• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025

Why Planned Parenthood Needs To Be Executed

March01/ 2019

Author’s note: About halfway down in this column, I am giving away a downloadable report of more than 300 pages on the illegal, revolting, and substandard acts I found Planned Parenthood personnel committed (allegedly) by using the public record. Stay tuned.

This last few weeks have been eye-opening.

The Democrats are becoming the party of infanticide. New York legislators and governor put into law a bill that allows abortion up to birth. Other hard left state legislators are considering similar Nazi measures. Virginia’s Democrat governor Ralph “Nazi” Northam, said he was okay with abortion providers killing full-term children born alive. Meanwhile, his wife was handing out cotton bolls to kids.

Members of the U.S. Senate just voted down a proposed measure that would have forbidden infanticide of babies who survive abortion. The proposed bill, called the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” would have penalized doctors who refused medical care to babies who survive abortions and are born alive.

Per CBS News, 2/27/2019, this:

“The legislation — which fell seven votes short of the 60 it needed to move forward — would have required doctors to provide care to infants who “survive an abortion or attempted abortion.” A similar bill passed in 2002, but the most recent one was different in a key way: It would have imposed fines and potential jail time for doctors who didn’t provide care.”

Amy “Chase Parked Car” Klobuchar.  Believer in Infanticide.  Is she ordering another double, or telling a staffer to fetch her a comb so she can eat a salad?


For some reason, the proposed bill needed 60 votes to win, and it got 53. Of the senators, 44 Democrats voted against it. Lisa Murkowski, the Alaska abortion pimp who is a Republican, did not vote on it. Neither did two other GOPers, Tim Scott of South Carolina and Kevin Cramer of North Dakota. Supposedly the trio couldn’t get back to DC in time for a vote.

Note: I call the capital DC and the state Washington.

Fox News 2/26/2019 reported this:

“All prominent Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls in the Senate voted down the measure, including Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. The final vote was 53-44 to end Democratic delaying tactics — seven votes short of the 60 needed.”

“The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act would have required that “any health care practitioner present” at the time of a birth “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care, and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious health care practitioner would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.

The bill, which exempted the mother involved in the birth from prosecution, also would have required practitioners to “ensure that the child born alive is immediately transported and admitted to a hospital.” It prescribed a possible term of imprisonment of up to five years for violations, not including penalties for first-degree murder that could have applied.

In response, President Trump tweeted late Monday that “This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress.”

“Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children,” Trump wrote. “The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth.”

To their credit, Democrats Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Doug Jones of Alabama, and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania voted for the measure. Manchin and Jones come from strong pro-life states. Even if they support abortion personally at least they represented the will of the people on this matter.

Bob Casey’s father Bob Casey Sr. was an honorable pro-life Democrat who governed Pennsylvania well. The Clintons and other top Democrats barred the senior Casey from speaking against abortion at national Democrat gatherings. Little Bob wanted so much to be a senator he was willing to suck up to the people who mistreated his father. He would have hurt his father less by urinating on his grave than by voting against this bill.

The vote came days after President Trump signaled his intention to cut Planned Parenthood out of participation in the federally funded (by you the taxpayers) Title X birth control program. This program, started by the Nixon Administration, is designed to provide birth control and other female health services to indigent women.

Problem is Planned Parenthood focuses more on college coeds than on helping the indigent in most states. There is a loophole that allows Title X contractors to put young women on the program based on their own income, not family income.

In other words, the rules are so leaky the Bush twins Jenna and Barbara and Chelsea Clinton, as college coeds, could have gotten free rubbers, pills, diaphragms, and other goodies because they didn’t have their own jobs, and even though their parents were millionaires. A Title X administratrix who used to work for Planned Parenthood explained this to me in 2003, when the Bush Twin’s daddy was president.

Jenna Bush keepin’ it classy. Jenna works for NBC. Her twin Barbara raises money for Planned Parenthood.


