• Today is: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Cell Phones, Springfield OH, Kamala, Sex Offenders, and the Deep State are Exploding

September24/ 2024







The exploding commo devices in Lebanon are proof positive we need to make such items here instead of importing them.

Imagine if 200 million or so Chinese slave labor made cell phones blew up simultaneously. And then imagine the problems exploding Chinese solar panels would cause.

The hundreds of millions of Chinese-made microwaves, kitchen appliances, and consumer electronics in people’s homes could be ticking timebombs.

So could the contents of their medicine cabinets, without any electronic explosives. A lot of pharmaceuticals are Chinese-made, with little to no quality control on dosages or additives.

Chinese-made drywall sickened at least 100,000 people  when builders installed it in their homes. They were making it out of fly ash, which contains a lot of compounds that emit toxic vapors, especially in closed areas when it is warm. Many sufferers were Florida and Louisiana residents whose housing was rebuilt after hurricanes by the low bidder on a number of insurance programs.

What about all the garments from China, especially women’s garments, that could be dusted with compounds that would make people itch or suffer some level of poisoning when their skin or genitalia contact them?

Kamala Harris is hoping to win on her vibe. Which leads to this reach-out to quite a few of her likely voters. I don’t want to take this column into X-rated territory, but the Chinese sell many vibes in this country. Including “smart vibes” that track the use and response of females who use them, and store the data with an app. At the very least, these devices could be blackmail devices. At the very worst, they could cause explosions of a kind different from what was intended by the purchaser.

Now that I’ve brightened your day, let’s check on other topics.



An administrator with the Clark County, Ohio animal shelter (where Springfield’s mistreated, abandoned, or given-up animals go for adoption or elimination) sent me an e-mail saying:

“We do not record the racial/cultural/native or non-native status of any complaints that we have investigated.”

This is how they can claim they haven’t gotten any complaints about Haitians. They don’t track them. They don’t care to know.

They probably don’t profile either. This might mean a barbecue bonanza for some people with heritage from places where dogs and cats are a food group, if they’re willing to drive to Springfield with a small livestock trailer.

This is a situation just crying for a country song. Or a Jim Stafford song.

Dunno if this is groundbreaking research for me, or if it’s a new low. I refiled my open records request to the Clark County animal shelter people, without demanding suspect breakdown by nation of origin of suspects. But a little voice is telling me animals eaten or sacrificed are animals not being picked up by animal control or animals being left at the pound.

Others are doing their own research on the public record about the situation in Springfield.

The Buckeye Reporter, in a 9/23/2024 article, is charging Springfield mayor Rob Rue is allegedly profiting largely from the influx of Haitians.

Per the Buckeye Reporter, this:

“According to public records, Rue owns several rental properties in Springfield through his company, Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC.

In addition to being the mayor, Rue is the President and General Manager of Littleton & Rue Funeral Home. 

Rue became the Mayor of Springfield in 2023 and previously served as City Commissioner and Assistant Mayor, and is actively involved in local community boards.

Several residents have expressed disappointment with Rue’s leadership, suspecting he may have ulterior motives as he has overseen a significant influx of Haitian immigrants over the past two years.

Approximately 20,000 immigrants from Haiti have been brought into the community, with rumors suggesting that another 10,000 may arrive.

The strain on the local economy, public safety, and school system has made him a target for criticism.

Concerns about Rue profiting from the immigration crisis have led some to call for his recusal from city matters related to the community.

“If Mayor Rue is renting out his properties to illegals the public should know. He should recuse himself from any vote on the Commission because he directly benefits financially from any federal funds received to support the illegals,” the Futurist™ X account said last week. 

Residents of Springfield have noted they have been kicked out of their apartments to make room for Haitian immigrants.  

“They’ve been raising the rent a lot,” 16-year-old Saphire Flores told Buckeye Reporter.

Sitting on the front porch of Flores’ grandparent’s home only a few doors down from a home owned by mega landlord George Ten, 10-year-old Khyre Davis said he and his family were displaced by Haitians.

“Our landlord kicked us out so they can move some of the Haitians in,” Davis told the Buckeye Reporter.

Sitting on a bench near Springfield’s municipal building in downtown, residents Bill Monaghan, Jeff Clos and Clos’ wife Lori said there is a growing movement to replace local politicians like Rue.

Lifelong residents such as Monaghan, 62, noted that rental prices for Haitian immigrants are more profitable because landlords can charge a per-person fee.

Monaghan, a former journalist, helps manage a Facebook page called “Stop the Influx Into Springfield, Ohio.”

“The town has been flooded with migrants and it has caused a shortage of housing, has caused a huge increase in rental prices,” Monaghan said. “It’s pushing people out of their homes so that Landlords can replace it with people so they could basically charge by the cot instead of by the unit.”

Monaghan said the lack of housing is causing real issues.

“The housing market is just tight,” he said. “People can’t, let alone affordable housing, you can’t find any housing in this town.”

Monaghan said the situation is being exploited by certain individuals who are turning a profit.

“You’ve got this George Ten guy from First Diversity who now, you live in his house, he drives you to work, he takes a cut of your pay. It’s just like a modern day slave operation,” he said.

Next door to Ten’s First Diversity offices are a general store geared towards the Haitian population as well as a Haitian religious and community center.

According to the Ohio Secretary of State, Ten owns a series of businesses including Yankee Cleaning, LLC, Ten Enterprises, LLC, Emergent Enterprises, LLC, Tenmoore Investments, LLC, First Diversity New York, LLC and Stonehouse Kitchen & Cabinets, LLC. 

