• Today is: Friday, February 21, 2025


October06/ 2019

The latest impeachment scam is Exhibit A in why government jobs should have term limits linked to the change of executive officers. In other words, an incoming president should have the right to hire or fire government officials so he can assemble an administration that will help him carry out the promises he made.

Not since the election of 1860 has there been such open rebellion against the public order by the criminals who call themselves public officials and civil servants.

Courtesy of Dixon Diaz


Public officials scam in private. Civil servants all too often act like uncivil masters.


Check this out:

The CIA snitch people are calling a whistleblower claimed he heard about President Trump breaking the law while talking to the Ukrainian leader. He evidently is dealing in hearsay.

Days after the snitch/liar/operative made the whistleblower claim, CIA officials changed the eligibility for whistleblower claims from having direct knowledge only to having secondhand knowledge. (Zero Hedge 9/29/2019)

In other words, the top CIA people are okay with hearsay, even though in most cases hearsay evidence is inadmissible for obvious reasons.

In other words, they are totalitarian in outlook.

The CIA helped murder President Kennedy. A family friend of George Jennifer’s-Butt Stalker Bush shot President Reagan.

Lee Harvey Oswald was a CIA asset. That’s how he was able to get into the Soviet Union as an alleged Communist, marry the daughter of an NKVD official, and come back here during the Cold War without repercussions.

Then Oswald was spotted handing out pro-Castro propaganda with Ted Cruz’s father, who likely was also a CIA asset.

A shooter shot JFK from the front about the time Oswald allegedly shot him from behind. The bullet that blew out JFK’s brains and the back of his skull came from the front. Jackie Kennedy, the only person in the parade who really cared for JFK, climbed onto the back of the limo to retrieve a large piece of his skull and attached scalp.

Oswald allegedly used a bolt-action rifle with a scope to shoot JFK. He would have had trouble lining up three accurate shots in the time the bullets hit JFK.

[For non-gun people, a bolt-action weapon requires a cocking of the bolt with a handle or a lever before each shot. Remember the opening of “Rifleman.” Chuck Connors had to use the lever of his 1800s-era rifle to recock it. Semi-automatic weapons with spring-loading magazines (clips) and bolts designed to blow back from the force of the rounds they have just shot have replaced bolt-action weapons because it is easier to shoot targets without having to recock the weapon manually.]

Dallas County officials were also derelict in allowing the Secret Service to take JFK’s body back to DC without undergoing a local autopsy. Corrupt Texan Lyndon Johnson stepped over JFK’s body to take the presidency, and the Secret Service and local Texas officials bowed to LBJ’s illegitimate use of power in this regard. LBJ was not a target of the assassins.

Being in the CIA doesn’t make you bulletproof. Oswald, who allegedly had a look-alike who was active and belligerent openly in Dallas before and just after the assassination, was arrested by police because he fit the description of one of the murderers of JFK and the murderer of police officer J.D Tippit (murdered less than an hour after the JFK assassination). Dallas police officials and Dallas County Sheriff officials allowed Jack Ruby to shoot Oswald on TV two days later.

Terry Reed found this out the hard way when he wanted out of a CIA drugrunning, gunrunning and murder operation which linked Colombian drug lords to Nicaraguan officials, Mexican officials, CIA people from vice-president George Bush on down, to Arkansas governor Bill Clinton and his corrupt regime in the Land of Clinton. Reed had signed up for the weapons making part of the conspiracy, and was making firearms in Mexico with better people than the low-skilled goobers Hillary Clinton’s crony Seth Ward (father-in-law of Webster Hubbell, the apparent biological father of Chelsea Clinton) hired for his Arkansas manufacturing business. The CIA, Bush’s Justice Department, and the Clinton gang tried to kill him, then tried to send him to federal prison on trumped-up charges. Reed escaped only because his public defender and the court investigator assigned to his case had the guts to put on a legitimate defense.

I shared these tidbits with you to show the CIA is a shadow government loyal to their careers and paychecks first, last, and always.

JFK said he wished he could shatter the CIA into a million pieces. Instead, someone with the CIA’s knowledge and consent shattered JFK’s skull and brain.

Since then, former CIA boss George HW Bush is widely suspected of having a hand in the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, and the later attempt to use the Iran-Contra affair to remove Reagan from office via impeachment.

