• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Coming Civil War

January27/ 2019

How many of you remember high school history and the run-up to the Civil War?

The public records consisting of government papers and other archived materials, newspaper articles and other publications, the letters and papers of the prominent, and church records are the sources upon which history rest. Using them is how real historians write history.

Thanks to these men and women, here’s the skinny:

General Zachary Taylor, the hero of the Mexican War, won the election of 1848 as a Whig. He was an independently wealthy general, who owned riverside warehouses in his home town of Louisville, Kentucky. He also owned a plantation in Mississippi and a smaller place across the river in the Baton Rouge area of Louisiana.

Zachary Taylor. Protector and President. RIP, Old Zack, RIP!


Whig bigwigs Henry Clay and Daniel Webster opposed Taylor. So he had to beat his own party hierarchy as well as the Democrats. No other presidential candidate beat his own party’s hierarchy and the Democrats until Donald Trump did it in 2016.

Taylor was a slaveholder. However, Taylor was much more of a nationalist than he was a slaveholder. When Taylor became president, he decided to end slavery peaceably if he could.

During the 16 months Taylor was president, he pushed for statehood for California and New Mexico to outvote the slave states in the Senate. Taylor twice had to use the US Navy to stop Southern adventurers, aided by some state officials who gave them weapons from state arsenals, from trying to seize Cuba and make it a slave state. Jeff Davis’ wife Varina had to talk him out of commanding one of these expeditions.

Taylor had to send troops to New Mexico to keep Texans from trying to grab it. He also kept the polygamist Mormons from grabbing California east of the Sierra Nevadas, southeast Oregon, southern Idaho, western Wyoming and western Colorado, northwest New Mexico, and northern Arizona. He allowed them for a time to rule most of Nevada, which had only a few hundred whites.

Taylor promised to veto all fugitive slave law bills and had to threaten to hang some members of Congress to their faces when they threatened secession because of this.

William Seward and Abraham Lincoln, younger Whigs, proposed the federal government buy the slaves free with federal money, and then resettle slaves as pioneers or help them become sharecroppers. Taylor liked this idea. He also kept the British away from routes to a Central American canal by threatening to admit the nations as states or send white and black Southerners to the area to colonize the countries.

Taylor sickened and died a few days after the Fourth of July 1850. He had served 16 months as president. The politicians and lobbyists and other members of the Washington establishment danced for joy. They offered to bury Taylor in DC, but Peggy Taylor, who despised them for how they attacked her husband in life, had Zachary buried in the family cemetery in Louisville. (You can go there today and pay your respects to Old Zack and Peggy Taylor; it is now known as Zachary Taylor National Cemetery.)

Whig apparatchik Millard Fillmore became president. He okayed the Fugitive Slave Act and the rest of the so-called “Compromise of 1850,” which made the Civil War inevitable. Clay and Webster, who both hungered for Taylor’s job, died in 1852, so they couldn’t run for the office they sought.

Instead, Democrat Franklin Pierce of New Hampshire (a relative of Bush 43 thru his mother) became president. Piece allowed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, a ploy by Illinois senator Stephen Douglas to win slave state voters when he decided to run for president, to become law. This gave slavery advocates the impetus to flood into the Kansas Territory and shoot antislavery settlers.

Pierce was such a failure that in 1856 the Democrats nominated Pennsylvanian James Buchanan, a career diplomat who had been Secretary of State, to run for the presidency. He beat John Frémont, the first Republican Party candidate. Democrat thugs prevented Republican organizers from getting the party any standing in most of the slave states. Millard Fillmore (stooge, New York) ran as a “Know Nothing” candidate. The “Know Nothings” hated Catholics, especially the Irish, and burned Catholic churches, schools, and convents.

“Defenders of the Faith” by Kevin O’Malley, Ancient Order of Hibernians


Unlike today’s molester-protecting virtue-signaling bishops, Bishop “Dagger John” Hughes of New York City organized armed parishioners to protect Catholic churches, schools, and convents. The Irish-born bishop let it be known that if a single Catholic facility was damaged by anti-Catholic arsonists, he would ensure “the city would become a second Moscow.” As in the burning of Moscow during the Napoleonic Wars. Force in the defense of right ensured the peace. Bishop “Dagger John” opposed slavery, but he also criticized the smug abolitionists of New England and the businessmen of New York for cheating workers of a living wage.

