• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025

Some Masks Are Off. Others Must Be Pulled Off.

July20/ 2019

President Trump is an ongoing American civics lesson.

He is also the bull in the ring.

He is getting attacked by all Democrats and most Republicans.

These people of course are professional parasites, and Trump is proposing to stop them from feeding on the American people.

(I would like to use a stronger term ending in “sucker” for Mr. Trump’s enemies, but realize the column has to has some decorum.)

Members of the House of Representatives, including all but about 60 Republicans out of the 435 members, voted overwhelmingly to expand the capability of low-paid, low-quality techies from India and China to steal STEM jobs from our young people.

Is Kamala Harris (D-Calcutta Me In) showing the size of the moneybag she got from the Motherland?


Members of Congress love the money of the robber barons of Silicon Valley and the Emerald City more than they care about the future of our young people. Why go to college and study these difficult subjects and incur debt when the robber barons and your members of Congress are going to sell you out to India and China and the greedy shits who control the tech industries?

This was the bill I wrote about that Kamala Harris (D-India) is pushing. She calls it the “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act (H.R. 1044, S. 386).” Americans are calling it the “Turn Your STEM Diploma into Toilet Paper Act.” We need Fairness for American Working People legislation.




It will come for a vote in the Senate soon. You need to call your Senators at (202) 224-3121 and let them know you don’t want them selling out Americans to the chiselers who run STEM businesses. Tell them to vote no on Senate Bill S. 386.

Flood the White House comment line also. Let President Trump know you support him protecting American jobs and he needs to veto this toxic legislation if it passes in the Senate. The number is (202) 456-1111. President Trump also encourages e-mails. To do so, use this link


and follow the instruction for e-mailing.

The Chamber of Commerce, Jeff Bezos the Amazon robber baron, the robber barons of the Silicon Valley and elsewhere on the Left Coast, and other haters of American people are for this bill. You have to make the politicians feel threatened with the loss of their jobs if they vote against the American people on this.

Defeat of this objectively evil jobs grab by foreigners for robber barons will also determine whether the Swamp undermines President Trump on bringing manufacturing jobs back to America and keeping out foreign labor so Americans in the STEM professions can work at fair salaries.

Large numbers of globalist Republican donors are OK with Democrat control of Congress because it will make it easier for them to import cheap manual labor and import cheap tech labor. The former are a threat to blue collar Americans, especially those on the lower end of the pay scale. The latter are a threat to American STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) professionals and students trying to become STEM professionals.

If foreign STEMMERS were so good, countries like China and India would be ahead of America. They’re not. But they do know how to steal technology and bring it to their homelands. Degrading America’s lead in manufacturing, science, and technology opens companies to export our facilities and our research overseas as well.

Anything less than American dominance in military and civilian science, technology, engineering, and manufacturing (and farming and energy) is totally unacceptable.

By the way, are you aware Boeing, whose 737 Max plane crashes have killed hundreds of people, has been getting sophisticated computer code work done in India by $9/hour techies? These are the people not good enough for India to send over for H-1B visas. Corporate greed led to this homicidal policy … and engineers at Boeing say techies from India and other foreign countries make so many mistakes, and need to do so much rework when American engineers catch them, their $9 and $10 an hour labor becomes the equivalent of $80 an hour labor when compared to American computer coding labor at $40 an hour. In other word, what an American coder can do, it takes an Indian coder four times as long to do and requires multiple corrections from Boeing people, which also costs money.

Apu and Homer SImpson? Or India H-1B gatecrasher and Joe Biden?


How much do you want to fly in any Boeing aircraft with important navigation and flight systems programmed by Hapoo from Hindustan and Dot from Delhi?

See the whole article on Boeing’s greed and complicity in the deaths of hundreds of plane crash victims in the End Notes.

Speaking of greedy corporate executives, the Chamber of Commerce, and their minions, former House Speaker Paul Ryan popped his head out of his gopher hole recently to pimp a book and to criticize President Trump.

