• Today is: Thursday, March 6, 2025


December17/ 2024






We start this column with news elderly Democrat witch Nancy Pelosi has undergone a hip replacement surgery at a US Army hospital in Germany after she fractured the hip in nearby Luxembourg.

Some have called her abominable. Yukon Cornelius would disagree. He would say, “Bumbles bounce! Nancy didn’t!”

Yukon Cornelius taunts the Abominable Snow Monster. He knocked the beast out with a boulder and Hermey the Elf pulled the monster’s teeth. Credit: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer TV show. Author first saw the beloved show as a boy in 1964, the year it came out. King Moonracer, the flying lion who ruled the Island of Misfit Toys, was the only apex predator tougher than Yukon Cornelius.


And unlike Dolly for Sue, Nancy Pelosi is evil and unlovable to most people.

Dolly for Sue cries in the snow. Credit: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer TV show. Dolly for Sue, one of the residents of the Island of Misfit Toys, is sad because she thinks no little girl wants her as a dolly. The author admits he joined millions of other children in tearing up watching Dolly for Sue’s heart break during the show.



Joe Biden and/or those around him have pardoned or commuted the sentences of more than 1500 criminals. They are working on trying to protect a whole lot of Deep State scumbags who committed felonies to harm We the People.

At the very least, giving someone a “pre-emptive pardon” means that person committed serious crimes and is due serious punishment. At most, perhaps such “pardons” are illegal and Trump’s Justice Department leaders will need to put together a task force to get these pardons overturned and get the culpable into criminal courts on proper charges.

Now I’m going to talk about Biden’s pardon of a Pennsylvania Democrat judge who merited being chained to an iron post and burned alive.

The Democrats historically are the party of slavery. Pennsylvania Democrat judges were continuing this evil tradition by aiding and abetting slavery in the 2000s, long after the Civil War and passage of the 13th Amendment outlawed this evil practice. They had a kickback racket for sending juveniles to private prisons for very minor offenses in exchange for money from the operator of the prisons.


Michaeld Colahan (L) and Mark Ciavarella (R) leave court. These vermin sold thousands of children into private prisons. Credit: AP


Joe Biden, the corrupt and mentally declining installed president, commuted the sentence of one of these judges, Michael Conahan, a few days ago as part of his mass clemency to 1500 or more felons. This is not surprising. The Democrats are also historically the party of child abuse. Here’s what I wrote about this corruptocrat Conahan in my book How To Be Your Own Detective in 2017.

“The case surfaced after state judicial officials investigated and ordered the removal of a rotten Luzerne County PA judge, one Anne Lokuta (D) on misusing court workers to do household chores for her (indentured servitude lite), for showing bias against lawyers in cases before her, and acting like an evil witch toward her subordinates. They removed her from office in 2008.

 Meanwhile a special interest group and some G-men looked at an even uglier problem in Luzerne County. It turns out Michael Conahan (D), then the chief judge in Luzerne County, convinced county officials to close their juvenile jail in late 2002. Conahan’s fellow judge racketeer Mark Ciavarella (D) then dramatically increased the number of kids he was sending to prison. He had many of them locked up in two private juvenile jails which attorney Robert Powell owned. Powell, of course, made money on each youth locked up in his crony capitalist calabooses. In exchange, the feds charged, Powell paid Ciavarella kickbacks for the kids he ordered locked up in Powell’s private pens, and Ciavarella shared the kickback money with Conahan.

The delinquents in Luzerne County the vast majority of the time were not young hoodlums who posed threats to society. Ciavarella was sentencing kids to private jails for ridiculously minor “offenses.” For example, a boy wound up in a private hole for “trespassing” in an abandoned building. And a girl wound up behind private bars for months for daring to criticize an assistant principal on a social media webpage. (Criticizing public school officials is as American as apple pie!) It turned out while judges across Pennsylvania sent about 8% of all convicted juveniles to the lockup, Ciavarella jailed about 50% of those teens who appeared before him.

After getting complaints from parents, lawyers for a Philadelphia-based special interest group called the Juvenile Law Center did complain about the high number of Luzerne County teen jailings to state authorities. Meanwhile the feds, in a corruption probe of officials in northeast Pennsylvania, charged the judges with extortion, racketeering, accepting bribes, fraud, and money laundering. Since the two judicial pirates didn’t report their criminally-gotten income (about $3 million between the two), they faced IRS hard time as well.

Anne Lokuta, the opportunist, accused Conahan of being behind the move to boot her bulky bottom from the bench. Since it wasn’t in her best interests anymore to remain quiet like an accessory about her fellow judges getting rich off of kickbacks from the private prison boss, she started singing about Ciavarella’s and Conahan’s evil child slavery racket, which media people trivialized as “kids for cash.”

