• Today is: Tuesday, January 21, 2025


November15/ 2024















In a nation of laws, only honest law enforcement is what keeps the nation from falling apart.

Donald Trump learned this lesson the hard way after many GOP figures helped the Dems steal the 2020 election.

Trump didn’t control the apparatus of the Republican Party. The RINOs did. Ronna Romney Mc Daniel, the niece of Mitt Romney, who like his rival Barack Obama was a product of polygamy, was the RNC chairperson. She did nothing to ensure election integrity. As a result, vote counting in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona stopped on Election Night 2020 and then many millions of ballots were fraudulently tallied for Biden.

The Donald and the Bidens. The Donald returns to the White House to reclaim what is his and ours. Joes is smiling because the pudding was good. Jill is smiling because she is on tranquilizers and she has lined up Hillary’s movers for the looting on move-out day. Melania snubbed the Bidens because they ordered a raid on Mar-a-Lago, and then FBI pantysniffers pawed her intimate apparel. She tossed her wardrobe, likely fearing the freaky feds’ social disease germs.


GOP election watchers were forcibly kept out of counting areas, and a number of other violations of election law took place. Ronna and the national party apparatchiks did nothing. Nor did GOP governors in Georgia or Arizona. They allowed the fix to take place.

Obviously voters for Trump in a presidential election suffered practical disenfranchisement when corrupt people mickeyed with the vote count in enough states to flip the election to installed dim bulb Joe Biden. Any election official who allowed illegals to vote, allowed unregistered voters to vote, allowed illegally harvested ballots to count, allowed obviously forged ballots to be counted, and allowed or committed similar offense were violating the Voter Rights Act, were committing fraud, were committing falsification, were allowing fraud and/or falsification by admitting invalid or forged or fraudulent votes or vote counts in an attempt to help Biden get installed and those who supported Biden who would profit from his installation, and were committing conspiracy to do so.

So some state AGs whose people voted for Trump over Biden sued. But Amy Comey Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, and Brett Kavanaugh joined compromised John Roberts and the Democrat Supremes in not granting President Trump a hearing. They said the people of these states lacked “standing.”

“Standing” is legalese that means a person or a group of people seeking a legal remedy must show they have enough connection to and harm from the law or action challenged to support their taking part in the case. This allows them to be “standing” before the judge(s).

Biden was installed. This meant Democrat mobs would picket and stalk the three wimp judges Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Amy at their homes early and often. Not ruling in accordance with the law had its practical consequences for them.



In the 2024 presidential election, things were different. Donald Trump forced out Ronna Romney and the Romnettes. He installed his daughter in law Lara Trump as co-chair of the Republican National Committee, to the dismay of the RINOs. Fundraising improved. And most importantly, the Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign had aggressive lawyers, cops, and PIs on the ground to fight a lot of election fraud.

Trump’s people got enough injunctions and other judge decisions in the swing states, especially Pennsylvania, to keep things relatively honest.

Presidential Election, 2024. Donald Trump won the red states and Kamala Harris was awarded the blue states. He won 312 electoral votes to 226 electoral votes.


Except in New York, Philly, Pittsburgh, and the suburban Dem counties of Philly, Detroit and the suburban Dem counties of Detroit, Milwaukee and Madison, Wisconsin, in Maricopa and Pima counties in Arizona, Clark County, Nevada, and every California county where Dems outnumber GOPers, the vote counting almost always got done overnight, and often got done before midnight of Election Day.

They are still counting a lot of votes in California. Arizona voting officials once again crapped the bed/stole an election (take your pick) with their week-long election results shitshow.

Election officials in the Detroit and Philadelphia and Milwaukee metro areas slow-walked the counting, IMHO, to save Democrat senatorial candidates by hook or crook. Ditto for the election officials in Arizona, Clark County, Nevada, and the Dem counties of California where races for Congress were close. In Dem areas, extra ballots seem to pop up magically, especially when a race needs flipping.

The time lag also gives cheaters a chance to check on who didn’t vote, so they can fill out ballots in the non-voters’ names.

That’s why such cheating tends to take place in Democrat-controlled states.

Note Florida election officials had more votes to count than any other state mentioned except for California and Texas. And they had to deal with damage to the infrastructure due to Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton. Yet they were almost done counting statewide before midnight Eastern Standard Time.

Texas, another very large state controlled in most places by GOPers, also got their voting counted early.



Election chicanery is more possible in Democrat controlled states.

Most of the 19 states Kamala was awarded (Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Illinois, Minnesota, New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii) do not require ID for voting.

New Hampshire and Rhode Island, which were awarded to Kamala, require photo IDs for voting. New Hampshire used to be Republican until enough goofs from Taxachusetts moved into nearby southern New Hampshire seeking lower taxes and housing costs. The invaders brought their social-diseased thinking with them.

Connecticut, Delaware, Virginia, and Colorado, which were awarded to Kamala, require ID but not photo ID to vote.

Many of these states also have massive mail-in votes, which are easier to harvest or forge.

Of the 31 states Trump won, 22 require photo ID to vote.

Of Trump states, only Pennsylvania and Nevada do not require ID. Note in these two states, Dems somehow weaseled into Senate seats.

Of Trump states, West Virginia, Iowa, North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, and Alaska require ID but not photo ID to vote. A Dem weaseled into a Senate seat in Arizona.

Michigan and Wisconsin went for Trump. Due to election officials in the Detroit area and Milwaukee election officials, IMHO, Dems somehow weaseled into Senate seats in these two states.

Ballotpedia provides this map to illustrate my point:

People require photo ID to get aboard planes, to get welfare benefits, and to get admittance into Democrat conventions. Why don’t they require photo ID to vote in federal elections in 24 states of the Union? This must change, and be a centerpiece of any election reform law.



