• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


February03/ 2019

We will follow up today on the law that will let President Trump order the building of a border wall without specific Congressional approval and without the need for declaring an emergency. It is a lesson in how several people used information that is open to the public, and some background checking by someone willing to learn the truth.

But before I explain how I believe President Trump will accomplish this, let’s take care of a few items of business related to why it has come to this.

First, the Senate.

Arizona Democrat senator Kyrsten Sinema aka Kyrsten McSilly raised some fake eyebrows when she wore over the knee boots and a short dress into the Senate a few days ago.

Some said she dressed like a hooker.

Oops, wrong swamp. Martha McSally taking a dive, perhaps?

More like it. Error in picture layout was understandable. Boot colors match those in the above photo. Besides, Kyrsten all too often thinks like a woman without a head.


At least Kyrsten in her own demented way is honest about what she is. Almost all senators not named Rand Paul are whores for the globalists and other anti-American power elites.


Let’s review a recent vote proving my point.

Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (RINO, KY) spearheaded a vote to “rebuke” President Trump for withdrawing troops from Syria and Afghanistan. Trump is also a Republican, but evidently not much of one because he is not a globalist traitor like most of the Republicans in the House and Senate.

Donald Trump’s instincts are for peace and prosperity, and smashing the enemy if they threaten Americans. Trump is not for building camel tracks to nowhere for two decades and getting our troops killed and wounded needlessly like Bush-Clintons-Bush-Obama did during their presidencies.

McConnell in the Senate and departed Wienermobile polisher Paul Rino (former speaker of the House) sabotaged President Trump’s agenda when the GOP held both houses of Congress. They provided no money for a border wall, and they failed to fix the fiasco known as Obamacare. They represented the interests of the globalists and big businesses and defense contractors who own them.

Of the 100 senators, 68 voted to rebuke Trump, and 23 voted against the McConnell measure aimed at embarrassing his own president. Of the rebukers, 43 were Republicans, 24 were Democrats, and one was Anus King (goofball, ME). Virtually all of the 20 Democrats (including nominal independent Bernie Sanders) who voted against the measure are running for president or soon may be, and they don’t want to be on the record as voting to clip a president’s wings in conducting foreign policy if any of them wins. If it was important for them to have voted against President Trump, all of them would have done so.

Only three Republicans (Cruz, Lee, and Kennedy) voted against the measure. Rand Paul (R-KY) was out of town but he mocked the vote and said President Trump was right to withdraw from Syria and Afghanistan.

Six other GOPers (mostly RINOs who didn’t want to go on record) didn’t vote. Nor did Democrats She-Rod (Wife Beater) Brown and Turban Durbin, both who are considering presidential runs.

(Source: US Senate Roll Call Vote, 1/31/2019)

Our men and women did the job in Syria and are coming home.

Our military leaders did not come up with a plan for victory in Afghanistan despite President Trump (who opposed the war) giving them what they asked for to win. So Trump fired his Defense Secretary and his chief of staff (both generals). Those two brass hats needed to know there are consequences for failure.

We have been supporting the most degraded of Moslems in Afghanistan, vile people who rape little boys and little girls as part of their degraded culture. Their livestock are skittish too. How is that for family values? President Trump is not a Democrat or a RINO, so he is not in favor of child molesters. Democrats and RINOs have not problem supporting the child-molesting culture of the Afghans because child molesting is not far from their own open degeneracies.

Afghan boys herd goats and sheep, Tragically, they are sexual targets of many adult males in that God-forsaken land. We have spent thousands of American lives and roughly a trillion dollars on the misadventure in Afghanistan. And yet the Dems and most GOPers want it to continue, in part because President Trump wants to end it.


What made the vote even stupider was the Taliban weighing in on post-American Afghanistan. They are angry President Trump intends to cut off all aid to the high-altitude cat litter box. The Taliban is demanding aid to build up all the things they destroyed, and odds are the bisexuals, errr, bipartisans in the Senate will vote to give the money to them. Meanwhile they won’t vote for a border wall to keep criminals and drugs and freeloaders out of our country.

