• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


April14/ 2019

While the leftists in media and government are focusing on trying to get more illegals into the United States, the Chinese government are using their citizens here legally and illegally to spy upon us.

The national media was silent on the female Chinese agent who had to be arrested when she tried to infiltrate President Trump’s club Mara-a-Lago in Florida. Perhaps the leftist media peoples’ mouths were too full of Democrat presidential candidates’ and congressional members’ asses.

But thanks to Breitbart and AP 4/3/2019, here it is:

A woman carrying two Chinese passports and a device containing computer malware lied to Secret Service agents and briefly gained admission to President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club over the weekend during his Florida visit, federal prosecutors allege in court documents.

(Yujing) Zhang, 32, approached a Secret Service agent at a checkpoint outside the Palm Beach club early Saturday afternoon and said she was a member who wanted to use the pool, court documents said. She showed the passports as identification.

Yujing Zhang, the suitless swimmer with the infected thumb (drive) .


Agents say she wasn’t on the membership list, but a club manager thought Zhang was the daughter of a member. Agents say that when they asked Zhang if the member was her father, she did not answer definitively but they thought it might be a language barrier and admitted her.

Nice job, Secret Service stooges.

Zhang’s story changed when she got inside, agents say, telling a front desk receptionist she was there to attend the United Nations Chinese American Association event scheduled for that evening. No such event was scheduled and agents were summoned.

Agent Samuel Ivanovich wrote in court documents that Zhang told him that she was there for the Chinese American event and had come early to familiarize herself with the club and take photos, again contradicting what she had said at the checkpoint. She showed him an invitation in Chinese that he could not read.

He said Zhang was taken off the grounds and told she could not be there. Ivanovich said she
became argumentative, so she was taken to the local Secret Service office for questioning.

There, he said, it became clear Zhang speaks and reads English well. He said Zhang said she had
traveled from Shanghai to attend the nonexistent Mar-a-Lago event on the invitation of an
acquaintance named “Charles,” whom she only knew through a Chinese social media app.

Ivanovich said she then denied telling the checkpoint agents she was a member wanting to swim.

Ivanovich said Zhang carried four cellphones, a laptop computer, an external hard drive and a thumb drive containing computer malware. She did not have a swimsuit.

(Watch Dems say the agent is a Russian colluder with President Trump.)

Zhang is charged with making false statements to federal agents and illegally entering a restricted
area. She remains in custody pending a hearing next week. Her public defender, Robert Adler, declined comment.

There is no indication Zhang was ever near the president.”

Was this a spying attempt, or a dry run for a suicide bombing? The Red Chinese want Trump gone because he is the only president who has decided to stomp their Wangs.

Reporter Lukas Mikelionis of Fox News noted 4/10/2019 that one of the agents at Mar-a-Lago was dumb enough to plug Ms. Zhang’s thumbdrive into his laptop. He was amazed that malware immediately infected his laptop.

The act was mind-numbingly stupid. The feds have computer experts who can check such devices. Secret Service agents are supposed to know better. But this salaried jerk did not.

Not surprisingly, President Trump canned long-time Secret Service boss Randolph Alles a few days later. He is fed up with corruption and incompetence at the highest levels of government service, especially in agencies like the Secret Service, the FBI, the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Pentagon, and the Department of Homeland Security.

These people routinely lose laptops with sensitive info, get rolled by hookers, miss those who would attack President Trump, and commit other acts of incompetence. Then there are the political ones who are being exposed for their crimes right now, in their illegal and immoral attempt to overthrow President Trump and negate the will of the people as expressed in the election of 2016.

Suspended Secret Service ageint and worshiper of Hillary Kerry “Porky” O’Grady. Her face could be a bullet-stopper and a birth control device.


One of the Secret Service pigs who still has a job is Kerry O’Grady. Kerry, who was the top special agent in charge in the Denver area, said she would rater go to jail than do her job to protect President Trump. She is a rabid Hillary supporter. Beefy O’Grady has been on paid leave for two years. Her philosophical ancestors were complicit in getting JFK murdered. Miz O’Grady’s most recent act of note was organizing a radical feminist march in Denver to protest President Trump earlier this year. Porky O’Grady sounds like she can’t set a burglar alarm properly, and yet she had a high government job. She still gets paid leave instead of a pink slip and a jail cell. This must change.