Despite the Dems’ chicanery, President Trump won all seven swing states and a convincing 312 to 226 election vote margin. And after all the questionable votes trickle in from California and other laggard states, Trump will still win about 77 to 78 million votes, and Kamala will be given about 74 to 75 million votes. Trump has also carried the GOP to winning margins in the Senate and the House.

In 48 of the 50 states, voters voted more Republican in the 2024 general election than they did in 2020. Trump made New Jersey, Virginia, Minnesota, and New Mexico competitive. And Kamala was awarded New Hampshire by 23,000 votes. Trump got 44% of the vote in machine Democrat New York and machine Democrat Illinois.

Even in California, people voted for Proposition 36 to demand prosecutors to prosecute shoplifters, store looters, and certain drug criminals as felons again. Corrupt and incompetent Soros prosecutors had turned California into a store looters’ playground. Many retail businesses closed because of this idiocy, freezing out residents. They also threw out soft-on-crime Soros prosecutors in Los Angeles and Alameda (Oakland) counties, canned the hard leftist mayor of San Francisco, and threw out the leftist and suspected corrupt mayor of Oakland.

Leftists’ and the FBI’s war upon Catholics, the DOJ’s war upon pro-lifers, along with Kamala Harris’ dismissal of Catholic concerns and her snub of the Al Smith Dinner in New York,  cost her dearly in four of the seven swing states – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó, in Prophet Jeremiah mode, noted:


Roughly 60% of people who identify as Catholics voted for Donald Trump. This is the largest percentage of the Catholic vote a Republican presidential candidate has ever gotten. Bear in mind for many years many Republican leaders were openly anti-Catholic, which forced many Catholics into the Democrats’ ranks.



Several sources reported George Soros-backed prosecutors (who heavily outspent their opposition using his money) won 13 contests and lost 12 contests in 2024. A few of the latter were recall elections.

Soros funded some of the worst shysters in the Union to become prosecutors.

Per the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal, former Pennsylvania county prosecutor Thomas Hogan wrote the following 7/12/2023:

“Soros gambled that he could swing district attorney elections by heavily funding candidates who favored his version of justice, which focuses on de-prosecution and decarceration in the name of racial equity. Prosecutors like Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Foxx in Chicago, George Gascón in Los Angeles, and Alvin Bragg in New York rode Soros’s funding to victory.”


Jewish women are arrested by the Nazis in Hungary, October 1944. Meanwhile, a young George Soros was helping the fascists loot the Jews’ possessions. Justice demands Soros be returned to Hungary to face war crimes charges and his wealth be confiscated to make victims of his many acts of wrongdoing — including the people of this nation — whole.


“Soros’ … calculation was that district attorney races could be won with a relatively modest investment. Most chief prosecutor elections were sleepy affairs, with district attorneys serving until they were ready to hand over authority to an experienced supervisor from within the office. Soros figured that a cash infusion for heavy media spending would allow previously unknown candidates that he favored to overwhelm any opposition in popular elections.

Once again, he was right. For instance, in Philadelphia, Soros provided approximately $1.7 million in funding for the first campaign of then-unknown defense attorney Larry Krasner, who won the splintered Democratic primary for district attorney with 38 percent of the vote in an election where only 17 percent of eligible voters turned out. Because winning the primary almost ensures victory in heavily Democratic Philadelphia, Krasner effectively won with the approval of less than 7 percent of eligible voters, at a rough cost of $33 per vote — a canny targeted investment by Soros. In smaller jurisdictions, Soros-related entities might make donations of $20,000 or $100,000 to swing the elections. Consistent with his background as an investor, Soros had found a way to bet relatively small amounts of money and achieve outsize returns.

Soros’ ultimate calculation was that he could make enough of these investments in radical prosecutors that it would cause a major shift in law enforcement in American cities. Once again, he proved prescient. Soros-backed candidates won elections in Manhattan, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Portland, San Francisco, St. Louis, Dallas, Tampa, Denver, Orlando, the Northern Virginia suburbs surrounding the District of Columbia, and other population hubs. By one calculation, 20 percent of the population of the United States was covered by Soros-funded prosecutors, with an even heavier concentration in the urban cores.”

Hogan was charitable. I don’t think Soros funded leftist shysters to become county prosecutors because he thought it would increase public safety. Soros is a speculator who makes money when We the People lose. So prosecutors who don’t prosecute criminals and illegals but let them roam free cause an increase in violent crime and property crime, drive down the desirability of city life, put pressure on the cost of rents because more people are fighting for the rentals, and drive up pressure on suburban and nearby rural properties. This allows predator and scavenger real estate corporate types to profiteer. Soros’ leftist politics and his greed worked hand in hand in this push for prosecutors, IMHO.


Another bit of good that came out of this was Maricopa County (Phoenix) Arizona voters put Justin Heap into the county recorder’s office to replace disgraced and defeated county recorder Stephen “Lying Bozo” Richer. Voters picked RINO Richer to replace Democrat county recorder Adrain Fontes in the 2020 election, the last election that Fontes oversaw. There was massive interference with the vote in Maricopa County in 2020, which led to Biden being declared the winner by 11,000 or so votes statewide. Richer, a McCainite Republican, bungled the 2022 midterm election count. Many machines malfunctioned and many people in line didn’t get to vote. It took his MENSAs a week to count ballots in the 2024 presidential election, when virtually every state whose people require picture IDs to vote got their vote count done in hours. Per the New York Post 11/9/2024, Richer despises GOP senator candidate Kari Lake and wanted to make things tough for her.

Per the Arizona Republic, 10/3/2024, Democrat senate candidate Ruben Gallego’s family had drug crime ties.

They quoted Kari Lake saying:

“He (Gallego) will never confront the cartels; he is controlled by them. He has close family members who are drug traffickers.”