Of the 40 states I could get figures on when I looked at the Title X program back then, non-Planned Parenthood Title X providers gave much more doctor and nurse time per patient to women than Planned Parenthood staffers did. Also, in almost every one of the states, Planned Parenthood reported treating a lower percentage of the indigent than non-Planned Parenthood providers did. And this even includes Planned Parenthood facilities near college campuses giving out birth control to affluent white girls and counting them as indigents.

So the Left reacted predictably. They called Donald Trump every name they could think of. It wasn’t hard; all they had to do was look at their own failings and perversions and project them on him.

I will address the slur that got the most Fake News media run.

Aged sow Gloria Steinem falsely claimed Hitler became leader of Germany because he campaigned against abortion. She wanted to compare President Trump, a peacemaker with many Jews in his family and circle of friends, with the murderous anti-Semite bisexual paperhanger.

Every history book on Hitler that is worth anything says Hitler campaigned on ending unemployment and making Germany powerful again. They don’t mention his abortion positions in his campaigns. Almost all of his opponents opposed abortion also. If Hitler’s key campaign pledge was ending abortion, he would have gone nowhere.

History is based on a large number of government, newspaper, church, and other primary sources. History can be a public record. Real history, not fake history, has a standard for truth.

Here’s the truth about Hitler, the Nazis, and his stance on abortion. 

Hitler wanted German females to breed soldiers and breeding mothers. He and the Nazis were OK with bastard children as long as they were Aryans who didn’t have any physical or mental handicaps.

In a previous column, I showed how leather fetishist Hitler and many top Nazis were homosexuals or bisexuals, and many Nazis were child molesters. In other words, the top Nazis acted like teachers’ unions and the Screen Actors’ Guild.

Hitler also was an incestuous scumbag. He forced himself repeatedly on his niece Geli Raubal, who told other Nazis and later told her confessor priest what a perverted freak Hitler was. Hitler eventually impregnated the niece he was abusing and wanted her to get an abortion. Geli said she was going back to Austria (which was still independent) to have the child. Geli wound up murdered in Hitler’s suite.

Angela “Geli” Rabaul


Hitler did not view German men and women as free individuals whose rights came from their Creator. Atheist Hitler viewed himself as a god, and considered the German people to be his property. He wanted boys to fight wars and make weapons. He wanted girls to work and to make babies. Hitler, as a bisexual freak with an incest jones that among non-Moslems in Europe is most common among Teutons and Nordic peoples, couldn’t care less about whether children were bastards or not. He considered children the property of the State, so he outlawed the abortion of most healthy German children who he considered racially pure.

Since Hitler considered children the property of the State, he allowed abortions for German women who got pregnant by Jews and Slavs and blacks. He didn’t want any half-breeds in his Nazi cuckoo-clock land.

Hitler considered children born alive with any visible defects to be unwanted by the State. So he allowed their murders. Hitler also ordered the murders of many mentally and physically handicapped people.

Hitler and his Nazis ordered Jewish and Slavic women and other captive females to undergo abortions in the concentration camps.

What is my source? The records of the Nuremberg Trials. Back in the day, we primitive Americans considered abortion to be murder, and the abortion of children inside captive females to be war crimes.

And unlike the fake news media, I actually researched the issues and quote legitimate sources. Like the transcripts of the Nuremberg trials.

From my book “Ellis Island Scrapbook,” which you can buy on this website, this:

“After World War Two, American judges of the Nuremberg Military Tribunal convicted two Nazi officials of a group named “Race and Settlement Main Office (RuSHA)” for “encouraging” and “pressuring” (using tactics short of coercion) and coercing non-German women (mostly Slavs) into undergoing abortions. They and a dozen other Nazi vermin in this evil group also stood charged of forced Germanization of blond intelligent captives, forced evacuations and resettlements of non-German civilians, plunder of property, kidnapping Slavic children, taking away Slavic women’s babies if they were forced laborers, hampering reproduction of non-German nationals, punishment of foreigners for having sex with Germans, and being SS members.


Nazi bitch Inge Viermetz, standing, testifies at RuSHa trial, one of the Nuremberg Trials. Credit: US Army.


