• Today is: Wednesday, October 16, 2024


September30/ 2024









Springfield officials, in the wake of mayor Rob Rue being outed as a Haitian slumlord profiteer and in the wake of releasing statistics showing violent crime in the town has doubled since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were installed liked two dim bulbs in January 2021, have stopped communicating with me. Maybe it is overload, due to all the freedom of information requests. Or maybe they have orders. Rue is ruing his outing as a Haitian slumlord profiteer. Instead he is deflecting by attacking President Trump for exposing the problems his greed created in the town he leads. Questionable governor Mike DeWine, who also has interests in Haiti and may have business supporters who want to profiteer from taxpayers by kicking Americans out of jobs and housing to replace them with minimum wage Haitian workers and grossly over-subsidized Haitian renters, is backing Rob (apt first name) Rue.


Tongue-in-cheek rumors from Harveywood say Felix the Cat has made a celebrity endorsement for the Trump/Vance ticket.

Rumor Control said Dems were disappointed, because they had been working hard for Felix’s favor, hoping to find hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots per swing state in his Bag of Tricks.



Ever since mid-July, when the Deep State used a 20-year-old loser with apparent alternate lifestyle issues as a pawn to try to kill President Trump in Pennsylvania, there have been one or more attempts against his life. (The pawn or the other sniper did kill Corey Camperatore and wounded two others at the Butler County, PA rally.)

Corey Comperatore. Hero and Martyr. We are poorer as a nation without him. Credit: Comperatore Family


One was at Trump’s golf course in Florida in mid-September. Ryan Wesley Routh, a career thief who had multiple violent felony convictions to go along with his misdemeanor convictions, was living in Hawaii and somehow obtained a military rifle and scope, got a tip from someone (IMHO someone drawing federal paychecks) that Trump would be playing an unannounced round of golf at his course in South Florida, was able to hide out on the premises for half a day without being detected by Secret Service agents, was discovered by a Secret Service agent who was only a few feet from him, and escaped because the agent couldn’t hit him from 15 to 20 feet away. (No thanks to the SS or other feds, but thankfully for justice, bystanders got a pic of Routh’s vehicle’s license plate, local sheriffs flooded the highways with deputies and they stopped the would-be assassin.)


Military Police Captain Tulsi Gabbard, whose father is a Samoan, honors the dead at a veterans’ ceremony. She was appropriately quiet, humble, and respectful.

Routh, a Hawaii resident, wasn’t on the Transportation Security Administration’s Terrorist Watch List. But another Hawaii resident, former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is. Why? Routh isn’t an opponent of Kamala Harris or the Deep State.

 Days later, up in New York, someone may have left a bomb outside a Trump rally on Long Island.

Per the New York Post (9/18/24), this:

A Nassau County Police spokesman denied the claims circulating on social media — just hours before Trump’s campaign event was set to take place at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale.

The unconfirmed reports earlier had wrongly claimed that an explosive device was discovered in a vehicle during security checks at the rally site, cops said.

A member of the Nassau County Police Department stands guard outside the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Sept. 18, 2024. Reuters photo.


“Reports of explosives being found at the site are unfounded,” the spokesman said in a statement.

Police said they were questioning a person “who may have been training a bomb detection dog near the site.

“The individual with the bomb dog falsely reported explosives being found and that individual is currently being detained by police,” the statement said.

How much credence do you give police in states where the top officials are trying to take Trump’s money and put him in prison on false pretenses?

Then Biden/Harris Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, former governor of Rhode Island, joined the “kill Trump” talk by leftists in media when she said to Deep State pimp Mika Brzezinski on the “Morning Joe” TV show a few days ago the following:

“Like, how did we get here? Let’s just extinguish him (Trump) for good.”

What ties does Gina Raimondo have to organized crime in New England? Democrats have a long alliance with the Mob in that part of the country.

And how much sympathy for endless war and killing has Mika inherited from her globalist father?

Lori Klausutis. RIP, Lori!


Ironically, former RINO congressperv Joe Scarborough, Mika’s co-host and affair partner, had an “extinguishment” of his own that dogged him. Lori Klausutis, one of Scarborough’s staffers, turned up dead in his congressional office in Florida in 2001.

