• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025

You Are Neither Hot Nor Cold …

September11/ 2019

Today is 9-11 again. Thanks to RINOs and Democrats, our borders and ports of entry are nowhere near as secure as they need to be.

And thanks to Ilhan Omar, who said of her murderous Moslem friends, “Some people did something.”

Some people did something, all right. Your brother who you married, your husband, and a Democrat operative reportedly did you, Ilhan. You’re community property.

“We the People” should be on the Declaration of Independence, Ms. Omar, not on your children’s birth certificates on the line marked “Father.”

Pa 911

Humble 9-11 Flight 93 remembrance, near Shanksville, PA. Lest we forget. Photo by author. 

It’s easy to write a column about how hateful and dishonest most politicians are and how worthless all too many government employees are.

Why? Because it’s true and there’s a ton of material.

Unlike most people on our side, I am cheerfully sarcastic. So I find unique ways to say and illustrate how hateful and worthless they are.

However, a sermon from our priest Sunday got me to turn the night vision scope on us.

Father, who is a former union electrician and a harsh critic of sexual predators who hide in the clergy of our faith and in most all others, got on us the way a father criticize teenagers when they have done wrong or are heading in the wrong direction.

He said a main reason there was not real evangelization in the nation was that most Christians are mediocre. They don’t stand out in the community as being any more honest or bold or loving or zealous than the average guy or gal.

They live on autopilot.

Then he said Christ Himself warmed against being a mediocrity. He said Christ told Christians to be either hot or cold, for it is easier to reform someone who at least cares (like the Apostle Paul when he was a persecutor of Christians) than for someone who doesn’t care or who wants to fit in to reform.

From the New American Bible, courtesy of www.Catholic.org, the Apostle John gave us this in Chapter 3 of the Book of Revelation:

(Christ told John:) 14 “Write to the angel of the church in Laodicea and say, “Here is the message of the Amen, the trustworthy, the true witness, the Principle of God’s creation:

15 I know about your activities: how you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other,

16 but since you are neither hot nor cold, but only lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth.

17 You say to yourself: ‘I am rich, I have made a fortune and have everything I want, never realizing that you are wretchedly and pitiably poor, and blind and naked too.’

18 I warn you, buy from Me the gold that has been tested in the fire to make you truly rich, and white robes to clothe you and hide your shameful nakedness, and ointment to put on your eyes to enable you to see.

19 I reprove and train those whom I love: so repent in real earnest.”

Father, who had also competed in sports from running to boxing, then said football coaches get rid of players who aren’t committed to the team and who don’t give good efforts. (After Mass he laughed when I told him I was a Raiders fan watching the Antonio Brown clown show.)

Father was right. If we really lived our faith, we’d stand out in this godless society like the Amish.

So why does this concern us day to day?

Because we shy away from controversy when we could have fought it.

Look at the spate of mass shooters recently.

All of them (except for the Moslems who undoubtedly got the idea the Koran condones murdering non-Moslems) did or had more than of the following:

Tortured animals.

Bullied children smaller and weaker than them.

Had ineffective parents who catered to their bad behavior instead of stomping on it.

Or had only one parent (mother) who could not control them or who spoiled them.

Were problem children at school.

Were known in their neighborhoods for their evil and/or strange behavior.

Had criminal records or at least numerous police visits to their residences.

None of them was slick enough to hide his bad behaviors.

All of them encountered government people (school personnel, police, prosecutors and court officials, other) who covered for them, cut them breaks, were afraid of them, incompetently failed to record their problems, or sealed their records.

We did not have mass shootings like this routinely before the 1960s, unless you count gangland battles. And those were battles between rival outlaws.

And yet the people of this nation have always been heavily armed. We used to care as people, but now we let the losers in government care for us. The Democrats cater to criminals for votes and for trial lawyers’ money. Most Republicans are not willing to risk leftist-generated pressure to be lenient to bad people. This is why shootings have escalated.

So now the politicians want to take guns away from the law abiding. Again.

They want the government, the very government who shit their drawers during crises from Pearl Harbor to 9-11, to have a monopoly on firearms. They want the government, the very asshat government whose FBI and local cops shit their drawers on the school shootings and the Pulse Nightclub shooting, and the Vegas Festival shootings, and many other shootings, to have a monopoly on firearms.

