No one with an IQ above that of a turnip believes wealthy girl slaver Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide in a New York prison.
Epstein, who let politicians and other powerful people rape girls (females below the age of 18, some as young as 13), got mugged in the prison in July. So the feds who ran the prison allegedly put him on a suicide watch. And yet there were no guards and no footage when Epstein allegedly died by his own hand in the wee hours of Saturday morning.
It’s a theme I hit on recently. The Deep State blames murders on government employee incompetence.
Why was there no watch on Epstein? No guard or camera?
Bureau of Prisons incompetence?
Or bribes or orders?
Jeffrey Epstein. Another one bites the dust.
There are a lot of morons and corrupt people who are employees in prison systems. Recently it came out four female guards at a Baltimore jail bore the children of its most notorious inmate. I know a woman, large and butt-ugly, who volunteered for nurse duty at the local state pen so she could get to know inmates a little more personally. Guy guards can be bribed. John Dillinger’s lawyer paid off a guard to smuggle in a fake gun to the king of the bank robbers, which he used to bluff his way out of Crown Point, Indiana jail.
Prison guards, as government employees, also obey orders, even if they are crooked. Since the federal workforce is loaded with Trump-hating corruptocrats, why shouldn’t the Bureau of Prisons have its share of these vermin?
Friday, some of the information in Epstein’s Florida sex abuse case became public.
One of the teenage sex victims noted former Maine senator and Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell and former New Mexico governor and cabinet member Bill Richardson, both high-ranking Democrats in the Clinton years, raped her with Epstein’s okay.
Per Brooke Singman, Fox News 8/10/2019, this:
“Friday’s revelations came from more than 2,000 documents that were unsealed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York. The papers included affidavits and depositions of key witnesses in a lawsuit the now-33-year-old woman, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, filed against Epstein and his associate, Ghislane Maxwell in 2015. Giuffre accused the duo of keeping her as a “sex slave” in the early 2000s when she was underage.
Giuffre claimed in a May 2016 deposition to have been trafficked to have sex with and provide erotic massages to powerful politicians, foreign leaders and well-heeled businessmen. In ordering the documents released, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit also warned that the allegations contained within them are not necessarily proven.
Giuffre alleged in her own deposition that she was allegedly forced to have sex with (former New Mexico governor and Clinton cabinet member Bill) Richardson, 71, Britain’s Prince Andrew, Hedge Fund manager Glenn Dubin, American scientist Marvin Minsky, “another prince,” “a large hotel chain owner,” Stephen Kauffman, and model scout Jean Luc Brunell.
In another deposition, Giuffre also reveals that she was “trafficked” to Mitchell, a former Senate Majority leader (Democrat) who represented Maine from 1980-95 and was later named special envoy to the Middle East by President Obama. A sworn affidavit by a former Epstein employee, Juan Alessi, also alleges Mitchell, 85, of having associated with Epstein.
“The allegation contained in the released documents is false,” Mitchell said in a statement to Fox News. “I have never met, spoken with or had any contact with Ms. Giuffre.”
He added: “In my contacts with Mr. Epstein I never observed or suspected any inappropriate conduct with underage girls. I only learned of his actions when they were reported in the media related to his prosecution in Florida. We have had no further contact.”
A spokesperson for Richardson denied the allegations, telling Fox News in a statement Friday that they are “completely false.”
“Governor Richardson has never even been contacted by any party regarding this lawsuit,” the spokesperson said. “To be clear, in Governor Richardson’s limited interactions with Mr. Epstein, he never saw him in the presence of young or underage girls. Governor Richardson has never been to Mr. Epstein’s residence in the Virgin Islands. Governor Richardson has never met Ms. Giuffre.”
See how politicians and their spokesliars lie?
The Richardson mouthpiece said his boss never went to the Virgin Islands, where Epstein kept the underage girls as sex slaves. He figured most Americans don’t know Epstein had a huge compound in New Mexico, where Epstein trafficked girls. It would be more convenient for Richardson to commit rape and statutory rape in his own state if he was so inclined.
Who else got involved with Jeffrey Epstein?
Many scientists who saw Epstein as a money bag.
Many leftists with money are willing to fund the “climate change” hoax. The grant money is why so many scientists publicly support the “climate change” hoax. They are just as willing to whore themselves for money as others. Mad scientists helped Hitler and made big money.
So did some media people. Per Breitbart’s Penny Starr, 7/22/2019, this:
“A number of media outlets took part in what the New York Times called a “campaign to remake the public image” of Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire financier who served a short jail sentence for sex offenses after reaching a controversial plea deal in 2008 that allowed him to avoid federal
The Times cited Forbes, the National Review, the Huffington Post, and a tech website as outlets that published positive stories about Epstein and noted that those stories were deleted or revised after the newspaper inquired about them.”
