• Today is: Wednesday, October 16, 2024


September16/ 2024

President Trump survived another assassination attempt. This guy survived, and bystanders got pictures of his getaway vehicle. Florida lawmen caught him. Unfortunately they turned him over to the FBI, so the coverup will continue.


Tay Tay in concert. Her mic seems a bit intrusive.
Tay Tay in concert. Her mic seems a bit, errr, intrusive.

Bubblehead pop star Taylor Swift calls herself a childless cat lady and has endorsed Kamala Harris.

A day or so later, Martha Stewart, presumably taking a break from sand painting with used Pretty Litter, did likewise.

Martha Stewart

Good thing they don’t live in Springfield, Ohio. It’s rumored Kamala’s Haitian guests would consider their kitties a food group.

 In his debate against Kamala Harris and the activists, errr, moderators of ABC, Donald Trump mentioned some of the “immigrants” to Springfield, Ohio were eating pets.

David Muir, the ABC activist, errr debate moderator who may identify as male, claimed the city manager of Springfield said this was not true. Donald Trump replied of course a city manager would say that because family pets disappearing into immigrant barbecues is not a good look for the city’s government and social leaders.

The ABC moderators made a number of false statements to oppose Donald Trump. Their claim that pets weren’t being killed by immigrants was one.

Another lie was their claim that crime has gone down during the Biden/Harris regime from the start of 2021 to the present. President Trump said the FBI was lying because they didn’t get stats from a large number of heavily populated cities.

What does the public record say?

Let’s start with the Biden/Harris national crime wave.

The report “Criminal Victimization, 2023,” prepared by the US Bureau of Justice Statistics, an agency inside the US Justice Department, said the violent crime rate (not counting simple assault) in the US went from 7.3 per thousand in 2019 and 5.6 in 2020 and 2021 (Chinavirus restriction years) to 9.8 per thousand in 2022 and 8.7 per thousand in 2023. In other words the crime rate the last two full years of the Biden-Harris regime has been 34% higher and 19% higher than Trump’s pre-lockdown year of 2019. Absolute numbers of crimes are up because we have 10 million to 15 million extra illegals in this country since Biden and Harris were installed like two dim bulbs in early 2021.

Here’s the link:

Criminal Victimization 2023


Some will argue illegals are not committing more crimes per capita than natives. The argument is a red herring. We have enough homegrown criminals as it is. Why should we tolerate the crimes of foreigners who shouldn’t even be here? And every friggin’ one of them broke the law by coming here illegally, or were alien kids who brought here illegally by adults who knew the law and broke it.

Now, back to the Springfield pet disappearance problem.

99 and I live in Ohio. We do business in Springfield several times a year. We have seen the pour-in of Haitians. We have also heard Ohio news coverage of Springfield city politician meetings at which a number of people have complained about the disappearance of dogs and cats, and the poaching of ducks and geese in the city parks by Haitians.

HOW TO BE YOUR OWN DETECTIVE is all about the public record. So, the day after the Trump vs. Harris and ABC activists, errr, moderators debate, in the interest of the public’s right to know, I filed four public record requests.

I sent open record requests to the police of Springfield and the sheriff of Clark County (Springfield is that county’s seat) asking about incidents and arrests and traffic citations involving natives of countries other than the United States over the past 5 years. I also asked for incident reports for animal abuse or illegal animal killings involving the foreign-born.

Then I contacted the state game warden agency and asked for a breakdown by county of incidents and arrests for violations of game laws by the foreign-born in the past five years. They deal with complaints of poaching animals in city parks as well as poaching animals in the wild.

And finally, I sent an open records request to the Clark County Dog Warden to find out how many animals wound up in his custody, and of these, how many suspects were foreign born. This is the first time I ever made a public records request to a county dog pound …. or a city dog pound for that matter. Was it ground breaking? Or a new low? You be the judge. All I’ll say is I’m nothing if not thorough.

Note: I’m okay with hunting for animal control and livestock slaughter for food …. when 99 and I farmed southwest of Akron, I routinely shot destructive raccoons, sicced my dogs on groundhogs, killed an aggressive feral German shepherd with a brush hook, slaughtered scores of lambs we raised, and allowed deer hunting on my property because they damaged our fruit trees. But I think even a few Democrats might believe killing a goose or a duck or a swan in front of little children in a city park is a much more questionable act than duck or goose hunting in the wilderness.

It has been a tough week for the Springfield police and the Clark County sheriff’s deputies. They have had to close schools and government buildings two days in a row due to bomb threats in the days after the debate. So there will be some delay in records retrieval.

The school threats smell like the work of opportunistic students. And maybe the threats to government buildings in the Springfield area is the work of some bureaucrats who want the day off. Or maybe some leftist is swatting these people to try to make President Trump look bad.

Predictably the news media shorthosers blamed Donald Trump for the bomb threats. He replied the illegals coming in by the millions were the real threat to the country.

UPDATE FROM WKYC-TV, CLEVELAND 9/16/24: (Ohio Governor Mike) DeWine says at least 33 bomb threats have been received since the accusations started last week. The governor added that law enforcement responded to each threat and all have been determined to be a hoax. Two Springfield elementary schools were evacuated and a middle school were closed on Friday.