Per Breitbart 1/31/2019, this:

“We have told them that after ending your military intervention, we will welcome U.S. engineers, doctors, and others if they want to come back for reconstruction of Afghanistan. And they have promised to do so,” Mullah Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the chief Taliban negotiator in ongoing peace talks with the United States, declared on Wednesday, according to Voice of America (VOA).

The news outlet acknowledges that neither the Afghan government nor U.S. officials have
responded to the assertions made by the Taliban chief negotiator.”

The bisexuals, errr, bipartisans were also quick to criticize President Trump for calling out the CIA and other professional pissants in the intelligence community. President Trump criticized the spook honchos who claim Iran’s criminal leaders are abiding by the nuclear treaty and don’t mean us any harm. He tweeted, “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”

(Source: NBC News, 1/30/3019)

Our “intelligence community” people phone-tap Americans for blackmail purposes (isn’t that right, Chief Justice Roberts?) and they fail to notice events overseas.

The CIA missed the start of the Korean War in 1950. Leftist Secretary of State Dean Acheson in a speech flagged his Red buddies overseas when he omitted South Korea from our protection. This was a sign for Stalin to let North Korean puppet Kim Il-Sung start the invasion.

The CIA missed the Hungarian Uprising in 1956. But State Department traitors signaled Khrushchev via an article in the New York Times that the Eisenhower Administration considered it within the Soviets’ power to deal with. So Khrushchev sent in tanks and troops to crush the Hungarians.

The CIA was wrong about Castro. Their failures in Vietnam were legion. They missed the coming overthrow of the Shah of Iran. They missed the importance of all the uprisings in Eastern Europe that led to the crumbling of the Iron Curtain.

The CIA couldn’t figure out Saddam Hussein. Like with Korea and Hungary, our State Department let him know Kuwait was not our affair. So he pounced. By the way, the CIA found virtually no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The CIA had a role in the murders of South Vietnam’s leader Ngo Diem and his brother. Three weeks later they apparently helped JFK meet his Maker.

And before President Trump took over, Communist Moslem John Brennan ran the CIA for Barry Obama. Bush 41 was CIA chief during the 1970s.

In short, the CIA has been a recruiting ground and a work release program for some of the most evil and/or incompetent people in the country.

An article in The Hill, an anti-Trump media outlet, by Morgan Wright 11/13/2018 let readers know CIA incompetents refused to listen to a contractor’s warnings of problems they had and as a result they hung a number of spies in Iran out to dry. After the Iranians killed the spies, they shared what they learned with the Chinese. The Chinese in turn found and killed about 20 CIA people in their country. This happened during the Bush 43 and Obama administrations.

President Trump was right to criticize the CIA and others in the so-called “intelligence community.” They have at best been incompetent. At worst, they have openly operated against the American people.


The Deep State opposes President Trump and would like to murder him or remove him from office.

This is why his fake friends like Lindsay Goober aka Graham Cracker (?, SC) are urging President Trump to declare a national emergency to start building the Wall. They don’t want to vote against The Wall in a showdown between Congress and the President. President Trump also knows both party hierarchies will try to tie the measure up in court and in Congress. They will attempt to impeach and remove Donald Trump and install a traitor like themselves in his place.

The Russian conspiracy liars took another kick to the groin Friday when President Trump pulled the United States out of a nuclear treaty with the Russian government. He said since the Russians are cheating by testing medium range nukes, there is no reason for Americans to handcuff themselves. He is also demanding the Chinese rein in their nuclear program as a price for any new nuclear deal.

(Source: Associated Press, 2/1/2019)

The usual suspects attacked President Trump for “escalating the arms race.” Along with embargoing Russian ally Iran, bombing and killing Russian mercenaries in Syria, providing weapons to Ukraine, and undermining the Russian economy by getting Euros to buy natural gas from America instead of Russia, President Trump’s move to scrap the nuclear treaty are not the acts of someone who Putin has any pull with.


Speaking of incompetence and corruption, FBI officials are closing the Las Vegas Shooters cover-up, errr, investigation by saying they couldn’t find a motive for one of the shooters. They claim only one guy killed and wounded all the outdoor concertgoers, but the physical evidence says otherwise.

