• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


March01/ 2018

If black lives matter, then why aren’t abortion providers getting hammered for aborting hundreds of thousands of black babies each year?

If you believe the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, abortionists performed about 650,000 abortions in 2014, the last year for which they report abortion statistics. And since California doesn’t report abortions at all, the reported numbers are lower than what the abortion racket knows them to be.

Even with the funny math, the CDC and others agree that about 36% of all abortions are done on black women and girls. That’s about 235,000 to 300,000 fewer blacks born every year. Since blacks are about 12% of the nation’s population, this means abortion providers are targeting blacks at a bizarrely high rate relative to their numbers.

Evangelical black pastors have criticized the abortion racket for decades over this horrible ratio. They dare to call it genocide. Finally some Planned Parenthood people decided to address the racist roots of their organization at the University of Florida yesterday. So reports Breitbart News.

But do you want to hear the Planned Parenthood self-serving version, or some sanitized Evangelical version? Or would you rather hear the unvarnished R-rated truth about Planned Parenthood’s founder, which I published almost a decade ago?

Thank you. I know you want to read the more truthful and harsh version. Without further ado, “The Devil In Margaret Sanger.”

Eugenicism was a social disease too many American elitists caught from interfacing with their infected British and German counterparts after World War One. Of course, racism was institutionalized in America’s laws against blacks and American Indians, and in practice against Hispanics. But eugenicism – the belief in breeding of human beings from “the fittest” parents and the sterilization of the “least fit” – was an even worse doctrine that came from the imperialistic circles of the British Empire, and in the cities of defeated imperial Germany, because it justified the “birth control” and enslavement of perceived weaker people and in many cases the extermination of these people once they were deemed incapable of being useful to the elites. This pathological viewpoint would lead to continued British oppression of black and yellow people around the globe, and to Hitler’s wars upon Slavs and Jews and the handicapped.

As Americans wised up, the Ku Klux Klan would plummet into becoming the moth-eaten relic it is now. The Klan would also decline in large part because one of its leaders D.C. Stephenson was convicted of second-degree murder for kidnaping and repeatedly raping an Indiana woman and biting her breasts and other body parts severely enough that he drove her to attempt suicide, and because other Klan leaders were caught stealing the sheetheads’ dues. So the ethnic and race-baiting demagogue with the most long-term influence on America would be the bisexual pro-abortion eugenicist Margaret Sanger.

Margaret Sanger, born Margaret Higgins in upstate Corning, New York, tried to be a teacher, then quit. She later tried to be a nurse, but quit without getting a nurse’s license. She married William Sanger, a young architect. Because Sanger decided to try being an artist for awhile, Margaret decided to find work. She said she did nursing work in New York City’s Lower East Side, which teemed with Jewish, Italian, and Eastern European immigrants. Maybe her employer was easy to please; Margaret still was not a licensed nurse. Nor was she particularly sensitive. “I hated the wretchedness and hopelessness of the poor,” she said in her autobiography, “and never experienced the satisfaction in working among them that so many noble women have found.” She noted, “The wives of small shopkeepers were my most frequent cases,” so evidently she didn’t spend most of her time helping the poor people in that tenement district.

Margaret’s snobbishness was at odds with her professed politics at the time. She became a socialist, and she and her husband opened their New York City digs to some of the leading radicals of the day. Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, Bill Haywood, and Eugene Debs were among the people who the Sangers tried to hobnob with; radicalism was chic in their circles at the time. Margaret also started dabbling in serial adultery. The Sangers went to France with their children in 1913. Bill studied art, while Margaret “researched contraception” and left Bill.

Ms. Sanger claimed she was active in IWW labor activity when she was married to Bill Sanger. This might have been true, but it was due to Bill’s brand of socialism. When she left Bill and started pimping birth control in 1914, any labor activity to help workers she might have engaged in stopped.

