• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


February22/ 2019

Let’s start the post with yet another reason why North Carolina may be gaining on Florida as the South’s most unstable state.

No, I’m not talking about the arena full of knuckleheads at Duke who cheered Barack Obama’s presence at their game with North Carolina. They got to watch the result of Obama’s sellout of American manufacturing as Duke star Zion Williamson’s Nike basketball shoe blew out on court, and the kid hurt his knee as a result. Maybe one of the Chinese sweatshop slaves wasn’t up to the shoe sewing or gluing job on that pair. Thanks, Barry. And Bushes. And Bill.

Nike. Asian sweatshop labor. Swoosh.


I’m talking about this:

Scumbags vandalized a statue of General Lee in Dunn, North Carolina overnight under cover of darkness. The statue was of General William Lee, the founder and commander of the 101st Airborne Division. First at Normandy, survivors of Battle of the Bulge. In World War Two, not the Civil War. 99’s father fought in this battle and was severely wounded. I served in the 101st in the 1970s and 1980s.

These Antifa-like a-holes couldn’t figure out the legendary father of American paratroopers wasn’t the legendary Marse Robert of Civil War fame. Different uniforms. No horse. These scumbags know no history. Going thru life in anal defilade will do that to people.

Now on to the main topic.

When I was a boy, we had two President’s Days. Lincoln’s and Washington’s. My Mom, God rest her great soul, would make a cherry pie for Big George’s Day. For Honest Abe’s Day, she would make a thin chocolate cake and put pudding and whipped cream atop it, then roll it up so it looked like a log. She would then cover the roll with chocolate frosting.

We kids looked forward to these treats. And the days off from school. We also liked it that our parish Catholic school’s teachers pointed Washington and Lincoln out as great men and patriots.

Both men were great men, God rest their souls. Washington gave up fortune, comfort, and safety to lead the Continental Army to victory in the Revolutionary War. He was a driving force behind the formation of the American way of governing, and he set a great example in ruling within bounds as a president, not a dictator.

Abraham Lincoln inherited a mess and did the hard but right thing in putting down a rebellion and making the Union whole again. He endured insult and battlefield losses until he was able to put a team of generals in the field who could out-general the great Rebel generals Lee and Johnston and Longstreet and Jeb Stuart. (Stonewall Jackson died after his own men accidentally shot him during the Battle of Chancellorsville.) He finally showed all of the pompous a-holes he picked in his Cabinet – most who thought they were better than he was – that the causes of Union and Liberty and Freedom were better than all of them, and he was the man to lead them to those goals. Because of Lincoln and the Union Army, slavery would be crushed. Days after General Grant took General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox, a Copperhead Democrat shot Lincoln, and he died in the early morning of Good Friday, 1865.


Due to the need to keep federal employees from freeloading too hard, when lawmakers enacted Martin Luther King Day, they cut back Lincoln’s Day and made the two presidents’ days into one. This kept the number of federal holidays the same.

But “Presidents’ Day” morphed into a “so what” day that even nonentities like Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan, and public enemies like LBJ, both Bushes, the Clintons, and the Obamas get some pub … just because they were presidents.

Speaking of the Clintons and LBJ, it turns out Andrew McCabe appears to have solved the murder of JFK.

The fired and disgraced liar who was the FBI’s No. 2 (and a smelly No. 2) claims, on national TV and with a book tour which IMHO is aimed at staving off his pending criminal trial, that he and Department of Justice No. 2 Rod Rosenstein (another smelly No. 2) discussed removing President Trump from office.

This meshes with corrupt fired and disgraced former FBI chief James Comey saying there was “ballast” throughout the law enforcement and intelligence communities that would resist presidents like Trump.

McCabe, in other words, essentially confessed to trying to stage a coup against President Trump. In the process, he has or will implicate other FBI criminals, other Justice Dept. criminals, and criminals In the CIA and elsewhere in the intelligence community.

McCabe and Comey and a few others have openly admitted they tried to have President Trump removed from office. And they have done so casually, as if it was no big deal. As if they have done so before for reasons they as keepers of the Deep State consider sufficient.

An attempt to overthrow duly elected President Donald Trump is not the first capital offense agents in the corrupt FBI, Justice Dept., CIA and other tentacles of the Deep State’s corrupt cops, corrupt prosecutors, and corrupt spooks have committed.