(Source: CNN, 1/29/2019)

FBI and Mandalay Bay Hotel corporate types and their lawyers have been lying thru their teeth about this horrible crime. Recall how they kept hotel employees away from every questioner except Ellen Degenerate. The pushy lesbian TV personality pushed the corporate line when she had two alleged security employees on her TV show …. Ellen has a monetary interest in the hotel/sniper’s nest/Arab hangout.

Shooter positions (dark broken-out areas in panes) at Mandalay Bay Hotel, Las Vegas. As in positions for multiple shooters.


The biggest clue there were multiple shooters were the large holes in windows in the suites quite a few steps apart. No one reported a pause in the shooting so one guy could go from one shooter position to the other to get better shots on the crowd.

It turned up the alleged lone shooter was ordering room service food for two. Who was helping him eat overpriced room service food?

A prostitute has come forward saying she allowed (alleged shooter) Paddock to indulge in violent rape fantasies on her person several times in exchange for several thousand dollars per session. But that was months ago, she said, and he was fired up because he had been winning big at the casinos. Interesting thing …. the prostie said Paddock was a 9-11 “truther” who blamed the feds for the Arabs’ attacks that killed thousands of Americans. Not a john’s typical pillow talk. Even if the gal was bound and gagged, so she couldn’t answer back.

And, if gagged, she probably wasn’t eating or drinking anything from Room Service.

Another prostitute has reportedly claimed she was with Paddock in one of the rooms at the Mandalay Bay hotel. But she did not report the presence of a lot of weapons or ammo or other operatives. How could she miss 20 firearms, if they weren’t brought in at the last minute by Paddock or his helpers?

Read my posts from October 2017 for in-depth coverage on how and why the FBI and Mandalay Bay Hotel corporate types and their lawyers have been lying thru their teeth about this horrible crime.


Speaking of prostitutes, Belarusian model/escort/working girl Anastasia Vashukevich aka Nastya Rybka, who was facing a long prison term in Thailand, said she had proof of collusion between Donald Trump and powerful Russians. She asked for asylum in the United States so she could tell her story to Democrats. What happened was Thai authorities deported her to Mother Russia, where she said Russian officials told her not to say anything about her alleged trysting with one of the Soviet Big Boys. She is now back home in Belarus, a Slavic country northeast of Poland and southwest of Moscow within the Russian orbit. One of my associates was there recently and reported that land has some of the most gorgeous females on the planet. Sadly, Belarus also has been where some of the bloodiest battles in Europe have taken place. Their people suffered horribly at the hands of Stalin in the 1930s and Hitler in the 1940s.

Nastya Rybka. Smarter than American leftists. Prettier too.


“Miss Nasty” admitted a few days ago she lied about Donald Trump because she didn’t want to go to prison, and she figured American leftist politicians and media types would be dumb enough to fall for her tale. This was the safest bet since betting Bawney Fwank preferred boys to girls. Props to Miss Nasty for figuring out how dull our leftists really are.

(Source: Daily Caller, 1/30/2019)


Now for what I promised – info on how I think President Trump will keep his promise about having a wall along the Mexican border. This “How to Be Your Own Detective” lesson is the result of some researching by lawyers and some interpretation by another lawyer, my listening and reading comprehension regarding a speech President Trump gave, and some background info I got from two sources in the know when it comes to government construction and dealing with illegals.

The lunatic mainstream media reported President Trump’s move to allow the reopening of the shut-down parts of the federal government for three weeks is a cave to the Democrats. This is not true.

President Trump is playing for time, and playing to put the anti-American members of Congress, such as virtually all Democrats, some RINO house members, and some quisling senators like Mitt Romney on the record.

President Trump also knows Mitch McConnell and other Swamp people in the Senate and Pelosi and most of the House will not allow funding for a physical wall. Another “caravan” of Central American criminals is heading north and there will be footage of these animals when the House and Senate again refuse to vote funds for the Wall.

To quote the President:

I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!

7:33 PM – Jan 25, 2019″

What does “off to the races” mean?

On 1/24/2019, the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson’s on-line website, published a story saying Congressional researchers found out President Trump can build a border fence or wall without Congressional approval in order to stop drug trafficking routes. Our border with Mexico is one giant drug trafficking route. Therefore, they say, President Trump can build The Wall in accordance with a law okaying the Defense Department building barriers to interdict illicit drug flow.

