• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


July25/ 2021


by Sherlock

Anyone who is paying attention realizes the FBI and the DOJ have been spending lots of time infiltrating the Patriot movement.

Last week I mentioned the alleged plot to kidnap tyrannical Michigan governor Gretchen Hitler. The brownshirt in chief in Lansing has sent many old people to their deaths by ordering nursing homes to take in Chinavirus patients. It is likely she and her attorney general had a hand in stealing Michigan from President Trump and from black GOP senator candidate John James. As Ingham County prosecutor, she was squeezably soft on gymnast molester Larry Nassar. In short, she should be removed from office and imprisoned for covering up sexual abuse, election theft, and negligent homicide.

But allegedly some yahoos were planning to kidnap and kill Gretchen, Turns out there were allegedly six real plotters (two of which are leftists) and a dozen FBI people. It smells like the Feds roostered a handful of unstable people into talking crime so they could discredit all people who hate tyranny.

Gretchen (Brownshirt) Whitmer


I got a call this week from a woman worried about possible infiltration of the pro-life movement. I said it was entirely possible, given the pro-tyranny tilt of the Biden team and the feds.

The feds botched the 9/11 plot … they knew about it but were incompetent or deliberate in letting it happen.

This mirrors the feds’ incompetent and devious approach to the shootdown of Flight 800 south of Long Island in 1996, 25 years ago last week. They claimed falsely an electric line in a fuel tank of that Boeing 747 malfunctioned and ignited the blast. A total lie, because the Federal Aviation Administration did not ground Air Force One (aboard which Bill Clinton reportedly molested an Air Force enlisted woman in uniform) or any other 747s due to any such concerns.

The feds ignored the witness of hundreds of Long Islanders, who saw the path of something like a missile speed toward the doomed aircraft. Did agents working for another nation or an Islamist group use a shipboard missile to do the job? Or did one of our military pilots lock on the plane for target practice and negligently let a missile go?

(Personal note: I was an air defense officer attached to an infantry battalion with the 101at Airborne Division. We used dummy missiles or unloaded weapons systems to track aircraft to give gunners practice. For live fire, we would shoot at a target towed by an aircraft on a very long set of cables. As a civilian technical writer and test engineer, I have been inside the fuel tanks of commercial airliners tracking wires.)

The feds bungled and/or covered up the San Bernardino, CA Moslem attack of 2015, the Pulse Nightclub Moslem attack of 2016 in Orlando, FL, the Las Vegas shooting that left dozens of country music fans dead in 2017, the Parkland, FL high school shooting in 2018, and other crimes where they knew the background of the killers but did nothing to stop them and/or covered up the truth about what happened.

The feds sat on their thumbs while knowing Larry Nassar was sexually abusing girl athletes and while other gymnastics officials were either physically abusing or otherwise mistreating them.

The feds let Jeffrey Epstein run a child rape and possibly a blackmail operation on his private island and in New York. He did a measly few months time with generous furloughs for his many evil crimes. Then when the pressure on his elite clientele like the Clintons and Chief Justice John Roberts got too high, someone had him jailed and murdered in a jail in New York City.

FBI agent David Harris has been arrested and is being held without bond by the sheriff of Ascension Parish (County), Louisiana. Girls below the age of 13 in several parishes (counties) in Louisiana and at least one county in East Texas are accusing him of rape and other vile crimes. The scumbag FBI hierarchy claims they will assist in the investigation ….. like they botched all these other investigations. The judge in Ascension Parish has the federal rapist being held without bond in the parish jail. I’m guessing Harris has raped girls wherever the FBI has sent him. I’m guessing some of his co-workers covered for him or tried to interfere with local police doing their jobs investigating Harris. Parish prosecutors need to get a list of Harris’ postings as a federal agent and contact police officials in those areas to see about uncleared rape cases of young girls, or cases where the FBI tried to thwart justice. (Source: Longview. TX News-Journal, 7/3/21)

And there is the small problem of the FBI’s and the CIA’s roles in the murder of President Kennedy, the removal of President Nixon, and the shooting and betrayal (by those behind the Iran-Contra murder and drugrunning operation) of President Reagan. And the DOJ’s intentional coverup of the stealing of the 2020 presidential election, the senate elections in Michigan, Georgia, and Arizona, and some House seats. Donald Trump isn’t the first president from outside the Club the Deep State has used the FBI, the DOJ, and the intelligence community against.