(Source: Lukas Mikelionis of Fox News, 4/12/2019)

Florida has recently become a target for Chinese spies. From the Miami Herald 2/5/2019, this:

“Zhao Qianli says he’s a musicology student from China who traveled to the United States for a summer exchange program. After he finished his studies in September, he booked a flight to Miami and then headed for Key West.

But rather than see the Hemingway House and other sights, Qianli got caught by Key West police for trespassing onto the high-security Naval Air Station. He later told federal authorities that he lost his way on the tourist trail and did not realize it was a military base.

Investigators found photos and videos on Qianli’s smartphone as well as on his digital camera that he had taken of government buildings and a Defense Department antenna field on the military base.

Qianli, 20, who is being held in Monroe County Jail, pleaded guilty Tuesday to one count of photographing defense installations at the Key West military facility and was sentenced to one year in prison by U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore. The judge gave him the maximum sentence, which was higher than the sentencing guidelines between zero and six months. The U.S. attorney’s office sought nine months in prison.

Five other counts in his indictment were dismissed as part of Qianli’s plea deal. He made his appearance via a remote video hookup from the federal courthouse in Key West, with his defense attorney by his side. He admitted through a Chinese interpreter that he took the unlawful photos on Sept. 26 while trespassing the restricted grounds of the Naval Air Station, but expressed no remorse.

Although federal authorities charged Qianli with photographing defense installations, they implied in court filings and during Tuesday’s hearing that he was not just a tourist but rather a possible spy for the Chinese government who lied when he was questioned by FBI agents after his arrest.

Federal prosecutor Michael Sherwin said that Qianli waded into the water in his clothes to go around the security fence on the southern end of the naval base, where signs say it is a restricted area — and to keep out. He said that, contrary to his claim that he was just a tourist and got lost, FBI agents found no pictures of the typical tourist spots such as Mallory Square on his smartphone or digital camera.

“The primary pictures on that camera were of the military facility,” Sherwin said, noting that a witness saw Qianli go directly to the Defense Department antenna field and snap pictures. “It did not have the hallmark of a tourist who got lost and wandered onto the military facility.”

But Qianli’s defense attorney, Hongwei Shang, repeatedly said her client was a college student at North University of China who was visiting Key West as a tourist after completing a summer exchange program.

“He’s not a spy,” Shang argued at Tuesday’s hearing. “A spy would not do things like him. There’s no proof. … He committed a stupid mistake. He confessed to it. He just wants to go home.”

Shang talked about Qianli’s parents and their desire to see him again, as she choked up during her comments to the judge.

Seeking mercy for her client, Shang talked about North Korea’s detention of an American student, Otto Warmbier, who was released in 2017 after 17 months in captivity and one year in a coma. Warmbier, an Ohio native who later died, had visited North Korea with a tour group after traveling in China. He was charged and convicted of a “hostile act” — trying to steal a propaganda poster — against North Korea’s authoritarian government.

Shang’s reference to that highly controversial case clearly offended the judge, who noted that Warmbier was not caught taking pictures and videos of North Korean military installations, as her client did at the Naval Air Station in Key West.

(Comment: This Chinese shyster should be disbarred.)

Qianli’s conviction and sentencing followed a recent CNN report that said U.S. intelligence officials have warned that China is enlisting some of its students studying in the United States to act as spies in gathering information on business, technology and science for the Beijing government.”

CNN won’t call Chinese spying a fact. They will only say the feds call the Chinese effort spying.

The Washington Free Beacon got a lot more of the story than the Miami Herald did. Here’s what the outlet’s reporter Bill Gertz added 2/11/2019:

“Court documents in the case and law enforcement sources provided new details of a rare case of Chinese intelligence agencies targeting an East Coast military facility for spying.

Chinese agents in the past were detected spying on military and intelligence facilities in Japan, Hawaii, and Alaska, including the missile defense base at Fort Greely.

FBI investigators searched Zhao’s Miami hotel room after his arrest and discovered a blue shirt and belt buckle worn by Public Security Ministry police.

The ministry is China’s main political police and intelligence service focused on domestic security.

Security analysts say it is unusual for Public Security Ministry personnel to conduct overseas spying, a task usually carried out by operatives from the Ministry of State Security or People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Second Department, known as 2PLA.

Public Ministry agents, however, have been detected in the United States conducting illegal surveillance and harassment of Chinese dissidents and nationals in the past.

