• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


August02/ 2021


by Sherlock


Parents around the country are fighting pervs who control their school districts.

Here’s one such example, courtesy of The Western Journal, 7/30/2021, reprinted 7//31/202021 in World Net Daily:

“Crowd gasps as parents read school’s pornographic books out loud at board meeting — Highly sexual content being peddled to children”
By Christine Favocci, The Western Journal

“At a meeting of the Carmel Clay School Board (Indiana) on Monday, outraged parents took turns reading excerpts from these materials.

They are so objectionable that it’s necessary to issue more than our usual warning of graphic content.

One parent spoke out against the “global campaign to promote sexualized material to grade school children which is heralded by the UN, championed by Planned Parenthood and is now making its way into the Carmel schools.”

Joe Biden is setting an example for public school teacher pervs.


She noted some of the titles available at elementary schools, including “Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story About Gender and Friendship,” which uses a teddy bear to teach kids that gender isn’t determined by biology. There is also “Sparkle Boy,” about a toddler’s cross-dressing tendencies, and “Call Me Max,” in which a kindergarten girl gets a teacher to call her by a boy’s name.

Another parent read from a novel available to Carmel high schoolers that includes a pornographic scene explicitly describing characters engaged in various sex acts. It’s too obscene to even summarize.

A third parent read from the book “It’s Perfectly Normal,” which is available to middle school children and promoted by Planned Parenthood. It teaches kids how to masturbate and is filled with nitty-gritty details.

A book called “Crank” details a disturbing rape that transpires when a young couple goes into the woods to get drunk and high on meth.

“If I had known you were just going to lay there, I wouldn’t have bothered,” the rapist tells his victim on the car ride home.

The video of Monday’s school board meeting was uploaded to YouTube by the group Unify Carmel, which is raising the alarm on the wokeism pervading the city’s public schools.

Alvin Lui, a parent activist, told WIBC in May that he fled California to escape radical leftist ideology — only to find it in his new home in Indiana.

“If I [raised] my daughter in California, the schools and the culture there would teach her that her two most important things in life [are] that she’s Asian and she’s female,” he said.

Lui said he began to worry about his daughter’s new school when he saw ideas like critical race theory make their way into the curriculum, a change that no doubt came about when the district hired its first “diversity, equity and inclusion officer” in January.

“We saw a lot of little things before other people saw it because we’ve lived through it previously,” Lui said. “So for my wife and I, it kind of feels like we’re living through that same nightmare all over again except in the very beginning.”

Parents have already begun pushing back against other items on the woke agenda, but Monday’s meeting in Carmel revealed the sexual indecency introduced to children in public schools.

“If I were to read it to you, you wouldn’t be able to air it because it would be against FCC obscenity laws,” Lui told WXIN-TV. “Everyone was uncomfortable, and these are adults.”

To his credit, Carmel Clay Superintendent Dr. Michael Beresford said he wasn’t aware of the books until the meeting and pledged to look into them.

Carmel certainly isn’t the only place where so-called educators are sexualizing children — leftists are hard at work across the country.”



Because too many teachers, administrators, and librarians are scumbag perverts.

It flows downhill from our politicians. The Clintons and Chief Justice John Roberts were attendees at Jeffrey Epstein’s Island of Girl Sex Slaves. Mike Pence has been outed as having homosexual affairs during his marriage.

Who’s the short shit between well-broken in Epstein predator madam Ghislaine Maxwell and a pretty girl? Why, that’s Michael Bloomberg, mayor of NYC and billionaire globalist. Photo by Leandro Justin.


I’ll talk about the real stats concerning teacher sexual assaults on teens and younger children.

Then I’ll tell you how to out and humiliate your school establishment …. I’ll tell you how to find out which teachers, administrators, and other school employees have sex offense records.

If your school district’s electorate isn’t dominated by criminals and the willfully ignorant, you can make the sex offenders public, and make the coverups public, and your school system’s bosses might be looking for work or for cellmates.



One of the professional challenges high school teachers and administrators face is to avoid the temptation to seduce students of the opposite sex (or their own sex, if they swing that way and want to stalk that way). Many teachers and administrators have flunked this character test miserably. In fact, public school teachers are the professionals most likely to sexually abuse your children.

