• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025

We’re from the Government. We’re here to help ourselves.

May12/ 2019

Most mothers give selflessly. Too many government officials and bureaucrats take shamelessly.

In the interest of keeping you informed on government robbery and rape tactics, I am sharing a few stories to show you why you need to treat many government people with the caution a pretty girl needs to use near a colony of sex offenders.

(I’ve been busier than a one-armed paper hanger these last few weeks. Sorry for the absence.)

In Florida, city government racketeers are trying to steal homes from the elderly. From Breitbart 5/9/2019, this:

“Retiree Jim Ficken of Dunedin, Florida, may lose his home because his front lawn grass grew too high while he was out of town.

Government victim Jim Ficken displays Dunedin officials’ grand theft attempt.


Ficken was held liable for 57 $500 fines for the days his grass went uncut while he was out of town caring for his dead mother’s estate. “The grass did what grass does… and a code inspector saw it was more than the 10 inches the city allows and Jim was on the hook,” said Institute for Justice Attorney Andrew Ward, one of the men representing him.

A friend, who he had enlisted to care for his lawn, died suddenly while Ficken was away. Furthermore, Ficken claims he was not even made aware of the fines until they were well out of control. Now, on Tuesday, the state has moved to collect the money owed by foreclosing on his home. “I’m trying not to think about it but I’ll be booted out of this house and I’ll have to find another place to live,” Ficken said.

“We’re arguing in our lawsuit that limitless fines are, in fact, unconstitutional,” said another Institute for Justice attorney, Ari Bargil. “In February, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled the 8th Amendment prohibits cities from imposing excessive fines,” Ward said.

In response to Ficken’s suit against the local government, the city released this statement:

“Mr. Ficken was cited for repeat violations on his rental property. On Tuesday, May 7, 2019 the City of Dunedin Code Enforcement Board authorized the City Attorney’s office to file foreclosure actions after resolution of the case could not be agreed upon with Mr. Ficken. The City Attorney’s office has not had an opportunity to review litigation filed by Mr. Ficken and as such has no comment at this juncture.”

Ficken’s attorneys said that they will take the case all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Whether Dunedin can make an elderly man homeless over the length of grass in his yard remains to be seen.”


COMMENT: Limitless fines are unconstitutional. Capital punishment is not. Government lawyers and other criminals who plot against people to take their homes in times of personal tragedy deserve to be hanged.

Back in the day, politicians like these occasionally were tarred and feathered by angry constituents. Maybe this feedback practice needs to return.

I am hoping political opponents of these swine throw them out of office and into prison for grand larceny and elder abuse.

For those of you opposed to capital and corporal punishment, bear in mind the Supreme Court by a 9-0 vote, banned excessive fines. A guy who pled guilty to drug dealing sued to get his car back from the government people who seized it because the maximum fine for his lawbreaking was $10,000 and the car was worth $40,000 or so. (Source: Fox News, 2/20/2019)

Mr. Ficken should not lose his home over an overinflated fine for grass height. Nor should people lose their homes to government foreclosure when they underpay property taxes by a few dollars. Will the four leftist Supremes who helped out a druggie in this case help out a taxpayer suing the government robbers who are trying to steal his home from him over tall grass or over a slightly underpaid tax bill?

Sometimes a local government imposes a ridiculous land use rule. You can oppose these and defeat them if you organize like-minded people and make enough noise. Our town leaders wanted to limit grass heights on properties to eight inches. They proposed forcing violators to pay for the town to have their overly tall grass mowed, presumably by landscaping contractors with friends at town hall.

Much of the area in the town was farm land or horse property. The goofs forgot to account for this when they wrote the ordinance. I cheerfully ignored the proposed ordinance and let my livestock graze. I did advise the town council their grass height idea needed cutting. So did a number of local horsewomen; they figuratively put spurs on their riding boots to give town officials some new scars.

Idiotic Summit County, Ohio town officials found themselves on the business end of some equestriennes’ gear.


In Rhode Island, public school teachers and the ACLU are fighting for the right of unionized teachers to have sex with students. You read it right. From the Providence, RI Journal 4/9/2019, this:

“The state’s two teachers’ unions are objecting to a bill that would make sex between school employees and students a crime if the students are younger than 18 years old.

Rhode Island is one of about 30 states — including all the New England states except Vermont — where the age of consent is 16 years old.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Alex Marszalkowski, D-Cumberland, says that any school employee — including bus drivers, vendors and school volunteers with supervisory authority — would be guilty of third-degree sexual assault if they have sex with a student between the ages of 14 and 18. (Under existing law, a person is guilty of first-degree child molestation sexual assault if he or she engages in sex with a person younger than 14.)