Lead prosecutor James McHaney considered the unborn children as humans entitled to protection of the law. The Nazis used abortion to hold down the Slavic population and keep females from captive countries available for slave labor. He argued even if non-German women “consented” to abortions, the taking of the unborn babies’ lives were crimes in and of themselves. (McHaney’s remarks were in his opening statements for the U.S. vs. Ulrich Greifelt et. al. case.)

Nazi SS defendant Richard Hildebrandt complained in reply, “Up to now nobody had the idea to see in this interruption of pregnancy a crime against humanity.”

A 1943 Nazi memo McHaney introduced as evidence noted “chiefly reactionary Catholic physicians” refused to perform abortions on the captive Slav females. The memo writer said other doctors would perform them once they were “made to understand” abortions of Slavs would lead to fewer enemies of the Reich. The memo writer also noted some doctors wanted anonymity for performing abortions or cover by inducing abortions on captive women without their knowledge (presumably while they were anesthetized). Why? So the doctors could escape execution in case Germany was to lose the war. (These items come from the trial transcript, pages 1076-1099, courtesy of the Mazal Library.)

The judges convicted Hildebrandt and another SS officer named Otto Hofmann of the abortion specifications in addition to their other crimes. The other male defendants drew sentences ranging from time served to life imprisonment for the non-abortion offenses they committed. A Nazi female escaped conviction. U.S. general Telford Taylor, the chief military prosecutor, criticized these judges for excessive leniency in his “Final Report to the Secretary of the Army on the Nuernberg [sic] War Crimes Trials.”

Other war crimes trial judges sentenced “Euthanasia Program” chief Doctor Karl Brandt and six other Nazi medicos to death for their crimes. McHaney also prosecuted these vermin. Brandt, probably the highest ranking doctor in the Third Reich and an intimate of Hitler, performed abortions and “euthanized” the aged, crippled, retarded, and infirm. He and these other mad scientists also planned, managed, and performed thousands of unspeakably vile and cruel (and usually fatal) experiments on many unfortunates. Brandt and other sadistic and/or cowardly German doctors also murdered at least 275,000 people under the “Euthanasia Program,” murdered another 100,000 or so “mental defectives” (with the aid of Germany’s shrinks), and forcibly sterilized 400,000 Germans and others. They also performed at least 50,000 “eugenically directed” abortions on German females. (In other words, the fraus and frauleins were pregnant with potential defective babies, were handicapped themselves, or the fathers were non-Germans.)

Brandt was not sentenced for committing the many abortions he committed on “defective” German females or on German females deemed likely to give birth to handicapped or retarded children or on German females who were pregnant by non-Aryans. Nor was any other German doctor. Nor did Brandt or any other German receive punishment for the forced “euthanizing” of German nationals. Why? Because Allied judges ruled abortion and euthanasia of said ”inferior people” and “subhumans” was legal in Nazi Germany because the victims were Germans. It was okay for scum like Brandt, Mengele, and a host of other sadistic murderers with medical degrees to commit these crimes on their own people. You have to go to law school to think like that.

Since Hitler and the Nazis wanted soldiers, they wanted the Fatherland’s females to produce as many healthy children as possible, even if it meant they had to resort to fornication or adultery. Hitler regarded Germans as little more than intelligent breeding stock, so he made it illegal for German females in most cases to undergo abortions for reasons of personal immorality or personal convenience. But enforcement of this policy was far from airtight. Besides, Hitler used abortion as a lethal weapon against non-Germans and against those Germans he deemed unfit. Hitler was no Puritan; he was a bisexual teetotaling drug addict and a vegetarian animal lover who had committed incest with his niece. (The source of info on Hitler and the Nazis comes from William Shirer’s epic work The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.)

Josef Mengele escaped prosecution for the thousands of sadistic experiments he performed and the many thousands of victims he ordered executed at Auschwitz by fleeing to Argentina. He worked there as an abortionist (which was illegal in Argentina) and a friend of his bribed a judge to release Mengele and drop a homicide case against the Auschwitz butcher after Mengele botched an abortion on a young woman and she died. (The source is the New York Times, 2/11/1992.)