The media plays up female teachers having sex with high school boys to minimize the criminality and the pure evil of male teachers raping girls and boys, and the increasing numbers of girls being molested and raped by female teachers. What the hot-to-trot female teachers are doing with high school boys is very wrong. However, high school boys are stronger than female teachers, they might get VD but they don’t get sodomized or pregnant from sex with Pat the Teacher or Sharon the Teacher or Peg the Teacher, and they have to be aroused to enter female teachers. These are not true for girl or boy victims of male teachers, or girl victims of female teachers.

I never ran across such a temptress when I was in high school. Photographic evidence shows Miss Sturgess, my kindergarten teacher, was a tall, good-looking, and solidly-put-together young woman (think athletic Scandinavian blonde North Dakota farm girl who was pretty enough to come to Hollywood), but I was too young to truly appreciate how fine she looked. She loved us children.

I went from grade 1 thru grade 9 in a blue-collar and low-level white-collar Catholic school. Sister Eucharia, the uncrowned queen of Ireland and principal of our school, and half of the other female teachers I had were truly dedicated Catholic nuns who loved children and loved teaching. Most of the other female teachers were married women, basically good-hearted, whose children attended the school. No, these teachers were not on the prowl.

I attended a big-city public high school from grades 10 thru 12 in the early 1970s. My math and chemistry teachers were real men from rural parts of the country. One had mined coal in West Virginia, one had been a wheat farmer in Kansas, and one had logged in Northern California. They were normally-wired men, and they weren’t hitting on the girls either. I had an incompetent ninny as a civics teacher, and I drove him over the edge by mocking his deficits in knowledge and manhood. As for the female teachers, not a Miss Sturgess in the bunch. Except for an excellent woman history teacher who was a Czech refugee from Communism (think Eva Gabor with some mileage), most of them had horrible personalities to match their looks. They made Margaret Hamilton in Wicked Witch of the West get-up and green face paint desirable by comparison. So, no, I wasn’t tempted.


The stats show female teacher babes and high school boytoys aren’t the dominant trend of teacher sexual abuse. The vast majority of the perpetrators are male teachers and administrators. Most of their victims are girls, and a large minority are boys. Female teachers and administrators who abuse girls don’t get talked about because school systems and many in society accept it. Nonsexual touching and hugging between females is socially acceptable behavior in all parts of the country. Many feminists advocate woman-on-girl sex as “good” and “liberating.” Many lesbians or bisexual women can seduce a girl and keep the girl’s mouth shut about the sex by selling woman-on-girl sex as a “rite of passage” or a “broadening experience” (no pun intended) or “the new cool trend” or a “sisterhood” or a “mentoring” thing.

Child molesters often pick professions or activities to be near children so they can sexually abuse them. That’s why so many pervs are in teaching.

I did a study in 2002-2003 on educators who sexually abuse children. I was competing against female college professor Charol Shakeshaft, a reputed expert on bullying and sexual abuse in the schools. She would go on to claim about 7% of all children are physically sexually assaulted during their time in public schools.

Assuming Ms. Shakeshaft was right, this was a truly frightening report. As of 2014, according to the Center for Education Reform, 49.5 million children and youths attended public schools K-12. About 5.5 million children and youths attended Catholic schools and other private religious and non-religious schools. This is a 90%/10% breakdown. Further, in the one state whose people released the number of educator sex offenders by school system, private school teachers and student victims were a very small proportion of the total number of predators and victims. That is also true nationally, or the media would have a field day attacking Catholics. So, using a figure of 50 million students as an average, Ms. Shakeshaft in so many words said 6.7% of them – about 3.35 million children and youths – would be the victims of physical sexual abuse by public school educators. Divided by 13 years of school, this comes out to about 260,000 school student victims a year.

I was competing against Ms. Shakeshaft for a contract to study the problem of school employees who sexually abuse kids. Instead of merely writing a hands-wringing study report, I proposed using most of the contract award money putting together a national database of teachers and administrators and other school personnel investigated for sexual abuse and the outcomes of their cases. Bush 43 education operatives turned down my bid. Jeff Dobroszi, then an aide to Congressman John Boehner (R-OH), in a phone call whined my plan was “a national blacklist.” I cheerfully admitted it, and then I crudely insulted his manhood and honesty. Thus ended my career as a potential government prime contractor.