Prince Andrew, Virginia Roberts, and Ghislane Maxwell ant Ms. Maxwell’s London digs. Courtesy of the New York Post.
Celebrities and celebrity sniffers around New York didn’t stay away from Epstein. After his release from a Florida jail, he hosted a 2010 victory dinner at his New York City estate. Among the guests were Woody Allen, George Stephanopoulos, Chelsea Handler, and Katie Couric. Woody Allen, an accused child molester, and Step-on-all-of-us, a brown-nosing Clinton buttboy, we’d expect at such a sleazefest. Chelsea Handler is an unsavory entertainer, so yeah, she belonged there too. And perky Katie Couric, who tried to show she was more learned than Sarah Palin, wasn’t smart enough to stay away from a serial girl rapist and slaver. Or does Katie get off on such depravity? She loves the Clintons and other leftist criminals.
(Source: Big League Politics, 7/8/2019)
Katie Couric framed appropriately
Many other rich and famous people hung out with Epstein after his convictions.
Politicians were not ashamed to take Jeffrey Epstein’s money. Per Breitbart’s Kyle Morris, 7/10/2019, this:
“According to the online data, (New York Democrat Charles) Schumer received seven $1,000 donations from Epstein between 1992 and 1997. Victory in New York, a fundraising committee established by Schumer and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, received a $10,000 donation from Epstein in October of 1998.
In 1998, Epstein also made a $5,000 donation to Win New York, a Schumer-associated committee that helped rake in money for the Liberal Party of New York state.
According to the data, Schumer and Schumer-associated entities received $22,000 from Epstein throughout the 1990s.
After she first refused to return the money, Stacey Plaskett, the delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives from the Virgin Islands who received $8,100 from Epstein since 2016, said Thursday that she would not keep the money. Epstein’s private Island of Underage Girls in is in the Virgin Islands.
John Kerry, who served as Secretary of State under Democrat President Barack Obama, received a total of four $1,000 donations from Epstein between 1991 and 2002 during his time as a U.S. senator from Massachusetts, according to records from
Epstein also made four separate $1,000 donations from 1991 to 1994 to former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman, all while he served as a Democrat representative of Kansas’s fourth congressional district.
Online data revealed Joe Lieberman, who served as a Democrat U.S. senator for Connecticut from 1989 until 2013, received three separate $1,000 donations from Epstein between 1994 and 1999.
In 1992, Epstein donated to Bill Clinton’s presidential election efforts on two separate occasions, with both donations valued at $1,000 each.
Epstein’s three separate donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee in 1994, 1998, and 1999 were valued at $5,000, $9,000, and $20,000 respectively.
Other Democrats who have received monetary donations from Epstein over the years include former New Mexico Sen. Jeff Bingaman ($3,000), former South Carolina Rep. Tom McMillen ($3,000), former Michigan state Sen. John Kelly ($2,000), former Missouri Sen. Richard Gephardt ($2,000), former New Mexico Rep. and Gov. Bill Richardson ($1,826), former Ohio Sen. John Glenn ($1,000), and former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray ($1,000).
According to, Epstein made donations between 1990 and 2018 to both Democrats and Republicans, which totaled an estimated $184, 276. Of the $184,276 made in donations, $147,426 went to Democrats or left-leaning organizations, while $18,250 was received by Republicans or right-leaning organizations.
Epstein made select donations to a few Republican candidates over the years including former New York Sen. Al D’Amato ($2,000), former New York Rep. Rick Lazio ($2,000), former Texas Rep. Phil Gramm ($2,000), former Sen. Bob Dole ($1,250), former Ohio Gov. John Kasich ($1,000), former Minnesota Sen. Rudy Boschwitz ($1,000), former President George Bush ($1,000), and former Oregon Sen. Bob Packwood ($1,000).”
Note of the above named Republicans did much while in office to help the people of this nation. Packwood was a pro-abort sex offender. And Yappy Kasich is like the house dog who is upset its owners brought home a baby from the hospital. Yappy doesn’t know whether to foul the rug, bite the baby, or rub itself inappropriately on visitors, so Yappy does all of the above.
The biggest unnamed rapists (allegedly) are the Clintons. Flight logs Epstein’s pilots filed with the Federal Aviation Administration named Bill as a passenger on Epstein’s plane 26 times. Also named were the full names of male passengers and only the first names or initials of several female passengers. Often they listed presence of Secret Service agents but didn’t name them.