During Monday’s news conference, DeWine announced that the Ohio State Highway Patrol will deploy 36 members of its Mobile Field Force to provide additional security at all 18 buildings of the Springfield City School District. 

Starting Tuesday and “continuing for the foreseeable future,” the state says troopers “will sweep each building for threats before students and faculty arrive and will stay on-site to provide security throughout the school day and during dismissal.”

“Many of these threats are coming in from overseas, made by those who want to fuel the current discord surrounding Springfield. We cannot let the bad guys win,” said DeWine. “We must take every threat seriously, but children deserve to be in school, and parents deserve to know that their kids are safe. The added security will help ease some of the fears caused by these hoaxes.”

DeWine would not say which country “from overseas” was responsible for the threats.


Springfield mayor Rob Rue, on the 9/13/2024 Katie Tur(D) news show on MSNBC, in total damage control mode, exclaimed, “Your pets are safe!” Saying something like that on national TV is a clear sign there are problems in Springfield, which Rob Rues.

Springfield police chief Allison Elliott is in a box. She doesn’t look too happy about it.

Springfield police chief Allison Elliott is trying to downplay the reported disappearance of family pets. Miss Allison is a hireling, so she is a safe bet to parrot the mayor to cover her backside. Allison, the police chieftess since early 2023, is the first female police chief for Springfield.

Clark County Sheriff Debra K. Burchett, instead of being a city hireling, was elected by the people four years ago. She likewise is the first female sheriff of Clark County, and only the third female county sheriff in Ohio history. Ohio has 88 counties, so it’s not like there are few opportunities for qualified women. An issue in Debra’s run for re-election earlier this year was her spending a million dollars or more a year on overtime. (Maybe all the extra Haitians in the county had something to do with the ballooning of overtime wages. So maybe she should have gotten a pass for this.) Rising crime likely played a part in the voters’ dissatisfaction with her.

Sheriff Debra caused another issue by firing one of her top officers because she allegedly didn’t trust how he was running the 911 service and a county antidrug task force. The officer, Chris Clark, wasn’t happy being fired, so he ran against Sheriff Debra and beat her in the GOP primary in March 2024. Since the Dems didn’t run a candidate, Clark will become sheriff in early 2025 when Ms. Burchett’s term expires. So in the case of the county sheriff, the people of Springfield and the rest of Clark County have already spoken. They replaced a woman they saw as not as competent as the man seeking to succeed her.

On his Facebook page, Rue posted the following comments 7/14/2024:

“We must hold those accountable who have knowingly caused the rapid surge of immigrants within our community. Whether that is local business agencies or federal policies, the growth we have experienced is unstainable [sic]. The city is asking for funds to help us with our taxed infrastructure due to failed federal border and immigration policies.”

Rue is a registered Republican, per voter records accessible to the public.

So why now with the Bushie whining and denying from Rob Rue, who rues the fact that President Trump put the spotlight on his town?

Being a Republican doesn’t mean you are a good person. John Kasich, the long-time congressman and former governor of Ohio, is not. During his last run for Congress, Democrats implied he was bisexual and was involved in a homosexual relationship with a key staffer. They might have been lying, but it wasn’t refuted if I remember correctly.  Kasich in bipartisan mode as governor of Ohio protected Democrat politicians in Cleveland and Akron who were protecting men who raped children because they had government ties. My client Hugh Gaughan, a Cleveland public schools custodiam, outed dozens of public school employees who raped children or were otherwise dangerous felons. His reward was to be targeted by the school employees union and the Cleveland school administrators. He had outed Ariel Castro, a Cleveland public schools bus driver who held three young women as sex slaves for a decade in his house. Neighbors freed the girls the week the school board fired Hugh. Kasich did nothing to help Hugh.

In Akron, Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (D) protected serial child molester Scott Dietz, who did hard time for making his preschool age daughter fellate him repeatedly. She went to Mom when Scott apparently started molesting her little sister. Mom turned Dietz in to the police, and he drew two sentences for raping his 6-year-old daughter and molesting his 4-year-old daughter. Dietz later hooked up with Jean Powell aka Jean Workman aka Jean Dietz. She was the Summit county child support enforcement agent. She might have been jealous that Dietz’ kid sister, two kid cousins, and his own little daughters were used by him before she got her crack at his junk. Sherri’s winged monkeys tried to take our farm, money, firearms and freedom when we outed this revolting development by distributing thousands of flyers about the Scott Dietz/Jean Workman/Sherri Bevan Walsh rape protection triangle. (No Akron, Canton, or Cleveland newspaper or TV station or radio station would report about it, or even run a paid ad we tried to take out about it. Only Jim Traficant, God rest his soul, would help us by allowing me to talk about the case on his talk show.) We won in court, and when we shared the info with men’s lawyers who Jean the agent opposed in court on child support cases, she sunk like whale excrement. Jean eventually lost her prosecutor office job.

Here’s a link to Dietz’s rape case.

dietz sex offense case

We notified Governor Kasich of Hugh’s situation and of Dietz’s sex offender protection program by the county prosecutor and her people. I sent the info to his house, because his pansy aides shortstopped the info when I sent it to his office. One of the aides called me whining about it after our care package of documents reached Kasich at his home. Kasich the Bushie GOPer did nothing against Sherri Bevan Walsh for protecting a rapist who was rutting on her child support enforcement sow. Nor did he help Hugh Gaughan.