Sex offense statistics are grossly inexact because of underreporting. But sources as divergent as lawmen and feminist groups believe sexual predators violate 600,000 to 700,000 victims a year. On the average, police arrest about 100,000 people a year on sex offense charges, and almost all are guilty as sin. (This does not include arrests for prostitution, pornography, pimping, or other commercial sex acts by adults that are illegal.) There is a simple reason (besides underreporting of sexual predator crimes) for the numbers of victims compared to the numbers of arrests. The average sex offender has multiple victims.

In doing my investigation work on sex offenders in schools, I contacted lawmen in all 50 states to get crime statistics, victim statistics, and perpetrator statistics. Here are some of these statistics on sex offenders and their victims, courtesy of the FBI and crime statistics bureaus of the states, and (because crime and victim reporting is not uniform across the country) my forensic math:

More than half (62% to 64%) of all victims of rape and other sex offenses were girls and boys younger than 18.

Of total rape victims, about 50% to 51% were girls. Another 12% to 13% were boys. Females 18 or older were about 35% of rape victims. Adult males were the rest of the victims (about 2%).

These numbers do not count rapes which occur in prisons or juvenile facilities or mental institutions. The vast majority of rapists in these facilities sexually abuse victims of the same sex. (Likewise, since it became legal for professed homosexuals to serve in the military, the number of military male rape victims skyrocketed.)

Of female victims, girls 11 or younger were about 16% of victims, girls 12 to 15 were about 24% of victims, and girls 16 and 17 were about 11% of victims. Most adult female victims were 18 to 30.

Of male victims, about 55% were boys 11 or younger, and about 30% were boys 12 to 17.

About 1/4 of all perpetrators were committing incest on their own children, sisters or brothers or stepsisters, cousins, nieces, or grandchildren, or were raping the daughter(s) or son(s) of the woman they are sleeping with. Most of the other sex offenders were known to their victims.

Five of every six sex offenders were 18 or older. About 90% were male. Most raped girls, but many raped boys. (The majority of victims of female sex offenders were girls. In my opinion, female teachers with boys get found out more often because some boys brag about their experiences with Peg the Teacher and some other boys who hear about it want to be Sharon the Teacher.)

NYC teacher Anthony Criscuolo is arrested for the brutal rape of a 10-year-old girl. Source: New York Daily News


These numbers don’t lie. Most perpetrators are adults, and most victims are children. Guess what schools have plenty of.

Although reporting is inexact, public school teachers and other school employees as a group probably molest more children than any other group of professions. Most professions don’t defend their child rapists. Teachers’ unions defend theirs. Most companies are OK with firing one of their employees who molests children. School boards like to keep money they’ve extorted from taxpayers instead of fighting teachers’ union lawyers or settling with victims, so they enable many child-molesting teachers and administrators.

(A high percentage of politicians are sex offenders too. One recent president, vice-president, and attorney general – all in the Clinton Administration — and far too many members of Congress in recent years reportedly committed sex offenses. Usually their victims have been women or girls. Janet Reno was accused credibly of molesting a girl. Some congressmen like boys. Others like underage girls. This doesn’t count Joe Biden perving around all the children.)

The average adult female rape victim is victimized once. Many many child rape victims are victimized dozens or hundreds of times. Children are far less likely to report being sexually abused than an adult woman is. Women usually know their rights, and what is wrong. They know a rapist is over-the-top evil; some women will fight back. Children are easier to intimidate and keep quiet. Most child rape victims know and trusted their rapists. Some children are told and convinced it’s their natural role to submit sexually to an adult.

I got statistics from the two states which reported violators’ professions at the time of my research that about 2% of all sex offenders in their states were teachers. The two states, Indiana and Virginia, were in the top 20 states populationwise, so I reckon their figures apply across the country.

There were about 230 million people in the United States older than 18. Of these, three million were teachers, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (as of 2012). This means 1.3% of all adults were teachers. This also implies teachers (at 2% of all sex offenders divided by 1.3% of adults being teachers divided by 75% of sex offenders who are 22 to 55) were at least twice as prone to commit sex offenses as the average adult.