When the cops and their backers had a monopoly on firearms in the South from the end of the Civil War to the late 1960s, they murdered thousands of blacks.

When organized criminals have had a practical monopoly on firearms in various cities of the nation (even though gun laws say they weren’t allowed to have heat), they have murdered thousands of innocent people of all colors.

When German and Japanese and Soviet and Red Chinese governments have had a practical monopoly on firearms, they have murdered tens of millions of people

People owning firearms is the only protection people have from government evil, criminal evil, and government incompetence.

There needs to be some control of criminals to keep them away from firearms. Sending people to prison who help them obtain firearms by lying, or by their incompetence in performing their jobs (government pukes who cover up the bad people’s criminal records and other bizarre behaviors, like being in Antifa and making a rape list), is in order.

More importantly, Society needs to mend and return to ethical behavior again.

A parallel is sexual conduct.

Still from “Leave It To  Beaver.” Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont.


In the 1950s and early 1960s, if June Cleaver told Ward he had been a little hard on the Beaver, people would understand she was talking about Jerry Mathers. Now, it would be a punch line in a sex joke on TV.

Before we let low-grade scum like Planned Parenthood into public schools, teens were not anywhere near as promiscuous, pregnant, or VD-infested as they are now. Planned Parenthood pimps promiscuity so they can sell more birth control and cheap leaky rubbers that will fail, and lead to more VD and pregnancy and more abortions.

Planned Parenthood knows most girls are pregnant by guys at least old enough to be in statutory rape territory. They also knowingly benefit by providing birth control and abortions to cover up for incest and Momma’s current bedwarmers raping their daughters, or their sons raping stepsisters. Because President Trump has pushed them out of Title X funding, they are expanding abortion and VD treatments and the “Chemical Coathanger” home abortion pill sales to make up the difference.

Of course, Hollywood and the print media and the music industry kept pushing the envelope from the 1960s to the present until the average teenager felt there was something wrong with her or him if she or he had not been laid before having a driver’s license.

Slowly the elites have been introducing their other perversions to the nation. Militant homosexuality, barnyard lesbianism, the transgendered freak show. People who flunked biology. Next is lowering the age of consent so the freaks can molest children like Roman Polanski or Michael Jackson without having to run away to France or pay off victims’ families.

You didn’t see this filth in the 1950s because adults partitioned off scumbag behavior from society. If someone wanted to get his or her freak on, he or she did it discreetly, instead of proclaiming it as the New World Order. Part of this gentility was that those in power, and those in the cities and towns, were more than willing to harm perverts, especially those who preyed upon young children.

Even Chicago mobster Dean O’Banion, who committed many crimes, fought against prostitution and sex trafficking. Before Prohibition, organized criminals made most of their money on selling girls and young women. Dean had a sister; in this one area he had a conscience.

Back to the gun banners.

How many Catholic schools have been victimized by school shooters?

None I know of.

In this still from “The Trouble with Angels,”June Harding and Hayley Mills are under the inquisitive eye of the Mother Superior. The incomparable Rosalind Russell played the indomitable nun. Ida Lupino directed this fun little film with a good ending.


Some people would joke the nuns are tough enough to disarm would-be school shooters. Even though there are not many nuns in teaching anymore because of the decline of young women willing to live the life of a consecrated woman devoting her life to Christ, it is a left-handed tribute to the toughness and moral certainty of these wonderful women.

Catholic school kids are more cohesive, and the parents are stronger people than the norm. The staffers and faculty at Catholic schools are there not be cause they have a teacher union, but because they actually like children and want to help them. (I could say this for other faith-based schools too, but the Catholic schools are much more numerous.) There is a sense of team at Catholic schools that there isn’t at public schools. The kids and the grown-ups are much closer at Catholic schools. And the religious school’s staff and faculty are much closer to their customers, the parents, than the public school staffs and faculties are to the taxpayers. The religious school functions as a community and its people look out for each other and head off many problems this way.

I went to Catholic and public schools. There is no comparison in terms of behavior, school spirit, teamwork, and other aspects of teachers and students you want to consider. Even our uniforms marked us … if one of ours was in trouble after school, we would swarm to help him or her.

