by Sherlock
This week the calendar has Halloween, All Saints Day, and All Souls Day.
Then Election Day next week.
Will Rogers once said on Halloween people wear pumpkins on their heads.
But on Election Day, they don’t have to.
(Some of them have faces like gargoyles.)
This teen girl fitted a pumpkin over her head and couldn’t get her head out of it, much to the hilarity of her Mom and brothers and little sister. Eventually her laughing Dad freed her head from the giant vegetable.
I am less charitable than the Cowboy Philosopher. I say Election Day is No Saints No Souls Day. Or All Shitheads Day for short.
This Election Day, for anyone who loves his or her family and loves his or her country, should be Punishment Day.
It is obvious the Democrats (aka the Copperheads) are the party of leftist rioters, child molesters, and family haters. They brought us big inflation in food and gas and housing, big tax increases to pay out their greedy program runners, fascist mask and VAX mandates, war provocations and trillions of dollars of gunrunning to the regime in Ukraine whose fixers appear to be selling lots of weaponry to other countries at a premium, loafing teachers who refuse to return to schools, millions of illegals – many of whom who are carrying in drugs and trafficking victims and committing other crimes, and perverts in our schools and libraries doing drag shows and feeling up kids like Joe Biden likes to do For starters.
Both parties have sex offenders. The Democrats are more sex offender friendly because their top leaders have included sex offenders like Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Joe Biden, Harvey Milk (who abused boys), Brock Adams, and Janet Reno (who abused girls). Also, the lawyers of the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center have their share of pervs. Morris Dees, the founder of the SPLC, was credibly accused of sexual harassment of multiple young women staffers and tolerating a climate of racial discrimination and sexual harassment. He left the Southern Poverty Law Center under a cloud in 2019. Many big Dem donors like Harvey Weinstein and Ed Buck (the homosexual activist who just drew a 30-year sentence for double homicide of black men in his residence) are also practicing pervs.
Bill Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell, the madam of Jeffrey Epstein.
Below, Joe and Ashley Biden. She said he showered with her multiple times when she was a girl in her diary, which led to her sexual issues. Diary was legit, or the FBI wouldn’t have gone STASI on Project Veritas for having a copy of it.
The Democrats lie to us about there being no inflation, or crime raises, or tax increases, or nosedives in education, all while they took actions to make these things happen. They hate you and your children and your loved ones. They deserve the votes of no one. Punish them if you love your country and your children and your loved ones.
Sadly, many Republicans are about as bad. They are why the Democrats were able to gain power. Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the other GOP Judases who take their orders from Wall Street and the Deep State were okay with blocking President Trump’s wall, blocking his attempts to can Obamacare, blocking his attempts to bring industries and jobs back to America, and undermining his attempts to stop the military-industrial-lobbyist complex from engaging in endless wars that cost America’s best young men and young women their lives and health and cost the rest of us trillions of dollars we don’t have. They (especially Bill Barr) assisted in the election steals of 2020 by not investigating them, and by blocking many attempts at investigation, in Congress, and in the courts. We didn’t purge enough of them in the primaries and now we’re stuck with them like the whiny snotnoses and snitches in our grade school who continue to whine and snot and snitch as children older than 21.
McConnell and his co-conspirators are diverting GOP money away from Republican candidates he doesn’t like. Essentially he is throwing their elections. That should draw a lifetime ban from public office, like the Black Sox drew for throwing a World Series.
But since there is no such penalty for government fixers, McConnell and the national Republican vermin like Willard the Rat Romney’s niece Ronna McDaniel and Paul (Weinermobile) Ryan do it. Ryan and Karl Rove and Mike Pence and the Bushes and Cheneys are in on the election throwing. The Kochs and many other Wall Street GOPers want cheap illegal immigrant labor. (So do rich Democrats who hire illegals for domestic help and hire wage-busting secret-stealing nationals of China and India for computer tech companies.) President Trump and his people are trying to fund these GOP candidates who McConnell abandoned, which McConnell and the other GOP insider vermin hope will take away from Trump’s own funds if he decides to regain the White House in 2024.
Again, Election Day is Punishment Day for these illegitimate people. Vote for and donate to candidates they snub. When enough people who oppose the Deep State gain election, only then real reforms can begin.
The largest class of sex offenders with government support are public school teachers.