Since teachers have much more access to children than most other adults, it would be no stretch to estimate those 2% of all sex offenders commit 6% to 10% of all sexual assaults on children each year. I have seen estimates of up to 10% of all sexual assaults of children take place at a school, mostly by adults.

A school publication noted at least 70% of all adults who committed sex abuses at schools were teachers. The rest were administrators, other white collar professionals like shrinks, and non-teachers like janitors, bus drivers, and clerical workers. (Ariel Castro, the Cleveland House Rapist, was a school bus driver who was protected by the school officials in Cleveland.) I also saw numbers saying at least 80% of all children sexually assaulted at school were abused by adults.

The numbers I just laid out point to this:

As many as 8% of all children (80% of 10% abused at schools) fell victim to sexual predators who are school employees. Of these, at least 70% were licensed teachers and college degreed administrators and other licensed school personnel (like the psychologists). This means teachers (and other white collar school employees) may be sexually abusing on school grounds each year at least 6% to 7% of all children in this country who are sexual offense victims.

This doesn’t count rapes and other sexual assaults that take place away from schools. Teachers commit incest and rapes in their homes and elsewhere outside of schools. They also meet and molest pupils away from schools. Double the 6% to 7% estimate for extracurricular sexual abuse activity, and you get 12% to 14%. Teachers (and other college-degreed school employees) may be committing 12% to 14% of all sexual assaults on children. So 6% to 7% isn’t such a high estimate at all.

And we aren’t even counting other school employees or the former school employees and retirees still evil and spry enough (like Penn State’s Jerry Sandusky) to commit rape and other sex offenses on campus and off campus.

At a toll of 380,000 to 440,000 rape and other sexual abuse victims 17 or younger each year (63% or so of all rape victims were children), times about 75% of all children being in school times 10% of all children likely sexually abused by school employees, this means as many as 28,000 to 33,000 children were the victims of teachers, administrators, and other public school payrollers each year.

This also means at least 2% of the perpetrators of sex crimes each year – at least 2000 to 2300 scumbags – are teachers and administrators and other degreed school employees, and another several hundred perps are non-white collar staffers like janitors, maintenance people, bus drivers, clerks, and cafeteria workers.

This is nowhere near what Ms. Shakeshaft claims in her bombshell report. She relied a lot on questionnaires and phone interviews instead of on doing independent primary source work and criminal statistical work like I did. Teachers’ union officials and public school officials hypocritically attacked her when she made her work for the U.S. Department of Education public. I think if she had checked crime statistics, and interviewed lawmen, she would have come up with a more realistic but still horribly shocking estimate of victims.

But let’s say Ms. Shakeshaft was right and I was wrong. This means one in 15 schoolkids gets molested at least once during her or his time in school, grades K-12. This means many school teachers and other school employees are predatory scum, and it means our law enforcement people are way underestimating sex abuse of children. And it means I, of all people, am a Pollyanna when it comes to estimating the amount of damage sex abusers in the education profession do!

However, assuming I am right and Ms. Shakeshaft is mistaken, does it make you warm and fuzzy inside to know public school teachers and other public school employees are raping and otherwise sexually abusing “only” 28,000 to 33,000 children a year? Or does it make you “glad all over” to know they are sexually abusing “only” about 370,000 to 430,000 children during the 13 years from the time one of your children enters kindergarten to the time he or she gets a high school diploma?

Would it “light up your life” to know police arrest “only” 2000 to 2300 teachers and administrators and other degreed public school employees, and another several hundred other office personnel, and other non-degreed public school employees every year? This doesn’t count those public school employees whose victims don’t speak up. Is it OK “only” 30,000 or so teachers and administrators and other degreed public school employees and another 10,000 or so other public school employees could have arrests for sex offenses during the 13 years from the time one of your children enters kindergarten to the time he or she gets a high school diploma?

I didn’t think so.

UPDATE: I just wrapped up getting the evidence on a major corporate entity, who with government help, has been aiding and abetting rapists and incestors and sex traffickers of underage girls.

The proportions of rape victims and perpetrators by age and sex, according to recent federal sources, are about the same as they were when I did my study on sex offenders in schools in the early 2000s. The proportions of sex offenders by age, sex, and family/acquaintance/stranger are about the same also. So the numbers I presented earlier are still reasonably correct.