We all understand the Democrats are anti-American Copperheads in the mold of the Northern traitors who attacked President Lincoln and tried to sabotage the war effort. They were skulking cowards. Even the kindly Lincoln tried to get their leaders hanged. And like today, the Supreme Court undermined Mr. Lincoln by letting these wretches live and be released from custody. A Copperhead named John Wilkes Booth murdered Lincoln; Honest Abe died on Good Friday 1865.

Most Republican congressmen and senators are quislings. They get lots of money from the Chamber of Commerce vermin, and from the Koch Brothers. So they push those peoples’ agenda, not the American working public’s agenda. House Republicans in turn elected as speaker the homosexual child molester Denny Hastert, the incompetent John Boehner (who succeeded Buzz Lukens when Buzz got caught paying for sex with an underage girl whose mom pimped her), and the Weinermobile driving Paul Ryan.

In my opinion, Ryan looks like he likes young boys. It will not surprise me if he is outed like Denny Hastert. Nor will it surprise me if his running mate Mitt Romney (RINO-UT) and Romney’s pal Mike Lee (RINO-INDIA and UT) have extra wives or commercial friendships with Boy Scouts.

The Republicans in the House and Senate are not on the same page with President Trump. When President Trump asked for money for a border wall, Ryan and the GOP refused to give it to him. They promised to get it into a budget package in 2018 after they refused to do so in 2017. Lyin’ Ryan lied again, and neither he nor Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority leader, would budget any money for a border wall. But the GOP just voted to give $6.5 billion to feed and shelter the mojado criminals crashing into our country.


For any change, you will have to primary out as many establishment Republicans as possible. The GOP will have to return to its roots – antislavery, pro-American, pro-small farmers and mechanics – where President Trump is trying to lead them, instead of being whores for globalist businesspeople like the Clintonistic Democrats are.

The entrenched bureaucracy have also been exposed during the Trump presidency.

Why did President Trump cancel the wetback raids two weeks ago?

Because Acting Department of Homeland Security chief Kevin McAleenan, who is apparently a pro-illegal mole, reportedly leaked word of the raids to politicians, police officials, and lawyers allied with the illegals.

McAleenan ordered an immediate inquiry into which DHS agents allegedly posted a fake picture of Alexandria Occasional Escort fellating a man. But he refused to order an investigation into the leaks about the raids which could cause their failures and lead to DHS agents getting killed.

McAleenan stands accused of refusing to carry out raids previously as President Trump lawfully ordered. He is also accused along with underlings of sabotaging the effort and leaking operational aspects of the raids. He is under investigation at this time.

(Sources: Washington Examiner, 7/14/2019 and Fox News, 7/12/2019; ABC News 7/7/2019)

The head of DHS isn’t the only corruptocrat in the bureaucracy. From Breitbart, 7/15/2019; this:

“The Guatemalan official said that State Department officials in his country have been working with NGOs and hardcore leftists funded by George Soros to undermine efforts by the Trump administration to deal with the crisis along the U.S. southern border.

“We have been working well with the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. intel community,” the official explained. “But the State Department is another issue altogether.”

The official continued, “Leftists in our country do not work in a vacuum. They work closely with Democrats in the U.S. and the liberal media to attack President Trump and make President Morales (of Guatemala) look bad.”

What hasn’t made the news is how prevalent this sort of lawbreaking and insubordination is throughout the federal agencies because the entrenched bureaucracy hates us and hates President Trump for making them serve us.

From watching the disgraceful performance of the CIA and FBI these last few years, it is painfully obvious many, if not most, of the top bureaucrats resent serving the people of this country and are loyal only to their own miserable careers. The ridiculous tenure rules that protect bureaucrats need abolishing. Feds should have the same job security as private sector employees, no more.

The courts are also an open cesspool of betrayal of the American public.

President Trump in his capacity as President has faced far more lawsuits against his action than any other President. This is happening because the federal district courts, appelate courts, and Supreme Court have too many bad judges.

President Trump has appointed about a quarter of the judges now on the federal benches. But his predecessors the Clintons, the Bushes, and Obama appointed largely shysters to these courts.