Powell the lawyer pleaded guilty to failure to report a felony and being an accessory to income tax evasion. This was a very generous plea bargain for this shyster, who merited execution by hanging for essentially kidnaping hundreds of youths. He did only a year and change in prison and is free now. Robert Mericle, a real estate racketeer who had the private prisons built, pled guilty to failure to disclose a felony and failing to disclose he bribed the judges. He got a ridiculously low one-year sentence in 2014.

Sandra Brulo, a juvenile probation official in Luzerne County, in a plea bargain pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice. She was recommending youths picked up for very minor offenses be sent to prison to provide cover for Conahan and Ciavarella. She got probation, and died in 2013.

Sandy Fonzo taunts former Luzerne County PA Judge Mark Ciavarella after his federal convictions in 2011. Her son committed suicide not long after his release from a private juvenile prison Ciavarella sent him to for eight months — for underage drinking. Credit: Michael J. Mullen, The Scranton PA Times-Tribune


Federal court jurors in 2011 convicted Ciavarella of racketeering, bribe taking, money laundering conspiracy, mail fraud, failure to disclose income, and tax evasion. They let him off the hook on the extortion charge. Later in the year, a federal judge gave him 28 years in a federal prison. Conahan, in a plea deal, got a 17-year federal prison sentence in 2011.

The state’s supreme court justices ordered the overturning of thousands of juvenile convictions by the crooked judges of Luzerne County.

 Ann Lokuta lost her judge job. She deserved to. She was aware her crooked colleagues were profiting from CIavarella’s sentencing of thousands of kids to jail when they were unrepresented by lawyers, but said nothing till the squeeze was put to her buns for her own misconduct. The county’s lawyers and police officials and other court officials like Sandra Brulo also knew about the culture of juvenile injustice and remained silent. They all merited prison time, but unjustly escaped.

 [NOTE: Info on the Luzerne County judges’ child slavery empire come from a 2/19/2011 story by Craig McCoy in the Philadelphia Inquirer, a 9/23/2011 story in the Scranton, PA Times-Tribune, a 5/31/2014 story in the Wilkes-Barre, PA  Times-Leader, a 2/24/2009 story by Stephanie Chen for CNN, and 1/15/2011, 6/9/2011, 4/17/2013, and 12/5/2013 articles in Luzerne County Citizensvoice.com.]

 Jesus Christ Himself commented routinely on the ethical standards of jurists. He put “corrupt” before “judges” as often as we put “Merry” before “Christmas!”

 How would you break open the teen slavery case if a boy or girl you knew was in jail unjustly? You could key on the extremely high jailing rate, and the trivial acts that got the kids jailed. You could key on how the jailing rate jumped after the closing of the local juvenile facility, which benefited the private prison operator. You would also check if the private pen owner or the builder gave any campaign money to the judges, or if the judges declared any income from the owner or the builder. There was no direct disclosure by Ciavarella; he didn’t declare any kickback money on his financial disclosure forms (or on his tax returns). Perhaps a look at the judges’ financial disclosures for more assets like property and investments, or looks at the kinds of cars the judges were now driving might indicate unreported income flow. You could also check with state judiciary and prosecutor officials to figure out why so many kids from Luzerne County were going to jail for no good reason.

Checking out judges is one of the most important things any citizen can do to ensure the safety of his community, his state, and the country. Incompetent or evil judges, all by themselves, can break the law and thwart the will of the people. For example, a handful of judges imposed homosexual “weddings” on most of the states of the country in fascist contempt of the expressed will of the voters. (It fits. Hitler was a bisexual leather freak.) If a judge is no good, putting the spotlight on his or her questionable legal work with legitimate research is about the only way to drive him or her from the bench, or keep him or her off a higher bench.”

I fully expect the Deep State to get Biden in his twilight to pre-emptively pardon as many of them as possible.  Reid Hoffman, the founder of the LinkedIn personnel website, was a friend of dead serial girl slaver Jeffrey Epstein. I expect Hoffman to receive a pre-emptive pardon because he can pay handsomely for it. Hoffman, who funded the laughable Jean Carroll rape accusation case against President Trump and donated millions to Kamala Harris’ failed campaign, is now whining he has had to increase security after being outed as an Epstein buddy. He is also whining the Trump administration will have the IRS audit him. (Source: New York Post, 12-16-2024)

I expect Biden to issue pre-emptive pardons to all of Epstein’s (suspected) guest child rapers. Hi, Clintons. The Deep State proves routinely they are enemies of young children and teenagers. Perhaps the Justice Department can fund a child rape prosecution against these vermin.



