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Why Child Molesters Get Government Help; Kamala the Kept

July30/ 2019

Jeffrey Epstein, the child predator and sex trafficker, survived an apparent Arkancide in prison the other day.

It is being reported that the feds didn’t do much to Epstein in 2008 because he supposedly was a federal asset.

In other words, he could offer girls to whoever the Deep State wanted blackmailed and thought would be likely would abuse them. Then, with all the cameras in Epstein’s residences took pictures of the sex crimes, they’d have the marks wherever they wanted them.

If this is true, then the Deep State let Epstein serially abuse girls and they essentially serially abused girls also for their own satanic ends.

Jeffrey Epstein. Child molester and friend of the Deep State. Courtesy WABC.


The Clintons are deeply entangled with Epstein. So are a goodly number of the rich and powerful.

Meanwhile, a lawyer for some of the girls Epstein and his pals raped says Donald Trump helped him in his quest to get them some civil damages. Trump also banned Epstein from his Mar-a-Lago resort when he found out Epstein tried to pick up the underage daughter of one of Trump’s employees.

Epstein may not live to testify. He knows too many elitists’ secrets. 

A parallel case?

Bob Mueller and the FBI in New England helped murderous mob boss Whitey Bulger kill his opponents. Notice how Whitey was transferred against his will for “medical reasons” and wound up beaten to death in a federal pen in West Virginia earlier this year. He didn’t want to transfer because he could smell the trap. The feds claimed someone erred in moving Bulger and/or not having him monitored properly.

If they think they need to, the feds will kill anyone and blame it on incompetence. From a criminal who knows too much on up to President Kennedy.

Recall the Clintons blamed “galoots” in their security detail for illegally accessing more than 900 confidential FBI files on prominent politicians, journalists, and others. Their subservient media submissives used the term “galootery” to cover for the Clintons.  This episode was known as the Filegate crime.

The intel from these confidential files (Filegate) gave the Clintons the chance to blackmail many. In fact, they could blackmail many more than the 900 or so whose files they actually looked at or had their staffers look at because no one outside the Clintons’ circle knew exactly whose files they had. The FBI, instead of acting as the nation’s law enforcement agency, acted like the Clintons’ private goons. Like the FBI acted when LBJ was president.

Back to Epstein.

When Epstein got his stay out of state prison or federal prison card back in 2008, Bush 43 was president.

Ultimately Bush 43 is responsible for the abuse of the girls if Epstein was working with the government. It could be Epstein had the same deal with the Clinton administration. It has come out Epstein visited the White House several times while the Clintons occupied it.

[Bush 41 was tied into a homosexual prostitute ring run by Craig Spence. Look Spence up on the Internet …. he reportedly took a boy and a young adult male prostitute on a midnight run through the White House in 1988, while President Reagan was out of town. One of the Secret Service agents on duty at the time reportedly moonlighted for Spence and let them in. Other sources you can find on the Internet link Bush 41 with young girls who were being victimized in the foster child system.]


Meanwhile, someone else the feds weaponized against Donald Trump recently wound up in jail for sexually abusing boys. Again.

George Nader, an Arab-American fixer and adviser to the crown prince of the United Arab Emirates, a few days ago drew an indictment for importing and sexually abusing foreign boys as part of a ring of adult male homosexual rapists around DC. He stands accused of taking their passports and threatening to have them jailed if they went to the police.

Nader can add that charge to an earlier indictment of possessing child pornography. And he can add those to prior criminal convictions for sexually abusing boys.

Per Wikipedia, this:

“Nader has been charged with multiple crimes involving the sexual exploitation of minors, and convicted of several of them. A 1985 charge of receiving from the Netherlands films and magazines depicting pre- and post-pubescent boys engaged in sexual acts, was dismissed due to an invalid search warrant. A federal court in Virginia in 1991 gave him a six-month sentence on a felony charge of transporting from Germany pornographic videotapes of boys about 13 or 14 years old. Prosecutors agreed to put the case under seal “due to the extremely sensitive nature of Mr. Nader’s work in the Middle East.”

