• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


February05/ 2018

President Trump’s many enemies have no need to lie any longer. Top officials in the FBI and elsewhere in the Justice Department have been trying illegally to throw him out of office. Their defenders are openly confirming the truth by threatening President Trump after he helped make the conspiracy against him public.

How? President Trump allowed the release of the memo from the House Intelligence Committee on February 2. For purposes of this post, we’ll call it the Nunes Memo.

The Nunes memo is a confirmation of an attempted putsch against President Trump by top officials in the Obama Justice Department and the intelligence community. It is the third such attempt in my lifetime, and I hope and pray it is the first one that will totally fail.

For those of you who don’t come here often enough, the first was the Deep State assassination of JFK and the promotion of LBJ. The second was the CIA/Bush 41/Clinton effort in the Iran/Contra Affair to try to get Ronald Reagan impeached, after he survived an assassination attempt carried out by John Hinckley, whose parents were close friends of Bush 41.

A number of top officials in the FBI and elsewhere in the Justice Department used false opposition research provided by Hillary Clinton’s campaign as an excuse to get a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant from a federal FISA court judge to spy on and wiretap a Trump aide and those he contacted (including Mr. Trump). They got the warrant in October 2016, before the election.

FISA courts exist to allow the feds to check on foreigners or on Americans spying for hostile countries. If the Trump aide was suspected of wrongdoing that wasn’t spying for a hostile nation, but making contacts with Russian officials, they should have gone to a regular federal judge, not the spy court judge.

The FBI used tax dollars to pay a foreigner, a Brit named Christopher Steele, to snoop on Trump overseas. Steele said he went to Russia and paid Russian government agents to tell him about a trip Donald Trump took to Russia some years earlier. Steele was also getting money from Hillary’s campaign thru Fusion GPS, an opposition research firm. In fact, the Fusion GPS people let the FBI know about their scam. (Fusion GPS is the firm whose people tried to help Planned Parenthood execs lie about their baby body parts sales crimes.) Steele provided false tales of Trump using Russian hookers and committing other misdeeds in the Socialist Motherland. Steele said the Russian agents told him this. These were people on Putin’s payroll.

The FBI’s people admitted Steele’s dossier was false, but they worked with Fusion GPS to push the false dossier on candidate Trump in the fall of 2016 to the media in hopes one or more of them would publish it. But the Steele dossier was so fake no mainstream media outlet would touch it with a 10-foot pole.

James Comey, then the head of the FBI, would later call the Steele dossier “salacious and unverified.”

However, scribe Michael Isikoff wrote an article based on the briefing the FBI , through Fusion GPS contract spy Christopher Steele gave him. The FBI then used Isikoff’s article as “independent evidence” not linked to their own probe to get a federal judge to issue a FISA warrant against Trump aide Carter Page, to spy on him and wiretap him and/or others who came in contact with him. “Others” would include Mr. Trump and other members of his team.

They could not have gotten the warrants without lying and presenting false evidence, including the Steele dossier (which spawned the Isikoff article), former FBI No. 2 man Andrew McCabe would later concede.

In short, the FBI and other intelligence community smurfs colluded with Hillary’s opposition research people and Russian officials and foreign spy to deny Mr. Trump and his supporters an election victory. In other words, a number of top people charged with enforcing the law broke it severely to help a candidate (Hillary) who would be keeping them in their jobs or helping them to better jobs. This is what criminals and political dictators do.

President Obama allowed the feds to do counterintelligence on Donald Trump starting earlier in 2016, when it appeared Trump would be the Republican nominee for president.

They didn’t use any intel from this fishing trip, which means they found nothing usable. Trump and his people are not angels, but they are not the sociopaths top Democrat politicians and their associates are, either.

So the spook plotters had to work with Hillary’s campaign, Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele. They had to lie to the media, get a story printed, and use it to get a FISA warrant against Carter Page to spy on the Trump campaign. They had to lie and call him a spy working for a hostile foreign government to get the FISA warrant. And they had to conceal from the FISA judge their dirty dossier was the source of the info they used to apply for the FISA warrant.

They got the FISA warrant against Carter Page in October 2016, before the election. They couldn’t find anything of use in their illegal spying on the Trump campaign.