A number of media outlets reported leftist entertainer Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Biden joked about squashing Trump on “live TV a few days ago. Per the British paper “The Daily Mail” (9/25/2024), this:

“President Joe Biden’s apparent joke about smashing rival Donald Trump like a bug is drawing scrutiny given the tense political times amid threats. Playing along during a taping of ABC’s ‘The View’ Wednesday, Biden forcefully smacked his hand onto the table when comedian and co-host Whoopi Goldberg compared rival Donald Trump to an ‘insect.’ “

(Comment: To be fair, a performer naming herself after a fake fart bag is somewhat more dignified than a Democratic presidential candidate who supports abortion because pregnancy was an occupational hazard of her approach to getting a leg up in politics, so to speak.)

It is no wonder the Rasmussen outfit’s poll, taken after Routh’s attempt, showed only 48% of registered Democrats they asked said America would be worse off if President Trump was assassinated. Their national leaders and cheerleaders are inciting violence against the Donald.

Hatred by the privileged classes against Donald Trump rivals Confederate, Copperhead, Radical Republican, and Northern Democrat hatred of Abraham Lincoln.

And a Copperhead Democrat murdered Abraham Lincoln, at Ford’s Theater, when he and Mary Lincoln had gone to see a play to get their minds off their troubles. Honest Abe died on Good Friday, like our Lord.




The attacks upon President Trump’s life and the escalating violence against first responders has not escaped his notice. On September 29, 2024, the feast day of Michael the Archangel, he put this post on Truth Social:


Saint Michael is the patron of soldiers and first responders.

Joan of Arc is the patroness of soldiers, patriots, political prisoners, POWs, and rape victims. It is a coincidence that May 30, 2024, the day a kangaroo court full of New York nimrods found Trump guilty of multiple counts of fraud, was exactly 593 years after May 30, 1430, the day the English and their French lackeys burned Joan of Arc at the stake, after a trial that reeked of falsehoods and false charges.

Michael the Archangel and Joan of Arc. Their windows are behind the altar at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, the military chapel of West Point’s Catholic cadets and officers. Photo by Sherlock.

Other first responders could benefit from divine help and the help of their fellow Americans as they work to help the victims of Hurricane Helene.

CNBC reported this 9/29/2024:

“On Sunday, Trump attacked Biden and Harris in politically charged terms over their response to Helene.

“They raise a lot of money from bad people, fundraising events with their radical left lunatic donors, when big parts of our country have been devastated by that massive hurricane, and is underwater with many, many people dead,” Trump said at a campaign rally in Erie, Pennsylvania.

“She ought to be there. She ought to be down in the area where she should be. That’s what she’s getting paid for, right? That’s what she’s getting paid for.”

Trump then put his money where his mouth is and flew down to South Georgia 9/30/2024.  He said:

“We are now heading to Valdosta, Georgia, in order to pay my respects and bring lots of relief material, including fuel, equipment, water, and other things, to the State. Many politicians and Law Enforcement will be there. We’ll be saying hello to Franklin Graham, Burt Jones, Tyler Harper, Mike Collins, Austin Scott, Russ Goodman, Sam Watson, and the Mayor of Valdosta Scott James. They are working very hard.”

“I was also going to stop into North Carolina, which has really been hit hard. I have a lot of supplies ready for them, but access and communication is now restricted, and we want to make sure that Local Emergency Management is able to focus on helping the people most affected, and not being concerned with me. I’ll be there shortly, but don’t like the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas. MAGA!”

President Trump thanks volunteer aid worker in Valdosta, GA. New York Post, AFP.


The Cajun Navy is on the ground in North Carolina, and Samaritan’s Purse people are on the ground in Georgia. Elon Musk is reportedly setting up Starlink satellites for hundreds of thousands of people in Southern Appalachia left without signals.

Meanwhile, a pat on the back to one reporter who remembered he was a human being.

A Fox News meteorologist saves a woman from drowning in Georgia, 2024. Fox News
First responder carries mom and baby to safety after hurricane-caused flooding in Texas in 2017. “Toxic Masculinity” at its finest.


The victims and the first responders sworn to rescue them need our prayers and our corporal help. As James said in his Epistle, faith without works is dead. (Source: James 2:14-26)

We all need the blessings and favors of G-d … and the intercession of those who are closest to His heart, like the angels and saints.



This past week, Texas GOP congressman Tony Gonzalez, GOP from the San Antonio area, did a “How to Be Your Own Detective” job and asked for stats on crimes committed by aliens in recent years.