One hemorrhoid in black robes, Amit Priyavadan Mehta (“Judge Asshole” for short), who is an Obama appointee who was born in India, held up President Trump from making drug companied disclose the prices of their drugs on TV ads. Major drug companies sued President Trump, and Judge Asshole did their bidding. Does Big Pharma own Judge Asshole? Or is Judge Asshole prolonging Big Pharma’s racket to hurt President Trump’s re-election chances? Or is he working for India? Drugmakers charge foreign countries less money for drugs than they charge Americans, and President Trump is trying to stop this thievery too.

Every border issue President Trump moves on gets hung up in court. He probably should station troops on the border with orders to shoot to kill or at least tear-gas the invaders into helplessness.

We covered the judge bitch Shelley M. Richmond in Massachusetts who connived to let an illegal escape the courthouse. Many other judges do likewise silently.

Shelley is a homely woman. But she will look good in handcuffs.

The usual Supreme Court scumbags (the Dems and John Roberts) ruled the administration couldn’t ask people if they are citizens on the Census. Why not, scumbags? Knowing how many citizens we have is Job One of the Census Bureau.

The Left are like slave state politicians who demanded slaves count for 3/5 of a person for purposes of House seats and electoral votes. Not ID-ing people as non-citizens means the states who welcome them get more money to waste on benefits to these leeches and more votes in Congress and the Electoral College.

Many judges are bad; many others are compromised.

In my opinion, Bush appointee John Roberts has done something so vile or crooked he is a constant blackmail hostage. Is he one of the Epstein clients? Does he prefer little boys? Did he steal a large amount of money or accept bribes as a lower court judge? If any of these is true, it wouldn’t surprise me.

Except for Abraham Lincoln, who was barely tolerated by his own party establishment and suffered the loss of about of a third of the federal bureaucracy and Congress and judges through secession and open rebellion, President Trump has been opposed by a larger percentage of the Establishment than any other president.

Courtesy Dixon Diaz.


This is why it is so hard for him to make real progress. Despite it, Trump has turned the economy around, strengthened our military, and made foreign opponents and backstabbing allies do our will more consistently.

He has crippled Iran to the point of desperation. Their standard of living is about half of what it was when Obama was president, and it is continuing to fall.

He has crippled Russia by letting America become energy-independent and letting our energy companies steal many customers for Russian oil and gas away from them. That by itself is proof Donald Trump was not a colluder with Putin.

Without Congress, President Trump has put into place trade deals that are bringing jobs and money back to Americans. President Trump is talking about using the Corps of Engineers to build The Wall instead of waiting for the traitors and sluggards in Congress to help him.

Speaking of enforcement, cowardly police officials in the nation’s top cities and many other smaller cities are taking orders from their leftist mayors in refusing to help ICE round up illegals who have been ordered deported. They would rather let released illegal felons commit more crimes against the people in their cities instead of manning up and taking action against the corrupt mayors. Why? Because they are scared for their jobs. They’re not pigs, they’re chickens.

This is why police chiefs should be elected officials. As appointed geldings, they take orders from mayors, not the public.

Sheriffs are elected. Except for Coward County former sheriff Scott Israel, sheriffs are far more prone to serve the public than the politicians. Elected police chiefs could do likewise.



The biggest chickens in blue are in Portland, Oregon. This is the state best known for felon skater Tonya Harding, a glut of marijuana so great that local producers are exporting it across the country illegally, and some of the most bizarre losers in public office anywhere in the country. That’s because dope has been legal in the Beaver State a long time.

Portland police will not make arrests when Antifa criminals block streets, mob and mug individuals, and vandalize cars and property.

Antifa scum on display in Portland, August, 2018. On this day, the vermin beat a guy for carrying an American flag. Their victim was a Bernie Sanders voter who thought he had the right to wave the flag too. He wound up in the hospital needing staples in his scalp to close a gash one of the Antifa cowards put there with a chain. Antifa can act tough when the police let them riot and they have very little oppostion. The Bernie Bro wasn’t even resisting. He was just being an American. Courtesy of Newsweek. Antifa need unmasking. By law.


Pot-land Mayor Ted Wheeler, who gave the cops orders to let Antifa criminals and their pals commit obstruction, intimidation, felony assault, felony battery, theft, vandalism, and other crimes, is now whining for a state anti-mask law.