So, yeah, the feds are morally low enough to allow many crimes to happen. They are also morally low enough to instigate people to commit crimes.

But are they infiltrating pro-life groups?

They are spying on them, in my opinion, but are not infiltrating them to the extent of taking them over.

They don’t have to. They understand the leading “professional” pro-life leaders are a very unimpressive bunch. Many of them are okay with abortion being legal so they will have a lifetime job fighting it.

How do you screen out undesirables from your own circles?

From Wikipedia’s account of Micah Johnson., the guy who murdered five Dallas police officers in 2016 while they were guarding a Black Lives Matter protest event, this:

“(New Black Panther Party) head Quanell X said after the shooting that Johnson had been a member of the NBPP’s Houston chapter for about six months, several years before. Quanell X added that Johnson had been “asked to leave” the group for violating the organization’s “chain of command” and espousing dangerous rhetoric, such as asking the NBPP why they had not purchased more weapons and ammunition, and expressing his desire to harm Black church preachers because he believed they were more interested in money than God. Following the shooting, a national NBPP leader distanced the group from Johnson, saying that he “was not a member of” the party.”

Assuming Quanell X and the Wikipedia author were telling the truth, the NBPP guys did the right thing. They suspected either an instigator or a wingnut, and they got rid of him.

Learn from the Panthers.

If someone comes into your church group, your pro-life group, your school parents group, your political group, your kids’ youth activity group, or other activity and starts saying and doing things that are out of the norm, check on him and bounce him as needed. He will often be an instigator or a wingnut. Or in the case of a youth group, the infiltrator wants to molest children or steal organization money.

The spies act a little differently. They tend to be quiet, or friendly and likeable, and seem to be all in on your cause without trying to call too much attention to themselves.

In answer to the pro-life woman’s question, it would be more likely to be a woman doing the spying. Or it could be a smarmy guy who talks Evangelese. “I’m led by the Spirit to …..” “According to Paul’s letter to Timothy ..” You get the point. It is more likely a guy will advocate doing illegal things, to agitate members, or to try to prove he has stones.

How do you figure out who is an instigator or an infiltrator?

The trick to knowing the suspect(s) is to talk with the suspect(s), conversation style. Talk to a suspect just like you would to a normal person. Shoot the breeze. Compare experiences. See where he or she came from, how he or she spent the years after high school, what he or she does for a living, what kind of family and faith life he or she has, and the like. An infiltrator who is not good at his or her trade will try to back you off by saying he/she is uncomfortable talking about his/her private life or asking in an accusing tone why you want to know that, as if they are trying to ward off a stalker. Laugh off the person’s accusations, and suspect that person immediately.

Have someone write down the person’s vehicle license plate (and VIN number if possible). The Cleveland House Rapist Ariel Castro and Scott Dietz, the serial incestor/child rapist protected by Summit County Ohio government, had access to license plates or could take them off of their cars. The VIN number will absolutely trace the car to an owner. If the owner is a government type or a known opponent of your group’s mission, flush the infiltrator.

Scott Dietz. Serial Child Molester. And the sow who was a child support enforcement agent for Summit County Ohio. They were at a kiddie park. This made the magistrate I showed the photo to nearly choke. Why? Because this female pig, Jean Workman Dietz, appeared before him routinely. How often did she lie or stretch the truth as a government agent?  Dietz was still in prison on the date of the photo, which implies she got him out on furlough and took him to a place where there were lots of children, even though he was in prison for forcing his daughters to fellate him repeatedly. He also admitted to molesting his kid sister and two kid cousins. I downloaded this pic off Jean’s Facebook page. Yep. She had sex with Dietz after he forced himself on his little girls.