Deep State agents murdered President Kennedy, with the foreknowledge and consent of long time Washington establishment reptile Lyndon Johnson. Vote fraud, illegal immigration, and murder helped get LBJ into the Senate and put him in a position to do the Deep State’s bidding when JFK decided to crush the CIA, bomb Red China’s start-up nuclear program, reform the money system, and defy the defense contractors and bring American troops home from Vietnam. JFK believed the people of Southeast Asia, except for maybe the Thais, were not concerned enough about Communist rule to oppose them, so it was not the job of American soldiers and marines to die for them. The CIA helped overthrow and murder South Vietnam’s leader Ngo Diem in early November 1963. Three weeks later, they and agents in the FBI and Secret Service murdered John Fitzgerald Kennedy.


LBJ, due to his foreknowledge, casually stepped over JFK’s body to take the oath of office aboard Air Force One on the runway in Dallas. He had called Sarah Hughes (wearing a polka-dotted dress), a federal judge who was a crony of his, to get her short little tail up to the plane and swear him in so he could take over in DC. Meanwhile, feds took JFK’s body away from Dallas so the county coroner couldn’t perform an autopsy that would implicate the feds. LBJ formally seized power while standing next to him was poor Jackie Kennedy, crying and covered in her husband’s blood.

The feds had time to scrub the records, murder or coerce silence of or falsify statements of witnesses, and do other things to cover up their roles in the murder of a President.

The Deep State was able to use Richard Nixon’s relatively small crimes to take him out of office. Nixon at one time had been a stalwart in the war against Communism. He was the congressman who helped prove Alger Hiss was a Red spy operating in FDR’s government.

But his ambition got the best of him. He became Eisenhower’s Veep, and Ike had him take out Joe McCarthy, a Democrat-turned-Republican who never wavered on the Communist issue. The release of the Venona papers in the 1990s showed McCarthy was right about the vast majority of people he called security risks and loyalty risks. Ironically, Democrat JFK, who was a war buddy of Joe McCarthy, and was okay with Joe dating (at different times) his sisters Patricia and Eunice, would not vote to censure him.

But the hard left and the internationalists never forgive. They viewed Nixon as an enemy even when he tried to get along with them. Tricky Dick covered up for a CIA operation at the Watergate Hotel that, unbeknownst to him, was designed to get the burglars caught. If he had turned on the CIA and exposed them, maybe he would have served out his second term. Or maybe they would have murdered him too. So he had to resign or be impeached and removed.

The next presidential target of the Deep State was Ronald Reagan. His veep, George Herbert Walker Bush, was establishment GOP, internationalist GOP, and Planned Parenthood GOP. He was also the former head of the CIA. John Hinckley, the son of a couple who were close friends of the Bushes, shot Reagan weeks into his first term of office. Ronnie survived and won re-election in a smashing victory.

The Ronald and The Donald. Presidents 40 and 45. Both are the caliber of good self-defense ammo.


Then the CIA (including our current AG William Barr and Oliver North), Bush, Governor Clinton of Arkansas, and people around them turned President Reagan’s aid for the Contras into a drugrunning and murder operation. The CIA exposed pilot Barry Seal, who had photoed people of the leftist Ortega regime in Nicaragua dealing with Colombia drug cartel people to send drugs into America. Why? Seal reportedly knew the Clintons and one or more of the Bushes’ sons were into drugs and drugrunning. Then the feds had Seal put into a halfway house where the Colombians could track him. They murdered Seal. Soon after, a plane crashed, revealing the operation. Both parties talked of removing President Reagan, and he had to fight off impeachment the last two years of his term while he was trying to win the Cold War over the Soviets.

Donald Trump may be a flawed human being who has done a lot in his life that he shouldn’t be proud of, but his presidency is not one of them. He has tried to keep the promises he made to the American people during his campaign for the White House.

Donald Trump admires Andrew Jackson, but is a much gentler man. If the Donald was Jackson-like, he would have shot Mitt Romney for sliming Melania like Jackson shot a guy for sliming his wife Rachel. Many decent people who love America would fail to mourn the passing of a rodent like Mitt the Unfit Twit.

Critics of President Trump say he should be a Republican like Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Really? If Lincoln was president now, he would have Chicago, the Twin Cities, and cities in the Northeast and the West Coast bombed. The leading politicians of those cities and the leading politicians of their states would be hunted fugitives. And generals would be leading angry and sarcastic troops across those states, destroying and looting. The leaders and most of the people of those states would deserve it. Sadly, these states are also home to many people who love America, but they are outnumbered by the moron majorities at election time.