Through Ten Enterprises, LLC he owns at least 42 buildings in Springfield. 

Clark County, Ohio bus crash, 2023. Haitian immigrant driving without a license caused the wreck, which killed a boy and sent seveal other children to the hospital. WTRF-TV, Wheeling, WV


“He runs these temp agencies, brings in migrant workers, recruits them at the border, or probably with that all of these Haitians,” Monaghan said. “They’re probably flying in straight from Haiti with this TPS program (Temporary Protected Status). So, yeah, he’s kind of one of the leading slumlords, slave masters or whatever you want to call the guys in his operation.” 

Monaghan said the entire immigration operation in Springfield reeks of corruption. 

“[They are] doing it through these weird public private partnerships,” he said. “And it just seems like there’s a lot of opportunity to launder money this way instead of having a centralized location where everything is being handled by one organization in the county. It’s just all a tremendous waste of money. And it’s I guess it’s so obvious that it’s got to be intentional.”

Clos, a 49-year-old forklift operator, said he feels the push to bring Haitians to Springfield is driven by greed on behalf of the ruling class. 

At 22.7% of the population, the poverty rate in Springfield is far higher than the nation’s rate of 11.5%. 

Meanwhile wages have not gone up for existing Springfield residents who are now forced to compete for housing.  

“You’ve got landlords right now that’s kicking the tenants out,” Clos said. “They say, ‘look here, we’re raising rent up to $1,500 a month.’ They say, ‘I can’t afford it.’ ‘You can’t afford it, there’s the door we’ll bring somebody else in.’ It’s all about the mighty dollar now. Here you just had our governor on television just the other day talking about, we kick out our homeless, get rid of the homeless shelters. We don’t help our vets, anyone. They need help.”

Clos said state level politicians like Gov. Mike DeWine are to blame as well. 

“They don’t have funds for it, they say, but yet all of a sudden [DeWine] brings to him $2.5 million,” Clos said. “He pulls it out of his rear-end or whatever he did and said, ‘this is going to go take care of the Haitian population.’ It’s just ridiculous.”

Clos added that the problem is the politicians, not the Haitians. 

“They’re not looking out for us,” he said of leadership. “They’re looking out for the immigrants and I have nothing them, they’re getting a bad rap as well.”

Meanwhile, he said the elite class in the city is cashing in. 

“It’s just ridiculous and it’s all about the mighty dollar,” Clos said. “When you come right down to the bottom line, it’s about the money. That’s what everybody’s out for.” 

He and others have said when they bring their concerns about issues such as increased traffic accidents and public safety impacts, residents have been met with deaf ears. 

Monaghan said that anyone who speaks against the political class is disrespected.

“If you raise a concern, they’re clever in not calling you racist to insinuate that your issues are racially motivated,” he said. 

Clos agreed with that analysis.

“That’s just the thing, any time you try to say something about it they say, ‘oh yeah you’re racist’ and that race doesn’t have to do any of this,” he said. “Like you talked about a moment ago about the housing, how stuff is going for $400 or $500 for now, you’re paying double, triple that for the same place and we’re talking about rundown shacks.” 

Monaghan said he believes the next municipal elections will bring changes at the ballot box.”


Ohio governor Mike DeWine (RINO) is attacking the victims of evictions and crimes and job losses, saying the Haitians who flooded Springfield are here legally. Others beg to differ.

Per Neil Munro’s article in Breitbart News 9/23/2024, this:

“Recipients of TPS are generally people who are in the country unlawfully or soon will be because their visas are going to expire,” said Jon Feere, a former top advisor at the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) from January 2017 to January 2021. He told Breitbart News:

They’re not immigrants. They’re not permanent residents. They’re not anything other than illegal aliens who have been given a temporary reprieve from deportation. Under the law, they will be deported because of their illegal status. It’s just a matter of when ….. An immigrant is a person with permanent residency [a green card]. Anyone with TPS is by definition not an immigrant.”

Donald Trump has promised to deport illegals with temporary protected status when their time is up.

Even if 100% of the Haitians are legal immigrants, the harm that rich people and Democrats and Republican officeholders are doing to the people of Springfield because of the Haitians’ sudden overwhelming presence is not legal.

The media won’t accurately report the problems immigrants and politicians who want their votes and cheap labor cause. They are in the septic tank for the Deep State.



 As a former Army officer, I have friends and associates in the defense industry. From time to time, I still write technical manuals for military aircraft and for weapons systems. You might not expect it, but many of the people in the defense industry are Trump haters. One of them, a guy of top-notch integrity, recently asked me why I could support a guy like Trump.

Here’s the gist of what I had to say in reply, when he mentioned The Donald’s legal troubles.

 I talked about how corrupt all too many prosecutors are. (More on this later in the column.)

Someone diagrammed groupthink . The military, government agencies, academia, and corporate America are crippled by groupthink. William Whyte, a sociologist who was a US Marine officer in the Guadalcanal campaign, coined the term in 1952. Donald Trump and those he relies on for advice do a lot of outside-the-box thinking.


I then pivoted to what a lot of people in elevated positions in government and commerce don’t get.

Donald Trump’s power comes from the anger of working people across this country. They see Trump as a revenge weapon. The Midwest has been gutted of its manufacturing. So have PA and WV and KY and upstate NY. Even though union leaders endorse Dems, most of the rank and file think Trump will protect American industries and labor better. The Teamsters were honest enough to admit it when they refused to endorse Kamala … she refused to give the Teamsters boss a slot at the Dem convention even though Trump had given him a platform to present his case at the GOP convention.