In 2003, he was convicted in Prague, Czech Republic for sexually abusing ten boys, for which he served one year in prison. A spokesperson of the court told press that the crimes occurred between 1999 and 2002. In one case, at his room in Hilton Prague Hotel, Nader requested oral sex from a 14-year-old boy. After he refused, Nader masturbated in front of him and paid him 2,000 koruna.” (about $125)

Wikipedia noted Nader helped the Bush 41 administration in Middle East hostage negotiation. Wikipedia also noted Nader did work for the Clinton Administration in that part of the globe.

Boy raping by adult males is common in Moslem countries. Our soldiers in Afghanistan have been punished by scumbag JAGoff-icers and gutless commanders for stopping Afghan males from raping boys.

Mueller and his crime Bund of high-powered Democrat Hillary-supporting lawyers used Nader as a spy/star witness. Nader had met with Jared Kushner and with Donald Trump Jr. trying to gin up business for his Middle Eastern clients. The Mueller ring of brazenly corrupt lawyers gave Nader full immunity for his testimony against President Trump’s son and son-in-law.

(Source: Daily Caller 7/28/2019)

If you are an ally of the Deep State, you can rape boys and the feds will work with you to attack Swamp enemies like Donald Trump.

So why did Nader just get hit with matching felony indictments for the most vile crimes?

Because the “Russia Russia Russia” narrative is deader than Bob Mueller’s reputation for clarity and honesty in front of a national audience, Nader is now expendable.

Mueller actually denied on TV knowing about the fake Steele dossier, paid for by neverTrumpers and Hillary’s presidential campaign, that various FBI and DOJ criminals used as a pretext to spy on Mr. Trump and members of his team. Mueller made himself look like a stone liar or the most befuddled old fool since Quincy Magoo or Jimmy Carter or Joe Biden, take your pick.

(Source: The Federalist, 1/18/2019)


And within the past few days, another powerful business tycoon admits he slimed a young Russian woman so Mueller and his band of corruptocrats could send her to prison.

It turns out Patrick Byrne, the CEO of Internet flea market Overstock.com, was a spy for the FBI for many years. What makes this interesting? Byrne had a fling with pretty young Russian woman Maria Butina, then told the FBI she was suspicious.

The feds told Byrne to stay in touch with Maria and spy on her.

Maria Butina was prosecuted so the Mueller Nazis could show a real live Russian was apparently spying in America, possibly in league with Donald Trump. Supposedly she was involved with the National Rifle Association, friends of President Trump.

Maria, shown here with a Thompson gun (30 round stick instead of drum magazine), like a woman I know in the Czech police service, is a firearms enthusiast, and likely a much better shot than me. 99 is as good a shot as I am, and one of my old girlfriends was a much better shot than me. I’m like Theodore Roosevelt. Teddy admitted he was not a good shot, but he loaded enough ammo for as many shots as he needed to bring down a wild animal or multiple criminals.


Back to the story.

Per Fox News, 7/26/2019, this:

“In a letter to the Justice Department obtained by Fox News, Butina’s attorney, Robert Driscoll, revealed Butina’s past relationship with Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne. Driscoll claims he told the government he believed Byrne — “who had a sporadic relationship with Maria over a period of years prior to her arrest” — was a government informant.

“My speculation was flatly denied,” he said.

But Driscoll said he now believes that’s false. “Mr. Byrne has now contacted me and has confirmed that he, indeed, had a ‘non-standard arrangement’ with the FBI for many years, and that beginning in 2015 through Maria’s arrest, he communicated and assisted government agents with their investigation of Maria.”

Reached via email by Fox News on Friday afternoon, Byrne confirmed the information about his relationship with Butina in Driscoll’s letter.

Byrne’s involvement with Butina was first reported by journalist Sara Carter. In an interview with Carter, Byrne spoke of his decision to come forward with the information, saying: “It was something I knew I had to do. Those running the operation were not honest and, in the end, I realized I was being used in some sort of soft coup.”

The letter is addressed to the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility, as well as Inspector General Michael Horowitz and U.S. Attorney John Durham. Horowitz and Durham are leading investigations related to the Russia probe, and Driscoll said “it appears that some of the issues raised by the information I received relate to FBI counterintelligence operations with respect to Russia leading up to the 2016 election.”

The Justice Department could not be reached for comment Friday afternoon.

