• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025

They Hate You!

September02/ 2019

People at the top have had it their way so long they’ve forgotten how to lie and scheme properly and cover their tracks.

The Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and the anti-Trump Republicans are not hiding their tracks at all.

Instead they are like cattle, mooing and crapping so everyone knows where they are and where they have been.

The Russia hoax didn’t work.

And when the Dems summoned Special Counsel and ex-FBI chief Robert Mueller, he acted so befuddled he looked and sounded like Joe Biden.

There was no truth to any of the Mueller Nazis’ accusations against President Trump.

The Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and the anti-Trump Republicans switched directions.

They tried racism charges. That didn’t work, because unlike Barry Obama, Trump pushed prison reforms and more jobs for people of all colors. Trump has a history of nondiscrimination in employing and paying blacks. Trump helped his image with his TV show. Many black celebrities appeared on it and got his public respect. The American public saw a cheerfully boastful, funny, intelligent, and non-discriminating operator in Trump.

Now they are on to predicting Recession, which they hope will cost President Trump the 2020 election.

MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle claimed recessions were okay and normal and predicted one before the election. Many other professional liars in the media and the political world agreed with her. They are saying America needs a recession.

(Source: Daily Caller, 8/19/2019)

Why are they rooting for Americans to lose jobs and money?

Because they hate you.


Former Federal Reserve Chairman Bill Dudley jumped aboard the excrement train and openly asked the Federal Reserve members to rig interest rates and make money tighter so President Trump loses the 2020 election. He said he was upset about President Trump actually punishing the crooks in China for their unfair trade practices. No Deep State, Swamp, or Democrats, or anti-Trump Republican said it was shameful for this Dudley Do-Wrong scumbag to rig an election by deliberately mickeying with the nation’s money. Only a few months earlier, these same maggots were willing to claim Russia wrongfully did the same thing in the 2016 election.

(Source: Breitbart, 8/28/2019)


Who roots for rigging the nation’s money supply to hurt people financially and fix an election for the Democrats?

People who hate America and Americans. They hate you.


An anonymous source said she thought this was a pic of Stephanie Ruhle as a young intern in Matt Lauer’s office/sex dungeon. If we showed the photo to Katie Couric, she might say Matt never used that kind of wallpaper.


Some bitch who used to be the prime minister of that country between us and Greenland openly rooted for Hurricane Dorian to wipe out Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort. Many leftists enjoyed her hateful tweet. They don’t care if people in Florida lose their lives or property.

(Source: Daily Wire, 8/31/2019)

Who roots for hurricanes?

People who hate America and Americans. They hate you.


The Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and the anti-Trump Republicans also took time to criticize President Trump for looking to buy Greenland. They said, “Colonialism is dead. You can’t go buying land.”

They forget Donald Trump is a real estate man, who made billions buying and developing land. They also forget the Louisiana Purchase, the Gadsden Purchase, and the Alaska Purchase added a hell of a lot of real estate to this nation. We even paid Mexico $25 million for California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and some of Colorado and Wyoming after we beat them in the Mexican War. The Mexicans attacked Zachary Taylor’s small army in Texas to start the war, and Old Zack and his men and other American forces ended up kicking their asses good and proper. Yet we still paid them for the land we took …. land in which a lot of the Hispanic residents favored American rule over Mexican rule. Technically, virtually all of America west of the Mississippi came into American hands thru real estate purchase. So up yours, critics.

Trump trolls the World


William Seward, the underappreciated genius who gave Zachary Taylor the advice to use federal money to buy all slaves out of slavery and free them and resettle them as a means of heading off a civil war, was Lincoln’s Secretary of State. Democrat Lewis Powell knifed Seward almost to death the same night Copperhead Democrat John Wilkes Booth murdered Honest Abe, then tried to pretend he was insane. Seward survived, a Union soldier shot down Booth, and a military tribunal had Powell hanged. In those days, you couldn’t fake insanity and have a maggot group like the ACLU get you off.

