• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025

Easter, Martyrs, and Notre Dame

April22/ 2019

99 and I went to Good Friday services Friday and to Easter Mass yesterday. We are practicing Catholics, so Sunday Mass is one of our normal routines. Good Friday is a yearly event honoring God when He offered Himself in a painful and humiliating death as a sacrifice to redeem us from our sins.

Mass at Easter and Pentecost have an extra song before the Gospel called the Sequence. It is a somber chant. Three lines rhyme. Sometimes there is a fourth line that is an acclamation.

The Sequences come to us from the Middle Ages. The Sequence we sang yesterday came from a guy named Wipo of Burgundy, who lived in the 1000s AD. Wipo was a priest and a historian. He was chaplain to Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II. Conrad ruled Germany, northern Italy, northeastern France, and some lands that bordered Germany, Italy, and France.

Conrad II and his queen Gisela of Schwaben. A solid German babe.



The Holy Roman Empire is no more, but in its time, was an institution that defended the Christians of Western and Central Europe. An emperor, elected by the major kings and princes of the parts of the empire, was supposed to rule, but was also supposed to protect.

Charlemagne, aka Karl der Grosse or Carlo Magno, was the Holy Roman Emperor who was father of Europe. He was the grandson of Charles Martel (“Charlie Hammer”), who threw the Moslems out of France after the Battle of Tours in 732 AD. Charlemagne protected Catholicism from Teutonic pagans in eastern Germany and from Moslems reptiles who had overrun Spain. People took pride in their nationalities, but also in their Christian faith which gave them something in common with other Europeans. They knew Death was ever-present, so they focused on God to a much greater extent than their descendants do now.

Charlemange. Father of Europe. His castle is gone, but his church in Aachen, Germany still stands.


Even though there was occasional fighting between Catholics and Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages, Catholics came to the aid of Orthodox Christians in fighting the Moslems who persecuted them both.

There were no Protestants until the end of the Middle Ages. By and large, Protestant leaders would help the Turks and other Moslems against Catholics and Orthodox believers in Europe and the Middle East from the 1500s on up until World War One.

Back to the Sequence.

The Sequence was one of the traditions that came into the Church in the Middle Ages. After Rome fell to barbarian tribes, European authority broke down and people were at the mercy of invaders. Pope Leo I personally went out to dissuade Attila the Hun from sacking Rome. France gained the nickname “Eldest Daughter of the Church” when Remy the Bishop baptized Clovis the king of the Franks, in good part due to the prayers of his wife Clotilde, who was a Catholic. Clovis united France and was France’s first Christian king.

The leaders of the Church and the kings and mighty nobles of Western Europe kept Roman practices that were good and threw out those that were evil. Despite their failings, they limited wars among Christian peoples, provided for their defense against Vikings, Moslems, and Asians, and reduced religious squabbling. The Church was able to promote learning through schools and universities, which Church leaders founded. Monks gave the people better agricultural practices, better crops, better ways of making wine and beer, and better ways of draining swamplands.

Literacy was low until German Catholic Johannes Gutenberg invented printing in the 1400s and printed bibles. So the Church and the civil leaders illustrated history and the trades with artwork. A peasant who couldn’t read could still go into a church and look at statues, paintings, and mosaics to learn the tenets of his or her faith. Likewise, the skilled tradesmen of Christendom, whether or not they could read, still took the time to teach their employees how to master their trades.

Chivalry, the combining of manly toughness with the Christian virtues of defense of women, the Church, and those unable to help themselves, received great encouragement from the Church and from the kings and queens and lords and ladies. In fact, a nobleman’s wife and her ladies taught children destined for leadership in their realms religion, history, and manners. They were grooming the boys into young men with courtesy and manners, so they would be kindlier husbands for the girls. After all, their mothers had done this for them. (Courtesy’s root word is “court.”) Older married women of the court gave some tutelage to young unmarried knights on how to treat ladies for the same reason. The pagans and Moslems had no similar formal movement for the good of their females.

Eleanor of Aquitaine. A queen of France, and later of England. This fiery woman was mother of Richard the Lionhearted and nine others. She reveled in the rites of chivalry.


El Cid, the Spanish Moslem killer, was a bachelor when his laundress gave birth. He asked his officers, “How many days does a lady of the court get to recover from childbirth?”

“Three days, senor!” was the reply of his married officers.

So El Cid and his men gave the laundress the same courtesy. There were standards and the men of understanding knew them.

Under the co-operation of the Church and the kings of Western Europe, there was a rustic chivalry in place, a limit on warfare among Christians, defense against vicious non-Christians, and the encouragement of learning. The Holy Roman Emperor, the King of France, the King of England, and other powerful leaders ensured the growth of Christendom, the Catholic part of Europe that was the dark world’s light.