Ms. Sanger came back to New York City and ran afoul of the law in 1914 with her writings on sex and birth control. She fled to Europe under an assumed name without a passport and without even tipping off her estranged husband or family. She left them and her friends to look after her three children, including her daughter, who she said was suffering from a swollen leg when she ditched her and her two brothers. (The ailment evidently turned out to be polio.) Margaret spent a year in Europe collecting birth control devices and engaging in sex with other debauched “sex researchers.” Back in New York City, Bill took a fall for Margaret; he drew a 30-day jail sentence for handing out her printed screeds. Margaret came back late in 1915 to face charges, and her young daughter died of pneumonia. If Margaret hadn’t run off, maybe she could have used what nursing training she allegedly had to help her girl get well. Margaret gravy-trained the sympathy some had for her over the death of her little girl she had abandoned; prosecutors dismissed charges against her.

After her escape from charges, Margaret spent much of 1916 touring the country speaking about birth control. She evidently had a fling with Portland abortionist Marie Equi during the time she spoke (and got arrested with the Equi woman) in the Oregon city. After returning to New York City, Ms. Sanger set up a birth control facility in a Brooklyn neighborhood teeming with Jewish and Italian immigrants. Whether she was trying to help the poor, as she claimed, or target them for birth control or sterilization, which is more likely, is subject to debate. Her foray into birth control and practicing medicine without a license cost her and her sister Ethel (who unlike Margaret allegedly was a real nurse and not a quack) some jail time.

Margaret Sanger claimed she was a pacificist. She was like the suffragettes who opposed war but failed to oppose World War One in order to further their agenda. She did not protest the war, and essentially abandoned her radical friends so she could appear to be a loyal American. She pursued her only love, birth control. She went back to Europe in 1920, collected still more birth control devices, and presumably tried out at least some of them in her second round of romps with male birth control advocates in England. (She didn’t need them for her cunnilingual trysts with European females in the movement.) Margaret got a divorce from Bill in 1921; she had sought it since 1914.

Margaret’s sheet-tangling with the flaky in the upper crust of Europe led her to conclude being a gold-digger paid better than being a radical. The elites would always have money for her. So for money she married J.N.H. Slee, the elderly British South African multi-millionaire who owned the Three-in-One Oil Company, in London after wangling an open marriage prenuptial agreement out of him. She used Slee’s money to romp around the globe with like-minded men and women, and pimp recreational birth control for the rich and pimp mandatory birth control and sterilization for the poor. Slee eventually got into trouble for tax evasion for claiming his subsidies of Margaret’s birth control activities were charitable donations. (Any donation to Planned Parenthood should not be deductible as they are a lobbying group, and a business with a racist bent whose people are far from charitable, as this report shows in spades.)

Margaret Sanger also solicited donations from many wealthy Americans, especially society dames, who agreed with her on the desirability of easy birth control for themselves and their daughters, and on how birth control and sterilization could reduce the numbers of the less desirable. Ms. Sanger had the business acumen and morality of a prostitute who became a madam. She comfortably shilled to robber barons, socialites, and rich Republican clubwomen while she ignored her old leftist comrades. It was like the white suffragettes ignoring black suffragettes all over again.

In her 1938 autobiography, Ms. Sanger bragged she addressed the Women’s Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey in the 1920s. To reassure her genteel readers aghast at her slumming, she noted, “My address that night had to be in the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand.” She said the Klanswomen and their guests dug her well enough to make a dozen offers to her to speak in front of like-minded groups. Possibly to reassure her racist followers, Margaret admitted to her rendezvous with the Klanswomen after seeing FDR appoint Klansman Hugo Black to the Supreme Court a few months earlier in 1937, and suffer very little negative fallout from it.

In 1939, the year after she publicly acknowledged her liaison with Klanswomen in the 1920s, Ms. Sanger set up a birth control project aimed at American blacks which she called “The Negro Project.” She duped a few prominent blacks into supporting her. In a letter to her accomplice Clarence Gamble, she wrote, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the (black) minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Gamble claimed in the proposal he wrote that won funding for the project, “The mass of Negroes, particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear children properly.” He continued, “Public health statistics merely hint at the primitive state of civilization in which most Negroes in the South live.”