Mayor Ted the Pothead doesn’t need one. All he needs to do his have his policemen enforce the laws against concealing one’s identity for criminal purposes.

Bad judges and bad prosecutors in Oregon will bury the cases and let the scum go free. The mayor knows this because they are his political buddies. Even a state anti-mask law won’t change it, because these same scumbags will undermine enforcement through non prosecution and contemptible judge rulings.

So how do the relatively few decent people of Pot-land get relief? Maybe a federal anti-mask law and federal troops with loaded weapons, gas masks, gas powerful enough to make the organized leftists urinate, defecate, and vomit into dehydration (which wouldn’t make them smell any worse than they do now), and other tools needed to restore law and order to Tonyaville are in order.

In all states of the Union it is against the law to wear a mask for concealment while committing a crime. Enforcement is something else.

Grant and Lincoln. They ended legal slavery in America. Legal slavery persists in China, India, and many Moslem countries today.


U.S. Grant, the ultimate destroyer of slavery in America, while president, pushed for federal laws to fight the masked criminals of the Ku Klux Klan (who were Democrats). Congress enacted the Ku Klux Klan Act in 1871, giving Grant the ability to use federal troops to protect the civil rights of blacks from organized criminal groups. He did what he could. A few years before Sam Grant died of throat cancer, the Supreme Court declared this law unconstitutional.

President Dwight “Ike” Eisenhower also used federal troops to protect blacks from white mobs.

However, no thanks to the Supreme Court of 1886, and more than 100 years of bad Congresses, there is still no federal anti-mask law.

You won’t get one through Congress now. It would hurt the Dems’ illegal Resistance. Although I can think of two reasons for exceptions to the law, in the interests of public decency.

Rashida “Thalidomide” Tlaib (Dogface-Michiganistan) is a compelling reason for burkas.


So is Indian-born Pramila “Paypal” Jayapal (Duroc-Washington). Did Ms. Paypal, an obnoxious proponent of militant Moslem aliens and other aliens, came to America because the dowry it would have taken to marry off this pig in India would have broken her family financially?


An anti-mask law aims at preventing a person from covering his or her face to prevent identification while committing crimes, or while posturing to intimidate others. State governments have aimed such laws at organized lawbreakers since before the Civil War. It would be appropriate to expand and enforce such laws on the leftist mobs that are increasing in numbers and acts of lawbreaking.

From the Middle Tennessee State University First Amendment website, I am posting Robert A. Kahn’s article on anti-mask laws so you can understand why they are good ideas.

“The earliest laws banning masked demonstrations date back to the antebellum era. In 1845 New York made it illegal to appear “disguised and armed.” Most anti-mask laws were passed, however, in response to the Ku Klux Klan, whose members used masks to hide their identities as they terrorized their victims.

Some 15 states have anti-mask laws, as do many counties and municipalities. Most anti-mask laws do not target specific groups explicitly. Instead, they use neutral language, typically banning mask wearing that intimidates others.

Supporters of such laws argue that wearing masks emboldens people to commit crimes and makes those crimes more frightening to the victims.

Opponents, in turn, make three arguments.

First, they invoke freedom of association, claiming that mask laws deprive wearers of the anonymity needed to express their views. They rely on NAACP v. Alabama (1958), which held that because its members feared harassment from opponents of civil rights, the NAACP did not have to reveal its membership list unless Alabama could supply a compelling state interest.

[Comment: The NAACP was not masking. Their violent Democrat opponents were.]

Klan members argued that if their masks were removed, they would face harassment. The Klan’s unpopularity added fuel to this argument. For example, in American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan v. City of Goshen (N.D. Ind. 1999), a court found that Klan members had indeed suffered harassment, through vandalism and bomb threats, and ultimately invalidated the city’s anti-mask law.

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals, in Church of the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan v. Kerik (2d Cir. 2004), held that harassment of Klan members was irrelevant because the Constitution guarantees only the right to speak, not the conditions under which one speaks. Furthermore, in most cases involving the Klan, courts held that protecting citizens from intimidation was a compelling state interest.