The most senior people in the CIA came up the ranks in the last 30 years. This means they got hired and promoted during the regimes of Bush 41, the Clintons, Bush 43, and the Obamas. These CIA people aren’t necessarily talented, but they do have organizational cunning.

Someone with Talent looks to rise on his own abilities. Someone with organizational cunning looks to rise by knowing whose asses to kiss and then doing so as often as needed, while stabbing people worthier than them in the back. The organization cunning type may or may not have talent (small t, not big T), but he or she knows he or she is not big enough to rise based on talent alone.

The CIA is full of organizational cunning people. They have effed up, by design or by incompetence, on providing accurate intelligence on the impending fall of Soviet Communism, on the Moslem attacks on Serbia, on 9-11, on Saddam Hussein’s alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction, and on China’s relentless push to steal industrial and military secrets, undermine our economy and communications, and enslave other nations economically.

CIA and FBI and Intel negligence on public display.


But the organizational cunning people have risen to the top.

Ditto for the national intelligence types. Snowden revealed they were spying on all of us instead of only the criminals and foreign agents in this country. Otherwise, 9-11 and many other US intelligence disasters over the past 30 years would not have happened.

Ditto for the FBI and the Justice Department. Many federal prosecutors couldn’t bring a case and win it legitimately through hard work. Instead, too many of them resort to threatening defendants illegally or withholding exculpatory evidence illegally …. or like in Nazi Robert “Heinrich” Mueller’s case, collaborating with mobsters like Whitey Bulger.

So why do the Deep State government people and related vermin in the private sector work against the American people?

Because the multinational moneymen who back them profit more when America is weak.

Illegal immigration provides cheap labor, but since these illegals are so unskilled and so needy, they suck up school and hospital and welfare resources and the American taxpayers have to subsidized their unwelcome presence in this nation. The money people who hire the illegals for slaughter houses, crop picking, construction work, and other manual work squeeze out the working class blacks and whites and Latins who are Americans. The illegals will work for less, which benefits the corporate types, but suck more, which harms Americans who have to pay for them.

BTW, I have farmed. I slaughtered livestock and harvested my own crops by hand. I have also done construction work. So I don’t look down on manual labor.

Legal immigrants from places like India and China and the Middle East also benefit the multinational moneymen who can hire them cheap compared to American technical people. This puts Americans out of work and leads to substandard STEM work, but what do the moneymen care? Even if they have to settle lawsuits when a Boeing plane crashes because a $9/hour India alleged programmer wrote the questionable code for its control system, they usually can lean on enough judges and lawyers to limit damages.

It is cheaper for the multinational moneymen to pay off corrupt Democrats and corrupt Republicans like Mitt Romney and Mike Lee to push bills to loosen immigration than it is for them to pay fair wages. However, it is better for Americans if government people hold the multinational moneymen to the law and prosecute them for their violations. Very seldom do multinational moneymen face prosecution for bribery of politicians or government bureaucrats or for hiring illegals.

Wall Street profits more if they can lay off Americans and shift jobs overseas. Main Street profits for the good of the country if the money stays in the pockets of American workers, who buy American goods and services.

There are two types of politicians who hired the careerists in the FBI, Justice Department, CIA, and other government agencies. One type are the natural born fascists. Most of these are leftists, many of whom couldn’t succeed on the athletic fields or with the opposite sex (assuming they wanted to hook up normally instead of being Pete Butt-gig). So they got law degrees or public administration degrees to compensate for their lack of manhood or womanhood. They got into government jobs and worked their way up through organizational cunning. They view government power as a weapon to use to enrich themselves, often by carrying out the orders of multinational moneymen. They spy on others and can use the info to blackmail others.

Filegate, in which the Clintons had their minions unlawfully access about 1000 FBI files (that we know of), was not an error but a government operation to ensure compliance through the threat of blackmail.

Such politicians are the natural co-conspirators with the multinational moneymen.

The other type of politician is one who wants authority and respect in a more genteel fashion, or who has started out in the public sector as a do-gooder, but has suffered blackmail. So they go along to get along. John McCain, one of the Keating Five, and Mitt Romney, the Bain Capital vulture capitalist, were tempting blackmail targets. David Petraeus was toast as soon as the Obama machine found out he was entering Paula Blackwell and giving her military secrets out of a desire to help her look good. They forced him to lie about the Obamas’ Benghazi failures on pain of felony prosecution and loss of military pension, and then exposed him like the horndog punk he was within days of beating the hapless Romney.