Margaret Sanger clearly meant blacks no good. In her autobiography, any black she quoted she quoted the black talking like Mammy or Stepin Fetchit. She used a “feeble-minded” black woman who had 16 children who got into various scrapes with the law as her poster child for the “need” to control the breeding of the “defective.”

In her 1920 book Woman and the New Race, the genteel bigot Sanger noted, “Among our more than 100,000,000 population are Negroes, (American) Indians, Chinese, and other colored people to the number of 11,000,000. There are also 14,500,000 persons of foreign birth. Besides these there are 14,000,000 children of foreign-born parents and 6,500,000 persons whose fathers or mothers were born on foreign soil, making a total of 46,000,000 people of foreign stock. Fifty percent of our population is of the native white strain. … So it is more than likely that when the next census is taken, it will be found that following 1910 there was an even greater flow from Spain, Italy, Hungary, Austria, Russia, Finland, and other countries where the iron hand of economic and political tyrannies have crushed great populations into ignorance and want. The census of 1920 will in all probability tell a story of a greater and more serious problem than did the last.”

Mad Margaret, the fake nurse, considered blacks and American Indians to be “foreign stock.” By her own twisted definition, she had to consider Hispanics with black or American Indian blood (virtually all Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Mexicans, and most Latin Americans) “foreign stock” also. She didn’t have much love for the non-WASP immigrants of Europe either. Maybe it was because nearly all of them were Catholics or Jews.

In her fallacious 1922 manifesto Pivot of Civilization, Ms. Sanger falsely claimed 75 percent of America’s schoolchildren were physically or mentally defective. She claimed hysterically 10% of the American public were mental defectives or morons who were encouraged to reproduce. And she claimed deliriously 2/3 of men of military age in America were “physically too unfit to shoulder a rifle.” This book was Margaret’s Mein Kampf.

Although she publicly bemoaned the lives of the poor, and claimed she was pushing population reduction on them for their own good, Margaret Sanger did little or nothing to help them gain better wages and working conditions once she started pushing birth control. In fact, she said charity was useless for the poor because they kept overbreeding, which negated the good done for them. She made fun of the Vice Commission of Chicago, whose members had done much to rescue girls and young women from sex trafficking, something she never attempted. She criticized the Communists and her former fellow Socialists for blaming capitalism for the woes of the working class; she said overbreeding of the working class was to blame for their problems. She condemned American government programs for assisting poor mothers with prenatal and postnatal care, because, she said, “Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant.”

Like her fellow New Yorker FDR, Margaret Sanger was AWOL when Al Smith was pushing labor reforms through the New York legislature in the 1910s. She worked against Smith when he ran for president in 1928 because she despised practicing Catholics.

During the time of the debate over immigration quotas, Ms. Sanger argued, “The most urgent problem to-day is how to limit and discourage the over-fertility of the mentally and physically defective. Possibly drastic and Spartan methods may be forced upon American society if it continues complacently to encourage the chance and chaotic breeding that has resulted from our stupid, cruel sentimentalism.”

What sort of Spartan methods, Margaret? She noted, “Every feeble-minded girl or woman of the hereditary type, especially of the moron class, should be segregated (from men) during the reproductive period. Otherwise, she is almost certain to bear imbecile children, who in turn are just as certain to breed other defectives …We prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded.”

Bear in mind Ms. Sanger claimed most military age men were physically defective, most American children were mentally or physically defective, and at least 10% of the American populace was mentally defective. Like Hitler, she used the Big Lie approach to dramatize her demands. If she had gotten her way, her sterilization gulags for Americans would have been Nazi or Soviet in size. Money from robber barons and crooked financiers like the Rockefellers, Carnegie, Paul Warburg, and Henry Morgenthau, and money from millionaire lawyers and socialites supported Ms. Sanger’s programs, so many of the elites put their money where their hard hearts were on their desire to cut down on the numbers of the masses who were not useful to them.