And I used to cheerfully yell obscene insults at striking public school teachers. My voice has always carried, and several adults told me when I was a teen I could say more hurtful things than most adults they knew.

When in 2002 and 2003 I did a study on sexual abuse in the schools, state records keepers on such crimes showed virtually no sexual abusers were Catholic school personnel. The abusers were almost 100 per cent public school personnel, protected by a public sector union. Bushies turned down my study proposal because I pushed for a national database on teachers accused of sexual abuse or physical abuse. They called it “a blacklist.” I cheerfully and profanely affirmed it was …. why study a problem when you can solve it by banning sex offenders from schools and putting them in prison?

Back to the larger question. Why am I accusing us of failing?

Like a good Jewish elder, I will answer a question with a question.

How often have we seen young people do things that harm other children, or bully helpless older people, and do nothing?

How often have we seen other acts of public abuse and have done nothing?

How often have we heard about teachers picking on kids and have done nothing?

How often do we shrug when the school system allows and glorifies the teaching of perversion? Or how often do we rise up when school officials fail to discipline teachers and officials who beat or sexually abuse children?

How often have we let the ACLU push the agenda of scumbags by threatening to sue our town because of a religious or patriotic symbol on town or school property? And shrug as our local town or school leaders take a dive on the advice of their weaseling attorneys, who we pay?

How often do we justify our cowardice by saying a whistleblower or a person who stands up to a local government or school district or company should have known the powerful people were going to make life hard for them?

How often do we see people falsely accused or falsely take credit in our workplaces and fail to set the record straight?

I could go on and on, but you get the point.

We are wishy-washy, Charlie Brown. Soft. Lukewarm.


Those who hate us and wish us harm, the Swamp and the Deep State and the Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans and their counterparts at the state and local level, are NOT lukewarm. They are crooked, perverted, demented, and/or demonically possessed.

Many of them exploit their employees, and sexually abuse children and young women. Most of them steal. All of them lie. Having you slandered or stolen from or jailed on bogus charges or murdered would not trouble these people one iota.

It came out the other day the shyster lawyer for lying pig Christine Sixteen Blasey Fraud said in so many words Christine decided to lie about Supreme Count nominee Brent Kavanaugh because she wanted to minimize his votes on abortion decisions. Of course she was lying, This site also noted she was involved with a company that made extra-strength versions of the abortion pill mifepristone. I call this the “chemical coathanger; some in the abortion racket are advocating excessive dosage of such drugs to ensure 100% baby kill. Problem is the chemical coathanger is likely more dangerous to the mother than even the surgeries of the hamfisted bunglers and dope addicts they pull off the scrap heap of disciplined doctors to do abortions. Higher doses of this drug will cause more harm to women and girls.

Those who hate you are advocating limiting the population of the poor, even as they are flooding this country with illegals so they can steal elections with fraudulently-cast votes. American blacks in particular are targets of their homicidal greed.

These are sociopathic vermin. They are playing for keeps. They want to harm us, and will use government power to harm us. The fires that burn within them come from Hell.

Being lukewarm, like huddling sheep hoping the coyotes or wolves will only pick off the stragglers, will do you no good. Sooner or later it will be you who straggles. And your fellow sheep will huddle away from you as you are killed and eaten.

How do we fight such people?

I am going to detour for a minute and explain why role models in such fights are important.

I was fortunate. I had many good examples. If parents have a circle of relatives and friends who are solid, like Dad and Mom did, this will help their children. As adults, 99 and I have been in our friends’ circles as the “outlaw” adults who were willing to work with kids who were troublesome or alienated.

Here were my role models:

Grandpa Charlie Sherlock. He was a Chicago Police homicide detective. He didn’t beat confessions out of people, but worked to solve crimes forensically. He arrested Jack McGurn after low-crawling under cars to ambush him. Jack, a sociable fellow, was Al Capone’s enforcer before Frank Nitti. Jack came up with the idea to dress out-of-town mobsters as police so Bugs Moran’s gang wouldn’t resist a police roust by going for their guns. When Bugs’ boys put up their hands instead of going for their guns, two other guys dressed as cops machine-gunned them to death.

Grandpa Charlie and his relatives came from Ireland, where they knew Brit oppression first-hand.