Asked about her comments on Thursday, Gallego said Lake’s attack is characteristically insulting.

“She’s raising it because my father, who abandoned my family, is a convicted drug dealer,” Gallego said as he became visibly emotional. “It’s a stain that our family has had to carry. This is why my mom, my sisters and myself have worked our entire life to really live the American Dream and to serve and honor this country despite what he has done.”

Pepe LeGallego. Served his wife with divorce papers when she was about to give birth, and demanded she pay for the divorce. A grade-A skunk. Courtesy of Warner Bros.


Ironically, Gallego has a similar daddy problem. He sued to block the release of his divorce case, because it showed what a scumbag he is. A judge okayed the release of the divorce documents three weeks before the election. Per the Washington Free Beacon’s Eliana Johnson, 10/17/2024, this:

“On Dec. 15, 2016, Rep. Ruben Gallego (D., Ariz.) filed for divorce from his wife, Kate Gallego, then a Phoenix city councilwoman. He filed a motion to seal the case file on the same day.

That seal was lifted on Thursday after a 10-month court battle between the Gallegos and the Washington Free Beacon, in which the Free Beacon prevailed in the Yavapai County Superior Court, the Arizona Court of Appeals, and, finally, on Wednesday evening, at the Arizona Supreme Court, which rejected a last-ditch effort from the couple to keep the records under wraps.

It was Ruben Gallego who moved to seal the record back in 2016. In his memorandum making the case to the court, he noted that Kate Gallego had “not yet been served” with divorce papers, nor had “her attorney entered an appearance” in the case, but that she was “likely to give birth any day.”

Gallego’s petition for divorce stipulated that the “parties’ marriage is irretrievably broken” and that “there is no reasonable prospect of reconciliation.” But Kate Gallego appears to have been blindsided by her husband’s decision. When she responded to her husband’s filing in February of 2017, she said she was “without knowledge of information sufficient to form a belief” about her husband’s claim that the marriage was broken beyond repair—and she denied the allegation.

The newly unsealed file also shows that Gallego wanted his wife to foot the bill for the divorce proceedings.”

Ruben Gallego is a true freeloading Democrat. Dump your pregnant wife, then try to make her pay for the divorce.

Kate, who is now the mayor of Phoenix, is also a true Democrat. She endorsed her heel of an ex in the 2024 election.

So did the ex of Ohio senator Sherrod Brown (D), who charged he beat her. Some wags started calling Brown “She-Rod” over his marital problems. She-Rod expresses indignation when anyone brings up his evidently inexcusable conduct in this matter.

She-Rod reportedly beat his ex-wife Larke and mistreated her in other ways. He denied the charges against him, but still says women who bring abuse charges against others less exalted than he should be believed.

I’m believing Larke back in the day. She at least filed police reports. Sixteen Christine Ford (who Brown backed when she falsely accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of abusing her) filed her nails.

Who sent this shirt to She-Rod Brown?


What is the truth about She-Rod Brown?

Per Stephen Koff, in the 6/22/2012 cleveland.com website, this:

“Records from the 1986 divorce in Franklin County [Columbus] Common Pleas Court show a searing level of vitriol between Sherrod Brown (named in the court filing as “S. Campbell Brown”) and his then-wife of seven years. She filed the case in May that year, saying in the complaint that Brown “has been guilty of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty” toward her.

She also got a restraining order to keep him from harassing or annoying her and from “doing bodily harm.” In a supporting affidavit, she said she was “in fear for the safety and well-being of myself and our children due to (Brown’s) physical violence and abusive nature.”

She later sought to keep Brown from going further than the curb when he came to pick up their young daughters for visitation. She said in a supporting affidavit that Brown “intimidated, pushed, shoved and bullied” her on several occasions.

In that affidavit, she described an incident on Oct. 11, 1986, in which Brown arrived at her home to pick up his daughters but refused to wait for her to bring the girls out. He “pushed me up against the wall with his arms in order to pass and enter the house,” the affidavit said. “He refused to leave when asked and began to say insulting, derogatory things about me, my mothering of my children and my character in front of my friends and children.”

She concluded by saying that “I am definitely afraid of my husband, that he has struck and bullied me on several different occasions, he has completely destroyed my peace of mind and that I am extremely intimidated by him.”

The acrimony did not end with the divorce decree.

According to a Columbus Dispatch story from April 1989, when Brown was Ohio secretary of state, Brown’s ex-wife accused him of malicious destruction of property and filed a police report saying Brown broke the door after pounding on it. She did not follow up with charges.

The Dispatch story also said that Brown assaulted his ex-wife’s new husband, Joseph Recchie, grabbing him around the neck and beginning to strangle him. Joseph Recchie filed a complaint but did not follow up with formal charges, the Dispatch reported.”

[COMMENT: IMHO, they didn’t follow up because then-Ohio Governor Dick Celeste was a Dem. No court in Columbus would fail to protect Brown, a Dem statewide officeholder. At least reporter Koff checked the public record instead of taking the word of a politician. He did what we preach on this site.]

Bernie Moreno (GOP), a luxury and exotic car dealer who was born in Colombia, beat Brown last week. Ohio voters considered multimillionare and foreign-born Moreno to be a better man to stop illegal immigration and inflation eating workers’ paychecks than the long-time Dem trough feeder Brown.



Why do Democrats seem to be better at close elections than Republicans?

Howard Jarvis, the California tax crusader, used to note Democrats were better at elections because their careers and the power and money that go with it are on the line. He said many GOP candidates were business people, and a run for public office was in many ways a demotion for them. He said a lot of Dem candidates were shyster lawyers, union reps, public school payrollers, or party flunkies who viewed political office as a promotion for themselves in influence and money. This meant, he said, Dems would work harder and be tempted to cut corners and lie, cheat, and steal more to get into office.