He got this reply back from the US Dept. of Homeland Security 9/25/2024.


First page of letter from ICE to Tony Gonzalez.
Second page of ICE letter to Tony Gonzalez. 


Tony Gonzalez posted letter on X


Gonzalez released the letter to the media. Most media are composed of leftists, and so they are not reporting it.

Gonzalez also released a paste-up of the full letter on X. It cut out some of the crimes.

ICE admitted to Gonzalez the following:

About 62,000 or so aliens already convicted in US courts of aggravated assault are free in the US. Another 43,000 or so are free and awaiting trial on aggravated assault charges.

Another 13,000 or so aliens already convicted in US courts of murder or other homicide crimes are free in the US. Another 2000 or so are free and awaiting trial on murder or other homicide charges.

Another 13,000 or so aliens already convicted in US courts of weapons offenses are free in the US. Another 3000 or so are free and awaiting trial on weapons charges.

Another 56,000 or so aliens already convicted in US courts of drug crimes are free in the US. Another 14,000 or so are free and awaiting trial on drug charges.

Another 2500 or so aliens already convicted in US courts of kidnapping are free in the US. Another 1000 or so are free and awaiting trial on kidnapping charges.

Another 14,000 or so aliens already convicted in US courts of burglary are free in the US. Another 3000 or so are free and awaiting trial on burglary charges.

Multiple journalists are reporting ICE, in the letter to Congressman Gonzalez, admitted 16,000 or so aliens already convicted in US courts of sexual assault crimes are free in the US. The X file picture of the letter doesn’t show complete pages, so some crime stats were not visible.

ICE admitted to Congressman Gonzalez 435,000 or so or so aliens already convicted in US courts of crimes total are free in the US. They are saying another 222,000 or so total are free and awaiting trial on criminal charges.

A larger percentage of aliens are criminal convicts than Americans born in America. And even if the percentage was less, why do we need to import criminals, or allow illegal entrants to stay here and commit crimes when we have so many native-born criminals as it is?

This is an abject failure by Kamala Harris as “border czar” and everyone else in the Harris/Biden regime with responsibilities on border security.

It matches another legitimate government record – the Criminal Victimization, 2023” report, which documents the Biden/Harris national crime wave.

The report “Criminal Victimization, 2023,” prepared by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, an agency inside the US Justice Department, said the violent crime rate (not counting simple assault) in the US went from 7.3 per thousand in 2019 and 5.6 in 2020 and 2021 (Chinavirus restriction years) to 9.8 per thousand in 2022 and 8.7 per thousand in 2023. In other words the crime rate the last two full years of the Biden-Harris regime has been 34% higher and 19% higher than Trump’s pre-lockdown year of 2019. Absolute numbers of crimes are up because we have 10 million to 15 million extra illegals in this country since Biden and Harris were installed like two dim bulbs in early 2021.

Here’s the link:

Criminal Victimization 2023


Homeland security begins when borders are secure and women and children are safe. The numbers say Kamala Harris has failed American women and children in every way.

This is no surprise to people who know Kamala could have made legitimate money as an escort, but not much else.



Kamala bungled the California AG job when she had it.

In my earlier column “Kamala Herod,” I listed my findings on Kamala after I did some research on her record as attorney-general of the largest state populationwise in the Union.

LINK https://howtobeyourowndetective.com/2024/09/04/3057/


When Kamala was attorney general of the state (2011 to the end of 2016), things got worse for women and while she was attorney general. Here’s what I was able to find on Kamala Harris as California’s attorney general in my own looking:

Kamala Harris was attorney general of California for six years. She did little or nothing to fight sex offenders.

Kamala did not solve the rape kit backlog scandal in her state. As much of a doofus as Mike DeWine is, he at least reduced the backlog to zero in Ohio as the AG during the same six-year period. (Ironically, Mariska Hargitay, the rape crimes actress whose foundation tracks the rape kit backlog, unwittingly released a lot of info on how California under Harris bungled the untested rape kit issue. She has endorsed Hillary, Biden, and Kamala.)

Kamala stood idly by as California child services slackers put up to 1000 foster children into homes with registered sex offenders during her time as AG.

Kamala stood idly by as governor Jerry Brown released 1400 murderers and rapists from prisons the first three years of her term as AG.

Kamala stood idly by as predatory lawyers sued and extorted settlements from many California towns whose leaders wanted to protect children and women from rapists.