Kansas teacher Crystal Smith caught on surveillance camera kicking little girl and injuing her. Of course Crystak lied about the little girl’s injuries but forgot to block the camera. She was fired but not prosecuted, unfortunately. Source: ABC
They have molested about 100 times as many children as the Catholic clergy or the Protestant clergy have molested. Obviously, supposed men of God shouldn’t molest anyone. Christ spoke of millstoning sex offenders and throwing them into the sea. But your taxes are paying for the public school teachers to find prey, which also shouldn’t happen..
I have pulled disciplinary records from about a dozen of the most populated states which hint at the huge amount of pervs among public school teachers. (State records that do note private school offenders note the religious based private schools have very few offenders compared to the public schools. There is reason for this. School leaders can screen out pervs easier. Parents can run off pervs easier. No teacher unions or greedy school boards protect pervs in these parochial schools.)
The National Association of State Directors of Tescher Education (NASDTEC), a club composed of public school officials and state teacher licensing groups, maintains a database aclled the “Clearinghouse.” It supposedly notes all disciplinary actions its members report. Ideally, they are supposed to report all license action incidents, but they sometimes fail to report teacher sex offense and violence cases.
From the NASDTEC website, this:
“On average, about 6,000 educators each year have adverse actions taken against their certificate or license for serious misconduct that deems them unsafe to be in the classroom.
Most educator misconduct cases are prosecuted in administrative hearings, not a criminal court. If the educator is not arrested or fingerprinted, there will be no record of the misconduct in a state or federal criminal background check.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for an educator who had adverse action taken against a certificate in one state to apply for a position (certified, classified, or volunteer) in another state or even apply for admission to another educator preparation program.
By including the Ed ID Clearinghouse in its background screening, the school district and educator preparation provider can make fully informed placement decisions and reinforce their organization’s risk management plan.”
This database is off limits to the public, even though it is built on government disciplinary reports which our tax dollars paid for..
NASDTEC is a club. They put together a national database on questionable teachers using our tax dollars, and they won’t share it with the public.
And they only count formal license actions. They may well blow off resignations, and investigations that the perps beat on bureaucratic hair-splitting grounds. Or they might not find out about children who teachers molest away from schools. In many states, school disciplinary people do not run periodic criminal checks on teachers or other school personnel. So these perpetrators sneak under the radar.
NASDTEC claimed there were 6000 or so disciplinary actions taken by state teacher discipline boards against teacher licenses each year.
This means, over the past two decades, perhaps 100,000 to 120,000 such actions took place.
L. A. Unified School District teacher Mark Berndt, above , with potential victim, molested dozens of children over the years. L.A. public school officials saw nothing wrong with this perv’s classroom wear. LAUSD lawyers destroyed 20 years of sex abuse records of the teachers in the nation’s second largest school district. They should rot in prison with Berndt. Source: New York Daily News, Armand Aranzo.
From what I have seen on teacher discipline records running back to 2000 on about 30 to 35 percent of the nation’s teachers, about 40% involve teachers who sexually molest children or “interact inappropriately” or “cross the line” as far as sexual matters are concerned.
So if you want to believe NASDTEC and the teacher unions, this would indicate close to 50,000 teachers received discipline for serious sexual crimes or sexual misconduct involving students in the past 20 years …. or 2500 or so a year. By comparison, the Catholic clergy scandal and shame involved about 1200 priests total from 1950 thru 2022. (Protestant clergy numbers are similar in proportion, but since it is easier to collect on a judgment against a Catholic diocese than a Protestant church owned by the members of the church, the Protestants have not been sued as often by plaintiff lawyers. However, suits against Baptist and Mormon clergy and congregations are ramping up as disclosures and depositions are outing more of the guilty and more denominations leadership stonewalling. It is only a matter of time before other denominations experience similar targeting.)
Again, all molesters are evil, but your tax dollars pay for those who are public school staffers. You are paying to give these vermin access to children and you are paying for the lawyers and public officials who help so many of them skate.
NASDTEC and the teacher unions should be expected to more or less admit about 50,000 teachers received discipline for serious sexual actions in the past 20 years …. or 2500 or so a year. Many more teachers have actually sexually abused children, committed statutory rape, or violated some other law against using teenagers for sex. Many were never reported; others escaped license actions by resigning or by having lawyers find them loopholes, or by having teacher union shysters clout for them.
