• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025





We found a couple’s estranged daughter. We located the young woman thru records searches and interviews with friends, and had the parents authorize a police welfare check on her. The police made the young woman show ID and interviewed her. The police told the parents their girl was still mad at them, but at least was alive and well.

We helped a woman win an annulment by showing her how to locate people to have them served for the tribunal investigating the case. She did the rest. She saved money, maintained control of her case, and set herself free from the ogre who abused her. It’s not God’s will that a loving wife be beaten and abused.

We forced a coroner to release the body of a family’s loved one. The coroner’s people were covering for one of their doctors who also had a private practice, and committed malpractice against the loved one, which helped lead to her death. He wanted to doctor the record. We pulled the plug on his quackery.

When a young widow complained about her leaking townhouse, the builder knocked her down and soaked her with a hose in front of others. She won a big judgment, but the builder hid most of his assets.

We found more than a million dollars of seizable property for her. We even gave her lawyer a legal way to shame the bully in his gated community as a bit of payback by having the sheriff seize the his vehicles and fancy furniture and parade them out for his high-bracket neighbors to see. Sadly, the lawyer lacked the guts to do it.

A Cleveland school worker, in trouble because he outed child molesters and other felons on the payroll (it’s an offense against political correctness to show public school payrollers are often vile criminals), was coerced into undergoing a shrink exam. School officials wanted to pin a false “crazy” tag on him. We showed him how to find lawsuits and other damaging info on the shrink to discredit her. The state psych board hadn’t busted her yet, but they wouldn’t deny she was under investigation for another incident, which implied she was. Our efforts led the female shrink to foolishly or paranoically (take your pick) make wrongful written threats against the whistleblower, raising questions about her own fairness and stability, and the extremely poor judgment of school district officials.

“Quo Vadis” was a book and a movie about the persecution of Christians in the time of Nero. (Ligia, shown above, was a Christian woman from what is now Poland who Nero chose to be gored to death in the arena, but her bodyguard Ursus rescued her by killing the bull with his bare hands.) If teachers, town officials, or other government payrollers with delusional and dictatorial attitudes like Nero are attacking your faith, contact us. We may be able to help you, or point you to help.

We have personally done on-the-ground work in courthouses, government agencies, and other places in Arizona, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. We have covered the other 30 states (including Alaska and Hawaii) with research we did by phone, computer, and mail … and with research we got from associates on the ground in Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Oklahoma. We are within a hard day’s drive of half the states in the Union.

If you need our help, contact us per instructions in the CONTACT US page. We’re here to help decent people.


Don’t be a victim. We can help you be your own detective.

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