P/J 10

Czech girl Maria Dolezalova, 15, whose town of Lidice was wiped out by the Nazis, testifies at the RuSHa trial. She was one of their many victims. The Nazis killed Czech relatives of mine too. Credit: US Army.


Further sources on the Nazi doctors include an article titled “The Third Reich – German Physicians Between Resistance and Participation” in the International Journal of Epidemiology by E. Ernst (Feb. 2001; 30:37-42), and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.”


In a previous post “The Devil in Margaret Sanger,” I laid out the connection between Planned Parenthood’s bisexual racist whore mother and the Nazis and the Reds … and Republicans like the Bush family and Barry Goldwater. I don’t need to repeat that here. Check the archive for the column and read it when you get a chance.


Now I need to justify the title of this post. I say Planned Parenthood as an organization needs to be executed.

Not just killed, EXECUTED.

Execution implies there was a trial, the jury and judge found the defendants guilty, and an executioner ended their lives on Earth because they deserved to die. Like the Nuremberg Trials. Hitler’s surviving scumbags deserved to die, and some did swing from nooses on the gallows. Others got prison sentences.

I am not in this post at this time advocating any Planned Parenthood executive or abortionist swing from a rope, suffer decapitation (like they do to babies), or lethal injection (like they do to babies), or any other form of capital punishment. Their corporation and all the affiliates of Planned Parenthood need to be executed as corporations. As in they can never reopen and take anyone’s money for what they do. And as in revoke and shred their doctors’ and nurses’ medical licenses so they cannot do anything more invasive in the future than hand out Band-Aids.

Why the animosity toward Planned Parenthood?

Planned Parenthood, some of you might say, is a close as any organization comes to being a national abortion facility chain. If Planned Parenthood ran TV commercials for abortions, they would be able to tout theirs as the national brand, and downgrade rival abortion facilities as Brand X.

Planned Parenthood enjoys a reputation as being a “responsible” abortion provider because its people work hard for this aura. They have released negative information on a few abortion providers whom they consider questionable. (Why? They are ratting out certain lowball competitors.) Their leaders trot out articulate women to convince the media and the public into thinking Planned Parenthood is a humane and prestigious organization. Their list of well-heeled volunteers and donors reads like the Social Register. Their Alan Guttmacher Institute issues reports and serves as a source for many articles on abortion and population control.

I am about to provide you with a report about what I personally dug up on Planned Parenthood, using the public record.

This report I researched and wrote sums up a small percentage of the damage Planned Parenthood does to girls and young women. I have sent this report to some of President Trump’s people and to dozens of right-to-life leaders in the past few weeks. If any of you reading this would care to do likewise, feel free.

From the mid 1980s to the mid 2000s – a period of 20 years – I occasionally investigated Planned Parenthood staffers and management as a hired gun. I looked up malpractice cases, health code violations, police incident reports, emergency responder incident reports, newspaper articles, and other sources of information on the Reich to Choose.

In 2018, I summarized most of the work I did on Planned Parenthood over the years in a report that covers more than 300 pages.


Here is a link so you can download it and read it yourself.


Feel free to share it with your elected officials.

In particular, read what I found on Planned Parenthood in California, Minnesota, Ohio, and New York. Kamala Harris is Planned Parenthood’s whore in the Golden State. In my post “Kamala Hairless,” I reported how much money Planned Parenthood paid her campaigns. I also profiled her many failures to protect women and underage girls from sex offenders, many of whom support her, in the state she so blatantly let down as its former chief prosecutor.

Here’s the skinny on Minnesota’s two Democrat senators: Tina Smith, a former Planned Parenthood executive, was sent to DC from Minnesota to replace fish-faced groper Al Franken. Minnesota’s other senator is Amy Klub-u-hard or is it Amy Mow My Yard? Considering Planned Parenthood’s abuses in her state, maybe she should be called Amy Hizzy Scar. You catch the drift. Amy abuses people who work for her, and reportedly makes them do chores at her place when they are supposed to be working for the people. Tina ran an outlaw organization whose people harm women and girls. Both Amy and Tina believe in decapitating unborn and newborn babies, which is a Sharia-compliant method of killing in this Moslem-submissive state where a Somali policeman shot an Aussie woman who reported a suspected rape. Maybe Moslemsota AG Keith Ellison (another Democrat), when he gets thru beating other women (allegedly), he can adjust Tina’s and Amy’s plantation owner attitudes.