Dred Scott, a black who had lived in the North, sued for his freedom. An official at Fort Snelling in the Minnesota Territory officiated the wedding of Scott and his wife, which should have made them free. She also gave birth to their first child in the North, which should have made the girl free. The Supreme Court heard Scott’s case in February 1857, just before Buchanan took office. Buchanan personally pressured a Democrat judge from the North to side with the Southerners on the high court to try to defuse the argument any decision against Scott would be a slave power judges’ decision.

Buchanan’s unethical ploy worked. Two days after his inauguration in March 1857, the Northern judge voted with the majority to keep Dred Scott a slave.

Dred Scott. Photo taken 1857


A Missouri antislavery man, whose family had once owned Scott and his wife and their daughters bought Scott and his wife and girls after the trial. He freed them; Scott, who was in his late 50s, died the next year of TB while working in St. Louis. He is buried in Calvary Catholic Cemetery in st. Louis.)

Buchanan tried to bring Kansas into the Union as a slave state, even though the territory’s voters were mostly antislavery families. Fortunately, he failed. Both groups of settlers killed innocent people … John Brown was one of the most notorious killers.

In 1857, Mormon criminals in southern Utah, with the okay of Mormon ruler Brigham Young, murdered 120 or so members of the Baker-Fancher party, a wagon train of people from Arkansas who wanted to settle in California. They saved two teenage girls, who begged for their lives, for repeated rape, then beheaded them. They blamed the horrible murders on “Injuns.” The murder date was September 11, an even gross of years before the 9-11 Islamist plane terrorist attacks.

Buchanan sent some troops out, but didn’t let them punish the Mormons.

Democrat Douglas defeated Republican Abraham Lincoln in the Illinois Senate race in 1858. In a series of nationally-followed debates with Douglas, Lincoln laid out the case against slavery and secession as only he could.

In 1859, John Brown and some associates seized the arsenal at Harpers Ferry. The town was then in Virginia, where the Shenandoah River flows into the Potomac River. Brown wanted the weapons for a slave uprising, Colonel Robert E. Lee and his men killed some of Brown’s men, captured Brown, and retook the arsenal. Virginia authorities hanged Brown in December 1859.

Lincoln, a Kentucky native who made his careeer in Illinois, won the election of 1860. He got some votes in the slave states of Kentucky, Missouri, the “West Virginia” counties of Virginia, and in Maryland and Delaware. None of those states ended up in his column. He got zero votes in any of the other slave states, again due to Democrat thuggery.

Buchanan allowed Southern members of the Army to seize arms and forts in slave states as the local politicians finagled people into voting for secession. Most Southerners did not own slaves, but those who did got enough people to vote for secession. This all happened between the election of November of 1860 and Lincoln’s inauguration in March 1861.

John Breckinridge, Buchanan’s vice-president and the Southern Democrat candidate for president, became a Rebel general.

Stephen Douglas, the Northern Democrat candidate for president, feeling guilty for his role in the violence that led up to the secession of the 11 Confederate states, pledged to support Lincoln in any way he could. Douglas kept his word until he died later in 1861.

Now let’s discuss disloyal opposition to President Lincoln within the Union.

All the living former presidents despised Lincoln. They included Martin Van Buren, the New York nonentity (D) who followed Andrew Jackson, John Tyler (Whig, Virginia), Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan. These five losers worked against Lincoln and were almost as bad as Jimmy Carter, the Bushes, Bill Clinton, and Barry Obama, the five scumbag former presidents who oppose President Trump. Tyler had the integrity to secede with Virginia and he died a declared enemy of the Union.

The Copperheads, a collection of cowardly Peace Democrats in Union states, plotted with Rebels to hinder the Union war effort. They induced Union soldiers to desert, and worked with Confederate saboteurs. They also plotted to free Rebel prisoners from Union POW camps. Mostly their schemes came to nought, because, unlike the real men who served a bad cause bravely in Rebel gray, the Copperheads by and large were physical cowards.


Copperhead Democrat Fernando Wood, mayor of New York City, tried to secede the Big Apple from the Union in 1861, but failed. Wood allowed the Draft Riot to take place in July of 1863. The rioters killed about 100 blacks and burned 50 buildings, to include a black orphanage. General John Wool, a 79-year old officer and New York native who had served under Zachary Taylor, mustered a few local militiamen and they held the rioters at bay until reinforcements could come.