(Source: article by Fox News’ Malia Zimmerman, 5/13/2016)
The Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy 7/10/2019 reported the following:
Bill’s spokesliar recently said his master only made four trips with Epstein.
The flight log for Epstein’s jet shows Bill Clinton took 27 flights on Epstein’s aircraft. Some of these were in relation to four trips to Africa and elsewhere for AIDS-fighting and politics.
This quote appeared in Dunleavy’s story:
“Jeffrey is both a highly successful financier and a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in-depth knowledge of twenty-first-century science,” Clinton was quoted as saying through a spokesman in 2002. “I especially appreciated his insights and generosity during the recent trip to Africa to work on democratization, empowering the poor, citizen service, and combating HIV/AIDS.”
The New York Post’s Lia Eustachewich, in a 1/24/2015 article, reported that the same victim, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, noted she saw Bill on the island:
“Former President Bill Clinton took a romantic jaunt in 2002 to convicted pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein’s “orgy island” with “two young girls” from New York, according to a shocking new interview.
Virginia Roberts, who’s accused Epstein of turning her into a “sex slave” at age 17 and forcing her to sleep with his powerful friends, claimed Clinton stayed in one of the many villas on Epstein’s US Virgin Islands estate — where group sex was a “regular occurrence.”
“I remember asking Jeffrey, ‘What’s Bill Clinton doing here?’ kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said, ‘Well, he owes me a favor,” Roberts told her lawyers in a 2011 interview obtained by “He never told me what favors they were.”
Bubba was accompanied by two of Epstein’s regular girlfriends and “two young girls that I could identify,” Roberts claimed.
“I never really knew them well anyways. It was just two girls from New York,” she said.
According to flight logs, Clinton flew on Epstein’s private Boeing 727, which Roberts said was outfitted with a special bed for kinky, high-altitude romps, the Web site said.
“It was a lot of the same things that went down on the ground,” she claimed. “There would be sexual conduct; there would be foreplay. There was a bed in there, so we could basically re-enact exactly what happened in the house. It would start off with massaging or we would start off with foreplay. Sometimes it would lead to, you know, orgies.”
Roberts denied she ever slept with Clinton and said she never witnessed him having sex with anyone else.
[Comment: Wise disclaimer, Virginia. Don’t give the Clintons a reason to cut off your head.]
But on “orgy island,” the stunning blonde allegedly engaged in group sex with Epstein, Britain’s Prince Andrew and eight other girls.
Epstein pimped out Roberts and other underage girls to his prominent pals — so he could gather information on them to blackmail them later on, Roberts alleged in a new affidavit.
“Epstein required me to describe the sexual events that I had with these men, presumably so that he could potentially blackmail them,” the now 31-year-old wrote. She added: “I also understood that Epstein thought he could get leniency if he was ever caught doing anything illegal, or more so that he could escape trouble altogether.”
Virginia Roberts might have been less compelling to Bill than one of the other sex slaves. Bill could be a bottom feeder; he chose Hillary and Monica. Just because Bill didn’t rape Virginia doesn’t mean he didn’t rape other girls at Epstein’s island of Lost Girls.
Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. Two of Bill Clinton’s victims.
Paula was the victim of a lot of virtue-signaling dirtbag GOPers too, who used her, then left her with a mountain of legal bills, then pouted in moral indignation when Paula had to resort to doing a Playboy shoot to pay off the lawyers. Kenneth “Brown” Starr would not defend these ladies but would later vigorously pimp for Epstein. Bible-thumping Brown Starr left in disgrace from Baylor after covering for their sexual predator athletes.
Commentator Amanda Head noted this 7/9/2019:
“Appearing on Fox News Monday night, Conchita Sarnoff said former President Bill Clinton is lying when he claims he “knows nothing” of registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes.
Sarnoff, who’s the executive director of Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking and the author of her book “TrafficKing,” appeared on Fox News @ Night after an indictment alleging sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy was unsealed Monday morning against Epstein, while Clinton’s spokesman issued a statement denying knowledge of Epstein’s alleged behavior.
Epstein, a billionaire financier, has one of the largest homes in Manhattan with photographs connecting him to Bill Clinton, Woody Allen, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Epstein also has connections to fellow Manhattanite Donald Trump.
Clinton, meanwhile, said in a statement that he “knows nothing” about the “terrible crimes,” insisting that he took “a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane” in 2002 and 2003 – while his Secret Service detail traveled with him at all times – and that he had only brief meetings with Epstein.
