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Why No Fourth of July Column? Because Evil Never Sleeps.

July08/ 2018

Some of you who saw my column on Little Miss 1565 have asked why I didn’t do a Fourth of July column.

Fair question.

The Fourth of July was when delegates to the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence.

They weren’t barbecuing or getting hammered; they were working.

Thomas Jefferson presents the Declaration of Independence to John Hancock while John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston and Benjamin Franklin stand behind him.Library of Congress


On the Fourth of July of 1850, Zachary Taylor was working too. He dedicated the Washington Monument and chewed out a proslavery senator (Foote, of Mississippi) for preaching brotherhood when weeks earlier he drew a pistol in the Senate against Thomas Hart Benton. He was also working on the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty that secured our rights to build a canal in Central America while freezing out the Brits unless we were to take part in any venture of theirs. Taylor also had gotten the ball rolling on building a railroad across Panama, which at the time was under Colombian control, to make it quicker to go to and from California until we could put a railroad across the Plains, the Rockies, the Great Basin, and the Sierras.

Taylor would sicken that night, possibly aided by a poisoner in the pay of the many enemies of President Taylor, and would die in agony five evenings later. The Democrats almost universally celebrated Taylor’s death, but so did a lot of his own Whigs. Like Donald Trump, General Zachary Taylor beat the establishment of his own party to deliver for the people. Taylor was on a mission to end slavery peacefully (he was a slaveholder himself, but he knew slavery could not last), and he was opposed to any fugitive slave act or bailouts for greedy bondholders. His death was a victory for the slavery lobby and for speculators and for insider Whigs and Democrats.

On the Fourth of July of 1863, US Grant and WT Sherman and their men forced the surrender of Vicksburg, Mississippi, and the Rebels defending this fortress town. Vicksburg dominated the Mississippi River, and its capture essentially cut the states west of the mighty river off from the rest of the Confederacy. After they confiscated the Rebels’ weapons, Union soldiers gave them plenty of food. They also searched the town to see if speculators had been hoarding food during the siege of Vicksburg to make the townspeople pay more for it. When they found stashes, they confiscated them and let the famished people have the food for free.

On the Fourth of July of 1863, thousands lay dead in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Union troops had finally beaten Robert E. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia overwhelmingly. Lee and his Rebels anticipated an attack, and organized a fighting retreat to escape back to Virginia. Union general George Meade, who had taken charge of the Army of the Potomac only a week earlier, instead had to send men to help quell the Democrat Copperhead traitor-instigated Draft Riots in New York City. This cost Meade a chance at smashing a retreating Rebel army and possibly shortening the war.

A relative of mine, infantryman William Linskey, won the Distinguished Service Cross for valor in combat after he died in battle in France on July 4, 1918.

My Dad, 99’s Dad, and our uncles were on duty during the Fourths of July that fell during World War Two or those that fell during the Korean War. So were my aunts Billie and Olive, who were Army nurses.

When the nation turned 200 in 1976, I spent the Fourth of July in Jungle School in the Panama Canal Zone with my unit, in training. This was a much much smaller sacrifice on my part than those listed above, but no, I didn’t get any alcohol or barbecue that day either.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy barbecues and illegal fireworks as much or more than most of you. Some of my fondest memories revolve around our family reunions at Uncle Chuck’s house every July 4th, which featured plenty of barbecue and plenty of fireworks.

But on this Fourth of July, like many others during our marriage, 99 and I were also at work.

We are on a project against some objectively evil people.

Evil never sleeps, so we don’t sleep or relax as often as we would like.

Speaking of evil never sleeping, a group of senators on July 3 put out a report claiming the Russian government tried to influence the 2016 election in Donald Trump’s favor.

The problem with this report is the public record. It shows the senators are lying.

Top Democrats let Hillary take over the Democratic National Committee and convert it into an illegal cash grabbing scheme. People donated more than $80 million to the DNC under legal party building election law rules. Hillary’s people illegally diverted almost the entire amount to Hillary’s campaign. Even Donna Brazile admitted it.