During the base intrusion, Zhao was quickly stopped by armed military police at the Key West base. He was then arrested by Key West police before the case was turned over to FBI counterintelligence agents.

Zhao spoke fluent English and carried no identification at the time of his arrest, a sign he was operating covertly and prepared to be detained. He told MPs who confronted him that he was a tourist who was lost and had strayed on the base by accident.

Investigators also discovered Zhao was in touch with Chinese intelligence officers inside the United States before the base intrusion.

Under questioning by the FBI, Zhao disclosed he was the son of a high-ranking PLA officer and that his mother worked for the Chinese government.

Zhao, according to court papers, lied to FBI agents during questioning Dec. 7 stating he was in the last year of a four-year music program at the North University of China. However, his visa application stated he did not began the music program until 2017.

“Evidence recovered from [Zhou’s] cellular phone further showed documentation of a university engineering course curriculum—when confronted with this information, Zhao Qianli simply stated he ‘did not know how it got on my phone,'” one document said.

Zhao also told the FBI he underwent military training as a university student but failed to disclose the military service on his visa application, as required.

China North University is a military entity that had several names since its founding in 1961. The school is focused on conventional arms, including artillery, automatic weapons, ammunition, and fuses. It has been under the National Defense Science, Technology and Industry Committee, and designated one of eight defense industry colleges.

In 1993 the school was renamed North China Institute of Technology before becoming North University of China in 2004.

Asked about the police shirt and belt from the Public Security Ministry, Zhao told the FBI the items were given to him by his father who wanted him to have nice clothes for the U.S. visit.

Investigators also suspect Zhao lied about his age. He said he is 20 years old, but appears older. He also falsely told investigators he worked as a dish washer in New Jersey. HIS VISA ALSO HAD EXPIRED. (Emphasis mine.)

Zhao also said he had visited Key West to see the home of the late novelist Ernest Hemingway. However, a search of his Motorola cell phone and Canon EOS digital camera found no images of the residence or any other images outside the base.

“After entering the restricted facility, witnesses observed Zhao Qianli walk directly toward the restricted JIATF-South antenna field and take several photographs with his Motorola cellular telephone and Canon EOS digital camera,” the plea agreement states.

Chinese spy Zhao Qianli (L) and US Navy Air Station, Key West. Courtesy of Fox News and US Navy


“Witnesses then observed Zhao Qianli take photographs with these devices of various other government buildings within the vicinity of the restricted JIATF-South Antenna Field.”

These are not lone Chinese pandas.

From Breitbart and the Wall Street Journal 3/5/2019, this:

“The Chinese government has been raiding American university databases for technology which can help it develop undersea warfare technology, according to the Wall Street Journal. But the hacking may be overkill, because federal regulations already allow Chinese graduates and scientists to take jobs in taxpayer-funded undersea-warfare research centers and universities. The approval is provided by the controversial “Optional Practical Training” program which allows universities to effectively sell work permits to foreign students, and to deny jobs to their own U.S. graduates.

The Wall Street Journal reported:

“The University of Hawaii, the University of Washington and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are among at least 27 universities in the U.S., Canada and Southeast Asia that Beijing has targeted, according to iDefense, a cybersecurity intelligence unit of Accenture Security.

iDefense said it identified targeted universities by observing that their networks were pinging servers located in China and controlled by a Chinese hacking group known to researchers interchangeably as Temp.Periscope, Leviathan or Mudcarp. Researchers at the U.S. cyber firm FireEye, who have studied the same group, said the iDefense findings were generally consistent with their own intelligence.

The majority of the universities targeted either house research hubs focused on undersea technology or have faculty on staff with extensive experience in a relevant field, and nearly all have links to a Massachusetts oceanographic institute that also was likely compromised in the cyber campaign, iDefense said.”

But the OPT program allows Chinese navy officers and other foreigners to get underseas warfare jobs.

The OPT work permits are managed by the Department of Homeland Security. The program was not established by Congress, but it was created by agency officials to provide U.S. technology companies with a cheap supply of college graduate workers. Employers of OPT workers do not have to pay Social Security or Medicare taxes, so it is cheaper for companies and universities to hire foreigners instead of young American graduates.

The program allows foreign graduates with technology credentials to work in U.S. jobs for three years after graduating from a U.S. university. Graduates with non-technology credentials are allowed to work for one year. A paired program, dubbed the Curricular Practical Training program, provides a one-year work permit to foreigners before graduation.