The letter said Byrne met Butina for the first time at the FreedomFest convention in Las Vegas in July 2015. Byrne subsequently reported his contact with her to FBI agents, who encouraged him to stay in touch with her, Driscoll wrote.

“As time passed, Byrne became more and more convinced that Maria was what she said she was— an inquisitive student in favor of better U.S.-Russian relations—and not an agent of the Russian government or someone involved in espionage or illegal activities,” the letter states. “He states he conveyed these thoughts and the corroborating facts and observations about Maria to the government.”

[Any Russian who loves her country realizes Russia having good relations with the United States can help her people against European financial predators, against Chinese military and civilian leaders who covet Siberia, and against militant Islamists who try to stir up the millions of Moslems who live in Russia. Putin, who a one-star general friend of mine said needed two promotions to reach the rank of asshole, has irritated President Trump. Trump in return has cost Russia billions of dollars by helping American companies sell natural gas and oil to Europe.]

In April, Butina was sentenced to 18 months in prison by a federal judge in Washington after pleading guilty last year to a conspiracy charge. She will be removed from the U.S. promptly on completion of her time, the judge added, and returned to Russia.

An emotional and apologetic Butina said in court at her sentencing she was “truly sorry” and regrets not registering as a foreign agent.

“I feel ashamed and embarrassed,” she said, adding that her “reputation is ruined.”

Butina has been jailed since her arrest in July 2018.”

Maria Butina appears to be a much more desirable immigrant than what has been flooding into our country from the Middle East, Somalia, Latin America, and most of Asia. And she just came to visit and research our institutions, allegedly. What red-bloded young  man wouldn’t want to meet her on a rifle range or at a political meeting?


Of interest to Driscoll the lawyer should be when Maria Butina left CEO Patrick Byrne for another older American “gentleman” who was an above-average savant in politics and connections. In my opinion, to which I am entitled, Maria dumped Byrne and took up with South Dakota businessman Paul Erickson, a conservative activist who she met in Russia. This, in my opinion, might have made Byrne bitter enough to rat on her, and maybe lie or embellish details to make her look bad. You know a good criminal lawyer would use this as a defense of Maria.

The feds lied about Byrne not being an FBI asset, evidently. The federal lawyers are criminals. This will also have some weight in any appeal Maria’s lawyer might make for her.

Mr. Driscoll has maintained Ms. Butina succumbed to government pressure, abased herself, and pleaded guilty. This is not the act of a competent spy like Anna Chapman, the Russian temptress who met similar spying charges during Barack Obama’s first term as president. Anna hired a publicist, sold her life story to a British tabloid (which was probably meant to throw investigators and politicians off the track), pleaded guilty with little comment and no embarrassment, and waited for the inevitable spy swap between America and Russia. Anna right away was able to go to work in Russia as a model and as an apparatchik. She has offered to marry Edward Snowden, the NSA spook who outed all the government spying during the Obama years, to keep him in Russia.

Buzzfeed, a left-of-center publication, in a 8/6/2018 article, while trying to give credence to the Trump/Russia nonsense, admitted Maria lived in South Dakota (Erickson’s home state) awhile and blogged openly and described American practices ranging from firearm possessions to local election voter identification practices. She wrote more like a journalist than a spy, and she didn’t hide her situation.



Sex, either coerced or voluntary, is currency in the Deep State realm. Too many government people aid and abet sex offenders if it will help them.

That’s why so many sex offenders with political connections feel empowerered to continue raping the innocent.

That’s why government employees, ranging from politicians to teachers, are the vermin most prone to molest children and rape young women. Or they rape boys and young men, as we have covered here earlier this year in the cases of Hillary moneyman and homicide suspect Ed Buck, Obama donor Terry Bean, and Ed Murray, the boy-raping mayor of Seattle.


Now for another sector of society leftists are ruining because they are pustulent.

Per Rachel Stoltzfoos of the Daily Caller, 7/18/2019, this:

A Maryland library that hosted a “Drag Queen Story Hour” for kids was forced to pick up the tab this week for security costs incurred by the local police department.ustulent

St. Mary’s County Commissioner John O’Connor said it’s not right for the library to drain local resources and taxpayer dollars to hold “controversial” events, such as the drag story hour, a local outlet reported. After a heated discussion about who should foot the $2,439.48 security bill that included members of the library board, the commissioners voted in favor of O’Connor’s motion to transfer the funds from the library to the sheriff’s office.

