• Today is: Tuesday, January 21, 2025


October28/ 2024






In the next day or so, we are going to discuss why the Electoral College is worthwhile. But today, we will cover a story about Elon Musk and reprint a remarkable letter from Archbishop Carlo Vigano to Catholic Americans.  And then we will compare how Trump’s people and Kamala’s people handled bad actions at their rallies over the weekend.



Elon Musk, faced with threats of federal prosecution for holding a million-dollar sweepstakes tied to signing a pro-First Amendment and Second Amendment petition, canceled his giveaway.

Meanwhile the Dems are giving money for votes without check.

Per Breitbart’s Joshua Klein, 10/25/2024, this:

“Democrat-aligned groups have been boosting voter turnout efforts through “downright dystopian” means such as free rent checks, gift cards, birth control, and “pole dancer” parties, sparking concerns over their efforts to attract young voters while raising questions about fairness as the DOJ focuses on Elon Musk’s America PAC over its recent sweepstakes.


Note the lawn jockey at the house of this Ohio Democrat. “They smilin’ in your face, All the time, they want to take your place! The back stabbers (back stabbers).” Democrats look down at people they want to vote for them. They don’t even get how effed-up this looks. Photo by author. Lyrics courtesy of Canton, Ohio’s own O’Jays.

As the 2024 election approaches, Democrat-affiliated groups continue deploying highly unconventional methods to boost voter turnout, particularly among younger voters in key swing states. 

From monetary incentives to street fests, these get-out-the-vote (GOTV) tactics are funded by shadowy networks of left-wing donors and nonprofits, in efforts pushing the boundaries of legal and ethical voter engagement and bordering on outright bribes.

In Philadelphia, for example, the nonprofit The Voter Project hosted a series of events offering $2,000 rent checks and free Target shopping sprees to participants who check their voter registration. The group has also distributed comic books and backpacks, targeting young voters in Democrat-heavy neighborhoods.

The tax-deductible nonprofit has even organized $10,000 grants to community groups as part of its effort to bolster early voting.

“We are registering tens of thousands of voters, signing up tens of thousands to vote by mail, and we are maximizing early vote,” boasted Kevin Mack, the group’s far-left strategist.

Last week, the Washington Post reported that “Democratic groups have started paying at least $160 to more than 75,000 voters who agree to contact dozens of their friends and relatives with requests to support Kamala Harris.”

According to the report, the initiatives are run by a “vast, shadow” network of partisan groups operating under nonpartisan banners. Largely funded without public disclosure, these local and national networks have quietly prepared for years to mobilize unlikely voters in key states.

These efforts, which have included events distributing free items like tampons, birth control, and even beer, extend beyond giveaways. 

The outreach strategies include large-scale cultural events designed to make voting feel more like a festival than a civic duty. Daybreaker, a dance party series, has hosted raves near voting centers with free food, live music, and in some cases, both “poll dancers” and “pole dancers” to draw in disengaged voters. These tactics are seen as ways to appeal to voters who might otherwise skip the polls.

Similarly, ShowUpStrong24 has hosted block parties and community events with music, local food, and entertainment, aiming to make voting a social activity.

In Phoenix, a group called Vote for Abortion drove through the city distributing free emergency contraceptives and feminine hygiene products to promote a midday concert featuring Lauren Jauregui, along with DJs, local influencers, and actress Busy Philipps.

I can’t make this up. All I can say is nothing quite says “We Democrats are constantly thinking about your vaginas” like giving out tampons, condoms, douche bags, and morning-after pills. Nice work, leftist scumbags.

Elon Musk, in my humble opinion, should minimize Democrat vote cheating by offering a million dollars to any person who can inform and provide verifiable evidence of the following:

  • cheating in ballot harvesting
  • drop box stuffing
  • registering for mass amounts of ballots from a single address (which has reportedly happened in Wisconsin)
  • counting dishonestly
  • keeping out GOP observers (reportedly happened in Detroit)
  • threatening GOP observers
  • stopping vote counting in the dead of night and restarting it without GOP observers or counters
  • allowing the votes of the Democrats to get more weight than the votes of the Republicans (this reportedly can be done with some voting machines)
  • switching electronic votes from Republican to Democrat
  • delivering fraudulently printed and signed ballots (like was reportedly done by a truck driver in the 2020 Pennsylvania election)
  • tampering with the military vote (and especially inflating it) to help Dems
  • tampering with the overseas vote (and especially inflating it) to help Dems
  • and any other electronic or other trick that dishonestly and criminally helps Democrats.

