• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


July05/ 2021



Thanks for tuning back in.

I ‘m sorry I had to stop posting for awhile.

I have been working a series of cases against sexual predators and their enablers.

The casework has taken up so much of my time I have not had the time to write anything of quality here.

All I’ll say for now is the case work is continuing. It would greatly anger you to hear how many of those I believe, based upon my work, who are guilty are in the public schools, the medical industry, the foster care system, the public employee bureaucracy, and the politicians and their allies in business, media, and activist groups.

When I can say more, I will. For now, the work continues.


Why did I choose to return to posting this weekend?

The Patriots didn’t spend July 4, 1776 goofing off.


They signed the Declaration of Independence, which gave formal notice to the British we wanted no more of their dictatorial rule.

The Patriots of New England and other places had been rebelling openly for more than a year. Paul Revere’s ride and the battles of Lexington and Concord had happened in April 1775, and the battle of Bunker Hill had taken place in June 1775. George Washington took command of the Continental Army in July 1775, and besieged British-held Boston. Washington and his men forced the departure of the Brits on St. Patrick’s Day 1776.

The Declaration made the Revolution official, throughout the 13 colonies. No going back to colony status voluntarily. Either the Patriots would win and launch a republic, or the British would win and torture the captured Patriots to death, like they had done to the Irish.

This 4th of July, we face dictator-lite rule from a group of perverts, tramps, and thieves the Deep State put on the throne in DC. (I use the term “Washington” to refer to the area west of Idaho and north of Oregon … with the exception of Seattle, Tacoma, and Olympia, where the corrupt apparatchiks of that state’s government gather. I call these places ”leftist shitholes.” DC, by comparison, is short for Degenerate Criminals, so it fits that town.)


The 2020 presidential election was clearly stolen, as were at least four senatorial elections, and some extra House elections. An honest count would have given the White House, the Senate, and the House to President Trump and the Republicans, only some of whom are his allies.

Most GOPers in the Senate were OK with the steal. Only a handful of them voted against the election frauds. And even those motions were dishonest showboating to some degree, as Ted Cruz only challenged the results of the presidential election in two states, when the outcomes in six states were clearly stolen and two others were very likely stolen. Ted thinks he will be President someday. Mike Pence, who was outed by Lin Wood as a bisexual (per the Ryan White whistleblower transcript, recorded in January 2021), has a similar delusion.

Biden Sniffs Girls (Times -Britain) Girls look creeped out.


Homer Simpson, errr, Joe Biden, is like a walking repeat of Woodrow Wilson in the last years of his second term …. befuddled and led around by a crooked wife. One difference? Media. Back in the day, there wasn’t TV. Edith Galt Wilson, who Wilson used as a mistress while his first wife Ellen was still alive, was smart enough to keep Woody in the White House, prop him up in his office, put a pen in his hand, and wipe his drool off the desk. Now, even though the media reporters and commentators give themselves lip cancer kissing Homer’s butt, whenever Jill takes him out for an airing, he manages to step in it. He wanders off, says he’s about to get in trouble, and/or checks out girls under the age of consent. The best the media can do for Homer is not report it.


The media unwittingly gave us the truth a few days ago. They noted several GOP senators petitioned Homer to lift the tariffs on Chinese goods President Trump put on the exporters of slave labor made schlock. This gives Homer and the Democrat portion of the Deep State “bipartisan” cover to lift the tariffs, flood the marked with more China-made crap, and steal more Americans’ jobs. The Chamber of Commerce, whose donations to federal politicians are public record on the Federal Election Commission website, funds a number of these senators and other GOPers who are every bit as opposed to Americans holding good jobs as the Democrats are.

No Democrat and virtually no Republican federal officeholder suggests we should embargo China in retaliation for their leaders killing hundreds of thousands of our people with the Chinavirus. Frankly, it is the minimum we should do.

If our leaders want to sell us down the river to the Chinese, we are going to have to seize the paddles, and start moving back upstream ourselves.