President Lincoln had to order General George Meade, who had just won a bloody victory over Robert E. Lee and his Rebel stalwarts at Gettysburg, to send five regiments (several thousand men) to quell the riot. The soldiers, responding to orders of General Wool, broke the rioters by firing on them and killing some of them.

These men’s absence from the Army of the Potomac hampered Meade in his attempt to pursue Lee’s army and maybe hammer them in retreat. The Copperhead instigated Draft Riot was like a Rebel victory on Union soil.

The Copperheads got George McClellan, a general President Lincoln had canned for incompetence, to run against Lincoln in the election of 1864 on a peace platform. Lincoln had to ensure soldiers got leave to vote Republican in that election, because Democrats had already stooped to election shenanigans to pump up their vote. (In those days, there was no absentee balloting.) Five months after the election, Generals Ulysses S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman, who like Lincoln were followers of Zachary Taylor, ended the war by forcing Robert E. Lee and Joseph Johnston to surrender their armies and weapons. Grant and Sherman, knowing how hungry the Rebels were, issued each of them 10 days of rations to carry with them on their ways home.

After the Civil War, the US government put the county Harpers Ferry is in and two other counties into the new state of West Virginia, whose residents seceded from Virginia and joined the Union a couple of weeks before Gettysburg in 1863. Also during the Civil War, Lincoln freed the ranchers, miners, and dance hall girls of Nevada from Mormon oppression by admitting them to the Union. He didn’t want the followers of Brigham Young interfering with the silver shipments from the Comstock Lode under and around Virginia City.

During 1864, Copperheads in the Ohio Valley plotted to violently overthrow the state governments of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Union officials found out about the plots, and sentenced a number of them to hang. President Lincoln, who commuted death sentences of soldiers found guilty of desertion, had no such sympathy for these scumbags. He upheld the death sentences because the Copperheads richly deserved them. Unfortunately, lawyers for the traitors appealed their death sentences, and members of the Supreme Court overturned them in 1866.

Publicity still for a movie about Abraham Lincoln


By then, the war was over. And President Lincoln was dead. A Copperhead actor named John Wilkes Booth shot him in Ford’s Theater, and he died a few hours later, on Good Friday of 1865, five days after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox.

Why am I going thru this drill?

Because we are in similar times to the 1850s. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

Donald Trump is like Zachary Taylor in that he is independently wealthy and doesn’t need bribe money. He is also pretty impervious to blackmail.

Like Zachary Taylor, Donald Trump is under attack by virtually all the Democrats and a good proportion of the Republican Party. His ideas make sense, but they will cost the globalists moneymen billions to trillions of dollars of profit from cheap labor and imported goods, and they will cost the globalist politicians control of a docile electorate inflated with imported aliens who have no concept of American values.

Donald Trump is the most powerful member of the American side, the Union side, the nationalist side.

Like with the 1850s, people of the anti-American side (globalists and others who oppose the American way of life) resort to violence to intimidate decent people. They are escalating the violence also. We will spell out at length who these people are later in the article.

Like with the 1850s, the politicians are enacting anti-American laws and putting in place corrupt judges. They lean on judges and work with judges to obstruct President Trump’s legitimate authority under the Constitution.

It takes time to appeal corrupt court orders. And the Supreme Court doesn’t always do the right thing because the Democrats on the court are reliable leftists, and Judge Roberts and Judge Kavanaugh appear to be compromised.

Edward Snowden revealed the National Security Agency has been spying on millions of Americans illegally. Odds are most in the political class are dirty and the Deep State operatives know it. Blackmail and fear of blackmail are effective behavior compliance tools.

Numerous sources, including FBI agents, have revealed crooked FBI agents spied on the Trump campaign. Robert Mueller, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, and Andrew McCabe all are dirty for letting Hillary sell 20% of our uranium reserves to the Putin regime in the Uranium One scandal. Mueller is also dirty for his criminal work with mobster and killer Whitey Bulger. Top CIA quislings and top FBI and DOJ quislings have been breaking the law openly and carelessly …. they were anticipating new jobs with the Hillary Administration.

Only the working people of most of the country tried to take their nation back when they put Donald Trump in the White House instead of the First Witch. We the working people are on the American side too.