I have sent this to my contacts in the Trump campaign. I hope they act on it pronto to get this before the public, especially in the swing states, and give potential informers time to prep recording devices and footage taking devices.

Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates. Grainy impage provided to the New York Times.

The Democrat leaders in the swing states are in on any fix ordered. A million bucks will probably be less than consistent cash grifts and payoffs for staying on the team. But the low-level Democrat employees and volunteers might well seize on the chance to make life-changing money.

This could pre-emptively force Dem vote counting leaders in swing states to be less dishonest, because they will fear being narced out. Or it could provide evidence to overturn a fake result. And even if leftist media attack Musk for this, the words “Democrats” and “election fraud” will get drummed into the public consciousness by the leftists who would prefer not to talk about it.



Archbishop Carlo Viganó was the papal nuncio (ambassador) from the Vatican to the United States from 2011 thru 2016. He didn’t want the assignment at first, but he came to like the American people. He got the Kentucky court clerk who refused to sign marriage licenses for homosexuals a meeting with Pope Francis, which angered the circle of leftists who are trying to hijack the Faith.

Archbishop  Viganó was excommunicated recently for disagreeing with the less-than-worthy successor to Saint Peter.

There are scumbags who claim this is proof Archbishop Viganó is a bad guy, Recall that corrupt English and French clergy excommunicated Joan of Arc because she was a patriot who fought against the English and their French lackeys. They then burned her alive in front of a mob.


Joan on her way to the Stake. Rouen, Normandy, France, May 30, 1431. Painting by Isidore Patrois. Who among those who call themselves artists can paint like this today?


A generation later, Pope Callistus III, a Pope of Spanish blood whose people were fighting the Moor invaders, raised money and soldiers to help the people of the Balkans against the Ottoman Turks who had recently captured Constantinople. The kings of England and France refused to help the other Christians. Callistus III then allowed Joan of Arc’s mother to sue the Church because the lackeys wrongfully excommunicated her. A Church tribunal, after traveling thru France and getting sworn testimony from villagers who knew Joan as a girl and as a teen, the officers and knights still living who fought under her command and knew her well, the priests who checked her character and served as her chaplains and attended her at her execution, surviving members of the trial court who condemned her, and men who were involved in her captivity and execution, and after reviewing the transcript of Joan’s trial of condemnation and interviewing the scribe who took notes and wrote it, concluded Joan had been falsely convicted. Pope Callistus lifted her false excommunication in 1456, 25 years after her murder by fire. The Pope also made public the testimony showing the criminal greed and lechery of the English who held Joan as a captive, and he made public the cowardice and ingratitude of French king Charles VII, who refused to ransom Joan, even after she and her soldiers had put him on the throne of France.

[Note: The court records of the trial that condemned Joan and the trial that cleared her are public records and are posted in several places on the Net. I used the records to write a screenplay about Joan … one of the underlying story lines was the testified-true account of how Joan mastered her crush on one of her officers to behave purely and set a good example. Joan even met the man’s wife and told her she would return her husband to her safe from the wars and in better condition morally. Joan had the manliest men of France under her command, she had a normal young woman’s libido, and yet she still behaved herself and didn’t abuse her authority. Trial testimony showed Joan had to undergo invasive virginity exams by French noblewomen when she reported for duty, and by English noblewomen when they tried to discredit her as a loose young woman … and she was intact both times. More than a century earlier, Mark Twain used the same records to write a magnificent novel about Joan, titled “Joan of Arc.” It is still in print today. I have been privileged to see public records related to some of the greatest people God has blessed this nation with. The public record, besides showing the truth, can also inspire us to do better.]


Jeanne D’Arc aka Joan of Arc. Patriot, Leader, Martyr, and Saint. And originator of one of the most iconic female hair styles of all time.