Bad news for President Trump’s many attackers? The three Congressional Research Service lawyers who wrote the report are supposedly nonpartisan. None has badmouthed this report. Yet. Then, too, the full court pressure from the Swamp, the Deep State, and America’s other internal enemies hasn’t come yet.

Here’s a link to the report. I held off releasing it until it was readily available to the public on line.

Congressional Research Service — Can the Dept. of Defense Build the Border Wall

Most of the report talks about national emergency declarations. But one paragraph on the bottom of Page 5 of the report gets to the heart of the matter:

“Another statute that authorizes the Secretary of Defense to assist civilian law enforcement with counterdrug activities may provide some authority for the construction of barriers along the border. 10 U.S.C. § 284 (Section 284) provides that the Secretary of Defense “may provide support for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime” of any law enforcement agency, including through the “[c]onstruction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.” Use of Section 284 would not require a declaration of a national emergency under the NEA. However, the DOD’s Section 284 authority to construct fences appears to extend only to “drug smuggling corridors,” a condition that may limit where DOD could deploy fencing. “


I contacted attorney Dirk Van Capias on this matter, and he sent me back a portion of the US Code to affirm the Daily Caller article.

Federal law under Title 10, Armed Forces, says the following:

“10 U.S. Code § 284 – Support for counterdrug activities and activities to counter transnational organized crime

(a) Support to Other Agencies.—The Secretary of Defense may provide support for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of any other department or agency of the Federal Government or of any State, local, tribal, or foreign law enforcement agency for any of the purposes set forth in subsection (b) or ( c), as applicable, if—

(1) in the case of support described in subsection (b), such support is requested—

(A) by the official who has responsibility for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of the department or agency of the Federal Government, in the case of support for other departments or agencies of the Federal Government; or

(B) by the appropriate official of a State, local, or tribal government, in the case of support for State, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies; or

(2) in the case of support described in subsection ( c), such support is requested by an appropriate official of a department or agency of the Federal Government, in coordination with the Secretary of State, that has counterdrug responsibilities or responsibilities for countering transnational organized crime.

(b)Types of Support for Agencies of United States.—The purposes for which the Secretary may provide support under subsection (a) for other departments or agencies of the Federal Government or a State, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies, are the following:

(1) The maintenance and repair of equipment that has been made available to any department or agency of the Federal Government or to any State, local, or tribal government by the Department of Defense for the purposes of—

(A) preserving the potential future utility of such equipment for the Department of Defense; and

(B) upgrading such equipment to ensure compatibility of that equipment with other equipment used by the Department.

(2) The maintenance, repair, or upgrading of equipment (including computer software), other than equipment referred to in paragraph (1) for the purpose of—

(A) ensuring that the equipment being maintained or repaired is compatible with equipment used by the Department of Defense; and

(B) upgrading such equipment to ensure the compatibility of that equipment with equipment used by the Department.

(3) The transportation of personnel of the United States and foreign countries (including per diem expenses associated with such transportation), and the transportation of supplies and equipment, for the purpose of facilitating counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime within or outside the United States.

(4) The establishment (including an unspecified minor military construction project) and operation of bases of operations or training facilities for the purpose of facilitating counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of the Department of Defense or any Federal, State, local, or tribal law enforcement agency within or outside the United States.

(5) Counterdrug or counter-transnational organized crime related training of law enforcement personnel of the Federal Government, of State, local, and tribal governments, including associated support expenses for trainees and the provision of materials necessary to carry out such training.

(6) The detection, monitoring, and communication of the movement of—

(A) air and sea traffic within 25 miles of and outside the geographic boundaries of the United States; and

(B) surface traffic outside the geographic boundary of the United States and within the United States not to exceed 25 miles of the boundary if the initial detection occurred outside of the boundary.

(7) Construction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.

(8) Establishment of command, control, communications, and computer networks for improved integration of law enforcement, active military, and National Guard activities.

(9) The provision of linguist and intelligence analysis services.

(10) Aerial and ground reconnaissance.”