What helped lead me to decide to support Trump was a call to a radio show in 2015 from a guy with a New York accent who called himself “Tony.” Tony said he was in building construction and started talking about how hard it is to bring steel and especially concrete into Manhattan for building. He talked about traffic that holds up delivery of concrete, building inspectors who reject concrete for a number of reasons, labor issues that hold up work (not the workers so much but the leaders who want kickbacks), and he talked about other issues involved with being a builder in NYC. Trump, he said, rose to the top in that hostile environment, and in his opinion would be able to handle the tough issues that a president has to take on. It takes a doer to deal with all the snakes in NYC.

Jack Johnson defeats Jim Jeffries, July 4, 1910, in Reno, Nevada. Johnson won the fight by TKO in the 15th round.


Trump went against the GOP with his criminal justice system initiatives to help former convicts. He pardoned Jack Johnson for the wrongful Mann Act conviction …. I had signed petitions for this, along with many others, but Bush 43 wouldn’t do this and to my surprise, neither would Barack Obama. Johnson wasn’t pimping when he had sex with the female friend in a hotel room. He was punished for being black and outspoken … and for doing a white woman. He was Ali before Ali, and under harsher conditions. Johnson did uncredited spy and surveillance work for us in Europe during WWI, Fiorello LaGuardia said, and volunteered to LaGuardia (who was a congressman and active duty pilot on the Italian front with other Americans) for infantry duty if only the Wilson Administration would drop the bogus conviction. Woody Wilson, the stern Calvinist moralist who had been committing adultery with his mistress while his first wife was dying of Bright’s disease, refused, so Jack came back to the States and did a year in the pen for something no one does time for today.

Trump steamrolled Jeb! Bush, Marco Rubio, switch hitter John Kasich, and Grandpa Munster Cruz. Then he beat Hillary. Trump ended two evil dynasties … the Bushes and the Clintons. Again, with the help of millions of people who are tired their jobs went away and their infrastructure is crumbling. Trump is more pro-labor than the Dems. Most of their union support comes from government employee unions and the SEIU, whose boss back in the day was caught trying to force young female employees to become hookers. Do I even need to even say he is more pro-American labor than the Bushes, McCain, and Romney?

Since Biden was installed like a dim bulb, groceries and fuel cost a lot more. So does car insurance in areas with influxes of migrants of all legal statuses. The feds blew off the people of East Palestine, OH when a train derailed and poisoned their area. The feds dumped migrants on Springfield, OH and ran people out of their rented homes and jobs to benefit business people.

Aurora, CO is in the news. Charleroi, PA, near Pittsburgh, where I have done business, is about to explode like Springfield. For every glittering suburb of DC is a slew of towns like Cumberland, MD, York, Chambersburg, Altoona, Erie, and Bethlehem, PA, Syracuse and Utica and Rochester and Buffalo, NY, Wheeling and Huntington, WV, Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Youngstown, Steubenville and Toledo, OH, Detroit, Chicago, Gary, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Quad Cities, Dubuque, and the Twin Cities and many many smaller towns in the Midwest and the Northeast that are struggling. Likewise, many towns in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona are struggling for similar reasons. As you would imagine, I have been in Butler, PA and East Palestine, OH and every one of the other places I listed except for Aurora, Twin Cities, and three of the New York towns I mentioned.

Donald Trump has done some immoral things in his personal life. So have the vast majority of politicians. But unlike the Clintons, who monetized their offices and abused their authority to allow manufacturing and defense secrets to pass to China for campaign and personal money, and to misuse their authority to rape and protect rape, Trump’s time in the White House has cost him a ton of money.

Trump didn’t start any new wars, and his unpredictability and his tariffs have kept foreign leaders who wish us harm a lot of anxiety. Our own government, behind his back, funded Chinavirus, and most recently, with the aid of the current behind-the-scenes rulers, is funding germ warfare work in Ukraine.

Many alleged know-it-alls derided President Trump’s proposal to buy Greenland. If the Danish had accepted this proposal, Trump would have guaranteed the Arctic Ocean would not have Chinese or European interference in this region. Control of Greenland, combined with control of Alaska at the only other entry to the Arctic Ocean, would mean we and the Russians would be the only active great powers in the Arctic. If global warming is for real and it melts the ice, then the Arctic Ocean from Greenland past Canada’s Arctic Ocean islands and thru to Alaska is the quickest trade route from Europe to East Asia and vice versa, and it would be in our hands. (The Canadians would need our naval and Air Force help.) Also, that means Alaska and our northern states and Canada and Russia and Scandinavia would be more comfortable places to live and farm. That doesn’t even mention all the gold and ores of iron, uranium, aluminum, nickel, platinum, tungsten, titanium, and copper in Greenland. Or the fisheries off its very long coast.

Trump has tried to encourage American manufacturing, farming, mining, and oil and gas production. American productivity, not importing cheap goods from slave labor countries, is what can raise peoples’ incomes and create income that might be able to pay the national debt down some. He wants to end taxes on Social Security, tips, overtime, and restore the state income tax deduction to people in high tax states. All these are reasonable objectives that will generate income, spending, and taxes from people’s voluntary productivity, not government confiscation.

 So I support him. I voted for him twice and will do so again because I think his opponent is not a leader, but a shallow opportunist who the Deep State is using like an escort. I think he will do more good than his opponent and the many government and shadow people who are propping her up.