Sarnoff, who broke (details of ) Epstein’s sweetheart plea agreement, says that simply isn’t accurate, arguing Clinton flew on Epstein’s planes many more times.
“I know from the pilot logs and these are pilot logs that you know were written by different pilots and at different times that Clinton went, he was a guest of Epstein’s 27 times,” she said, adding that “many of those times Clinton had his Secret Service with him and many times he did not.”
“Almost every time that Clinton’s name is on the pilot logs, there are underage girls, there are initials, and there are names of many, many girls on that private plane.”
Hillary didn’t recoil from Epstein either. He gave plenty of money to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary, while too old and ugly to turn tricks, still has a gold-digger’s nose for money.
Per the Daily Caller’s Andrew Kerr 7/24/2019 article, these nuggets:
“Epstein said he helped conceive an arm of the Clinton Foundation in a 2007 letter to federal prosecutors designed to boost his public image during the plea negotiations that ultimately led to his highly criticized 2008 sweetheart deal where he served 13 months in prison for pleading guilty to soliciting an underage girl for sex.”
“Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the woman who has been described as his “madam,” attended a Bill and Hillary Clinton-hosted donors’ reception in the White House in September 1993 after he donated $10,000 to the White House Historical Association that same month, according to documents from the Clinton Presidential Library obtained by the Daily Beast.
A former executive vice president of the White House Historical Association, Bernard Meyer, sent a letter to Epstein in October 1993 thanking him for the donation, which he said would be put toward refurbishing the Oval Office and areas of the Executive Residence.
Epstein also met Clinton aide Mark Middleton at least three times in the White House around 1993 and 1994, the Daily Beast reported, citing an unnamed source with knowledge of the situation.”
“Former Italian model Elisabetta Tai said Epstein’s friendship with Bill Clinton was invoked by a member of his entourage when she tried fleeing from his Manhattan mansion in 2004 after the financier stripped naked and handed her a vibrator during a business meeting.
“She told me that I couldn’t just leave,” Tai told the New York Post a woman resembling Epstein’s alleged madam Maxwell told her as she was leaving his house. “She said that this man is important, that he is a friend of President Clinton.”
The New York Times reported 7/9/2019 that an Epstein foundation donated money to the Clinton Foundation.
Why have so few of Epstein’s victims come forward?
Most of them were terribly afraid of him.
Now that he’s dead, his procuress buddy English socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, and other women above the age of consent who reportedly tricked girls into his sex slave harem could stand accused. Problem is the Clintons are involved, and the girls understand many people who have been inconvenient to Bill and Hillary have died horrible deaths.
The Clintons have a trail of several dozen dead bodies behind them. The highest ranking one? Ron Brown, their Commerce Secretary who reportedly told Bill he would take him down with him if he was indicted for corruption.
Ron Brown, under fire for his role as a fixer or enabler of deals for dollars involving businessmen who wanted easier access to Chinese markets and cheap labor, was found dead in a plane crash in Croatia. But the plane crash apparently wasn’t good enough for someone who didn’t wish Brown well; Ron Brown’s body was found with a bullet hole in his head. Many surmised he was on the verge of telling investigators a good deal of the truth about his administration’s dealings with the Chinese because he didn’t want to be the fall guy for the scandal.
Info on the Ron Brown murder, errr accidental death comes from Allegheny (Pittsburgh) County Coroner Dr. Cyril Wecht, and from information given by U.S. Air Force pathologists LTC Steve Cogswell, LTC David Hause and chief U.S. Navy forensic photographer Chief Petty Officer Kathleen Janoski to interviewers Christopher Ruddy and Wesley Phelan.
CPO Janoski took photos of Ron Brown at a military morgue when his body was returned to America. She noted what looked like a 45 caliber bullet hole in his head, and noted the lack of other life-threatening injuries to the troubled Commerce Secretary. She said she was told the original X-rays of Brown’s head “showed a lead snowstorm.” These X-rays disappeared.
LTCs Hause and Cogswell also cited the X-rays as a cause to autopsy Brown to find out if he was in fact shot to death. Their superiors did not order an autopsy of Brown, but ruled he died a crash victim and released his body for burial. CPO Janoski mentioned there seemed to be a lot of pressure from the White House to get the investigation wrapped up quickly, and her superiors leaned on her to speed up her painstaking work.
When Pentagon higher-ups disciplined LTCs Hause and Cogswell for speaking out, CPO Janoski defended them. Her reward was to get reassigned, and eventually investigated and threatened with punishment as severe as the death penalty. CPO Janoski, a former volunteer for Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, asked Judicial Watch to defend her from the corrupt military JAG inquisitors. They did.