Mayor Daley has police and National Guard men smash leftist rioters at the DNC in Chicago, 1968. This is how you deal with scum like Antifa.


Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago brought professionalism to voter turnout, even if the means weren’t always legal. His heaviest lifting came in 1972, when McGovern Democrats essentially kicked him and his loyalists out of the convention to put the freaks in charge. They were pissed that he sicced his police on the anti-military losers and other assorted hippies and yippies and pickpockets and abortionites who were fouling his city’s streets during the 1968 Dem convention.

Daley did not pout. He knew he had candidates down ballot from the presidential election to work for. So he ignored the McGovernites and threw his weight into electing Democrats to offices in Congress and in state and local governments. Since he was a professional, the Chicago machine ensured these offices by and large got Democrat occupants.

Most people understand if they vote for a president, they need to vote for a senator in his party to help him.

Mysteriously, Dem counters in Wayne County (Detroit), Milwaukee County (Wisconsin), and Clark County, Nevada in a slow-walked voting process, got three Dems over the line even though voters in their states voted for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris.

UPDATE 1: Eric Hovde (GOP), who was declared the loser in the Wisconsin senate seat race to Tammy Baldwin (D), will likely challenge the result. Milwaukee County voted for Tammy 68% to 30%, with a 4 a.m. 11/6/2024 drop of 108,000 ballots going almost 100,000 for her. Also, Hovde is reporting some Milwaukee precincts had a 150% to 200% voter turnout, and suspiciously high Election Day voter registrations. (Source: Gateway Pundit, 11/13/2024)

UPDATE 2: So far the Dems have barely failed in Pennsylvania. Election officials in Philly, the voting cesspool of the Keystone State, seemed to find extra votes for the Dem incumbent. Likewise in some of the suburban counties. However, with hardly any votes remaining to be counted, the Republican challenger is still ahead by about 30,000 votes. There will be a recount under state law.


Something similar happened in Dem-controlled Pima County (Tucson) Arizona and McCainite RINO controlled Maricopa County (Phoenix). Adrian Fontes (D), the disgraced and defeated Maricopa County recorder, failed upward and is now the Secretary of State in Arizona. He and Richer, the corruptocrat who replaced him, hold the keys to election success in the state for now.

Trump and his people were mostly successful in putting legal pressure on Dem election officials thru court injunctions so there was no massive stoppage of voting so the Dems could dump millions of illegal ballots into the swing states to pull out the election for Kamala. But Dem operatives, like VD germs, are in a whole lot of places and can’t always be disinfected. There will have to be an election integrity investigation and initiative to punish and limit election stealing, or it will get worse.



President Trump’s performance in the 2024 election relative to Kamala Harris indicates very strongly, in my opinion, that the 2020 election was stolen and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were installed like two dim bulbs.

The key piece of evidence, IMHO, is the vote count. Biden was credited with 81 million votes in 2020. This was 15 million more votes than the ruthlessly efficient Hillary got (66 million) in 2016 and 15 million more than the legitimately popular Barack Obama got (66 million) in 2012.

In the 2024 election, the vote count so far without about the last 4 million or so votes in California being counted, Trump won 75 million votes and Kamala was given about 71 million votes. After California officials have stolen as many House seats as they can steal, the final tally from that state and other laggard states will be about 77 to 78 million for Trump to 74 to 75 million votes for Kamala Harris. Trump won 74 million votes in 2020.

So what happened to the extra 6 to 7 million votes that went to Biden? They were all awarded illegally, in my humble opinion. I also believe Kamala will have been awarded a few million votes she didn’t earn also, but not as many as Biden was awarded.




President Trump needs to appoint an election integrity task force as part of the Justice Department.

The counties I mentioned in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada need scrutiny. So do Democrat counties in California with close congressional votes. So do the Dem counties in the Atlanta area, the Twin Cities, and Beltway counties in Virginia. Trump’s federal prosecutors can then charge the accused in federal courts in other parts of the states than in the corrupted counties.

The 2024 presidential election by county. Trump won the red counties.


I would also audit mail-in states Oregon and Washington. And the large overwhelming leftist states New York, Illinois, and California. A lot of harvested votes and votes from illegals get cast in those states. How many harvested votes have been illegally cast? Only the Holy Trinity knows!

Federal prosecutors and judges need to send the guilty to prison for committing fraud to steal the majority of voters’ deserved election outcomes. Voters should decide elections, not party hacks.

Any Voter Reform Act of 2025 should mandate all federal elections should run by the same rules. Voters must present valid photo ID at the polls, or make a photocopy of their photo ID and include it with their mail-in ballots. No illegals can vote. No felons can vote. Any official elected by fraudulent vote count can be removed and his or her opponent installed instead.

President Trump will also need to deal with Democrat leaders who vow to break the law openly to oppose them. In the days of the Civil War, Democrats in the North who tried to sabotage the war effort were called “Copperheads.” They were mostly a cowardly lot, who instigated others to do their dirty work for them. They tried to interfere with the draft, and they tried to induce Union soldiers to desert their units.

Draft Riots, New York City, 1863. Rioters beat, shot, and lynched blacks, and burned down a black children’s orphanage. Honest Abe ordered at least 4000 soldiers sent into New York to crush the murderers. The soldiers, pissed off that they had to deal with disloyal rioters, shot down the rioters and restored order.


One of the Copperheads’ dirtiest tricks was instigating the Draft Riots in New York City in July 1863. The rioters killed or wounded so many innocent, that military authorities had to dispatch several thousand Union troops from Gettysburg and state militia men to put down the rioters. This they did … but this meant General Meade had to stop what he was doing, send the men, and miss their help when he was trying to pursue and destroy Lee’s army after Union victory at Gettysburg. Lee and his men were able to make good their escape, and they would account for many more Union dead and wounded in the 21 months before Lee had to surrender at Appomattox.