China, fortunately for us, depends upon the sale of cheap goods to prop up their regime. If President Trump is not there to protect our markets, we can each help protect our economy and harm China by refusing to buy Chinese goods as often as possible.


Read labels. China sells some vegetables and seafood products here. Do you want to vomit knowing under what conditions those crops are grown, harvested and packed, or in what waters the fish and shellfish are caught and processed? You can readily cut these items off of your family’s grocery list.

Then there are clothes and shoes. This is harder for women than for men, but there are many on-line outlets that sell clothing and shoes made here. I don’t own a single item of clothing made in China. If American-made items don’t match your needs, look for these items from the Western Hemisphere or Europe or Africa. At least your money won’t be funding China.

As an aside – do you think they wash the garments they send here?

Sizing clothing items when you can’t try them on immediately can be a hassle, so be prepared to have to return items some of the time. Your ancestors dealt with this when they used the Sears catalog back in the day.

Should you trust lunchboxes or toys or similar children’s items from China? They have been caught using lead and lead based paint on items designed for children’s use.

What about cookware from China? What toxins do you think are available as additives to your food? Again, use the on-line stores. Virtually all of our cookware was made in this country. We have some dishes from Italy. Since we farmed, we have wine-making gear from Italy, a poppy seed grinder from the former Czechoslovakia, a rapid-fire cherry pitter from Germany, a fruit steamer from Finland, a meat grinder from Poland, and a corn grinder from Colombia. We have cast iron and cast aluminum and stainless steel pots and pans from Wisconsin and Tennessee and elsewhere in the USA. You can even buy American made utensils and silverware on line. Fiestaware out of West Virginia still makes great cups and dishes.

Stay away from Chinese made tools. They don’t last. Many young guys found out the hard way how easy it was to break them or wear them out.


Ellen Axson Wilson …. Woody cheated on her as she was dying of Bright’s Disease. She was First Lady at the time.


Believe it or not, many drugs, from antibiotics to abortificients, are made in China and imported to this country by Big Pharma. In recent weeks, accounts of their defective Chinavirus vaccines have been getting out.

Of course, Big Pharma makes money hand over fist having drugs made in China, where bats and dogs are food groups. Other countries get our meds at cut rates, while we pay full price. It should be the other way around, as these drugs for the most part were invented here. Big Pharma didn’t try to promote hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin to fight the Chinavirus either. Those drugs didn’t cost enough, so the pill producers couldn’t mark them up to the stratosphere. Their allies in the CDC, the FDA, and many hospitals talked the cheaper meds down, refused to OK them as Chinavirus meds, and/or refused to use them to treat patients.

You can still thwart the Chinese and Big Pharma somewhat by having your doctor specify your medicine’s brand name – especially if the knockoff or generic is Chinese made. A growing number of pharmacists are price-comparing for customers to get them the lowest prices for their drugs. Many of them suspect Big Pharma are hosing the public also. A word to the wise – ask the helpful pharmacists for comment forms and praise them on-line to their companies’ managers. Tell corporate these people have won the company your business because of their good service. This helps good people keep their jobs so they can help more people.


Consumer electronics is where the Chinese have us. We will have to support outfits willing to make phones and TVs and radios and computers someplace other than China. But some of these businesses are starting to sprout. Support them if you can. I paid a little extra to have a laptop built with many non-Chinese components.

This applies to other manufactured items. Try to minimize your buying of Chinese items by shopping on line and finding substitutes. It will take more effort, but it will be worth it. The jobs you save could be those of fellow Americans.


If you are in the trades or the professions, you can specify American-made components to the extent you can do so. You can also take a leaf out of the social justice book and specify items not be made by slave or servile labor. This eliminates Chinese products. Or you can go to the health and safety high ground. Chinese steel has failed in many construction jobs. Chinese wallboard and carpeting have outgassed in many residential construction projects, causing many people to become ill.

What if your company has a division in China?

