• Today is: Monday, March 31, 2025



We at Sherlock Justice are litigation support consultants.
We are not PIs putting bugs in buildings or trackers on cars.
We don’t do cheater investigations or help people cheat.
We don’t stalk witnesses or victims for crooked clients.

We work like old-fashioned muckraking reporters (not the preening pukes of today) using interviewing and the freedom of information laws of the country to get at the truth. We work like forensic scientists using lab skills to examine evidence, and like forensic accountants using numbers to determine patterns of fraud. We are like tough fathers putting pressure on others when they act like delinquents.



Company president Kevin Sherlock is a degreed engineer who did post-graduate work in toxicology. He did criminal and noncriminal investigations as a military officer. He cleared wrongly accused soldiers even when commanders wanted them nailed. He has assisted at autopsies and has done trace evidence work in a big city coroner’s office. He also found a large defense contractor company was negligent in recommending cleaning chemicals to the Air Force that damaged the engines the company had sold them.

We have other experts on staff or on call.

We have conducted investigations of crimes and accidents. We have done forensic work fighting unjust government actions, and have proved defense contractor misconduct. We have exposed government contractors who have short-changed the taxpayers by overbilling for services and for failing to deliver services.

We have dealt with divorce, custody, child abuse, and other family law issues.

We have helped clear men falsely accused of rape and murder.

We have exposed government officials who protect rapists, murderers, and other criminals.

We have stood before parole boards urging them to keep murderers locked up longer.

We have exposed hazardous doctors, crooked lawyers, and corrupt and clueless government officials. We have found millions of dollars of assets of perps for seizure. We’ve exposed fraudulent bankruptcies.

We have checked older dudes targeting teenage girls for sex. We have talked honestly and charitably with high school girls who have been targeted for sex by college guys and guys even older.

We have exposed sex offenders, and have turned in rapists who have illegally been working in schools and other places where they had access to children. We have prevented child molesters and other unsavory types from gaining access to children. We have reported professionals and organizations who knowingly cover up sexual abuse of children. We have exposed judges and prosecutors who are soft on sexual abuse criminals.

We have advised honest church leaders how to purge sex offenders. We have exposed blackmailers trying to shake down innocent people by falsely accusing them of sexual offenses.

If you are a decent person and you are looking for help, info, or justice, we want to help you. You decent people are the ones who make this great nation work.

St. Michael the Archangel is the patron of first responders. For your loved ones, the first responder is YOU.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the Devil.  May God smash Satan, we humbly pray, and may you, prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God,  slam into Hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


Don’t be a victim. We can help you be your own detective.

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