Sorry you had to read thru the law. Paragraph (7) is President Trump’s EFF YOU to Pelosi, Schumer, and the RINOs.

In this March 5, 2018, photo, construction continues on a new, taller version of the border structure in Calexico, Calif.  (AP Photo/Gregory Bull)


Another source of mine in the construction industry tells me the Defense Department is awaiting such orders to build more of The Wall. They are already on the job, and there will be letting of contracts.

Yet another source let me know the feds took a bunch of grief for putting up detainment camps for the illegals in the El Paso area. He says now the feds are taking grief because they closed the camp and some of the locals who got jobs caring for the lawbreakers, errr, immigrants lost their side hustles. The internal and external enemies of America will never be satisfied. It is time to flatten them.


The law the researchers made known reached a Congressional hearing this week. Per Breitbart’s John Binder, 1/29/2019, this:

“During a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Tuesday, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy John Rood confirmed to Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) that Trump does not need Congress or a national emergency declaration to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The exchange went as follows:

BROOKS: I want to direct your attention to 10 United States Code § 284 which authorizes President Trump to deploy the United States military to the southern border to build fences and to do a lot of other things, and for clarity, if you look it up in the dictionary the word fence includes the word barrier and the word barrier includes walls made of a wide variety of different materials.

So that having been said, it seems to me that 10 U.S. Code § 284 can be used by the President of the United States to direct the United States military to build a wall. Now as of today, you’ve mentioned military forces along the southern border, have any of them been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284?

ROOD: Congressman, I don’t believe any of our forces have been deployed pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 284. You are correct, however, that that use of authority would authorize the secretary of defense to erect barriers, roads, fencing, those types of materials to disrupt drug smuggling.

BROOKS: Does 10 U.S.C. § 284 as you understand it, require the declaration of a national emergency before it is implemented?


BROOKS: It does not?


BROOKS: Has President Trump, to your knowledge, ever used 10 U.S.C § 284 to direct the military to build the wall that is necessary for border security?

ROOD: No, not to my knowledge, Congressman.

BROOKS: If President Trump were to direct the Pentagon and the United States military pursuant to 10 U.S.C § 284 to build such barriers as are necessary to secure our southern border from drug trafficking and international crime cartels would the United States military obey that order?

ROOD: If we judge it to be a lawful order, yes sir. And I assume it would be.

For the past two years, Trump has asserted that he needs funding approval from Congress to build a wall at the southern border. This has resulted in the administration building the same steel bollard barriers that Presidents Bush and Obama built during their tenures.

The Trump administration’s main distinction, officials have said, is that their bollard fencing at the border is 30 feet high in some areas, about 10 feet higher than the barriers built under Obama.”

So research pays off. This is why records should be as public as possible, so members of the public can check on those who hold public office and government positions.


There is another possibility that may be in play right now.

President Trump views declaring a national emergency as a last resort. The new caravan of criminals from Central America will be hitting the border about the time the Dems and the RINOs decide not to fund the border wall. This will strengthen the President’s hand.

In the President’s speech 1/25/2019 during Rush Hour in the Eastern Time Zone, he delivered a shot across the bow to people who could read and listen.

Here it is:

“Without new resources from Congress, we will be forced to release these people into communities — something we don’t want to do — called catch-and-release. You catch them. Even if they are criminals, you then release them. And you can’t release them from where they came, so they go into our country and end up in places you would least suspect. And we do as little releasing as possible, by they’re coming by the hundreds of thousands.

I have had zero Democrat lawmakers volunteer to have them released into their districts or states. And I think they know that, and that’s what we’re going to be discussing over the next three weeks.”

Per Breitart 10/2/2016 by Julia Hahn and Katie McHugh: Mugshots of a few illegals they wrote about arrested a few days earlier. To wit: “In the month of September alone, a Turkish immigrant allegedly shot and killed five people in a Washington State mall; an Afghan immigrant allegedly planted bombs in New York and New Jersey injuring roughly 30 innocent people; a Somali immigrant allegedly stabbed nine people at a Minnesota mall; a twice-arrested illegal alien with a prior DUI conviction allegedly murdered a Kansas sheriff’s deputy; an illegal alien and convicted child rapist allegedly shot two California corrections officers; an illegal alien with a prior drug arrest, who had been a recipient of Obama’s executive amnesty, allegedly engaged in reckless driving killing a 12-year-old girl; a three-time deported illegal alien allegedly killed two people on what was described as a crime “rampage;” and a Mexican immigrant and Arizona pastor was arrested after it was revealed that he had allegedly molested children for years, many of whom are believed to belong to his church, and for impregnating one of his victims when she was 13 years old.”