She-Rod Brown, the wife beater, is a Democrat senator from Ohio. He wants to be president. Maybe he has no problem with the abuses Planned Parenthood committed in his state because he felt he needed to knock around his ex-wife. Spare the rod and spoil the woman, eh, She-Rod?

Kirsten Gillibrand, who made no more noise than a ball-gagged submissive when Bill Clinton sexually abused other women and Hillary mopped up after him, is one of New York’s senators now. She has not asked for Ellison, the woman-beater (allegedly) to leave office. She was similarly silent about former New York AG Eric Schneiderman abusing women and calling one his “little brown slave” until it became politically correct for her to speak. Naturally she will have nothing to say about Planned Parenthood’s trail of malpractice cases and health code violations and emergency service runs and their many acts of covering up for sexual abusers in the Empire State.

Is a dominatrix in the pay of the DNC silencing Kirsten Gillibrand and other Democrat female officeholders and operatives on Planned Parenthood’s crimes, on the Clintons’ crimes, and on the alleged racism of Ralph “Nazi” Northam and his AG and the rapes his lieutenant governor Justin Fairfax reportedly committed? Photo courtesy of Wal-Mart. Believe it or not, Wal-Mart sells ball gags on line. Anything for a buck. This is their advertisement photo. Maybe their ball gag, made in China or some other third-world country, might be toxic to the submissive when it is inserted in her orally.


This report contains summaries of many malpractice cases (and charges of other offenses against women and girls) which I found leveled at Planned Parenthood and its staffers in the states I searched. Many of these cases, besides detailing reported acts of malpractice by Planned Parenthood staffers, also contain allegations of these staffers’ denial of care to women and girls, and their mistreatment and abuse of women and girls. My work includes some malpractice cases which men filed over vasectomies Planned Parenthood staffers reportedly botched.

My work also covers the massive numbers of health code violations for which public health agents cited Planned Parenthood’s Southern California and New York City facilities. These citations point to poor management at best or lack of concern for women at worst.

Planned Parenthood staffers and executives have committed other reported miserable behavior … there are reports and charges against them of labor law violations, institutional racism, genocidal population targeting, and sex offenses.

I have also found evidence in several states that Planned Parenthood staffers are breaking the law in failing to report sexual assault victims, especially those who are underage girls. Planned Parenthood makes a lot of money off of the leavings of incest, statutory rape, and rape.

Planned Parenthood’s malpractice cases themselves are as bizarre as almost anything you’ll read in a tabloid. The sad thing is that these cases involve the real lives of women and girls … and those who love them.


A few highlights of these cases follow:

Women and girls have accused Planned Parenthood staffers of botching abortions and leaving fetal parts inside them. Women have accused these staffers of performing “abortions” on them when they weren’t even pregnant. Women have accused these staffers of performing abortions so negligently that the babies survived them.

Women have accused Planned Parenthood staffers of lacerating or otherwise severely damaging their uteruses, cervixes, and bowels. Some women have had to undergo hysterectomies as a result. Other women said they have been unable to have sex for long periods of time after undergoing abortions at the hands of Planned Parenthood staffers.

Many women and girls have evidently had to undergo life-saving emergency surgery or corrective treatment in hospitals after undergoing abortions at the hands of Planned Parenthood staffers. In one such case, for example, a college coed reportedly lost more than a gallon of blood in two days while under the hospital “care” of a Planned Parenthood staffer in Indiana who had earlier punctured her uterus and cervix while performing an abortion on her.

Others weren’t so lucky. They died after undergoing abortions or other treatments at the hands of Planned Parenthood staffers.

Even Planned Parenthood staffers’ non-abortion work has drawn many malpractice cases. Women have accused these staffers of damaging their uteruses with IUDs. At least one woman accused staffers of botching a tubal ligation, so she became pregnant again. And staffers, they said, burned their vaginas, thighs, and/or cervixes while handling them.