Non-Klan mask wearers generally fared better when making freedom of association claims. In Aryan v. Mackey (N.D. Texas 1978) and Ghafari v. Municipal Court (Ct. App. 1978), political opponents of the shah of Iran successfully argued that they needed masks to avoid reprisals from the shah’s security forces.

[Comment: The proper response would have been to lay down the law to these Iranian “security force” people in America. Jimmy Carter could have thrown them out or kept them out. The courts made bad decisions.]

Anarchists convicted under New York’s anti-mask law failed, however, to raise a constitutional claim in People v. Aboaf (Crim. Ct. 2001) because they could not show any harassment beyond famous anarchists having been persecuted in the past.

Second, opponents of anti-mask laws argued, largely unsuccessfully, that masks constitute symbolic speech.

In Klan cases, courts held that the masks added little to the expressive content of the rest of the Klan regalia. They also ruled that the state’s concerns about safety and avoiding intimidation easily satisfied the substantial state interest test for symbolic speech cases.

Third, opponents contended that most anti-mask laws violate the equal protection clause because they make exceptions for Halloween masks, masquerade ball masks, and masks worn for medical reasons, but not masks for political acts.

These arguments convinced the California court in Ghafari but not the Georgia Supreme Court in State v. Miller (S.E. 2d 1990), which defended Georgia’s exemptions as distinguishing between threatening and nonthreatening masks.

Overall the general trend has been toward upholding anti-mask laws, at least where mask wearers cannot show direct, specific evidence of harassment.”

Naturally, the ACLU seditionists have been fighting against the passage of such laws in states and cities. A couple of their rectal parasites wrote an article titled “Where Protests Flourish, Anti-Protest Bills Follow” to justify yet another lawfare attack on the rights of people not to be victimized by criminals, especially organized leftist criminals.

President Trump should dust off the anti-Klan laws, push for a federal anti-mask law, and compare Antifa and the criminals who hide behind Guy Fawkes masks and other facial disguises to the Klan, to demonize the criminals and to protect citizens from Antifa and illegal alien-friendly mobs. He could mock some of the wart hog-uglier leftists by saying he’d make personal exceptions for them, but they would have to wear the masks whenever they are outside their homes or Democrat caucus meetings for matters of public safety.

President Trump should also copy the first Republican president Abraham Lincoln. President Trump should order arrested all mayors and governors who push pro-illegal alien measures that protect criminals and hamper enforcement of federal laws. Democrat politicians are essentially secessionist Copperheads. President Trump needs to make them prisoners, hunted fugitives, and convicts.

What can you do to help in your own neighborhoods, churches, schools, and communities?

1. Be informed. You read this website to get investigation tips and other info. Expand and get info from reliable sources, and bounce it off against the corporate leftist media. You’ll know the truth, and you’ll know how our domestic enemies in most media are making propaganda.

2. Call and e-mail your politicians at their offices and at their places of work. Let them know what you think.

3. Call in to radio talk shows and use them as an open mike to get your ideas across. Make them simple and understandable. Talk thru or over the host like Democrats do if you need to do so.

4. Find out others in your neighborhood, church, and workplace who align with you. Off-job, talk with them and discuss how you could help oppose bad initiatives and politicians, and support good initiatives and politicians. Strength and encouragement come in numbers.

5. If you have a good idea, share it with political leaders who agree with you.

6. Volunteer time and money to political campaigns you agree with. Good ideas are nothing without leaders to put them into practice.

“Freedom of Speech” by Norman Rockwell


7. There is nothing stopping you from witnessing or protesting at a public hearing or event. It doesn’t hurt your cause any if you come in numbers.

8. Buy American as often as you can. The manufacturing infrastructure, the Arsenal of Democracy and its jobs you save, may well be your own or those of your children.

9. Boycott or minimize the money you give businesses who attack your values.

For example, if harming our immigration law enforcement effort angers you, don’t stay at Marriott hotels or at any Choice hotel or motel.

Why? From ABC News 7/12/2019, this:

“Administration officials have internally discussed the possibility that they may need hotel rooms because of limited space in ICE detention centers, sources who spoke on the condition of anonymity told ABC News.