Cyril Wecht is a nationally known coroner. I have spoken with Cyril Wecht a couple of times, and once even referred him to a lawyer who needed a competent forensic expert. Needless to say, I think highly of his professional ability.
Info on the four comes from Wesley Phelan’s 10/26/1998 article “The Botched Ron Brown Investigation” in the Laissez Faire City Times, Christopher Ruddy’s interview with Cyril Wecht in the 12/17/1997 issue of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, and Ruddy’s 11/24/1997, 12/3/1997, 12/6/1997, and 12/9/1997 articles for NewsMax, and a 2/20/1998 article in World Net Daily.
Dozens of other of the Clintons’ associates and antagonists died in the 1980s and 1990s by murder or suspicious looking suicide or suspicious accident. The end notes for this column list some of them.
Marinus Analytics, a Pittsburgh business run by Cara Jones and Emily Kennedy, is using facial recgnition technology to identify sex trafficking victims.
Believe it or not, Epstein’s Arkancide is bigger even than the Clintons.
The dirty secret is that Jeffrey Epstein has apparently been presiding over the sexual abuse of girls for many years with the connivance of the Deep State.
This means the Deep State’s many criminals in government agencies could move against Epstein’s victims soon.
Different sources have claimed the FBI and the Justice Department had some sort of agreement with Epstein. Some are reporting supposedly Epstein had an arrangement with the State Department.
This is why Alex Acosta, the disgraced federal prosecutor, supposedly gave him such a sweetheart plea deal. Epstein was a federal “asset.”
Was he giving V.D.s (visiting dignitaries) sex with underage girls in exchange for favors to our government? Or at least giving favors to leaders in our government? Or was he running a blackmail operation against them?
Was Epstein acting as the feds’ blackmail agent? Or was he acting as their hospitality agent when certain high ranking foreigners or Americans wanted underage girls?
You say that can’t be?
The Secret Service used Colombian hookers during then-President Barack Obama’s trip to that country in 2012. Supposedly enough of them were so drunk and/or, errr, otherwise preoccupied, that Barack and Michelle might have had to slug it out with potential assailants themselves. Fortunately for the Obamas, they are both large people.
The Secret Service pukes weren’t alone. Bill Clinton’s Attorney General Janet Reno used and abused female prostitutes too.
(Take a barf break here.)
And who’s to say Kerry O’Grady, the Secret Service agent who said she wouldn’t try to protect President Trump, did not take a tumble or several of her own with female prostitutes?
Kerry O’Grady. Her face would stop a train. Courtesy Denver Channel.
The Washington Free Beacon’s Susan Crabtree reported 1/10/2019 Ms. O’Grady, helped by the Secret Service hierarchy, stayed in the agency and would get her pension. Susan also noted she helped organize a “Womxn’s March” in Denver in 2018 and in 2019. Susan noted, “The website says organizers included an “x” in the word “woman,” “because we believe in equity and we act with purpose to make space for trans, non-binary and genderqueer persons in our name.”
Again, the Epstein murder is even bigger than the Clintons.
The guilty need to be burned at the stake … preferably chained to a metal post and torched by flame throwers so they can jerk spasmodically in excruciating pain while they get a foretaste of their afterlives.
The ACLU says this is cruel and unusual punishment. I say do it often enough to child abusers and it won’t be unusual any more.
The Conservative Treehouse, a website all of you need to read regularly, reported today the Left has their talking points out in the wake of the Epstein Arkancide.
The Left are trying to pin Epstein to President Trump.
Here’s the link to the Left’s strategy article.
What is the truth about Donald Trump’s connection to Jeffrey Epstein?
Trump and Epstein were both among the ultra-rich in New York in the 1990s. Trump was a builder and Epstein was a vulture capitalist.
Trump said some nice things about Epstein, like he does with a lot of people he has no reason to trash. President Trump even says nice thinks about Little Rocket Man when he thinks it’s in the nation’s interest that he do so.
What is important is what Trump did once he understood what kind of sexual predator Epstein was.
A lawyer for some of the girls Epstein and his pals raped says Donald Trump helped him in his quest to get them some civil damages. Trump also banned Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago resort when he found out Epstein tried to pick up the underage daughter of one of Trump’s employees.
Per an article by Zero Hedge’s Tyler Durden 7/7/2019, this:
“Following a 2018 financial settlement between Florida attorney Bradley Edwards – who represented one of Epstein’s accusers, only to be later sued by Epstein, Edwards claimed that Donald Trump was the ‘only person’ who provided assistance when Edwards served subpoenas and notices to high-profile individuals connected to Epstein.