Data I found in federal crime and education sources indicated teachers and other adult school employees commit sex offenses against 6500 to 15,000 children a year. This would translate to 65,000 to 150,000 child victims of teachers as in the last decade.
We also estimated another 3000 to 4000 children per year are victims of non-licensed school employees. Like Cleveland school bus driver Ariel Castro, who kept three girls as sex slaves for about a decade in his house. I helped represent Hugh Gaughan, a Cleveland school district custodian who outed dozens of felons, including rapists, who worked with him as Cleveland public school employees. Hugh had found Castro was violent to his family and had a police record for it, but Hugh didn’t know about the girls being his rape captives. If school officials had done a safety and security check on Castro’s house on Hugh’s information instead of firing Hugh, they could have found and freed his sex slave victims after only a few months.
Hugh Gaughan tried to clean up Cleveland public schools because he cares about children. Unlike the shits who run the Cleveland public schools, Hugh cared about the quality of his work. Hugh is an American hero and I am honored to know him. His full story is the very first column on this website (August 2017).
Our estimate is about 95,000 to 190,000 children were sex abuse victims of teachers and other public school personnel over the past decade, or about 180,000 to 350,000 children over the past two decades. (Public school enrollment has increased over time.) This would imply at least 100,000 to 150,000 sex offender teachers and public school employees (like Jerry Sandusky) in the past two decades.
Is this acceptable at any level?
I would hope not.
Cleaning up your public schools is a local job you and other parents and grandparents can do.
You as parents need to pay attention to local elections to punish those who would harm your children.
School boards, school levies, mayor elections, city and town and county elections, judge elections, prosecutor elections, and sheriff elections are important to vote in..
This is the patron demon of too many who hold public office. Drawing by Gustave Dore.
School board members can allow pervs to come into schools. Many of the cross dressers and alternate lifestyle people who school officials allow into your schools have sex offender records. Surprise, surprise, surprise.
School officials can allow teacher unions to refuse to come to classes unless children’s faces are wrapped up like harem slaves.
They can allow curricula that are false and harmful. They can force girls to put up with boys in their bathrooms and locker rooms and sports teams. They can hide sex crimes from parents. They retain sex offenders on payroll. They burn through your money like gold diggers and hangers-on.
You need to punish them if they are guilty of the above.
Ditto for judges and prosecutors who are soft on crime, snd mayors and council members snd county commissioners who are soft on crime. These people can collectively drive down property values and force people to flee their unsafe cities and counties. They hire cuck police chiefs who do little to fight crime and a lot to promote “social justice.” They can allow scavenger corporations to buy up real estate cheap and turn home-seeking people into renters …. renters without the rights in many cases to fight usurious rent hikes. They can prod bankers and realtors into overpricing and overqualifying home loans, which drives up property tax revenues and leads to blight when people default and can’t keep the properties up. They can drive people into other jurisdictions with their tolerance of crime, rioting, and other toxic behaviors by those who tend to vote for them, thus driving up competition for properties further.
They can steal people’s homes from them on bogus property tax bill finagling. In many states, government officials are allowed to sell off properties even if the owners are delinquent for less than $50, and keep all the proceeds of the sale, not just the handful of dollars the defrauded property owners were delinquent. Most such local government thieves who steal like this from the elderly and the poor are Democrats. Thieves like these deserve to be publicly flogged into unconsciousness and their own possessions should be taken from them. Sadly, our penal codes don’t allow such penalties for those who abuse government authority to steal from the poor and the lower middle class. The closest punishment allowable is jailing these government thieves in the general population … with their meanest and vilest constituents.
You need to punish local officials at the polls if they are guilty of the above.
A quick way to purge judge candidates is to get s sample ballot electronically from your county board of elections website, and do an Internet search on them to see what party they belong to, or who supports them. Then vote accordingly. Democrat judge candidates are universally unsuited for office, because the governing philosophy of their party is “the ends justify the means.” In other words, lying, cheating stealing, blackmail, extortion, rioting, other forms of lawbreaking, sexual abuse, and sexual perversion are okay if they help Democrats grab and hold onto power.
Statewide offices like governor, attorney general, supreme court justices, secretary of state, and the like are also important.
Gretchen Hitler Whitmer looks like she’s a Brownshirt in Reichswear. She was soft on Larry Nassar and the other perverts at Michigan State who molested scores of female athletes when she was local prosecutor. She was Nazi on the unvaxxed and unmasked. She needs defeating on November 8.