Seward stayed on in Andrew Johnson’s administration. He realized the strategic importance of Greenland as a way to intercept British and other European navies, so he tried to buy it from the Danes. They refused. Seward did work out a deal with the Russians (Russia Russia Russia) to buy Alaska. His critics called Alaska “Seward’s Icebox” and said it was a waste of $7 million. The guilty and conniving British, who had armed the Rebel Navy with ships, gave us $15 million four years later to try to placate President US Grant, who was thinking of seizing Canada to punish the Brits for intriguing against us in the Civil War.

(BTW, Zachary Taylor was seriously considering Seward’s idea to buy slaves free and end slavery peaceably when he died suddenly and mysteriously. I hold that the Establishment of Taylor’s day, who fought him tooth and nail, had a hand in his death because slavery was lucrative to wealthy Southerners and Northern moneymen alike. Insiders and official DC people partied after Taylor died and Millard Puddingspine Fillmore signed the evil Compromise of 1850, with its Fugitive Slave Act, which Taylor opposed.)

Look at a map. Southern Greenland is about 1500 miles from Portland, Maine by plane and is about 1900 miles from Portland, Maine by ship.  Greenland is closer to Maine than Hawaii is to California.

American purchase of Alaska made Alaska a shield from Jap naval aggression in the Northern Pacific. They took Kiska and Attu, the two westernmost Aleutian Islands, but American air power, naval power, and ground troops forced the Japs out. A monument we should take down and melt into bullets is the one some idiot bureaucrats in the Department of the Interior in 1987 allowed the Japs to put on Attu to commemorate their soldiers we killed.

During World War Two, the Krauts took only a day to conquer Denmark. We essentially took over Danish owned Iceland and we sent troops to Greenland too. Our men killed Kraut invaders in Greenland. After the war, Harry Truman, virtually the last pro-American Democrat (JFK was the last) to be President, also offered to buy Greenland. The Danes refused to sell.

During World War One, Democrat fascist Woodrow Wilson was able to buy the Virgin Islands from Denmark. This would eventually lead to Jeffrey Epstein and a host of other Democrats like the Clintons, and debauched Euros like Prince Andrew sexually abuse underage girls (allegedly) on one of the Virgin Islands.

(It has also come out that spoiled white bitch actress Gwyneth Paltrow and “Friends” goofball actress Jennifer Aniston, besides Chelsea Handler, Katie Couric, Woody Allen, and Clinton ass-kisser George Stepanopoulos, were at the Epstein victory dinner after he got out of jail for raping girls. It has also come out that besides the Clintons themselves, Clintonites Larry Summers and Sandy “Brown Shorts” Berger (the guy who stole documents incriminating the Clinton Administration for acts that led to 9-11) made multiple trips on Epstein’s plane for visits to the Island of Underage Girls. Victims have also reported seeing Clintonites Bill Richardson and Al Gore with Epstein. And a victim reported Epstein ordered her to give a foot massage to anti-Trumper Matt Groening, the creator of “The Simpsons,” aboard Epstein’s plane. She said his toes were so crusty, like his Krusty the Clown character, that she had to scrub them with a wet rag first.)

Sources: Breitbart 8/21 and 8/26/2019, and Gateway Pundit 8/14/2019 )



Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Anniston, and Katie Couric competing head shots


So President Trump, the ultimate real estate man, noting that Greenland costs the environmental snowflakes of Denmark $700 million a year to keep the 56,000 or so Eskimos in poverty, alcohol abuse, and suicidal conditions, offered to buy the place, put the natives to work, develop its mineral resources and hold on to the unmelted snow and ice that is a huge fresh water reserve. He also wants to stop the Chinese from taking the rare earth deposits from Greenland, and he wants to strengthen our far northern base at Thule to keep an eye on Russia. (Russia Russia Russia.) And if global warming is for real, then Greenland will prosper because the thawed Northwest Passage will make it easier for ships to go from Europe to East Asia via Greenland and Alaska than by using the Suez Canal.