Kamala has taken money from Hollywood, where rapists in positions of power abuse girls, boys, and young women. She did nothing against these people.

Kamala stood idly by as California teachers raped children, teacher unions protected the rapists, and school board lawyers shredded decades of evidence like Deep Stater Oliver North. (I think such records should be open to the public.)

Kamala Harris refused to have Planned Parenthood staffers prosecuted for conspiracy to violate mandated reporting laws thousands of times a year – massive law violations that let thousands of rapists and incestors and statutory rapists continue to sexually abuse many thousands of girls age 15 or younger in California. This allowed Planned Parenthood staffers to make millions of dollars providing these victims birth control, VD treatment, and/or abortions.

I sent a report and documents proving the above charges to various media people and to people in the Trump campaign. I did that work for nothing.

I carry liability insurance on my business, but the ultimate defense in a court case is being able to show the truth. I have a particular hatred for sex offenders and those who help them escape punishment.

Homeland security begins when women and children are protected. Kamala failed this very basic test when she was the top law enforcement officer in the state.

What was Kamala doing? Twiddling her thumbs? Holding an imaginary bong?

Nope. She was jailing people for pot. In California. No kidding.

Tulsi Gabbard exposed Kamala Harris for overcharging nonviolent drug offenders, and keeping some of them in jail when the state was giving violent criminals early release. Evidently nonviolent offender prison labor was a lucrative racket for someone. Kamala also did little to nothing to stop rapists.

Per the Washington Examiner 2/14/2019, this:

“When Harris served as the Golden State’s AG “at least 1,560 people were sent to state prisons for marijuana-related offenses between 2011 and 2016,” the Washington Free Beacon reported, citing data provided by OpenJustice and the California Department of Corrections.

That’s an estimated 1,560 people in the span of just five years. That’s an average rate of 312 people imprisoned for pot-related offenses per year. Those are figures that would make even former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, a noted anti-marijuana crusader, beam with pride.

Additionally, the figure quoted by the Free Beacon “is necessarily an undercount of the total number of people actually prosecuted for marijuana offenses during Harris’s term as Attorney General. The sharp decline between 2011 and 2012 is not a reflection of leniency on Harris’s part, but because of something called Public Safety Realignment.”

The report explains:

A federal court found in 2011 that California’s state-level prisons were dangerously overcrowded, ordering it to reduce populations to more manageable levels. To do so, the state began filtering many lower-level offenders—including drug offenders—into county jails, meaning that they dropped out of state-level totals but were still incarcerated.

Under realignment, “most lower-level offenders with no record of sexual, violent, or serious crimes now serve sentences in county jail or under county probation supervision,” the Public Policy Institute of California noted in 2015.

County-level populations ticked up following realignment, but no data source breaks those figures down by offense. As such it is not clear how many additional marijuana offenders were prosecuted under Harris and then diverted to county jails. As a result, 1,560 is the lower bound of individuals sent to prison by Harris for marijuana from 2011 to 2016.

Translation: The number of people imprisoned under Harris’ watch for committing pot-related offenses may actually be far greater than 1,560, which is just another reminder that when it comes to Harris, there’s no good cop/bad cop. It’s all bad cop/bad cop.

Now, fast-forward just a couple of years, and the senator is regaling listeners Monday with tales of her past experimentation with pot and how she thinks it brings people “joy.”

The marijuana reefer cigarette is very neat, and she definitely supports it, the 2020 hopeful said this week in a radio interview.

Harris’ remarks came after one of the show’s host said, “They say you oppose legalizing weed.”

“That is not true,” Harris said. “I joke about it, but half my family is from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”

It’s true Harris co-sponsored Sen. Cory Booker’s (D-NJ) 2018 Marijuana Justice Act, which aims to ease restrictions on weed. She may not now oppose legalization, but she most certainly opposed it in the past. She opposed it in 2010 when she first campaigned for attorney general. She opposed legalization again in 2014 when she ran for re-election. During that race, she even laughed when she was asked about her Republican opponent’s support for weed legalization, saying, “He’s entitled to his opinion!”

Further, Californians were being sent to prison for pot-related offenses right up until her final year as attorney general in 2016. You’ll excuse me, then, if I’m just a little suspicious of the swiftness with which Harris has changed her position on this issue.

On Monday, the California senator was asked by her radio interviewer, “Have you ever smoked?”