Jean Workman and Scott Dietz pictured at a kiddie park. Dietz got away with molesting his 5-7 year old sister and his 11 and 12 year old cousins. His wife turned him in for forcing his 6-year-old daughter to fellate him repeatedly and for sexually abusing his 4-year-old girl. The sow in the pic was a Summit County OH Prosecutor’s child support enforcement agent. She helped Dietz avoid paying more than $60,000 in welfare reimbursement to the taxpayers who spent that money supporting the girls he raped. Jean was dumb enough to post this pic on her Facebook page.


Ironically and fittingly, Chinavirus and/or a Covid vaccine caused Sherri heart failure and she had to retire from the job she didn’t deserve to hold earlier this year.

Back to Rob Rue and why he turned blue.

What is Springfield Mayor Rob Rue’s background?

Robert Eric Rue is a mortician by trade. He holds an embalmer’s license, a funeral director’s license, and a crematory operator’s license, all of which are active, per a public records search of the Ohio Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors.

On his Linkedin Page, Rue says he is the president and GM of Littleton & Rue Funeral Home & Crematory in Springfield.

None of this is bad. In 90% of the world, families directly bury or burn their dead. In America and other richer countries, morticians do it for us. My brother is an undertaker … he and I laid out Dad when he died at a family reunion. I trained in a coroner’s office and assisted at autopsies and did blood work and trace evidence work in death cases. Undertaking and death investigating are sad but necessary jobs.

However, Rue looks and sounds like a ghoul, so his “Your pets are safe!” outburst seemed to me to be much like Kevin Bacon’s terrified ROTC cadet “Remain calm! All is well!” routine in the “Animal House” movie as terrified people stampeded and ran him down.

Rue and Bacon had one other thing in common. Being swatted and having to say: “Thank you sir! May I have another?” Rob Rues that the Deep State is swinging the paddle on him.

Springfield residents have been contacting their GOP senator about the crime, the rising rents, the overloading of the schools, the problems with getting health care, the drop in wages, and other cultural issues accompanying the 15,000 to 20,000 Haitians who decided to make Springfield and Clark County their new home, with the help of the Harris/Biden Administration and Sherrod Brown, Ohio’s Democrat senator.

The GOP Ohio senator is J.D. Vance, Mr. Trump’s running mate. No wonder President Trump heard about the Harris/Biden war on Springfield residents.

Per Cortney Wells of The Blaze, 9/13/2024, this:

“The Federalist also released audio of a phone call made to Springfield police on August 26, reporting that four or so Haitian individuals had taken one goose apiece and absconded with them in a “newer-model” Toyota Tacoma.

“I [saw] a group of Haitian people — there was about four of them — and all had geese in their hand,” the man told the dispatcher.”

We are asking for that incident report, and all similar incident reports made to the Springfield police involving the killings or mistreatment of animals.


Back to the other open records requests.

I have gotten some answers from the Springfield police already. Other info is lagging, for obvious reasons. Media people, most of them leftists, are looking to smear President Trump and the working poor of Ohio. They have overloaded the public records employees of the Springfield police and the Clark County sheriff. And dog pound wardens usually don’t have to handle freedom of information inquiries. Nor do game wardens, except during deer season, or if European vessels have been dumping zebra mussels in the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system again.

A Springfield police agent wrote me 9/13/2024: “Our reports/arrests do not track immigration status and neither do our traffic citations. We use a state reporting system for reports that only tracks nationality as Hispanic, Non-Hispanic or Unknown.”

This is a not a good reply from the agent.

First of all, it is a deflection or a dodge. I asked for numbers of foreign-born arrestees, not their immigration status.

Second, they are probably not willing to say how many of Harris’ Haitians are part of the local crime wave. Because Mike DeWine, the GOP governor of Ohio and resident of nearby Cedarville, has a charity in Haiti and is could be okay with voodoo adding forbidden spice to Ohio’s Midwestern cuisine.

Third, if they are not tracking illegals, this is an admission of incompetent and criminally negligent policing. (I believe they know the score, and know it is politically correct to artificially limit the reported numbers of foreign-born suspected criminals and traffic hazards.)

Fourth, all competent police do offender profiling. It is what it is. It has to be done legally, but it is done by competent police across the country. Springfield coppers have a very good idea what crimes the recent arrivals from Haiti tend to commit in their own form of ethnic diversity. If the Springfield police are not offender profiling, they are not using all the tools of the trade available to them.

Fifth, they are discriminating against our Latino brothers and sisters if they are only tracking Hispanics. Haitians are not Hispanics.

However, the reports the Springfield gave me indicated the number of reported crimes rose dramatically from 2020, after falling thru the Trump years.