In the wee hours of November 9, 2016, vote counters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin verified Donald Trump won the presidential election over Hillary Clinton. Ms. Clinton went into angry tantrum mode and would not appear to concede or thank her staffers. Her confidant John Podesta, an accused pedophile, had to send her crowd of supporters away.

But the Deep State didn’t stop their attacks on Donald Trump.

Hillary and her people almost immediately charged Mr. Trump won the 2016 election with the help of Russian leader Vladimir Putin. This is the same Putin whose agents fed salacious false stories to Christopher Steele that Hillary’s campaign paid for, and that FBI leaders used taxpayer money to pay for. Their plan worked well, as much of the rest of this post will show. The problem was, it was a lie, like so many of Hillary’s and her team’s utterances – and like so many Deep State utterances.

Then there was the Jill Stein joke. The Green Party candidate swallowed her pride and rented herself out like a hooker to be used by Hillary’s campaign to challenge the outcomes in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Jill didn’t challenge the outcome in New Hampshire, Nevada, Maine or Minnesota, all statees which Hillary won narrowly.

The recount in Michigan revealed massive cheating for Hillary in the Detroit area that made the final vote much closer than it should have been. Mr. Trump should have won by many more votes. Despite voter machine “programming malfunctions” where GOP votes got counted for Dems, and vote counting shenanigans in Pennsylvania (there was only a look at counties Hillary carried), Jillary’s lawyers couldn’t overturn Mr. Trump’s election in that state. Some state Democrat leaders opposed the recount, possibly because it could have exposed their rotten setup in the Keystone State. Wisconsin’s statewide recount changed the totals very slightly. Jillary’s lawyers reportedly spent more money on the recount effort than what the Greenies raised for her joke of a campaign.


Donald Trump at Al Smith Event, October 2016. He is under the approving eyes of journalist Maria Bartiromo, an excellent judge of male character.

This doesn’t count the electoral attacks on Donald Trump by establishment Republicans in the Bush family, or by failed presidential candidates John McCain or Mitt Romney, or by many of his rivals for the GOP nod, like John Kasich and Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina. Romney, like Barack Obama, a product of polygamy, helped Mormon CIA agent Evan McMullin to try to deny Mr. Trump the electoral votes of Utah and a few other states in the election. Mr. Trump carried Utah, but McMullin won more votes in Minnesota (53,000) than the gap between Mr. Trump and Hillary in the North Star State (45,000). McMullin as a write-in candidate also helped lessen Mr. Trump’s margin in Wisconsin and Michigan enough to allow Democrat attempts to steal the election in those two states with recounts.

When Jill Stein’s fake challenges burned out, then Democrats and some never-Trumpers attacked members of the Electoral College. Many Republican electors got thousands of letters and e-mails, many of them threatening. Mobs of angry and delusional Democrats descended on several states’ Electoral College voting sites to intimidate electors. No one was charged for the campaign to threaten Electoral College electors. In December 2016, Mr. Trump got 304 electoral votes, more than the 270 he needed. He should have gotten 306, but two grandstanding electors in Texas voted for Kasich and Ron Paul. One bozo elector in Texas voted for Carly Fiorina for VP.)

The best that could be said about the election of 2016 is that New York, New England, Chicago, and California didn’t formally secede from the Union in a tantrum over the results. That’s a very low bar.

Meanwhile, the illegal surveillance against President-Elect Donald Trump and his team continued. So did leaking about Deep State spying. The New York Times and Washington Post contained many articles about alleged skullduggery by Trump team officials; national security people had been supplying them info about the alleged wrongdoing. It is illegal to leak such info, even assuming it is legitimate intel from an ongoing investigation. Why? Leaks in a legit investigation put witnesses and victims and investigators at risk. They also poison the public against targets of investigations.

Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, discovered politicized FBI people committed so many violations of national security laws in spying on Trump and others considered enemies to the Deep State that he had to restrict the use of surveillance tactics. He also reported to president-elect Trump without notifying then-Director of National Intelligence and Deep State honcho James Clapper. Trump moved his transition team operation out of Trump Tower, which was under surveillance and wiretapping, and out to his golf club in New Jersey, which was secure from the DeepStateGate spooks. Clapper and Obama Defense Secretary Ashton Carter demanded Obama fire Rogers. Rogers hung on, and President Trump asked him to stay on as he could trust Rogers.