Ironically, if you don’t believe Frank Marshall Davis is Barack’s biological father, then Barry the Moslem and Mitt the Magic Mormon have similar backgrounds steeped in polygamy. Romney’s ancestors ran to Mexico to escape prosecution for having multiple Mormon mamas in imitation of Bring’em in Young.

There are only certain cases in which hearsay is allowable. What the CIA pulled against President Trump is not one of them, even if they mickeyed with the rules in cahoots with congressional Democrats to give their operative cover.

It turned out the operative told Adam Schiff about the scheme (or maybe Schiff was in on it) before the operative reported falsely about President Trump’s Ukrainian phone call to the intelligence community inspector general. This is also a violation. (Daily Caller, 10/5/2019)

Adam “Pencilneck” Schiff


When the Dems started screaming impeachment, President Trump provided the transcript of the call. He also allowed the intelligence community IG to release the operative’s false report.

Adam Schiff then read a false script onto the record to falsely smear President Trump. When a GOP congressman with the documents called Schiff-face on it, Adam claimed he wasn’t lying but was engaging in parody.

Schiff-face’s parents engaged in parody in conceiving him.

The Congressional Democrats are beyond parody.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi represents San Francisco. Schiff represents a large chunk of L.A. County, to include Beautiful Downtown Burbank and West Hollyweird, and many other screwed-up neighborhoods in between. Schiff decided to enter politics after a failed career in homosexual pornography. (Maybe the words after “politics” are parody. Then again, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were true. It won’t hurt Schiff with his base base.)

What’s not a parody is that the EPA a few days ago red-flagged city officials in San Francisco and L.A. County for allowing so many people to Schiff outdoors that all the excrement is fouling the water. The average voter in San Francisco and in L.A. County is Democrat and is not opposed to outdoor defecation. It is these mental midgets who send very unconstipated corruptocrats like Pelosi and Schiff to Congress.

President Trump has the right to ask foreign governments to look into Americans for crimes they committed in their countries. He also has the right to ask foreign governments to look into their own people who may pose a threat to our country. He is a law enforcement official too.

Joe Biden, one of his rivals for the presidency, was stupid enough to brag about withholding US aid from Ukraine unless their government fired a prosecutor who was looking into how a druggie like his son Hunter Biden could make so much money in their country.

Now Biden’s defenders claim Mr. Trump can’t have him investigated because he is running for the same office. Run for President as a Dem, get a “stay out of jail free” card. Like the one James Comey gave Hillary in 2016. Should anyone buy that crap? Only those who think Elizabeth Warren is an American Indian.

The Dems and their fellow travelers in the GOP are silent on this.

They are also silent on Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak, who has been a Schiff fundraiser. Schiff reportedly spent his late summer break in Ukraine. Pasternak also has ties to George Soros. (Sources: Paul Sperry and Gateway Pundit, 8/29/2019)

They are also silent on word the CIA used a Spanish contractor to spy on real journalist Julian Assange while he was cooped up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London. (Gateway Pundit, 9/29/2019)

They are also silent on Nancy Pelosi’s own money ties to Ukraine. Like Hunter Biden her son Paul Pelosi has an arrangement in the Ukrainian energy sector and she cut a commercial for him to play in that Slavic nation. (Source: OAN, 10/6/2019)

And they are silent on Crowdstrike, a firm with tentacles in Ukraine and Russia, whose computer people provided Dems cover in 2016. When the Dems complained someone hacked their computers, they told the FBI to get lost and had this corrupt Russian owned company allegedly check their computers instead. President Trump mentioned to the Ukrainian leader perhaps a corrupted Democrat server was in Ukraine. (Source: New York Post, 9/25/2019)

Democrats have been cozy with the Soviets even before Reds and fellow travelers in the FDR administration gave Stalin uranium and the plans for making atomic bombs in Lend-Lease packages during World War Two. They called Stalin “Uncle Joe.” Kinda like what they call Joe Biden now.

President Trump has ordered his administration not to co-operate with the blizzard of subpoenas House Democrat corruptocrats have issued. He is on perfectly solid ground.