Donna Brazile had to admit to shiftless socialist Bernie Sanders that Hillary’s people had schlonged him. Bernie went away because he was paid off. Socialists work on the profit motive too.

It is also public record that Hillary, while Secretary of State, in the Uranium One deal let the Putin regime take 20% of our uranium reserves … and her Clinton Foundation got about $150 million in donations from those who profited from these dealings.

FBI director Robert Mueller, DOJ lawyer Rod Rosenstein, and FBI official Andrew McCabe watched Uranium One go down and did nothing. Were they paid off or blackmailed, or merely threatened with Arkancide?

The Hillary campaign provided, through a money laundering operation involving the corrupt Perkins Coie law firm, the fake Steele dossier that FBI criminals used to get permission to electronically eavesdrop on Mr. Trump and his people. (Washington Post, 10/24/2017)

If the FBI, CIA, and other top people and ranker people in the rank and file suspected the Russians were trying to target the Trump campaign, why didn’t they warn him?

Because they were lying. They were spying on him.

President Trump has allowed our men to kill several hundred Russians in Syria. This is not the act of a Soviet hireling.

Susan Collins (RINO, MAINE). One of many enemies of President Trump and the working people who support him. Lisa Murkowski (RINO, ALASKA) is to her right shoulder. Both are also Planned Parenthood shills.


Again, the public record shows the senators are liars.

Here is a list of the US Senators in the committee who made the finding the Russians tried to help Donald Trump:

Richard Burr
James Risch
Marco Rubio
Susan Collins
Roy Blunt
James Lankford
Tom Cotton
John Cornyn

Half of these senators are neverTrumpers. Trump was the first choice of none of them. Most or much of the senators’ donor money comes from the Chamber of Commerce, the Kochs, and other sources opposed to President Trump on trade and American labor issues.

Mark Warner
Ron Wyden
Diane Feinstein
Martin Heinrich
Angus King
Joe Manchin
Kamala Harris

Most of these Dems are hardened leftists, who lock-step like Stalinists or goose-step like Nazis. Joe Manchin, who occasionally votes pro-American, shot himself in the foot with West Virginia voters for not protesting this report. He may pull his chestnuts out of the fire by voting to confirm President Trump’s next Supreme Court nominee, whose values will align far more with the people of the Mountaineer State than the Democrats’ values align with Manchin’s constituents.


Also on July 3, lawyers in the corrupt Justice Department let Pakistani IT spies off the hook.

They will not be prosecuted for spying on Democrats for Islamist causes. Nor will they get hit for smaller crimes like theft of more than $100,000 of computers and electronic gear, or overbilling or fraudulent billing. Nor will they be able to embarrass Debbie Wasserman Positive or the other Democrats they spied upon at criminal trials. And they will probably be able to flee the country because the losers who have FBI badges will be a day late and a dollar short again.

The historical record shows members of Congress more than occasionally wet the bed. (This shows the need for My Pillow’s American-made machine-washable bedding.)

The Continental Congress tried to can George Washington and replace him with an English-born officer named Horatio Gates. Gates was in command when Americans forced the surrender of a British force under Johnny Burgoyne after the Saratoga battles in New York in 1777.

While George Washington was with his men in the snows of Valley Forge, PA, Horatio Gates was camping out at the comfy townhouse at right in York, PA. After the Brits captured Philadelphia in late 1777, the Continental Congress escaped to York. They ate and drank at the medieval looking Golden Plough Tavern at left. To the good, they enacted the Articles of Confederation while here. To the very bad, they considered removing George Washington and replacing him with Horatio Gates. Gates was within lobbying distance of Congress while Washington did his duty leading and training his men during the winter of 1777-1778.


Three years later, Gates would end his career in cowardly disgrace by fleeing from his men after the Brits routed them at Camden, in South Carolina.


Zachary Taylor kept the Senate’s Compromise of 1850 from becoming law, because he opposed the inclusion of a fugitive slave law and he opposed a payoff of Texas debt that favored speculators. Shortly after Taylor died, nonentity president Millard Fillmore signed the various bills that made up the Compromise into law. This made the Civil War inevitable, and gave slavers a decade to prepare for it.