In recent days and nights a series of drones from allegedly unknown sources have buzzed New Jersey, lower New York, eastern Pennsylvania, and the DC area. Former governor Larry Hogan (Fat Jerk, Maryland) claimed they buzzed his barn, errr, house.

Good laser weapons on the Jersey Shore and in Chesapeake Bay could do a lot of damage to foreign drones. But the Biden Administration is apparently too busy drawing up pardons for pay to protect the people.

Incoming president Donald Trump says if they are American military or police drones the Biden Regime should inform the public. If they are not American drones, he said, then military and police gunners should shoot them down.

Trump’s team also found time to poke a little fun at opponent Chris Christie. They posted the following photo on Trump’s Truth Social website on the Internet.



Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, not far from Springfield aka Dogtown, Ohio, was reportedly the target of drone users a couple of days ago. Military authorities stopped a number of flights as a result.

Per the New York Post, 12/12/2024, this:

“A fed-up New Jersey sheriff said he tried to track the mystery drones swarming the skies above his county but they “easily” evaded the effort.

The Ocean County Sheriff’s office sent its own “industrial grade” drone into the air Thursday in a bid to follow one of 50 unmanned aerial vehicles a local cop saw “coming off the ocean,” Sheriff Michael Mastronardy said.

The officer alerted the state police, the FBI and the US Coast Guard. Coast Guard officials then reported 13 drones, with wingspans of eight feet, following one of their vessels.

The mysterious drones, which don’t give off heat like more typical versions, swiftly maneuvered out of their clutches, Mastronardy told News Nation reporter Rich McHugh.

COMMENT: Nothing that uses energy does not give off heat.

McHugh told the story Friday night to anchor Elizabeth Vargas, explaining he originally thought the drone hysteria might be a result of “pranksters” until he saw them himself.

“If this is not our military, then it’s even more scary,” McHugh said. “These things look like they are fixed-wing and they have multiple lights. I’m not really sure how to process what I saw last night. Both the photographer and I were kind of stunned.”

FIRST COMMENT: The large size and evasiveness of the drones indicates they are likely military drones being remotely piloted by trained operators. Our military and other nations have such drones, control systems, and operators.

SECOND COMMENT: Elizabeth Vargas at one time was a news anchor at ABC. But like legacy media, her career took a downturn. A colleague reportedly gave a “her or me” ultimatum, and the ABC bosses reportedly obliged him by demoting her. And it didn’t help that Liz was day drinking and/or night drinking to excess.

Per the New York Daily News’ Nicole Bietette, 4/8/2018, this:

The “20/20” co-anchor (Elizabeth Vargas) revealed to People (Magazine)  that during her darkest days struggling with alcoholism, she used to keep bottles of wine hidden in her footwear.

“I had these knee-high boots, and I would stick a bottle of wine in the boot,” she told the mag. “Nobody looks in the boot.”

And you thought “bootlegging” was an archaic term.


A wag sent this photo, purportedly of Elizabeth Vargas on the prowl after bombing on “Celebrity Gong Show” and suffering an appendage malfunction. She reportedly did poorly trying to sing “Two More Bottles of Wine” and “Going Out of My Head.” The guy with the hook apparently got her too high and pulled too hard. But it didn’t apparently interfere with her buzz. (Sarc.)


La Vargas said she eventually dried out, but suffered career damage due to her alcoholism.

Elizabeth Vargas, besides working on News Nation, hosts ICrime, a half-hour exploitation show on Fox that depends on people sending in surveillance videos.

How long will it be till Liz reaches out to those who are tracking this drones and tells them: “Be Alert …. and Hit Record!”?

FINAL COMMENT: State and local governments should put out a bounty so adequately-armed Americans can shoot these craft down and they can be analyzed. After all, state governments offer bounties for those who hunt and kill dangerous snakes.

If these drones had been flying over Kentucky or West Virginia, several of them would have already been shot down.




Per Clarissa Jean Lin of MSNBC, 12-14-2015, this:

“Texas AG Ken Paxton’s office is suing a New York physician for prescribing abortion pills to a Texas resident through telemedicine.

Filed Thursday, the lawsuit argues that the doctor, Margaret Daley Carpenter, prescribed mifepristone and misoprostol to a 20-year-old Texan woman via telemedicine in May, in violation of Texas state law. The patient subsequently experienced “hemorrhage or severe bleeding” after ingesting the medication and was taken to the hospital, the lawsuit says. At the hospital, her partner learned that she had been pregnant and “suspected” that the woman had “done something to contribute to the miscarriage or abortion” of the fetus, according to the complaint. Her partner then found the medications allegedly prescribed by Carpenter at home.”