Some people say the “gold standard” for school sex offense statistics now is a report put out by Magnolia Consulting, a group of earnest-sounding women based in Virginia and North Carolina. Their report implies one in ten children get molested in school or by school personnel outside of school, but then don’t say that is their figure. They sampled interview or “focus group” about 90 school people in five school districts. They also pulled school records from a number of sources. They admit more work needs doing to define how many school employee offenders and child victims there are.

Texas officials investigate about 150 teachers a year for sexual misconduct. And they don’t investigate quite a few others. Texas is about 7% of the US population. At the rate Texas authorities investigate wrongdoers, one would expect 2100 such investigations by state officials nationwide each year. This estimate falls within my bracket of 2000 to 2300 teachers and other degreed school professionals.

Ohio’s numbers of teachers and administrators with arrests also fits my numbers. A fraction of total arrests (8000 reported over a five-year period) are for sex offenses, but if 5% of the 8000 arrested each five-year period committed sex offenses against children, that means 80 teachers a year were charged with a related crime, from a state with 11 million people, or about one person in 30 nationwide. If Ohio’s rate applies to America as a whole, then 2400 or so teachers a year – a figure a smidge higher than my bracket of 2000 to 2300 teachers and other degreed school professionals – are arrested nationwide for crimes related to the sexual abuse of children.

Here’s what you can do to keep your children and other children out of the clutches of child molesting school employees (and scumbag older kids who molest younger and/or weaker kids).

First, teach your children how to avoid being prey. Get the book “Child Safety 101” by former LAPD officer Benny Mares. Carlie’s Crusade, a group of tough New York police and martial artists, has a Facebook page. I got this book from them. They are great people. They also openly note Jeffrey Epstein provided child sex slaves to the rich and powerful before his murder in jail. These men named their group for Carlie Brucia, a young teen girl who was kidnapped, raped and murdered. They teach young children and teens how to avoid harm and how to defend themselves.

I have mentioned MassResistance on this site before. MassResistance helps parents fight teachers and other pervs. They do great work and have chapters nationwide. Brian Camenker is their leader. Their website is https://www.massresistance.org.

Terri Miller runs S.E.S.A.M.E., a group of good people who are trying to improve the safety of children in schools. Charol Shakeshaft, who I named earlier, and Billie-Jo Grant, the lead lady on the Magnolia Consulting study I mentioned earlier, are involved with this group. They have some good publications also. Their website is https://www.sesamenet.org.

(My disagreement with Ms. Shakeshaft and Ms. Grant is over how many teachers molest children, not over whether sex offenders are evil. They used surveys and school records; I used criminal arrest and criminal victimization reports nationwide. They are accomplished educators; I am an engineer with forensic science and coroner office training. They likely have the mindset of genteel reformers. I have the mindset of a vigilante who advises people to stay inside the law while fighting evil people to protect themselves, but I will not judge the actions of any victims or parents of victims of sexual abusers if they need to resort to sterner measures.)

Then, check the personnel at your kids’ schools for sex abuse records and other records of crimes and other misbehavior. Do it with other parents so you each have to look up fewer employees. (School employee rosters are public records, available at each school district.) Use the various sex offender registry websites to see if any school employee is there. Also, when checking criminal records, remember anything like simple assault or corrupting a minor or disorderly conduct could be a plea-bargain down from a sex offense charge by the teacher and his or her lawyer with prosecutors.

If you find any definite wrongdoing or questionable activities by school employees against children, make it known. LET THE POLICE KNOW! School officials tend not to report their sex offenders when children and parents bring these vermin to their attention. Bringing it to the school board will usually do you no good and put a target on victimized kids’ backs for the guilty teachers and their union buddies.

Use the media, social media, and flyers as needed. Contact groups like Carlie’s Crusade, MassResistance and S.E.S.A.M.E. Only by making a public outcry and getting the police and honest prosecutors involved will you force the school authorities to deal with it instead of covering it up.

And my suggestion is those of you in the group outing criminal school employees have a member who does not have kids in the school system to make public records requests of the school officials and make the disclosure public. This helps protect the children of the members of your citizens’ group who are in the school system from direct retaliation by teacher scumbags and school official scumbags.