Clapper, by the way, lied to Congress in 2013 when he said the National Security Administration was not collecting data on millions of Americans. Among the many documents NSA contractor Edward Snowden gave to Wikileaks personnel wer documents proving the NSA was collecting in bulk domestic call records and some Internet records on millions of Americans. He is not off the hook for that bit of perjury yet. Clapper left office when Donald Trump took over as president.

The secretary of state of Georgia, on December 8, 2016, asked Obama’s Department of Homeland Security chief Jeh Johnson to explain why a hacker in the federal goverrnment with an IP address of his agency tried to breach the state’s voter registration database.

The next day, December 9, 2016, the Washington Post published a story claiming the CIA concluded Trump won the election with illicit Russian government aid. That same day, then-President Obama ordered a review of foreign attempts to interfere in U.S. elections. Trump mocked the CIA claim the Russian government tried to swing the election his way. He said, “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.”

Mr. Trump forgot to mention Obama’s CIA chief John Brennan was a Moslem who had once voted for a Communist. Brennan would not survive Inauguration Day as CIA chief.

Three days later, GOP congressional leaders said they would investigate the CIA’s charges Trump and Russian officials colluded. Bear in mind most establishment Republicans in the House and Senate, like the Bush family, failed presidential candidates John McCain or Mitt Romney, and many of Mr. Trump’s rivals for the GOP nod, like John Kasich and Ted Cruz and Carly Fiorina, openly opposed him and many among them preferred a Hillary victory. The Senate in particular contains many anti-Trump Republicans, which would explain why they took so long to confirm his appointments and vote on his initiatives in 2017.

Later in December, then-President Obama admitted the Russians didn’t hack voting machines. He said they were hacking e-mails instead. (This is why Hillary should not have been using a private e-mail server.) Senator Richard Burr (R-NC), a Trump foe, confirmed plans to investigate the Trump campaign for collusion with the Russians.

Right after Christmas of 2016, then-President Obama used an executive order to impose sanctions on Russia, expel 35 of their diplomats, and close two Russian compounds in Maryland and New York.

According to the left-of-center media outlet “The Hill,” this happened:

Right after New Year’s Day, President-elect Trump said an intelligence briefing on Russia’s cyber activities “was delayed until Friday” and suggested that intelligence agencies weren’t prepared.

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” New York senator Charles Schumer (D) told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.”So even for a practical, supposedly hard-nosed businessman, he’s being really dumb to do this.”

Mr. Trump already knew the Deep State was after him. Schumer was stupid enough to make their evil intent and potential criminal actions public.

Two weeks before Donald Trump’s inauguration, on January 6, 2017, outgoing Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had his office release a report titled “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections.”

Leftist news outlet Buzzfeed, a few days before Mr. Trump’s inauguration, published the false Christopher Steele dossier.

Also in January 2017, FBI director James Comey, soon-to-be-gone CIA director John Brennan, and soon-to-be-gone Director of National Intelligence James Clapper gave a large number of elected official a “briefing” on the Steele dossier in D.C. By gossiping to officials about the Steele dossier, which they knew was fake, they gave it credibility it didn’t deserve.

The day before Mr. Trump’s inauguration, a story in the New York Times noted the FBI was leading an interagency task force checking on Trump associates Paul Manafort, Carter Page and Roger Stone for alleged collusion with Russian officials.

Donald Trump took office January 20, 2017.

Six days after he took office, Obama holdover Sally Yates, the acting US Attorney General after Obama left office (she was Obama AG Loretta Lynch’s deputy), told Trump’s people his National Security Adviser Michael Flynn was involved with Russians

President Trump had to fire Sally Yates at the end of January 2017 because the Obama appointee refused his lawful orders to argue for the Trump Administration in court against spurious lawsuits some brought against his travel restriction policies on certain nations who export terrorists. Dana Boente served as acting AG until the US Senate got around to confirming Jeff Sessions as AG in February 2017.