The Christian rulers in today’s Russia, Ukraine, the Balkans, and the Byzantine Emperor at Constantinople had more Moslems and Asians to fight. Likewise, the Christian rulers of the Iberian peninsula had to push the Moslems back acre by acre from the Pyrenees to Gibraltar, which Fernando and Isabella finished in 1492 when they made Moslem leader Boabdil surrender Granada.

The building of churches was an important part of this era. It strengthened the Church, gave places of refuge and defense to the people in case of an invasion, and gave many people work. Often a civilian leader, who was doing penance for his sins or was wanting to keep his peasants from starving while he had plenty, put forth money to start a cathedral or basilica or smaller church that would employ people to give his realm something of lasting value.

Foto: Zdravko Primožiè/FPA

Walled Catholic church in Hrastovlje, Slovenia, homeland of Melania Trump aka Melania of Slovenia. Stout walls and stout Christian fighters kept the Moslems out.


The rulers who ruled my ancestors in Bohemia built Prague Castle and two churches inside the walls during the late Middle Ages. They borrowed money in time of adversity, put peasants to work building the magnificent installation, and fed them. When better times came, the rulers paid back the money. One of the kings eventually had the entire castle complex completed, after the Bohemian people for many years of hard times had work to keep them going.

It was in this spirit that men decided to build the Cathedral of Notre Dame. The bishop of Paris started the work in 1160 AD, and it was essentially completed by 1250 AD, when saintly crusader king Louis IX ruled France. St. Louis is named for him.

Notre Dame, named for Our Lady, Christ’s mother Mary, stands on Ile de France, the small island in the Seine River where Paris began. For hundreds of years it was the centerpiece of France’s churches.

But the “eldest daughter of the Church” has committed parental abuse, beginning with the French Revolution. Leftist lawyers like Robespierre and Danton incited mobs, who in September 1792 broke into jails and murdered priests who were imprisoned for failing to swear loyalty to the Revolution’s rabble. The rabble had already confiscated all churches and as much money as they could find. They destroyed relics of saints, and the assholes even destroyed Joan of Arc’s armor and dress because she had crowned a king. They desecrated many churches, including Notre Dame. They initiated a New Age atheistic Cult of Reason and another Cult of the Supreme Being to take the place of Catholicism. They broke crosses off of churches and graves.

One of the last organized executions in Paris came July 17, 1794, when Robespierre’s scum sent 14 nuns and two other women of the Carmelite order to the guillotine. The holy women sang hymns until the huge blade silenced the last of them. They live in sacred memory as the Martyrs of Compiegne.

Martyrs of Compiegne. Window in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, England.


Ten days later, Robespierre was overthrown and he and his equally evil companions would die on the same guillotine 11 days after they had the nuns murdered.

In the countryside, Revolution officers ordered the murders of hundreds of thousands of Catholics, especially in Brittany (the nose-like peninsula of France that sticks out into the Atlantic Ocean) and the nearby Vendee. Armed Catholics fought the troops. Napoleon as a young officer was ordered to kill the Catholics. He refused, saying in so many words, “It inconveniences me to shed French blood when France has so many non-French enemies.”

Later, Napoleon gave back the churches to the Catholic Church. He held his coronation in Notre Dame Cathedral. However, Napoleon kept the seized land for the French government. Napoleon was a Catholic, but noot the most observant of Catholics.

Restriction of the Catholic Church continued in France through the 1800s. In 1905, the Clemenceau government formally took ownership of all Catholic churches. The Catholic Church does not own Notre Dame now, nor does it own any Catholic church in France built before 1905. The Church pays maintenance fees to the government for use of the churches.

Since 1905, only one real leader of France (De Gaulle) was a practicing Catholic. De Gaulle, a hero in World War One and World War Two, personally kept abortion illegal … despite having a mentally retarded daughter. His successors made abortion the law of the land shortly after his death.

When atheist bisexual Hitler ordered Paris’s monuments (especially Notre Dame) burned, Dietrich von Choltitz, the German general in charge, disobeyed his orders.

After De Gaulle, the French leaders have allowed millions of Moslems to come into the nation. In recent years, Moslem attacks on Catholics have increased. They have murdered priests and parishioners. In the week before the Holy Week fire at Notre Dame, the Moslems desecrated a dozen French Catholic churches.


Yesterday, on Easter Sunday, in Ceylon, now Sri Lanka, Moslem militants have allegedly bombed Catholic churches and tourist hotels, murdering hundreds at Mass and in their lodgings. Top leftist Democrats, like Barry and Hillary, reading from the same sociopathic cue card, talked about the murder of “Easter worshipers.” They couldn’t bring themselves to say the victims were Catholics.