Copperhead Democrat John Wilkes Booth murders Honest Abe Lincoln at Ford’s Theater on Holy Thursday, 1865. Lincoln died from his wounds early the next morning, Good Friday …. on the same day as Christ was murdered. Democrats have openly agitated for the murder of President Trump. Democrats laughed when Bush family friend John Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Anarchist (Antifa forerunner) Leo Czogolz murdered GOP President McKinley. Democrat and Oneida Community sex cult member Charles Guiteau murdered GOP President James Garfield. The scumbags who tried to take Donald Trump’s life were and are leftists also. Democrat LBJ was involved in the murders of fellow Democrats John and Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. Too many Democrats and leftists and Deep Staters in the CIA and FBI view assassination not as a crime but simply as another tool in their toolbox.


The other infamous Copperhead coup was  causing the murder of Honest Abe Lincoln and the knife attack on Secretary of State William Seward that he barely survived.

The election was a week ago, and several Democrat leaders are already bragging they will violate federal laws to fight President Trump.

Governors Healy of Massachusetts, Hochul of New York, Pritzker of Illinois, and Newsom of California have vowed to break federal laws with respect to illegal immigration. They may well try to interfere with President Trump’s efforts to deport illegals in their states.

Pritzker would like to be president but he is a short fat billionaire with an unlikeable personality. He is not cheerfully sarcastic like Trump. No one could imagine Pritzker in a garbage truck or working at a McDonald’s. They could imagine him stuffing his face there, however.

Newsom would also like to be president. He is a preening prettyboy who got a winery started with the help of influential rich family friends. He married and divorced attorney Kimberly Guilfoyle (who is now in the Trump camp), and then snagged the wife of his campaign manager in an affair. Later, he married actress and film producer Jennifer Seibel. Jennifer gained negative publicity recently as being an actress in a Harvey Weinstein felony sexual predator trial who some of the jurors did not really believe. They ruled Weinstein sexually assaulted other actresses, but enough of them did not really disagree with the defense claim that Jennifer’s sex with Weinstein was consensual and transactional.

Newsom, as San Francisco’s mayor, was one of the first public officials to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, leading radio talk show host Michael Savage to call him “Any Twosome Newsom.” Newsom was the only statewide official to endorse the notorious Proposition 47, which in effect decriminalized shoplifting and store looting. Newsom had to admit President Trump gave California good help for dealing with Covid and for dealing with forest fires in the Golden State.


Gretchen Hitler, errr Whitmer. She-Wolf of the DNC. Dresses like and smiles like one of the Bitches of Belsen female Nazi concentration camp guards.


Michigan governor Governor Gretchen Hitler, errr, Whitmer (D) wants to be president. She works with an apparently corrupt and power-hungry attorney general and secretary of state. They have been credibly accused of using lawfare to persecute opponents and using election fraud to install Democrats. She herself is a Covid lockdown Nazi. Back in the day Gretchen as a submissive county prosecutor was a would-be protector of Larry Nassar and others at Michigan State University who molested more than 100 girls and young women in the guise of helping them do better in gymnastics and other traditionally female sports – and then tried to cover it up.

Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro (D) is more intelligent and probably a more dangerous foe of the Trump Administration than the others. In my humble opinion, he didn’t lean too hard on the scales in his state to get Kamala’s artificial backside over the finish line. The biggest likely reason? Self-interest. Shapiro wants to be president. If Pennsylvania election fraud, something he could control, were to bring Kamala the nod, then Shapiro would have to be an ass-kissing Team Kamala player for four or eight more years, which would derail his own presidential ambitions.

An election integrity task force in the Justice Department, and a similar task force to defeat the New Copperhead Democrats (who are without honor like their namesakes) over their conspiracies to violate federal laws to thwart the Trump Administration, would do a lot of good.

The former task force would re-establish honest elections. The latter task force would crack down on the kind of Democrat lawbreaking that led to the Civil War and prolonged it.



Secure the border with a wall and more Border Patrol people. (Feds who want to interfere can be reassigned to clean migrant roundup center latrines and federal prison facilities.)


President Trump and Melania honor our service members. America first, no foreign misadventures, and protection of the civil rights of the people from evil government agents is his agenda.


Deport illegals. Encourage illegals to self-deport. Cut off illegal alien “welcome wagon” contracts to vendors.

Fight crime with better enforcement and prosecution.

Produce more energy to reduce inflation.

Produce more food to reduce inflation. And look into the attacks, errr, fires and epidemics and other calamities of suspicious origin that have broken out at hundreds of American food processing plants and large farms, and disasters such as the range fires in the Texas Panhandle. All of these have disrupted the food supply train.

Reduce red tape to reduce inflation.

Purge the DOJ, FBI, and CIA of most of its top officials and many of its lower-ranking agents. They did nothing to stop two attempts on President Trump’s life. They have been running biochemical warfare labs in Ukraine and subsidizing them in China. They did nothing to stop a raft of mass shooters, even though they knew who they were. Guess they were too busy spying on and/or raiding the properties of President Trump, Catholic parishes, PTA dissidents, and home schoolers to do their jobs. Replace them with people who can produce safety and justice.

Cut down on the number of woke military officers. Some of our top brass have been reportedly scheming to resist President Trump’s lawful orders.

(Recall General Thoroughly Modern Milley bragged he told the Red Chinese the US was not planning military actions in the Far East during 2020, and he implied he would not obey President Trump if Trump ordered a nuclear attack. (Source: NPR 9/15/2021 article by Bill Chappell.) This is as low or lower than the wrongful acts of Confederate officers who turned on the Union before the start of the Civil War. At least they resigned their offices before they openly rebelled.