Concerns over that possibility have prompted activists to start online petitions to pressure hotel chains to refuse to house undocumented immigrants for the government.

A spokesperson for ICE did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the hotel chains’ statements regarding cooperation with ICE in housing migrants rounded up in the raids.

Officials with Marriott, the world’s largest hotel chain — which operates 30 different hotel brands including Sheraton, Courtyard, Ritz Carlton, W and Westin — said they would not allow ICE to use the company’s properties as detention centers.

“Marriott International has had no indication that any of our hotels have been contacted by the U.S. government to be used to detain individuals,” a spokesperson for Marriott told ABC News in a statement.

“Our hotels are not configured to be detention facilities, but to be open to guests and community members as well. While we have no particular insights into whether the U.S. government is considering the use of hotels to aid in the situation at the border, Marriott has made the decision to decline any requests to use our hotels as detention facilities.”

Another large global chain, Choice Hotels — which owns Comfort Suites, Quality Inn, Clarion, Ascend, Cambria and EconoLodge — sent a similar statement to ABC News.

“We are not aware that any of our franchised hotels, all of which are independently owned and operated, are being asked to serve as detention facilities,” a spokesman for Choice Hotels told ABC News. “We do not believe hotels should be used in this way and will decline any requests to do so. We ask that our franchised hotels only be used for their intended purpose, which is to provide travelers with a welcoming hotel room.”

Hilton, Wyndham Hotels and Best Western — who are also under pressure from activists to deny facilities to ICE — did not immediately respond to an ABC News request for comment on Friday.

“It’s hard to underestimate the extent to which this type of operation stretches ICE’s logistics,” Brandon Wu, an organizer with immigrant rights’ group Sanctuary DMV, told ABC News.

“If they’re really talking about detaining tens of thousands of immigrants in the space of a few days, that is just a massive influx of people that could include renting vans from Enterprise and using hotels as overflow for detention centers.”

Enterprise, which is the target of online petitions asking them not to rent vehicles to ICE, did not immediately respond to a request for comment from ABC News on Friday.”

10. Let those politicians whose actions are worthy of praise know about your appreciation. They are people too, and they hear criticism and lying and threats all too often. They need to hear there are many out there who support their efforts. We are going to need them to do the right things at crunch time.

America vs. the Copperheads. Same fight, different century, similar snakes. Copperhead John Wilkes Booth murdered Lincoln. New Copperhead scum have plotted to overthrow Trump; there have been some attempts on his life too, that Secret Service men or his onw security have thwarted. You can’t cut a reptile into too many pieces.

The only way to end the New Copperheads’ war upon the American people is to vote out as many Dems and globalist Republicans as possible. This way, President Trump and people at the state level will emplace judges who will actually punish criminals instead of enabling them. Starting with the Clintons and the top FBI and Justice Department criminals, and working down to the rest of them.





Here is the Bloomberg article, by Peter Robison, 6/28/2019:

“It remains the mystery at the heart of Boeing Co.’s 737 Max crisis: how a company renowned for meticulous design made seemingly basic software mistakes leading to a pair of deadly crashes. Longtime Boeing engineers say the effort was complicated by a push to outsource work to lower-paid contractors.

The Max software — plagued by issues that could keep the planes grounded months longer after U.S. regulators this week revealed a new flaw — was developed at a time Boeing was laying off experienced engineers and pressing suppliers to cut costs.

Increasingly, the iconic American planemaker and its subcontractors have relied on temporary workers making as little as $9 an hour to develop and test software, often from countries lacking a deep background in aerospace — notably India.

In offices across from Seattle’s Boeing Field, recent college graduates employed by the Indian software developer HCL Technologies Ltd. occupied several rows of desks, said Mark Rabin, a former Boeing software engineer who worked in a flight-test group that supported the Max.

The coders from HCL were typically designing to specifications set by Boeing. Still, “it was controversial because it was far less efficient than Boeing engineers just writing the code,” Rabin said. Frequently, he recalled, “it took many rounds going back and forth because the code was not done correctly.”