I spotted this while checking out a 1947 Time Mag map. In those days, Time writers weren’t so anti-American.

BTW, the Azores would look good in American hands too.

The newly elected prime minister of Denmark got her panties in a twist about President Trump’s interest in buying Greenland. She called Mr. Trump’s idea absurd. Perhaps she was miffed Mr. Trump wasn’t bringing American soccer dykes with him on his visit to her country. So Mr. Trump cancelled his visit to Denmark and thanked Her Danish Nibs in advance for being enough of a publicly rude pig to make the cancellation easy.

Why would Mr. Trump draw fire from these people for trying to add a good possession to America? They hate America and Americans. They hate you.


The Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and the anti-Trump Republicans are now attacking President Trump for doing something about the Chinese Bandits.

No, not the ones in the comic strip “Terry and the Pirates.” which Milton Caniff started before “Steve Canyon.”

The real Chinese Bandits, the ones who run China and that huge troubled land’s industries.

China dumped plenty of money into the Clintons.

The Red Chinese have owned the American trade imbalance since the start of the Clinton administration.

“Dragon Lady,” leader of the Chinese Bandits


The Chinese bribed the Clintons with campaign money and in return the Clintons gave the Chinese access to nuclear missile technology and to many military bases and industrial complexes. This was akin to FDR’s Red advisor Harry Hopkins giving Stalin atomic bomb-grade uranium and the plans for making an A-bomb in Lend-Lease packages.

Chinese industrial spies stole many important trade secrets and suffered no consequences. They also got increasing shares of the American market from the Clintons even though they steal technology, ignore patents, and export products made by serf labor.

The Bushes, the Obamas, and the leadership of both parties continued this economic treason. In fact, workers of one of my clients – a coal mining machinery firm in Pennsylvania – pulled a Chinaman from a trash dumpster when he separated from a Chinese trade delegation and went looking for blueprints.

The US government during the Hoover administration outlawed commerce with such nations using the Smoot Hawley Tariff. The tariff, aimed against Japan, China, and the British Empire (which controlled India and Pakistan), and the Soviets and later the Nazis, had the aim of protecting American blue-collar worker jobs from slave labor, serf labor, and colonial labor competition.

They have not enforced such a tariff in many years.

President Trump has been ramping up tariffs against Chinese made goods to punish them for their lying, cheating, and stealing. Besides dumping serf-made and slave-made products in our markets, the Chinese have been selling us hazardous and poisonous products and drugs. They sold us wallboard after hurricanes that were made of furnace slag; the defective wallboard sickened many. And they commit patent theft and intellectual property theft more casually than Ilhan Omar has been opening herself to her brother and other Moslems, and to a political operative (allegedly).

When the Chinese decided to attack our economy further a couple of weeks ago, President Trump put out a message basically ordering US companies to pull out of China.

When the Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and the anti-Trump Republicans screamed like babies with full diapers, Mr. Trump calmly explained he had such authority under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. This was a law the Democrats enacted and President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, signed in 1977. The law, one of the few reasonable things those jokers did, empowers the president to greatly raise tariffs and even cut off trade if a national emergency, triggered by foreigners, takes place.

(Sources: NPR 5/31/2019, The Hill 8/24/2019)

China has been getting away with dumping slave labor cheap and unsafe products in America for decades. They have been getting away with patent and intellectual property theft for decades.

They have declared war on our people by sending in tons of fentanyl into our country, thru shipments and thru illegals. Roughly 100,000 in America have died each year in recent years due to Chinese fentanyl. Chinese export of this drug to America is a hostile act that dwarfs all the mass shootings and even the illegals’ murderous activities in recent years.

Ask Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs.
Uh, nope, you can’t. He’s dead. The coroner found fentanyl in his system.