“I have. And I inhaled,” Harris said in what is most certainly a jab at former President Bill Clinton’s infamous claim he smoked but didn’t ” inhale.” She added later, stressing she experimented in college, “It was a long time ago. I just broke loose.”

“Listen, I think it gives a lot of people joy, and we need more joy,” Harris laughed.”

Bottom line? Kamala protected sex offenders, busted mostly harmless goofball pot smokers, allowed houses with sex offenders to receive up to 1000 helpless foster children, and attacked pro-life activists for displaying the truth about Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby body parts. Meanwhile, she was OK with letting out murderers and rapists. And she protected public school officials for hundreds of sex offenders in the teacher unions, and she protected Planned Parenthood leaders for protecting many thousands of sex offenders. All while cheerfully smoking the hippie lettuce herself. Was she a hypocrite? Or just a stoner with no judgment?

Maybe there was money to be made selling the labor of nonviolent jailed people to industrial buyers.

Kamala is a disciple of the State. She believes The State is your Daddy. In Kamala’s world, the State decides how much of an allowance you will get. Kamala, in her abuse of power as a prosecutor, would feel at home in Nazi Germany or Communist China … or even her ancestral homeland, India, whose judges and prosecutors are very corrupt, and lower caste people get murdered for not knowing their place.

Low-caste woman in India makes cow-dung patties. These are used for fuel in many Indian households. This is a commercial operation. Since Kamala is high-caste, she likely did not learn to make hamburger patties or meat loaf this way.


Many of Kamala’s Harveywood donors are criminal pervs themselves, or support criminal pervs, or idolize child molesters like Roman Polanski aka Raymond Liebling. Or they got better roles from submitting to the casting couch. Kamala helped more women, girls, and boys become victims of such criminals in Harveywood and elsewhere across the Golden State.

Kamala, who took many thousands to millions of dollars in campaign money from Pedowood, protected many child molesters from the consequences of their evil sexual abuses of children. In short, she has whored for some of the most evil vile scum on the planet. Without apology.

And, is it me, or has Kamala gotten lighter over the years? Remember singing star Michael Jackson was a normal-looking black kid when he was a boy, but he morphed into a fruitcake who got lighter and lighter as he got older.

Kamala T-shirt
Kamala tries to suck the oxygen out of the room.















Check out the “That little girl was me” T-shirt. The little girl is darker than Kamala is now. Is she trying to make herself more electable to leftists who are secretly racists? Or was the photo for the shirt shaded darker to help her narrative?

Kamala, like most politicians without success at helping people or using power wisely, resorts to lying.

Per the Sacramento Bee, 6/29/2019, this:

“California Sen. Kamala Harris got into a testy exchange with former Vice President Joe Biden at the first Democratic presidential debate on Thursday over racial issues.

“You know, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bussed to school every day and that little girl was me,” Harris told Biden.

She repeated the line later in her exchange after accusing Biden of being opposed to busing in America.

“I was part of the second class to integrate Berkeley, California public schools almost two decades after Brown v. Board of Education,” she noted.

Harris’s campaign immediately posted an elementary school photo of the senator on Twitter and started selling $30 “That Little Girl Was Me” T-shirts on its website to commemorate the viral moment.”

[Comment: In other words, her attack on Joe Biden was preplanned as a marketing scheme designed to suck cash from the stupid.]

Like Stormy Daniels, Kamala knows how to cash in on notoriety – even slutty notoriety. Stormy is at least honest about what she is.

The only problem with Kamala’s marketing ploy was Kamala was lying. Again.

Someone found a Berkeley high school yearbook from 1963, before Kamala was born. There were many black students in the high school. This truth made a stir.

Someone at the Sacramento Bee practiced some actual journalism and checked further. Here’s what he found:

“Harris received praise from some California lawmakers after the debate, including Gov. Gavin Newsom, who tweeted, “America saw tonight what I’ve seen for 25 years. Couldn’t be more proud of Kamala Harris.”

But Harris’s story of integration is more complex than she made it out to be.

While it’s true she was among the second class of students at Thousand Oaks Elementary School to participate in a fully integrated busing program, she was far from the first black child to attend the school.

Data from the Berkeley Unified School District shows the school had 15 black students in 1963 — a year before Harris was born. They represented 3% of the total elementary school student body, while other schools in the district had a black population as high as 97%.