Roughly 400,000 foreign students had OPT work permits in 2017, so pushing hundreds of thousands of Americans out of promising jobs.

Many foreign graduates use the OPT work permits as a springboard into the H-1B program, which provides work permits lasting at least three years. In turn, many of the former OPT students who get into the H-1B program can also win green cards and so compete for jobs against Americans for the next 5o or 70 years — much to the advantage of employers, investors, and real estate owners. The OPT program was created by Michael Chertoff, who was then serving as the head of the Department of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush.

Thanks, Chertoff, you traitor.

Technology graduates can use their OPT work permits to take jobs in a very wide range of careers. The DHS’s 2016 list of STEM work includes option “29.0307” which is described “Undersea Warfare.” It can be found sandwiched between “Operational Geography” and “Military Applies Science.”

The DHS list includes a very wide range of jobs, from “Directed Energy Systems” to “Low-Observables and Stealth Technology” to “Veterinary Physiology” to “Urban Forestry.”

The list also allows foreign graduates to work as technicians: “Architectural Engineering Technology/Technician,” “Biomedical Technology/Technician,” “Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering Technology/Technician,” and “Solar Energy Technology/Technician.”

Some companies and universities exclude foreign graduates from jobs. For example, the Wall Street Journal article says the hacker targeted Penn State’s Applied Research Laboratory. The laboratory requires employees have U.S. citizenship. The university, however, helps foreign students to enroll in the OPT program … like university bosses protected boy molester Jerry Sandusky.

Currently, Senators and House members have drafted two bills — HR1044 and S.386 — that will help many former OPT workers get quick citizenship. The bills would put roughly 70,000 Chinese and 300,000 Indian college graduates on a fast track to green cards and citizenship — and sideline hundreds of thousands of American graduates. The Senate co-sponsors of the green card giveaway bill include Republicans and Democrats:

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Sen. Jim Moran (R-KS)
Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE)
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR)
Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND)
Sen. Krysten Sinema (D-AZ)

The news about Chinese hacking also comes amid a renewed effort by the White House to protect U.S. science and technology from theft by Chinese researchers.

White House officials are using trade talks to change Chinese “behaviors so they don’t steal our technology by infiltrating people into companies and into even national laboratory,” Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said May 1. A leading goal is “changing the practice so they don’t force technology transfer,” when U.S. companies invest in China, he said in a talk at the annual CPAC meeting.”

My associate defense attorney Dirk Van Capias sent me the following intel report recently.

This appeared in the Washington Examiner 4/6/219, under the byline of Joel Gehrke:

“Chinese intelligence services have sent “thousands” of people to U.S. colleges under the guise of college students and professors, federal officials said.

“We want to encourage people to come here and study,” Andrew Lelling, the U.S. attorney for Massachusetts, told reporters Friday. “This isn’t about targeting everyone who’s a Chinese national. But there are thousands who are directly linked to a state-sponsored effort to steal intellectual property.”

That warning underscores the scope of China’s “economic espionage,” as the Justice Department terms it, as a tool for national security and economic threat. That threat is part of a broader effort by Beijing to take advantage of American colleges and universities, which provoked a backlash among U.S. officials.

“The message to all the schools is: One, be aware that you are a target,” John Demers, the assistant attorney general at the Justice Department, said during the briefing. “Universities also have a lot of people coming in and out: students, visiting professors who are here for a year … You may not know the folks there as well as you do maybe in a company.”

According to the most recent State Department data, more than 363,000 Chinese students studied in the U.S. in 2017-2018, nearly a third of all international students enrolled at U.S. institutions.

(Comment: They ain’t taking “Gender Equality” or English Lit” or lesbian studies courses either.)

FBI Director Christopher Wray warned last year that China was using “nontraditional” intelligence collectors to launch a “whole-of-society” threat against the U.S. Those worries found an echo among lawmakers who worry that Chinese educational programs are platforms for propaganda and influence operations, while Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been warning European allies that Chinese tech giants such as Huawei and ZTE are also being used as spy assets.

“MIT is not accepting new engagements or renewing existing ones with Huawei and ZTE or their respective subsidiaries due to federal investigations regarding violations of sanction restrictions,” the Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced Wednesday.

DOJ officials emphasized that “Boston is a target rich environment” for Chinese espionage, given the multitude of colleges and corporations with sensitive intellectual property, but they also sought to avoid overstating the fear.