In 2021, there were 6176 reported crimes in Springfield. Of these, there were 52 reported rapes, 5 reported murders, 35 reported abductions, 134 reported robberies, 516 reported aggravated assaults, and 1185 reported simple assaults. There were 477 burglaries and breaking and entering crimes reported, 295 shopliftings reported, 206 thefts from buildings reported, 320 thefts from motor vehicles reported, 324 thefts OF motor vehicles reported, and 587 “other larcenies” reported. There were 65 arsons reported, and 943 vandalism or related crimes reported. There were a number of other crimes reported by type, and 278 reported as “all other.” Ironically, Springfield police claimed they received only 1 report of drug offenses, no one reported anyone for driving while intoxicated or for prostitution or for trying to pay someone for sex, or for animal cruelty. Perhaps animal eating was among the ”other” crimes reported. (Kamala Herod’s running mate Tim Walz the other day in a Freudian slip called Kamala a “former prostitutor.”)

In 2022, there were 6507 reported crimes in Springfield. Of these, there were 55 reported rapes, 6 reported murders, 36 reported abductions, 138 reported robberies, 539 reported aggravated assaults, and 1305 reported simple assaults. There were 549 burglaries and breaking and entering crimes reported, 421 shopliftings reported, 206 thefts from buildings reported, 282 thefts from motor vehicles reported, 380 thefts OF motor vehicles reported, and 712 “other larcenies” reported. There were 47 arsons reported, and 960 vandalism or related crimes reported. There were a number of other crimes reported by type, and 250 reported as “all other.” Ironically, Springfield police claimed they received only 1 report of drug offenses, no one reported anyone for driving while intoxicated or for prostitution or for trying to pay someone for sex, or for animal cruelty. Perhaps animal eating was among the ”other” crimes reported.

In 2023, there were 6389 reported crimes in Springfield. Of these, there were 57 reported rapes, 9 reported murders, 33 reported abductions, 134 reported robberies, 545 reported aggravated assaults, and 1225 reported simple assaults. There were 553 burglaries and breaking and entering crimes reported, 628 shopliftings reported, 154 thefts from buildings reported, 196 thefts from motor vehicles reported, 491 thefts OF motor vehicles reported, and 721 “other larcenies” reported. There were 73 arsons reported, and 894 vandalism or related crimes reported. There were a number of other crimes reported by type, and 227 reported as “all other.” Ironically, Springfield police claimed they received only 3 reports of drug offenses, no one reported anyone for driving while intoxicated or for prostitution or for trying to pay someone for sex, or for animal cruelty. Perhaps animal eating was among the ”other” crimes reported.

Springfield police had a different reporting system (UCR) before 2021, so there is not a clean apples to apples comparison. The police noted there was a decline in reported violent crimes in Springfield each year from 2017 to 2019. Total violent crimes went from 369 in 2017 to 326 in 2018 to 297 in 2019, to 339 in 2020 to a massive jump of 696 reported violent crimes in Biden/Harris’ first year of 2021. (Actually there were 707 murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults reported in Springfield in 2021! Murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault are the four crimes the UCR system counted as violent crimes. They didn’t count sodomy, sexual assault with an object, fondling, intimidation, or arson as violent crimes.)

The UCR system would have shown even more violent crimes in 2022 and 2023. There were 738 murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults reported in Springfield in 2022. There were were 745 murders, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults reported in Springfield in 2023. In the first three years of the Harris/Biden regime, victims or survivors reported double the number of violent crimes in Springfield, Ohio per year as victims or survivors reported in each of the Trump presidency years.

The drug numbers and driving while intoxicated crime reporting numbers are shockingly low, unbelievably low for a town of 70,000 or so people since the feds started packing Haitians into Clark County.

This is why I think the Springfield police are not being honest in reporting on pet and park animal killings or acts of cruelty to animals either.


JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. Here’s the link to the Springfield police crime statistics released to Sherlock Research:

Springfield police STATS


Some will argue Haitians are not committing more crimes per capita than natives. Springfield police can’t prove that because they say they don’t track Haitians. Besides, the argument is a red herring. We have enough homegrown criminals as it is. Why should we tolerate the crimes of foreigners who shouldn’t even be here?

When the Clark County Sheriff, the game warden, and the county dog warden send us their records, we will update this story. Likewise when or if the Springfield police send us incident reports on crimes against animals.


Ohio governor Mike DeWine, who lives just south of Springfield in Cedarville, favors the Haitians coming to the town. He has a charity in Haiti named after his daughter Becky, who was killed in a car wreck. From all accounts, Becky was a pretty and talented girl who was loved by her family.

Becky DeWine. She is loved and missed by her people. Her grieving parents posted her picture on their Facebook page.

On a Facebook page devoted to Becky, he mentioned the priest who runs the school in Haiti where the money is going. Governor DeWine is to be commended for trying to help the poor in Haiti thru private charity.

The problem is America’s working poor in Springfield and elsewhere shouldn’t have to sacrifice for foreigners if they don’t want to do so.

The two most powerful statewide elected officials besides DeWine sent out a different message than DeWine did on Springfield’s Haitians.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost backed the residents of Springfield. Per an article in the 9/13/2024 Ohio Capital Journal, a left of center publication, this:

“There’s a recorded police call from a witness who saw immigrants capturing geese for food in Springfield,” Yost said in his X post. Citizens testified to City Council. These people would be competent witnesses in court. Why does the media find a carefully worded City Hall press release better evidence?”

In other words, Yost, a former journalist, was criticizing the media for not assigning the same credibility to any claim made in a police call or council meeting as they would to the public declarations of the Springfield mayor, city manager, police chief, and the Ohio governor.