A fierce advocate of integration, Neil Sullivan moved to California 1964 to take over as superintendent. In the subsequent years, a task force reported to him to address the de facto segregation in the community.

In 1967, Sullivan’s team drafted a plan for all elementary schools to have black representation between 35% and 45%. By that time, the district had already desegregated its secondary schools — grades 7 to 12.

Black representation had grown slightly in the early-1960s. By 1967, the district considered its schools to be “partially desegregated,” but still “making progress toward racial integration,” according to documents obtained by The Sacramento Bee. The records show one in ten students at Thousand Oaks Elementary School in 1967 were black.”

Kamala Harris did not grow up poor and black. Like Barack Obama, she is at least half Caucasian.

Kamala’s father Donald has been a professor at Stanford. He is black and is from Jamaica. He also has considerable white blood. In fact, he noted he and Kamala had white relatives of British blood who owned a plantation and slaves on Jamaica.

Kamala’s mother was Shyamala Gopalan, a cancer researcher from India. It takes money to get that sort of an education. Kamala’s mama was high-caste.

We’re not talking Al Smith’s “Up from the City Streets” life story here. Smith’s father, a horse-driving teamster, died when he was in 8th grade, so that’s as far as he got. He dropped out of his Catholic parish school, worked at NYC’s Fulton Fish Market, and worked other blue-collar and low-level white-collar jobs before he entered politics. Smith, as the representative of a Lower East Side district, went with many of the families of Jewish and Italian girls who were killed in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, and helped them pick out their loved ones in the makeshift morgue. Then he got the laws changed in New York so no more workplace tragedies like the Triangle Fire would happen. Smith was the Sheriff of New York County (Manhattan), and governor of New York for 8 years. Of his appointees, 40% were Republicans, even though he was a Democrat. He personally checked crime scenes where condemned murders committed the crimes that landed them on Death Row to see whether or not he should sign their death warrants. And he was the first Catholic from a major party to run for president as a nominated candidate. Smith is the guy the charity dinner in NYC is named for, the one Kamala is skipping.

Some of the victims of the Triangle Fire, March 25, 1911, New York City. Roughly 150 people, almost all of them young immigrant women from Italy or the Jewish communities of Russia and Central Europe, burned to death, asphyxiated to death, or jumped to their deaths. The firemen’s life nets failed under the sheer weight of jumping desperate young women. Al Smith helped families identify their dead, then worked tirelessly to prevent workplace tragedies like this from happening again. Courtesy Kheel Center, Cornell University


Berkeley, home of the University of California, was an easygoing town race-wise. The high school was fully integrated before Kamala was born, and by the time she was ready for Romper Room, so were the middle schools. Even the elementary schools were integrated. They just weren’t as evenly distributed race-wise across the city as the new leftist school boss wanted.

So instead of spending money to get better teachers for children in poorer neighborhoods, he wasted money playing musical chairs with the kids, shipping them across town on buses. They lost precious time from their days, as did their parents, and it was harder for parents to talk to teachers at distant schools. It was also not “green” ….. burning all that fuel polluted the East Bay area. What do you tree huggers think? Is pollution OK when leftists cause it?

Kamala’s parents divorced when she was 12. Her mother took a cancer research job in Canada. So Kamala did her middle school and high school in French-speaking Quebec.

In school in Quebec, Kamala presumably learned how to say, “”Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (ce soir)?” which might help her career when she nuzzled up to politicians and others who could do her favors.

Like it or not, black immigrants to the US from the Caribbean islands did not face quite the bigotry that American-born blacks did in the 1960s. And Indian Subcontinent immigrants fit in in Canada … both countries are part of the British Commonwealth.

Kamala grew up in upper middle class America and Canada. She was closer to “the Mindy Kaling Project” than to “A Raisin in the Sun.”

Given that her father has criticized her for claiming her dope smoking is because she is half Jamaican, odds are her social outlook and moral compass comes from her mother and India, not her black and white ancestors in Jamaica.

[Comment: Someone should tell Kamala and her fellow harpies and hypocrites the hashtag #MeToo also can mean “Pound Me Too.” Not quite the message you gals want to put out there – unless you’re Katy Perry or the skank who calls herself Madonna or some other female entertainers. Just some helpful advice to keep Kamala and the Nags on message.]