My Dad and my uncles and his friends. They were all World War Two or Korean War veterans.

Dad beat a prowler damn near dead, and refused to let the police use our house phone to call for an ambulance. After all, the bad guy wished us all harm. Dad later beat senseless a young hoodlum who pulled a switchblade on him.

Dad beat the hell out of a middle school gym teacher who let kids beat on my brother Bryan, and only got involved to stop Bryan when he grabbed a bat and punished the punks who were brave when they thought he couldn’t defend himself. Dad beat the gym teacher’s face against a wall locker until the jerk’s face was a collection of black and purple welts and open bleeding wounds.

Uncle Chuck, who was the honor graduate of a reform high school and a World War Two veteran, brought my cousin Tommy (a Vietnam veteran who some called Lurch) with him to provide backup for Dad. They kept the other gym teachers at bay like the impotent cowards those teachers were.

Dad, Uncle Chuck, and Tommy then went to the principal’s office and demanded Bryan’s reinstatement. They got it.

Dad, who was a building manager, did not complain when company officials assigned him a black secretary in the 1960s. Dad was looking for someone who could take dictation, type, file, and answer the phone. Blanche could do all of the above. Dad defended Blanche when she had a fight in the ladies’ room with a secretary of a higher-ranking man who had called her the N-bomb. When the higher-ranking guy tried to push his weight around, Dad told him to butt out and teach his gal some manners. Blanche and her husband, a native of the West Indies, were occasional party guests at our house.

The building housed an RCA recording studio. Dad liked Elvis and John Denver because they showed respect for everyone. After a recording session, Dad let John Denver give a little show for the secretaries while he and his guys handled phones for a half-hour. But he showed the back of his hand to entertainment stars and producers who were snotty to his building employees. He made Barbra Streisand apologize to his employees for being a rude bitch. And he had several jerk entertainers’ and music executives’ cars trashed or towed.

President and Mrs. Carter came to his building while Dad was running office moves. Dad, in a cut-off sweatshirt and jeans instead of his usual business suit, made the Carters and the Secret Service take the stairs because he had just filled the elevator with office furniture. He also told them he was voting for Ronald Reagan, but it was nothing personal. The Carters took it well enough, but the Secret Service guys were miffed.

One of the high points of my teen life came when Dad considered me qualified to fill in for the mailroom guy when he went on vacation for two weeks.

The secretaries gathered in the break room next to the mail room. They were unaware I was sorting mail while they did a little gossiping about the bosses.

Finally one said, “The only exec in this building who hasn’t hit on me is Ed Sherlock.”

Then another one chirped, “He doesn’t need to. Have you seen his wife?”

Three sentences by strangers affirmed my parents in the real world.

Mom and Dad and their new house. Easter, 1954


My Uncle Donald, as a combat medic, got shot multiple times by the Red Chinese as he was preparing the wounded for evacuation. He was stoic, and as humble as Jimmy Stewart.

My Uncle Rusty, a bomber crewman, won the Distinguished Flying Cross during World War Two when his plane’s bomb-dropping apparatus failed and he got into the bomb bay and kicked bombs free. They asked him if he was afraid of falling out, and he said he was too busy trying to bomb the Japs to think about it.

My Uncle Chuck was a union electrician and sound man. No one wanted to see what he was capable of when he was angry.

Mr. Repucci, who was a shorter man, was proof you don’t measure a man’s heart like you would measure his coat size. He was at an office party one Christmas Eve when a senior executive of his firm (Prudential) drunkenly told him in the mens’ room he didn’t get promotions because he was a “hotheaded dago.”

The guy woke up Christmas morn face down in a urinal. Mr. Repucci had knocked him cold, and left the shindig with Mrs. Repucci. Over the Christmas vacation, Mr. R bought a Western Auto franchise and became an independent.

When he was in his 60s, Mr. Repucci helped subdue a criminal who was stabbing a store employee. He couldn’t go toe to toe with the criminal by himself so he hollered to some off-duty Marines to help him. He and they rushed the guy, took away his knife, and broke his arm. And they wound up on the evening news as crimefighters.