Because the House members have not voted for an impeachment inquiry, let alone articles of impeachment. That makes their subpoenas useful for Third World toilet paper, but not much else.

President Trump also wants each “blower” identified. He has the right to face his false accusers.

President Trump also wants the identities of those who decided to put the CIA on a hearsay footing with their order that retroactively attempted to provide cover to the operative/blower. He needs to be able to replace them with people not as crooked or incompetent.

Due to rules that protect government employees from rational removal from office, these corrupt people can thwart the will of the public and violate the rights of anyone with impunity. If they can do so to a President, they can do so to anyone. This is the DNA of totalitarian rule. It must be destroyed.

Why are the globalists and the Swamp and the Deep State against us?

We pose a threat to their money and power.

President Trump is the expression of our will. He is tough, courageous, innovative, and rich enough that he is immune to bribery. He also has his own security and own properties that are easier to protect from illegal Deep State spying than the White House is and other government installations are. After all, the Deep State has operatives everywhere.

Donald Trump had the image of a playboy horndog who bedded numerous pretty women, He had the image of real estate mogul and gambler with his resorts and casinos. He had the image of rebel when he funded the US Football League, a spring league that gave us a fix between the Super Bowl and NFL camps. He was the typecast New York loudmouth whose relentless hunt for real estate and hot females filled the airwaves and the tabloids.

Somewhere in the late 1990s and into the early 2000s, Donald Trump figured out an agenda and a plan for becoming President. He had to make himself look like less of a New York loudmouth and more of a man with judgment, decent instincts, and the human touch. He made a pile of money and good will with his “Apprentice” shows. He showed judgment, humor, and an amazing degree of tolerance to people of all colors, creeds, and lifestyles. The “Apprentice” shows made him appear more human and likeable. It also put on display his analytical skills.

Singer Debbie Gibson vainly tries to protect what little modesty and dignity she has in “Celebrity Apprentice.” Courtesy NBC and Daily Mail.


In the background, Trump studied America’s weaknesses and strengths. Weaknesses are leaders who kowtow to globalists. Weaknesses are leaders and bureaucrats making Americans pay for freeloading immigrants while losing more and more of their purchasing power and economic freedom. Weaknesses are bureaucrats who demand subservience and political correctness that stifles American creativity and American thought.

Strengths are natural resources, great agriculture, and the inventiveness and patriotism of most of the people. Trump as a billionaire figured out America would have an advantage over every other nation with fair trades and tariffs. After all, we are the world’s most productive people on the basics – food, energy, and inventions. Without farming, no one eats much.

We are the only nation who can secure our defense with our own inventiveness and manufacturing.

We are the world’s largest market. If more of our money stays at home buying American goods and strengthening the economic position of farmers, miners, other blue collar workers, and white collar workers (especially those in the sciences), we can protect and renew ourselves. We need trade a lot less than the predatory Chinese or the grasping Euros or the plotting oil sheiks do.

Donald Trump saw this and with his advisors devised policies that would play to our strengths.

Donald Trump said “Build the Wall” to keep out illegal criminals and grifters and carriers of disease we thought we had eradicated.

Donald Trump said, “Drain the Swamp” to stop the corruptocrats from winning over the American people all the time.

Donald Trump pushed for an unbeatable military and a disengagement from useless wars to save American lives.

Donald Trump reached out to blacks and to other minorities with promises of prison reform and protection from the unlawful competition of illegal aliens. He promised to protect law-abiding sexual deviants from criminal assault in the wake of the Pulse Club massacre, in which a mis-sexed Moslem killed 50 other alternative lifestyle people. He also promised to imprison homosexuals and heterosexuals who are child molesters and human traffickers. And he promised orthodox believers in the Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox Christian, and Jewish faiths to uphold their rights and minimize the attacks of the government upon them. He promised to do more to fight abortion on demand.

Donald Trump had to engineer a hostile takeover of the Republican Party. Republican fixers warned operatives not to work for Trump or kiss their operative careers goodbye. Most of the establishment GOPers worked against Donald Trump, but he beat them and the multinational moneymen who funded them.

Then Mr. Trump turned his fire on Hillary, Obama, the Democrats, and their multinational moneymen. He criticized them bluntly, sarcastically, mockingly, humorously, like a loudmouthed New Yorker or your blunt parents and grandparents who lived thru World War Two would do. That generation of men nd women spoke their minds.