Why would any nation want any of these Islamist animals as “immigrants?”

Of course, Antifa-type leftists are church desecrators too.
From Nicole Darrah of Fox News, 4/18/2019, this:

“The man who allegedly brought gas cans and lighter fluid into St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City has taught philosophy at different colleges in New York and New Jersey, school officials said.

“Marc Lamparello, 37, was arrested on Wednesday night and was charged with attempted arson and reckless endangerment. He was taken into custody after a security guard at the cathedral on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan spotted him.

He was cooperative but acted evasively, the New York Police Department said. Lamparello allegedly told officers that he was “cutting through the cathedral to get to Madison Avenue” and that “his car ran out of gas,” police said. But when police reportedly checked the man’s minivan, its gas tank wasn’t empty.

John Miller, the NYPD’s deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, said surveillance camera footage showed Lamparello circling St. Patrick’s several times in a minivan well over an hour before he parked outside the cathedral on Fifth Avenue, walked around the area, returned to his vehicle, and retrieved the gasoline and lighter fluid.

The incident at the cathedral came two days after Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was ravaged by a fire that investigators said Thursday was most likely electrical. After Lamparello’s arrest, police said there “doesn’t appear to be any connection to any terrorist group or any terrorist-related intent here.”

Lamparello was also arrested on Monday in Newark, New Jersey after he allegedly wouldn’t leave the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart at closing time after a late Mass.

The man was calm and respectful to officers but was adamant about not leaving the cathedral,
according to the Essex County Sheriff’s Office.

“He said, ‘This is a house of God, it should be open, I’m not leaving. You’ll have to lock me up,'”
Sheriff Armando Fontoura said.

Lamparello has worked as a part-time online instructor at Lehman College in New York, and taught philosophy as a part-time adjunct instructor at Seton Hall University in New Jersey, both schools confirmed to Fox News on Thursday.

Brooklyn College said in a statement that because Lamparello is a PhD student at the College of
New York’s Graduate Center, he is required to teach a course on campus, and was assigned to the

Sarah Ramsey, a spokesperson for Lehman, said the school is aware of what happened at St.
Patrick’s Cathedral, and is “taking appropriate steps to terminate the individual’s employment with the college,” while Seton Hall said Lamparella is no longer working with the university, as their “top priority is the education and welfare of our students and the entire campus community.”

French authorities are not very forthcoming about the cause of the fire.

No workers were working on the parts of the roof that burned. Supposedly electrical problems caused the fire, authorities say, but others say there was no wiring in the places where the fires broke out. Yes, there is talk of multiple points of ignition, which implies arson.

The globalist scum who run France are loudly denying arson. But they have to look at it in light of the situation.

Why are Macron, the guy who married his teacher, and other knuckleheads who run France so hot to rebuild Notre Dame?

Two reasons.

One is money.

The government pockets the vast majority of tourist fees from Notre Dame and other brilliant French cathedrals. Remember, they and not the Church, own these cathedrals and other churches they stole by force.

The other is agenda.

Notre Dame represents Christendom … the European belief in the Christian (Catholic and Orthodox) faith that means Christian values and behaviors should be inherent in leaders and these should cross national borders. Medieval customs and traditions made even the king a man who had duties to his lords, his Church, and his people. The medieval Church also imposed boundaries on how the lords employed their workers. Christendom implied a common Christ-centered society that may have had faults, but had the impetus to improve and reform.

The Protestant Reformation and the Industrial Age and the French Revolution and Communism and Fascism and Nazism freed the leaders from their duties to their lessers. Hence the wide expansion of poverty and misery and warfare. Moslems have never imposed ethical conduct on their leaders or people either, so they too are a force against Christendom.

Macron opposes his people in their desire for protection from Moslem violence. Communist agent Angela Merkel does likewise. The British government openly ignored their people’s vote to leave the European Union and their desires to stop Islamists. Only in Italy and Eastern Europe do the governments try to represent the will and the faith of their peoples.

Likewise in the United States. The Deep State opposes the American people and the values of Christendom. This is why they tried to impose Hillary Clinton on the people, due to all the crooked deals they had in place with her and her people. This is why the FBI, CIA, NSA, and other agencies tried to overthrow President Trump while illegally spying on him and his people illicitly, and while encouraging millions of unelected bureaucrats and judges to thwart President Trump’s attempts to carry out his promises to the American people.

The piss-ant architects want to take the rebuilt Notre Dame away from Christendom. They want everything from a glass roof to inclusion of perverts to a Moslem minaret in the rebuild.

Better for the remnant of Notre Dame to be knocked down and a park be made on the site than to debase the Faith that led to the building of the real, Christ-centered Notre Dame. At least when dogs crap on the park grass, Moslems and leftists won’t be able to crap on the Faith.



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