Archbishop Viganó took time to write this a few days ago.

Dear Faithful American Catholics,

I am addressing all of you, a few days before the Presidential Election that will call millions of American citizens to the polls.

Even in conditions of relative normality, the exercise of the vote is your moral duty, through which you cooperate in the first person in choosing the person who will lead the Nation for the next four years. But in this coming electoral round – just as in 2020 and indeed much more so – you are not simply called to choose between two candidates who happen to be on different political sides but who both nevertheless have the common good at heart in compliance with the Constitution and the Law. No; in this election you must choose between two radically opposed ways of conceiving the government of your Nation: you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery.

On one side we have candidate Donald J. Trump, who, despite serious problems in his positions – especially in the matter of abortion and assisted procreation – has as his objective the common good and the protection of the fundamental freedoms of citizens. In Donald Trump’s America, every Catholic can practice their Faith and educate their children in it without interference from the State.

On the other side we have a candidate and a party that promotes everything that directly opposes the Faith and Morals of the Catholic Church. In Kamala Harris’ America, Catholics – but also Protestants – are considered fundamentalists to be marginalized and eliminated, and their children are considered the property of the State, which arrogates to itself the right to lead them astray from an early age in both body and soul. Trump’s America can become great and prosperous again. Harris’ America is destined for invasion and for moral, social, and economic destruction: the most ferocious dictatorship.

You want fries with this booger?


Gretchen Hitler, errr Whitmer. Democrat Fascist lockdown governor of Michigan. Soft on sexual predators with power or institutional cover while a prosecutor. Nazi-intolerant of those who say the Michigan election vote counting people have some corrupt ones among them. Dresses and smiles like one of the Bitches of Belsen female Nazi concentration camp guards.


Look at your country! Your cities have become dumps filled with derelicts and criminals, drug dealers and addicts, prostitutes and robbers. Your schools are dens of indoctrination and corruption from kindergarten onwards. In your courts, criminals are acquitted, and innocents are imprisoned: new ideological crimes are prosecuted, while illegality is tolerated and encouraged.

One of hundreds of thousands of COVID victims and COVID vaccine victims. Reuters.


In your hospitals, multinational corporations rule, and you are their guinea pigs to be exterminated or made chronically ill so that you will be their perpetual clients. Farmers, ranchers, and fishermen are persecuted and forced to fail, while the land is grabbed by unscrupulous corporations who transform it into endless photovoltaic systems and wind turbines to power their data centers and server farms where they collect all your data, your movements, your purchases, and your political preferences.

They have gone so far as to tamper with the climate by means of sophisticated geoengineering operations and devastating arson in order to make the global warming fraud credible and impose the green transition, the increase in the cost of energy, and electric cars and scooters. And all this is done based on evidence that consists of lies without any scientific proof, but which are propagated through the servile collaboration of the regime media, ever ready to label any dissenters as conspiracy theorists. But what until yesterday was dismissed as the result of conspiracy theories is now admitted by the government itself.


Aircraft seeds clouds with silver iodide.


Texas Panhandle Fires Aerial View. Pilot Friend of Dan Skoff on X.


They take away your sunlight; they poison you by seeding the clouds; they overwhelm your villages and your fields with deadly hurricanes; they kill your livestock and dry up your crops with induced droughts and devastating fires. They aim to control the entire food sector, to force you to eat only what they make available to you. This is what the Agenda 2030 calls for, which has been imposed without any vote by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.

In these four disastrous years of the Biden-Harris administration, we have had a puppet in the White House and a corrupt and incompetent Vice President who has never stopped lying and deceiving voters about her past and her future. Power is managed by the criminal deep state – whose names and faces we now know – that is responsible for the destruction of your great Nation. And to ensure that the crisis is endless, new war scenarios are continually opening up, in conflicts that no one actually wants, except for those who make enormous profits from them, sacrificing human lives and compromising international stability.

Minneapolis George Floyd Riot, 2020. Walz’s wife in St. Paul opened windows so she could smell the burning … like Lady Nero. Her hubby Tampon Timmy Walz refused to call out the National Guard to quell the riots until then-President Trump threatened to nationalize the Minnesota National Guard to protect the public from these criminals. Photo from MarketWatch.