Slaver Democrat senator John Calhoun of South Carolina, who forced such action, was dead by the time the “Compromise” became law. But his partners in that crime, Whig senators Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and Henry (proslavery) Clay of Kentucky, along with proslavery Democrat Stephen Douglas of Illinois, helped get the Compromise enacted. Douglas, the shrewdest of the four, broke the Compromise into parts, and got a majority vote for each part in ensuring the Compromise’s passage as a program. It was popular in Washington, as politicians, speculators, lobbyists, and other lowlifes celebrated its passage raucously and drunkenly.

Henry Clay argues for the tainted Compromise of 1850.


Calhoun, Webster, Clay, and Douglas are considered four of the best senators of all time.

This proves the bar in the U.S. Senate is low enough that a snake could get over it.


Now for another story concerning a member of Congress.

Jim Jordan, an Ohio congressman who is challenging Paul Ryan for the House leadership, is suddenly the target of those who claim he did not protect college wrestlers from a homosexual doctor who reportedly molested them. Jordan, a very successful wrestler at the Universiity of Wisconsin, was the assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State years ago. (Last night, word came that Jordan’s nephew Eli Stickley, also a college wrestler, was killed in a car wreck in Illinois.)

I didn’t buy the nonprotection story when I heard it.

Admittedly, wrestling attracts more than its share of homosexual athletes for reasons I shouldn’t have to explain to a mature audience.

However, I don’t believe a college dude with any sack is gonna let some guy grab his hardware. Unless he’s a homosexual himself.

As a soldier, I was disciplined for fighting people physically and verbally over much smaller insults. I drew disrespect charges from a colonel before I became an officer, and I drew disrespect charges again from a general while a junior officer because I told them how little I thought of them to their faces. Several times, I sent someone for medical treatment or hospitalization because I hurt him badly enough in a fight or while making an arrest. I had such misadventures because I wasn’t big and I didn’t look tough. In fact, one of my Army nicknames was “Buddy Holly” because I was wiry and wore black plastic glasses. So some bullies tried me. But I was one pissed-off nerd. I worked hard to improve my fighting skills and I eventually developed into a credible antagonist. I’d like to think I’m not that unusual for an American guy my age in that era.

So the guy-on-guy victimization story would pass the smell test in Nazi Germany or in Islamist regimes, but not here.

It didn’t pass the smell test of a Daily Caller reported named Chuck Ross, either. So after using some Web searches and some public record searches, he reported the following:

“Two former Ohio State University wrestlers accusing Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan of ignoring sexual misconduct by a university physician more than two decades ago have a history of failed business dealings, lawsuits, harassment allegations, and in the case of one accuser, an 18 month prison sentence for fraud.

Jim Jordan and the Trumps. President Trump is backing Jordan.


One of the former wrestlers, Mike DiSabato, is also being accused by the widow of a Marine who was killed in combat in Iraq of intimidating and bullying her over a memorial fund set up in her husband’s name.

“I question the intent, the authenticity, the verity, that Mike DiSabato shares in any of his words or actions,” Karen Mendoza, the wife of Ray Mendoza — a former teammate of DiSabato’s who was killed in 2005 — said in a statement.

NBC News published an article on Tuesday, quoting DiSabato and Dunyasha Yetts, another former OSU wrestler, claiming that when Jordan worked as assistant wrestling coach at OSU, he ignored sexual abuse carried out by a university physician named Richard Strauss.”

(Strauss killed himself in 2005.)

Ross continued:

“The initial reports based on DiSabato and Yetts’ claims regarding Jordan ignores a large body of evidence that raises questions about the two former wrestlers’ motives.

NBC did note that Yetts served time in prison for a $1.8 million fraud scheme.

Yetts’ biggest victim was former NFL star Antoine Winfield, who was bilked out of $1.3 million. Yetts convinced Winfield to invest his NFL signing bonus with Yetts’ firm, World Wide Sports. As part of the scam, Yetts provided Winfield with false documents claiming to show his investments. Yetts was instead spending money on country club memberships, cars, student loans, and credit card payments.