“What we’re trying to focus on is differentiating the folks who come here to present a threat from the folks who come here just to study,” Demers said.” ”

Don’t think you’re safe from Chinese spying if you are a homosexual. From Breitbart 3/27/2019, this:

“Beijing Kunlun Tech Co Ltd, the Chinese company that owns popular gay dating app Grindr, is reportedly looking to sell the app based on the U.S. government calling it a “national security risk.”

According to Reuters, the company is looking to sell Grindr, which it acquired between 2016 and 2018, “after a U.S. government national security panel raised concerns about its ownership.”

“The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) has informed Kunlun that its ownership of West Hollywood, California-based Grindr constitutes a national security risk,” Reuters reported, adding that, “Grindr has hired investment bank Cowen Inc to handle the sale process, and is soliciting acquisition interest from U.S. investment firms, as well as Grindr’s competitors.”

(Comment: CFIUS is generally a joke when it comes to national security. They did nothing when the Clintons okayed missile technology exports to China for campaign contributions. They seemed okay with the Bush 43 Dubai port deal. They said nothing I can recall in opposition to the Uranium One sell-off of American uranium to Russia with the okay of Hillary, the Obama administration, and top feds in the FBI and Justice Department.)

The Chinese company’s acquisition of Grindr proved to be very controversial, sparking privacy fears.

In 2017, Grindr assured users that the Chinese government would “not have access to your account,” and declared, “We want to keep it real with you (and we don’t want anyone spreading crazy conspiracy theories), so here’s what you need to know… Your privacy remains paramount. Nothing changes with how we will protect your personal information.”

“The Chinese government will not have access to your account,” the company claimed. “Beijing Kunlun is not owned by the Chinese government. This sale doesn’t change how Grindr safeguards our user data.”

(No tickee, no lickee?)

However, the Daily Mail at the time warned that “some cybersecurity experts aren’t so sure,” noting “that the Chinese government is able to exert significant pressure and control on the country’s private enterprises.”

The Washington Post‘s Josh Rogin also warned, “Grindr’s assurances notwithstanding… the risk to Grindr users that the Chinese government will know their secrets has just increased.”

(Comment: When CFIUS and the Washington Post worry, suspect the Chicoms have already forced some fageles in sensitive jobs to give up info they are not supposed to give up. Odds are they don’t care about the Reds getting advantages, they just care about fageles losing government jobs.)

In 2018, it was reported that Grindr had allegedly been sharing the HIV statuses of its users with third parties.

In the same year, the president of Grindr, Scott Chen, also faced controversy for claiming marriage is “between a man and a woman.”

How sexist and judgmental of the inscrutable Mr. Chen for saying such a hurtful thing about gay “marriage.” You’d think he was Mike Pence or the Duck Dynasty Clan, for Pete Butt-gig’s sake.

I can see why leftists might be upset about China’s ownership of Grindr. If the Chicoms can backmail you by saying you can’t have queer sex because they will tell on you about your AIDS or HIV diagnosis, then you’re about to learn what dogs in that land already know – you’re cooked.

In a column last year, I covered the disgusting development of “smart sex toys” and noted certain Chinese-made vibrators sold to women can track and transmit the sex practices and times of use of the users. China’s vibemasters could bug sex toys, or program them not to work unless the user gives up intel. And you thought the IRS was intrusive.

The largest corporate criminal is also a government – Red China. This doesn’t even take into account their murders of political dissidents and the accompanying organ harvesting of these victims for profit, their one-child only policy that plows baby girls under like unwanted puppies at a city pound, or their sex trafficking of frightened girls and young women. The people who run China’s industries as government officials, as leaders in partnership with the government, or as entrepreneurs at the pleasure of the government exploit hundreds of millions of their own people by making them toil like industrial serfs, and are blatant white-collar criminals in other ways as well.

Food from China can be laced with industrial toxins and germs from unsanitary preparation. Prescription medicine formulated in China on contract with the major pharmaceutical industries in this country can also be toxic or at least harmful due to lax quality control standards and sanitation practices. The appearance of Chinese-made poison dog food, poison wallboard made from the toxic ash and slag of China’s industries, and toxic chemicals in Chinese-made dishes, utensils, cooking implements, and lunch bags are all too common.