Democrats can weaponize any office they grab. The obvious ones are governor and supreme court justices. State attorneys-general can also abuse the justice system to give breaks to their own and prosecute those with different viewpoints. Secretaries of state can obtain hackable voting machines and wrongfully certify stolen elections, like they did in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada in the 2020 presidential election. In these states, Republican officials opposed to President Trump were only too happy to help in the election steal. Here’s looking at you, Georgia and Arizona GOP officials in particular.
In Florida, Democrat Nikki Fried ran to become the state agricultural commissioner. This woman, whose closest connection to agriculture before she ran for the office was defending criminal marijuana growers and lobbying for the legality of commercial weed, sought an office which has a unique power for an agricultural commissioner. She has power over firearms licensing in the Sunshine State. By the way, good last name for a doper, Nikki.
Again, those who are guilty of attacking your beliefs, your bank account, and your children, and lobbying for unsecure elections and shady deals with voting machine companies deserve punishment on Election Day.
Too many teachers and school administrators want to falsify history so they can make human chancres like the Clintons and Obamas and Harvey Milk into bigger heroes than the real heroes of this nation.
I am involved in an effort to bring an “electronic history book” to TV. We have put forward some scripts and synopses of about 100 key American historical events, that would run from earliest to most recent, like a history book. The shows would look at real heroes, not the people who are celebs or notorious criminals who have gotten good media coverage.
Real heroes celebrate a victory in WWI. COurtesy US Army Signal Corps.
Speaking of history and culture, this is an appropriate week to mention such topics, before Election Day as they apply to All Saints Day.
The Catholic Church recognizes All Saints Day as a holy day of obligation, where people have to go to Mass like on Sundays. The Apostles obviously among those the Church has noted lived exemplary lives. Eleven of them died as martyrs, and the pagans tried like hell to kill John too. But since he was there for Jesus Christ on Good Friday, his life was spared.
The Apostle Paul, the persecutor of Christians who was knocked off his horse by Christ, became a great evangelist and theologian. The Romans executed him too.
There is St. Stephen, the first martyr. Paul, when he was a persecutor, held the coats of those who stoned Stephen to death. Paul later repented for his sins, like this one.
Even Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ, felt remorse for his great sin. He threw his blood money down and took his own life. This makes Judas a much finer man than most people in public office today. They will never feel remorse for the people they cheat, betray, sexually abuse, or have killed. Nor will they give back blood money.
Many of the women at Calvary on Good Friday are saints of the Church as is Mary, Christ’s mother.
Mary Magdalene, who left prostitution for charity. Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus. Other women like Salome (not the promiscuous little skank who was Herod the Incestuous’ stepdaughter and niece), but Salome the mother of the Apostles James and John. Mary (wife of Alphaeus) the mother of the other Apostle James and Joses. Mary Magdalene, Salome, and Mary (wife of Alphaeus) were there at the Cross on Good Friday, and they were the three women who went to Jesus’ tomb on Easter Sunday to anoint His body, and Christ revealed Himself to Mary Magdalene as being risen.
There was a woman called Berenike (Greek for “victory bearer”), who wiped Christ’s face to refresh Him as He carried the crossbeam of His Cross on Good Friday. Her Latinized nickname? Veronica ,,, an anagram of “vera icon” or “true face.” She was also known as Seraphia. Her spouse? Zacchaeus the short tax collector who Christ converted to do good.
There are non-Catholics who the Church recognizes as saintly. These include the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Maccabee family of Jewish warrior heroes, other leaders like Joseph and Moses and Joshua and the Prophets like Samuel and Elijah and Isaiah and Jeremiah, who risked life and limb to try to steer the Jewish people right.
Honorable mention also goes to Esther, the Jewish queen of the Persians for risking her head to save her people, and to Naomi and Ruth. Ruth, the loyal Moabite woman, was the great-grandmother of King David, and one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ. There was Deborah the judge, who held deliberations in the open so she couldn’t be slandered. And Hannah the prophetess, Samuel’s mother, who dedicated him to the Lord.
Susannah the Jewish beauty in Babylonian captivity who resisted the lecherous clerics at the risk of her own head, is also considered a saint. The prophet Daniel, as a teenager, defended her in court and got the lechers to contradict each others’ testimony. Props to Daniel for using his wits to defend the innocent, props to Susannah for being faithful to her husband, and props to the Jews for being for justice enough to consider Daniel’s shattering of the evil clerics in court and punishing the evil clerics instead of punishing an innocent woman.