Library board members said they were given little notice of the event, which was organized by two local activists groups, the Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays of Leonardtown and the Southern Maryland Secular Humanists. The groups described the story hour in a Facebook post as an event that “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,” BayNet.com reported.

Police ended up arresting one 42-year-old local man who tried to attend the event and refused to leave. He is heard yelling, “Don’t believe those men dressed as women!”

[Sounds like the cops need some training on who to arrest – namely the pervs, and any idiot parent who brought a child to this maggotfest.]

One commissioner said it was “round three” for the community against the library.

“Round one was ban the books, round two the pole dancer, this time it is going to be the drag queen,” he said, according to BayNet.com. “We learned this morning from our board of education meeting that we have 700 kids enrolled in Pre-K. The target audience of the drag queen [event] coming up is going to be 3 to 9-year-olds.”

Similar events have been popping up at libraries across the country. A Houston public library apologized in March after it was discovered that one of the drag queens who participated in a story hour had been previously charged with sexually assaulting a minor.”

Your tax dollars at work.

I refuse to give pervs photo publicity. The song “Freakers’ Ball” illustrates their scumbag behavior instead. Courtesy Doctor Hook and the Medicine Show and Shel Silverstein.


Across the country, per Breitbart’s Susan Berry 7/22/2019, this:

“A public library has deleted photos of small children lying on top of drag queens and fondling their false breasts at a Drag Queen Story Hour.

Multnomah County Library, the library system serving Portland, Oregon, quietly removed from Flickr the photos of the Drag Queen Story Hour that took place at St. John’s Library and then circulated on Facebook, leading to a backlash.

Young children attended the October event that featured drag queen Anthony Hudson, aka “Carla Rossi.”

LifeSiteNews archived the photos of a laughing Hudson lying on the floor, arms outstretched, as young children buried themselves in his body and fondled him.

“Activist Mommy” Elizabeth Johnston observed the photos were first noticed when a Facebook user posted them along with a statement: “I wouldn’t let my kids crawl on top of random strangers no matter how said strangers are dressed.”

[How To Be Your Own Detective teaching point. Facebook contains a lot of evidence of evil and criminal behavior. Check out your target’s social media presence if you want dirt on him or her. Or shim.]

The photos were brought to the attention of LifeSiteNews, which also noted the library had posted additional photos depicting toddlers and young boys dressed in feather boas.

“The goal is to normalize abnormal, sexually deviant homosexual behavior by enticing children to first question their sexuality,” said pro-family activist Georgia Kijesky, according to the pro-life media outlet.

“The more children see men dressing up as women, the more normal it will become.”

Concerns about safety at the Drag Queen Story Hour events made headlines recently when pro-family organization Houston Mass Resistance discovered drag queen Alberto Garza, who uses the name Tatiana Mala-Nina when reading to young children, had been convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting an eight-year- old boy. The Houston library system had failed to perform a background check on Garza or any of the other drag queens appearing in its programs.

[Government  incompetence — used to excuse the lowest of behaviors.]

The Multnomah County Library’s schedule of events indicated the Drag Queen Story Hour’s target audience is “children 2-6 years old with a favorite adult” and is advertised as “kid-friendly drag.”

“The readings will be followed by a craft or dance party,” the library added. “This program encourages kids to look beyond gender stereotypes, and fosters empathy and creativity.”

Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit litigation organization, observed Friday that the recent national conference of the American Library Association (ALA) provided librarians from across the United States strategies for arranging Drag Queen Story Hours and for bringing LGBT agenda materials into public libraries without parents’ knowledge.

Workshops at the conference, which was held in June and attended by more than 21,000 people, included titles such as:

A Child’s Room to Choose: Encouraging Gender Identity and Expression in School and Public Libraries; LGBTQ+ Creators and Characters in Kids, Tween, and Teen Comics; Reading the Rainbow: Teaching Kids about Pride and LGBTQ+ History; Are You Going to Tell My Parents?: The Minor’s Right to Privacy in the Library; and Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries: Drag Queen Story Times in Libraries.”