(Source: L. A. Times, 8/31/2019)

Our giant pharmacy companies have all sort of medicines and the chemical coathanger mifepristone aka RU-486 made in China, which lacks our quality controls. The Chinese have no problem selling us abortion drugs that cause women and girls hideous side effects.

President Trump and many American workers want China’s scumbaggery to end. Thus, President Trump and his team are again doing right by the American people in fighting the Chinese government-military-industrial complex.

Why do we need trade from China?

The Chinese can’t engage us in honest trade so they have to cheat. They have to steal intellectual property and patents. They have to use gangs of children, prisoners, and adult serfs. They have little quality control. They ship us poisonous products.

We can’t do legitimate business there because you can’t sell goods to poor people. China and India have many many people, but very low incomes per household or labor camp.

So they as consumers really can’t buy what we make.

China is resource poor and food poor. They have to import massive amounts of food.

China is using predatory deals to scoop up African mines. They make loans the Africans can’t repay, then treat the Africans as arrogantly as the British and French used to do.

Trump warned greedy American company bosses to start pulling out of China … and noted he had the power to order them to do so. He even spelled out the law and taunted the media for their ignorance and laziness about covering the law and the trade war.

People forget he threatened to use the law in May 2019 against Mexico. Mexican leaders responded by intercepting many more illegals to keep them from coming here.

Trump’s team of trade studs (led by Commerce Secretary Ross, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, trade guru Lighthizer) show all weapons are at the ready.

Our tariffs are squeezing the Chinese and will squeeze them further. Their fragile economy, built on exporting serf-labor made crap good only for emporiums of low quality like Wal-Mart and other box stores, doesn’t have many options except for colluding with Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and the anti-Trump Republicans.

China wants a Democrat in office who will bend over and offer his or her backside to them so they can continue their piracy. They will pour all kinds of money into the 2020 elections through crooked third party conduits to make this happen.

Why are any people in this country taking China’s side?

The Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and the anti-Trump Republicans will make money from China while millions of Americans lose their jobs.

They hate America and Americans. They hate you.


Speaking of illegal immigration, President Trump is pushing thru regulation changes aimed at cleaning up the mess the courts have made of the immigrant screening process.

He is also looking at stopping baby blanket bingo aka birthplace citizenship aka anchor baby citizenship.

(Source: Daily Caller, 8/22/2019)

Many foreign women get knocked up and sneak into America, drop a kid on our soil, and use the kid as an anchor baby to hook up their extended families to gravy-train off of Americans. The ACLU, the Democrats, the Chamber of Commerce and their slimy minions in the GOP like Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney, and other economic traitors who want votes and cheap labor claim the 14th Amendment allows such travesties.

They are wrong and they are liars. Republicans in Congress and GOP legislatures in the states enacted the 14th Amendment in 1868, three years after the Confederacy ended, to make citizens of blacks born in America. When US Grant became president the next year, he and the GOP got the 15th Amendment enacted and ratified to give black males the right to vote. Feminists opposed the 15th Amendment because women didn’t get the right to vote. Grant and the GOP also allowed immigration of blacks, mostly from the West Indies, to America. They forbade the immigration of unskilled Chinese and other Asians to protect American laborers from being undercut. Robber barons had imported a lot of Chinese to build the western half of the Transcontinental Railroad to cheat Americans out of wages, and to blast thru the Sierra Nevada Mountains so carelessly they killed hundreds of Chinese laborers in the process.

Much of the 14th Amendment, which came not long after the 13th Amendment in 1865 which outlawed slavery, was aimed at punishing former Confederate officials. Read the Amendment for yourself. Our leaders in the late 1860s were not about baby blanket bingo.

In that era, American law viewed a child born on American soil to foreign nationals as being of the nationality of the father or mother. Want more proof? Alien women gave birth to 500 babies on Ellis Island. One child got American citizenship because her father was an American citizen. The others did not get citizenship, but got the status their parents got – admitted alien. No anchor babies. They understood the 14th Amendment.

