• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


January26/ 2018

Cecile Richards, the woman who ran Planned Parenthood for more than a decade, is leaving her job.


Could it be that she doesn’t want to deal with a federal probe into Planned Parenthood’s selling of baby body parts, Dr. Mengele style?

Could it be that her departure has something to do with a potential federal fraud case against Planned Parenthood?

Could it be that her departure has something to do with a potential federal case against Planned Parenthood for being the accessory to the rapes and incests and statutory rapes of many thousands of underage girls?

Bear in mind the Spartys at Michigan State are in trouble for not reporting Larry Nassar for claiming sticking his fingers up girls’ vaginas for extended periods was a hip realignment procedure.

Did Cecile sexually abuse a woman in the workplace?

Or is there some other intrigue going on?

Enquiring minds want to know.

It could be the high cost of medical malpractice insurance. Most abortion providers whose malpractice records I’ve checked get sued more often than the average OB-GYN.

In fact, some abortionists don’t even carry malpractice insurance. They rely on the threat of slut-shaming the women and girls they commit malpractice on. They also make patients sign waivers that are so threatening and wrong they are often unenforceable. But the women and girls don’t know any better, and assume they’ve signed away their rights.

The average medical school student doesn’t do all that work to become the Albert Schweitzer of abortionists.

The average abortionist is an abortionist due to being a poor practitioner in another field of medicine and having to sink to doing abortions. Or he got there because he was in debt and doing abortions is a quick way to make money. The patients are healthy young women and teenage girls, and the abortionists spend little time with them. The women and girls put up with the mistreatment because they can always be outed as running around, getting pregnant, and having an abortion.

Abortion is legal, but most women and girls who undergo them would rather not talk about them.

Do we understand each other? Good.

Now let’s talk about abortion and the public record.

Planned Parenthood and Emergency Run — courtesy of Operation Rescue


Malpractice cases are public records in the counties where victims file them.

Malpractice cases also come up occasionally in state insurance commissions’ records.

EMT runs to abortion mills are usually public records, except for the name of the victim.

Health department records in states where abortion mills have to undergo occasional inspections are public records. Most abortion facilities do not undergo such inspections because they are considered doctor offices.

Some “freestanding clinic” abortion mills also escape health department inspections. They lack staffers trained in lifesaving techniques, and they lack lifesaving medical equipment. The law doesn’t make such places have them.

(Joan Rivers died in a freestanding clinic. The staffers goofed around, reportedly, while she was dying. Although she was not there for an abortion, the level of care in freestanding clinics doesn’t have to be very high to escape health department inspections.)

Public records, most often lawsuits, show Planned Parenthood fires whistleblowers who complain their facilities are unsanitary. They show Planned Parenthood officials brag how fast their doctors do abortions. They show staffers steal drugs. They show Planned Parenthood officials try to scam government officials for grants and contracts.

And in one case, they show several Midwestern States Planned Parenthood affiliates sent 20,000 Pap smears to a lab in California, where they got lost, allegedly. Many of the women were reportedly at risk for cervical cancer. But it didn’t appear Planned Parenthood officials ordered retests for many months.

Criminal records are public records. Some abortion providers commit rape. Some commit insurance and public health coverage fraud. Some commit negligent homicide.

Autopsy reports and death certificates are public records in many states.

Police reports are public records. Such reports from abortion facilities and other facilities of Planned Parenthood indicate they generate a lot of alarms because they tattle on protesters. But they generate more alarms by being too dumb to work their alarm systems properly, and they generate nuisance calls that the police have to answer. Planned Parenthood is stealing police time from the rest of the community.

Police reports indicate unstable clients and unstable staffers. But you would expect that at an abortion mill.

What police reports also show, by their absence, is a lack of calls to protect underage girls from rape, incest, and statutory rape.

Planned Parenthood people claim, “We call Child Protective Services, not the police.”

There are two things wrong with this answer.

One is, ladies, if you or a daughter of yours was raped, would you call the police or social workers?

The other is, in Texas, I checked Child Protective Services. They showed little or no reporting on sexual abuse cases coming from Planned Parenthood staffers. This, despite them seeing thousands of underage girls each year, knowing they have been having sex, often against their wills. Many Planned Parenthood staffers will lie.

Receipt of government (taxpayer) funds for grants and contracts are also public records.

I used all of these public records for research various clients asked me to do on Planned Parenthood. Most of these are from the 1980s thru the early 2000s, or thru the late 1990s.