So what was Margaret Sanger’s long-term effect upon America? Planned Parenthood is the result of a merger of two groups which Margaret Sanger founded in the years between World War One and World War Two. Planned Parenthood people are proud of their common-law mother and have named several of their abortion facilities after her.

Like Hitler and many Nazis, Margaret Sanger and many of her like-minded spirits were bisexuals. However, Ms. Sanger differed with Hitler and his ilk on one important issue. She believed WASP women could be conscientious objectors in the war to birth genetically superior supermen and superwomen if they didn’t want to bear any children. This mindset would eventually lead to Planned Parenthood’s lucrative birth control and abortion trades, largely financed by American taxpayers.

Ms. Sanger supported ethnic quotas on immigration. In a speech she gave in Oakland, California in 1929, she remarked, “Up to 1914 Uncle Sam was rather negligent about the kind of folk who emigrated [sic] here; he was like the parents who, although they scarcely know what they will do if their family is increased, yet do nothing to prevent it … Not until 1924 was it necessary to recognize that there was a population problem and that SOMETHING must be done for the future of the country. So bars were put up at the entrance of the United States … If it is necessary to keep such types out of the country, why is it not just as important to stop their breeding?”

La Sanger befriended German eugenicists before Hitler took power. She spoke approvingly of a female German doctor she met who persuaded insurance carriers to pay for sterilizations if doctors recommended them. She of course got a kickback for her doctor’s orders. Margaret said she saw the distaff Deutsche doc write up 75 such orders in a 2-1/2 hour stretch, one every two minutes. Shortly, Adolf Hitler would come to power and order the sterilization of the “unfit.” Sanger’s associate Harry Laughlin (more about him later) provided Hitler with the model his goose-steppers used for the Nazi law.

Margaret Sanger virtually worshiped her mentor Havelock Ellis, the English sexologist under whose spell she came in 1914. She wrote a whole chapter of her autobiography about him (pages 133-141), and worshipfully enthused, “Ellis has been called the greatest living English gentleman. But England alone cannot claim him; he belongs to all mankind. I define him as one who radiates truth, energy, and beauty … This Olympian seems to be aloof from the pain of the world, yet he has penetrated profoundly into the persistent problems of the race.” And so on; you get the picture.

But not everyone else would have seen Havelock in that way, especially if they knew the sexual secrets of the sexologist who rocked Margaret’s world. For Ellis, a rival of Sigmund Freud, needed someone like Freud to give him shock therapy. Ellis had a urine fetish, which he claimed he got from his mother.

Along with enjoying his urine fetish, Ellis enjoyed watching his wife engage in lesbian sex with their female visitors. (This sentence summed up his sexual preferences, according to the biography Arthur Colder-Marshall wrote about him called The Sage of Sex. This book was reviewed in the 1/25/1960 issue of Time, not long after the uproar over the twisted sexologist Kinsey.)

Many report Margaret and Havelock had a long-running affair. But Ellis was impotent most of his adult life. Was Margaret guilty only of trying to cheat with him repeatedly, because she could never get her “Olympian” to rise to the occasion? Or did Havelock have Margaret lock her body parts with his wife or some other woman while he kibitzed?

Another associate of Margaret Sanger’s (pages 354-355, 376 of her autobiography) was English economist John Maynard Keynes. Besides championing deficit spending, Keynes advocated sex with young boys in Moslem countries, and he practiced what he preached in this regard, noted Zygmund Dobbs in his book Keynes at Harvard (Chapter IX).

Ms. Sanger made a trip to the Soviet Union in 1934, but failed to convert the Reds to her birth control cause. The Communists allowed abortions, but they also encouraged large numbers of children. Why? Because the Communists denied God and religion, they accepted abortion as one of the most blatant affronts to God and religion available. And besides, a pregnant woman or a nursing mother might not work as hard at fulfilling a Five Year Plan as a non-pregnant female comrade. But because Stalin and his minions desired soldiers and workers to “build Socialism,” they still needed people. They rewarded mothers who bore large numbers of children. They also gave Russian women the “right” to be cannon fodder and slave laborers.