Mr. Trump shrugged off the attacks of the Democrats, the media, Hollywood, and GOPunks like Paul Ryan, Mitt (the Catcher) Romney, John McCain, and Yappy Kasich. He had the toughness to handle them all, and then fight back in a way that left them all bitching. He also had built up, through his time with the “Apprentice” shows, a decade of proof he was not the intolerant ogre the Dems said he was. On Election Day 2016, despite the massive spending and lying and vote fraud of the Democrats, Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton and she descended, almost Wicked Witch of the West style, into a demented meltdown of booze, object throwing, and cursing that was so profound her party wheelhorses didn’t dare put her on TV until she had many hours to sober up and calm down.

Immediately, Hillary and the Dems launched recount efforts against Trump in Wisconsin, Michigan, and the counties of Pennsylvania where they thought they could harvest Dem votes.

When that failed, they threatened Electoral College electors.

When that failed, Comey, Brennan, Rosenstein, Mueller, and other Deep Staters spied, leaked, and forced a special counsel investigation to try to remove President Trump in a putsch.

That failed earlier this year. So now the putschists are resorting to hearsay and lying and the illegal use of Congressional offices to force a quasi-impeachment designed to burn up President Trump’s time and peel voters away from him.

The multinational moneymen like Soros and the Kochs are providing money to pay for all the billable shyster hours and the rent-a-mobs. President Trump has decided to put working Americans first, which harms their profits.

Putting Americans first goes back to Andrew Jackson, who kicked the British out of America and served the working poor farmers who put him in the White House.

Sadly, Jackson was for slavery and American Indian removal. We would have to rise above these wrongful practices.

Putting Americans first was the trademark of Honest Abe Lincoln, who protected America’s industries so we would build an industrial base capable of leading the world in innovation, quantity, and job-providing to Americans. He also funded land grant colleges to teach engineering and agriculture to help the public. He also prosecuted a war to hold the Union together and to give freedom and citizenship and voting rights and economic help to the slaves. He did what he could to reduce the violence white Americans inflicted upon American Indians.

Putting Americans first led Theodore Roosevelt to shape immigration policy to favor Americans, restrain the big companies so they didn’t crush their workers, and build up a mighty navy and a workable army to protect the nation from the Europeans and the Japanese.

Alaska, and red and pink counties voted for Trump in the 2016 election.


When working people and STEM people prosper, America prospers. Donald Trump understands that and is trying to make it happen. CNN reporters in Michigan were disappointed to hear most striking auto workers they interviewed tell them they supported President Trump. President Trump owns Appalachia, the Ohio Valley, the Deep South, Texas, the Corn Belt, the Great Plains, most of the Rocky Mountain states, and the rural areas of the Pacific Coast states because of his actions. He has legitimate respect and affection for working people. He is trying to keep his other promises also despite the direct attacks of the Democrats and the back-knifing of the establishment GOPers.

Trump’s pro-American agenda stands to cost China trillions of dollars and the European Union hundreds of billions of dollars. The multinational moneymen and the Chamber of Commerce set stand to lose a lot of money and influence when this happens. That’s why they are opposing Mr. Trump, trying to get illegals into America to tank the economy and mickey with elections, and trying to get millions of India natives and Chinese into American companies to gut them from within.

Think about this … if the Chinese and the India people are so much sharper than we are, then why are their countries so poor and their people so devoid of freedoms compared to America?

Most of the federal bureaucracy’s highest people are part of the putsch. Their power and money depend upon it. They would rather have excrement stains on their noses than do the will of the people honestly.

Look for more CIA scumbaggery.

Look for more such unethical stunts from the Dems and the establishment GOPers.

And realize Mr. Trump’s many opponents and media critics are lying when they move their lips.

Call your US Senators and urge them to vote against the falsely called“S.386 – Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019.” It will place hundreds of thousands of un-American spies and serfs from China and India and the Middle East into our industries to crowd out young American scientists, engineers, technicians, and programmers. Many GOPers, bought and sold like the Democrats, support this theft of American jobs. Also reach out to the White House comment line to urge President Trump to veto this theft of American jobs from Americans.

Earn your money, raise your children well, stay informed, and support Mr. Trump and those who want to help him protect Americans.


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