Ambulance at Planned Parenthood … a common sight. Photo courtesy of Operation Rescue.


Men have accused Planned Parenthood staffers of botching vasectomies … or for referring them to doctors who botched the vasectomies. Two men said their wives became pregnant after these doctors performed vasectomies on them. And Planned Parenthood’s staffers and/or lawyers evidently added insult to injury in apparently trying to cover up for the negligence by implying these men’s wives were unfaithful!

The malpractice cases of several Planned Parenthood affiliates indicate their staffers show another disturbing pattern … a pattern of apparently keeping women and girls from getting followup medical help when they suffered complications from the abortions Planned Parenthood staffers performed on them. Likewise, women undergoing abortions or other treatment at the hands of Planned Parenthood staffers evidently found out the hard way that Planned Parenthood staffers gave them a level of patient care that was sadly substandard. For example:

A Texas Planned Parenthood staffer reportedly left a seriously ill woman in the hospital right after he delivered her child so he could go to a football game. She later died.

A California woman accused a Planned Parenthood staffer of botching her abortion so completely she had to get the rest of the baby removed at a hospital. Planned Parenthood’s lawyer replied, “Retention of products of conception was an acceptable and foreseeable risk of therapeutic abortion.” He obviously hadn’t rehearsed Planned Parenthood’s “legal abortion is safe abortion” script.

In light of these incidents, maybe it shouldn’t come as a great surprise that one of Planned Parenthood’s Texas staffers, in a lawsuit of his own, divulged Planned Parenthood evidently wasn’t covering him with malpractice insurance.

The malpractice cases also brought to light another serious charge against Planned Parenthood. In many cases, women and girls said Planned Parenthood staffers added insult to injury by mistreating them or making fun of their predicaments. For example:

A Planned Parenthood lawyer (or is that voyeur?) demanded “before” and “after” pictures of a California woman’s thighs and vagina. The woman had earlier accused a Planned Parenthood staffer of damaging her thighs and vagina. How many women do you know who have snapshots of their vaginas laying around the house just waiting to be shown to a shyster … or anyone else, for that matter?

Maryland Planned Parenthood staffers were caught dumping women who suffered complications from abortions at a local hospital emergency room without arranging for their ongoing care.

Ohio Planned Parenthood staffers charged each other with malpractice.

Others charged Ohio Planned Parenthood staffers refused to report the sexual molestation of a young girl they did an abortion on, which they botched.

Planned Parenthood apparently tried to run off girls and women who intended to accuse one of their doctors in Illinois of sexual assault.

A Minnesota girl said Planned Parenthood staffers insulted her by hissing, “Tell your boyfriend to keep his sperm to himself.” She also charged they squealed on her by mailing a bill demanding $12 more for the abortion to her home. She hadn’t told Mom and Dad she was pregnant and was going to get an abortion; they found out when they saw the bill.

Maybe the Minnesota Planned Parenthood staffers were just following the example of their medical director. For this woman, Mildred Hanson, was accused of malpractice, patient abuse of the crudest sort, and racism by two women. Several other women came forward with similar accusations against Ms. Hanson later.

One woman, an American Indian, said Ms. Hanson botched a pregnancy test she gave her, and also held off telling her she had cervical cancer for almost a year. She said when she confronted Ms. Hanson with the information she was pregnant, Ms. Hanson offered to abort her child, saying she had enough children already. She accused Ms. Hanson of racism in providing her substandard treatment and in trying to get her to abort her child.

Another woman charged Ms. Hanson performed an abortion on her without anesthetic so hamfistedly that she screamed in agony and had to be held down by four other staffers. She said Ms. Hanson threatened to have her gagged and put in a “psycho ward.” She said Ms. Hanson snipped, “This (the painful abortion) will make you think twice before having sex without a contraceptive.” She also said Ms. Hanson told her, “Here are your pants. Put them on and get out of here,” when she was sitting in a pool of blood.

Ms. Hanson isn’t the only Planned Parenthood boss who stands accused of cruel and unusual behavior.