Ms. Sanger still managed to ignore or deny the holocaust of the peasants Stalin was carrying on during her trip. She also found time to indulge her libido. She said she spent some happy moments skinny-dipping at a Black Sea resort with fellow traveling American women, most notably some New England schoolteachers whose actions and physiques gained her favorable attention. Margaret, by now a sagging 54-year-old, said she, the schoolmarms, and other American feminists became naked capitalists – they stripped in full view of thousands of Russians who dotted the beach. Presumably most of the audience consisted of privileged Communists on break from their labors of “building Socialism.” Margaret said their Russian guide woman was much more modest; she swam in her bra and panties before her male comrades. Margaret “forgot” to explain that since the pretty Russian woman was not a Communist, the leering Reds would view raping her as a party membership perk.

Margaret Sanger’s criticism of the Vice Commission of Chicago was another bad example for Planned Parenthood personnel to follow. Planned Parenthood officials openly oppose mandatory reporting laws which are on the books to protect underage girls from incest, rape, and other forms of sexual abuse by adult males. They oppose these laws because enforcement of such laws would cost them millions of dollars of business every year. Why? Because sexual abuse would drop dramatically due to imprisoning the molesters, and Planned Parenthood staffers would see fewer underage girls as “customers.” Planned Parenthood provides birth control, abortions, and VD treatment to about 50,000 to 60,000 girls 15 or younger each year nationwide. Most of this is paid for by taxpayers.

When Margaret Sanger made the first formal nationwide funding appeal for Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1947, her treasurer was Prescott Bush. He was George H. W. Bush’s father and George W. Bush’s grandfather. Prescott Bush bragged about desecrating American Indian chief Geronimo’s grave and stealing his skull. Actually, Prescott the preppy pinhead desecrated the grave of another American Indian. At last report, the punks of the Skull and Bones fraternity at Yale still had the skull. Prescott also was a director of a bank the feds seized in 1942 because of its ties to Nazi Germany.

Many Republicans would finance Planned Parenthood with taxpayers’ money to cut down on the number of blacks and Hispanics … and because of their silent practice of debauchery. Many Democrats would fund Planned Parenthood with taxpayers’ money because of their philosophical belief in debauchery … and because of their silent support of limiting poverty by limiting the number of nonwhites. Many abortion providers and advocates are racists who view abortion as a way to control the numbers of blacks and Hispanics.

Margaret Sanger incited anti-Catholic bigotry, anti-immigrant racism, and anti-black genocide. She solicited and got the support of Democrat and fellow bisexual Eleanor Roosevelt. She campaigned against Democrat candidates Al Smith and John Kennedy because they were Catholics. Supporters of the victorious JFK mockingly offered to give Margaret a one-way ticket out of America after she declared she would leave if he won. Ms. Sanger, by this time an elderly booze and drug addict, stayed put.

Margaret claimed her daughter’s death seared her soul. So was she helping Jonas Salk find a vaccine for polio in the 1950s? Nope. In the 1950s, she was involved in developing the birth control pill. Katharine McCormick, the society dame who Margaret Sanger talked into funding most of the research, wrote Ms. Sanger in 1955, complaining, “How can we get a ‘cage’ of ovulating females to experiment with?” (Was rich bitch Kate the model for Cruella de Vil? Or do the Bitches of Belsen and Buchenwald ring a bell?) The researchers tried the Pill out on female patients in a Massachusetts mental hospital (evidently coercively or at least without their informed consent). They also tried it out on other women without telling them what they were getting. Later, they used poor women in Puerto Rico as guinea pigs before they and the drug companies would dare sell the Pill to affluent white women. (PBS’ website “The Pill” added some info on the testing.)

Like Margaret, many Planned Parenthood staffers have been caught doing jobs they were medically unqualified to do. There are hundreds of malpractice lawsuits, hundreds of health code violations, and many many other cases against Planned Parenthood doctors and staffers for wrongful death, malpractice, cruelty, incompetence, unsanitary and negligent medical practice, and related wrongful acts.