These clients, who watched rapist Bill Clinton and enabler Hillary Clinton promote abortion in the 1990s, thought George W. Bush and Jeb! Bush were going to actually keep their promises and deal with Planned Parenthood as a corrupt and medically substandard federal contractor.

When the Bushes let them down, and President Obama showed himself as their enemy, the clients  didn’t ask for any more research along these lines. The considered the effort lost.

I’ll guarantee you if someone was to hire me to bring Planned Parenthood’s record of malpractice, fraud, health code violations, failure to report victims of sexual assault, and other crimes and wrongdoing nationwide up to date as of 2018, I would find many thousands of pages of public records to make public about such wrongdoing.

In fact, if any of you has some real money to spend, contact me and hire us for such a project in your state. You’d be amazed at what we could uncover for you.

Think I’m kidding?

My e-mail is seamus@howtobeyourowndetective.com

My phone number is (812) 202-2886.


The lawsuits I found on Planned Parenthood were filed by women who were pro-abortion, or by the parents of girls who were pro-abortion, or by women or girls who were coerced into abortions by boyfriends or husbands or parents who were pro-abortion. The most negative testimony in America against Planned Parenthood’s abortion providers has come from the mouths of those who supported abortion … and have put their money where their mouths were and PAID for the abortions!

Some cases involved sterilization or other procedures instead of abortion. These people’s complaints prove Planned Parenthood doctors stand accused of medical underachievement in other areas besides abortion. Those Planned Parenthood staffers (and there are many) who have been sued for abortion and nonabortion malpractice stand accused of being substandard, period. Maybe this is why they drifted to abortion.

These girls and women were only the tip of Planned Parenthood’s abortion malpractice iceberg. These girls’ and women’s suffering became known only because their lawsuits became public record.



There are several reasons why women and girls who are victims of abortion malpractice at the hands of Planned Parenthood’s staffers don’t sue more often.

One reason is that abortion is a very painful and private decision to those who choose it. These women and girls don’t want to have to go public with their accounts of the consequences of their abortions.

Another reason is that some of these women and girls got the abortions to stay out of “jams.” They chose suffering over revealing their secrets. Teenage girls, obviously, are also afraid to tell their parents about their complications, because it would mean telling them they had sex, had gotten pregnant, and had undergone an abortion.

A third reason is that kin and friends hush up the truth about a woman’s or girl’s sexual damage. They convince her to keep quiet about it, too.

A fourth reason is the ignorance of the law of many women and girls. In many instances, women and girls don’t know what their legal rights are. This is especially true for low-income women, immigrant women, college coeds, and girls in general … Planned Parenthood’s targeted and core clientele.

And women and girls are pressured by Planned Parenthood employees into signing waivers of their right to make Planned Parenthood pay fully for competent corrective treatment. Women and girls, afraid and under pressure, often sign such waivers without realizing they are usually unenforceable. Later, many women and girls might think they’ve signed away their right to have Planned Parenthood pay for repairing damage they caused.

A fifth reason is the cost in time (and the added disruption of life) that a legal struggle against a multimillion dollar, taxpayer supported corporate predator like Planned Parenthood entails is too much for the women.

A related sixth reason is the fact that no woman or girl relishes the thought of some heartless and shameless attorney asking her a raft of embarrassing questions about her sex life … or demanding “before” and “after” snapshots of her vagina and thighs like at least one Planned Parenthood lawyer did.

All these factors shield Planned Parenthood’s abortion providers from the consequences of their malpractice.



There are several items that these cases of Planned Parenthood’s staffers’ abortion malpractice indicate. In no particular order, these items and my comments on them are as follows:

— Some Planned Parenthood staffers are lousy doctors with terrible malpractice records. Other Planned Parenthood doctors have evidently been part-timers or short-timers. This is not the most stable staffing mix to protect the health of women and girls.

— The typical Planned Parenthood abortion provider lacks adequate emergency skills and/or the typical Planned Parenthood facility lacks emergency capacity on premises. Some of Planned Parenthood’s abortion providers and/or abortion facilities even lack admitting arrangements with local hospitals! Evidently, these factors led to the fiasco in which Planned Parenthood staffers in Maryland were caught dumping women on a hospital’s emergency room doctors.

— Some Planned Parenthood administrators will not fully compensate women or girls who need followup treatment away from their facilities. Low-income women and teenage girls from all walks of life are especially vulnerable to such exploitation.

— Some Planned Parenthood administrators apparently could leech off of women’s insurance policies — and by extension, off the insurer’s other policyholders.