President Trump made National Security Adviser Michael Flynn resign in February 2017 for lying about his contacts with Russian authorities to Vice President Mike Pence. Flynn had been doing some lobbying for the Erdogan regime of Turkey before he took the job with the Trump Administration.

After the Senate confirmed Jeff Sessions as US Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein became Deputy Attorney General and Boente stayed on as an assistant for awhile. Rosenstein had been in the Justice Department under Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama. He is a Republican.

Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation in March 2017. He admitted he had talked with the Russian ambassador to America in 2016 in connection with his duties as a senator. Since Sessions was an early Trump supporter and campaigner, he thought recusing himself from anything to do with the Russia probe would be the smart thing to do.

President Trump fired nutbag FBI director James Comey in May 2017. Comey had earlier confirmed three times Trump was not under investigation in private conversations with Trump, but refused to say so publicly. President Trump’s many enemies were holding the Russia probe over his head to obstruct his work. Trump didn’t trust Comey and had the right as president to can him.

Days later Rosenstein hired Robert Mueller, Comey’s friend and former boss (Mueller ran the FBI while Bush 43 and Obama were presidents, and Comey succeeded him in 2013), as special prosecutor to investigate alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian authorities in the 2016 election. Rosenstein made the hire because Sessions had recused himself from certain aspects of any investigation related to Russian officials and the election.

Oddly, Rosenstein claimed Comey needed firing because of his decision to publicize the investigation into Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information and using a private e-mail server. Comey did not recommend her prosecution; he knew Obama’s AG Loretta Lynch – who was caught meeting in a plane with Bill Clinton in the Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport – would not prosecute. (Later it came out Comey decided not to recommend prosecution of Hillary even before his agents interviewed her.)

Throughout the summer and fall of 2017, Mueller’s committee was busy. Half of the lawyers he hired were Hillary donors. They ate up billable hours.

The FBI raided Paul Manafort’s home in July 2017 and charged him with a number of offenses. Manafort was briefly Donald Trump’ campaign manager. He did a lot of business in Ukraine and Russia, but before he took on the campaign manager gig. None of the charges the FBI brought against him were related to any alleged Trump-Russia collusion.

In December 2017, Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. He was not charged in connection with anything he did in connection with the presidential campaign of 2016.

All through 2017 the FBI and the Justice Department, neither of which is under President Trump’s effective control, but in the hands of Obama holdovers, Hillary loyalists, and GOPer establishment lifers, did their bit for the “Resistance” to President Trump. They illegally stonewalled Congress’ demands for records.

Later in December 2017, Barack Obama’s most unfortunate hire would rise against the Deep State.

Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department Inspector General, had the job of checking for wrongful behavior within that agency, including the FBI. Like Rosenstein, Horowitz had been a Justice Department employee since the Clinton Administration.

However, Obama’s first corrupt Attorney General, Eric Holder, stonewalled Horowitz when he wanted to look at wrongdoing in the “Fast and Furious” fiasco. This was the scam in which the Obama Administration gave weapons like foreign aid to “needy” Mexican drug gangs, who then used them to kill people like U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

Sally Yates, who President Trump fired for refusing to defend the screening of suspect aliens in court, in the summer of 2015 blocked Inspector General Horowitz (who is one of the few Democrats who doesn’t seem to hate Donald Trump enough to break the law to oppose him) from checking on the Justice Department’s National Security Division. Horowitz the IG thought they might be dirty and wanted to have a look at them.

Horowitz contacted Congressional Republicans. In 2016, they enacted legislation specifying the powers of government agency inspectors general. Obama signed the bill, called the Inspectors General Empowerment Act,” into law in December 2016. Maybe BO thought he was signing a Trump surveillance order.

In 2017, Horowitz started another probe of the Justice Department. In their probing, Justice Department Inspector General agents got ahold of numerous text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Peter Strzok was the FBI’s “Deputy Head of Counterintelligence.”

But his other head got in the way. Strzok was in the briefs of FBI lawyer Lisa Page. Literally. They were cheating with each other on their respective spouses.

The adulterous duo would also send each other text messages about their love for Hillary and their hatred for Mr. Trump. Lisa, by the way, worked for FBI Number Two Andrew McCabe.