Margaret Carpenter, the New York doctor Texas authorities named in the lawsuit, appears to be one of the two doctors in the Abortion Coalition for Telemedicine group, if you believe what they are selling on their website. (They list Linda Prine, another New York doctor, also.) It is a New York based outfit whose people advise doctors how to sell mifepristone and misoprostol aka the “Chemical Coathanger” to remote patients.



It is reasonable to conclude since Ms. Carpenter is not by and large examining women or girls when she decides to prescribe and sell the chemical coathanger pills to women and girls remotely, that she is not fully aware of their conditions. (If the customer is a girl, I’d be willing to bet the doc ain’t too curious about whether she is a sexual abuse victim, either.) She doesn’t appear to be making them undergo ultrasound testing to rule out ectopic pregnancies (which could rupture and kill women and girls who are ectopically pregnant). She doesn’t appear to make females who have Rh negative blood receive RhoGAM shots to protect themselves and future babies.

The abortionist’s website notes Ms. Carpenter works in the Hudson Valley, and also this gem: “Maggie has worked in Reproductive Health since her undergraduate days volunteering at Planned Parenthood. She has provided medical and surgical abortions since 1999.”

Howtobeyourowndetective.com encourages people to look up the public record. While I haven’t done a detailed check on Maggie’s malpractice record, the website healthgrades.com says a Margaret Carpenter works as a doctor in New Paltz, NY (in the Hudson Valley) and has a below-average rating (2.8 out of 5) as a doctor.

The New York State Department of Education’s Office of the Professions database lists one Margaret Carpenter – a “Margaret Daley Carpenter” – and notes she works in New Paltz, NY. The database also lists one “Linda Prine” and notes she works in New York City.

Maggie the Mad Abortion Pill Pusher has telemed abortion competition in the Empire State. Per the public record of New York’s court system, this:

Meera Shah, a Planned Parenthood doctor and media darling in New York, was sued by a teenager for reportedly bungling her telemed abortion so horribly she reportedly gave birth to a 30-week gestation baby in her bathroom in the dead of night. Her younger sisters apparently heard her cries. She charged she told Planned Parenthood about it the next day, and she received orders to come to the closest Planned Parenthood facility that had staffers who did surgical abortions. She charged when she came to the facility, Meera Shah and/or others threatened her for taking the baby’s body across a county line (which is illegal due to the desire of too many to thwart death investigations), and the police had to get involved. This, on top of the malpractice allegations.

I pulled the court paperwork on the case. Jane Doe (through her attorney) said the following:

“5. PPHP (Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic) operates Planned Parenthood White Plains Health Center located at 175 Tarrytown Road in White Plains, New York 10607 (“White Plains Center”). The White Plains Center provides general reproductive health care and abortions, including medication abortion through 70 days of pregnancy, as dated from the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period.

  1. PPHP also operates Planned Parenthood Spring Valley Health Center located at 25 Perlman Drive in Spring Valley, New York 10977 (“Spring Valley Center”). The Spring Valley Center provides general reproductive health care and abortions, including medication abortion through 70 days of pregnancy, as dated from the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period.
  1. Dr. Meera Shah is the Chief Medical Officer for PPHP, which includes the White Plains Center and the Spring Valley Center. Dr. Shah is an abortion provider and prescribes medication for medication abortions.
  1. Abigail Mensah is a nurse practitioner at the Spring Valley Center. She is under the supervision of Dr. Shah and dispenses prescriptions for medication abortions under the oversight of Dr. Shah.


Yet another ambulance run to a Planned Parenthood facility. Courtesy Operation Rescue