Once you have some basic info on the person, like name, approximate age, where from, what the person’s job is, where the person lives, family situation and the like, then you can do some vetting. The person may have arrests and lawsuits. Check them. A divorce case is a treasure trove of data on a person.

Social media gives a lot of info on someone …. and can help you determine what your suspect thinks. Most people are not careful enough to clean up their social media history. Or they do some bragging on their careers on a place like Linkedin.

A good Internet search or two can bring up a person’s past associations, when they did or said something newsworthy, or the like. Sometimes the person writes letters to the editor or uses his or her real name when commenting on news stories.

If you can contact people who are in a position to know the subject, you could call them and ask about the subject. Tailor your questions to see what the person has done professionally, what the person’s views are, if the person is trustworthy, and the like.

If the suspect doesn’t know you by voice, pose as a pollster, using your phone in a way to black out caller ID. Ask the suspect some canned poll questions that will reveal his or her views on a topic of interest to your group, thank him or her for the time, and hang up.


I got another message from a person of influence asking about a lawyer who is posing as a friend to the people as he seems to be trying to gin up casework.

Bad lawyers who work for you can screw things up.

So can honest lawyers who don’t have the experience they need, or those who want to pursue a novel angle of law to work a case instead of trying an approach that seems more tried and true.

The lawyer in question doesn’t seem to have a long history of helping decent people in need. He doesn’t appear to be a shyster either. What is needed on him is a search of the federal cases he has tried, and the state court cases he has tried. He also merits a check into his past with the state bar association or the state supreme court disciplinary group.

I had to vet a lawyer several years ago for a case involving a fellow former Army officer. His estranged wife got friendly with a female officer who had been in military intelligence but was at the time a civilian who specialized in corporate sleuthing. She got the estranged wife to file a false charge of home invasion and a false gun charge. Our buddy left the area to be away from her, and she died. Her relatives then tried to seize all their property like greedy scavengers. He and his children weren’t going to see a dime.

I went to court in a frozen Pennsylvania town one February morning and said hello to my buddy, who had been acting as his own lawyer and was getting smashed by the judge and prosecutor. I met the lawyer at the hearing. He was cocky, but that is not a bad thing if he can deliver. I told him I would get a copy of the court record. He said in Pennsylvania it is (corruptly) customary in many counties for the authorities to withhold arrest reports from the public record but to make it available only to the suspect’s lawyer and the prosecutor. This is criminally negligent at the very least, but it explains why some of the most viciously corrupt public officials in America are Pennsylvanians.

I pulled the public record …. 160 pages worth, and paid to have the clerk make me a full copy. I told her I was a member of an Army officer’s association, we had just heard of our buddy’s plight, and I had come to their snowbound county to help him on behalf of the group. I also mentioned the corruption in Summit County, Ohio, where the prosecutor and politicians and judges were protecting Scott Dietz (who raped his two preschool aged daughters dozens of times by forcing them to perform oral sex on him) because his bedmate was the child support enforcement agent of the county.

This perked up one gal in the office. She had heard me discussing this revolting situation with Jimmy Traficant on the radio after he did time for outing Janet Reno as a predatory lesbian while she was a prosecutor (and saying the Mob had tape and/or video on her attacking underage girls), and incurring the wrath of the Clintonites and Bushies on other substantive charges he made. Jimmy the former congressman is still a beloved figure among many working people in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. My appearance as an officer group rep and the woman’s affirmation made it easier for the clerk to do her job, instead of believe the courthouse gossip about our buddy being a crazy because he tried to represent himself because he was broke. I was an outsider, but an outsider who was not ashamed to say good things about Jimmy and attack an evil child predator.

What clinched it for me was going to the county jail. The guards said there were no visiting hours that day, but one guard told me they liked our buddy because he spent a lot of time in the lockup teaching other inmates reading and math. I went outside and across the street was a billboard with the lawyer’s name, the words “CRIMINAL DEFENSE” and his office phone number. He was a lifer in criminal defense, just the kind of guy our buddy needed.

