hordes, and the jihadist Moslems who sought to murder, rape, and plunder. They were for the Crusades, as they would hold back the advance of the Moslems and stave off desecration of the holy places of the Holy Land. Even after the Protestant Reformation, Catholic prelates and leaders and Orthodox prelates and leaders stopped the Moslem assaults on Spain, Italy, and Central Europe in the 1500s and the 1600s, and rolled back the Moslems from the Balkans and Ukraine in the 1700s and 1800s and early 1900s.

Saint Patrick, who gave the Irish their Christian identity, would no doubt approve of Saint Joan in battle trying to protect her countrymen and countrywomen from the rapine of English invaders. Nor would he attack those who try to protect their lands’ Christian heritage now.

Instead of parades, drunkenness, and stupidity, the earnest learning and self-defense training and the honorable service in our communities and in our families by those of us with Irish blood to restore the Christianity to Christendom would be a more appropriate way to honor the life and work of Saint Patrick. Likewise with all Christians and Jews, regardless of blood, who love America and their heritage in Europe and Israel (even Hispanics trace back to Spain), the earnest learning and self-defense training and the honorable service in our communities and in our families is the proper way to honor those we say we honor, including G-d Almighty.

I am a researcher and investigator by trade. I am also a technical publisher by trade. If all people obeyed the Commandments, I wouldn’t have a lot of my work. But I’d take that trade-off for the identity of a unified people living in a Judeo-Christian patriotic society. Wouldn’t you?





Here is a little book I refused to believe when I first read it about 1990. But in wake of the perversion scandals of the clergy, it is worth a second look. Per its publisher’s press release, this:

“Absorbing and compelling reading from beginning to end, “AA -1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church” is a must read for every Catholic today and for all who would understand just what has happened to the Catholic Church since the 1960s. In the 1960s, a French nurse, Marie Carre, attended an auto-crash victim who was brought into her hospital in a city she purposely does not name. The man lingered there near death for a few hours and then died. He had no identification on him, but he had a briefcase in which there was a set of quasi-autobiographical notes. She kept these notes and read them, and because of their extraordinary content, decided to publish them. The result is this little book, “AA-1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church,” a strange and fascinating account of a Communist who purposely entered the Catholic priesthood along with many others, with the intent to subvert and destroy the Church from within. His strange yet fascinating and illuminating set of biographical notes, tells of his commission to enter the priesthood, his experiences in the seminary, and the means and methods he used and promoted to help effect from within the auto-dissolution of the Catholic Church. No one will read this book without a profound assent that something just like what is describer here must surely have happened on a wide scale in order to have disrupted the life of the Catholic Church so dramatically.”

Many people panned this little book. Marie Carre, the author, was a Calvinist. After she published this book, she became a Catholic nun. This is not something a spreader of falsehoods would logically do.

I had the privilege of being an acolyte for Bishop Fulton J. Sheen when that remarkable leader said Mass for the Catholics in our unit when we were preparing to undergo jungle combat training. He said homosexualism was attacking the Church. I didn’t see it in 1976, when I was a young soldier who was at that Mass. But he knew a lot more than me. He was fighting to expose it from the 1960s until the time of his death a couple of years after I met him.

Here’s a more recent commentary, from the “Church Militant” website ( www.churchmiliant.com ) dated July 21, 2018. The author is Michael Voris.

“As news spreads about former Cardinal McCarrick’s “open secret” lifestyle, even amidst highly questionable denials by the leading members of the U.S. hierarchy, the shock and flat-out rage by faithful Catholics is mounting to a fever pitch — rightly so.

Many are asking: How can this be? How can there possibly be this many homosexual men in the priesthood? How could they have possibly risen to such heights, to the level of archbishops and even cardinals?

The answers to those questions go back to a plan by Communist agents who were taking their orders from Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in the 1920s. Almost three years ago, Church Militant conducted an on-camera interview with the notable Alice von Hildebrand, widow of the much-revered Dietrich von Hildebrand. The interview didn’t get much attention then, but we think it will now.

Von Hildebrand shared with us the story of one Bella Dodd, a Communist agent with the American Communist Party from 1927–49. Dodd eventually converted to the Catholic faith under the direction of Archbishop Fulton Sheen and became friends with the von Hildebrands.

Here is what Alice told us that Dodd told her and her husband in 1965:

Stalin, soon after he came to power, ordered his cronies to invade Catholic seminaries … with young men that had neither faith nor morals. Now … the ideal cases: homosexual. Obviously, you don’t suppose that someone … well, it’s much more complicated, you know, to have an affair with a woman. But if you’re a homosexual, and then it was a tragic mission … . [Dodd] declared publicly — I repeat, publicly — that in the course of the 20 years of activities for the Communists, she recruited some 1,100 young men.

Communist agents who were homosexual — of no faith or morals — being planted in the Church’s seminaries in the 1920s and 1930s would explain a lot. And that revelation by Dodd, that she was the one who actually recruited these men — 1,100 of them over the years — begins to fill in a lot of the missing puzzle pieces of what has gone so horribly wrong.

Stalin, soon after he came to power, ordered his cronies to invade Catholic seminaries … with young men that had neither faith nor morals. Now … the ideal cases: homosexual. Tweet
And for the record, there are sworn affidavits by various witnesses as proof that Dodd told them these things as well.

If Communist plants who were homosexual started infiltrating America’s seminaries in the 1920s, the timeline would play out that they would have been ordained in roughly the 1930s and 40s at approximately the age of their mid-20s.

Eleven hundred Communist plants who were homosexual over the space of roughly 20 years could create massive chaos in the Church by the time they would “mature” in their priesthoods. Of 1,100 men, surely a good number would have advanced to bishops, archbishops and even cardinals.

And their primary role would have been to recruit the next generation of men for the seminaries, in other words, the men who were sitting in seminaries in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s and being ordained in that time frame.

Is this what happened? Does this explain, or at least help explain, the massive, near-sudden acceptance of homosexuality among the clergy over the past 20 or so years? It’s hard to argue against such a conclusion.

In fact, nearly very aberration and evil, every horrible catechesis, every abuse-ridden Mass, every gay music director, liturgy director youth director, every sordid homosexual affair, every busted gay bishop and cardinal, every case of child molestation by priests, bishops and cardinals, every open embrace of the sodomite agenda in the Church these days, all of it is easily explained by this simple hypothesis.

Communism, which Our Lady specifically warned about at Fatima as spreading its errors all over the world, infiltrated into the Church by homosexual men bent on destroying the Church by destroying the priesthood. Does anyone have a better explanation? Do any of the bishops care to step up and say precisely why this might be wrong?

Would any senior, aging cardinals issuing statements that they knew nothing about McCarrick — who would have been in seminary or ordained in the 1960s and 1970s and would have sat atop the complete collapse of the Church in America during their tenures — would any of them like to say why none of this is plausible? The same leadership who have been quiet on the sins of abortion, contraception, sacrilegious Holy Communions and so forth? The same leaders again who refuse to answer the most pressing questions on this matter: What did they know about McCarrick, and when did they know it?

In fact, would any of you like to explain why the lay faithful should not think that some of you are the second generation of those original homosexual Communist infiltrators bent on the Church’s destruction? Because, quite coincidentally, that destruction is precisely what has happened on your watch, and now, all of a sudden, what is being revealed is that some of the highest ranking among you are active homosexuals, or have covered it up for years.

Those bishops not involved in this must come clean to the faithful about this evil. This has to be brought to an end, and you have the power to do it. Stand for Christ, and out His enemies within your ranks. Do it now and do it publicly, while there is still something of the Church in the United States to save.”

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