Planned Parenthood officials in California fired a lab technician and later axed the woman who was the medical director for the central Los Angeles Planned Parenthood facility. These two staffers made the mistake of showing a little integrity by reporting their facility to public health officials for health code violations.

They fired an employee who pointed out their people were unqualified to counsel.

They fired a “manager” who reported their facility for asbestos violations. The woman, when she got the promotion to “manager,” said she discovered Planned Parenthood officials made inaccurate financial statements, submitted inflated budgets and budget estimates, and knowingly did so to wrongfully gain state government and federal government funding and private grants. She also said Planned Parenthood officials misrepresented significant financial losses to secure more funding and continued approval for a “primary care program.” All these actions, she said, were violations of the law.

They fired another staffer for complaining about not having running water in her facility, when she was required to do pelvic exams on women and penis exams on men.

As fallout from this case was the disclosure that Planned Parenthood was evidently exploiting the nurse and other young nurses who wanted to become nurse practitioners. Documents in the case implied Planned Parenthood was preying on young women, offering them a backdoor way to become a nurse practitioner in exchange for getting free work out of them, only to fire many of them and then dun them for money before they worked their ways out of their contracts.

Mainstream media talking hairdos cover for Planned Parenthood nationwide. Name one national media outlet that has provided any in-depth look at Planned Parenthood’s criminal, revolting, and substandard acts. Just one. Even Polly Purebred of “Underdog” infamy is embarrassed for her alleged profession.


Another “manager” said Planned Parenthood higher-ups forced her out. She disclosed fighting staffers, theft of drugs, abortions taking at most 10 minutes, and a scale of pay for facility “managers” that was less than the money a real nurse would make. (The “manager” who whistleblew on her superiors for fraud was paid similarly poorly.)

And Ms. Hanson wasn’t the only Planned Parenthood leader accused of racism. In California, a Latino citizens’ group and pro-life activists who checked state medical fund spending records have accused Planned Parenthood leaders of targeting nonwhites for population control. They stood accused of forcing an abortion on a Latina woman who didn’t want one. They settled out of court with one of their own workers who charged they fired her due to racism.

The most widespread case against Planned Parenthood was their contract lab losing about 20,000 slides for Pap smear screening – screening Planned Parenthood execs in Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas and other unnamed states were only willing to pay about $5 a screen for. The Planned Parenthood affiliates sued, but the court record didn’t show if they requested women and girls to come in for followup exams at the time they filed suit. In other words, after getting a lab company in faraway California to do thousands of tests for next to nothing, was it possible Planned Parenthood officials in the Midwest were willing to endanger — by their own estimates — the health of a minimum of 5000 to 6000 girls and women suspected of cancer of the 20,000 girls and women whose cervixes they did Pap smears on by severely delaying the retesting of thousands of these girls and young women?

After reading this report, you won’t confuse Planned Parenthood’s people with Albert Schweitzer or Mother Teresa ever again.

Several thousand pages of documents back up this report. The originals are safely stored in a location far from our offices. Many of the records are also still in the state courts where I found them. 99 and I have scanned them and shared the electronic copies with a number of groups, so these records are safe electronically too.

I mention this because the pro-aborts might try to get rid of the evidence by torching my house or my office. Like their fellow freak and pupil Hitler had his Nazis torch the Reichstag. Arson of these places will not make the evidence go away.

If, after reading this report, you are able to avoid barfing or crying, you’re pretty tough. Or you have no soul and should report for duty in Hell.

Operation Rescue maintains a website called Abortiondocs.org. They have a lot of more recent info on the nonunion butchers of Planned Parenthood.

The link is  http://abortiondocs.org/


President Trump, once again, is doing the right thing in trying to forbid Planned Parenthood from getting any federal taxpayer money to practice and malpractice on the indigent and those who say they are. He is trying hard to help the people of this country despite the open enmity of the Democrats and the backstabbing of the Republicans.

By keeping Planned Parenthood people away from taxpayer money because of their revolting, illegal, and substandard practices, President Trump is ensuring the separation of Satanism and State.



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