Boeing’s cultivation of Indian companies appeared to pay other dividends. In recent years, it has won several orders for Indian military and commercial aircraft, such as a $22 billion one in January 2017 to supply SpiceJet Ltd. That order included 100 737-Max 8 jets and represented Boeing’s largest order ever from an Indian airline, a coup in a country dominated by Airbus.

Based on resumes posted on social media, HCL engineers helped develop and test the Max’s flight-display software, while employees from another Indian company, Cyient Ltd., handled software for flight-test equipment.

In one post, an HCL employee summarized his duties with a reference to the now-infamous model, which started flight tests in January 2016: “Provided quick workaround to resolve production issue which resulted in not delaying flight test of 737-Max (delay in each flight test will cost very big amount for Boeing).”

Boeing said the company did not rely on engineers from HCL and Cyient for the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, which has been linked to the Lion Air crash last October and the Ethiopian Airlines disaster in March. The Chicago-based planemaker also said it didn’t rely on either firm for another software issue disclosed after the crashes: a cockpit warning light that wasn’t working for most buyers.

[Comment: We don’t know if Boeing people are lying or not. The India workers contradict them.]

“Boeing has many decades of experience working with supplier/partners around the world,” a company spokesman said. “Our primary focus is on always ensuring that our products and services are safe, of the highest quality and comply with all applicable regulations.”

In a statement, HCL said it “has a strong and long-standing business relationship with The Boeing Company, and we take pride in the work we do for all our customers. However, HCL does not comment on specific work we do for our customers. HCL is not associated with any ongoing issues with 737 Max.”

[Comment: We don’t know if HCL people are lying or not. Their Indian workers contradict them.]

Recent simulator tests by the Federal Aviation Administration suggest the software issues on Boeing’s best-selling model run deeper. The company’s shares fell this week after the regulator found a further problem with a computer chip that experienced a lag in emergency response when it was overwhelmed with data.

Engineers who worked on the Max, which Boeing began developing eight years ago to match a rival Airbus SE plane, have complained of pressure from managers to limit changes that might introduce extra time or cost.

“Boeing was doing all kinds of things, everything you can imagine, to reduce cost, including moving work from Puget Sound, because we’d become very expensive here,” said Rick Ludtke, a former Boeing flight controls engineer laid off in 2017. “All that’s very understandable if you think of it from a business perspective. Slowly over time it appears that’s eroded the ability for Puget Sound designers to design.”

Rabin, the former software engineer, recalled one manager saying at an all-hands meeting that Boeing didn’t need senior engineers because its products were mature. “I was shocked that in a room full of a couple hundred mostly senior engineers we were being told that we weren’t needed,” said Rabin, who was laid off in 2015.

The typical jetliner has millions of parts — and millions of lines of code — and Boeing has long turned over large portions of the work to suppliers who follow its detailed design blueprints.

Starting with the 787 Dreamliner, launched in 2004, it sought to increase profits by instead providing high-level specifications and then asking suppliers to design more parts themselves. The thinking was “they’re the experts, you see, and they will take care of all of this stuff for us,” said Frank McCormick, a former Boeing flight-controls software engineer who later worked as a consultant to regulators and manufacturers. “This was just nonsense.”

Sales are another reason to send the work overseas. In exchange for an $11 billion order in 2005 from Air India, Boeing promised to invest $1.7 billion in Indian companies. That was a boon for HCL and other software developers from India, such as Cyient, whose engineers were widely used in computer-services industries but not yet prominent in aerospace.

Rockwell Collins, which makes cockpit electronics, had been among the first aerospace companies to source significant work in India in 2000, when HCL began testing software there for the Cedar Rapids, Iowa-based company. By 2010, HCL employed more than 400 people at design, development and verification centers for Rockwell Collins in Chennai and Bangalore.

That same year, Boeing opened what it called a “center of excellence” with HCL in Chennai, saying the companies would partner “to create software critical for flight test.” In 2011, Boeing named Cyient, then known as Infotech, to a list of its “suppliers of the year” for design, stress analysis and software engineering on the 787 and the 747-8 at another center in Hyderabad.

The Boeing rival also relies in part on offshore engineers. In addition to supporting sales, the planemakers say global design teams add efficiency as they work around the clock. But outsourcing has long been a sore point for some Boeing engineers, who, in addition to fearing job losses say it has led to communications issues and mistakes.