Many young women who refused to submit to Roman lechery and died as martyrs for the faith also receive remembrance on All Saints Day. Barbara, Agatha, Lucy, Agnes, and Cecilia are such saints. Anastasia, Perpetua and Felicity were already sexually experienced women, but they were young and beautiful too when they went to their deaths for being followers of Christ.
The evangelists of many lands, like Patrick for Ireland, Boniface for Germany, and Cyril and Methodius for Eastern Europe, are saints of the Church.
Every now and then a king or queen lived what was considered a saintly life worthy of imitation. Saint Louis aka Louis IX, the Crusader King, was such a man. So was Good King Wenceslas, he of the Christmas carol. Wenceslas was a leader of great charity. He died, sword in hand, fighting off his brother and other pagan noblemen who wanted to overthrow him as leader of the Czechs.
Queen Jadwiga (Harriet) of Poland, Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, and King Fernando III of Castile (Spain) were among such rulers known for charity and justice. Helena, a Slavic woman and innkeeper’s daughter, was the mother of Emperor Constantine, who ended the Roman Empire’s persecution of the Christians. She is honored as a saint.
Others were military saints. Saint Ignatius and Saint Francis Xavier fought on opposite sides of a war between Spain and France. They united to found and expand the Jesuit order …. in their day the Jesuits were a force for great good.
And then there was Joan of Arc. I have written about her virtues many times in this website. She was kind, cheerful, courageous, insolent, prophetic, and faithful. Even when she had a crush on Jean D’Alencon, one of her best officers, who was a man not much older than she was, she behaved herself and charitably told his young wife he would come home safe from the war to her. He did. Ironically and sadly, Mme. D’Alencon died not long after the English murdered Joan.
Here are a few others.
Saint Valentine, priest and martyr, and friend to young people seeking good spouses. He also restored sight to a blind teenage girl and sent her a kind note before his death, leading to the tradition of valentines.
St. Nicholas, bishop, child protector and sex trafficking opponent. His charity led to the gift giving tradition that comes with the Christmas season.
St. Peter Claver, the apostle of African slaves, who fought for better treatment of slaves, and fought to end slavery.
Detail from “Oath of Queen Jadwiga” by Josef Simmler
Original was stolen by Nazis during Wold War Two, and belongs to Poland
I have mentioned Saint Bernadette and Saint Therese of Lisieux in past columns. Andy Williams, Jennifer Warnes, and Anne Murray have honored St. Bernadette with songs. I have also mentioned the best writer of all time, Saint Luke. And the redoubtable Mother Cabrini.
And I have mentioned St. Aufidia, who is known only to a few. After a re-enactment of William Henry Harrison and settlers against Tecumseh and his braves in Vincennes, Indiana in 2017, 99 and I then went to St. Francis Xavier Church, the old country cathedral in Vincennes, and made a visit to the crypt while a wedding was just starting in the church above. Four bishops for Indiana, all from France, are buried in the crypt, and religious art and sculptures stand as tokens of the French settlers’ devotion to Christ, the saints, Mary, and their clergy. A remembrance of a macabre but totally respectful European practice marked the people’s giving honor to St. Aufidia, a Latin girl, as she witnessed to the Faith at the cost of her life. She died, a martyr, a victim of the Romans. Her bone fragments, on display on a red velvet stand in the crypt, are a stark reminder of what it cost some to witness to the living God.
There are far more saints than days on the calendar, so the Catholic Church picked November 1 as a day to honor them all. Halloween started as an “eve of All Saints Day” commemoration, and it is now a spooks and goblins holiday. Much like the Christmas season has turned from the worship of Christ to the worship of consumerism.
I have been blessed to see the work of men like Junipero Serra, who evangelized California and showed the American Indians how to live in European-American society. Ditto for Father Kino, who worked in Mexico and Arizona. 99 and I have placed our hands on the sarcophagus of King Wenceslas of the Czechs who died, sword in hand, fighting against his pagan brother and other homicidal members of his court. We prayed before the tomb of his grandmother St. Ludmilla, whose own pagan daughter strangled her. We stood before the memorial to St. John Nepomuk, who a king killed because he would not divulge the queen’s confession. The king suspected his queen had an affair and wanted names – and heads. These holy people lay interred inside the churches of Prague Castle.