Want still more proof? American Indians born in the United States did not get citizenship in the late 1800s and in the early 1900s unless they integrated into white or black communities. In fact, the US. Government was at war with some American Indian tribes till the 1890s. American Indians BORN IN AMERICA did not get citizen status as a class until the 1920s.

So stop lying, illegal alien proponents.

President Trump is also pushing measures to get more immigration judges into the system to hear cases and exclude illegals. He is pushing to revoke the monopoly of the National Association of Immigration Judges over representing immigration judges. He intends to appoint judges form people who are not judge union members. Union reps for the drones, err, judges, are complaining the Trump administration expects each judge to hear 700 cases a year (about three per day). This is not an unreasonable quota. During the Ellis Island Era, Boards of Special Inquiry judges heard at least two cases per hour, and they worked six days a week for 50 weeks a year.

(Source: Daily Caller, 8/10/2019)

Alien mob crashes the fence in Mexico.


And Mr. Trump is going after the ridiculous Flores ruling, which illegals abuse to enter the US in mobs by bringing children along (often not their own children) and getting released because supposedly a child should be released quickly.

Per the Miami Herald, 8/21/2019, this:

“The Trump administration unveiled a new rule Wednesday that allows the government to detain children until they can be deported, stripping away current legal protections for youths and possibly leading to indefinite detention.

The rule would gut the so-called Flores settlement, a 22-year-old federal court agreement that requires that children be released from custody as quickly as possible — within 20 days — and that they be held in the “least restrictive setting.”

The agreement, which regulates standards of care and treatment of minors, is the only established set of protections for immigrant children in detention.

“The Flores loophole essentially gives a free pass into the interior of the United States to many aliens who arrive at the border with a minor,” the Department of Homeland Security said in a statement. “The decades-old Flores agreement is outdated and fails to account for the massive shift in illegal immigration to families and minors from Central America.”

The number of families detained at the southern border has skyrocketed in recent years — from 14,855 in the 2013 fiscal year to 432,838 so far this fiscal year, DHS said.

At a press conference Wednesday, Kevin K. McAleenan, acting secretary of Homeland Security, said smugglers abuse Flores by selling trips across the border to immigrant families. He also said that migrant families are taught how to seek asylum and that the agreement is “designed” to have them released into the country and rarely deported.

“The new rule would restore integrity to the immigration system,” McAleenan said, noting that the government’s hope is that the rule will deter migrants from crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. “Smugglers have even fraudulently presented aliens arriving at the border as fake families to take advantage of the Flores loophole.”

The Trump administration is right. In the Ellis Island Era, our agents detained parents and children on Ellis Island or elsewhere until release or deportation. In the meantime, they were not free to move about the country.

President Trump has gotten money to build many miles of border fence, and he is pushing federal bureaucrats to get the work going. He is keeping his promises. And he is drawing the fire of those who hate Americans in the process.

Why do the Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, and the anti-Trump Republicans support illegal immigration, and “diversity immigration” from lands whose people hate us and have abominable practics like slavery, cannibalism, female circumcision and sodomizing boys?

They hate America and Americans. They hate you.


James Comey is not going to get charged for some of the laws he broke while running the FBI. So now he is demanding an apology. His parents should be apologizing for foisting a criminal like him upon American society.

Comey and other criminals from the FBI and CIA made out memos calling their illegal work against President Trump in so many words a counterintelligence operation. This, they believed, would give them cover to lie, cheat, steal, and spy on Mr. Trump and his people.

Hopefully, Attorney General Barr will concentrate the work against Comey around the lies he told the FISA judges to get warrants to spy on the Trump administration. This will send Comey to prison and strip him of his undeserved pension.

Even now, former FBI No. 2 Andrew McCabe is puckering awaiting indictment. I say indict all the top FBI and Justice people involved in the putsch against President Trump and watch them rat out each other.