On Friday, close to 30 FBI agents and at least a dozen vehicles were present in a predawn raid of the home of Deep State critic and Trump supporter Roger Stone. It looked like the Elian Gonzalez kidnaping that lesbian girl molester Janet Reno ordered when she was the Clintons’ Attorney General.


What did they arrest Stone for? Lying to Congress or government agents, who themselves lie routinely? Really?

CNN buttlickers were there, filming it all. They were just like Leni Riefenstahl, the kept German film-maker who filmed Nazi party activities and Hitler speeches for “Triumph of the Will.”

President Trump asked how the CNN buttlickers found out. Obviously the FBI corruptocrats who ordered the raid wanted to intimidate enemies of the Deep State.

Where the hell were the FBI for 9/11? Where were the FBI when a Moslem couple shot up San Bernardino? Or when an Islamist fagele shot up the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando? Or when an Islamist ran over people in New York? Or when two Islamist brothers blew up bombs at the Boston Marathon? Or when shooters killed dozens of country music fans in Vegas? Or when the kid with a history of 30 police calls shot up a high school in Coward County, Florida?

Nowhere, man. FBI agents knew about all of these mass murders before they took place. And they deliberately refused to act to protect the public.

Where was the FBI when elements of the Deep State murdered JFK? Picking out a flag for his coffin? They sure as hell weren’t trying to protect President Kennedy.

In fact, the FBI wasn’t anywhere near the law enforcement effort that took down Al Capone. Why? President Herbert Hoover kept them out. President Hoover considered them incompetent and corrupt. Hoover had the Treasury Department take out Capone instead. T-Man Eliot Ness and the Untouchables smashed Capone stills, raided his inventory of bad booze, and seized the trucks and equipment Capone’s people used to make the booze. This hurt Capone financially. Then a prosecutor brought the tax evasion charge against Scarface after tax agent Frank Wilson went thru a ledger seized in a raid and estimated Capone’s income from the figures in the record book.

Capone still got to the jury. This was Chicago, after all. So Judge James Wilkerson switched juries and Capone had to stand trial before guys who hadn’t been bribed or threatened. They convicted Capone, and Scarface eventually had to go to the federal pen on Alcatraz Island.

The FBI are worse than useless. As an agency they are a malignancy like cancer. They have to be cut out or burned out. Many of them, especially those at the top. are crooked cops. IMHO, Mueller by design forced many good men out when he required senior people to do tours in DC instead of leading agents in their home states. Many retired or went into other lines of work. Most of those who complied got promotions and are loyal to the hierarchy, not the people of this nation.

We are in the run-up to a second Civil War. In DC, it is President Trump, a few good members of House and the Senate, a couple of loyal Cabinet members and some of their agents and workers, and a couple of judges who are Americans and nationalists and Unionists.

The anti-American globalist side and their allies among the secessionists, nullifiers, and organized criminals consist of virtually everyone else in government, lobbying, government contracting, multinational corporations, and the higher levels of the media, the education profession, and Harveywood.

In DC and in the high-dollar suburban Beltway counties around DC in Northern Virginia and Maryland live thousand of power couples. They are interlinked thru colleges and country clubs and agency service. Tens of thousands of these people, and virtually all the top career government people and most judges, virtually all Democrats and about half the Republicans in Congress, and many of the top military officers and their spouses and the swarms of lobbyists and government contractors fit this mold and are in the Swamp.

Many of the high-dollar couples in DC and in the high-dollar suburban Beltway counties around DC in Northern Virginia and Maryland have a Republican partner and a Democrat partner. This is so regardless of party in power, they have entree into the Swamp. School ties and country club ties and agency ties link the high-dollar couples together to many more of their ilk. It’s a careerist mindset that IMHO is almost the moral equivalent of a cross between incest and bisexuality.

They are not misguided men and women of 19th Century honor like the officers and ladies of the Confederacy. No, these people are like the Copperheads in form and the fascists in substance.

The War Department used to have a series of films called “Know Your Enemy.”

So in that spirit, let’s talk a little about the fascist substance of the anti-American people in the coming Civil War.