If the Republicans in the House and Senate weren’t lying dirtbags, we would have Wall funding, a fix for Obamacare, and a cutoff of money from Planned Parenthood aka “Reich to Choose.” Globalist GOPers Paul “Weinermobile” Ryan in the House and Mitch McConnell in the Senate sabotaged key portions of Trump’s agenda even though Trump’s agenda would help Americans.

Why did McConnell, Ryan, and other key Republicans sell out? Because many globalist big money people who own them stand to lose power and money if we the American people prosper the way we should.

Migration of illegals drives down wages and increases taxes and drives down the quality of schools and health care. All of these are designed to break American working people.

Migration of techies from China and India and the Moslem world drives down salaries for Americans in these fields. Their presence also aids foreign companies and governments in stealing trade secrets and defense secrets.

The Democrats are the Sociopath Party. They are also the party of globalist moneymen, Silicon Valley robber barons, and lawyers. When they flood the nation with illegals, lawyers and administrative judges get paid. When they spearhead lawsuits against President Trump and against states’ sex offender registries, lawyers get paid.

Obamacare paid off the insurance industry.

Democrats’ talk of medical coverage for all is a payoff to doctors, hospitals, and drug companies.

Democrats’ control of public schools and colleges are payoffs to leftist and child molesting teachers, to strange college professors and administrators who parasite off the very high cost of college, and to the loan sharks who operate college loan companies.

Democrats represent government employees, lawyers, tech robber barons and other globalist business people, and the professions like medicine and insurance. They also oppose pulling medical licenses from the evil and incompetent in medicine. Otherwise, who would do abortions and sex changes?

Globalist Republicans don’t represent the people either.

Donald Trump is trying to make the Republicans into the party of the blue-collar workers and the lower-paid white collar workers and the farmers. These people are the most patriotic. These people provide the military people and the first responders our nation needs. Trump is also trying to make the Republican Party into the party of honest businesspeople and entrepreneurs, not crony capitalists like Mitt Romney and not the big money donors to the Democrats and the globalist Republicans.

The interests of small farmers, small ranchers, blue-collar and pink collar people, and honest business people, like the interests of all good Americans, regardless of party, go against the interests of the Deep State and the globalists and the Chamber of Commerce, and the organized pervs in the school systems and in Harveywood.

This is why Donald Trump and anyone near him will be targets for the rest of their lives. And this is why scum like Andrew McCabe and many others in the criminal FBI and other government agencies openly talk of trying to use the 25th Amendment or any other scam to remove President Trump from office. The FBI and the CIA are like the Nazis. They need to be defeated, disarmed and disbanded. And some of their people should hang.

The FBI and the CIA and other Deep Staters are far worse than Rebel soldiers. Those guys were real men openly risking their lives to fight for a horrible secessionist government because they thought they saw their homes under attack. The FBI and CIA and other Deep Staters are riddled with bullies and physical and moral cowards who attack and obstruct only because they have cover, or think they do.


The 25th Amendment became law during the regime of Lyndon Johnson. It allows for replacement of the president

Here is the text of the 25th Amendment:


In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.


Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress.


Whenever the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits to them a written declaration to the contrary, such powers and duties shall be discharged by the Vice President as Acting President.


Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.”


Those who argue President Trump is mentally unfit for the office are lying sociopaths. His pro-American trade deals, his desire to build The Wall, and his desire to remove our troops from Syria, Afghanistan, and elsewhere in the Moslem world are the marks of a sane and wise man.

Donald Trump beat the Clinton machine, which outspent him 2 to 1. He also beat the media, who broke their noses every time Hillary turned a corner. He also beat the top Nazis in the FBI and the CIA and elsewhere in the intelligence community, who had a deal with Hillary for more money and power if she won the election, so they were actively spying on him and doing dirty tricks against his campaign. If that isn’t intelligence and cunning on Trump’s part, than what is it? Divine intervention?

Now for the story of the first woman president and why this evil bitch made the 25th Amendment necessary.

One president was mentally unfit to hold power, and his evil wife Edith Galt subbed for him and ran off members of his own party who limply tried to intervene.