You have seen what the Democrats, that is, the woke far Left, have been capable of in four years. Imagine what they will be able to do if, instead of Biden’s numerous stand-ins, his Vice President is elected – in the most scandalous and unimaginable fraud – with her entourage of LGBTQ+ Ministers, rigorously woke, sold out to China or the World Economic Forum, sponsored by George Soros or Bill Gates, manipulated by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. At that point, dear American Catholics, you will not only have to go to a different rally – as Kamala would like – in order to say “Christ is the Lord”, because saying that will be considered hate speech, and praying in front of an abortion (facility) an act of terrorism. Do not think that these are remote hypotheses: wherever the woke Left takes power, it establishes the most vicious, anti-human, and anti-Christian dictatorship that humanity has ever known. And we know that every time the Left has come to power, it has never left through democratic means.

Biden and daughter Ashley. She wrote in her diary words to the effect her sexual behavior was the way it was because Biden repoeatedly showered with her when she was a girl. Daily Mail.



Donald Trump and Kamala Harris: we are not talking about two visions that are a bit different but still part of the normal political back-and-forth. No; we are talking about two diametrically opposed and irreconcilable worlds, in which Trump fights against the deep state and is committed to freeing America from its tentacled grip, while on the opposite side we have a corrupt and blackmailed candidate, an organic part of the deep state, who acts as a puppet in the hands of warmongers like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs.

Clinton and Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell


Their program is that of the Global Left, the World Economic Forum, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and ultimately the program of Vanguard, BlackRock, and StateStreet. Their agenda is dictated by the financial oligarchy that controls humanity to the detriment of the people: an elite that operates not only in the United States but also in Canada, Australia, Europe, and wherever politics is held hostage by their investment funds and their pseudo-humanitarian organizations dedicated to the obliteration of Western Civilization.

Behind these people – by now we should know this – are people devoted to evil, united by the satanic hatred against Our Lord Jesus Christ and those who believe in Him, mainly against the Catholic faithful. We want Christ to reign, and we proclaim it with pride: Christ is King! They want the Antichrist to reign, whose tyranny is made of chaos, war, disease, famine, and death. And the more emergencies and crises planned and created by the globalist elite increase, the more that elite has a pretext to impose new limitations, new restrictions of fundamental rights, and new social controls.

“Descent into Hell” by Gustave Dore. An apt metaphor for the Deep State’ s  master and their well-deserved fate.


Joe Biden, the current “President,” is a servant of this subversive elite and widely blackmailable for the scandals and crimes committed by himself personally and also by his family, beginning with his son Hunter. His “Vice President,” Kamala Harris, is equally subservient to the same deep state. And the Democratic Party, to which they both belong, is the expression of the woke ideology that plagues all the parties of the global Left.

Candidate Donald J. Trump, while certainly taking some serious critical positions that a Catholic cannot agree with, represents for us, dear American faithful, in this specific historical moment, the only possible choice to counter the globalist coup that the woke Left is about to implement definitively, irreparably, and with incalculable damage for future generations.

Voting for Donald Trump means firmly distancing ourselves from an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian and anti-human vision of society. It means stopping those who want to create a hellish dystopia that is even worse than the one announced by George Orwell. And it also means – do not forget – giving him our vote of confidence, so that President Trump knows that the massive vote of Catholics and Christians that brought him back to the White House must become the premise for a more incisive commitment to the defense of life from conception to natural death, the traditional family, the right of parents to educate their children, and to the defense of the Christian Faith and the cultural identity of the Nation.



Kamala Harris thanks Sugar Diddy Sean Combs for support for her “Clown Hall.”


For a Catholic, there can be no question: voting for Kamala Harris is morally inadmissible and constitutes a very grave sin. Nor is it morally possible to abstain, because in this war declaring oneself neutral means allying oneself with the enemy.

People around the world are beginning to understand the threat that looms over them and their children’s future, and you Americans have understood it too. But even if this time it will be more difficult for the deep state to repeat the fraud of 2020, you must not think that it will resign itself to defeat so easily. Let us therefore prepare to prevent possible attacks and civil war scenarios from being used to impose martial law and new restrictions, after the attempts on his life from which President Trump providentially escaped.