Or refer the crimes to military tribunals, like Andrew Johnson used a military tribunal to try the people who conspired with John Wilkes Booth to murder Honest Abe Lincoln, Secretary of State William Seward, and Johnson himself because he was the Vice-President.

Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt hang for their roles in the Lincoln Assassination Plot. Justice demands that military tribunals do likewise to the Deep State Criminals.


Why not a civilian court in DC, where the crimes occurred?

That town back in the day was so Democrat and Copperhead infested (like today) that a local jury of white males would probably have acquitted the murderous plotters. The respect for justice would have cratered, and other people across the North would have rioted and killed Democrat politicians across the North and might have pushed for wave after wave of Sherman-style campaigns upon the civilian population of the South, now that Rebel armies were disbanded.

The failed putsch by the New Copperheads and the continuing attacks upon President Trump by people with police type powers in the FBI, Justice Department, CIA, and other agencies fits the criteria for a military tribunal. Large segments of the federal government are essentially in rebellion against the national authority (President Trump) and need military tribunals for the preservation of law an order.

Comey and all the other government pukes have been breaking the law for decades because they are entitled. Civil service rules protect them. And when they don’t, there are plenty of lawyers and rich people behind the lawyers who benefit from the lawbreaking of the government pukes who will protect them. Or their bosses will protect them to try to avoid a judgment against the agency that costs them money.

The most common of these is when a public school teacher sexually abuses a girl or a boy, the teacher union protects the abuser. Other teachers and administrators further bully the victim and harass the victim’s parents. Whispering campaigns begin against the victim and her or his family in the community where they live. The administration doesn’t want to lose tax money they’ve worked hard to beat out of the public, so they support the teachers too.

This is how government pukes wage war upon the public. At the federal level, only the military, the Postal Service, FEMA, and the National Park Service consistently do good jobs. The other federal agencies have problems. At the state and local level, firemen and rescue squadders do great jobs routinely. Most police forces are good, but some are questionable, and others have become questionable because the politicians in their cities cater to the lawbreaking mobs. But there are abusive cops, crooked jailers, and policemen and policewomen looking for sexual action with boys or girls in too many forces.

They hate you.


Here, in a nutshell, is the circle-the-wagons approach of government employees at the expense of the people:

A few days ago, an Arkansas woman got caught in high water while she was delivering papers. Instead of assessing the situation rationally, she panicked because she couldn’t swim. So she called 911.

Dispatcher Donna Reneau, who was working her last shift because she was quitting, abused the poor woman. The tape reveals Donna mocked the woman’s decision making, and did not give her sound advice on how to escape. Donna could have calmed the woman and told her to get atop her vehicle, or while the water was still low, to abandon her car and walk toward higher ground. A good dispatcher will calm a panicky person and focus her on how to help herself until help arrives.

Instead Donna the Prima Donna used the time to belittle the frightened woman. She was on the phone with the woman for more than 20 minutes. The water got into the woman’s car and forced it to roll into a creek, then the car filled with water and drowned her.

Why didn’t the rescue people come faster or work faster?

There are reports the rescue people took their good sweet time about getting to the woman.

Were they gutless goobers?

I don’t think so.

Per the New York Daily News 8/30/2019 (and wire services), this:

“The 911 call came in at 4:38 a.m. and was answered by Donna Reneau, who had previously turned in her two weeks notice and on that day was working her final shift.

(Debra) Stevens said she turned into an apartment complex parking lot because she couldn’t get down a flooded street. Her car stopped running, but she told Reneau her lights were still on inside the vehicle.

“Please help me! I don’t want to die,” Stevens said.

“You’re not going to die,” Reneau assured her.

The fire department was dispatched at 4:41 a.m. and police at 4:45 a.m. after clearing a previous call.

Stevens became increasingly panicked throughout the call that lasted more than 20 minutes. She repeatedly told the dispatcher she was scared.