That man was Calvinist pruneface Woodrow Wilson. He was the preachy Princeton college boss who cheated on his wife Ellen while she was dying of Bright’s Disease. Kind of like John Edwards. Wilson was a leftist Democrat Progressive who hated blacks and Catholics, loved the Ku Klux Klan, and who segregated federal facilities. Like Democrat stooge governor and babykiller Ralph “Nazi” Northam, Wilson was a native of the Old Dominion. He was a tolerant sort who had many of his critics jailed during World War One, the war to make the world safe for globalist corporations.

Because of Wilson’s meddling, the war – instead of ending in a negotiated peace which would have preserved most of the existing order in Europe – led to the turmoil that produced the rise of Lenin, Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler.

Bad Old Mr. Wilson, Edith Galt the First Female President, and globalist swine Edwin House


Wilson, while traveling the country in September 1919 trying to sell the League of Nations to the American people like a snake-oil vendor, suffered a breakdown. Then he suffered a stroke in October 1919. His second wife Edith Galt (the adulteress who he had been cheating with) and his doctor covered up his drooling debilitation for many months. She essentially ran the country during this time, three generations before Hillary Clinton shared presidential power with her panting partner. Edith maintained the charade by keeping her hubby out of the public eye, screening out his visitors, and propping him up at his desk when she wanted to show him at work.

Leading Democrats complained impotently; leading Republicans were glad. The Democrats were like a ship without a rudder; Ms. Galt and the nonentities in Wilson’s cabinet couldn’t run the country effectively. The Republicans controlled Congress; they figured they would let Edith and the stooges in Hubby’s cabinet make a mess of things and then they could elect anybody as president in the 1920 election.

The Republicans’ strategy worked. They elected a virtual nobody named Warren Harding, because of Wilson’s failed policies, Wilson’s failings as a man, and Wilson’s second wife’s domineering dishonesty. (If the legendary Theodore Roosevelt hadn’t died in early 1919, he instead of Harding would have been the Republican candidate.) In the election of 1920, Harding beat Democratic nominee (and League of Nations supporter) James Cox and his running mate sidekick FDR by 16 million votes to 9 million votes. Cox carried only 10 of the 11 states of the former Confederacy (minus Tennessee) and Kentucky. Socialist Eugene Debs got about one million votes despite being still in prison, jailed by the Wilson regime.

Americans rightly punished the Democrats to impress on them the need to keep out of any more deals with the murderers, pimps, and con artists who ran Europe. The British and French-driven League of Nations would do nothing to prevent the Japanese from tromping on the Koreans or seizing Manchuria or invading China and massacring millions of people with barbarism so great that even one of Hitler’s Nazi envoys would protest in disgust. Nor would they do anything to stop Mussolini from murdering and colonizing the independent people of Ethiopia. Nor would they do anything to stop Hitler from invading Austria or Czechoslovakia. Nor would they try to stop Stalin from starving millions of Ukrainians to death. Nor would they try to stop British and French colonialists from oppressing hundreds of millions in Africa and Asia.

Warren Harding, his mistress Nan Britton, and their child Elizabeth Ann. She was the subject of Nan’s book “The President’s Daughter,” which she wrote after Harding’s death. Nan was much prettier and nicer than Edith Galt.


By the way, when Warren Harding became president, he had Debs freed and invited the old socialist to the White House. Harding, who had been a newspaperman before entering politics, startled his people with this move. Not the freeing of Debs from jail, because that was an act of justice and mercy. But why would the Republican president want to meet with a jailed socialist?

Harding said in so many words, “I want to hear what the old coot has to say for himself.”

Harding stood accused by Democrats of having a black ancestor. In 1920s America, that was the kiss of death for a politician. When asked about it, Harding said, in the offhanded way that most of his best quotes came out, “So maybe one of my ancestors jumped the fence. What the hell am I supposed to do about it?”

Harding died in office in 1923. Too many of his Cabinet people were corrupt and it reflected poorly on his judgment in picking them. Calvin Coolidge became President and had the crooks prosecuted.

The Democrats want to make President Trump like Andrew Johnson, another Democrat who worked with Republicans. Johnson came closest to removal after Republicans voted to impeach him.

Johnson, a tailor by trade, ran away from an apprenticeship in his native North Carolina and set up shop in Tennessee. He came back to the Tarheel State to bring his mother and stepfather west, then settled in East Tennessee. He married Eliza McArdle; the justice of the peace who officiated was Mordecai Lincoln, a relative of Kentucky-born Abraham Lincoln.