(Comment: The public are far more credible than politicians. I suspect the mayor, city manager, police chief, and governor are lying or are at least deflecting, like politicians do when they’ve been caught.)

Yost campaign spokeswoman Amy Natoce was asked how the attorney general could justify this logic, and whether he was concerned that his post would further whip up racial resentments and place a target on a minority community in the United States.

She replied that Yost was using official resources to answer those questions.

“Since the AG’s staff is writing a legal memo on this, I’ll have you reach out to the official office with your inquiries,” she said.

Asked the same questions, the AG’s Communications Director didn’t respond directly. She instead discussed problems dealing with the influx.

“This is what the people of Springfield are reporting,” she said in an email. “You can choose to believe them or not believe them. But the indisputable fact is that the heavy influx of immigrants is overwhelming the city’s services and schools. And the federal government is doing nothing to help. AG Yost is interested in finding a pathway to help Springfield and other communities by holding the federal government accountable.”


Ohio Secretary of State Frank La Rose also dumped in DeWine’s punchbowl this week. Per a 9/13/2024 Gateway Pundit article by Ben Kew, this:

“Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced today that his Election Integrity Unit has issued a warning to Ohio’s 88 county boards of elections after an investigation uncovered the use of illegal voter registration forms by a government agency …

The office’s Election Integrity Unit recently concluded an investigation into the origins of an illegal voter registration form translated into the Haitian Creole language. The Clark County Board of Elections reported this form to our office after rejecting its submission by a local applicant…

The Board confirmed they’ve only received one of these unauthorized forms, but they rightly recognized it as illegal and worked with my team to track down its source with the help of a county government assistance office,” said Hun Yi, Director of Investigations for the office’s Public Integrity Division, in a memo to elections officials. “The form was erroneously included among others outsourced to a foreign language translation service. It garnered national attention considering the high number of Haitian refugees that have recently migrated to the Springfield area, and it serves as an important reminder that boards and designated voter registration agencies should be vigilant about the use of forms submitted to their office.”

The memo concludes with a notice of ongoing investigations into evidence of a pattern of fraudulent voter registration activity in multiple counties under the paid employment of a group called Black Fork Strategies.”


Now for the rest of the story:

The government claims 15,000 Haitians were dropped on Springfield. For a city of about 55,000, this is a lot. This means they admit at least a fifth of Springfield came from Haiti in the last few years.

Reuters did a surprisingly good article 9/11/2024 with the Deep State suckup title “How Immigrants Fueled Springfield’s Growth” that showed about 8000 Haitians in Springfield (at least half of the total reported number) are receiving Medicaid. This taxpayer funded healthcare was meant for Americans.

Here’s a link to the article:

How Haitian immigrants fueled Springfield’s growth _ Reuters

Rents have gone up by 15% from May 2022 thru the end of 2023 in Springfield, per Reuters. This has devastated the poor. There has been a drop in housing vouchers to American-born poor, while the taxpayers are providing the Haitians with vouchers. Landlords are evicting lower-rent American tenants, spiffing up their properties to qualify for “immigrant” housing programs, and making more money per unit from the taxpayers.

In so many words the Reuters propagandists said local factory owners have favored hiring Haitians over Americans because the Haitians will work cheaper and more docilely, and all the taxpayer health care and housing vouchers and other goodies the Haitians get are benefits packages the greedy owners don’t have to pay for.

Social workers and teachers have more job security because of the Haitians. Retailers like them because they spend more money in town, money taken from taxpayers.

The Harris/Biden feds are dumping immigrants with greatly different social norms, little money, and a lot of problems on the people of Springfield and Clark County. Mike DeWine is volunteering Ohio taxpayers to cover for these Haitians. Springfield is 20 miles north of his mansion in Cedarville, OH. Businessmen and landlords and most government workers involved in this boondoggle are making out like bandits.


DeWine admits there are problems with allowing the Haitians to overwhelm Springfield.

Per a 9/10/2024 AP story, this:

“Ohio has already provided additional resources to Springfield to help with education and training for drivers, to pay for more vaccines and health screenings in schools, and to enhance translation services, explained DeWine. But he’s taking additional action.

“These dramatic surges impact every citizen of the community, every citizen,” he said, noting additional influxes are occurring in Findlay and Lima, Ohio. “Moms who have to wait hours in a waiting room with a sick child, everyone who drives on the streets, and it affects children who go to school in more crowded classrooms.”

On Wednesday, the Ohio State Highway Patrol will be dispatched to help local law enforcement with traffic issues that officials say have cropped up due to an increase in Haitians unfamiliar with U.S. traffic laws using the roads. 


Like Hermanio Joseph, a Haitian who was driving without a license. He drove a vehicle left of center into the path of a school bus outside of Springfield in 2023, causing a crash and causing the bus to roll over and killing an 11-year-old boy and injuring many of his schoolmates as a  result. He got 9 to 13 years in prison for vehicular homicide in 2024. The boy died in a traffic wreck, like Becky DeWine did.