“I can understand that you’re scared, but there’s nothing I can do in this chair so you’re going to have to hold on and I’m going to send you somebody,” Reneau said.

Stevens said she didn’t know how to swim several times during the call.

“I’m scared. Somebody save me,” Stevens said.

“Am I not on the phone with you trying to get you some help?” the dispatcher responded. “So stop. You’re not going to die. I don’t know why you’re freaking out.”

“You freaking out is doing nothing but losing your oxygen up in there, so calm down,” she added.

At one point, Stevens asks frantically when rescuers will arrive, and Reneau responds, “As soon as they get there.”

“This will teach you: next time, don’t drive in the water,” Reneau told Stevens.

Stevens said she couldn’t see it before driving into it and Reneau responds, “I don’t see how you didn’t see it. You had to go right over it, so.”

Comment: It was before 5 a.m. It was dark out. Underpaid delivery drivers deliver morning papers in the dark.

Rescuers requested a boat at 4:59 a.m. and the 911 call was disconnected at 5 a.m. as Stevens screamed that the water was moving her car and that the water inside was up to her neck.

The floodwaters swept her car into a creek at the end of the road and she was unable to escape as water filled the car.

The vehicle was located at 5:02 a.m., but rescuers couldn’t reach it because of “high water moving swiftly.” They began working their way to the vehicle with life vests and ropes.

The rescue boat arrived at 5:16 a.m. Rescuers finally reached Stevens’ vehicle at 5:58 a.m., removed her from the car and attempted CPR, but she had drowned.”

Illustration courtesy of TV Station KFSM in Springdale, Arkansas. Rest in peace, Debra Stevens, and all the other victims of floods and Hurricane Dorian. You are all children of God.


It is possible the emergency people were told the woman was dead, and in conditions of predawn darkness, they thought they were recovering a body, which does not require the haste of a rescue.

Who was at fault?

Would you be blameable in thinking the dispatcher gave the rescue squadders bad info?

Fort Smith police chief Danny Baker, per TV reporters at KFSM in Springdale, Arkansas, said this:

“The manner that she spoke during this conversation would have probably been addressed, but it would have been more a rudeness quality type service complaint. I don’t think it would have risen to the level of terminating someone.”

Chief Baker is a hired hand. He owes his job to the Fort Smith politicians. The people didn’t elect him; politicians chose him. Did he see his job as protecting the city from a lawsuit?

Hopefully Baker will be canned and he can start policing up shopping carts at the local Wal-Mart. And Fort Smith officials will take a bunch of Donna the Pig’s money as she waddles out the door.

Otherwise, decent people will conclude the only thing Fort Smith, Arkansas is good for is an incest convention.


Government people oppressed the blacks. The Clintons and Bushes okayed a century of theft and mismanagement by the Bureau of Indian Affairs of American Indians’ royalties for minerals and logging and grazing, and their “mishandling” of American Indian lands. The judge in the case, Royce Lamberth, hit key figures in both administrations for lying and concealment, but the Justice Department of both regimes protected the officials. The Bushies got Judge Lamberth removed from the case after Clintonites tried and failed earlier. Estimates of the stolen money were close to $200 BILLION with a B. It looked like Judge Lamberth might force them to pay it to the nation’s American Indians.

Obama’s Justice Department shysters forced a final settlement of $3 billion. The feds kept almost 100% of what they stole.

During Obama’s second term the Environmental Protection Agency was responsible for poisoning the water of the Navajo people. And not a peep from Elizabeth Warren aka Demented Sow in defense of red men or red women. Why would she complain? Democrats polluted the water, Liz stole a college education meant for a person of American Indian blood, and Liz’s ancestor helped force the Five Civilized Tribes to leave SEC country and go to Oklahoma.

Government employees have mistreated service veterans, broken up families, and placed innocent children in homes with sex offenders. Many government pukes, especially those in public schools have been molesting hundreds of thousands of girls and boys for decades.