Several men in our parish – especially Mr. Deagon, Mr. Dauwalter, Mr. McCarthy, and Mr. Murphy of St. Genevieve Parish, and Mr. Christensen of Holy Rosary Parish – were active in the Scouts or Explorers and they kept us little hoodlums in line. They were all veterans and studs too.

My aunts Billie and Olive were nurses in World War Two and the Korean War, respectively. Aunt Billie married Uncle Chuck so she had to be tough herself. Aunt Olive served in the Peace Corps and served as a community health nurse in Watts after her hitch in the Army.

Mom didn’t serve in the military, but she was the harshest yard mother in our school. She was a Catholic Welfare Bureau volunteer and she had us working relief during the Sylmar earthquake of 1971. She could throw a tantrum like a prima donna. I saw her back off several different women physically who decided to interfere with her affairs …. and yet Mom was only 5’5.” Again, you measure a heart differently than a dress size. Mom, BTW, was a clothes model till she was in her 50s. The secretaries at Dad’s building knew who she was.

Grandpa and Granny Sherlock and Uncle Chuck


Mom also worked ceaselessly to get my brother Bryan (who was born three months premature and had water on the brain) the training and therapy he needed until he could stand on his own two feet. I told you Bryan’s story years ago … he became a park maintenance worker and he rescued a stable full of horses during the huge wildfires in California. Every day was a profile in courage for Bryan because of his brain injuries. He died in his sleep in 2009, having cheated Death out of 50 years.

Mom’s mother, Granny Ruth, divorced Mom’s father for adultery during the Great Depression. He took Mom one day for a parental visit, and never brought her back. Granny Ruth drove over to Iowa, where he was from, and looked up real estate records in the county recorder’s office to figure out where his relatives lived. With my great-grandmother driving now, she and Granny Ruth patrolled the county until they found Mom playing in a farm yard. Granny Ruth called to Mom, who came running. Then she got Mom safe into their car and took a little time to berate my biological grandfather’s kin using terms like “incest” and others I won’t repeat here. Great-Grandma Libby, who owned a tavern with my Great-Grandfather Leo, was savvy enough to beeline their car to the nearest state line (Missouri) before the local sheriff or other Iowa sheriffs could track them down.

Later on, Granny Ruth’s ex reformed and started a second family. Mom’s half-sister Jeannine told us he straightened up and flew right. Reforming is possible, if you are willing to do it.

Uncle Rusty, Aunt Lorraine, her parents, and my cousin Mark on his First Communion day.


Back to my Uncle Rusty. He was a real estate broker, but was not rich because he and his wife (my Aunt Lorraine) were honest people. Several times he beat up business rivals who threatened him with force. He also hammered the hell out of a perv who tried to molest his son. Mark was strong enough to hit the perv and escape. Other boys in the neighborhood were not as fortunate.

The California judge felt sorry for the perv and had Uncle Rusty charged for beating him to a pulp.

This led to my first act of attacking adult vermin in a life full of such events. I organized my pals and we systematically vandalized the perv’s cars and his house for several months until he left the neighborhood.

I have had a very high tolerance for conflict with bad people.

But then, I had a boatload of good examples to follow.

I have had a number of arrests for fighting, for using force in coming to the aid of another, for questioning Indiana police who wrote me a chicken excrement ticket, and for other failures to reach agreement on someone else’s bad behavior. I beat the cops in court, serving as my own counsel, because in cross-examining them, I caught them lying against their police report and contradicting each other.

I also got away with knocking a Cincinnati police officer to the ground when he, while wearing civilian clothes, struck me when another bravo and myself got in front of a National Organization for Women parade and carried large posters showing aborted baby parts in front of their parade for a mile thru downtown Cincinnati, much to their anger. Other cops in uniform rushed at me, and I told them if their brother officer, who was having trouble getting off of the street, had been wearing a uniform, I might have listened to him. They let me go.

I have mailed info to two RINO governors (Kasich of Ohio and Rauner of Illinois) showing how their people covered for sex offenders with government contacts or put foster children into sex offender homes.