Boeing has also expanded a design center in Moscow. At a meeting with a chief 787 engineer in 2008, one staffer complained about sending drawings back to a team in Russia 18 times before they understood that the smoke detectors needed to be connected to the electrical system, said Cynthia Cole, a former Boeing engineer who headed the engineers’ union from 2006 to 2010.

“Engineering started becoming a commodity,” said Vance Hilderman, who co-founded a company called TekSci that supplied aerospace contract engineers and began losing work to overseas competitors in the early 2000s.

U.S.-based avionics companies in particular moved aggressively, shifting more than 30% of their software engineering offshore versus 10% for European-based firms in recent years, said Hilderman, an avionics safety consultant with three decades of experience whose recent clients include most of the major Boeing suppliers.

With a strong dollar, a big part of the attraction was price. Engineers in India made around $5 an hour; it’s now $9 or $10, compared with $35 to $40 for those in the U.S. on an H1B visa, he said. BUT HE’D TELL CLIENTS THE CHEAPER HOURLY WAGE EQUATED TO MORE LIKE $80 BECAUSE OF THE NEED FOR SUPERVISION, AND HE SAID HIS FIRM WON BACK SOME BUSINESS TO FIX MISTAKES. (Emphasis mine.)

HCL, once known as Hindustan Computers, was founded in 1976 by billionaire Shiv Nadar and now has more than $8.6 billion in annual sales. With 18,000 employees in the U.S. and 15,000 in Europe, HCL is a global company and has deep expertise in computing, said Sukamal Banerjee, a vice president. It has won business from Boeing on that basis, not on price, he said: “We came from a strong R&D background.”

Still, for the 787, HCL gave Boeing a remarkable price – free, according to Sam Swaro, an associate vice president who pitched HCL’s services at a San Diego conference sponsored by Avionics International magazine in June. He said the company took no up-front payments on the 787 and only started collecting payments based on sales years later, an “innovative business model” he offered to extend to others in the industry.

The 787 entered service three years late and billions of dollars over budget in 2011, in part because of confusion introduced by the outsourcing strategy. Under Dennis Muilenburg, a longtime Boeing engineer who became chief executive in 2015, the company has said that it planned to bring more work back in-house for its newest planes.

The Max became Boeing’s top seller soon after it was offered in 2011. But for ambitious engineers, it was something of a “backwater,” said Peter Lemme, who designed the 767’s automated flight controls and is now a consultant. The Max was an update of a 50-year-old design, and the changes needed to be limited enough that Boeing could produce the new planes like cookie cutters, with few changes for either the assembly line or airlines. “As an engineer that’s not the greatest job,” he said.

Rockwell Collins, now a unit of United Technologies Corp., won the Max contract for cockpit displays, and it has relied in part on HCL engineers in India, Iowa and the Seattle area. A United Technologies spokeswoman didn’t respond to a request for comment.

Contract engineers from Cyient helped test flight test equipment. Charles Lovejoy, a former flight-test instrumentation design engineer at the company, said engineers in the U.S. would review drawings done overnight in India every morning at 7:30 a.m. “We did have our challenges with the India team,” he said. “They met the requirements, per se, but you could do it better.”

Multiple investigations – including a Justice Department criminal probe – are trying to unravel how and when critical decisions were made about the Max’s software. During the crashes of Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines planes that killed 346 people, investigators suspect, the MCAS system pushed the planes into uncontrollable dives because of bad data from a single sensor.

That design violated basic principles of redundancy for generations of Boeing engineers, and the company apparently never tested to see how the software would respond, Lemme said. “It was a stunning fail,” he said. “A lot of people should have thought of this problem – not one person – and asked about it.”

Boeing also has disclosed that it learned soon after Max deliveries began in 2017 that a warning light that might have alerted crews to the issue with the sensor wasn’t installed correctly in the flight-display software. A Boeing statement in May, explaining why the company didn’t inform regulators at the time, said engineers had determined it wasn’t a safety issue.

“Senior company leadership,” the statement added, “was not involved in the review.”

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