Many of the Southerners had suffered wounds fighting the Mexicans and the Native Americans, and they led their men by example. The current crop of generals by and large escaped combat at the company and battalion level, and have not proven they are men of courage under fire like the Reb officers did. Yet they scheme against President Trump, and against us.)

[Note: One of my distant relatives served in General Sherman’s army during the Civil War. He and his fellow Yanks helped shorten the war by burning mansions and farms and causing mass desertions of soldiers in Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia. My sympathies are Union Forever, but I can recognize courage, even courage in service of a bad cause.]

Make military service more desirable to normally wired men. Shitcan the wokeness nonsense and vaccine fascism that infects the brass at the higher ranks because they are too used to kissing leftist politicians’ asses. (I am a military veteran.)

Make it easier to fire unsatisfactory federal government employees.

Reduce the function of the Dept. of Education to be a publicly accessible database for job actions against teachers, administrators, and other school employees involved in sexual abuse, child abuse, cheating, theft, drugrunning, or other inexcusable actions.

(There should be an easily-accessible nationwide sex offender database. The ones on the Net now are a start, but they have gaps and holes.)

Provide more police and prosecutor protection for women and children. Especially crush the sex offenders. Make released sex offenders pay for their own monitoring. Start enforcing the Mann Act again.

Ensure election integrity.

Rebuild the infrastructure with American labor and American construction products.

Prevent government agents’ overreach. (Federal and state Nazis need to stop attacking people like cake shop owners who don’t do Chipper and Dustin or Ellen and Maude unions, Catholic parishes where the priests instruct the people in morality that is counter to the perversions the government pushes, parents who complain at PTA meetings when the schools push perversions, and folks who make pets of creatures that otherwise would die or be killed in the wild.)


An unauthorized parody photo of New York animal control agents who a few weeks ago killed P’nut the Squirrel and Fred the raccoon that a New York couple kept as pets. Reportedly Rocky the Squirrel and Rocky Raccoon of Beatles White Album infamy are protesting the deaths of their comrades. Courtesy Jay Ward Productions.


Reset all trade agreements to favor American workers and customers. (Buying low-cost  kitchenwear with unsafe levels of lead, drywall made of fly ash, impure pharmaceuticals, unsanitary foods (especially seafood), flimsy clothing, and unsafe hardware from places like China is not helping the health of Americans. Nor is it saving them money, as low-cost crap that fails has to be bought again, and low—cost crap that poisons users costs health care time and money, loss of income, and other issues.)

Start making more consumer goods in America. Or import them from fair trade countries, if any can be found. Once America’s scale of manufacturing grows, prices will drop and quality will rise.

Prevent predator companies from buying up land and residences.

Prevent Chinese, Arab, British, and other unfriendly predator nations from buying up farmland and key real estate near defense installations and infrastructure choke points like bridges and power plants and ports.

Severely punish the ACLU for trying to overthrow sex offender monitoring laws and conducting extortion-style lawfare against small towns and counties whose leaders try to protect children. Reduce the maximum hourly rate an ACLU lawyer can make in a government action to the average pay of a public defender in the county where they bring a lawsuit.

Severely punish sex traffickers. Severely punish lodging businesses that profit from trafficking. Severely punish staffers and leaders of businesses like Planned Parenthood whose people aid and abet sex traffickers and many more sex offenders in the families and circles of acquaintances of girls.

President Trump is not ignoring sincere citizens who happen to be Democrats.

He has appointed Democrat Robert Kennedy Jr. to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Kennedy and Trump don’t agree on most things, but they do agree on a lot of public health issues. Neither man is a vaxx Nazi. Kennedy has boldly questioned Big Pharma, large food processors, and city water works operators on the additives they drop into the medicines, food, and water of the the public.  If RFK Jr. can bring sanity and integrity to DHHS, more power to him! 


Military Police officer Tulsi Gabbard, whose father is a Samoan, honors the dead at a veterans’ ceremony. She was appropriately quiet, humble, and respectful.


President Trump’s pick for Director of National Intelligence, Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, is also a good one. Again, she and Trump don’t see eye-to-eye on many things, but she is a military veteran who understands Islamist extremism and also understands the need to curtail our foreign misadventures. She is willing to do her own fact-finding. Tulsi outed Kamala Harris as a persecutor of nonviolent druggies. She has also been a victim of federal targeting, so she knows the dangers of federal overreach personally. I believe LTC Gabbard cares about the people of this nation as a civil libertarian, instead of being just another advocate of government overreach.

Donald Trump is trying to harness the energy of many good people from across the nation to serve the public. As long as Americans First is his guiding principle and he seeks God’s help, he will succeed.



We have already discussed ongoing Democrat chicanery in the electoral process.

How about the scandal where FEMA supervisors in Florida and North Carolina have been reportedly telling subordinates not to help people who lost their homes if they were Trump supporters?

Many DOJ lawyers and federal agents are considering retiring before the Trump Administration fires them for cause and takes some or all of their fat pensions.

Top Dems are turning on each other. Of course they are punishing loyal subordinates for the results of the 2024 election that the top Dems made possible by their poor policies, criminal actions, and poor choices in candidates.

Democrat leaders start the purge after their 2024 election meltdown. Apparently, they barely gave this poor field operative the chance to come in out of the rain before they cut her. (Sarc)


Some leftists are calling for Justice Sonia Sotomayor to retire (be forced out) so Biden can name a replacement for her … possibly Kamala the Escort.

Some leftists are calling for Joe Biden to step aside so Kamala the Escort can play president (until Donald J. Trump and friends flush her and her crew).

They want Justice Sotomayor run out almost like an old mare being shipped to a rendering plant. Which brings up the question — why is Nancy Pelosi still in office?