I met with the lawyer in his office, and by teleconference with two former officers in our group who were raising money for our buddy. On my word, they hired the lawyer, and I gave him a down payment. The next day, with a representation agreement in hand, the lawyer got the police report. He e-mailed it to me and I was able to determine what lies our buddy’s estranged wife told and how to prove it. The lawyer agreed with my takes.

He got our buddy exonerated on all charges, Then he moved against the corpse-robbers, errr, relatives of the estranged wife and made them cough up the money they had stolen. He also got our buddy custody of his children.

What had set off the other officers’ alarms was the lawyer’s cockiness. I said a defense lawyer needs some swagger to stand up to prosecutors, police, and judges for his clients. I said the evidence and his takes about our friend’s case showed he had guts and knowledge. I also found out the lawyer, before I came to town, missed half of the Super Bowl (the one where the Giants upset the Patriots) to see our buddy in jail and start to work on his defense. That showed some dedication.

You can check court records to see how your alleged expert lawyer handles cases. You can see what kind of track record he or she has. What do other lawyers say about him or her? What do news accounts of his or her cases say about him or her? What do former clients say about him or her?

A lawyer who is honest will tell you his or her limitations if you are considering hiring him or her to handle a certain kind of case for you that may be outside his or her comfort zone.


Now for the history part of the column.

I had a trying week a few weeks ago, but snapped out of it by remembering how hard so many people have had it in the upbuilding of America.

Obviously slaves had a raw deal. So did many American Indians who were run out of their lands. Those who had to sharecrop or labor in unsafe factories had it bad too. So did the indentured servants. When you sell yourself into several years of debt slavery and go to a strange land, you have run out of options.

Are you aware the English settlers used Irish people convicted unjustly and sent into slave exile as slaves in America and Jamaica? Are you aware the Puritans sold American Indians as slaves to the Mohammedan pirates in North Africa?

And what about a class of Americans no one talks about as an oppressed group?


This somber pic is of the Harlan County Coal Memorial in Harlan, KY. (I went into a coal mine on the other side of Black Mountain from Harlan County in 1986.) It has 1300 names on it, all men and boys who died in mines in Harlan County.

99’s great grandfather and more than 100,000 other men and boys, many from Eastern Europe like him, died in US mines from the late 1800s to today. (This counts only on the job, not black lung deaths.) 99’s great-grandfather had his back broken by a falling slab of rock in a mine in southwest Pennsylvania. The other miners got him out of the mine, and a horse and wagon jolted him painfully for a half-hour ride to the train station. The next train wasn’t due for several hours, so he lay in agony in that wagon. The train took him to a town wth a hospital, and his wife and children came to see him. Virtually his last words were to his oldest son, 99’s grandfather. “You will be the man of our family from now on.” In a few days, 99’s grandfather, a 12-year-old boy, was working in an underground coal mine.

The first Appalachian mines of any size were in northeast Pennsylvania. The men dug anthracite coal out of the ground. Later on, geologists and prospectors discovered coal throughout Appalachia.

If any industry was the most important in upbuilding the nation, coal mining is one of the very few that can make such a claim. Without coal mining, there would not be the fuel to power the steel mills or the railroads. Or the planting and harvesting equipment that made the farmers so much more productive than farmers and laborers in other countries.

That doesn’t mean the people of Appalachia grew rich on mining. Most got by, and a few got rich. Bad wages, unsafe mines, thieving landmen who conned people out of their mineral rights, corrupt politicians, evil hired gunmen who were called “detectives,” and the robber barons who ran too many coal companies all conspired to grow rich and keep the miners in poverty.

Most people lived in narrow “hollers” … hollows in the mountains between the mountain ridges. These were prone to flooding once coal companies cut trees down to use for timber in the mines, or once strip miners blasted the earth and rock off of the tops of mountains to get at the coal. The hollers where railroads ran filled up with soot from the engines and soot from the densely-packed coal camps, where miners and their families stayed warm burning coal in their stoves and fireplaces.