President Trump is threatening to release alien criminals who judges allow to stay into states and congressional districts of his opponents. Odds are they will be more prone to rape, rob, and murder people in areas that sent these anti-Americans to the House and Senate.

President Trump could decide to drop the alien criminals in districts which barely went Democrat in the 2018 elections. Then he could tie the criminals to the Democrat members of Congress, making it harder for them to win re-election in 2020. After all, patriots like Louie Gohmert and Jim Jordan and Duncan Hunter oppose illegal immigration and support The Wall — why should the people who were smart enough to put them and others like them in office have to suffer the problems illegals pose to their safety, their schools, and their health care?


One GOP state that could host a boatload of these criminals is Utah. President Trump can flip off Mitt Romney and the people who put Mitt the Catcher in the Senate.

Romney’s great-grandfather was a degenerate polygamist who fled with his sister wives to Mexico when federal authorities finally started cracking down on the evil practice of the wealthier followers of Bring ‘em in Young.

Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Mexico due to the fugitive status of his polygamous ancestor. IMHO, he ran for president illegally. However, since George Romney admitted he was brainwashed, he posed no threat to win the GOP nomination. So the Dems kept quiet.

Romney opposes The Wall. Utah has plenty of open space to house our Latin American and Islamist brothers and sisters. Let the people of the state who sent this arrogant human hemorrhoid to the Senate deal with the result of his policies.

Meanwhile, President Trump will, in the name of using defense spending for The Wall to block drug trafficking routes, build the Wall properly. There is already money in the Defense Department budget for this. There will be more, due to the savings of billions of dollars when President Trump brings our men and women home from Syria and Afghanistan.

Donald Trump is in the mold of Zachary Taylor, in trying to avoid war unless national safety and national honor is at stake. Trump is not a warmonger. The globalist anti-Americans in the Swamp and the Deep State and elsewhere on the anti-American New Copperhead side are.

President Trump, in my humble opinion, does not and will not have to resort to declaring a national emergency. The drug wall law (10 U.S.C. § 284), and/or the threat of flooding congressional districts with alien criminals will IMHO get the job done.


Now for another “How to Be Your Own Detective” lesson featuring Ralph “Coonman” Northam, soon to be former governor of Virginia.

Virginia governor Ralph Northam is facing many calls from fellow Democrats to resign because some conservative researchers found his college yearbook and found a picture of him either in blackface or wearing a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood.

There are a number of lessons here.

First, Ed Gillespie and the people of his campaign are losers. Northam beat RINO Gillespie to become governor of the largest colony of federal employee parasites in the country. Gillespie’s opposition research people did not find this picture during the campaign. Or worse, they did and sat on it. Otherwise the Dems would dropped Northam then (if Gillespie’s camp revealed it too early in the campaign) or Gillespie would have won if he dropped it within two weeks of the election, and the Dems couldn’t get a friendly judge to give them a pass to switch candidates, like they did in New Jersey with Robert Torricelli, one of their many unindicted criminals.

Second, Terry McAuliffe, the carpetbagger former governor of Virginia who picked Northam to be his running mate, didn’t catch this either. Or maybe his people did, and sat on it, like they covered up for the Clintons. McAuliffe is a scumbag moneyman and finder of the Clintons. He is septic tank scum. But he got away with it because he is a Democrat. McAuliffe is among those calling for Northam to quit. Without McAuliffe’s corruption and poor management, Northam would have never set foot in the Virginia governor’s office except as a tourist.

Third, you parents and kids who read this column, take note. Counsel your kids not to do anything stupid that can be photographed or recorded. He or she will not get a pass for being young and ignorant. Northam was in his mid 20s when he posed as a Klansman or a black …. he had already graduated from college and was about to graduate from medical school.