My very first column was “The Janitor Who Tried to Clean The Cleveland Public Schools.” It was about Hugh Gaughan, a Cleveland school system custodian who outed dozens of criminals working in his district around children. Check the 2017 archives on the right side of this page and read this if you want a primer on how evil school system people can be.



Public school officials cover for their sex offenders. They act essentially like organized criminals.

School child sex abuse researcher Charol Shakeshaft reported in a study she did in the 1990s New York school officials covered for many sexual predators. She said 225 educators admitted they sexually abused students, but school officials reported none of them to police. Instead, she said, they fired 15% of the teachers, and formally reprimanded or suspended another 20% of the admitted offenders. She said 40% of the admitted offenders left the school districts; most got good references or their full retirement packages. The other 25%, she said, received no punishment or only off-the-record reprimands.

Rochester, NY teacher Valerie Yarn was accused of grabbing girls’ breasts and similar offenses. She also reportedly hit on female administrators. She was defended vigorously by her union shysters. Source: Your Black Bloggers


Teacher Jennifer Valle Tejada was arrested for sexually molesting a teenage girl. She also alleged to have groomed and molested other girls. Courtesy Miami Dade County Sheriff’s Office.


New York, whose most prominent politician Charles Schumer could give himself a proctology exam with his nose, is a cesspool of teacher corruption. (And governor Andrew Cuomo and attorneys-generals Eric Schneiderman and Eliot Spitzer — who was governor when he quit in disgrace — have committed sex offenses or have roughed up their dates or, errr, escorts.) But other states have problems with educators that I wouldn’t describe as feel-good stories.

For instance, reporters looked at the cases of 606 public school educators who Texas school officials investigated and disciplined for sexual misconduct from 1995 to 2003. About one in eight (77) were female educators …. the other 87% (529) were males who sexually assaulted girls and/or boys. The female teachers sexually assaulted girls and/or boys too. The reporters noted Texas school authorities investigated about 150 teachers a year for sexual misconduct. (Reporters looked at about 40% the cases in their state for the eight years they looked.)

They noted sloppy records keeping by state and local officials and shady deals between public school officials and educator offenders allowed many of the offenders to avoid losing their licenses, or receive minimal punishment so they could get teaching jobs again, or be able to avoid a good background check and get another school job anyway. Some sex offenders who got jobs at other schools molested more kids.

I could go on but a column about teachers who abuse children could be the size of a set of encyclopedias.

There is a reason for why public school officials are complicit in the retention of sex offenders. Teachers’ unions fight tooth and nail for their degenerate child molesting members. School board officials don’t want to spend money they worked hard to suck out of the public on teacher union lawsuits. And they don’t want to pay children their public school teachers and principals and other school employees molested.

Meanwhile public school officials and unionized teachers were shameless in Seattle.

Washington school officials fired or reprimanded 159 school coaches for sexual misconduct from 1993 through 2003. Reporters who exposed the degenerates to the public also reported several major Seattle area school districts’ officials and teachers’ union officials joined forces to stonewall when they asked for records on teachers who were accused of sexual abuse.

The reporters wrote they had to go to court to get these records because of the stonewalling by teachers’ union leaders and school administrators. They also noted Bellevue, Washington school district officials even let teachers purge their own records at union-organized “file parties.”

The reporters also noted a teachers’ union lawyer even filed a lawsuit to protect the records of former Washington Education Association (teachers’ union) president Reese Lindquist from disclosure. Lindquist already had a conviction for “communicating with a minor for immoral purposes” after he entered a no-contest plea in King County Superior Court in Seattle in 1992. Lindquist liked to prey upon boys away from his school. Per court documents, another reporter noted, Lindquist saw two teen boys in the woods in a Seattle park at night; he put his arm around one and asked him and the other kid if they wanted to have sex with him. He tried to grab their crotches, and they ran. They watched Lindquist drive off, read his license plate, and called the cops, who arrested the predatory teachers’ union boss.

Seattle public school officials kept Lindquist the teachers’ union boss and sex abuser on the payroll for 25 years despite his 1977 conviction in Seattle Municipal Court for public indecency. Lindquist also had a confrontation with a University of Washington campus cop in a bathroom in 1990. The policeman reported he saw a teenager leave a bathroom stall Lindquist was in. UW officials (like their peers at Penn State) did not file charges of public lewdness against the teachers’ union boss. Washington Husky rhymes with Jerry Sandusky.