The boy’s father complained: “You know, I wish that my son, Aiden Clark, was killed by a 60-year-old white man. I bet you never thought anyone would ever say something so blunt. But if that guy killed my 11-year-old son, the incessant group of hate-spewing people would leave us alone.” The unfortunate quote from this guy makes him sound unhinged. I suspect he is left of center politically, and professional leftists or RINOs got to him. Why would a father wish that ANYONE had killed his son?)

Clark County bus crash, 2023. Haitian immigrant driving without a license caused the wreck, which killed a boy and sent seveal other children to the hospital. WTRF-TV, Wheeling, WV

DeWine said he is also earmarking $2.5 million over two years to provide more primary healthcare through the county health department and private healthcare institutions.”


Leftist Ohio Senator She-Rod Brown (who was reported for beating his first wife, but escaped prosecution because he is a Democrat and was an officeholder at the time, and has since had the record expunged) is okay with the Haitians and other non-Americans flooding Ohio. They can vote for him in gratitude for all the money he grifts them from the taxpayers.


Haitians might see cheap delicious meals in the duck and goose harvests.

But it appears some Haitians eat dog and cat meat because they like it.

Meredith Evans, in a 9/13/2024 Evie Magazine article, reported this:

“Ex-NFL player and philanthropist Jack Brewer supports Trump’s comment, stating that he goes to Haiti for humanitarian purposes and has witnessed their voodoo practices firsthand.

“You have a big voodoo culture in Haiti that’s just rampant,” Brewer said in a NewsMax appearance.

“That’s just the truth. And I think at some point in America, we have to get back to the truth,” he continued. “And if you look at Kamala Harris’ face [at the debate] there, she was looking at President Trump as if he was some madman who had lost his mind.” Brewer believes that Harris “manipulated the American people” by denying Trump’s statement about Haitians eating pets.

“You cannot deny the fact that in this country, in Haiti, people are living in desperation. There is a voodoo culture and a curse on the nation that no one can deny,” he said.

Brewer goes on to say that Haitians aren’t just eating cats and dogs, they’re also eating each other – and claims he has video evidence of it. “You can point to facts that show that in Haiti, not just are they eating animals, but they’re eating humans,” he explained. “There’s cannibalism in Haiti going on all the time. I have, literally, I have videos on my phone of people eating other people and sacrificing other people. And so no one can tell me that this doesn’t happen, because my orphanages in the Christian organizations that I support on the ground are dealing with this mess in the country.”

What is Evie Magazine? It’s a women’s fashion and lifestyle magazine with a traditional feminine bent. Brittany Martinez, the magazine’s editor, went to a Catholic college. She is drop-dead gorgeous.


Jack Brewer. Had the game to play in the NFL. Has the brains to win in real estate and finance. Has the heart to help many people in trouble around the globe.

Who is Jack Brewer?

Jack Brewer, a former pro football safety in the early 2000s, made it big in real estate and finance after his playing days. Brewer has established charities for poor youths in the US, and has provided missionary assistance in the Caribbean Basin and in Africa. (This previous sentence greatly underestimates the amount of good he has done.) Brewer, who is black, has worked for President Obama and President Trump. He supported the candidacies of both men. Brewer is an on-the-ground hands-on kind of philanthropist.

Both Brittany and Jack have roots in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.


The Haitians are not the only foreigners who apparently have a taste for hot dog and feline fricassee. I used to live in California. Immigrants from East Asia routinely wound up in the news in the Golden State when I was a teen and a young man for killing dogs and cats for food and for “poaching” chipmunks in parks. Local wags called the chipmunk harvests “Cambodian bacon.” (When I was a young officer stationed in Korea, I tried wokked dog in a little hole-in-the-wall eatery near the DMZ … and the dog was not tasty at all. Thankfully the beer was cheap.)  Mrs. P, whose daughter is a friend of my sister, came to our house one day in the mid-1980s. My Dad, my brother Bryan, my brother-in-law Dave, and I were taking a lunch break from installing a swamp cooler air conditioning unit on the roof of Dad’s house when Mrs. P came and told us her beloved sheepdog had been found with a bunch of other dogs in a garage belonging to a guy who ran a Vietnamese restaurant. We started laughing uncontrollably, much to her shock. Mom walked Mrs. P out, and when she came back to the yard where we were, God rest her great soul, Mom read me the riot act for being the first to start laughing. 

For recent history perspective, many forget President Barack Obama commented on the times he ate dog meat in Indonesia with some relish (or maybe with soy sauce).

Here’s a quote from his book “Dreams of My Father:”

“With Lolo (Soetoro, his Indonesian stepfather), I learned how to eat small green chili peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy).

Stanley Ann Dunham, Lolo Soetero, and Little BO

Eventually teenage BO decided to return to his mother’s parents’ home in Hawaii while his Mom went native in Indonesia. The beaches and food in Hawaii are better.

Barack had so many hickeys on his backside from the media, that even PETA’s shrill idiots were silent on his serial consumption of canine protein. Hot dog.

In fact, PETA’s shrillaries have been hiding in the grass in recent years when it comes to foreigners supplementing their protein intake with Fido and Kitty, or sacrificing them to pagan idols for good juju.

The Deep State counts on Americans having little or no memories.