And now that the coal is so hard to reach because the best coal seams have been mined, the companies are shutting down the mines in much of Appalachia. The people didn’t benefit much from all that wealth in their hills.

Because so much of the poverty of the area was due to the greed of those who controlled the mines and the public offices, many were lured into bootlegging. Some mountain people grow marijuana in the remote areas of such counties. Meth manufacturing and opoid addiction are other problems in these counties.

The epic 50’s movie “Thunder Road” featured Robert Mitchum as a bootlegger from Harlan County. “Thunder Road” is US 119 from Harlan to US 25E above Middlesboro, KY, and thru the Cumberland Gap into East Tennessee.

The TV show “Justified” featured the marshal and his criminal opponents as Harlan County people.

Harlan County had about 9000 people in 1900, roughly 75,000 people in World War Two for the war effort, and has about 25,000 people today, as the easier to get coal has been mined for decades. Since most of its steep narrow hollows run north and south, the county in many places only gets about 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.

That monument has 1300 or so names on it … more than 1% of the national coal miner death toll, from one isolated little county in deepest darkest Kentucky. And unlike too many of the counties in Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Tennessee, Harlan County didn’t have a mine disaster that killed dozens or hundreds. Just the steady drip of blood – one miner here, two miners there, mostly one miner at a time, for more than a century till the body count is 1300 poor souls who left widows and orphans or grieving mothers and fathers and sweethearts.

There are other manufacturing disasters whose victims’ deaths should bring tears of sorrow and anger. About 150 girls and young women (and a handful of men) burned to death or jumped to their deaths or died of asphyxiation in the Triangle Shirt Waist Fire in New York City on Annunciation Day 1911. It was such a horrible sight to so many people that it couldn’t be hidden.

Then there were the “Radium Girls” of Ottawa, Illinois. These young women in the 1920s and 1930s painted watch dials with radium paint to make them glow in the dark. Many girls and young women who worked for Radium Dial Company and Luminous Processing started to notice aches and pains and falling out teeth. (Managers had been encouraging them to wet the tips of their brushes with their mouths.) Catherine Donahue, one of the painters, was fired because radiation poisoning screwed her up so badly she had to walk with a very bad limp, which was allegedly bad for worker morale. Catherine sued the company and other girls who noticed their deteriorating health did likewise. The companies lied about the safety of radium in court and tried to blame the young women for their horrible ailments. Some women’s heads or other body parts disintegrated from the radiation poisoning.

“Radium Girls” Statue, Ottawa, Illinois


I have access to pictures of some of the victims, but you would cry seeing these poor victims of industrial greed. I did.

Many of the women were buried in lead lined coffins, and some people with Geiger counters could get readings in the cemeteries above their graves many years after their deaths. The EPA labeled the locations where they worked Superfund sites, and did not declare them clean until the early 2000s. They had contractors scrape most of the ground up and dump it in a landfill in Idaho. Some of the material the EPA allowed to be buried 10 feet underground in La Salle County, Illinois.


We finish with an article in the 1/11/2019 Ukrainian Weekly. Mr. Kotow tells the story of two groups of miners who put God ahead of their mining jobs.

“New icon tells story of St. Nicholas and coal miners of Pennsylvania”
By Nickolas C. Kotow

CARNEGIE, Pa. – A new icon, “St. Nicholas Day Pass Over 1907,” of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was presented by Michael and Marijka (née Borszcz) Jula in memory of their daughter, Tatyana Helena Jula, and unveiled on Sunday, December 2, 2018, at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie, Pa.

Ms. Jula unexpectedly passed away in 2014 after suffering a brain hemorrhage at age 37. The icon was written by iconographer Michael Kapeluck, proprietor of Archangel Icons in Carnegie and an art teacher of Tatyana. The icon was presented on the 111th anniversary of the Monongah Mine (Marion County, near Fairmont, W.Va.) and the Darr Mine (Van Meter, near Smithton, Pa.) disasters of December 1907.