Erika Sanzi, an education advocate and blogger, said she asked her state representative to submit the bill after a previous bill was described as being too broad. That legislation would have made it a crime for anyone with custodial responsibility to have sex with someone between the ages of 14 and 18.

Marszalkowski decided to narrow the language after Sanzi described to him that, in several states, it is legal for a teacher to have sex with a student once that individual turns 16.

“What we’re asking is that we protect students from all people who work with them in school,” Sanzi testified before the House Judiciary Committee on April 2.

She said that, currently, “The deterrent is, yes, they can be fired, but that means they can jump to anywhere else in the country and get another job preying on kids.”

David Bruce. One of many thousands of public school teachers arrested for sexual abuse of children. Many more thousands escape justice due to their unions, their school administrators, and the ACLU. Photo courtesty of the Anaheim, California police department. All child molesters should look like this.


But James Parisi, a lobbyist for the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers, said his union objects to the bill because it criminalizes conduct by teachers and other school employees while ignoring the myriad other jobs in which adults supervise youth between the ages of 14 and 18.

“You should include all the adults who have employment or other types of authority over 15-, 16- and 17-year-olds,” he wrote. “For example, why is a legislator having sexual relations with a page not included in the bill? What about store managers, athletic coaches, clergy and volunteers in community organizations?”

In its testimony, the Rhode Island affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union wrote that “singling out teachers, school bus drivers, etc., in this way is arbitrary and capricious.”

The ACLU also expressed concern about targeting school volunteers, because a volunteer coach could be close in age to a student and run afoul of the law under this bill. (Most are much older, like former public school teacher and volunteer Jerry Sandusky.)

“While one may disagree whether this type of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ conduct is appropriate … it should not be a felony,” the ACLU said.

Robert Walsh, executive director of the National Education Association Rhode Island, said Monday that “It is patently ridiculous for anyone to imply that our organization, or any individual teacher, would condone any inappropriate relationship between a teacher and his or her students. We do not believe that this obvious standard needs legislation to back it up, and agree with the ACLU’s objections to several other technical flaws in the actual proposed legislation.”

Peg Langhammer, executive director of the sexual-assault resource organization Day One, said her group does not have a position on the bill. She said that rather than address the issue in a piecemeal fashion, Langhammer supports looking at how various professions where adults are in custodial roles police their own.

Marszalkowski said the bill isn’t meant to single out teachers. It is aimed at all school employees because schools are the one place where children are compelled by law to attend.

“I welcome any criticism,” he said. “If there is a way to amend it so it’s more broadly defined but passes constitutional muster, I’m willing to do it.”


COMMENTS: Cleveland public school bus driver Ariel Castro kept three girls as sex slaves for a decade. So nonteaching public school payrollers are also a threat to children.

The ACLU spokesturd and all of his fellow scumbags in the ACLU have for decades protected sex offenders in schools and elsewhere. They should be prosecuted for aiding and abetting child sexual abuse.

James Parisi, the lying lobbyist for the Rhode Island Federation of Teachers, deserves prosecution under RICO laws. Teacher unions protect child molesters, and as such are racketeering influenced corrupt organizations. Perhaps Parisi is working for the teacher union because he isn’t man enough to be in the Cosa Nostra. Maybe Parisi likes little girls or little boys.

Robert Walsh of the NEA teachers’ union is a similar lying piece of excrement. The NEA has no standards for punishing sex offender teachers. Otherwise they would be getting rid of thousands of perv teachers a year. This would cost this hypocritical bastard union dues. Walsh and Parisi belong in the same prison cell.

Peg Langhammer is a ninny. If you leave enforcement up to groups, they will protect their sex offenders. All groups, from the Boy Scouts to the clergy to Alcoholics Anonymous to gymnastics coaches to public school teacher unions, protect their sex abusers. In fact, public school teachers sexually abuse roughly 30,000 children a year nationwide, per our study which I have posted on this site occasionally. I urge all of her group’s clients and donors to stop giving them money.

Despite being a Democrat, Marszalkowski was right to bring such legislation. Teachers molest kids because they have custodial authority over kids, because a number of sexual deviates deliberately become teachers so they can target kids, and because they have unions and school administrators who will protect them.

I predict the Democrats will kick Marszalkowski out of the party or at least subject him to re-education.

Teacher Helen Banks committed sex acts on a girl and drew a conviction. The lesbian singles scene in her barnyard mustn’t have been to her liking. Photo courtesty of Drew County, Arkansas Sheriff; info courtesy of Mugshots.com.