Margaret Sanger had two board members for her birth control group that neither she nor her devotees have apologized for. One was Lothrop Stoddard, a virulent racist who wrote a well-selling book titled The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy. Another was C. C. Little, the former University of Michigan president who would later spend his time as a whore for the tobacco industry. As late as 1969, he was claiming smoking didn’t cause cancer or any other disease.

Harry Laughlin, another of Margaret Sanger’s many associates who shared her eugenicist views and her bigotry, designed a model compulsive sterilization law that 18 states’ lawmakers passed. The Nazis would later use Laughlin’s model sterilization law for their own war against those they deemed inferior. In 1936, Nazi Germany’s Heidelberg University would award Laughlin with an honorary doctorate for “services on behalf of racial hygiene.”

Virginia state officials used their Laughlin law and Laughlin’s shysterish testimony to forcibly sterilize Carrie Buck. Laughlin the liar didn’t even meet Miss Buck, much less examine her clinically (because he didn’t have the skill set or the formal training to do so). He claimed Carrie and her kin were part of the “shiftless, ignorant, and worthless class of anti-social whites of the South.”

Carrie Buck, placed with a foster family after her mother was committed to an institution, dropped out of school after sixth grade to help her foster parents. The foster parents’ nephew raped Carrie when she was 17, and she became pregnant as a result. The white-trash foster parents (their name was Dobbs) covered up the rape, falsely claimed Carrie was stupid, incorrigible, and promiscuous, and put her in a state facility for the feeble-minded.

When state officials tried to sterilize Carrie, her court-appointed appealed. Carrie’s lawyer was in cahoots with the state’s lawyer; the shyster was in on the fix to make Carrie’s case a test case to support the Virginia sterilization law. The state’s lawyer falsely claimed Carrie’s infant daughter was mentally defective also, and Carrie’s lawyer didn’t challenge this. (Nor did he attribute the child’s supposed backwardness to the genetic defectiveness of the white-trash vermin who raped Carrie.)

The case (Buck vs. Bell) went to the Supreme Court in 1927. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, in ruling with most of the other justices it was okay to sterilize Carrie against her will, made the idiotic statement, “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.”

Medical hacks sterilized Carrie and her sister Doris. Doris didn’t even know about it; they sterilized her without her consent when she was having her appendix taken out. Carrie’s child by the rapist nephew had average grades, but died before she could enter third grade; the white trash foster parents had taken her from Carrie and let her die of an intestinal disease. Carrie eventually was released; she married and always regretted she could have no more children. News reporters and scholars visited Carrie over the years and determined she was of normal intelligence, something a slew of pinhead judges, including Holmes, who was no Sherlock, failed to do. Carrie’s forced sterilization was a crime against her on several levels. And hers was the first of 60,000 or so sterilizations the quasi-Nazi doctors in Virginia government pay would commit in the Old Dominion.

Ironically, Laughlin developed epilepsy after he had argued epileptics should be sterilized. But he didn’t volunteer his own gonads to the knife. Like most elitists, Laughlin didn’t practice what he preached.

Tragically, Laughlin, a high school teacher, had another claim to infamy – that of a quack statistician pimping ethnic restrictions based on the false science of eugenics. (This was like Margaret Sanger’s false claim she was a real nurse.) Money that robber barons Andrew Carnegie and E. H. Harriman stole from their workers and the public funded the Eugenics Record Office, which Laughlin directed. Laughlin used this post to worm his way into the fight for the Immigration Act of 1924. Using false and flawed statistics, Laughlin testified extensively to congressmen on the “need” to restrict immigration of non-WASP countries. Sadly, this lying crackpot had an impact on the law the lawmakers enacted.

Margaret Sanger received a little payback for abandoning her children, and later putting them in boarding schools. Her two sons dumped their selfish racist deviate mother in a nursing home in Arizona, where she died in 1966.