  1. Dr. Shah and Mensah are both employed by PPHP as medical care providers and, during all times relevant hereto, were involved in the care and treatment of Plaintiff, including, but not limited to, medical care provided on May 4, 2020, and May 5, 2020, the dates on which Plaintiff visited PPHP, the White Plains Center, and the Spring Valley Center.
  1. On May 4, 2020 Plaintiff, believing that she was newly pregnant, sought information from Defendants for an abortion.
  1. Plaintiff obtained abortion information from Defendants via a fifteen minute, two second telehealth conference.
  1. At no time during the consultation did Defendants examine Plaintiff’s physical condition.
  1. Plaintiff advised Defendants that her last menstrual period was on March 23, 2020.
  1. Based on that response, which was true and accurate, Defendants determined that Plaintiff was six weeks and zero days pregnant.
  1. Plaintiff verbally consented to the termination of a six-week old fetus.
  1. Defendants advised Plaintiff that she could obtain the medication for the abortion at the Spring Valley Center.
  1. While at the Spring Valley Center, Plaintiff was not asked any further questions about the pregnancy, nor did she sign any consent forms.
  1. Defendants failed to perform any type of physical exam on Plaintiff while she was at the Spring Valley Center to accurately confirm the gestational age of the fetus.
  1. Defendants failed to perform any type of ultrasound or other scan on Plaintiff while she was at the Spring Valley Center to accurately confirm the gestational age of the fetus.
  1. Plaintiff, who has a history of anemia, was given a finger prick to assess her hemoglobin levels; the first test failed as a result of faulty equipment.
  1. Plaintiff, who was concerned about her history of anemia, asked whether she should wait a day and visit another Planned Parenthood location that had a machine to test her levels.
  1. Plaintiff was told by Defendant Abigail Mensah that she should not wait to visit another Planned Parenthood location because it might be “too late” for her to obtain a medication abortion.
  1. Plaintiff was given a second hemoglobin test.
  1. Plaintiff’s hemoglobin levels were below the range of acceptable limits.
  1. Plaintiff was not informed that her hemoglobin levels were low.
  1. Plaintiff began taking the medication on May 4, 2020 to proceed with the abortion of what she believed was a six-week old fetus. “


Then she said this:

“49. On May 4, 2020, Defendant Dr. Shah prescribed the two-medication regimen of Mifeprex and misoprostol to terminate Plaintiff’s pregnancy.

  1. Plaintiff did not sign the required Patient Agreement Form, or any other form.
  1. Defendants failed to conduct a physical exam of any type on Plaintiff, let alone a bimanual pelvic exam or abdominal exam.
  1. Defendant failed to conduct an ultrasound on Plaintiff.
  1. Plaintiff began her regimen of Mifeprex and misoprostol on May 4, 2020.
  1. That evening, Plaintiff began experiencing painful cramping and pressure.
  1. Plaintiff went into full labor in the early morning hours of May 5, 2020.
  1. Plaintiff experienced extreme and painful accelerated changes to her body, including a vaginal laceration or tear, as the delivery progressed.
  1. At approximately 3:00 am, while sitting on the toilet, Plaintiff gave birth to a fully formed, stillborn baby boy named J.T.
  1. Plaintiff was shocked and traumatized when she saw the lifeless, fully-formed baby in the toilet covered in mucous, blood, and the placenta.
  1. The next morning, Plaintiff advised Defendants about the ordeal. Plaintiff described the size of J.T.’s body to the Defendants. She described his size as the length of her forearm, not including his legs. Defendant Mensah repeatedly asked whether the body was the size of a fist, but Plaintiff and her mother corrected her.
  1. Instead of directing Plaintiff to the nearest emergency room, and despite knowing that J.T. was a fully-formed baby, Defendants directed Plaintiff to bring J.T. across county lines to Dr. Shah at the White Plains Center for examination of both J.T. and herself.
  1. At the White Plains Center, Dr. Shah performed an ultrasound and physical exam on Plaintiff and also examined J.T.
  1. Defendants determined that J.T.’s length and femur size were consistent with that of a thirty-three to thirty-six week old baby.
  1. Defendants advised Plaintiff that they would dispose of J.T., further upsetting Plaintiff and her family.
  1. Plaintiff, just hours post-partum and in shock, was made to wait for many hours at the White Plains Center.
  1. Defendants told Plaintiff not to call law enforcement.
  1. Plaintiff refused to allow Defendants to dispose of J.T. and a family member contacted law enforcement authorities for assistance.
  1. Defendants made misleading statements to law enforcement, including the indisputably untrue statement that Plaintiff was “examined” and that Plaintiff decided on her own to bring J.T. across county lines.
  1. J.T. was taken to the Westchester County Morgue.
  1. J.T. was a fully formed and otherwise healthy baby.
  1. Plaintiff had no intention of aborting a near-term baby, did not consent to the termination of a near-term baby, and would not have aborted a near-term baby or any baby after her first trimester.
  1. An autopsy was performed on J.T. on May 7, 2020.
  1. The cause of J.T.’s death was determined to be a “medically induced termination of pregnancy of a 30-week fetus.”
  1. As a result of Plaintiff’s ordeal, she has endured significant stress, trauma, emotional anguish, physical pain, including laceration and an accelerated labor and delivery unaided by medication, lactation, soreness, and bleeding.”


We’re betting Planned Parenthood media darling Meera Shah didn’t include the story of Jane in her book “The Stories Behind Abortion.”


Jane continued:

“94. Defendants chose not to follow long-established standards of care in the abortion industry or the requirements of the FDA’s Mifepristone REMS Program because, as Defendants have implied or stated publicly, Defendants believe that diagnostic tests or legal requirements are “obstacles” or impediments to people asserting their right to an abortion.