It is illegal to steal pets and treat them inhumanely. However, it is not illegal to eat dogs and cats. In fact, a very sharp female attorney I know, K.D. Barthedoor, reminded me that in 1993 the Santeria cult won a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision against the city of Hialeah, Florida that allowed them to sacrifice animals in town as part of their cult rituals.

So if many boat people in California ate pets, and if President Obama and I shared Asian canine cuisine as young people, who’s to say the Haitians are wrong?

After all, many Ohioans like spaghetti in their chili. Skyline eateries bank on it!

Voodoo, polygamy, and devil worship are now allowed or tolerated in this country. This is the logical outcome of diversity without sanity …. and bad immigration policy. Believe it or not, when American leaders were trying to break the Mormons for polygamy, they held up the importation of English women they suspected were targets of the Youngite polygamists. The law allowed them to do so. It could do so once again.

Donald Trump mentioned Springfield, Ohio as having immigrant problems because it is in the Midwest, where such human disasters should not happen. If he wanted to get mean, he could have mentioned his home town of Queens, New York City.

Per the New York Post, 9/7/2024 (before the Trump debate against the ABC leftists and Kamala Harris), this:

Animal sacrifices are surging in Queens, with chickens, pigs and rats being tortured, mutilated or killed in “twisted” religious rituals in parkland surrounding Jamaica Bay, The Post has learned. 

In a little over a month, at least nine wounded animals or carcasses have been discovered in the federally-managed Spring Creek Park in Howard Beach and the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Broad Channel — including five live pigs with partially severed ears.

Creatures recovered from the revolting scene also include a near-dead baby rat tied up in a bag with chicken bones; a freshly-decapitated chicken head; a live hen in distress; and a dead dog with its neck snapped.

“It’s continually getting worse. The animal sacrifices are happening more repeatedly, more times a week,” Sloane Quealy, co-founder and president of Zion’s Mission Animal Rescue, told The Post.

“The sacrificers know it’s open season.”

One of the distressed pigs was found emaciated in a food-filled crate in July, with a deep gash running down its face and its body covered in oils and spices, said Kristen Latuga, who has taken in all five of the ailing swine at her Long Island animal sanctuary, Brucie’s Angels.

Several rescuers and a local religious leader suggested the torture was linked to a sect of Hindu devotees who worship the goddess Kali (a bloodthirsty goddess) and have practiced animal sacrifice in the area surrounding Jamaica Bay for decades.

“It’s a misconstruing of what the scriptures say about conquering the animalistic values,” said Acharya Arun Gossai, who runs the Bhuvaneshwar Mandir temple in Ozone Park.

“They’ve twisted it and they’ve sacrificed an actual animal rather than sacrificing the animalistic qualities of man.” 

Jamaica Bay has been a popular religious site among members of the Hindu Guyanese and Indo-Caribbean diaspora living in nearby neighborhoods, including Richmond Hill and Ozone Park.

Animal rescuer Kim Fraser with a trio of would-be sacrifices. J.C. Rice, New York Post


Along the waterway, which has been nicknamed the “Ganges” by some, after the sacred body of water in India, people regularly gather to give offerings, typically flowers and fruits, and leave statues of deities as well as prayer flags. 

This week, The Post observed Quealy and another animal rescuer, Kim Fraser, track down a trio of piglets that had their ears and tails cut off — roughly 100 feet away from a pair of statuettes of Hindu deities resting atop a mound of turf alongside a trio of flags.

Prayer flags were spotted nearby bundled up in the brush.

Followers of other religions whose rituals involve animal sacrifice, such as Santeria (Cuba) and voodoo (Haiti), also have been known to use beaches and parks surrounding Jamaica Bay to carry out bloody rites.”


The New York Post’s 9/14/2024 edition carried this nugget as a followup:

“City and federal parks authorities are beefing up resources near Jamaica Bay in Queens following The Post’s expose last week of surging animal sacrifices in the area. 

The National Parks Service promised to install a pair of mobile lights by the Addabbo Bridge in the federally-managed Spring Creek Park to ward off people torturing and killing animals under the cover of darkness, Councilwoman Joann Ariola (R-Queens) announced.

NPS spokeswoman Daphne Yun said the agency would also provide additional parks police patrol in the area, where animal rescuers said at least eight animals were found dead or maimed since late July.

These have included five wounded pigs, a near-dead baby rat stuffed in a bag with chicken bones, and a dog carcass with its neck snapped. 

The city’s Parks Department also pledged to increase overnight patrols in Sunset Cove Park, Broad Channel, where gruesome animal remains also have been found, Ariola’s office said.

“I’ve gotten in touch with my partners at both the federal and city level, and we are going to bring a new level of enforcement to the area and really crack down on this sickening behavior,” Ariola told The Post. “Animals should not be getting tortured and mutilated for any reason. This ends now.”

Sloane Quealy, president of Zion’s Mission Animal Rescue, called the additional enforcement resources a “great first step,” but called for more patrols.

“Until then we’re going to do 12 a.m. to 6 a.m., we’re going to walk the beach, just to see about interrupting anything that’s going on,” she said. 

Comment: The National Park Service and the City of New York would not be shamed into spending money unless the allegations by the animal rights people were accurate and they were splashed all over the pages of one of the biggest newspapers in the country.


Another deliberate lie by the activist moderators at the Trump v. Kamala and ABC moderators debate was that there were no late-term abortions.