Dogs being butchered in China


These are acts as bad and worse than the abuses of the robber barons of the late 1800s and early 1900s. These are all hostile acts against our people akin to the British giving blankets with smallpox germs to American Indians, and akin to the German and Soviet generals of Europe ordering the bombing of hospitals.

This doesn’t count the large numbers of Chinese engineers and academics who are spies who steal our military and nonmilitary industrial secrets – at least the secrets they couldn’t buy from the Clintons in exchange for campaign cash. This also doesn’t take into account the Chinese habit of treating patent infringement as an offense no worse than bad breath. (Wipe that excrement-eating grin off your face, Japan. Your top businesspeople are not much better in this regard.)

Officials of a client firm of mine whose people make coal-mining machinery found out the hard way about corporate security. They were hosting a trade delegation from China on a tour of their manufacturing facilities. One of the employees not involved in the tour, an illustrator, noticed a rustling in a dumpster when he was outside taking a break. He and a security guard physically pulled one of the delegates out of the dumpster. They caught the Chinese operative dumpster-diving for blueprints of their machinery.

China’s leaders do not view Americans as customers. They view us as marks to be cheated and beaten. China’s leaders view us as stooges who will buy anything if it is cheap enough. So do the traitors who contract with them to make or process consumer goods in China. So do retailers who sell their products here.

Would banning Chinese imports or imposing a very high tariff and quotas on them, like they and most other nations do to us, be a drastic move? Possibly. The adjustment period would be tough at first. But it could lead us to manufacture more of our own consumer goods and formulate more of our own medicines again.

Believe it or not, we did these things until the Bushes and Clintons and others like them rose to the top of the heap in Washington. Our industrial might gave us the best wages, good products at reasonable prices, and the industrial muscle to prevail in two world wars and in the Cold War. Our industrial might also provided employment to men of all colors and income levels. There was no semi-permanent mass unemployment among our people until the early 1990s.

Until Woodrow Wilson and his follower FDR, American politicians usually enacted high tariffs, which protected American workers from slave labor and servile labor competition. Real presidents like Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt understood this was good for the American people. People who wanted foreign goods paid a hefty tax on them. This allowed our nation to not have an income tax at all until Wilson became president in 1913, and enabled most people to avoid paying federal taxes until the FDR regime.

FDR, misguided by bad economists, made our markets easy for foreigners to enter. This meant our people bought a lower proportion of our own goods. FDR recouped the lost tariff tax money by raising taxes on all Americans. He also confiscated Americans’ gold. And yet unemployment remained high until World War Two.

What is the impact of Chinese government spying on the United States?

Former CIA agent Jason Hansen, in his own 4/4/2019 column, said this:

“Economic espionage includes such activities as stealing trade secrets, manufacturing capabilities, material development, source code and software. Primarily this is carried out by the People’s Liberation Army. Cyber espionage and recruitments of agents are the primary means to collect this type of information.

Economists estimate the annual cost to the U.S. economy from China’s economic espionage is $320 billion. Congress estimates China’s IP theft has resulted in the loss of 2 million American jobs. The cumulative effect on the U.S. economy is trillions of dollars and falling global economic competitiveness.

In other words, not only is China a major trade partner for the U.S., but their espionage activities negatively affects our economy on a daily basis.

The most critical issue for U.S. national security is the loss of military technological advantage. China’s advances in weapons systems, including robotics, avionics, and naval systems are based mostly on technology stolen from the United States. This massive espionage campaign, combined with two decades of increased defense spending, provide China’s Navy and Air Force with substantial capabilities.”

We have no need for nationals from China coming to this nation as long as the Communists or any other anti-American regime is in power. Would we allow Nazis into America during World War Two? No. Why should we allow people who are our enemies into our nation now?

Since top Democrats and many GOP big wheels want Chinese immigration and visa issuing to increase, it can only mean one thing: These people are enemies of the Republic also and should be thrown out of office and jailed. Some should be executed, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Joan of Arc said at a council of war if the English were in her place, they would hang their traitors and march on Paris. Joan said councils of war usually decided on the least bad of a number of bad courses of action, but since the English army was still in strength around Paris, it was natural that they be her army’s targets. She also let the king’s treacherous ministers know she considered them traitors for repeatedly selling out the French. And she was adult and courageous enough to call them traitors to their faces instead of behind their backs.

In the spirit, though not the high level of holiness or moral strength of Joan of Arc, we are doing likewise. Our national leaders know what actions are in the best interest of the American people. But only President Trump and a handful of Republicans in the House and Senate are willing to take them. Most of the rest are traitors in need of hanging.