Re-read what I wrote. About 30,000 children a year are rape victims, incest victims, or other sexual assault victims of public school teachers. Teaches and especially teacher unions have forfeited the right to have any part in the discussion on what to do about teachers who commit rape, other sexual assault, or incest. THEY ADVOCATE STATUTORY RAPE AND PROTECT THEIR DUES-PAYING RAPISTS. Every teacher union official and member behind the opposition to tighter sex offender laws should be prosecuted under RICO statutes, imprisoned, and deprived of their teaching certificates forever.


A greedy service union and their Democrat politician buddies have been stealing billions of dollars in Medicaid benefits from invalids for decades. President Trump and his people have just put an end to their thievery. From the 5/3/2019 Daily Caller, this:

“The Trump administration finalized a rule Thursday scrapping a 2014 Medicaid regulation allowing states to divert payments meant for caretakers to unions.

The Obama administration issued a regulation that protected a state practice that had, by that time, been practiced for decades. Since the 1990s, states have accepted Medicaid money from the federal government meant for home health service providers, often the family or friends of the Medicaid-assistance recipient, according to the conservative think tank Freedom Foundation.

In distributing checks to the health providers, some states had begun skimming money and diverting it to unions and other interest groups in the form of dues, even though home health providers may not be members. The Center for Medicaid Services will begin cracking down on the process in July.

“Repealing this illegal regulation is a major victory for caregivers and those who care about protecting Medicaid from being looted by special interests,” Maxford Nelsen, director of labor policy for the Freedom Foundation, said in a statement. “States have no business, legally or morally, diverting Medicaid funds to unions.”

“Caregivers deserve to be able to choose how to spend their wages after they’ve been paid in full for their services. If they wish to support a union, that’s up to them,” Nelsen said.

The new regulation will prevent states from skimming up to $150 million per year from Medicaid payments and diverting it to other causes. The Freedom Foundation found that in 2018 eight states – California, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oregon, Vermont and Washington – were (still) skimming money off Medicaid payments to caretakers.

Note all of these states are hard leftist states.

Unions slammed the Trump administration over the new rule. The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the largest public-sector unions in the U.S., said the new policy was “anti-worker.”

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

The final rule attacks “roughly 800,000 home care workers’ ability to use common paycheck deductions for health insurance contributions, union dues, and other expenses,” the SEIU said in a statement. “The rule wrongly targets independent provider home care workers who, without a union, are faced with a physically and emotionally demanding job with a median wage of just $10.49 an hour, no healthcare, no paid sick time and no benefits.”

Per the Dues Skimming FAQs page of the State Policy Network website, this:

“Home healthcare providers receive subsidies from Medicaid’s Home and Community Based Services waiver fund and childcare providers receive subsidies from the Child Care and Development Fund and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program. It is up to Congress and HHS to ensure that federal taxpayer money slated to help those in need actually gets to them, and is free from fraud, waste, and abuse. These funds should go to those most in need – not the unions.”

“Each year, the government skims an estimated $150 million from home healthcare providers and $50 million from daycare providers and gives it to unions. Since 2000, states have skimmed $1.4 billion from home healthcare providers. The loss to individual providers varies by state, but can be one to over three percent of the caregivers’ stipend. In some states, the government diverts $1,000 annually from individual providers and gives it to unions. Due to lack of transparency in the dues skimming scheme, determining just how much is being taken and how many providers are affected has been difficult to determine and has been updated to reflect the most recent total.”

“The government is taking money from two types of providers: in-home healthcare providers and in-home daycare providers. Many home health caregivers are relatives or close friends who are taking care of sick family members or friends and receive a modest stipend each month to help cover the costs of the in-home care they provide. For many, this makes caring for a loved one possible. But these caregivers can pay up to $1,000 a year in union dues, often without even realizing it. States that take money from these providers and give it to unions justify their scheme by calling these caregivers public employees because they receive subsidies from the government. However, caregivers are individuals working from private homes, often looking after people as a service or out of necessity, not a career.”

COMMENTS: Of course the union scumbags are liars. Most people receiving care at home are getting it from family members who are paid nothing or are paid very little but do it anyway to keep loved ones out of institutions, which teem with substandard and sadistic employees.

But hard-left state politicians and bureaucrats have been stealing money meant for sick peoples’ care and routing it to their buddies in the leftist Service Employees International Union and other parasites. President Trump and his people are once again working for us, not the Swamp.

Per a 7/10/2018 Daily Caller article on the skimming, this:

“The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is blistering at a proposed regulation that would prevent the union from siphoning fees from American workers’ Medicaid payments.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced a proposed rule Tuesday that would require Medicaid payments to go directly to healthcare workers, ending a 2014 Obama-era rule that let third parties, such as unions and insurance companies, skim off a share of the paycheck before the worker saw any of it.”