  1. Defendant Dr. Shah has publicly stated that she regards laws requiring her to perform an ultrasound before performing an abortion are not founded in science, and that “none of these [prior requirements] are evidence based.”
  1. Defendant Dr. Shah further publicly stated that laws requiring an ultrasound before an abortion are “all founded in ideology” and “do nothing to safeguard reproductive health … they “only harm patients.” She would like to see an “end to mandatory ultrasounds.”
  1. Dr. Shah continues to press her narrative in books, on social media, and through interviews at outlets geared towards young women, despite the fact that her narrative harms women and specifically resulted in the death of a viable unborn child. After Plaintiff’s ordeal, Dr. Shah characterized the telehealth abortion platform as “really successful.” …

Further, she says they went to a no test or “minimal test” process and then they pick up the medications.

  1. Dr. Shah’s public statements are causing further harm to Plaintiff.
  1. Defendants seek to perform telehealth abortions on a widespread basis.
  1. Defendants, in order to advance their political and ideological agenda, have unilaterally chosen to by-pass the FDA’s Mifepristone REMS Program and alter the long-established standards of care for an abortion that require confirmation of gestational age.
  1. Defendants disregarded the substantial probability of causing severe emotional distress to Plaintiff and other pregnant mothers like her.
  1. Defendants’ conduct has resulted in the death of a near-term, otherwise healthy baby boy and a lifelong impact on a young woman who is at the beginning of her journey to adulthood.
  1. Plaintiff was forced to witness the terrible consequences of Defendants’ failure to observe long-standing standards of care and the Mifepristone REMS Program; she has been traumatized by the horrific sight of her lifeless, full-term baby in the toilet, covered in afterbirth and placenta.
  1. Plaintiff experienced extreme fear and shock, which has affected the rest of her family, including her younger sisters.
  1. Plaintiff is devastated because she thought she was aborting a six-week old fetus, and not a fully formed baby who was between 33 and 36 weeks old. Plaintiff would never have aborted a fully formed baby.
  1. Plaintiff has also been harmed by Defendants’ request for J.T.’s body so that Defendants could “dispose” of him.
  1. Dr. Shah illegally directed Plaintiff to transport J.T.’s body to another Planned Parenthood location in another county, which is a crime. Defendants’ actions have caused great stress and anxiety for Plaintiff, particularly during the subsequent law enforcement investigation.
  1. Defendants made misrepresentations to law enforcement officers that caused Plaintiff great distress.
  1. Defendants’ unilateral decision to by-pass long established standards of care in the abortion industry and FDA’s Mifepristone REMS Program, direction to commit a crime, misleading statements to the police, and lengthy wait in their office while Defendants decided what to do, among other actions, constitutes conduct that is so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible bounds of decency, and to be regarded as atrocious, and utterly intolerable in a civilized community. “

(Source: Kings County Supreme Court Case No. 501531-2021)


I looked into this case in 2022. One police force turned my FOIA request down as a HIPAA issue, but said another police force was doing the law enforcement in the matter. There was no need for me to be coy, especially in a case where an older girl dropped a dead near-term baby in the toilet, and presumably her cries of pain and sorrow were so loud her younger sisters received a very disturbing introduction to the cold hard facts of life. I sent the following letter back to the police:

“So in other words, your answer indicates you and the police department are not denying the gist of the lawsuit’s commentary, to wit:

  • A teen brought a dead child from her home in another county to Planned Parenthood.
  • Planned Parenthood personnel either reported the transport of a dead child across county lines or tried to dispose of the baby to cover for their role in the baby’s death, which led to the family of the dead child to call the police.
  • The dead child was transported to the coroner’s office for autopsy.
  • The only way HIPAA could be involved is if the teen was under the medical treatment of Planned Parenthood and her treatment was so off the rails the police had to get involved. If this is not the case, then the bringing of a dead child to Planned Parenthood would not be a HIPAA medical treatment issue.

 Is this the case, Sergeant?

 All I need from your office is any record that indicates the nature of the incident from your department’s involvement without disclosing any patient name or type of treatment. You are certainly capable of this.

 I am enclosing a copy of the lawsuit for your department’s records. Consider it a goodwill gesture to show you what I know, and what could help your department on incidents of this kind in the future.

 Given the money invested in the lobbying for the kind of treatment the teen received, I’m betting you will see a lot more incidents of this nature. Be prepared.

 Thanks in advance for your assistance.”


Meera Shah has been given positive media coverage for her articles talking about her spice-scented life as a Planned Parenthood abortionist.