Self-anointed pro-life leaders will have to do some serious reflection after the 2024 elections. They lost despite GOP victories.

In 2023, voters in Ohio and Bleeding Kansas okayed abortions with few if any restrictions.

In 2024, voters in seven states did likewise. Three of the states (New York, Maryland, and Colorado) are under leftist control. Montana is as libertarian as much as it is Republican, and the state has a history of legal prostitution. Nevada still has legal prostitution on a county by county basis, so their pro-abortion vote was predictable.

Pro-lifers lost in Missouri and Arizona largely due to the stupidity of the pro-life leadership in those states. They had opportunities to add rape and incest exemptions and life and severe health exemptions of the mother to their laws and refused to do so. This gave Planned Parenthood and others in the Abortion Racket the ability to use rape and incest exceptions as splitter issues to peel off enough pro-lifers who want those exceptions.

Voters in Nebraska and South Dakota protected pro-life laws. And the only reason pro-life voters in Florida could do likewise was because abortionists needed a 60% vote … hard to obtain.

Missouri pro-life state office holders and self-appointed pro-life leaders were particularly stupid in not really using opposition research on the execrable malpractice cases, massive ambulance runs, health code violations, and sex abuser protection committed by Missouri abortion providers, and those in abortion stockyards across the river from St. Louis, and in Bleeding Kansas near Kansas City. Our organization provided these people with copies of a massive report on the Abortion Racket’s wrongdoing in these areas FOR FREE, and they did not  share the info with the public. Here’s a copy of our report if you want to read it.

MO Abortions 7-15-2024

If pro-life leaders had added rape and incest exceptions, they would have killed more than 90% of the abortion trade in Missouri, essentially putting almost all abortionists out of business. Why? Because the vast majority (more than 90%) of abortions are not done for rape or incest victims, or life or serious health of the mother, but for personal reasons.

Don’t feel lonely, Missouri pro-lifers. Ohio governor Mike DeWine and Attorney General Dave Yost and Ohio pro-life leaders ignored us and they crashed and burned in similar fashion in 2023.


The best way to wipe out the Abortion Racket is to prosecute Planned Parenthood officials and staffers for massively refusing to report the sexual abuse of tens of thousands of underage girls every year. They are aiding and abetting sexually abusive guys in Mom’s bed (father, stepfather, boyfriend), older brothers, older stepbrothers, older relatives, and people in girls’ circles of acquaintances like teachers, youth ministers, and coaches.

The next best way is to enact state laws that allow abortions only for rape, incest, and life or severe health of the mother.

The third best way is to regulate abortion like other forms of medicine. Abortionists have been getting massive breaks from state health departments and medical boards. This has resulted in the damaging of many women and girls, and the public having to pay for malpractice victims’ corrective and life-saving care. Most abortionists are substandard doctors. That’s why so many of them drop to doing abortions. Treating abortionists like other doctors who eff up instead of like treating them like sacred bisexual unicorns, and making them cover the costs of their eff-ups will drive many of them out of the field.

If you are a pro-life donor, you need to put your efforts into pro-life efforts where substandard leaders won’t waste your time and money. And if you are a pro-life group leader or major donor who wants to end the losing, contact us. We can help. You now have a sample of our work.



Some leftist females are calling for a sex strike. They are advocating women shave their heads, wear identifying bracelets, refuse to have sex or even date, and refuse to attend to personal hygiene or dress attractively. You know, to fake out the Patriarchy.

Like the Manson girls did. At least the head shaving part.

Except for the head shaving, many leftist feminists are already engaging in these sorts of behaviors.

This developing movement, which is being dubbed 4B, meaning “its adherents do not date, get married, have sex, or have children with men,” will allow leftist feminists to make their bad fashion choices, deficient social skills, and skeevy hygiene practices something to brag about.


Aren’t you glad this website doesn’t have a scratch and sniff feature?


Other women, fearing they might backslide, are reportedly stocking up on abortion pills.

Some sensitive Dudes for Harris betas say they are considering vasectomies. Sadly, this will be impossible for many of them who have already been neutered.

Some pro-lifers are okay with the 4B feminist protests. They note a sex boycott by feminist women would drop the abortion rate like a stone in a well.

Meanwhile, some cynics say the abortion rate won’t drop because most women in this movement are not desirable enough for males to want for sex.

Many guys, however, will welcome such actions by batshit crazy or incurably stupid females. It will make the loonies easier to spot and smell … and avoid.

Tariff opponents might soon claim the 4B buttheads will be unduly harmed by higher prices on Chinese-made errr, “marital aids.”

Some of the feminists will screw this up …. like those who thought “Kamala’s brat summer” was a call for them to stick German sausages where the sun doesn’t shine.

Then there are the irritating doctrinal hair splitters. Does a sex ban mean women of the movement swear off only adult males? Or are other women, girls, underage boys, golden retrievers, chocolate labs, marital aids, and instrumentalities off limits too?

After all, there is dissension among vegetarians about whether using eggs and dairy products and honey and wool is exploiting animals.

A movement as obviously driven-snow pure as the 4B movement should certainly not stoop to putting mere symbolism over substance.



We’ll close with a little dark humor and a shout out to Mike Garcia, congressman of California’s 25th District, which after the 2020 census lost some of Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley, where I used to live. Reapportioners renamed the area Garcia lived in the 27th District for the 2022 election, which he won. Garcia lost a very close re-election race last week to a NASA official and space businessman George Whitesides. Garcia, an Annapolis grad and Navy pilot who flew combat missions in the Iraq War, is a native of L.A.’s San Fernando Valley. Whitesides, who also seems accomplished, had a preppie and globalist education; he is from Massachusetts. Whitesides looks like he was in the Bushes’ tennis camp. Garcia looks like a Mexican-American small businessman who is not afraid to get his hands dirty.