President Trump after being shot. Credit: AP

The fact that the major federal agencies and multiple state agencies, the media, and a large number of GOP politicians have joined the Democrats against Donald Trump, and the Secret Service and FBI are being openly lackadaisical about his personal safety, tells me a lot of criminals with government jobs aren’t happy about Trump having a chance to regain the authority as President to run the government. It threatens the power of a lot of people who don’t deserve to have it.

In a way, it’s like the conspiracy against Abe Lincoln. There were so many Copperheads in DC that no white jury would have convicted any of the conspirators. That’s why Andrew Johnson decided on a military tribunal to secure justice and hang the guilty.

A lot of the government-industrial complex higher-ups don’t like Mr. Trump because he has challenged a lot of their conventional wisdom.

The same happened with a number of Union generals who looked down on Abraham Lincoln as a short-term militia soldier instead of career officers like they were. General McClellan, in particular, was insufferable. He concentrated on schemes to capture Richmond, the Rebel capital. Lincoln told him Lee’s army instead of Richmond should be McClellan’s objective. Lincoln grasped the ultimate military truth – kill the other side and you can go wherever the hell you want to go. McClellan failed, Lincoln canned him, and got Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and Thomas to do the job right. None of them was a conventional wisdom officer either.

Trump, while president, faced even greater pressure from the entrenched leaders of the military, spy, and diplomacy arms of the government. They spied on Trump and his people, they ignored his orders, they leaked info to try to thwart his planning and generate opposition to his aims, they tried to interfere with his policy of making Euros pay their fair share for NATO, and they contacted the Chinese to tell them they were trying to thwart him. They even bitched when Trump’s business managers gave American military officers lower rates for lodging on foreign trips than any other motels or hotels would. They told Trump in essence, “Since you never were in uniform, you have no standing or experience to tell us how to run things.” Trump retorted to these military officers, in so many words: “So why don’t you jokers tell me about the last war you won?”

They couldn’t, because we haven’t won a war since World War Two. Even the wars in Iraq led to further fighting against other Islamists in the region, and we are still losing men and women in those foreign lands.

After Trump was denied a second term, the military lapdogged the installees of the Biden Administration so totally that they bungled the planned withdrawal from Afghanistan. They brought thousands of unvetted Moslems into the country, they left behind friendlies, they didn’t evacuate or destroy military equipment , ammo, or weapons, they didn’t hold onto the more secure airport, they allowed an exploding sheethead to kill 13 servicemen and servicewomen and maim many others because they lacked the courage to order him shot, and they left close to $100 Billion (with a B) in military equipment and supplies behind … an arsenal so large that the Taliban would be among the top 20 armies in the world in armaments after the departure. These bemedalled pissants got outmaneuvered by a group of medieval Islamists with an unhealthy affinity for goats.

The 13 servicemen and women who died thanks to the Biden Administration and our incompetent military officers. God rest their souls!
Here are photos of the 13 servicemen and servicewomen who are dead because the military chain of command refused to let a sniper shoot the suicide bomber earlier. Of the 13, these 11 were Marines: Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, 31, from Salt Lake City, Utah, Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo, 25, from Lawrence, Massachusetts, Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, 23, from Sacramento, California, Cpl. Hunter Lopez, 22, from Indio, California, Cpl. Daegan W. Page, 23, from Omaha, Nebraska, Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, 22, from Logansport, Indiana, Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, 20, from Rio Bravo, Texas, Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, 20, from St. Charles, Missouri, Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, 20, from Jackson, Wyoming, Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, 20, from Rancho Cucamonga, California, and Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, 20, from Norco, California.  Also, Navy Hospitalman Maxton W. Soviak, 22, from Berlin Heights, Ohio, and Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss, 23, from Corryton, Tennessee were killed in the Islamist bombing attack. God rest all of your souls!


If they didn’t like how the Biden/Harris civilians were telling them how to bungle the evacuation they could have resigned, or ignored the stupid orders. They routinely ignored Trump’s orders during his term in office, even though they were rational. So, yeah, the brass hats totally deserve the blame for the bungled departure. They were either stupid and un-American on their own or they lacked the courage to oppose stupid or un-American civilians.

The brown-nosers in uniform have had no problem bowing and scraping to the current regime’s top people and midlevel bureaucrats. Too many military people, law enforcement people, spooks, and diplomats are loyal to their colleagues and to the state apparatus (which makes their promotions and pay raises easier), not to the American people.

 None or hardly any FBI pukes and other feds have been punished for bungling numerous school shooter cases, several Islamist mass shootings, and two assassination attempts upon Donald Trump’s life. The Defense Department falsely claims the deaths and maimings of our people at Kabul airport were unavoidable. When government investigates government, no government employee or boss is wrong and no one gets punished …. except for the public, who provide tax money for reparations … and furnish victims.