Tread wisely. There is no reason to sacrifice your job because some corporate type foolishly sought to manufacture there. It will blow up on him or her eventually. Meanwhile, do your job well, and earn the American part of your business more money than it takes to pay you. And spend as little of your pay as practicable on Chinese goods.

Do not give trade secrets or defense secrets to the Chinese counterparts. It is objectively wrong and is also illegal. If defense secrets or other violations of the nation’s security or trade laws could be involved and you know about them, there is no reason for you to take part. You can always tip off a loyal member of Congress if you can find one (I’d start with Devin Nunes) if such crimes are involved.

If your firm demands you to train Chinese to take your job, you can refuse and contact a labor law lawyer about your rights.


It will take the doings of tens of millions of Americans to make an impact. But it can always start with you. Your example and your talking up this concept will lead at least some of your relatives, friends, and associates to do likewise.


LeBron James and most of the other social justice whiners of the NBA have some time on their hands, now that they exited prematurely from the playoffs. (Hi, Kyrie “Street Clothes” Irving.) Perhaps those of you who still care about pro hoops can suggest to them while they are away from the game till fall camps that  they should stop supporting slavery in China, and have their shoes and other gear made in Cleveland, the south side of Chicago, and elsewhere in this country where jobs are scarce. Many in the hoods would be able to make some honest money. Then people might stop calling you “LeChicom.”

At one time we made most of what we wore or used or built with. After World War Two we dominated manufacturing worldwide. We can do so again if we will it.


Over the next few weeks, I will try to give you, my readers, some more concrete ideas on what you can do to protect yourselves and your children and maybe fight back successfully against the corruptocrats.


The corruptocrats have targeted you. They are squeezing paychecks, from rising food and fuel prices, to raising the price of houses. Lumber skyrocketed in price, not because of any loss of most of the Earth’s trees and the resulting timber, but to shutdowns caused by Faucivirus and greed. Lumber stocks vanished, and profiteering took over.

Government people are okay with the housing madness because property tsx revenues are rising. In fact, some of the officials are helping fuel the problem.

The Dems who run cities and the courts in those cities allow rioting, looting, shoplifting, vandalism, and all kinds of assaults. (So do the FBI and Justice Dept, no matter who the president has been recently. They are not friends of the American people.) People want to leave the cities, so they are overbidding on houses in the suburbs and in the country. Pretty soon many people will be upside-down on their houses. And those who have been getting Chinavirus rent and mortgage payment holidays are about to get smacked with lump sum payment demands.

This will harm those who want affordable housing.

Law enforcement officers aren’t helping. Too many FBI agents are abusing their authority or are part of the lawless Deep State.

When seconds count, the police are minutes away, and many won’t even come, even if they are witnessing you or your loved ones getting harmed. Sadly, too many police have been ordered to sit on their nightsticks. Maybe that’s why some of the alternative lifestyle cops among are smiling.

You are your own first responder.




Here’s another sleazy item in the book of wasteful and evil government spending involving China.

It turns out Dr. Fauci and the National Institutes of Health helped fund the Wuhan lab where the Chinavirus came from, per the New York Post, 5/25/2021.

The reporter noted “The National Institutes of Health earmarked $600,000 for the Wuhan Institute of Virology over a five-year period to study whether bat coronaviruses could be transmitted to humans, White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci told lawmakers Tuesday.”

“Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) (a subagency of NIH), told a House Appropriations subcommittee that the money was funneled to the Chinese lab through the non-profit EcoHealth Alliance to fund “a modest collaboration with very respectable Chinese scientists who were world experts on coronavirus.”


A 6/24/2021 New York Post review of a work that was anti-Trump in nature noted:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci fought orders from the Trump administration to revoke a research grant to a nonprofit linked to the Wuhan Institute of Virology — only to “reluctantly agree” after it was implied that his job might be on the line, according to a new book.”

“The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director and his colleagues grappled with how to respond to the request in April 2020 to withhold the remaining $369,819 balance for nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance’s project studying oronaviruses, according to the forthcoming book, “Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administration’s Response to the Pandemic That Changed History.”