In other words, the unions’ and politicians’ silent partners in skimming theft are insurance companies, the same parasites who grew fatter off of Obamacare.


Was Nurse Ratched a union boss for the SEIU?


The same group who is helping the Florida man keep his house over the grass height kerfuffle is trying to help a lot of people across the nation. They have another case in Pennsylvania, whose officials long protected government sex offenders like Jerry Sandusky.

From World Net Daily 4/13/2019, this:

“A fight is brewing in Pennsylvania over laws allowing authorities to confiscate property without filing criminal charges.

Civil forfeiture is not a well-known process, even though the Supreme Court recently ruled against Indiana’s plan to confiscate a $40,000 Land Rover for a minor drug offense.

The Institute for Justice announced it is teaming up with a newspaper in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to try to expose the government benefit.

“Pennsylvanians deserve an opportunity to shed some light on civil forfeiture,” said IJ attorney Kirby West in an announcement about the campaign. “Law enforcement in Pennsylvania is allowed to take property, even when there are no criminal charges, and spend the proceeds on virtually anything they want. The Right to Know Law exists to hold government officials accountable.”

The group has begun working with reporter Carter Walker and the LNP Media Group to “fight the district attorney in court and bring this information into the light of day. The case could determine whether district attorneys across the commonwealth have to make information about their forfeiture proceeds available to the public.”

The Lancaster County district attorney “uses civil forfeiture to take hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and other property each year.”

“Under Pennsylvania law, he is able to spend the proceeds with few restrictions,” IJ said.

But the relevant records are secret.

A formal request for civil forfeiture records by the reporter was rejected by the DA. When the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records concluded that the records were subject to the Commonwealth’s Right to Know Law, the DA went to court to keep them secret. Forfeiture laws frequently allow police to make seizures without a criminal conviction and sometimes not even charges against the owner.

“Public records are a critical tool in providing our readers with information about how government works,” Walker explained. “I’m happy the Institute for Justice has decided to take this case, which involves hundreds of thousands of dollars in government assets spent yearly with minimal information being released to the public.”

IJ said its own analysis of forfeiture transparency laws across the country shows information
is difficult to obtain.

“The only forfeiture information made available to the public comes in the form of annual reports from the Commonwealth Attorney General’ office – and even those cannot be viewed without a RTKL request,” the group said.

“These reports provide only basic, topline accounts about what property county district attorneys are forfeiting and total amounts of proceeds spent. In other states, law enforcement has spent forfeiture proceeds on everything from margarita machines, to a zamboni, and sometimes even high-end travel to luxury destinations.”

IJ senior research analyst Jennifer McDonald said that at a minimum, agencies should have to release information to the public.

IJ recently settled a lawsuit against the city of Philadelphia over its practice of “taking cash, cars and even homes from residents without charging them with crimes.”

WND reported in 2016 a law adopted in Ohio requires that criminal charges be filed before police try to confiscate assets.

At least 17 states already have adopted procedures to put the brakes on such seizures. “Reducing perverse economic incentives, the new law prohibits local governments from using the U.S. Department of Justice’s ‘equitable sharing’ program as a loophole to bypass constitutional protections on property rights in most cases, while still allowing government law enforcement agents to perform their duties and protect people,”said Jesse Hathaway, a research fellow and budget/tax expert at the institute.

“Government law enforcement should not be financially motivated, but motivated by a desire to protect and serve taxpayers. Civil asset forfeiture creates an economic incentive to engage in the forfeiture process, perverting the law. This measure reduces that incentive to do wrong and will help protect against the possibility of abuse,”Hathaway said.

“This is a step toward removing the profitability of violating an individual’ inherent property rights, and lawmakers in other states should look to Ohio for ideas on how to solve the civil asset forfeiture problem in their communities,” he said.”

Pennsylvania is a fascist state when it comes to public records and greedy politicians and child-molesting school employees. Their governor Tom Wolfe looks like he had a caprine maternal ancestor. Their most famous resident is Jerry Sandusky.

They appropriately have teams named “Stealers” and “Pirates.” It would serve all these Keystone State seizers right to have seizures.

If you can help the Institute for Justice out, please do so. Check out their website and their mission, and their Form 990s, which are all on the Web.

I suggest also that you read websites like Breitbart, the Daily Caller, Conservative Treehouse, and The Daily Caller to track government corruption. Where you can, donate to those who will throw corrupt and/or idiotic public officials out of office.

“We’re from the government. We’re here to help.” is often a lie.

“We’re the government. We’re here to help ourselves,” at least would be truth in advertising.



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