Dangers of groupthink in government. General David Petraeus (West Point, 1974) and his mistress Paula Broadwell (West Point 1995) are pictured. She wrote a book about Petraeus with the unintentionally humorous and accurate title of “All In” when she was servicing Petraeus. Petraeus was a major figure in the Iraq conflict of Bush 43 and later commanded in Afghanistan. Petraeus was outed as a cheater when Pinhead Paula in jealous bimbo mode physically threatened another woman for reportedly targeting her 4-star for sex. The woman, Jill Kelley, was actually a close friend of USMC  General David Allen;  Jill reported Paula’s mental midget menacing to the authorities. The investigation led to Petraeus, who had retired from the Army to lead the CIA. Petraeus was convinced to keep his mouth shut when Obama and Hillary were gunrunning in the Middle East and got ambassador Christopher Stevens murdered  in Libya on 9-11-2012. Days after the 2012 election, when Obama didn’t need Petraeus’ silence to win it, his minions publicly embarrassed Paula’s older sex toy over his cheating and made him quit as CIA chief.  After it was safe to do so, critics wondered aloud why Petraeus got medals that required actual combat participation when he allegedly wasn’t directly under fire. They also criticized military doctrine he and his colleagues wrote on counterinsurgency. Of course, they were quiet on both topics before Petraeus’ fall. Like good little Deep State groupthinkers.


The IRS employees’ union and several hundred high-ranking Deep Staters have endorsed Kamala Harris. These are signs those who control her wish to bloodsuck the middle class more (because the rich have lawyers and offshore options to duck taxation). These are also signs the Deep State wants more power and less accountability for their crooked, degenerate, and illegal actions.

The simplest reason, in my humble opinion, that otherwise smart people can’t figure out why so many people like President Trump, is that they don’t have too much in common with those who like him most. Their money, their schooling and professional training, their career goals and motivations, and their peer groups are different from those of most Americans. Donald Trump is reaching out to the working poor, the skilled tradespeople, the middle class, the small businesspeople, the first responders, and the lower ranking military people. Trump is okay with sports figures, entertainers, and other people in the public eye, but is rich enough that he can hire them instead of being in awe of them. He can joke with bikers that he is more of a limo man, and they are all in on the joke. He can pay for quail under glass but prefers Big Macs. He is loud, argumentative, and forceful … not a beta. The educated classes in the military and defense contract sphere, the higher levels of government and their vendors, and others with positions of influence and income are surrounded by people with values a lot different from the values and life experiences of the people of most of the country. Is it too much to ask our elites and those most aligned with them to set aside their class biases and consider the legitimate worries of the vast majority of the American people?



 Prosecutors, in my opinion, are some of the worst people in America. Bad prosecutors are a threat when they seek to punish the innocent or protect the guilty.

The Clintons’ attorney general Janet Reno was a large-bodied predatory lesbian who bought hookers, molested underage girls, and slimed herself on female prisoners … like the Letcher County deputy did. (Good name for a Democrat county where the judge, sheriff, and courthouse deputy were involved in the sexual exploitation of female prisoners, or the overlooking of it, BTW.) Janet’s word was never any good. She had the Branch Davidian losers in Texas slaughtered to show her ruthlessness. She was okay with David Koresh raping young girls, and the shithead parents of that cult allowing it. (Hell, she and her boss were sex offenders  themselves.) She wasn’t okay with their alleged gun ownership, so federales tried a raid. It ended badly because a couple of them evidently got hit by friendly fire from other fatheads in federal uniforms. So they tried again, and burned more than 50 adults and 25 children to death in a fireball. In the ruins, investigators discovered fewer weapons per adult than the average Texas household.

Janet Reno and Will Ferrell, who played her in the “Janet Reno’s Dance Party” skits. Publicity still from “Saturday Night Live.”


Congressman Jimmy Traficant (D, Youngstown) made Janet Reno’s female-on- female sex abuse record public on the floor of the House. So the Clinton machine prosecuted him, and then the Bushies continued the prosecution and sent Jimmy to prison for several years. Jimmy was accused of stealing $140K of campaign money over 20 years. This was less than Hillary stole in one afternoon with a moving van. Jimmy Traficant, unbowed after his release from prison, let me appear on his radio show and explain my case against Summit County Prosecutor and the serial child rapist (Scott Dietz) she protected because her child support enforcement sow (Jean Powell aka Jean Workman) was shacked up with him. Jimmy, BTW, was the leader who got the law changed to put burden of proof in tax cases on the IRS, not the taxpayer. Jimmy was not perfect but he helped us, so I pray for the repose of his soul.

A couple of years ago I got an email from a black woman in the SF Bay area whose husband was arrested essentially for sitting on the front porch smoking, and making a racket in the wee hours of the morning when he found out he had locked himself out. The prosecutor had him jailed. I sent a copy of my book “How to Be Your Own Detective” and a bunch of advice in a letter and they did deliver it to him in prison as I sent it as the publisher in a properly marked package. I advised the wife to contact their congressman because all of them have constituent services people who can hook them up with competent legal help. I sent her links to “Innocence Project” lawyers who might help her. I also provided her with info on the corruption of the prosecutors in the Bay Area … everything from wrongful prosecution to two rival female prosecutor sodomy clubs. (My post “How to Check on Bad Prosecutors: An Update” that reports on the rival female prosecutor sodomy sororities is reachable at  https://howtobeyourowndetective.com/2018/12/03/how-to-check-on-bad-prosecutors-an-update/

Cleveland police and prosecutors went after black vigilantes who searched for missing 11-year-old girl Shakira Johnson on the east side of Cleveland. During their roundup, they found other dudes who were rapists on the loose. Instead of being grateful for the help, the cops and mayor and prosecutors tried to make things hard for the vigilantes. A couple of them were allegedly Nation of Islam style black nationalists, so the authorities used that to slime the vigilantes, but so what? They at least cared enough to go after a serial rapist and murderer who was preying upon girls in their community when the Cleveland authorities were busy pounding donuts.