Especially do not get tricked into sending naked pictures of yourself to anyone. You will be blackmailed or at least humiliated beyond your wildest nightmares.

The horse is already out of the barn for most of us north of 30, because all of us make dumb moves from time to time.

Fourth, facts may or may not matter, depending on what party you are.

It came out when Northam ran for governor that his ancestors had owned slaves. This didn’t bother the Virginia GOP because they knew anyone from a long-time prominent Virginia family like Northam had ancestors who owned slaves. They were stupid not to look for Northam’s college yearbooks for evidence of his own knuckleheadism. This didn’t bother Virginia Democrats either, as Northam was a Democrat. Northam was also a pediatrician who is pro-abortion and pro-homosexual “marriage.” All the biology classes he took to become a doctor did him no good.

Fifth, the Democrats have another leftist to replace Northam with. Just like when they picked another booger (Tina Smith, a Planned Parenthood executive) in Minnesota to replace Al Franken after the truth about that unfunny fish-faced election stealer’s groping came out. If the next person in line for the job was a Republican, the Democrats would be defending Northam. The Dems are as flexible morally as a prostitute who services men and lesbians.

Sixth, if you did something stupid decades ago, like pose for a picture wearing a Klan hood or blackface, or flashing or mooning someone while drunk or stoned, and it is made public, admit it and say it was youthful stupidity. It may not get you off the hook, but you’ll retain some honor. When rumors of cocaine use swirled around Little Bush and Laura Bush, George Jr. shrugged and said he had a long learning curve in achieving responsible behavior as far as intoxicants were involved.

Don’t apologize, then come back the next day like Northam did and say maybe it wasn’t you inside the Klan hood or under the shoe polish. He really looks and smells like dog crap now. And someone in the media will likely track down a former classmate and ask why Northam got the nickname “Coonman.”

Seventh, a few days ago, Ralph Northam defended infanticide in public. When he slinks out of Richmond with his tail between his legs, what mothers are going to want him to practice medicine on their children?

Eighth and most disgusting, it is still okay for Democrats to roll in Nazi ideology like dogs roll in filth. Northam’s vile comments about killing babies born alive did not dismay any Democrat leaders, especially after professional scumbag Andrew Cuomo and New York Democrats made infanticide state policy and lit the World Trade Center in pink to celebrate.

Even many who support abortion on demand in the first trimester or even in the second trimester have problems with third-trimester abortions, and the killing of infants born alive. I know; I have friends who support abortion but not abortions that late, or the killing of live infants. In fact, there are very few abortionists who will try third-trimester abortions.

The Democrats don’t have any problems with late abortions or infanticide. The Nazis didn’t, either.

The Nazis aborted many Jewish and Slavic babies because they were Jews or Slavs. They aborted many German babies because the mothers or fathers were deemed unfit, or the children were deemed likely to have handicaps. The Nazis committed hundreds of thousands of abortions and infanticides in the concentration camps.

Planned Parenthood’s illegitimate bisexual social-climbing mother Margaret Sanger pitched birth control to female members of the Ku Klux Klan as a way to cut down on the number of blacks. Planned Parenthood people still revere Margaret; some of them would have sex with her if they could.

Margaret Sanger and Hillary Clinton — two people lower than Ralphie Northam


The New Copperheads – the Deep State and the Swamp, who are on the globalist anti-American side of the coming Civil War, along with the anti-American secessionists and nullifiers who run the most leftist places in the country, have in common with the Nazis a maniacal devotion to evil, violence, and sexual perversion. Many Nazis, Hitler included, were homosexuals or bisexuals. Hitler also forced incest on one of his nieces. He’d fit in in Harveywood, DC, New York City, San Francisco, and other leftist cesspools.

It comes as no surprise Democrats defend infanticide. It is what it is.

Maybe the anger of pro-lifers about Northam’s Nazi stance on abortion and infanticide led them to look into his past and find the yearbook picture. It’s an odd way of Life biting Northam in the ass, but again, it is what it is. Very few people in politics are clean. Or have self-control.

When it comes to defending your loved ones, you are your own first responder.



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