Comment: The nickname “Tarheel” was not about slaves going barefoot. It was a left-handed tribute to the fighting men of North Carolina. General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson said too many soldiers ran under attack, so he would apply tar to their heels to make them stick like the North Carolinians.

Since the term “Tarheel” is a Confederate term, perhaps the North Carolina University people should scrap it. I think the name “cowardly piss-ants” would fit their student body now.

Back to Andrew and Eliza Johnson.

Eliza McArdle Johnson. She grew up poor, but proud and patriotic, like many Tennessee people.


Eliza’s parents, though poor, scraped enough money together to send her to a girl’s school. Eliza as a result was better educated than most men and women in her area. She taught Andrew how to read and write and do math. Johnson became a voracious reader and a harsh debater.

Being a tailor didn’t mean Johnson was soft. He was a hardy brawling sort when fighting political campaigns, and he had the stamina to travel across Tennessee under very poor conditions. He was a populist politician who took the small farmer and poor worker side in his work, so even though he appeared in good suits he tailored himself, he had to be rugged enough to appeal to his base.

Johnson served as congressman, governor, and senator from Tennessee. Even though he supported slavery, he also came up with the first homesteading bill. Johnson, who grew up poor, saw homesteading as the way for millions of poor people to better themselves. Democrats in DC shot this down as they knew more Northerners who opposed slavery would take advantage of homesteading.

Johnson was senator when Tennessee seceded from the Union. He voted against secession, and suffered several assaults when he came home to argue against secession. So he took to carrying loaded pistols with him.

During the Civil War, Tennessee was the first Rebel state to fall back under Union control. Much of Johnson’s East Tennessee was Unionist in sentiment and some of their young men enlisted in the Union Army. Johnson ran the state as a military governor until he was elected Vice President as Lincoln’s running mate on a national unity ticket in the election of 1864. During the war, Johnson changed into becoming an opponent of slavery, because slavery sustained the Rebels. Two of his sons served in the Union Army. Also during the war, Abraham Lincoln and other Republicans got the Homestead Act, which Johnson had first proposed, enacted into law.

Things didn’t go well for Johnson. Trying to shake a cold, he overdrank brandy, and gave an inaugural speech that had people speculating on his sobriety. Several weeks later, Copperhead Democrat John Wilkes Booth murdered Honest Abe, and Johnson became president.

Many of the Radical Republicans impeded Lincoln, but Honest Abe had the political skills to thwart them, Johnson, a Democrat from the South, was not as skillful. Although as military governor, he got Tennesseans to put in place a state constitution that outlawed slavery, he did not want to give American blacks full citizenship. Lincoln had pushed and signed the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery, but not enough  free states had ratified it by the time of his death. Johnson pressured enough “reconstructing” Rebel states to ratify it to put it into the Constitution in 1865.

Many states in the North did not give blacks the right to vote. Johnson didn’t force Rebel states to give blacks the right to vote, figuring it would make the whites in these states more willing to obey federal authorities. Instead, Southern politicians during Reconstruction did more than deny voting rights to blacks. They also enacted “Black Codes,” which were designed to make blacks sharecroppers, debt peons, and convict laborers.

Moderate and Radical Republicans enacted the Civil Rights Act of 1866 to give blacks the right to vote, and give them other protections under the law. Johnson vetoed the bill on grounds the Rebel states were unrepresented in Congress, so senators and representatives couldn’t vote on the bill. Republicans overrode his veto, so the Civil Rights Act became law.

The Republicans also fought to enact and ratify the 14th Amendment, meant to give American blacks full citizenship and punish former Confederate politicians and high ranking military officers. (It was not designed to let alien females play baby blanket bingo by dropping out a kid on American soil and claiming citizenship for the kid and residency for herself, because alien women were subject to an alien government’s authority.)

After the Congressional elections of 1866, the Radical Republicans and moderate Republicans insisted on Rebel states returning to the Union only after they had ratified the 14th Amendment. Johnson opposed this, but Congress overruled his veto.

Some members of Congress claimed Johnson was trying to impede the prosecution of former Rebel president Jefferson Davis. Records proved Johnson wanted Davis tried and punished severely. So Johnson’s enemies dropped that approach.