NBC News did not report that Yetts filed a lawsuit in May against U.S. Well Service, a fracking company, claiming that he faced discrimination and sexual harassment. Yetts claims that one of his supervisors at the company made sexual remarks toward him and sent him sexually suggestive text messages. He also claimed that he was overlooked for a supervisor position because he is black.

For his part, DiSabato has been involved in several lawsuits, including one against OSU. He was also recently sued for defamation and libel.

Police records reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation show that DiSabato was arrested on Feb. 1 on charges of telecommunications threats against Bret Adams, a sports agent who represents Chris Spielman, a former NFL star who played football at OSU.

In April, Adams filed a defamation lawsuit against DiSabato claiming that the former wrestler falsely told business associates that Adams was racist and sexist.

Additionally, Mendoza, the widow of the Iraq War veteran, said DiSabato approached her after her husband’s 2005 death to set up a memorial fund in his honor, but that ultimately led to a cease and desist order.

In a phone interview with TheDCNF, Mendoza said she agreed to allow DiSabato to use her husband’s name to raise money to help Ohio-based athletes, Olympic hopefuls and the families of fallen soldiers.

Instead of raising money for athletes and fallen soldiers’ families, Mendoza says that DiSabato used the funds to finance a mixed martial arts venture he had founded. Mendoza also later found that DiSabato failed to register the charity with Ohio’s secretary of state.

Mendoza was eventually forced to issue a cease and desist order against DiSabato for misrepresenting his fundraising efforts. She said that when she began asking DiSabato about the fund, he dismissed her inquiries and said that she had no right to the information she requested.

“As a military widow, I was bullied by a vindictive and manipulative Mike DiSabato,” Mendoza told TheDCNF, adding that DiSabato’s behavior toward her could best be described as “predatory.”

Mendoza says she believes that DiSabato has “highjacked” Jordan’s political position to settle personal and professional vendettas against OSU.

DiSabato sued OSU in 2008 claiming the wrongful termination of a sports merchandising deal he had with the university.

DiSabato did not respond to an email request seeking an interview.

Jordan is disputing another allegation made in the NBC News article, this one regarding a claim made by a lawyer for OSU about attempts to contact the Republican to discuss the Strauss allegations.

Kathleen Trafford of the firm Porter Wright Morris & Arthur said that attorneys with Perkins Coie, the law firm investigating the Strauss allegations on behalf of OSU, “had previously contacted Rep. Jordan’s office by email and phone to request that he participate in an interview.”

“To date, Rep. Jordan has not responded to those requests,” Trafford told NBC News. “The investigative team is continuing its efforts to schedule an interview with Rep. Jordan.”

But emails obtained by TheDCNF show that the inquires from Perkins Coie partner Markus Funk were sent to the inactive email address Jim.Jordan@mail.house.gov.

Funk sent emails on May 14 and May 24 attempting to speak with Jordan.

Trafford did not respond to TheDCNF’s email seeking comment.”

Lawsuits, criminal cases, press releases, and newspaper articles are public records. Ross made use of all of these to write this story. You could have written this story if you had done likewise.

Point of interest: Perkins Coie is the corrupt law firm whose shysters laundered money from the Hillary campaign to obtain the fake Steele dossier that FBI criminals used to get permission to electronically eavesdrop on Mr. Trump and his people. (Washington Post, 10/24/2017) So their commentary has zero credibility.

This photo appears to be an advertisement for dry cleaners or Preparation H. Pretty in pink she wasn’t. Shitty in pink is more like it.


Jordan has denied the allegations and has questioned the timing of the assault upon his character.

Paul Ryan, of course, has said the charges against his opponent Jordan are serious. Ryan, who looks like Eddie Munster, is a heavily-financed globalist neverTrumper who steered money to Democrat Conor Lamb so he could defeat GOP candidate Richard Saccone in a special election earlier this year. (The Conservative Treehouse, 3/15/2018, reported Ryan was involved in the mailing of a brochure touting Lamb as a gun rights supporter in this blue collar rural district. The author said the motive was putting another globalist rep in the House.)

