• Today is: Thursday, March 6, 2025






All prosecutors are lawyers, so many of them are suspects. About half of the government attorneys in the country quietly or openly advocate government entities and others hide out illegal aliens, even those who hate Americans or have already committed violent felonies, in violation of the law.

We outed Ohio prosecutor Robin Piper for negligence in letting Raymond Tanner — who cut off his kind and pretty young wife’s head on Valentines Day — escape prosecution for murder. We also outed Sherri Bevan Walsh, the Summit County, Ohio scumbag prosecutor whose female child support enforcement agent was bedding a serial child molester, for protecting the molester from the consequences of his ongoing evident criminal actions.

We outed Mike DeWine, the Ohio Attorney General, for letting his minions attack an honest police officer and protect the questionably gained liquor license of a resort owner who lied about not having convictions for sex offenses and grand theft, and who later beat a girlfriend and his own teen daughter. The cop was checking the owner for possible girl trafficking. Judges killed the trumped-up charges against the officer.

Fawn Hall, above, showed a secretary with a high school education could defeat prosecutors. So can you.



Most police officers are reasonable. Some are not. If your men and women in blue commit wrongdoing, there are some things we can do to help you. We showed one police force was a meter maid outfit who gave many more tickets and cleared very few serious crimes compared to nearby forces. We investigated a car wreck a cop caused by negligence, not line of duty pursuit. We quietly got police reports of his wrecks, traffic light sequence settings, damage calculations, and street dimensions to show he was at fault for crashing his cruiser into a woman’s car.

We took dishonest police officers in Indiana to court in a traffic case and proved before a judge they and the prosecutor couldn’t co-ordinate their lies properly. The judge, an old-time law-and-order jurist, ruled against them.



If you need to appear before a parole board to argue for keeping a criminal who victimized you or a loved one in prison awhile longer, contact us. Buy a little of our time, and we’ll give you personal advice on how to keep the reptile incarcerated longer. We’ve confronted parole board people in the USA’s most criminal-friendly state – California. Some free advice – go with a lawyer friend. If he can speak for you, great. Some states won’t allow him to speak but will allow him to witness. An attorney’s presence at a parole hearing forces dirtbag parole board people to treat you right and not try to bully you. If any good attorneys near prisons are willing to help such victims or loved ones at a reasonable cost, contact us and we’ll let victims or loved ones know about you.



We can do financial evaluations on school levies, income tax grabs, and other local tax measures. We can show you inexpensively how you can do your own opposition work. We can write ads for you that get people’s attention.


Don’t be a victim. We can help you be your own detective.

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