McCabe’s wife, a Democrat candidate for a state senate race in Virginia, got hundreds of thousands of campaign contribution dollars thru Friend of Hillary Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe is being sued by 30 or so Chinese who claim he took their money but didn’t deliver on a promise to get them and their families investor visas to enter the United States.

It became known publicly that Strzok was in on the “interview” of Hillary, in which FBI agents didn’t put her under oath, didn’t provide a transcript, and didn’t record her answers to their questions. Obviously, with no recording and no transcript, the FBI committed criminal negligence in giving Hillary an out to deny she lied if they ever try to claim she did. It also came out he told Comey Hillary was negligent but not criminal.

The actions of Strzok and the other FBI Barneys meshed predictably with then-FBI chief James Comey deciding to clear Hillary in 2016 before his agents even talked with her.

It also came out that Strzok was the FBI honcho in charge of the “Russia tampering” investigation, which featured the discredited Christopher Steele dossier.

December 2017 was a month Lisa Page’s boss Andrew McCabe would rather forget. McCabe, called as a witness in a closed-door Congressional hearing, reportedly admitted the FBI could not prove Russian officials colluded with the Trump campaign to steal the 2016 election. He also reportedly suffered a number of memory lapses typical for an Alzheimer’s patient, but not for a top dog in the Justice Department who was supposedly honest.

In December 2017 another couple in the Deep State got fingered for foul play.

Bruce and Nellie Ohr got their 15 minutes of infamy in December 2017 after one of Fusion GPS’s top dogs filed a declaration in U.S. District Court in D.C. admitting how they used Nellie. Fusion GPS hired Nellie, allegedly a Russia expert, to do opposition work against Mr. Trump. Nervous Nellie is also the wife of associate deputy attorney general Bruce Ohr. Ohr reported directly to Rod Rosenstein, the Justice Department official who is overseeing the Mueller probe against Donald Trump and his people.

Justice Department leader(s) demoted Bruce Ohr in December 2017 allegedly because he tried to hide his meetings with Fusion GPS key people. That was kind of hard for him to try, considering he was married to a Fusion GPS operative.

The FBI and the Justice Department kept illegally stonewalling Congressional committees seeking information from them. I said it again because it bears repeating.

Members of Congress, interviewing FBI director Christopher Wray in December 2017, told him he was damn close to contempt of Congress for his failure to answer questions. President Trump chose Wray to replace disgraced liar and leaker James Comey. Was Wray’s act a sign Trump picked a bad apple? Or is this political theater like President Trump used with Attorney General Sessions and Michael Horowitz to get to the truth?

Just after New Year’s Day 2018, Paul Manafort sued Rosenstein and Mueller, charging they exceeded their authority to probe him in connection with the 2016 presidential campaign.

Later in January, Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz started releasing the 1.2 million pages of documents on his investigation of the FBI and other people in the Justice Department who should be worrying about criminal indictments. Release did not go directly to the public, but to House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlette ( R-VA).

This 1.2 million page document blizzard will be available sooner or later to the public. Its existence and its disclosure is making those who spied on Donald Trump and his people or committed other crimes for the Deep State think about their options.

New FBI chief Christopher Wray had to reassign FBI general counsel James Baker for reasons related to the FBI’s role in the Trump/Russia snipe hunt. In late January 2018, Wray chose Dana Boente to replace Baker, who was toasted.

The Russia/Trump snipe hunt chief Mueller postponed sentencing of Flynn at the end of January 2018. Flynn had pleaded guilty to FISA judge Rudolph Contreras in December 2017, but days later, Judge Contreras recused himself from the case.

Andrew McCabe tried to resign and retire at the end of January 2018 to save his pension when he supposedly is entitled to draw it in March 2018. President Trump commented he may not get it. This implies criminal or administrative action awaits McCabe for his misconduct in office.

Meanwhile, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions started looking at FBI agents’ actions in the Uranium One case, in which the Clinton Foundation got $145 million from the Russians in exchange for allowing one-fifth of US uranium reserves to fall into Boris’ and Natasha’s hands. There is a whistleblower/businessman operative on ice somewhere dying to tell what he knows about the case before he becomes an Arkancide.