— Some Planned Parenthood administrators are so fixated on getting girls abortions that they forget about the girls’ health … if they ever thought about it in the first place.

— Girls aren’t safe from being squealed on or snitched on by Planned Parenthood staffers or contractors.

— Some Planned Parenthood administrators must be lousy talent scouts. How else could accused meatcutters rise to key positions in Planned Parenthood?

Does the safety of women and girls mean this little to them?



Some cases I covered (in which the abortions led to crippling physical or mental health problems for the girls who underwent them) indicate some Planned Parenthood administrators are so fixated on getting girls abortions that they forget about the girls’ health or emotional well-being … if they ever thought about it in the first place.

Planned Parenthood administrators have promoted accused meatcutters into key positions. They have had on staff serial malpractice defendants. They have retained Clarence Boone — who let a young woman bleed a gallon of blood after an abortion. They hired Laszlo Sogor and Aleksander Jakubowski; each had at least a dozen lawsuits.

They have defended dangerous old geezer Fred Pulver … and they have sought out “talent” like accused serial sex offender Carl Burpo … who was a malpractice threat, a dope pusher, and a public funds thief as well.

Or how about some of the other fine people who toil selflessly in the service of Planned Parenthood … like L.A. lawyer Gary “Crotch Shot” Fields, and the Philadelphia lawyer who tried to cover up for a botched vasectomy by implying the victim’s wife was an unfaithful slut? Or the apparent insurance freeloaders of Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood?

And what about Planned Parenthood’s Maryland dumpers? They didn’t kill their mistakes, but they did something not much better … they dumped their victims at a local hospital emergency room and split. They were like Robert Irsay sneaking out of Baltimore in the still of the night with the Colts … and Art Modell sneaking into Baltimore with the Cleveland Browns like a fugitive drug lord.

If a lawsuit complaint is correct, Planned Parenthood staffer Sandy Millikan should someday make the White Trash Hall of Fame. She reportedly bullied a girl into an abortion because her son may have violated Tennessee’s statutory rape law. So should the Minnesota Planned Parenthood squealers who evidently snitched on a young girl after her abortion over a measly 12 bucks.

Then there’s Hugh Anwyl, the Planned Parenthood executive director implicated in the altering of lab reports. Former Planned Parenthood medical director Lise Fortier called him “a minister of the cult.”

Or what about the “Unacceptables” who were running a Planned Parenthood facility in New York City? I didn’t really start that nickname. New York Department of Health agents seemed to … when they wrote the word “unacceptable” over so many of Planned Parenthood’s answers to their Brooklyn facility’s many health code citations.

Don’t forget Kenneth (“Boston Smotherer”) Edelin. Edelin, witnesses said, in 1973 smothered a 24-week-old child who had survived an abortion at Boston City Hospital. A Massachusetts jury convicted Edelin of manslaughter for failing to provide care for the infant. Edelin later became the chairman of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

And if a number of Minnesota women are telling the truth about her sadistic butchery in the operating room, Planned Parenthood officials hired in Mildred Hanson someone who seemingly shares bloodlines with the Bitches of Belsen.

Planned Parenthood leaders and staffers have been accused of so many instances of wrongdoing, “60 Minutes” could do a spinoff show on their troubles and have a year of solid programming.

No kid who dreams of becoming a doctor deliberately sets out to become an abortionist. But lack of skill in real medicine, or greediness, or massive debts pushes the vast majority of abortion providers into the abortion trade.

According to Planned Parenthood’s Alan Guttmacher, who was writing about a decade before Roe v. Wade, “Doctors do not start out as illegal abortionists. They are ordinarily driven to it as a means of supplementing their income during a time of dire financial crisis. In order to pick up some quick cash they do a few abortions, then have difficulty in calling a halt to so easy a source of revenue.”

Guttmacher continued, “Illegal medical abortionists (doctors) operate in several different ways. Usually they are listed in the medical blue book under disguised designations. Some carry out the abortions in their own consulting rooms, and others do the procedure in an apartment usually run by a nurse whom they employ. They demand prepayment in cash.”

“Many of them do not use an anaesthetic [sic] but give the patients so-called “twilight sleep”, so that when the procedure is carried out they are only partially conscious.”

(Source: Babies by Choice or by Chance, by Alan Guttmacher, 1960)

Except for the part about doing abortions in nurses’ apartments, and the part about the “medical blue book” (abortionists now use the Net and the Yellow Pages), Guttmacher could have been writing about many abortion providers today.