Edwards: The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, “Let’s just talk. I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know,” and was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009.”
[Virginia Roberts reportedly said Ghislane Maxwell lured her into Epstein’s stable of underage girl sex slaves when the older woman saw her at Mar-a-Lago. This may well be why Bradley Edwards wanted to talk to Donald Trump.]
Ghislane Maxwell with Epstein. She even looks like a female pimp.
“In January 2016, “” (a left-of-center outlet) ran Silverstein’s story on Trump’s ties to Epstein, which framed them as more social – including dinner parties, two plane trips, and Epstein hanging out at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida. As Radar reported last April, “According to an investigation by Radar, Trump was among dozens of renowned New Yorkers who knew Epstein socially but ostracized him after Palm Beach police uncovered the financiers sleazy double life,” adding that Trump “barred child molester Jeffrey Epstein from his famed Mar-a-Lago club after the presidential candidate caught him hitting on a young girl.”
Per an article by The Federalist Papers’ Carmine Sabia 7/7/2019, this:
“Epstein was barred from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., ‘because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club, according to court documents,’” the Washington Post reported.
“I learned through a source that Trump banned Epstein from his Mar-A- Lago Club in West Palm Beach because Epstein sexually assaulted an underage girl at the club,” Fort Lauderdale lawyer Bradley Edwards’ said.”
The truth won’t deter the Left or elements of the Deep State from lying. But at least you got the truth straight with no chaser here.
Attorney General William Barr, hours after the death of Epstein, said he was having the Justice Department investigate the circumstances of Epstein’s death.
Who trusts the FBI to do the job right?
I sure as hell don’t. The FBI have earned nothing but the hatred of those who love God and America for their organized crimes and cover-ups of the crimes of the powerful.
What made me lose my trust for the FBI forever was how they handled the tragic downing of TWA Flight 800. Someone or something made the plane explode while in flight over the Atlantic Ocean off the south coast of Long Island in July 1996. More than 200 people were killed in the explosion that destroyed the airliner; none survived. Hundreds of witnesses said they saw a missile strike that airliner and blow it out of the sky. Many of them gave detailed statements to authorities.
Who shot the missile? Was it a Moslem extremist – one of many running loose in the greater New York area thanks to Bush and Clinton immigration policies – who did it with a shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile? Or could it have been a shoulder-fired missile or a bigger missile fired from an Arab ship?
Or was it “friendly” fire? (No fire is friendly if it is aimed at you.) Did the Navy or Air Force have training going on nearby? Did an Air Force or Navy fighter pilot playing “lock on” on the civilian jet with his aircraft’s target acquisition radar inadvertently fire a missile?
It was none of the above, claimed FBI official James Kallstrom. He claimed the airliner blew up because of mechanical causes. Kallstrom and others had to somehow jerry-rig a cause to fit his theory. They eventually blamed a malfunction in a fuel tank, and said no crime was responsible for the tragedy.
There was a problem with this answer. It was false. Bear in mind, all aircraft (and now all cars) have electrical fuel tank level monitoring equipment and electrical fuel pumps. Manufacturers have made these devices safe to prevent an electrical ignition of fuel. If Kallstrom’s reported cause was true, you would expect many such aviation explosions because of the inherent unsafeness of the design.
Retrieval of pieces of Flight 800 aircraft. Fed scumbags had armed confrontations with ship captains involved in the retrieval operation when the captains continued to work at recovering debris.
The relative lack of government regulatory action on Kallstrom’s hypothesis also indicates his rationale was false. There was no sweeping federal order to ground other Boeing 747s, including Air Force One, which then was being stained with the Clintons’ DNA. (Bubba even molested an Air Force enlisted woman aboard Air Force One, and when she complained to the pilots and another man aboard the jet who were Air Force officers, their manhood shriveled. Clinton got away with it. One of the castrated wonders was Buzz Patterson, a high-ranking Air Force officer who carried the “nuclear football for Bill Clinton, so he could keep his hands free for groping. He reported the incident in a book he wrote after he was safely a civilian.)
There was never a large-scale federal inspection done to verify airlines had corrected the supposed mechanical problem that the feds claimed could cause a blast similar to the one they claimed took the TWA aircraft down. And by 2004, eight years after the disaster, there was still no mechanical fix ordered for the 747s by any federal agency for this supposed problem, although one was supposedly in the works. All of these things should have happened very quickly after the mid-air plane explosion if there was a real problem.