I outed Summit County (Akron, Ohio) Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (a Dem) for protecting a serial child molester (Scott Dietz – see his fat evil face on the Dru Sjodin website) who shacked up with her child support enforcement sow (Jean Workman). 99 and I fought off her attempts to take our farm, our weapons, our money, and my freedom. Lawyers for dads delinquent a month or two in child support did the rest when I shared with them Dietz owed the state more than $60K in cash welfare reimbursement his daughters needed when he was in prison for raping them, and that his current bed partner (their opponent Jean) was helping him avoid paying it.

I did a forensic evaluation on aircraft engine weight loss that showed the manufacturer ordered the Air Force to clean them in solvents that were destructive to the metals in nearly half of the engine parts. The manufacturer had to pay millions of dollars to have these engines repaired.

Uncle Don Sherlock. Awarded the Purple Heart multiple times during the Korean War.


I turned in another defense contractor for fraudulent bankruptcy because they owed me money and I found out how they stashed it. When Michigan officials told me they were not going to have me repaid, I told them I had found out who the contractor’s clients were, and I would take their business and jobs from Michigan to eastern Ohio. I got paid.

I turned in a third defense contractor for letting Middle Eastern nationals too free access to their defense sensitive blueprints.

I have exposed Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers for malpractice, money fraud, and covering up for sex offenders. I have withstood their threats by submitting the evidence to the appropriate public officials.

I have had run-ins with criminals and corrupt officials. I have interviewed and in some cases intervened for incarcerated prisoners. I have bailed out wrongly arrested people. I have taunted killers seeking parole and provided the evidence needed for prison officials to extend their stays.

I am not a physically imposing man. As a kid, I looked like Buddy Holly and thought I was Johnny Cash. But what I have been able to do is not out of the reach of most of you.

Again, bear in mind who my role models were. Compared to their feats, mine were not so great.

I’m not saying you have to be crazy like me. Or heroic like my role models.

All I’m saying is you have to stick up for yourselves and your children and others who want to protect this great nation and worship God in peace according to the dictates of your consciences.

And be a little creative too.

If you see bad people victimizing the innocent, intervene if you can, and call the police and video the criminals if you can’t.

Organize with other parents at your kids’ schools who share your beliefs. Make life tough for bad teachers and administrators. If another child is a sexual abuse victim, reach out to the child’s parents and the police. Reach out to national groups who defend children and parents who have to confront vile school people.

Volunteer your time to work for people who might do a good job in public office. Donate if your time is limited.

Defend the slandered at work if you know the truth.

Learn how to defend yourself. This is important for women and children too.

I learned how to box, wrestle, and defend myself with other fighting techniques when I was in the Army.

If military service is not for you, there are instructors who can help you. Especially with your kids, observe sessions the instructors teach so you can sense if that instructor is the right one. A timid child doesn’t need a screamer instructor; he or she will benefit more for a calmer instructor who will teach techniques so a child has a chance to learn them before the instructor puts a little pressure on him or her.

There are some instructors who teach families. They are generally better with women and children than many other instructors out there who are used to training young aggressive men. I had two female karate senseis who taught adults and children … they were patient and could still teach technique. They also brought in male senseis and more advanced martial artists to spar with us men.

If you are good at self-defense, work techniques into your children’s play. They will learn as fun time with Dad or Mom, not as some drill. One of my friends did this with his young children until even the little girls were capable of kicking a man in the package effectively.

Which comes to another point …. associate with other adults of good character who are more or less of the same belief system you are. You will prop each other up, and all of your children will have a number of good male and female role models.

I know of some Catholic and Protestant men who have organized self defense clubs at their churches. I was in something similar, along with Greg the Sicilian and a man who shall rename nameless for now because the man’s girls are all grown up and still live in California.

I know of other parents who home-school and have grouped together to hire math and science teachers to instruct their high school age children.

My Dad and Uncle Chuck and Uncle Don helped each other on house projects. Dad, Mr. Repucci, and Mr. Dauwalter helped each other on large room addition projects.

Your circle of friends can be a mutual assistance group of people who think like you who you can trust. All of you will have unique skills that can help everyone.

99 and I own weapons. So should you.

We also have enough canned goods, alcohol, and iodine (for purifying water) in the pantry to get thru a couple of weeks of disruption.

This is not an exhaustive list of ideas, but a starting point for you. You are your own first responder. You are your own citizen action group. You are your own detective.

God bless each one of you, every day, as long as you shall live.


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