I believe Garcia may be a victim of election fraud, as his re-election vote took about a week to count. The 27th District, like most of Southern California, has had a huge influx of illegals. Some of them voted …. illegally.

Garcia, you might recall replaced the notorious Katie Hill as congressman for this area. Joe Hill, the IWW union man, was executed by firing squad for murder in Utah. One of the best-known protest songs is “The Ballad of Joe Hill.” Free spirit Democrat Katie Hill symbolically had to kneel and put her head on the block before the executioner after she was caught in a sex scandal that would interfere with top Democrats’ plans. Katie resigned from Congress under pressure in late 2019. No one memorialized her sacrifice in a song, so we will do it in a parody.

Here’s what I wrote about Katie back in 2019:

“Katie Hill, another Democrat, is a congresswoman, thanks to vote harvesting, for California’s 25th District. This district covers L.A.’s northern San Fernando Valley, and out into the suburbs, mountains and desert in Northern L.A. County. Friends and relatives of mine still live in the area. I ran wild in this area as a teen. If you have ever seen Dragnet or Emergency or many Westerns or other TV shows, or pix of the Manson compound, you have seen large sections of the 25th District.

Katie, while running for Congress in 2018 as an avowed bisexual, and her then-husband had a sexual affair with her female campaign staffer. The three decided to combine sex play routinely.

A while after Katie moved to DC as a freshwoman Congressbabe, she decided to ditch her hubby and her gal Friday and hook up with one of her staffers named Graham Kelly, apparently.

Katie didn’t hide the fact she was a bisexual slut when she ran for Congress. The problem is the aides are her subordinates, which makes any sex between her and them a violation of Congressional rules.

GOPers enacted this code in 2018 after word got out Congress has a slush fund to pay off victims of their sexual abuse. It is not a good idea for a boss to be demanding sex from one of his or her workers. The law is supposed to work for male and female bosses. In other words, fat ugly women bosses like Lieawatha Warren and Amy Klub-u-hard (a credibly-accused employee abuser) cannot demand female aides perform cunnilingus on them any more than fat ugly pigs like Al Franken or Bawney Fwank can demand females or male subordinates to perform fellatio on them.

Text messages and photos showing Katie kissing the female aide, and Katie, while nude, sitting in a chair combing the female aide’s hair while the aide was kneeling in front of the, errr, uncovered lap of the pantyless politician, became public a few days ago.

Katie, like a true Democrat, has blamed her ex and the Patriarchy for the leaked photographs.

Meanwhile, the female aide came out and said she felt pressured to perform sex acts on Katie.”

“Katie’s kerfuffle has taken the precious time of Nancy Pelosi away from the impeachment probe. Katie’s kerfuffle is going to make Nancy have to punish her (by stripping her of her seat, errr, position, errr, Congressional office, not by stripping her of her clothes, which Katie does pretty readily on her own) to have any credibility in pushing the impeachment of President Trump forward.

In the spirit of the Democrats’ commitment to fairness and transparency, we will provide a photo purported to show a 2019 Katie Hill fundraiser. Beneath the photo is a purported transcript with every bit as much credibility as Adam Schiff in discussing the Trump phone call transcript.

(Reveal: The following is a parody. Sadly, it is not far from the actual behavior of some of those mentioned.)

Katie Hill (left, and head at left bottom) and purported support staffer, allegedly. Alleged mystery staffer’s face hidden with Lone Rangerette mask.


Katie Hill: Oh, shit! I just partied my head off! A-gain!

Aide: OMG! Congresswoman, last time you partied your head off, you wanted to play “Blind Date with Benefits” with all the men and women at the fundraiser.

Katie: At least that was more fun and less painful on my booty than “Pin the Tail on the Donkey.”


Donor: Hey, Katie! What’s with the yellow boots you and your aide are wearing?

Katie: They go with our red dresses, like the colors of the Trojans!

Actually, these cute yellow rubbers came from Planned Parenthood.  We’re wearing them to promote safer sex!


Aide (to donors): Unfortunately for a lot of Planned Parenthood’s clients, their cute condoms failed Consumer Reports leak tests.

Which reminds me — we won’t have enough crappy condoms to go around.

Soooo…….it’s been a long day. Congresswoman Hill needs a litt-tle time to pull herself together. Congresswoman Hill thanks you all for coming! Have a great day and drive home safely!

(Donors murmur discontentedly.)


Katie (with a slurred voice): Shush, slave, err, aide, or I’ll have your head!

Aide: (whispers teasingly) That’s easy for you to say, Congresswoman!

(Donors murmur questioningly.)

Aide: (to donors) No, the Congresswoman says she won’t be able to give you any more face time.

Katie (slurring her speech): Don’ you wan’ me to comb your hair?

Aide: Ewww, gross! (Plaintively) Graham, a little help? Please? Please?”


I realize there are those who might think the above Katie Hill parody is beneath serious discussion. Bear in mind the Left’s campaigns against President Trump included the following:

  • Giveaways of morning-after pills, condoms, birth control, sanitary supplies, and douchebags.
  • Kamala’s appearance on a sex practices podcast.
  • Free abortions for some at the Democrat National Convention.
  • Ads advocating pornography showing a guy apparently pleasuring himself under a blanket.
  • Performances by twerkers, drag queens, pole dancers, and other unsavory types at Dem political events.
Hillary and Pal. The dude is Oregon governor Tina Kotek. Speaking of Kotek, what the hell does Hillary have in the left side of her mouth?


Their actual actions were below parody. No one held a gun to these people’s heads to compel such scumbag behavior.

As the writer of “Limbo Rock” asked, “How low can you go?”






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