Kallstrom and the Clinton administration had another problem. They had to find a way to discredit several hundred eyewitnesses who saw the missile streak toward the aircraft just before the aircraft exploded. They also had to cover up the fact that forensic people found explosive residue and rocket fuel residue on many of the airline’s retrieved parts. They did it by ignoring evidence, discrediting witnesses and crime investigators, using coercion and force, and disposing of the physical evidence.
FBI officials and Clinton administration people ridiculed the eyewitnesses. However, the investigators did not. They triangulated the possible launch points of a missile by interviewing the witnesses and using navigational gear to check the statements.
FBI officials lied about the ability of a shoulder fired anti-aircraft rocket to reach and destroy the airliner. I as a former Army officer and many people much more knowledgeable people than me know it would be possible for such a missile to reach the plane and bring it down from the altitude it was at.
How To Be Your Own Detective Teaching Point: Your own professional experiences can lead you to sift fact from fiction. I have stood in the fuel tank of a large aircraft and seen the wiring in it. I am aware of how the FAA works to fix aircraft problems. I also knew the range of anti-aircraft missiles. You are similarly knowledgeable in your own field. Don’t let corrupt government scum tell you different.
FBI officials denied radar data that showed a ship speeding away from an area of the ocean near where the plane went down. Other ships headed toward the crash site to aid possible survivors. The feds eventually admitted to the presence of the vessel, but never tried to identify it. Nor did they say anything about Federal Aviation Administration radar data which showed a small high speed projectile impacting the airliner, except to dismiss it as an anomaly.
U.S. Navy officials denied there being any Navy vessels in the area near where the aircraft exploded. Later, they would admit a surface vessel and three submarines were very close to the crash site. Likewise, there was denial that military aircraft were in the air nearby.
Forensic investigators found residue of explosives or rocket fuel on many of the parts of the recovered airliner. The investigators and the local coroner found trace evidence confirming a missile strike on and in corpses of the recovered dead. This evidence was suppressed. They ignored the hundreds of eyewitnesses to the missile and the explosion.
Federal officials removed from the investigation several people who questioned the cover-up, and prosecuted a journalist who obtained seat fabric from one of the airliner’s seats which had explosive residue in it. They had armed confrontations with ship captains involved in the retrieval operation when the captains continued to work at recovering debris.
The case remains unsolved, largely due to the criminally negligent and/or conspiratorial conduct of FBI officials and other government officials.
Info on Flight 800 comes from Bob Donaldson’s 7/12/2006 article for World Net Daily, Jack Cashill’s 7/17/2006 article for World Net Daily, and the Progressive Review’s TWA Flight 800 archives.
Didn’t the FBI help mess up the JFK murder investigation?
And how well have they done solving the Vegas Shooters case?
An autopsy can be fudged also. Summit County, Ohio, which has a prosecutor (Democrat Sherri Bevan Walsh) who protects a serial little girl rapist (Scott Dietz) who shacked up with a former agent of hers (Jean Powell aka Jean Workman aka Jean Dietz — yeah, she services the guy who made his two toddler daughters, kid sister, and kid cousins service him earlier) also had coroner office problems. One coroner was a corpse robber and another was a taxpayer money thief.
A bogus coroner report got Bill Clinton’s mom, a nurse, off scot-free on a malpractice charge.
This column doesn’t have room to discuss the lies told on the JFK autopsy. I’ll leave you with this – JFK got shot from behind, and from the front. The latter bullet shattered his skull and threw his scalp onto the trunk of the limo he and Jackie were in. She went to retrieve it …. Jackie was JFK’s first responder because the Secret Service bravos had their thumbs where the sun didn’t shine.

AN UNIDENTIFIED MAN STANDS ON THE REAR BUMPER OF THE CAR AS MRS KENNEDY bends over her husband, John K. Kennedy, after the 36th president of the United Staes had been fatally shot as he drovw through Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963. The President died an hour later in hospital. he had been shot in the head, apparently by an assassin armed with a high-powered rifle.
[Comment: The government pukes couldn’t even get the caption right. JFK was the 35th President.]
As James Comey and a cast of other criminals have proven recently, in their failed ongoing putsch against Donald Trump and We The People who put him into office, the FBI and the Justice Department are full of people who hate us and our President so much they will commit felonies to try to run him from office.
The FBI is like the Gestapo. It needs to be disbanded and its agents who are not corrupt enough for prison but not proven trustworthy to be peace officers or criminologists need to be reassigned to a new agency named the Fecal Bureaucracy Ingrates. These reassigned feds can get paid at the level we pay federal custodians, and they can pick up trash and rats and human feces in Baltimore, San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, New York, L.A., and all the other decaying cities run into the ground by decades of Democrats. That will enable them to stay employed as government shitmongers but keep them far from the justice system.