And they helped murder President Kennedy, tried to overthrow President Reagan, and are still trying their putsch against President Trump.

And these government asswipes demand tenure and civil service protection!

President Trump should look at civil service reform.

It should be almost as easy to fire government employees as it is to fire people in the private sector. And there should be term limits on most government jobs, except for firemen and paramedics, and some military and technical jobs. There should also be “up or out” pressure on civil servants, like there is in the military and in sports franchises, to be the best or leave.

President Trump should follow Andrew Jackson in his second term and return to the rotation in office policy that broke up the bureaucracy mindset of many who sought gain in political office. From Andrew Jackson’s first message to Congress, this:

“Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives:

There are, perhaps, few men who can for any great length of time enjoy office and power without being more or less under the influence of feelings unfavorable to the faithful discharge of their public duties. Their integrity may be proof against improper considerations immediately addressed to themselves, but they are apt to acquire a habit of looking with indifference upon the public interests and of tolerating conduct from which an unpracticed man would revolt.

Office is considered as a species of property, and government rather as a means of promoting individual interests than as an instrument created solely for the service of the people. Corruption in some and in others a perversion of correct feelings and principles divert government from its legitimate ends and make it an engine for the support of the few at the expense of the many.

The duties of all public officers are, or at least admit of being made, so plain and simple that men of intelligence may readily qualify themselves for their performance; and I can not but believe that more is lost by the long continuance of men in office than is generally to be gained by their experience. I submit, therefore, to your consideration whether the efficiency of the Government would not be promoted and official industry and integrity better secured by a general extension of the law which limits appointments to four years.

In a country where offices are created solely for the benefit of the people no one man has any more intrinsic right to official station than another. Offices were not established to give support to particular men at the public expense. No individual wrong is, therefore, done by removal, since neither appointment to nor continuance in office is a matter of right.

The incumbent became an officer with a view to public benefits, and when these require his removal they are not to be sacrificed to private interests. It is the people, and they alone, who have a right to complain when a bad officer is substituted for a good one. He who is removed has the same means of obtaining a living that are enjoyed by the millions who never held office. The proposed limitation would destroy the idea of property now so generally connected with official station, and although individual distress may be sometimes produced, it would, by promoting that rotation which constitutes a leading principle in the republican creed, give healthful action to the system.”

Andrew Jackson argued for new blood in office to fight corruption and stagnation. Jackson fought in the Revolutionary War to win American independence, and he fought in the War of 1812 to protect American independence. He knew the ruling class could attack America from within just like the British could attack America from without. He came up with ways to counter both sorts of assaults.

“The duties of all public officers are, or at least admit of being made, so plain and simple that men of intelligence may readily qualify themselves for their performance; and I can not but believe that more is lost by the long continuance of men in office than is generally to be gained by their experience.”

Jackson’s system, with term limits for government employees in the same jobs, could break Comeyism into a million pieces …. like JFK wanted to break the CIA.

Never forget. The Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, the anti-Trump Republicans, and the moneyed interests behind them all look down on you and hate you. They attack President Trump and his people because they hate YOU.


For this nation to survive as a Consitutional Republic, the power of the Deep State, the Swamp, the Democrats, the anti-Trump Republicans, and the moneyed interests behind them must be shattered into millions of pieces. Can you help those who are trying to do the shattering?

We need to pass on a better country to those who come behind us, instead of doing nothing and letting politicians and operatives continue their destructive work of eating away at our nation’s foundations, and eating away at the core values and liberties of We the People. We hold the future of our children and grandchildren in our hands. We must do what is right by them.

May God bless you all, every day, as long as you shall live.

This photo is of an apparition in the sky over Argentina a few weeks ago. Locals call it “The Redeemer” after the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio, Brazil. God sees, and cares, and wishes we would do a better job using the free will He gave us.



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