Shakira was found dismembered in a vacant lot. Daniel Hines was arrested for raping and murdering her. Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judge Thomas Pokorny threw out physical blood evidence linking Hines to Shakira’s murder and evidence of Hines reportedly trying to molest other girls. Hines also beat a charge he raped his 13-year-old cousin about the same time Shakira disappeared. Cleveland jurors later convicted Hines of raping a 14-year-old girl. If Cleveland’s police, prosecutors, political leaders and judges had done their jobs, the other two girls and who knows how many others wouldn’t have been victims of Hines.

Tombstone of Shakira Johnson. Rape and murder victim. Cleveland’s Dem officials interfered with blacks who wanted to find her, find the rapist, and protect girls in their neighborhoods. RIP, Shakira, Child of God!


Cleveland authorities also interfered with a Hispanic father and some volunteers looking for his daughter Gina De Jesus, who disappeared in 2004. Cleveland public school employee Ariel Castro had kidnapped her and two other girls (Michelle Knight and Amanda Berry) and would keep them in his house as sex slaves for a decade. My client Hugh Gaughan, a school custodian, had outed dozens of sex offenders and other felons working in the Cleveland public schools. He also told authorities Ariel Castro had a wife-beating incident where he caused her very serious injuries, so they should do a safety check on his house. (His wife moved out before he took the girls as captives.) The school administration and the school employees union ignored Hugh’s advice and attacked Hugh viciously. This meant the girls were trapped as Castro’s sex slaves for a decade. Public school officials fired Hugh the week neighbors heard the girls and freed them from sex slavery.

House of Horrors. 2207 Seymour Ave Cleveland. Cleveland public school employee Ariel Castro held three girls as sex slaves for a decade here. Cleveland area Democrats interfered with loved ones’ attempts to find the girls.


Dem politicians and prosecutors are just as capable of going after minority people accused of misbehavior for political gain as GOP people are. Remember the Sister Souljah kerfuffle? Clinton demonized her to look tough to whites. (Hillary and Janet Nero may also have been miffed because Sistah made fun of white lesbians.)

 Epstein had Clinton and Bush and Obama protection … I believe he had some sort of extortion operation going on and got protection for years from both parties because of it. The Clintons visited his island of underage sex slaves multiple times. Allegedly so did Chief Justice Roberts. Trump took an airplane ride with Epstein from Florida to Jersey, then Trump had him banned from Mar-a-Lago for hitting on underage daughters of his staff. Trump never went to the island of sex slaves, and he was the only celeb to talk with Epstein’s victims’ lawyers and help them. They openly absolved Trump of any wrongdoing. The Bushes protected Epstein. So did the Obama administration. Epstein was busted during Trump’s term. And he died with the assistance of persons unknown.

 There was no real reason for New York prosecutors to jail football star Plaxico Burress. He got punishment enough for shooting himself in the foot. And I believe federal prosecutors overcharged football star Michael Vick on dogfighting to grandstand for all the Karens in Virginia who love their golden retrievers more than their children. Virginia was being infested with gangs like MS-13 and Moslem nogoodniks, but the prosecutors lacked the courage to go after them. Vick was a much easier target and IMHO they grandstanded.

Note that no prosecutors we are aware of are prosecuting illegals for pet butchery now. Bon apetit!


I have covered Sherri Bevan Walsh, the long-time county prosecutor of Summit County, Ohio. Her winged monkeys went after us because we exposed the sordid truth that she protected Scott Dietz, a serial child rapist who raped his kid sister, kid cousins, and preschool aged daughters because he shacked up with her child support enforcement agent Jean Powell aka Jean Workman aka Jean Dietz. We beat them in court, but Sherri cratered my business simply by moving against us and abusing her authority.

 Several people of prominence in Summit County benefited when federal prosecutors put Father Sam Ciccolini in a federal pen for six months after the feds’ plot to take his money failed. Father Sam ran Interval Brotherhood Home, a dryout place and vocational school for dopers and drunks. 99 and I donated slaughtered lambs, berries, apples, and potatoes from our farm so the men and women of that facility would have some extra food. The feds busted Father Sam on a BS process crime essentially for filing his taxes incorrectly or misspeaking about it. Father Sam had saved the money because he intended to open another program for druggies and drunks.

 Almost all of Father Sam’s “friends” in the community ran away from him because of the conviction. Only his kid sister and a couple of other relatives and friends visited him during his six-month stay at a federal pen in West Virginia. I visited with Father Sam in this prison, and then I spoke with the associate warden. I told her Summit County was a funhouse mirror that made the straight look crooked and the crooked look straight.

Dietz-Workman-Walsh rapist protection triangle. Sherri the prosecutor (right) covered for serial rapist and child molester Scott Dietz because her child protective services sow Jean Workman (center) shacked up with him.


Several well-connected people in Summit County had an interest in a rival drug and alcohol program, a tipster told me. Potentially at stake was treatment money from state and federal sources. The rival facility’s income soared after Father Sam’s conviction. Father Sam operated on very little overhead and in my opinion had a better program than they did. Is it wrong to have the opinion that those who wished the rivals well may have had Father Sam discredited so Interval Brotherhood Home could be frozen out and their contracts could be poached?

This Puff Daddy thing might be a similar move to boost Kamala Harris before the election. All the piling on after years of taking his money. I’m willing to wait to see what evidence they really have before I pass judgment. At the very least the timing is suspicious.


Tulsi Gabbard exposed Kamala Harris for overcharging nonviolent drug offenders, and kept some of them in jail when the state was giving violent criminals early release. Evidently nonviolent offender prison labor was a lucrative racket for someone. Kamala also did little to nothing to stop rapists.