Late-term abortions are legal in virtually every state with a Democrat governor and legislature and state supreme court. Late-term abortions are also obtainable in many states with divided government and with Republicans in charge. The only thing limiting late-term abortions is the die-off of a lot of the old carpetbagger abortionists who roamed from state to state to do lucrative late-term abortions. There aren’t as many contract killers with doctor licenses now who want to cut third-term babies into pieces or pierce their skulls with scissors to kill them after inducing labor on their mothers.

Per CNN 1/31/2019, this on Ralph Northam, the blackface-wearing former governor of Virginia who is a radical on abortion:

“ … if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen,” Northam, a pediatric neurosurgeon, told Washington radio station WTOP. “The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

In other words, if the little baby couldn’t crawl away and hide, Northam would allow taking the life of the child.

Eff you, ABC liars.


Dog and cat eating has grabbed the headlines, because the Deep State people want to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. They’ve tied him down in court, they’ve raided his estate (and Melania had to throw out all her undies due to the degenerate FBI panty-sniffers who rooted their way thru her intimate apparel), and they arranged for him to be murdered in front of his supporters in Butler County, PA. I put nothing past the Deep State. As this column goes to press Trump evidently was the target of another would-be assassin at his golf club in Palm Beach, Florida. (How could the known felon and out-of-state anti-Trumper find out about the quickly-planned golf outing, and hide out overnight at the golf course in ambush without being found by a Secret Service sweep of the premises unless he had inside help?) The Deep State murdered John Kennedy and Martin Luther King, they tried to murder Ronald Reagan and damn near succeeded, they had VP and former CIA director George Bush sabotage Reagan’s presidency with the Iran-Contra missiles for terrorists and drug running and murder racket, they actively spied on Donald Trump and lied about him, they green-lighted numerous Antifa and BLM riots in 2020, and they had provocateurs at the January 6 rally.

Oh, and the Deep State used taxpayer money to help the Chinese develop the Covid-19 bioweapon that killed many thousands of Americans and sidetracked Donald Trump’s presidency.

Maga Cat.

Cat and dog eating are the least of the problems that the Harris/Biden regime’s 10 to 20 million illegal aliens are causing this country. They are sapping social services, taking up housing, crowding the schools, victimizing low-income Americans with their crimes, and displacing Americans on jobsites because greedy business people want a docile workforce whose benefits are taxpayer-subsidized. The Democrats, and the Bush/Romney/Cheney/McCain/McConnell/Paul Ryan/John Kasich Republicans are exploiting the American people.

Donald Trump and those who support him want the war upon the American people to stop. Critics of President Trump say he should be a Republican like Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Really? If Lincoln was president now, he would have Chicago, the Twin Cities, and cities in the Northeast and the West Coast razed like Atlanta, South Carolina, and the Shenandoah Valley. The leading politicians of those cities and the leading politicians of their states would be hunted fugitives. And generals would be leading angry and sarcastic troops across those states, destroying and looting the homes of the Deep State rich.  The leaders and most of the people of those cities would deserve it because they have essentially seceded from the Union. Sadly, these states are also home to many people who love America, but they are outnumbered by the moron majorities and the ballots printed by leftist operatives at election time.

The New Copperheads – the Deep State and the Swamp, almost all leading Democrats and many leading Republicans, who are on the globalist anti-American side, along with the anti-American secessionists and nullifiers who run the most leftist places in the country — have in common with the Nazis a maniacal devotion to evil, violence, sexual perversion, and the occult. Many Nazis, Hitler included, were homosexuals or bisexuals. Hitler also forced incest on one of his nieces. Hitler also enjoyed being peed on. He’d fit right in in Harveywood, DC, New York City, San Francisco, and other leftist cesspools.


Pet eating is emblematic of a clash of cultures. Many illegals and many given asylum nowadays have values that are so out-of-sync with American values that they are inimical to American interests. Back in the day, being inimical kept people out of this country.

The upper middle class suburban women who allegedly hate Donald Trump because he is not willing to OK abortion on demand up to birth, and because he is not happy Planned Parenthood staffers are illegallly aiding and abetting the rapes and incests and statutory rapes of tens of thousands of girls 15 and younger every year (by violating mandated reporter laws tens of thousands of times a year) may hate babies but they love their Felixes and Tabbies and they love their golden retrievers and chocolate labs. It is what it is. Cultures can change or degenerate. Most of them have.


Karens usually vote against The Donald. Maybe this year they will see him as the Alpha Male who will protect their pets from Kamala’s pets.


On second thought, Kamala Harris seems far more entitled than the average Karen. She got the Dems’ nomination without garnering a single vote in the 2024 primaries. She was installed even more obviously than Queen Elizabeth installed Charles the Jug-Eared Dog Chaser as her successor.

Maybe we should call bitchy entitled women “Kamala.” Tay-Tay is not yet old enough to be in middle aged entitled territory. And a lot of girls actually like her.

Beef. It was what was for dinner before inflation. Now that chicken is north of $2 a pound and pork is north of $3 a pound here in Ohio, many more people are living on hot dogs and baloney. Maybe park-caught waterfowl is the chicken in every pot Kamala and the Deep State promised their new Haitian friends.




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