In Ireland, 99 and I stood at Tara, where St. Patrick evangelized the High King and members of his court, outside, at night, inside a ring of torches and armed guards. And on the eve of All Saints Day 2001, we attended Mass in the little village church in Lorraine in France where Joan of Arc was baptized, attended Mass, received Penance, Communion, and Confirmation, and learned her faith before God Himself sent her on a mission to free her people from the English. Since the town is remote, we were immediately the objects of the parishioners’ attention that evening. The priest knew enough English and 99 knew enough French so he and his parishioners could learn a little about us and what brought us to the home parish of such a famous saint.
And in Pittsburgh 99 and I saw the skulls, bones, and other relics of many martyrs and holy men and women of God, and a thorn from the Crown of Thorns. Father Suitbert Mollinger, the Belgian pastor of Saint Anthony’s Chapel, in the Troy Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh, near where the steel mills used to be, had brought these to America when mobs in Germany and Italy were looting churches to support secular rulers of those lands and to grab the gold and silver that encased the relics. The church also has life-size Stations of the Cross carved from wood and painted like Nativity Scene figures which the pastor rescued from a church in Germany. St. Anthony’s Chapel is macabre and sobering at the same time, a place where I have undergone thoroughly humbling examinations of conscience in the presence of the bones of those whose lives and deaths made them great.
If you are a Catholic or an Orthodox Christian, you are familiar with relics, and the role of saints and martyrs in the Faith. If you are a Protestant, come to this great shrine in a modest neighborhood in Pittsburgh on a Saturday afternoon. Even though the speaker will be a fervent Catholic, do not shy away from the humbling and awe inspiring Thorn and bones of the Apostles and martyrs. Your faith as a Christian traces back through many of these people too.
Even playboys like Tom Selleck and Babe Ruth gave a nod to Father Damien of Molokai. In one of the Magnum episodes, TC was flying him to Molokai to give Christmas presents to children at an orphanage there. Father Damien, aka Damien De Veuster, ran a colony for lepers there and was a martyr to the disease.
George Herman “Babe” Ruth and Brother Mathias of St. Mary’s Industrial School. Babe was 6’2″ tall, so Brother Mathias was a large man. He taught George how to pitch and how to hit. The Babe gave tens of thousands of dollars to the orphanage and bought Brother Mathias a new car.
Babe Ruth, on a good will tour with the Yankees in Hawaii, chartered a small boat and went out to Molokai to spend a day with the lepers. Yankee execs were furious. Babe shrugged them off. He said he heard about the lepers when he was a boy in St. Mary’s Industrial School in Baltimore, a Catholic orphanage. He said he felt sorry for the lepers and went out to see them, When told he could have gotten leprosy, the Babe shrugged and said all people die.
Believe it or not, Baldwin the Leper King, a youth who was bold enough to beat Saladin in battle in the Holy Land and Robert the Bruce, Liberator of Scotland, were lepers. Baldwin died at 25; Robert died in his early 50s.
Are there saints and martyrs in our times? Yes.
Mother Teresa is regarded as saintly by Christians and non-Christians alike for her great charity. And even she had her detractors, when she personally rubbed the Clintons’ evil faces in abortion on demand, like she would do to a dog that crapped in a house.
Others attacked her for showing charity to people they consider being of no value. Many of these elitists share the eugenic Nazi-like vision of Margaret Sanger and the leftists who view charity as a waste when without charity, the poor die off and no money is wasted on their care, or the poor become violent and help prompt the overthrow of non leftist governments.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the anti-Nazi German Protestant pastor, was hanged by the Nazis only a couple of weeks before they surrendered.
Edith Stein, a Jewish convert to Catholicism, died as a Catholic nun in the gas chamber at Auschwitz in 1942. More than 2000 Catholic priests, mostly Poles, died at Dachau during the rule of Hitler.
(Source: Priestblock 25487: A Memoir Of Dachau, by Jean Bernard, translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider, Zaccheus Press, 2007)
That doesn’t count Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish priest who volunteered to die in place of a prisoner picked at random at Auschwitz to die. The Nazis deprived him water and starved him to death in the summer of 1941.
Hundreds of thousands of people tried to shelter Jews during World War Two. The Nazis discovered and killed many of them. Corrie Ten Boom, a Dutch woman, and her family, sheltered many Jews and Resistance fighters. Her book “The Hiding Place,” is a well-known classic and a movie. She survived the concentration camps, but her sister did not. They were Protestant martyrs.