Ornery Andrew Johnson


So they passed the Tenure in Office Act, which banned a president from firing Cabinet members without Senate approval. It was unconstitutional, and Johnson vetoed it as being so. They overrode his veto. Meanwhile, many Northern states continued to deny blacks the right to vote.

Secretary of War Edwin Stanton and General U.S. Grant were far more in favor of forcing Rebels to obey the law and give blacks their due than Johnson was. Johnson fired Secretary of War Edwin Stanton in early 1868, and the House of Representatives impeached him. In the Senate, only the 12 Democrats and seven Republicans voted for Johnson. The other 35 Republicans voted to remove Johnson. 35 to 19 was a big margin, but not enough. The Constitution specifies a 2/3 vote for removal, and Johnson’s enemies were one vote shy. This 35-19 split continued over votes on other charges against Johnson, so his opponents gave up.

The Republicans nominated General U.S. Grant as their 1868 presidential candidate. Later in 1868, enough states ratified the 14th Amendment to put it into the Constitution. Grant easily beat Democrat Copperhead and New York governor Horatio Seymour. The Johnsons went home to Tennessee.

Johnson was not a total failure as president. He managed to force the French to leave Mexico. He did it by sending 50,000 troops under General Phil Sheridan to the Mexican border. This forced the French to stop trying to intrigue against Texas. General Grant had Benito Juarez’s men supplied with rifles and powder and ammo. The French withdrew, and Juarez regained control of the country in 1867.

Johnson also had William Seward negotiate a deal to buy Alaska from the Russians. This he did in 1867.

Johnson, even though he was often on the wrong side of history, did bravely try to uphold the Constitutional powers of the presidency against the usurpers in Congress even though he was heavily outnumbered. Johnson, years later, came back as one of the Volunteer State’s two senators. He won election as an independent. This fit. Johnson was an independent cuss.


Politically, Donald Trump is most like Zachary Taylor. Personality-wise they are different as night and day. Taylor was a general, but carried himself like a small farmer. Trump, a businessman is bombastic, and never served in the Armed Forces. Trump no doubt admires Taylor’s success in the Mexican War, and his long service to the Union as an officer.

Taylor was independently rich from his investments in riverside warehouses in his home town of Louisville, Kentucky. Taylor owned a plantation, but never made much money off of it, because he housed his slaves in sturdy houses like military barracks, fed them well, and paid them money for their labor. His papers confirm this. He also didn’t “free” old slaves to live in poverty, but let them live on his place. He also didn’t break up slave families. Slavery is wrong, but Taylor was a far better owner than almost anyone in the South.

Taylor came to Washington as a Whig, who the most powerful Whigs opposed because they were jealous of him. The people, not the Whig hierarchy, voted Taylor into office over Democrat Lewis Cass and third party candidate former president Martin Van Buren. Like Trump, Taylor had never been a politician before the people asked him to lead them.

I have spoken about Taylor’s greatness at length in posts on this website. Suffice it to say Taylor went against his own interests as a slaveholder to look for a way to end slavery peacefully. He died while looking at proposals by Abraham Lincoln and William Seward to use federal money to buy slaves freedom and resettle them as pioneers or sharecroppers or skilled laborers.

The establishment Whigs and Democrats danced on Taylor’s grave. Weeks after his death, they enacted the Compromise of 1850, which with its Fugitive Slave Act (which Taylor angrily opposed) would lead to the Civil War. Taylor was right, and the Establishment was wrong.


The GOP hierarchy is thoroughly anti-Trump. So are the Democrats, who except maybe for Joe Manchin (senator, West Virginia) and Tulsi Gabbard (representative, Hawaii), are the party of treason and sociopathy. They would celebrate if Donald Trump was to die in office, like their corrupt political counterparts celebrated not long after Zachary Taylor died in 1850, on the verge of victory over them.

Donald Trump is despised by the five (now four) living former presidents, all enemies of the Republic, who preceded him in the White House. For the record, they are/were Carter, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, and Obama.

The five former presidents (Van Buren, Tyler, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan) who were alive when Honest Abe Lincoln was president hated Lincoln and tried to impede his work also.

Donald Trump is in excellent company.