Here’s what I was able to find on Kamala Harris as California’s attorney general in my own looking:

Kamala Harris was attorney general of California for six years. She did little or nothing to fight sex offenders.

 Kamala did not solve the rape kit backlog scandal in her state.  As much of a doofus as Mike DeWine is, he at least reduced the backlog to zero in Ohio as the AG during the same six-year period. (Ironically, Mariska Hargitay, the SVU actress whose foundation tracks the rape kit backlog, unwittingly released a lot of info on how California under Harris bungled the untested rape kit issue. She has endorsed Hillary, Biden, and Kamala.)

Kamala Harris. When rape victims needed her help, her thumbs were elsewhere.

Kamala stood idly by as California child services slackers put up to 1000 foster children into homes with registered sex offenders during her time as AG.

Kamala stood idly by as governor Jerry Brown released 1400 murderers and rapists from prisons the first three years of her term as AG.

Kamala stood idly by as predatory lawyers sued and extorted settlements from many California towns whose leaders wanted to protect children and women from rapists. You heard it here first – “Raperations” (my term for paying sex offenders “reparations” for the indignity (waaah!) of being id’ed on a state sex offender database) and banning of sex offender registries is the new gold rush for the ACLU.

Kamala has taken money from Hollywood, where rapists in positions of power abuse girls, boys, and young women. She did nothing against these people.

Kamala stood idly by as California teachers raped children, teacher unions protected the rapists, and school board lawyers shredded decades of evidence like twerp Oliver North to avoid paying victims. (I think such records should be open to the public.)

 Kamala Harris refused to have Planned Parenthood staffers prosecuted for conspiracy to violate mandated reporting laws thousands of times a year – massive law violations that let thousands of rapists and incestors and statutory rapists continue to sexually abuse many thousands of girls age 15 or younger in California. This allowed Planned Parenthood staffers to make millions of dollars providing these victims birth control, VD treatment, and/or abortions.

I sent a report and documents proving the above charges to various media people and to people in the Trump campaign. I did that work for nothing, too.

I carry liability insurance on my business, but the ultimate defense in a court case is being able to show the truth. I have a particular hatred for sex offenders and those who help them escape punishment.



Kentucky governor Andy Beshear, who some call “Inbred Andy,” said at the Democrat National Convention in August 2024 he hoped females in J.D. Vance’s family get raped. Beshear said that because he is an abortion pimp. Meanwhile, the rapes of women and maybe a teenage girl took place in a Steven Beshear-appointed judge’s courthouse chambers or maybe at other places he frequented.

This cartoon by Weatherford mocked Andy Beshear’s siccing of Kentucky police on churchgoers during Chinavirus.


Beshear’s father Steven was a long-time Kentucky politician (D) and rich lawyer. The older Beshear ran against Mitch (Turtle) McConnell for the US Senate in 1996 and McConnell’s people embarrassed him by pointing out the leftist Democrat was in a private club whose members discriminated against blacks, according to Wikipedia. The older Beshear finally won the governor’s race in 2007 and was governor until 2015. Little Andy got in as governor in 2019, largely on Daddy’s coattails, and won re-election in 2023, largely due to the racism of a number of Kentucky voters. The GOP’s candidate was Attorney General Daniel Cameron, who is black.

Big corporate media reported Letcher County Sheriff Shawn (Mickey) Stiles shot county judge Kevin Mullins to death in his chambers last week. They left out context until some alleged journalists poached the work of a weekly paper in Letcher County.

 Sam Adams reported the following in the 1/10/22024 issue of “The Mountain Eagle,” (Whitesburg, KY):

 “A former Letcher County deputy sheriff who pleaded guilty to raping a female prisoner who was on home incarceration will spend six months in the Letcher County Jail, where he formerly worked as a deputy jailer.

 Ben Fields, who was a court security officer for the sheriff’s office and worked a side job for monitoring company Eastern Kentucky Correctional Services, was sentenced last week to seven years total, with six and a half of that to be spent on probation.

When the crimes occurred, Fields had left his job at the jail to work as a court security officer in Letcher District Court and worked for Eastern Kentucky Correctional Services, Inc., which provides electronic monitoring devices to prisoners who have been placed on house arrest as a condition of their bail. Prisoners are required to pay for the monitoring. The women sued Fields, Eastern Kentucky Correctional Services Inc., and Letcher County Sheriff Mickey Stines in his official capacity, claiming Fields used his position to pressure them into having sex with him, and that EKCS and Stines did not sufficiently train and supervise him. The case was filed in U.S. District Court in Pikeville (KY) and had been on hold while the criminal case progressed.

The women claimed Fields told them he would not make them pay for the monitoring if they would do him “a favor.” Fields disabled the devices, told the monitoring company that bail conditions had been changed so the devices were not required, and then used threats of arrest to force the women to have sex with him. When Letcher Circuit Judge James W. Craft II asked Fields for GPS coordinates for one of the subjects for a court appearance, Fields said he couldn’t locate her and filed an escape charge against her, court records show.

 Fields pleaded guilty to third-degree rape, third-degree sodomy, two counts of tampering with a prisoner monitoring device and second degree perjury. The three charges related to the second woman were dismissed because she is now dead, but the civil case is continuing with her estate as plaintiff along with Adkins. The court cases do not specify how she died.