The people of Lourdes, the French Pyrenees village where Saint Bernadette grew up, sheltered many Jews and helped them escape across the mountains into Spain. Because of this, a grateful Jewish writer wrote “Song of Bernadette,” which became a classic book and movie.
The Spanish leftists known as Republicans murdered thousands of priests and nuns during the Spanish Civil War. They raped many nuns, and dug up dead nuns to desecrate their corpses. This is what to expect if Antifa and like-minded scumbags ever obtain any power here.
Leninist Communists and Stalinist Communists killed at least 20 million Russians, Belarusian, and Ukrainians in the 1920s and 1930s. In the winter of 1932-1933, the Reds deliberately starved 5 to 7 million Ukrainians to death. It took Hitler 12 years to have 6 million Jews murdered.
Chinese girl put to the sword — victim of the Japs, Rape of Nanking, 1936
The Japs in World War Two killed 20 million or so people, mostly Chinese, by very brutal methods. They also raped and murdered many Asian women and even some American and Australian and European nurses they took captives. The women who suffered worst among the European captives the Japs took were Dutch women and teen girls in what is now Indonesia. Many of the Dutch females, living in what is now Indonesia as colonials, suffered rape and beheading. The Japs cut open many Russian women they caught in Manchuria during their truly vile human experiments at Unit 731, a chemical and biological warfare research slaughterhouse in Manchuria.
I can’t bring myself to feel sorry for the Japanese for getting nuked and firebombed. They perpetrated far worse evils on the peoples of the countries they invaded. If that is less than Christian of me, then it is what it is. I am imperfect too.

Ditto for the Krauts. Hitler and his scum murdered 20 million Slavs and six million Jews and millions of others.
During and after World War Two, the Soviets murdered many Eastern Europeans, especially in Poland during and immediately after the war, in Czechia and Slovakia after the war, and in Hungary during the Uprising of 1956. Pro-Soviets in the Deep State’s State Department signaled Khrushchev it was okay for him to unleash the Red Army on the Hungarians.
In Yugoslavia, nationalist Communist Tito ordered thousands of executions. The Americans and British turned over two million Russians and other Eastern Europeans to Stalin in a forced repatriation massacre called Operation Keelhaul. The Soviets either murdered or worked to death virtually all of these unfortunates. Among the victims were the Vlasov troops – Soviet POWs in German uniforms under the command of Russian general and POW Vlasov who turned on the Nazis and liberated Prague from the Germans in 1945, while the Red Army parked their tanks to allow the Germans to slaughter Czechs. Vlasov and his men surrendered to our troops, who turned them over to the Soviets on orders from General Eisenhower. All were murdered.
Mao and his followers murdered 40 to 60 million Chinese.
In today’s world, many Christians are victims of Islamist animals who claim the Koran allows them to lie, cheat, and steal, rape and murder those who are not Moslems. Al-Baghdadi, the serial rapist and coward who blew himself and three children into chunks when Americans attacked his compound, raped Kayla Mueller and ordered her beheaded.
Kayla Mueller. RIP, Child of God!
Yazidi survivors of the rape camp said al-Baghdadi’s people pulled out Kayla’s fingernails to torture her and keep her from scratching them. She spurned their orders to convert to Mohammedanism. She shielded other captive females who were Yazidi pagans from worse abuse. She suffered serial rape from al-Baghdadi (who the Washington Post’s anti-American scumsuckers called “an austere scholar”) and others, but reportedly turned down a chance to escape with the Yazidi females because she thought her fair skin and non-Middle Eastern voice and mannerisms would give the other females away. Miss Mueller had come to that part of the world as a lay Protestant aid worker and idealist who wanted to serve. Despite the help she gave to Arab people, Al-Baghdadi had her head cut off.
Christians from around the Middle East have suffered this same fate for as long as there have been Moslems up till today. Virtually all the martyrs from then until today have been Orthodox Christians or Catholics.
There are many martyrs to Leftists, to Nazis, to Jap militarists, to Communists, and to Islamists in the last 100 or so years. They stretch from the many millions of people in humble stations in life on up to Nicholas and Alexandra of Russia, and their four daughters and their son. And to Alexandra’s sister Elisabeth, who as an Orthodox Christian nun suffered being thrown down a mine shaft and silenced with grenades and fire by the Communist humanitarians who captured her. Lenin personally rejoiced at her murder.