We will have to build a new national anti-crime force from the ground up.
Teachers molest many children and teach them falsehoods. The children of this nation are not safe physically or mentally in the public schools.
Nor are children safe around public officials.
When the police and prosecutors and forensic people are corrupt, no one is safe.
Pray and work for the safeguarding and rebuilding of this nation’s institutions. Encourage good people to serve in government agencies and government office. With the honorable exceptions of Presidents Reagan and Trump, too many of our recent presidents and most of our highest public officials have been working against We The People.
Meet and make friends with other patriots, and work together. Give your children antidotes to the sewage they get force-fed in school. As soldier and saint Ignatius de Loyola said, pray as if everything depends upon God, and work as if everything depends upon you.
White House secretary Linda Tripp testified Monica Lewinsky left on her chair a list of people who came to bad ends who had been friends of or antagonists to or witnesses in crimes involving the Clintons; Monica’s helpful reminder surfaced in a lawsuit filed against the Clintons for the Filegate scandal. Linda Tripp, who outed Monica as one of Bill Clinton’s low-grade conquests, was one of the 900 or so whose FBI file made it into the Clintons’ hands. Maybe Monica wasn’t being used to threaten Linda Tripp, maybe she felt the need to publicize her sexual gig with Bill Clinton to stay in the public eye and avoid being killed secretly like former White House intern Mary Mahoney.
Mary Mahoney, a former White House intern, was shot to death at a coffeehouse she managed. She was rumored to be about to testify about sexual harassment at the White House. She was on the list.
Suzanne Coleman, another conquest of Clinton’s, was found with bullet holes in the back of her head. She was seven months pregnant. She was on the list.
Paula Grober, a long-time Clinton interpreter for the deaf, wound up dead in a one-car crash. She was on the list.
The list included fundraisers and supporters Paul Tulley, Victor Raiser, Hershell Friday, Stanley Heard, and Ed Willey (Kathleen’s husband). It also included Charles Meissner, a Commerce Department higher-up who had gotten Chinagate figure John Huang a special security clearance. It also included Barbara Wise, a secretary at the same government agency who also knew John Huang and worked with Ron Brown. She was found beaten and partially clothed in a pool of blood in her office.
Jerry Parks, a former Arkansas security man for Clinton, was shot to death after being shadowed. He was on the list. The list named 12 other former bodyguards of Clinton who had died. It also listed Kathy Ferguson, the ex-wife of Arkansas state trooper Danny Ferguson, who told many tales of the low-class adventures of the Clintons while they ran his state, and her soon-to-be new husband Arkansas state trooper Bill Shelton.
Investigators of and witnesses to suspected Clinton crimes who were on the list of the dead included Donald Martin, Stanley Huggins, Florence Martin, Paul Wilcher, Jon Walker, and John Hillier.
Kevin Ives and Don Henry were murdered, reportedly because they witnessed drug shipments involving a drug kingpin and Clinton associate named Don Lasater. Keith Koney, Keith McKaskle, Gregory Collins, Jeff Rhodes, James Milam, Jordan Kettleson, all who may have been witnesses to the Ives and Henry case, also were murdered. Lasater’s attorney Gandy Baugh also died violently. Dan Harmon, a federal prosecutor in Arkansas and an associate of Lasater and Clinton, had evidently personally taken part in the murders of Ives and Henry. Harmon would later go to prison for racketeering, drug dealing, and extortion charges, but not murder. Everyone except Harmon, Lasater, and Clinton named in this paragraph was on the list. (Ambrose Evans-Pritchard’s book “The Secret Life of Bill Clinton” pp. 255-274)
It was also unsafe to be a woman who had sex with Bill Clinton or a woman he molested, or a woman who turned him down. Not on the list but still targets of Clinton’s wrath were Dolly Kyle Browning, a longtime paramour of Clinton, as well as Kathleen Willey and Linda Tripp herself. All would later accuse Clinton and his surrogates of threatening them and/or their loved ones with harm. Gennifer Flowers (another woman Bill used repeatedly), Linda Gracen (a former Miss America who had sex with Clinton), Sally Perdue (a former Miss Arkansas who had sex with Clinton), Paula Jones, and Monica Lewinsky herself would say that they had been threatened by phone and/or in person by people connected to the Clintons. They said they feared bodily harm as long as Bill Clinton held public office. Sally Perdue had left the country, and so had Linda Gracen.