But let us not forget, dear Faithful, that human energies alone are powerless in the face of this infernal display of forces. We proclaim that Christ is King – this means that Our Lord must return to reign, and the first way to make Him reign is by obeying His holy Law and living in His Grace. Let Christ reign in your hearts, in your families, in your communities, and throughout the entire United States of America: this is the only way to peace, harmony, and prosperity for your Nation.

Think of how many of you Catholics there are in the United States! Vote without hesitation and pray that Our Lord will enlighten American citizens in making their choice and grant victory to those who, at least, have no problem proclaiming that Christ is Lord.

May God bless you all, and may the Virgin of Guadalupe, she who is the Patroness of the United States and all the Americas, and Saint Michael the Archangel, protect you.”

Michael the Archangel and Joan of Arc. These windows are behind the altar in Holy Trinity Catholic Chapel, West Point, NY. Photo by author.


Donald Trump is far from a holy guy. But after he survived two assassination attempts, including one that wounded him, he posted the Prayer of St. Michael on his website on the Archangel’s feast day of September 29. Trump understands he is under attack by people who are far beyond merely criminal — many of them are demonic.

This letter by Archbishop Viganó is in Prophet Jeremiah territory. God bless him, and God bless America!



Donald Trump held a triumphal homecoming rally at Madison Square Garden in New York Sunday night. It should have been perfect. However, one of his bookers hired a comedian who insulted Puerto Ricans. Trump, who was not on stage at the time. Bad move on the booker’s part for picking this booger. Rally-goers groaned or booed the comedian. Trump and his people apologized for the idiot’s idiocy.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris’ people did a bait and switch. They promised Beyonce would appear at Kamala’s Houston rally Friday, strongly implying the pop star would sing. When Beyonce hit the stage, said a few words for the Joyful Escort, then walked off without singing a note, quite a few attendees booed.

Abortionists at Kamala rally in Houston look around like stooges or suspects when someone in the audience calls for a medic to help an attendee in medical trouble. From Gateway Pundit


However, that wasn’t the worst no-show by Kamala celebs. She had invited about a dozen abortionists to attend the rally, and they were on stage in their white lab coats. Problem is when someone in the crowd had a medical emergency, none of them went to help the unfortunate person. They looked around, like a mooch looks at someone else to pick up the check at a restaurant, or like stooges who are unqualified to help someone with a medical problem. Abortionists showed their colors. At best, coward yellow. At worst, satanic blood red. And skill set wise, dog crap brown. The abortionists couldn’t or wouldn’t help the person. Evidently they lacked the concern, and probably the skill set in real medicine to be of any use.

Down the road, someone should publish the malpractice and disciplinary actions and ambulance run records of these abortionists so a national audience can see it.

Bear in mind, Trump and his people apologized for a bigoted comic.

Meanwhile, Kamala and her people have not apologized for the lack of assistance rendered to a victim by her pet abortionists.

When people show you what they are, believe them.



I couldn’t have imagined this next news item if I had tried. This shows Democrat leaders and influencers are beyond effed up.

Per reporter Michael Lee of Fox News in the New York Post 10/28/2024, this:

“A new advertisement by a group supporting Democratic candidates shows a man involved in a solitary sex act being interrupted by a fictional Republican, who informs the man that the GOP has banned porn nationwide.


Democrat influencer group is running this ad targeting the loser vote. Don’t shake hands with this guy. Bet that blankie needs a serious wash also. Pic appeared in the New York Post, the real national paper of record, IMHO.


The new ad, which was posted to X by DemCast founder Nick Knudsen, shows a young man in his room alone watching pornography on his phone when he is suddenly interrupted by a man who introduces himself as a Republican congressman and informs him that he is breaking the law.  …

“Just found out this ad when tested moves under-30-men 3.5 points away from Donald Trump,” Knudsen said. “That’s MASSIVE! Please share widely!”

Presumably Knudsen polled some young guys who still live at home and whose mommies still make melted cheese sandwiches and tomato soup for them.

Once again, when people show you what they are, believe them.




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