The June 2018 Women of Distinction publication noted the following about Meera the Media Darling:

“Dr. Shah has been working at Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, a federally qualified health center in lower Manhattan serving the LGBT community. She is certified by the American Academy of HIV Medicine and provides care to those living with HIV and to those who identify on the gender spectrum. Additionally, she is trained in colposcopy and high-resolution anoscopy services, and she launched a Long Acting Reversible Contraception program at Callen-Lorde.

Outside of her role as a physician, she is actively involved with the Physicians for Reproductive Health and enjoys being a vocal advocate for sexual and reproductive health access, including safe abortion procedures, for all. She lends her voice to the community by serving as a frequent contributor to Bedsider and has been interviewed by The Independent, Teen Vogue, Buzzfeed and Think Progress.

Beginning this summer, Dr. Shah will continue to leverage her expertise and advocacy as the Associate Medical Director for Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic with aims of expanding their services to include gender affirming care as well as HIV prevention care.”

But an article about Meera in a law journal painted a different picture of her skills as a doctor, her attentiveness, and her truthfulness when she reportedly harmed a patient in a very, very sensitive way.

Meera is an equal-opportunity target for malpractice lawsuits. Here’s one a young man filed against her, courtesy of the federal court system.

 The scribe Darcy Reddan noted the following in Law360, New York, 10/30/2017:

“A patient at a government health center suffered third-degree burns after a physician used the wrong chemical during a biopsy-related procedure, a complaint filed Friday in New York federal court alleges.

Stephen C alleged that the mishap occurred at a New York City government-operated health facility, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, during a procedure that he had undergone previously, though details about the exact nature of the procedure are redacted in the complaint. During the procedure, Dr. Meera Shah allegedly used trichloroacetic acid instead of acetic acid, or vinegar, resulting in third-degree burns and necrotic tissue.

(Doctors use acetic acid to test for HPV on penises.)

(The victim), who the complaint says had undergone the procedure five times, alleges that the staff should have recognized the severity of his reaction if they were as proficient in the procedure as they claimed. TCA is a chemical normally used to burn off genital warts, according to the complaint.

(The victim) brings the claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act for the tremendous pain he says he endured as well as a host of redacted claims. He is seeking an unspecified amount in damages.

In November 2016, (the victim) allegedly went to Callen-Lorde for an unspecified biopsy, which was performed by Shah with Dr. James Braun overseeing. According to the complaint, the procedure lasted 20 minutes instead of five, and it left (the victim) in extreme pain because the staff failed to notice that they were applying a much stronger chemical.

In addition to the claim that the staff should have noticed the mistake, (the victim) alleges that the staff was aware that they were using the wrong chemical. According to (the victim), they improperly disposed of the chemical when they became aware, but did not notify him.

(The victim) says he called the health center the next day and was informed that he should return because the staff realized they had used TCA instead of vinegar.

Shah and Braun apologized following the checkup and offered to pay $400 for (the victim) to see an outside specialist and pay for future medical costs and prescriptions, according to the complaint.”

Meera Shah, during her work at the government-funded health center, cost US taxpayers $400,000 in settlement cash, plus the costs of litigation, when federal attorneys settled out of court with Stephen C., the male whose penis Meera severely burned with a chemical designed to burn off genital warts.

(Source: Case No. 1:17-CV-08307-KBF, US Southern District of New York, Manhattan court)


President Trump doesn’t have to be an abortion opponent to have telemed chemical coathanger abortions outlawed. They result in many complications to the women and girls undergoing them. The doctors prescribing them often don’t provide minimum medical care like a physical, or a look at a female’s medical records, or a sonogram to preclude ectopic pregnancy, or a RhoGAM shot for Rh negative females.

Also, there are those providers who tell girls and women who suffer complications to seek corrective care at an urgent care center or hospital emergency room and to tell staffers they have suffered miscarriages without divulging the fact they took the abortion pills. While it is probably better for a woman or girl to get real medical care from a real doctor in a facility with proper medicines and emergency equipment, unlike a Planned Parenthood dump or rival abortion dump, there are laws in most states against patient abandonment.

Anyone who reads this column who has contacts with the Texas Attorney General is free to send this info to him with our compliments.



Nancy Pelosi recently polluted the Rhode Island-sized land of Luxembourg, tucked between Belgium, Germany, and France, by falling in the country. A much happier story about Americans in Luxembourg during Christmastime follows.


St. Nick visits the children of Wiltz, Luxembourg by jeep in 1944, just before the Battle of the Bulge. 99’s father was a tanker in that terrible battle. The Krauts severely wounded him. Credit: AP


Even storybook countries can suffer invasion and occupation from time to time. This happened to the people of little Luxembourg in a number of wars, the most recent being World War Two.