Los Angeles Unified School District officials let grade school teacher Mark Berndt resign in 2011. Sheriff’s deputies showed school district officials photos of boys and girls being gagged with tape and blindfolded, and some being fed spoonfuls of a substance alleged to be semen. Lawmen arrested Berndt for a number of lewd conduct offenses.

LAUSD teacher and child molester Mark Berndt, dressed up like a perv Mickey Mouse, with tight shorts and panty hose. LAUSD officials cover for him and many other faculty pervs.


School district officials suspended Berndt. Berndt lawyered up with lawyers who teachers’ union officials use to defend their dirtbags, so school officials allowed him to resign (instead of firing him) and keep his $4000 a month pension. They also paid him his full salary and paid his legal expenses. Since then, roughly 200 pupils’ parents have sued the school district because Berndt apparently fed kids his sperm for decades. School officials wound up reassigning every staffer at the school where Berndt taught and abused kids, because not a one of them ever came forward to report Berndt for his crimes. Some parents refused to settle lawsuits with the L.A. Unified School District, because they accused them of withholding information.

Sadly, the parents were proven right. L.A. Unified School District officials had records dating back to 1983 in which pupils or parents complained Berndt committed sexual acts, from dropping his pants before startled children during a field trip to masturbating in class, to molesting children. MEANWHILE, L.A. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIALS DID NOTHING.

So who exposed Berndt? A drugstore employee who developed film Berndt dropped off saw 40 photos of children with their eyes and mouths taped shut and roaches on their faces, or children being fed what looked like semen. Unlike the scumbag public school officials, the hourly employee had the integrity to call police. Berndt in 2013 drew a 25-year-sentence for molesting children. Among his other crimes, said a judge who ruled to make public a lot of info in the case, were forcing children to touch his genitals, exposing himself to children, and groping girls’ vaginas and breasts … on those girls barely old enough to have small breasts.

In the wake of the Berndt case came the revelation L.A. Unified School District lawyers destroyed 20 years of sex offense records against teachers and other employees of the district – from 1988 to 2008 – in 2008. A spokesperson for lawyers representing LAUSD against the parents of children Berndt molested admitted to the records destroying – after the records went to the general counsel of the school district – during an interview in 2014.


A L.A. Unified School District lawyer tried to prevent Los Angeles County Superior Court officials from making the info on Berndt public. Since most of it was info L.A. County Sheriff’s Department deputies gathered, LAUSD lawyers didn’t get a chance to destroy it, and lie about it for their LAUSD masters.

L.A. Unified School District lawyers in 2014 also decided to try to weasel the school district out of a lawsuit involving a teacher of theirs who drew a three-year prison sentence for committing lewd acts against a minor. They argued the 14-year-old girl could “consent” to sex with math teacher Elkis Hermida in a motel room to try to help school district officials weasel out of paying a judgment for their teacher causing the girl harm. They faked out jurors with this argument, and beat the girl’s parents in court. Bear in mind juries in California are often comprised of people too stupid or stoned to get out of jury duty.



One irate woman, commenting on a teacher sex offender case, said, “Tenure means you’re protecting somebody’s job, but who’s protecting the students?

Since teachers’ unions, school boards, and politicians won’t do so, protecting children from teacher predators will have to be our job.

Here’s how to start:

You can get a list of all employees of your child’s school from the school, or from the school district as it is a public record.

Then you can run criminal and civil case checks and other checks on the personnel to root out the sex offenders and other dangerous felons.

Find out where teachers have come from and see if they got in trouble in the towns of their old school districts. Check them for presence on sex offender data bases.

Due to laws citizens helped enact because they put pressure on officials, more and more teachers are seeing exposure for their crimes. Some states make teacher disciplinary actions matters of public record. Call your state education department and talk to the freedom of information officer to see what records they must make public. Then access the records on the schools and educators you want to check

Some states have a data base of teachers investigated and disciplined for misconduct. Some state education departments post this info on line. Contact your state board of education to access this data base if it is not easily usable on line. I did so in 2002 and 2003 when I performed a study on sex offenses in schools and proposed a national database of teachers, school officials, and other school employees formally accused of sex offenses for use in purging sex offenders in the schools.