Mueller ran the FBI then, and McCabe reportedly ran the operation against the Uranium One Russians. Rosenstein was the Justice Department lawyer who ran the prosecutions. Problem is, the feds didn’t bring charges against anyone important. And the Russkies still got our uranium, a much bigger deal than Paul Manafort putting an incorrect answer on some official papers a decade or so ago. Comey inherited the case, McCabe, and Rosenstein stayed on it. But the Three Amigos didn’t do much of anything on it. Hillary’s foundation kept the $145 million.

At least Mueller, McCabe, and Rosenstein in their defense, will be able to say they helped get some minor convictions on the Uranium One scandal in the Obama era.


Those of us watching the attempted putsch by the Deep State against President Trump have been aware of these wrongful and illegal acts for awhile. So have many of you. The public at large is getting their first look at this criminal conspiracy due to President Trump allowing the Nunes memo – a summary in the words of most of the members of the House Intelligence Committee of how Justice Department and other Deep State vermin have been breaking the law in their attempted putsch against President Trump – to go public.

A bombshell that the Nunes memo dropped was naming the names of those who wrongfully signed FISA warrant applications and their renewals. The memo notes Comey signed three, Obama holdovers McCabe, Sally Yates, and Dana Boente each signed one, and Rosenstein signed one.

Rosenstein did not want the Nunes memo released. In January 2018, he reportedly threatened members of Congress with investigations against them personally. If true, then Rosenstein is cruising for a criminal trial. If false, then once again someone is lying. Rosenstein did sign a FISA warrant extension request. This is not something a guy like Rosenstein would want President Trump to know.

Another bombshell is the reaction of reporter Michael Isikoff. The Nunes memo revealed the feds, through Christopher Steele, fed him info, he wrote an article for Yahoo.com, and the feds used the article as justification for securing a FISA warrant. Isikoff said the feds knew the info already, because they were involved with Steele.

The exposure of the criminals in the Justice Department, FBI, CIA, Defense Department, and elsewhere points to two ugly possibilities. One is that the people we hire for these jobs are too incompetent to hold them because they were so easy to catch. The other is that they were so brazen in their lawbreaking because they were assured of Deep State protection.


A few of the perps aren’t exactly denying what happened, either.

Disgraced and fired James Comey, who led the FBI when they gave a pass to Hillary Clinton for her classified messages secret server crimes, and for her taking bribes while Secretary of State, did not say the memo was false. He said, “Is that all they got?”

James Clapper, Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, and John Brennan, Obama’s CIA chief, criticized Congressman Nunes for releasing the memo. However, neither culprit said it was fundamentally false.

Philip Mudd, another annoying CIA puke in the public spotlight like Evan McMullin, said the Deep State was going to kill President Trump, and the FBI was going to beat him. When given a chance by sympathetic leftist media types to say his remarks were metaphoric, he did not back away. He also said said careerists in intelligence kept scores, and military people who favored “transgender” personnel were going to thwart him as Commander in Chief.

Doctor Hook would have called the anti-Trump coalition “The Freakers’ Ball.”

Besides the open corruption of top law enforcement and intelligence community people (canned FBI chief Comey, former CIA chief John Brennan, and former director of national intelligence James Clapper, all Obama appointees), there are so many other stories of Resistance, Resistance, Resistance. By who? By the unelected who pull government paychecks and who don’t like the people voting against their wrongdoing and their bosses’ wrongdoing, and voting instead for an outsider who promises solutions and keeps his promises like President Trump.

This sort of obstructionism has not happened in this nation since the Lincoln Administration. It teaches the civics lesson of the need for civil service laws that make it easier to punish government employees who break the law by assuming power that is not theirs, by refusing to follow lawful commands, and by wasting taxpayer money in doing things to disrupt the lawful workings of the government.

In his State of the Union address last week, President Trump is calling for just that sort of reform. His people are cleaning up the Veterans Administration, and the rest of the federal bureaucracy needs a similar power wash.