Guttmacher had an unorthodox but logical take on the skills of doctors doing abortions when abortion was illegal. In the same book, he wrote, “The technique of the well-accredited criminal abortionist is usually good. They have to be good to stay in business, since otherwise they would be extremely vulnerable to police action.”

Of course, that isn’t the case today. Since abortion on demand is legal up until the baby’s birth, any stumblebum with a doctor’s license can do abortions legally in his office (and not even have to carry malpractice insurance) when he loses hospital privileges or gets hit with repeated malpractice suits because he is a failure at legitimate medicine.

The cases from this report revealed the following:

— Medical experts whose work I’ve read say a doctor should take about 15 minutes to perform a first-trimester abortion, and longer still to perform a second-trimester abortion. Many abortion providers take five minutes or less to perform this invasive surgery. Some abortion providers are in such a hurry, they don’t even wash their hands or put on sterile gloves between abortions. And some abortion providers are in such a hurry, they don’t even wait for the anesthetic to take effect on women and girls before they perform the abortions.

— Many abortion providers lack adequate emergency capacity on premises — like specialists, life-saving emergency equipment and drugs, or ambulances to take damaged women and girls to hospitals for competent medical care. Some abortion providers lack staff privileges or even admitting arrangements with local hospitals.

— Many abortion providers will not compensate women or girls who need followup treatment away from their facilities. Low-income women (especially immigrant women) and teenage girls from all walks of life are especially vulnerable to such exploitation.

— Many abortion providers do not carry medical malpractice insurance. They shield their personal assets and their abortion assets in legal but unethical corporate shell games so their victims (or their survivors) recover little or nothing from them.

— And some abortion providers will not treat girls’ abortion complications unless they notify their parents. How many girls, afraid and suffering, have had to choose between letting their parents know about the abortion or suffering the complications in silence? How much money in corrective treatment have abortion providers saved because of this threat to snitch on girls to their parents?

— Most abortion providers I have covered have been sued for malpractice at a much greater rate than the average OB/GYN … even though a girl or woman who sues an abortion provider usually gives up her confidentiality and is vulnerable to having her sex life dragged through court by the abortion provider’s lawyer.

What I found was not unique to the abortion providers I profiled. I lacked the time and the money to do a comprehensive look on Planned Parenthood’s malpractice, sex offenses, health code violations, and questionable business practices (including fraud and misappropriation) across the nation. There are too many vermin!

No one held guns to their heads to make them act like scum. After all, abortion providers have freedom of choice!

If abortion was treated like other kinds of surgery, abortion providers would have to do the following:

— Carry malpractice insurance.

— Undergo regular public health inspections.

— Retain an anesthesiologist for surgery.

— Operate in a facility with proper emergency equipment, proper medical equipment, and proper medicines.

— Operate in a hospital or have on-site ambulance service.

— Ensure followup on their patients.

— Provide legitimate pre-surgical explanations instead of self-serving literature.

— Retain qualified counselors instead of hucksterette saleswomen.

— Conform with the letter and the spirit of the informed consent laws.

— Stop pressuring women and girls into signing illegal piracy-style waivers that are designed to scare them away from asserting their rights.

— Accept credit payments instead of demanding cash up front, like a drug dealer.

— Refuse to perform surgery on a girl without parental consent.

— Report all girls under the age of consent to protect them and others from incestors, rapists, and statutory rapists.

If such laws were on the books, and were enforced properly, they would raise the cost of abortion to reflect what abortion really costs the American people. After all, when a girl or woman has to undergo emergency surgery elsewhere because her abortion was botched, she or her parents (or the policyholders of her insurance company) end up paying the bills. A woman’s employers lose her productivity, and she loses income from her work. If the abortion-damaged girl or woman is on relief, we the taxpayers pick up the bills.

Likewise, a young woman or girl who has to undergo psychiatric treatment to be cured of the effects of abuse an incestor or a statutory rapist inflicted on her (abuse an abortion provider covered up for with his surgery) incurs bills for her treatment. It’s only fair that the abortion providers be made financially responsible for the physical and emotional wholeness of women and girls who undergo surgery at their hands.

If such laws were on the books, and were enforced properly, they undoubtedly would run most of the abortion providers out of the business almost as effectively as making abortion on demand illegal again. Most abortion providers can’t or won’t live up to these very reasonable standards. That’s why Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion lobby fight these standards now.

After reading this post, you may still favor abortion on demand. But you might not confuse Planned Parenthood’s people with Albert Schweitzer or Mother Teresa ever again.






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