Sharri Markson — Chinavirius Sleuth


Sharri Markson, an Aussie journalist who has just written the book What Really Happened in Wuhan, in which she argues the Chinese spread the Chinavirus and then covered up its origin, wrote the following for the New York Post 6/5/2021:

“President Trump wanted to haul Dr. Anthony Fauci in front of a presidential commission to give evidence about funding the Wuhan laboratory suspected of leaking COVID-19.”

“Advanced plans were underway for the special presidential panel, with an executive order even drawn up to hold China and its collaborators accountable and tally a reparations bill to fire off to Beijing.”

“Trump’s senior advisers talked him out of the idea as it was about to be announced, according to insider accounts detailed in a soon-to-be-released book on the origins of COVID-19, “What Really Happened in Wuhan.”

“The book also reveals President Biden scrapped a push by the State Department’s Arms, Control, Verification and Compliance Unit to formally confront China in Geneva over its cover-up of COVID-19 and potential breaches of the biological weapon convention in the Wuhan lab.”

Stacy Trancasos, a senior chemist and former professor, did a little research to out Dr. Fauci and others at the National Institute of Health (a government agency funded by your taxes that has far too many mad scientists in it) for funding a truly demonic study …. using aborted babies in an attempt to “humanize” mice for lab experiments on drugs. Per the National Catholic Register, 12/15/2020, Stacy wrote:

“In September (2019), researchers at University of Pittsburgh published their work on the development of humanized mice and rats with “full-thickness human skin.” Human skin protects an individual from infection, but there is no way to study the effects of pathogens on individuals without subjecting them to disease. Full-thickness human skin from fetuses was grafted onto rodents while simultaneously co-engrafting the same fetus’s lymphoid tissues and hematopoietic stem cells from the liver, so that the rodent models were humanized with organs and skin from the same child. These “human Skin and Immune System (hSIS)-humanized” mouse and rat models are meant to aid the study of the immune system when the skin is infected.”

“To make the hSIS-humanized rodent models, full-thickness fetal skin was taken from humans aborted at the gestational age of 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy at the Magee-Women’s Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences Tissue Bank. The mothers provided written consent for the fetuses to be used in research.“

“From the aborted fetuses, thymus, liver, spleen and full-thickness skin were transplanted and grafted onto the rodents and allowed to grow. Then the rodent models were given a staph infection on the skin to study how the internal organs responded.”

“The human skin was taken from the scalp and the back of the fetuses so that grafts with and without hair could be compared in the rodent model. Excess fat tissues attached to the subcutaneous layer of the skin was cut away, and then the fetal skin was grafted over the rib cage of the rodent, where its own skin had been removed. The grafts lasted up to 10 weeks post-transplantation. Multiple layers of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts were observed in the grafts, and the human skin grew blood vessels and immune cells.”

“Human hair was evident by 12 weeks but only in the grafts taken from the fetal scalps. In the scalp grafts, fine human hair can be seen growing long and dark surrounded by the short white hairs of the mouse. The images literally show a patch of baby hair growing on a mouse’s back.”

“The work was funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the same branch that Moderna collaborates with for the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Stacy Trascansos


Stacy, who holds a doctorate in chemistry, noted the following: “You don’t need to go undercover and follow around employees from Planned Parenthood like David Daleiden at the Center for Medical Progress to find out how the remains of aborted children are used in research. All it takes is a look at scientific reports. The methods are detailed in the words of the scientists themselves, who depend on abortion to design experiments.”

Stacy did what How to be Your Own Detective is all about. She located, read, and analyzed a publicly available document to expose Fauci and friends. Evil people are so protected, they don’t try to hide their repulsive acts any more.

Stacy Trascansos forgot to mention the Mengele style experiments were not only evil but unnecessary. Tens of thousands of humanized rats already live the DC area. They work in government, and in companies whose operators parasite off the taxpayers.




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