We read stories of state officials trying to block President Trump’s work to vet foreigners to weed out the jihadists and female genital mutilators and the common criminals. Lawyers seemingly surface from every leftist cause group in the nation to file these lawsuits, which are aimed against your security and well-being. Corrupt judges, instead of throwing them out as vexatious litigation, use them to put injunctions in place to stop our agents from protecting us. This all costs taxpayer money to overturn, and leaves the public at more risk as vermin slither in to the nation. The resisters don’t care; they get paid for opposing the people.

We read stories of border patrol bosses, holdovers from Obama, sabotaging border security because they can’t be punished properly and can’t be removed just yet per civil service laws. These people are allowing in criminals and leeches. The obvious civics lesson is all civil service laws need reform so leaders can get rid of incompetents and lawbreakers who disobey lawful orders and thwart the will of the people as expressed through the choosing of their elected officeholders.

That’s an ugly civics lesson on many levels.

The perps are not denying they broke the law gravely and repeatedly in an attempt to keep the voters’ choice Donald Trump from becoming president, or to expel him from the presidency if he survived to his inauguration.

For what? Besides their desires to help Ms. Clinton succeed Mr. Obama in the White House, and keeping their jobs, was bribery from the Clinton campaign to the intelligence community criminals involved? Were there promises from Ms. Clinton to cover for their crimes “when” she won the election? Were promised promotions to lifetime tenure judge positions or some other goodies the Clinton machine could swing involved?

We shall see. Assuming the perps don’t get Arkancided.

Evelyn Farkas


Ironically, Evelyn Farkas, a former Obama Defense Department hire, was possibly the first to out her fellow Deep Staters. In various interviews in February and March 2017, the bug-eyed buttinsky said there was a large scale effort by the Obama Administration to find out things on Mr. Trump, then route the info to Congress. In a sense, she admitted the Obama Administration was spying on Mr. Trump and his people throughout 2016 and into their last days in office. Why did she feel so comfortable blurting out potentially incriminating info? Could it be the Obama and Hillary people were so brazen out of habit or out of confidence they would win and their illegal acts would never see an investigation?

Evelyn the operative tried to take it back later, when it occurred to her people concluded this sort of spying was clearly illegal. (Or when one of her colleagues said, “Evelyn! Your interviews are gonna Farkas all!”) But the horses were already out of her barn and munching grass in her meadow.

Evelyn’s bug-eyed head, decapitated, could appear on morgue shots and Hillary’s campers would claim she committed suicide or died of natural causes. Ditto for Sally Yates. She could be another “Sally in the alley” who bribed or threatened authorities would say took her own life or was victim of a robbery, even if her purse, credit cards, ID, and money were at the murder scene.

Some media people are openly calling for revolution and violence in the streets to overthrow President Trump. Others lie and say President Trump needs to be removed for mental problems – right after his policies led to the defeat of ISIS, the expansion of the economy and bonuses to millions of American workers, and a drastic drop in illegal immigration. These media people might be checked on for inciting riots, inciting violence, or similar acts.

The meanest sustained effort against a president was against Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln was sad like Job, but took the punishment the seceders and the disloyal opposition in the Democrats and the Republican hierarchy and the Copperheads and their media outlets gave him almost as a Purgatory on earth. Those who tried to overthrow him provoked a war that cost more than 600,000 men their lives, countless thousands their eyesight, health, and mental well-being, large devastation to the areas affected by the fighting, a century of racial hatred in the South, and now supposed payback criminal behavior by some blacks.

Likewise, the media, almost all Democrats, and top Whigs worked against Zachary Taylor when he beat them to become president. During his short 16 months as president, Taylor fought against a fugitive slave act, threatened secessionists with hanging to their faces, and stopped two attempts by Southerners to seize Cuba from Spain and bring it into the Union as a slave state.

Taylor also clipped the wings of the polygamist pervs in the Utah Territory and whittled the land they wanted down to a fraction of what they tried to steal from other Americans. (Bring ‘em in Young openly said he was glad Zachary Taylor died.) Taylor also kept the British from trying to build a canal in Central America.