 In return for the guilty plea, the judge followed the recommendation in the plea agreement and sentenced Fields to five years each for rape, and two tampering charges, but that time be probated for seven years with supervision for five years. The perjury sentence of 12 months was conditionally discharged for 12 months. Fields will serve six months in jail and is required to register as a sex offender and complete outpatient sex offender treatment. Protective orders will be in place and effective for 10 years.”

 Per a 9/20/2024 News Nation article, at least some of the times peckerwood Ben Fields forced women to perform sex with him took place in Judge Mullins’ chambers.

Per multiple reports, Sheriff Shawn Stines, a Democrat, was deposed in one woman victim’s civil suit the other day. He is on the hook for allegedly committing negligent failure to supervise Fields. The judge who got shot, one Kevin Mullins, an appointee of the father of Democrat governor Andy Beshear, had to know his chambers were the deputy’s forced sex playground. The deputy got only a 6-month sentence for the rapes.

Some in the area are saying the sheriff shot the judge because he suspected the judge was sexually abusing the sheriff’s underage daughter. The sheriff and judge had been friends before the killing. Mountaineers are loyal and are not afraid to tell what they know to reporters or anyone they think who can help their accused friends or loved ones.

We’ll see what comes out at the sheriff’s murder trial.


Letcher County is best known for two terrible reasons.

One is the low quality of life of many of its residents. Due to JFK’s interest in helping the people of Appalachia while he was president, journalists visited Letcher County and reported on the poverty and terrible living conditions of many of the county’s people.

 As of the early 2020s, Letcher County is among the 50 counties in the Union with the lowest life expectancy. Of these 50 counties, 14 are in Kentucky’s Appalachia and virtually all of them are 95% to 98% white. (The low-white one is 93% white.) They are coal counties. Or were, before the slowdown of underground mining.

In next-door West Virginia are three more counties in the bottom 50 counties in life expectancy. Two are 96% white and one is 89% white. They are coal counties too.

 Seventeen of the remaining 33 counties are supermajority black rural/small town counties. Eight are in Mississippi’s Delta area and the rest are in Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, and South Carolina.

Eight other counties (5 in South Dakota, one in Montana, one in North Dakota, and one in Alaska) are supermajority Native American rural counties. The Alaska county is virtually all Native American, and most of the rest are at least 80% Native American.

 One small Florida county is majority white but has a large prison with inmates who usually don’t last as long as most people.

Six of the remaining seven counties are in Tennessee, the bootheel of Missouri (2), Arkansas, Alabama, and Louisiana. The Louisiana county is non-Cajun and slightly majority white Evangelical. The other six are supermajority white. All are rural/small town counties.

The only large urban county in the bottom 50 is Baltimore City, which is about 2/3 black.


The other terrible reason Letcher County found the national spotlight was the horrible Scotia Mine disaster in 1976. I read about it while I was in the Army. That mine was producing at least $300,000 dollars worth of coal a week in 1976 money. The explosions in this mine took 26 miners’ lives, and left many widows and orphans. This outrage led to the Underground Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977. I have been in several underground coal mines and I believe someone really has to want that life or signs into it due to lack of alternative opportunities.

Scotia Mine Disaster memorial marker


Francis Gary Powers, the pilot of the U-2 spy aircraft the Russians shot down in 1960, was born in Jenkins, KY, in Letcher County. On several occasions I interviewed Carl McAfee, the Wise County, VA lawyer who went to the Soviet Union to negotiate his release. Powers died in a helicopter crash in Los Angeles; he took it down by Sepulveda Dam to avoid crashing into motorists on the nearby freeways. McAfee, who had done a number of great things, would be disbarred for awhile for his role in covering up money transfers for a Virginia couple involved in drugrunning and money laundering. He did three months in a federal pen and got his license back some years later.

 On a brighter note, besides all the coal that Letcher County miners provided to make electricity for the nation, Letcher County gave us exuberant gospel singer Martha Carson, best known for “Satisfied,” a favorite tune of my favorite lady singer Connie Smith. And pro wrestling and mixed martial arts fans enjoy the athleticism and antics of Letcher County native Jessamyn Duke.

Martha Carson — Exuberant Gospel Singer. The album title was an apt description of many of her tunes.


Jessamyn Duke beats opponent.


I worked for a weekly paper in Whitley County, Kentucky, not far from Letcher County. Older Kentuckians might remember Rachael Kamuf, the redoubtable writer and journalist who covered Kentucky for many years. I worked for Rachael when she owned this paper, and she was a sly and good reporter and editor. Rachael had played basketball (center) as a girl, and when she wore her boots into work she stood as tall as me. She was also easy on the eyes.

Rachael Kamuf  looked smilingly at many a politician, seeking soft spots, before putting him or her to the test. RIP, Boss Lady!


I also covered Lee and Wise Counties in the Cumberland Gap area of Virginia for the Kingsport “Time-News,” a daily paper that covered far northeastern Tennessee and far southwestern Virginia. I drove up US 23 into and thru Letcher County multiple times on my way to Ohio and back.

 Selfishness drove the sex abuse of the deputy and likely the quarrel between the judge who must have known who was not getting punished and the sheriff who at very least did a piss-poor job of supervision and was looking at civil judgment punishment. And if it is true that the judge was molesting the sheriff’s daughter, then the sheriff did what any good father would do – kill the son-of-a-bitch before he could molest her or any other young girls.

Remember,  too many government people outside of first responders don’t really care about you. All too often you have to be your own first responder. That’s what Americans have always been. God bless you and your loved ones!



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