This is an organized movement of child molesters, aided and abetted by leftist child-molester-friendly librarians. Is Soros money in it? It wouldn’t surprise me.

Kids’ trips to the library used to involve “The Cat in the Hat” or “Harry the Dirty Dog” or “Peanuts” or “Trixie Belden” or “Dan Frontier” or “Tom Sawyer” or “Black Beauty” or “Anne of Green Gables.” Or my favorites when I was a kid – Robert Leckie’s “The Story of World War II” and Herbert Zim’s kid astronomy book “Stars.”

And you older readers – who among you doesn’t remember all the Disney books that accompanied their movies? Who doesn’t remember the terrifying picture of Captain Hook making Wendy Darling walk the plank into shark-infested water because she wouldn’t sell out to the pirates?

Wendy Darling was willing to lay down her life to protect her honor and her immortal soul. It didn’t mean she wasn’t terrified at the prospect  of drowning or being eaten by horrible sea creatures. Notice the little tear under her right eye. Credit Walt Disney.


Libraries used to have librarians who used to shush you.

Now libraries feature “Heather Has Two Mommies” and “The Freak Who Wants Me.” They would prefer to have the pirates rape Wendy Darling before making her walk the plank, and make the Lost Boys into a homosexual club.

And they feature friends of librarians who want to molest kids.

Perhaps it’s time for the fathers of the communities to show up with baseball bats and tear up these soirees of grooming child victims. And if there is a nearby pond or cesspool, a little dunking of the library staffers and guest pervs would be in order.

Note to you blacktop sealing businessmen – if fathers in your town are fired up enough, you can send one of your sealant tanks out on mobile vigilante duty and make some money when they use your services to tar and feather the pervs.

Those of you not prone to vigilanteism should vote no on all library bonds until your local officials hose the excrement out of the library system. You can also “occupy” libraries to disrupt their activities and procedures.

The Ohio legislature will soon be voting on a bill to make it illegal for children to appear in drag shows. This happened after the parents of a little boy pimped him to appear in drag in an Ohio tavern. After this bill will be coming another measure in the Ohio legislature to ban events like the Freaker’s Ball, errr, the Tranny Reading Hour at local libraries in the Buckeye State. These measures need to succeed and serve as examples for similar legislation elsewhere.



The public schools and many private schools are infested with leftists. What makes the public schools worse is most parents can’t afford private schools and the leftists and the child molesters on staff in public schools get paid with your tax dollars.

Along that vein, per the Daily Caller’s Mary Margaret Olohan on 7/8/2019, this:

“Video footage purportedly shows the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) instructing teachers on progressive sexual education and gender theory in collaboration with California school districts and Planned Parenthood. The video, released by conservative organization Our Watch and published June 26, depicts ACLU staff attorney Ruth Dawson, according to Our Watch, instructing teachers on how to help students obtain abortions without parental knowledge or consent.

Dawson also instructed teachers on how to explain these students’ absences to parents, how to forbid parents from opting their children out of LGBTQ education classes and more.

“They talk about mutual masturbation,” said Murrieta School District parent John Andrews. “They discuss gender roles, the gender spectrum, and in the support materials … they take it even further. They discuss everything, topics like roleplaying for different genders, blood play, dental dams … fisting is mentioned. I mean, they mention it all.”


Our Watch President Pastor Tim Thompson told the Daily Caller News Foundation he published the video after uncovering several instances of the progressive agenda through undercover work. Thompson added that they were spurred by the California Board of Education passing legislation in May enacting compulsory sex and gender education.

The Our Watch president says in the video that Planned Parenthood and the ACLU collaborated on both AB329 in 2016 and the Health Education Framework in May. AB329 requires school districts to ensure students take sex-ed and encourages students to push back on sexual topics with their parents – topics explored in the kindergarten through twelfth grade sex education curricula implemented in California schools.

Just another day at Planned Parenthood. Ambulances take hundreds of young women and girls from Planned Parenthood’s slaughterhouses to hospitals each year for emergency treatment to save their lives. Why? Because Planned Parenthood doctors are much crappier doctors than the average OB-GYN. Photo courtesy of Operation Rescue.