Ryan, who has announced he will be leaving Congress, also tried to enact amnesty for illegals that would have killed the rule of law and any chance the GOP has of winning national elections. Ryan also fights against President Trump when Trump tries to make China and Europe and others play fair on trade, which helps American workers. Ryan has stashed enough money that he won’t have to go back to driving the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile or polishing the giant mobile sausage.

Speaking of illegals in immigration and lawbreaking in Congress, I got this e-mail from Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York. She e-mailed a letter to a former officers’ on-line forum, which somehow got onto my e-mail. I replied to her in term that caused much merriment among the members of the forum.

From Senator Gillibrand, this:

“Subject: Why we need to abolish ICE

Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2018 12:47:35 +0000

From: KG <kg@kirstengillibrand.com>

Reply-To: kg@kirstengillibrand.com

To: (Redacted by Sherlock)

(Redacted), we need to abolish ICE.

ICE has become a cruel deportation force. This agency has carried out the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, including separating children and parents. People are coming to the United States seeking asylum and a better life for their families – and President Trump is slamming the door on them.

ICE is meant to provide security and enforcement. But it has morphed into something much more by conducting raids and deporting people who’ve lived in and contributed to this country for many years.

It’s wrong. Congress needs to abolish ICE, and we need to start over, separating the criminal justice and immigration roles. Together, we can build a better system that is humane, just and recognizes that immigration adds to America’s strength and security. We can’t let up until we get it.

Click here now and add your name to call on Congress to abolish ICE.

The mistreatment of immigrant children and families is one of the most urgent crises we face. ICE has lost trust. It stokes fear. It has to go.

Raising our voices and refusing to let up is how we’ll change this country for the better. It’s the only way change has ever come. So please raise your voice now.


To unsubscribe from the Gillibrand for Senate email list, please click here.”

Kirsten Gillibrand and Debbie Wasserman Positive

“It’s Ladies’ Night and the feeling’s right”


This was my reply:

“If you want to stimulate your brain and spike your blood pressure, check out the last few posts of howtobeyourowndetective.com

That goes for you too, Kirsten.

We put the Border Patrol in place to deal with illegal immigration.

The stand of the Deep State in favor of anchor baby bingo making a family able to come to America because an alien woman births a baby on American soil is idiotic. When the 14th Amendment was written, the Republicans wanted to give American citizenship to blacks and punish Confederate leaders, not let jihadists and mojados into the country. US Grant later signed into law an immigration bill that allowed blacks from other lands to migrate here and become citizens.

In fact, American Indians didn’t become citizens AS A CLASS until 1924, when Calvin Coolidge was president.

What happened to babies born here of alien mothers? They took the citizenship of their fathers, who also were usually aliens.

On Ellis Island, alien females gave birth to 500 babies. Even though Ellis Island is American soil, only one baby got American citizenship and that was due to her father being a naturalized American.

That’s the way it was till Democrat LBJ, seeking more illegal voters and cheap labor for his ranch, in the aftermath of helping the Deep State murder JFK, worked with Sellout Democrat Teddy Kennedy (who worked with the man who helped murder his war hero older brother) to overturn almost two centuries of intelligent law with the baby blanket bingo provision of the 1965 Immigration Act. Teddy wanted cheap votes. Teddy later drove a car off a bridge and asphyxiated Mary Jo Kopechne. (Inquest pages included.) If he had any gonads, he could have gone for help and she would have been saved. There was only a cup of water in her respiratory tract. But he staggered around like a chump.

(To see pages I copied from the Mary Jo Kopechne inquest, click on the following link:)

Kennedy — Mary Jo Kopechne Inquest (50)

Of course, it didn’t stop you, Kirsten, from serving with the drunken killer. It’s a shame he didn’t try to drive to Key West with Jane Fonda and play bridge bingo.