Kamala is a good deal like the prosecutors and state administrators George Soros and his ilk have put in charge. The numbers of crimes and victims soar. Liberties shrink. Elections get stolen. This is by design, as George Soros has been self-serving since his days as a teenager in Hungary. In those days, he helped pro-Nazi Hungarian officials loot property belonging to Jews who the Nazis marked for extermination. Soros, reportedly a non-observant Jew, profited while his people were murdered by the millions.

 Per Larry Pfeffer in the Jerusalem Post, 7-28-2023, this:

“During the Holocaust, in an intensely antisemitic, fascist, murderous and Nazi-allied Hungary in 1944, Soros was a teenager. He went with a non-Jewish friend of his father to inventory the contents of Jewish homes in preparation for confiscation of belongings.

Much later in America, Soros was blamed for this anti-Jewish act and expressed no shame or regret. He stated that if he didn’t participate in the inventories, someone else would have, hence there was no need to feel bad about it. By his insensitive logic, German, Japanese, and Russian soldiers could also have exclaimed that they don’t need to regret raping women, since if they didn’t, then someone else would have.”

Jewish women are arrested by the Nazis in Hungary, October 1944. Meanwhile, Young Soros was inventorying paintings and counting the silver. Photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-680-8285A-08 / Faupel / CC-BY-SA 3.0

“Soros thrust himself in the limelight by use of his great wealth to blatantly interfere in the affairs of countries, including Israel, and he helps fund radical political groups. It is not only permissible but obligatory to look at his actions critically.”

“According to Soros, he comes from a Jewish antisemitic home, which is, of course, not his fault. He recalls Nazi-infested 1944 Budapest as thrilling, where he says he had the best year of his life, full of adventure and a game of cops and robbers while hiding from the Nazis and their supporters.”

If Donald Trump wins re-election and survives all the assassination attempts, he should have Soros extradited to Hungary to face war crimes charges, and he should have Soros’ assets and those of his family derivative from him confiscated. There are competent forensic auditors who can get this done properly.



Donald Trump can take criticism, if it is legitimate, and if the critic has some weight of his or her own.

J.D. Vance, his running mate, was a critic of Trump’s years ago.

 Robert Kennedy Jr. disagrees with Trump on most issues. But he is right as rain on Chinavirus, Big Government Regulators, Big Pharma, and Big Processed Food. He is giving Donald Trump valuable advice on how to deal with the federal health bureaucracy, Big Pharma, and Big Processed Food to make food and drugs safer for Americans. President Trump will have RFK Jr. lead initiatives on how to Make America Healthy Again.

RFK Jr’s. own family have attacked him for putting America above Democrat quasi-fascist rule.

We’re not sure whether this woman is Rory Kennedy or Kerry Kennedy Cuomo or Katherine Kennedy Townsend whose head exploded when she heard her brother Robert Jr. decided to oppose career grifters Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


Former Congresswoman and Military Police veteran Tulsi Gabbard is the ultimate opponent of needless foreign wars. She disagrees with Donald Trump on many issues, but she is a capable advisor on veteran affairs and military policy. President Trump will have her lead initiatives on how to make American servicemen and servicewomen safe from foreign meddling and Veterans Administration mistreatment.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk has opposed Donald Trump in the past. Trump is looking at giving him a role in helping the nation’s commerce and industry.

Need I say Kamala is not enough of an adult to handle frank criticism from serious adults? So this is why a stooge like Tampon Timmy Walz is her running mate?

 This is not a bad lesson for all of us. Listening to sincere opponents might lead us to see an issue or a problem in a different light and lead us to solve the problem. I stress “sincere” because the insincere people are no damn good.

 Back to Soros and those who think like him. Judas Iscariot regretted selling Jesus Christ out for 30 pieces of silver. He gave back the money and killed himself in a welter of remorse … forgetting that Christ would have forgiven him if he repented. Christ forgave the 10 apostles who ran out on him on Holy Thursday/Good Friday, and they would all die as martyrs scattered throughout Europe and Asia. John, who stayed with Christ to the end of His earthly life, did not suffer martyrdom later.

 By comparison, most American politicians and Deep State operatives and many business people like George Soros and Rob Rue are proud they have sold out Americans. If they didn’t sell out Americans, they rationalize, other politicians, operatives, and business people would. The logical conclusion here is that some business people and most Deep State agents and virtually all politicians of rank are morally inferior to Judas Iscariot.







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