And Princess Mafalda of Italy, who the Nazis on Hitler’s orders captured, raped in prison, and left to bleed to death of her wounds during an air raid.
Remember the saints were not perfect, but they became servants of God. They heeded Jesus’ admonition to the woman caught in adultery: “Go and avoid this sin.”
King David is an object lesson in sinning and redemption. His greatest sin was the arranged murder of Uriah the Hittite to cover up for his screwing Uriah’s wife Bathsheba. Far worse than anything we have done.
When Nathan the Prophet to his face accused King David of this horrible crime, David repented and humbly accepted punishment. King David’s Psalms grace the Catholic Mass, between the Epistles on Sundays and before the Gospels on other days.
God forgave David because he repented. Christ forgave Peter because he repented. Christ would have forgiven Judas if he had repented, but Satan essentially told him he had no chance of forgiveness and he killed himself in a welter of guilt and despair. Peter, from the low point of denying Christ multiple times, rose and lived the rest of his life fearlessly after Christ forgave him. Peter knew cowardice is a worse fate than death, because the bold die once, and the cowards die every day.
All Souls’ Day, November 2, is about those good enough to avoid Hell but not purified enough to enter Heaven. Catholics and Orthodox Christians hold these peoples’ souls are cleanse in Purgatory, and they pray for the souls of the dead, as the Maccabees and the Apostle Paul did, to aid in their cleansing.
Our Protestant brothers and sisters do not believe this doctrine. If they are right, then the person who avoids Hell goes directly to Heaven. I hope they are right ,,, and if they are, the Catholics and Orthodox Christians still haven’t done anything wrong in praying for these souls. If the Catholics and Orthodox Christians are right, Protestant souls would wish for the prayers of the living who remember them.
Ironically, prayer for the dead has been a practice of many even before Christianity.
Prehistoric men (and our Native American Indians) worked hard, and invented tools that would save them labor. They loved art, and expressed it to the limits of their abilities. They loved their spouses, their children, their friends. They buried their dead with respect. They worshiped God to the limits of their abilities.
Appeal to the Great Spirit
Despite their primitive nature, they were thinking creatures, whom God made in His image and likeness, and infused with souls. They understood there was something greater than themselves. They erred in worshiping Nature, or the sun, the creation, rather than God the Creator, but they were much too intelligent to worship themselves. This self-deification is the lunacy of too many people today who think they are the center of their own universe. These today have an idiot for a deity.
Why do we pray for the dead?
Because we all need help, we benefit from praying, and we benefit from being prayed for.
History records eyewitnesses of only two people going bodily into Heaven. The Virgin Mary, of course, and Elijah the prophet, in his fiery chariot. Almost nobody gets that kind of curbside service to the Pearly Gates! So those of us who have to climb or hitchhike or low-crawl to Heaven need all the help we can get.
The early Christians held Masses in the Catacombs – the tunnels under Rome – and used the coffins of the dead for altars. The early Christians’ graffiti in the Catacombs refer constantly to prayers for the dead. The great and holy people throughout history asked for the prayers of others and the prayers of those in Heaven. Even the Apostle Paul and Joan of Arc asked for these prayers. The Bible records Paul’s requests, and the national archives of France record Joan’s requests.
I thought, on this week of All Saints Day and All Souls Day that my readers should know about these days if they didn’t already …. and remind themselves if they knew, and then bypassed the lives of the great and the faithful due to the crush of everyday life … and the conscious efforts of the Deep State to kill the history and culture of America and Christendom.
When we read history, we see how others handled the evil that confronted them.
When we read history, we are privileged to walk with the giants … whether they be Washington or Lincoln, or our great soldiers, or our volunteers who helped others …. or those of medieval Europe like Joan or St. Louis, or of earlier Europe like Wenceslas or Charlemagne or Justinian or Patrick …. or even earlier heroes like the apostles and martyrs and the patriarchs and the righteous defenders and the women who followed Christ and stood in solidarity with His sacrifice of his human life on Good Friday.
Therese Martin aka St. Therese of Lisieux portrays Joan of Arc in a play, late 1800s.
Real history and real culture are strong antidotes to the poison the Deep State, the politicians, and your local school board and teacher unions peddle. Drink in real history and real culture early and often … and make sure your children drink them too!