Jane Fonda, by the way, was among those who criticized Connie Francis or was silent when the singer dared to come forward and demand harsher punishment for rapists, and stand up for thousands of faceless nameless women (in the media’s eyes) who were victims of rapists and who wrote her telling her their stories. Only one other entertainer came to stand by Connie’s side — Ronald Reagan.

Jane was busy at the time pimping abortion in California (we disrupted one of her abortion rallies) and short-changing her female workout people (see attached paperwork). Jane never helped Connie Francis. Instead, while Connie entertained our military people in Vietnam in the 1960s and early 70s, Jane tried to sleep with the enemy. Jane also said she tried to have sex with Cuban Communists but they probably figured out she was a virulent VD vector and part of some American plot to rot their brains and their manhood, so they stayed away from her nether regions.

(To see pages I copied from the lawsuit against Jane Fonda, click in the following link:)

Jane Fonda Sued by Workout Studio Gal for Paying Guys More (17)

Speaking of VD, you and Debbie Wasserman Positive and other Demo babes were okay with Bill Clinton raping women and Hillary having them threatened. So shove your “me too” badge where the sun doesn’t shine.

(Note to readers: “Wassermann Positive” means the person being tested with the Wassermann test has syphilis.)

Back to US Grant. A number of ungrateful New Yorkers and maybe you want to denigrate this great man’s service to America as a general and as a president. Grant freed slaves by beating Rebels. Grant also enlarged the Justice Department to attack the KKK. Bear in mind Democrats in DC in 1865 would not have found John Wilkes Booth guilty of murdering Honest Abe Lincoln, so he had to be shot in a burning barn and his co-conspirators had to be tried by military tribunal.

I favor this approach for Comey, Mueller, the Clintons, Hum a Weiner, Podesta, and the rest of their corrupt crew. It will ensure justice instead of leniency. After all, they attempted a coup against President Trump, and they still control armed men and women in unlawful rebellion.

If Donald Trump really were to be President like Honest Abe Lincoln, your state and New England and Joisey and Philly and DC and Chicago and the Left Coast’s cities would be in flames and the leading Dem secessionists would be hunted fugitives. And the illegals would be running home to where they came from. All of which would be fine by me and most real Americans.

US Grant would do likewise. So if you New York ingrates don’t want him or his wife Julia in your soil, we Midwesterners  will gladly take Ulysses and Julia back in Ohio. Grant was born over in Ohio and grew up in Ohio, and belongs in Ohio. We are a better nation because of him, and because of Julia helping him.

In exchange, we Midwesterners will send you John Kasich. Be careful with him, though. Yappy Kasich is like an irritable house dog that is jealous of a new baby, so it doesn’t know whether to bite the babe, chew furniture, crap on the carpet, or rub itself inappropriately on guests. So Yappy Kasich does all of the above.

We’ll kick in Ohio senator Sherrod “Bono” Brown. He ran his car into a tree while supposedly trying to cop a feel from his daughter, some wags say.

You can let them live in New York or bury them there. Your option. After Roe v. Wade is overturned, New York will have abortion, infanticide, and assisted suicide (voluntary or not).

And if you want copies of any of my books on immigration so you can learn something and not sound so stupid or treasonable, feel free to order them on line. Since as a senator you are used to overspending other people’s money, I should overcharge you, but I won’t. I’m more tolerant than you and your kind.

Take care, and don’t take any wooden Hillaries.”

Ms. Gillibrand’s office sent a canned request for campaign donations in reply. Which is their right. After all, I offered to sell her some of my books so she wouldn’t sound so stupid or treasonable.

And it is my right, and your right to speak up.

That’s why the Continental Congress missed the barbecues and fireworks on July 4, 1776. That’s why millions of other Americans have done likewise throughout the years. They are guarding your rights guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence, and by the Constitution.

You are also free to help in the defense of this nation, its people, and your freedoms the other 364 days of the year as well.

We need to guard our liberties and our loved ones on a round-the-clock basis. Just like our great service members and first responders and emergency room nurses do. Because Evil never sleeps.

May God bless you and yours, as long as you shall live.





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