“We don’t want our children exposed to some of these things they are showing, these pornographic, sexually explicit material. It has no place in the classroom. It’s not right, and it won’t be tolerated,” Thompson says.

Thompson told the DCNF that parents are usually unaware of how progressive the California sex educational programs are.

“We knew parents had to see for themselves or else they weren’t going to believe it.”

A member of Thompson’s team filmed a Riverside County Comprehensive Health Education meeting. The meeting was presented to the public as a curriculum discussion.

In reality, the meeting consisted of Cardea Services, a developmental and research group and the ACLU teaching school districts how to keep parents unaware of subjects such as whether their children received abortions.

Riverside County spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars paying Cardea Services for this training, said Advocates for Faith and Freedom attorney Nada Higuera, who told the DCNF that this information was obtained through submitting a California Open Records request.

Cardea Services did not respond to multiple requests for comment from the DCNF.

“Regardless of how old a student is, they can walk into a doctor’s office and consent to these services without parental consent,” says Dawson, according to footage from the video, referring to abortion when she said “these services.” She was initially misidentified in the video.

The ACLU attorney notes that these services include pregnancy and prenatal care, contraception, contraception, emergency contraception and abortion. “And for these there is no parental notification.”

“I think a good way to think about all these services that California has decided are so important that we are going to allow minors to go into a doctor’s office and consent to these services,” Dawson added. “Because they are just that important and students need to be able to access them.”

The video also includes footage of ACLU instruction on gender theory, telling teachers that “opting out of just LGBTQ stuff is illegal and should be impossible.”

The ACLU did not describe how the video was doctored.

“In January, the ACLU of Southern California was invited to a meeting hosted by the Riverside County Office of Education to give a presentation on state laws concerning student access to health care and comprehensive sexual health education,” an ACLU spokeswoman told the DCNF.

“All statements made at that meeting by ACLU representatives are in accord with California law. The video of these remarks has been doctored, thereby distorting the presentation.”

The video appears to show spliced clips of different parts of the meeting and blurred faces to match YouTube requirements.

Thompson says that regardless of whether the ACLU thinks these kinds of comments are within the law, what the ACLU is doing is highly unethical.

“They are clearly coaching school district personnel to mark a child as present, supposedly meeting with a school administrator, while actually seeking medical attention (abortion) without parental consent, just so they can still receive their federal funding,” Thompson told the DCNF.

Thompson’s reference to federal funding refers to a discussion in the video where a person identified as an ACLU attorney reminds the audience that they must mark children’s attendance for “financial” reasons.

[Stealing money is in it too. Public schhol officils routinely cheat taxpayers by lying about their attendance. The more kids in classes, the more monay they make. So the ACLU and Planned Parenthood are evidently complicit in atendance fraud.]

Andrews said in the video that California schools are beginning to use Positive Prevention Plus, a curriculum that contains highly explicit photos and drawings explaining the intricacies of every type of sexual activity.

“They talk about anal and oral sex as an alternative to regular sex because you can’t get pregnant,” Andrews reveals in the video. He also explains that the school talks to children about mutual masturbation, gender roles, blood play, dental dams and fisting.

[No wonder kids can’t read or do math or science properly. Pervs are wasting their time with this instead.]

Parental Rights In Education Executive Director Suzanne Gallagher told the DCNF that the video demonstrates “a clear political agenda to destroy the traditional family in America.”

“Until now, the American family was considered to be the foundation of civic life; the smallest form of government, where children are taught responsibility, respect for authority, and national pride.”

“Now, legislation passed throughout the states is designed to support minor rights, not parents’ rights. In the name of equity and inclusion, children are required to know and accept every form of sexual behavior, even though those behaviors are dangerous and contrary to their parents’ beliefs.”

“Get Out Now: Why You Should Pull Your Child from Public School Before It’s Too Late” author, attorney and director of the Catholic Women’s Forum Mary Rice Hasson told the DCNF that Our Watch’s video is “powerful” and “deadly accurate.”

Hasson’s book examines similar cases of progressive sexual and gender education in public schools across the nation.