On December 6, 1907, the feast day of St. Nicholas, miners of the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox faith, along with miners of German and Dutch ancestry, attended liturgy at a Roman Catholic church that observed the Gregorian calendar, since there were no nearby Eastern Catholic or Orthodox churches. They were spared of the explosion in the Monongah Mine, which killed 362 miners – the worst coal mine disaster in the history of the United States.

Significantly, on December 19, 1907, other miners at the Darr Mine decided to keep the St. Nicholas feast day (according to the Julian Calendar) despite the loss of a day’s pay for not working and threats of firing by the mine boss. A couple of hundred miners were attending church services celebrated by a circuit-riding Greek-Catholic priest from Leisenring, Pa., at Jacobs Creek School when at 11:30 a.m. there was a tremendous earthshaking explosion. Officially, 239 men and boys perished in the mine, which was the worst mine disaster in Pennsylvania history.

A few years afterwards, St. Nicholas American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Church in Jacobs Creek and St. Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church in Perryopolis, were founded and named in thanksgiving to St. Nicholas. Interestingly, Barbara (nee Pantalo) Spak, wife of Father Deacon Myron J. Spak, who serves at Holy Trinity Church in Carnegie, grew up attending St. Nicholas Church in Perryopolis.

Estimates of those passed over thanks to attendance at services are at least 60 at the Monongah Mine and 200 or more at the Darr Mine. The lack of definitive records of miners (such as undocumented child laborers helping parents) have resulted in varying numbers of those saved by the intercession of St. Nicholas, but it cannot be denied that many were so passed over.

The magnificent “St. Nicholas Day Pass Over 1907.” Photo by Nickolas C. Kotow


In 2007, a centennial service in memory of the deceased Darr miners was concelebrated by Metropolitan Nicholas of the American Carpatho-Russian Church and Metropolitan Basil of the Byzantine Catholic Church at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Jacobs Creek. The icon, “Miracle of St. Nicholas at Darr Mine” written by iconographer Philip Zimmerman was presented.”

An earlier icon, “The Funeral of St. Nicholas and the Saving of the Miners” is located in the St. Nicholas of Myra Chapel close by the offices of the Greek Catholic Union in Beaver, Pa.

The Rev. Jason Charron, pastor of Holy Trinity, in his homily asked the children and youth to come forward to view the new icon. He taught them, and all others present, that the saints in Heaven look after the faithful at all times. He asked the young parishioners whether they would obey God (as by observing the Sabbath command) or the commands of men. They all responded, “God.”

The new icon, which brings home the history of coal mining in the Carnegie area, is on display during this Christmas season and will be on the church’s wall thereafter.“

Mr. Kotow thanked Michael Jula and Christina Duranko for help with the history behind this story.


It was a hard series of millions of jobs to upbuild this country

The average coal miner from the late 1800s to World War Two worked for little and did so in dangerous conditions. They didn’t share in the riches their labors produced. And yet their sweat and blood made the industrialization, the lighting and heating of America’s homes, and the manufacturing base of this nation possible.

We have come a long way since the coal camp era of mining, and the Radium Girls and the Triangle Fire victims, but much work remains to make workplaces safe. The same motive – greed – that led management to run mines and businesses with indifference to human life is alive as the MBAs and robber barons of today export working Americans’ jobs to China and India and other places where servile labor is the main business model.

If you or I have a rough day on the job, it is better than the best day any of those poor souls had on their jobs. Thank God for your circumstances.

We outlawed slavery in the US in 1865. It is evil to export it today and to allow the products of slave labor to come into America today. The Deep State runs on servile labor … that’s why the feds and the Chamber of Commerce and the professional Left and the robber barons want the export of our jobs and the importing of the world’s indigents – to reduce our people to the state of serfdom while they grow their money and power. We have to work to preserve our way of life.

One last word: Obey God, not man. There is no need to make a spectacle of yourself, but do the right thing when push comes to shove.





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