From the St. Nicholas Center webpage  https://www.stnicholascenter.org/around-the-world/customs/luxembourg/american-saint-nicolas  , this:

“It was 1944 in the small Luxembourg town of Wiltz. The war had taken a heavy toll as Wiltz had been a center of resistance and suffered brutal reprisals. People were shot in the town square and men were forced into the German army or sent to concentration camps. (Some Wiltz men joined the French army … some escaped, some were POWs.) The German occupation lasted at least four years before the Germans pulled out in September 1944. After the town’s liberation Allied soldiers rotated through Wiltz for rest and recuperation.

The 112th Regiment, part of the 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania National Guard (known as the Keystone Division), had been sent to relieve troops battling to retake Huertgen Forest. After sustaining heavy casualties they were sent to regroup and rest in Wiltz. The people there had very little and had not been able to celebrate Christmas or anything else during the years of occupation.

A few days before Thanksgiving Corporal Harry Stutz told his buddy, Corporal Richard Brookins, “I think we should give this town a Christmas party, A St. Nicholas Day. For hundreds of years here in Wiltz, they had a celebration on the fifth of December, the eve of St. Nicholas Day. A man dressed as St. Nick paraded through the town and gave candy to the kids. Kids here haven’t celebrated St. Nicholas Day for nearly five years because of the war. Some of them have never seen St. Nick at all.”

Harry talked to the local priest, Father Wolffe, who invited all the townspeople. The soldiers donated all the candy and chocolate from their rations and even some of their gifts from home. The field kitchen would make donuts and bake cakes for the party.

Who would be St. Nicholas? Harry said, “You, Dick! You’re tall, like Father Wolffe. You can wear his fancy robes and a bishop‘s hat.” Twenty-two year-old Dick wasn’t so sure—he’d never even played Santa Claus. “I didn’t know who Saint Nicholas was, so I didn’t know what he did, and I didn’t want to spoil it for the kids.” “You’ve got to do it,” Harry said, “for the kids of Wiltz.” So, Dick agreed, yes, for the kids, but really for everyone, too.

In the afternoon of December 5th, Dick was taken up to Wiltz Castle, home to a convent school. Nuns helped him dress in Father Wolffe’s vestments—cassock, surplice, and a cape, high in the front, but making a train behind him. A rope beard tied on with a ribbon and topped by a bishop’s miter completed the costume.

Two little girls, dressed in white with angel wings, were St. Nicholas’ angel helpers. St. Nicholas sat with his angels in the back of a jeep, ready to go to the town square. Father Wolffe made the sign of the cross over them, giving a blessing, “May God and the spirit of Saint Nicolas be with you.”

Women and children lined the streets—the only men present were men from the 28th Division. A soldier played the guitar while children sang and danced. When they saw Saint Nicolas, everyone cheered.

Children’s faces glowed with excitement and joy. The new American St. Nicolas spoke to each child in German, asking their names and offering treats. Walking about as bishop, he made the sign of the cross, blessing children as he passed. After about 40 minutes, the entourage climbed back in the jeep to drive up to the castle, where more children waited.

Saint Nicholas blessed the children at the castle, then, with his angels carrying his train, he was escorted to a large chair inside the castle. Christmas Committee GIs were at tables, handing out treats, while the nuns served hot chocolate made from the soldiers’ melted chocolate bars.

Everyone settled down and songs, dances and skits entertained and honored Saint Nicolas. Next, children lined up to talk to St. Nicholas, sit on his knee and tell him what they wanted for St. Nicolas Day. St. Nicholas nodded wisely, repeated some words such that anyone would think he really understood. He kissed children on the cheek or forehead, patted them on the head or chucked them under the chin, before turning to the next child.

After the last child was with Saint Nicholas, the Mother Superior thanked Saint Nicolas, saying, “The children are very happy. They will remember, as will we.” The saint thanked his two angels, and left as the last song was sung. He quickly took off the robes so the priest could get to Mass, and the celebration was over.

It was the best St. Nicholas Day in years.

An Associated Press photographer was in Wiltz and his photograph of Brookins as St. Nicholas was published in newspapers across the United States. His own family was delighted to see him in their local paper.

Just two weeks later, Wiltz was bombed, killing many people including children. Wiltz was a major battleground in the Battle of the Bulge and the town was very nearly destroyed.

American soldiers would re-liberate Wiltz. Three decades after the war, local officials contacted Brookins. Brookins would reprise his “American St. Nick” role seven times for the people of Wiltz over the next three decades. 

Blessed Christmas or Hanukkah to you and your loved ones!




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