In Ohio, state lawmakers in 2007 put a law on the books requiring school districts to check educators for criminal arrests on a national crime data base every five years. They also require school district officials to contact the state education department when one of their staff and faculty members is arrested. As a result, officials of the Ohio Department of Education’s Office of Professional Conduct reported a dramatic rise in reported criminal and ethical violations educators reportedly committed, from 4770 in 2005 to more than 8000 in 2012. These state school officials only investigated 1000 or so of the FY 2012 cases, according to a reporter who covered the issue.

If your state doesn’t have such an open record protection, you will have to apply fire to school officials’ butts (and those of the legislators) to force the school districts to make such records public.

A word to the wise: Have someone in your group with no children in public school do the freedom of information requests. Many government bodies make it known who is asking for what. My name is all over the freedom of request logs local and state governments make public nationwide. I don’t care, because I am a known professional antagonist. But not all of you want the school system scumbags knowing who is looking in on them.

Make it public knowledge that school officials and teachers will in almost all cases cover up sex offenses their people commit. This means you tell people to take all complaints of school employees molesting children to the local police or sheriff, and if need be, to the state inspector general and state attorney general and state police. The police and sheriff’s deputies, in most cases, will not have the urge to cover up for rapist educators.

Put it on websites and on flyers. Let local talk show hosts know. Let the media know. And if school officials stonewall you, let it be known they cover for those who molest children. They deserve no mercy when they protect those who sexually abuse children.

And run all school board members, politicians, judges, and prosecutors out of office who show any sympathy or leniency for sex offenders in the schools you help pay for!!

If any of you want to hire our services, contact me at (812) 202-2886. Or use the website contact email.

But do something. Children’s lives depend upon you. And, given the distance and cowardice of too many police officers, you are your own first responder.





Our figures on sex offenders come from the U.S. Justice Department FBI reports “Crime in the United States 1999″ and “Crime in the United States 1998,” the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics report “Sex Offenses and Offenders 1997″ (NCJ 163392), the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs report “Juvenile Offenders and Victims: 1999 National Report” (NCJ 178257), the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs report “OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin June 2000″ (NCJ 179034), and the U.S. Department of Justice report “Child Rape Victims, 1992″ (NCJ 147001). We also used figures from The National Women’s Study, as quoted in the U.S. Centers For Disease Control “CDC Rape Fact Sheet” (last reviewed in 2000). And we used statistics and other info from the state police agencies of all 50 states.


The ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) Digest 134 (December1999) quoted a study saying teachers were suspects in 70% of the sex offenses committed by school employees on school grounds, and principals, administrators, librarians, janitors, bus drivers, and other employees were accused in the other 30% of sex offenses.

I also read Ms. Shakeshaft’s 2004 report, which U.S. Department of Education officials released under the title “Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature.”

Info on Ms. Shakeshaft’s 1990s study comes from her 2004 report “Educator Sexual Misconduct: A Synthesis of Existing Literature.”

Info on the Texas teacher sex offenders comes from a 5/4/2003 article by Diane Jennings and Robert Tharp in the Dallas Morning News.

Info on the Washington teacher sex offenders and the stonewalling teachers and officials did comes from 12/14/2003 and 12/15/2003 articles by Maureen O’Hagan and Christine Willmsen in the Seattle Times. Further info on child-molesting teachers’ union boss Reese Lindquist comes from a 11/4/1992 Seattle Times article.

Info on the Los Angeles Unified School district and teachers Mark Berndt and Elkis Hermida and the lawyers of the school district who destroyed the sex abuse records of the district comes from a 12/6/2012 article by Christina Hoag of Associated Press, a 2/1/2012 Los Angeles Times article, a 2/29/2012 article by Tami Abdollah and Shirley Jahad for radio station KPCC, a 5/1/2014 NBC-TV (Los Angeles) article, and Juliet Rylah’s 5/1/2014, 9/26/2014, and 11/13/2014 articles for the website LAIST.

Info on misconduct referrals on Ohio teachers comes from Hannah Poturalski’s article in the 10/10/2013 Hamilton, Ohio Journal-News.

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