“Who gave progressive LGBTQ activists, Planned Parenthood, or the ACLU the right to teach other people’s kids about queer identities and explicit sexuality?” Hasson asks. “Especially over the objection of the kids’ own parents?”

Planned Parenthood did not respond to multiple requests for comment from the DCNF.”


The ACLU is also behind the Left’s push to get rid of sex offender registries. They foresee the  looting of billions of dollars from state and local treasuries for their lawyers in addition to covering for the vilest kinds of criminals.

Planned Parenthood staffers aid and abet child molesters and pimps by aborting victims and/or putting them on birth control to hide the evidence.

Tens of thousands of teachers and other school personnel molest children. Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are there to break down children’s resistance to sex acts, and to remind girls if they want birth control because their teachers want to have sex with them, or if the teachers want them to get abortions so the teachers can stay out of prison, they can dispense birth control and perform abortions. Marketing and covering up child sexual abuse wrapped up in a semen stained sticky package.



Planned Parenthood darling Kamala Harris got her backside lit up again – twice – for protecting sex offenders.

San Diego mayor Bob Filner (D), accused of sexually molesting several women, pled guilty to reduced charges in 2013 and got three months of house arrest. Kamala, who already deferred to a mayor – San Francisco mayor Willie Brown (D) – when she was sexually servicing him, was attorney general at the time. Kamala the Kept did nothing to send the San Diego scumbag to prison. Opposition researchers recently publicized this.

(Source: Lukas Mikelionis of Fox News, 7/19/2019)

A little more on the Filner case that shows what a scumbag he is:

Many of his victims were Democrat political women who kept their mouths shut for the party. They facilitated his predatory behavior.

Others were businesswomen or military wives looking for his help for business or for military family causes. He abused his office to abuse them.

Among Filner’s victims were a large number of military women, a few who were rape victims. He knew it would be harder for them to speak out because the chain of command might accuse them of slut behavior, or at least of failing to fight harder against him.

(Source: The Atlantic, 8/7/2013)

A female Army officer I knew had been a member of the first group of young women admitted to West Point in the summer of 1976. When she was a plebe (freshwoman), three scumbags attacked her after the Army-Navy game in Philly with the intent to rape her. She was in a heavy gray cadet uniform. She kicked and hit her way to victory over the scumbags. And she was not butch at all …. she was cheerleader-pretty, 5’8″ in her stocking feet, and when we played her team in a softball game, she had the best-looking strike zone I had ever seen. She is also normally-wired sexually, a faithful Protestant, and the proud mother of two extremely athletic and attractive and honorable young adults. Not all military women have her courage and physicality; this can be used against them.


Kamala the Kept attacked the DOJ in the Jeffrey Epstein case. Meanwhile she took money from the law firm whose high-price shysters like Kenneth “Brown” Starr kept Epstein out of prison.

From the Associated Press, 7/16/2019, this:

“Kamala Harris bemoaned the influence of the powerful and connected elite last Tuesday when she called on top Justice Department officials to recuse themselves from any matter related to Jeffrey Epstein. She said their former law firm’s work on behalf of the financier accused of sexual abuse “calls into question the integrity of our legal system.”

Yet the same day, Harris’ husband headlined a Chicago fundraiser for her presidential campaign that was hosted by six partners of that firm — Kirkland and Ellis, according to an invitation obtained by The Associated Press.

Harris, a California senator and Democratic presidential candidate, was one of several White House hopefuls to blast the handling of Epstein’s case in Florida a decade ago, when his lawyers negotiated a deal with federal prosecutors that allowed him to avoid the possibility of years in prison. But her decision to move ahead with the fundraiser hosted by Kirkland and Ellis partners while criticizing the firm underscores the tension that can arise when a politician’ rhetoric collides with his or her need to raise money to sustain a presidential campaign.

“If any connection with Kirkland and Ellis is a stain on (senior Justice Department officials), why isn’t a connection with the law firm for the receipt of campaign contributions a stain on her own campaign?” aid Paul S. Ryan, an attorney for the [left if center] good-government group Common Cause.”

The cartoonist even got Kamala’s India subcontinent facial features right.


Hollywood donors love Kamala. She understands the casting couch. That’s how she beat out many women more qualified than her to hold public office.