The Democrats are the Party of Satan. They advocate throwing our farmers, loggers, fishermen, drillers, miners, factory workers, and construction workers out of work. They advocate freebies for illegals that we the workers of this nation will have to pay for. They advocate for males in girl’s restrooms and teachers of all perversions on our kids. They support murdering children too slow to get away from their mothers and abortionists who want them dead.

Too many Republicans are the party of Zachary Smith. He was the weasel in “Lost in Space” who was always trying to sell out his friends. Mitt Romney, the product of polygamy, is the epitome of this treasonable sort of Republican.

Zachary Smith, right, looks like he’s preparing to sell Penny, left, as a slave.  An apparent young Mitt Romney clone, center, seems to look on approvingly.


Only President Trump and a minority of Republicans and every so often a couple of Democrats who aren’t totally demented are the only ones who seem to care about what is best for the people of America,

Hopefully President Trump is on the verge of breaking his enemies. I suggest strongly you follow “The Conservative Treehouse” for an ongoing analysis of the FBI/DOJ/Hillary/Swamp/globalist cabal against the American people and President Trump …. and President Trump’s great efforts against th FBI/DOJ/Hillary/Swamp/Globalist cabal.

What can you do to help President Trump and help your own family’ future in this undeclared war by China upon us?

Limits on imports (quotas) and tariffs based on the difference between our labor and safety and environmental standards and wages and those of China’s would greatly drop imports from China and greatly rise manufacturing here. Urge President Trump and your elected officials to impose quotas and tariffs to fight back against unfair foreign competition.

By buying American as much as possible, you are securing your own future and those of your children.

There are no rulers in China who will enforce any law against their own industries if these people cheat us or harm us. And they have no public disclosure laws of use to you, the citizen investigator. To stop rewarding the Chinese for hostile behavior, you will have to buy as little as possible from China.

Start checking products for country of origin, and leave the Chinese products on the shelf and the rack as often as possible. Spend some time on the Internet scouting for American manufacturers; buy their products when possible. If you can’t buy American, at least try to buy goods made elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere, or Europe, or sub-Saharan Africa. You will not be aiding and abetting the Chinese or other countries in Asia and the Middle East whose leaders and people don’t wish us well. In those parts of the world, the Filipinos are virtually the only people who have a tradition of being friendly to us for more than reasons of political convenience.

Do not reward China for spying, for stealing trade secrets, for selling us unsafe food and unsafe drugs and poisoned products we use in our homes, for sweatshop labor that globalists use to drive down the wages we earn for our productive labor, and for making products that poison us or harm us in other ways

Do not reward India for their infiltration of underskilled low-paid techies into our nation’s bloodstream.

These people and governments are after your wages, your jobs, your money, your freedom, and your nation. Treat them like the undeclared but real enemies they are.

I also urge you to vote out the friends of China and India in Congress and the Senate when they have competitors who will swear to defend Americans against globalism, and look like they will do less damage to the Republic than the friends of China and India representing you on paper do now.

If you work in science or industry, be alert to the efforts of Chinese and other alien nationals to steal your trade secrets. Inquisitive and acquisitive picture taking and blueprint and file stealing aliens routinely target workplaces such as yours. Report anything suspicious to pant security or your chain of command. If they turn on you, go to your member of Congress if he or she is not a total scumbag. It may well be illegal as well as unethical to spy, or as a host to allow such illegal technology transfers to take place under the guise of looking away from espionage.

Recall this sentence from one of the articles I noted:

“Roughly 400,000 foreign students had OPT work permits in 2017, so pushing hundreds of thousands of Americans out of promising jobs.”

I urge you to oppose more privileges for foreigners who say they work in this country due to initiatives put into law by treasonable members of Congress. Contact President Trump; contact your senators and representatives to stop this madness of giving away your children’s and grandchildren’s futures because some big companies want cheap computer people from China and India.

Call upon your representatives to enact tariffs which forbid the import of goods made by servile labor. The execs of Wal-Mart and other emporiums of substandard foreign-made crap and their allies in the Chambers of Commerce across this country will be bent, but that’s not your problem. Your representatives should be there to represent your interests and the interests of other Americans of good will, not the interests of China’s dictators or the crooked capitalists in your own land who serve their own interests and not yours.



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