You’re adults. This was the story of a life turned to excrement by the greed and hatred and sexual freakiness of its owner. Sadly, this freak created an efficient group of moneygrabbing sexual freaks, baby killers, and money suckers. Planned Parenthood affiliates are the largest abortion providers in the country, and the only nationwide chain of abortion profiteers. Planned Parenthood leaders also scam to get government contracts, and their staffers aid and abet the sexual molestation of underage girls by aborting, sterilizing, and birth-controlling tens of thousands of underage girls, which keeps their abusers out of prison. Planned Parenthood runs on a half-billion dollars of your tax money every year so they can afford to abort babies of all colors at no profit margin. Virtually every female entertainment and media figure feels she has to kiss the feet or other body parts of the leaders of this perverse, corrupt, and racist organization early and often. Unsanitary and unseemly, perhaps, but they get used to it soon enough.

Yo, Black Lives Matter rioters, why did Ferguson and Baltimore burn while Planned Parenthood facilities stood unsinged? A philosophical question on my part. Enquiring minds want to know.




The main Information sources on Margaret Sanger (including her quotes) are her own books. Info came from Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, (pages 40-41, 57, 68-87, 94-96, 104-105, 119-162, 176-190, 192-250, 268-291, 312-313, 315, 355, 366-367, 370-371, 388-391, 395, 409-410, 433-459, 490), her book Pivot of Civilization (Chapters I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII), and her book Woman and the New Race (Chapter III).

Only a thorough racist who viewed people like breeding stock like Ms. Sanger did could offhandledly drop a ridiculous observation like the following in her much more cautious autobiography (page 490): “Not only the features of the cultured types of the Island (Hong Kong), but even those of the coolies, the longshoremen, struck me as growing less Oriental and more Anglo-Saxon, the foreheads fuller, the eyes less slanting.”

The Speaking of Margaret Sanger in the Birth Control Movement from 1916 to 1937, by William Morehouse (pages 184-185) is the reference for her 1929 Oakland speech.

New York University maintains the Margaret Sanger Papers Project. The school has copies of many of her writings (speeches, letters, pamphlets, etc.) and researchers dedicated to preserving her twisted legacy. Info sources include their articles “Biographical Sketch,” “Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project,” “American Birth Control League,” “Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau,” “Birth Control Federation of America,” and “The Town Hall Raid.”

Harry Laughlin’s ties to Margaret Sanger are noted in the papers he donated to Truman State College in Missouri. More information on Harry Laughlin comes from the University of Virginia’s article collection “Eugenics” on the school’s Claude Moore Health Sciences Library website.

An article in the 3/18/1929 issue of Time discussed Slee’s tax evasion problems. He was in hot water for calling the money he shoveled into the birth control movement a charitable donation. The authorities properly noted Ms. Sanger’s organization was neither charitable, scientific, nor educational. Slee had to cough up $40,000 to settle his tax problems with Uncle Sam.

Kitty Kelly’s book The Family about the Bushes (pages 17-20, 114-116) is the source for the info on Prescott Bush. A website Random House has maintained to promote the book had a copy of Margaret Sanger’s money appeal with Prescott Bush listed as treasurer.

Info on Ms. Sanger’s genteel genocide “Negro Project” comes from the book Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right by Linda Gordon (pages 332-334).

Other info on Ms. Sanger comes from the book Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America by Ellen Chesler (pages 45-51, 88-98, 102-143, 150-169, 172-176, 180-198, 250-268, 316-317, 348-351, 384, 388, 417, 429-434, 438-447, 454-468). Ms. Chesler, who was a big fan of La Sanger, admitted Margaret lied repeatedly and invented stories to make herself look good and make others look bad.

Info on Marie Equi and Margaret Sanger comes from the Oregon Historical Society’s “Oregon History Project,” and from Volume 1, Nos. 3 and 4, Northwest Gay and Lesbian Historian (1997).

Information on Harry Laughlin and Carrie Buck comes from the University of Virginia’s series of articles “Eugenics” on the school’s Claude Moore Health Sciences Library website, and from Stephen Jay Gould’s article in the July/August 2002 issue of Natural History. Both acknowledged Paul Lombardo, a lawyer and ethicist who befriended Carrie Buck, and became her advocate.

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