Donald Trump, like it or not, is also what the Founding Fathers had in mind as the type of man who should serve as President. He fits the Founding Fathers’ ideal of a leader from the private sector taking a huge pay cut to lend his expertise to the governing of the nation. Zachary Taylor was also in this mold, but as a wealthy and independent minded former general. Trump’s policies on the military, trade, the economy, and security and immigration are nationalist and patriotic, and are common-sense ways to help the citizens of this nation. Taylor’s determination to end slavery peaceably, though it would cost him personally, was patriotism of the highest order.

Here’s one story on how some of the presidents used to act.

President James Monroe, who nearly bled to death from a wound he suffered at the Battle of Trenton in the Revolutionary War, announced he was coming west to Kentucky in1820 to meet with his two most able military commanders. One was William Henry Harrison, the military governor of the Old Northwest who expelled the British from the Great Lakes states and beat them in Ontario. The other was Andrew Jackson, victor over the British at New Orleans. Both men would become presidents, and deserve the honor immensely. Both generals also invited Major Zachary Taylor to the meeting. The meeting was to be in Taylor’s home state, and both generals thought Taylor would achieve greatness like they did someday. It was a nice gesture to a man who would confirm their high opinion of him. Taylor, in his turn, would show kindness to future president Abraham Lincoln (and waste it on Jefferson Davis).

Monroe and Jackson were Democrats. Harrison and Taylor were Whigs. Back in the day, the men who loved America and were willing to risk their lives in America’s service were above differences in party. In fact, men of good will of rival parties loved America. It is not that way now. Most politicians in both parties do not love this nation or the people who make it work. This needs to change if we are to continue as being united, brave, and free.


Now back to 2019.

I’m hearing word from Texas that Governor Greg Abbott, aka “Ironsides” (he is a vigorous wheelchair-bound guy) is looking at using Texas money to build a highway parallel to the Rio Grande and putting a 30-foot-high fence on the riverward side.

This is a power move by a guy who wants to replace the Donald in the White House after he wins re-election and retires from office in 2025. Abbott’s move shows resolution and creativity in the service of the nation.

But he won’t be the first president to be physically handicapped.

Franklin Roosevelt, a tall, athletic guy, fell victim to polio in 1921, after he crashed and burned as the vice presidential candidate in the 1920 election. Harding and Coolidge beat Cox and him 60% to 34% to repudiate failed president Woodrow Wilson. (Socialist Eugene Debs, in prison in 1920 no thanks to Woodrow Wilson, pulled 3.5% of the vote, and some minor candidates got the rest.) JFK shocked listeners when he called Wilson a failure.

Unlike Wilson, whose mind shut down, FDR remained a sharp schemer almost until his death in office in 1945. FDR’s wife Eleanor (Teddy Roosevelt’s niece and FDR’s cousin, you read that right) was not present when he died at the Little White House in Warm Springs, Georgia, but his mistress Lucy Mercer was.

FDR (before the wheelchair), Lucy Mercer, Eleanor. A picture is worth 1000 words. Look at Lucy’s closeness and interloping position, and poor Eleanor’s dejection.


The only signal FDR gave that he was close to incapacitation was when Communist Alger Hiss talked FDR into signing away the rights of the peoples of Eastern Europe to Stalin at Yalta in January of 1945. Three months later FDR was dead and the much more honorable Harry Truman was president.

So Abbott, should he become president, won’t be the first crippled man to be president. FDR, for all his faults, blazed that trail many years ago. FDR did more harm than good, but many of his programs did help millions of people.

Which is more than what we can say about LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, both Bushes, both Clintons, and Obama, who came after FDR and enjoyed much better health than FDR did.


Now for closing thoughts which revolve around a Democrat woman who wants to be President. Her father was not happy with something stupid and disrespectful his little girl said about her heritage.

Per Politico 2/20/2019, this:

“Kamala Harris made headlines last week when she joked in a radio interview that of course she smoked marijuana in her younger years: “Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”

But the crack didn’t go over well with at least one Jamaican: Donald J. Harris, her father.

The elder Harris sent an unsolicited statement to Kingston-based Jamaica Global Online, for which the emeritus professor of economics at Stanford University wrote a recent essay on his family’s history.

“My dear departed grandmothers (whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their graves right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics,” he wrote.

“Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty,” he added.”

Speaking of smoke, Kamala hasn’t had her ass smoked this good since she lived under her father’s roof.

A good father never stops being a father.

An appropriate end on this, the birthday of the Father of Our Nation.



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