Taylor’s greatest act as president was looking at a plan to use federal money to buy the slaves free and resettle them as pioneers in the West or help them live as sharecroppers and tradespeople in the South. Sadly, he died, some say with the help of a poisoner, before he could put the plan into place. The Establishment danced on his grave; Congress and succeeding presidents kicked the can on slavery, and Taylor’s followers Abraham Lincoln and U.S. Grant inherited Old Zack’s mission to save the Union from emboldened secessionists who had a decade to get ready after Old Zack died.


Why the recap of the news, and the history lesson thrown in, instead of another public record lesson?

If the perpetrators of the putsch against President Trump get away with their crimes, you will lose your freedoms to gather public records. Agencies will stonewall you. You will lack the money to fight them in court.

Those few cause groups with the money to fight corrupt and weaponized agencies in court will lose cases because corrupted judges and partisan judges will rule against them.

People who don’t kneel will face federal agent raids on their homes.

People who don’t kneel will be the targets of federal agent spying.

People who don’t kneel will be forced into prison on made-up process crimes like being untruthful in answering FBI badgering agents who have a license to lie, cheat, and steal.

Some of the people who don’t kneel will be killed by feds whose bosses will cover for them.

To function as a citizen and patriot, you have to see what is going on.

Knowing how government and political criminals conspire against your rights helps you as a citizen and patriot make informed choices concerning the perps and the poisoned media who defend them.

As long as the Deep State fascists have power, the exercise of your rights diminishes. Their goal is to diminish your rights to what those in a police state have – virtually nothing.






The parts of this post that come from other posts have footnotes with those posts.

The Nunes Memo itself

Sharyl Atkisson article on FISA, The Hill 2/2/2018

Sharyl Atkisson as covered in The Conservative Treehouse, 2/4/2018

(The Conservative Treehouse is a daily report on Trump vs. the Swamp.)

On Fusion GPS and Planned Parenthood, Weekly Standard 1/12/2017

On CIA’s Mudd, Breitbart 2/3/2018

On Rosenstein threat, Gateway Pundit 2/3/2018

On Comey vs. Nunes Memo, redbluedivide.com 2/4/2018

On Clapper vs. Nunes Memo, CNN 2/2/2018

On Brennan vs. Nunes Memo, CNN 2/4/2018

On Danny Deutsch, Daily Caller 2/2/2018

On Isikoff article, Daily Caller 2/2/2018

On Clinton and Podesta after the election, Dallas News 11/10/2016

On pedophile charge against Podesta, Mediaite 9/27/2017

On McMullin and Romney, Deseret News 10/3/2016

On demand to fire Admiral Rogers, Washington Post 11/19/2016

On Sessions recusal, New York Times 3/2/2017

On Nunes Memo, The Hill 2/2/2018

On Sally Yates firing, CNN 1/31/2017

On Mueller becoming “special counsel”, New York Times 5/17/2017

On Rosenstein memo about Comey firing, Washington Post 5/19/2017

On Comey telling Trump three times he was not under investigation, New York Times 6/7/2017

On “timeline” of several events and leaks from 12/9/16 to 1/31/2017, USA Today “Trump and Russia” dated 12/1/2017

On Georgia election being hacked, Wall Street Journal 12/8/2016

On Hillary and people “Blame Russia” Scam, New York Post, 10/26/2017

On CIA comment alleging Donald Trump and Russia collusion, Washington Post 12/9/2016

On Flynn’s Turkey ties, New York Review of Books, 11/20/2017

On Manafort’s lawsuit, The Hill 1/3/2018

On the FBI raid on Manafort home, CNN 8/18/2017

On Flynn’s guilty plea, New York Times 12/1/2017

On IG Horowitz, thematketswork.com article 12/23/2017 by Jeff Carlson

On the putschists’ missteps, Sharyl Atkisson 12/25/2017

On Fast and Furious, L.A. Times 2/10/2014

On Christopher Wray, Washington Times 12/7/2017

On Evelyn Farkas, Gateway Pundit March 2017 by Kristin Taylor

On the delay of sentencing Flynn, Fox News 2/1/2018

On Brennan voting for a Communist, CNN 9/15/2016

On Brennan becoming a Moslem, World Net Daily 2/10/2013

On Clapper’s perjury, U.S. News 11/17/2016

On Clapper/Brennan/Comey brief/gossip, Fox News 2/5/2018


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