The Hollywood Reporter, as quoted by Breitbart 7/2/2019 said this:

“Hollywood’s most influential power players are lining up to back California Senator Kamala Harris for the presidential nomination, an analysis by The Hollywood Reporter has revealed.

Among those listed in the magazine’s THR 100 List, touted as “an annual ranking of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry,” Harris has raked in 48 percent of total donations, amounting to $73,580.

In second place was frontrunner and former Vice President Joe Biden, who has so far brought in $22,400, around 15 percent of the total 2020 donation pool. Meanwhile, Sens. Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Cory Booker have all received a similar amount in contributions, raking in roughly $10,000 per head.”

School officials and school unions protect their sex offender teachers. Los Angeles Unified School District lawyers destroyed 20 years of records. Kamala Harris didn’t prosecute them. Kamala is powerful sex offenders’ bitch.



Here’s a story I bet you haven’t heard:

Arrests of Child Predators have soared since Donald Trump became president.

Talk show host Kevin Jackson, who is black, runs the website “The Black Sphere.” On his website, journalist Alicia Powe (who is also black) reported this 7/7/2019:

“Teen pregnancy, drugs and a lack of hope drives teens to run away. They crave parental validation, at a time when they are still discovering themselves. Unfortunately, society’s worst element knows how to prey on these youngsters. Eventually, many runaways end up in horrible situations, just like the dozens of children who were rescued this week.

In a one day sweep, U.S. Marshals recovered 123 missing children in Michigan county in their search for victims of sex trafficking.

“All of the children located were interviewed about potentially being sexually victimized or used in a sex trafficking ring during their period of time that they were deemed missing,” according to a statement from the U.S. Marshal’s office.

With a total of 301 files of missing children in Wayne County [Detroit], 123 were identified and recovered safely the operation led by the newly formed Child Recovery Unit. That’s more than 1/3 recovered in one swift move.

The sting in Wayne County took place on Sept. 26 but was publicized a week later on Oct 3 by the U.S. Marshals Service. Despite the massive success, the story barely caught attention.

President Trump’s first year had two-thirds the child predator arrests that the last seven Obama years had. Trump’s people are arresting child predators at a rate five times as great as the lawmen did during Obama’s two terms.


During Trump’s first month in office alone, authorities arrested over 1500 individuals for charges
related to pedophilia, while there were less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests in 2014 according to the FBI.

According to a report published by the White House in March, 518 victims of human trafficking were rescued and 1,602 human trafficking suspects were arrested in 2017 by a dedicated unit at the Department of Homeland Security.

During the same time, a government-funded human-trafficking hotline received reports leading to the identification of 21,644 victims.

After a nationwide sting targeting sex offenders online nabbed more than 2,300 pedophiles. This
criminal sweep occurred during March, April and May, according to the U.S. Justice Department.
The DOJ announced the arrests in June and revealed the effort was called operation Broken Heart, but the massive round-up of suspected online child sex offenders has gone virtually unreported by the major national media.

In addition to the 2,300-plus arrests, Operation Broken Heart led to the identification of 195 offenders guilty of child pornography or child sex abuse, and the identification of 383 child victims of child pornography or sexual abuse, reported ICE in a statement.”

Alicia didn’t have to dig deep. All she did was review reports and compare numbers. The Justice Department prints all kinds of crime and punishment statistics. So do the states. Sometimes you may have to do your own analysis on their figures, but at least a base of figures exist. You paid for these statistics; you have the right to use them.

Records lag years they cover by a year or two or several. The FBI and the Justice Department, at least those not spying on President Trump and his people, are starting to do the job they were hired to do … rescue and protect victims.

Sadly, the organized child predators have defenders within the Democratic Party. Politicians want the votes and the donations of teacher unions and crime bosses and ACLU lawyers and other corrupt lawyers. Police evidence custodians will somehow lose physical evidence, prosecutors will somehow tank cases, and judges will throw cases out on technicalities.

Democrats view illegal alien sex offenders and other rapists as clients and voters. Too many GOPers view them as cheap labor after release.

This is why nearly all Democrats and many many Republicans need to be kept out of public office. That is your job as a voter and the boss of those who hold public office. Only the knowledge that people will punish them keeps most officeholders from being even more corrupt.



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