Saturday afternoon, during lunch, I flipped on the tube and caught about a half-hour of a PBS show on Mussolini. They said Mussolini, a socialist revolutionary journalist, manipulated and suppressed the media, took over the schools, used street toughs to beat up and murder opponents, used the police as corrupt sluggers to coerce the public, put corrupt judges in place of honest judges, and tried to divert Italians from his failures by engaging in wars in Ethiopia and North Africa and Greece.

They mentioned Mussolini set an example for Hitler to follow. This is true. But they forgot to mention Hitler was more satanic than Mussolini, who was merely corrupt, bloodthirsty, vain, and authoritarian. Hitler was demoniacal.

Since they were PBS, they failed to mention those in the Establishment power structure in this nation also have a lot in common with Mussolini and Hitler.

Black-clad Antifa marchers arrive at Civic Center Park, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017, in a counter-protest against a planned alt-right rally in Berkeley, California. (Karl Mondon/Bay Area News Group)


The anti-American side in this nation, like Mussolini, co-ordinate with leftist media and suppress non-leftist thought. The Left has taken over the schools. Soros and the Democrats use street toughs to beat opponents. Democrat and RINO politicos use the FBI, NSA, and other government agents as corrupt sluggers to coerce the public and their political enemies. Democrats put corrupt judges and prosecutors in place of honest judges and prosecutors. The globalists seek endless wars, which kill good American men and women, and enrich defense contractors who donate to them or buy them.

The Deep State and the Swamp, who are on the globalist anti-American side of the coming Civil War, along with the anti- American secessionists and nullifiers who run places like California, New York City, New England, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Maryland, Northern Virginia, Chicago, the Twin Cities, Seattle, and Portland, have in common with the Nazis a maniacal devotion to evil, violence, and sexual perversion. Many Nazis, Hitler included, were homosexuals or bisexuals.

Anyone familiar with domestic violence and sexual violence studies and statistics will tell you a much larger percentage of homosexuals and lesbians are sexually violent to those of their own sex than heterosexual males and females are to members of the opposite sex. Various honest homosexuals and lesbians who legitimately want to fight sexual abuse admit this.

The anti-American side, like the Nazis, push euthanasia for those with disabilities and those who are “unwanted.” The Nazis viewed women as breeders, so they praised German births and forced abortions on captive Slavic and Jewish women. They valued German babies as future soldiers and mothers, not as human beings created in the image and likeness of God. Radical feminists in this country have devalued the worth of children, so they prefer to abort their own, and limit the numbers of children not their own. Politicians in New York, New England, California, and the lesser cities like Seattle, Portland, and the Twin Cities treat abortion like a secular sacrament.

Hitler loved animals but was indifferent to most people. He was a vegetarian who outlawed hunting. This is not unlike the PETA crowd and many on the Left.

Hitler was bisexual; he was marked as a homosexual when he was in the German Army in World War One. He had sex with Ernst Rohm and other male Nazis on his way up the Nazi ladder. His designs of Nazi uniforms was almost leather fetishistic in nature. He also had flings with women, and some of them turned up dead after they spoke about his bizarre and demeaning fetishes. Hitler, like Margaret Sanger’s mentor Havelock Ellis, was a coprophile and urophile.

Hitler also had an incest gear; he repeatedly molested his much younger niece Geli Raubal, who aspired to be a singer. He kept her in his apartment suite in Munich. She was found with a bullet in her chest and Hitler’s own pistol by her side in his suite in 1931; she had a broken nose and other injuries. Hitler claimed she committed suicide. Apparently Geli (in following picture) was pregnant, and intended to go back to Austria to have the baby and get out of his control. He apparently wanted her to undergo an abortion to cover up the pregnancy.

This happened before Hitler seized power; anti-Hitler Nazis planned to replace him if he was jailed or executed (by beheading) for murder. Rudolf Hess said he had to prevent Hitler from committing suicide. Hitler published a denial to being responsible for Geli’s death.

A Catholic priest in Austria named Father Johann Pant, was a friend of Geli’s who had heard her confessions; he questioned Nazis who had to flee Hitler when they angered him. Since Geli had shared her account of the depraved life Hitler had made her lead with several Nazis, as in Hitler had made several pornographic drawings of Geli and had made her perform sex acts she found repulsive, they were aware of how he had sexually abused his niece. Father Pant knew what Hitler had done to her. The priest buried Geli in a Catholic cemetery and said he would never bury a suicide in consecrated ground. He had to flee Austria when Hitler took it over in 1938. Father Pant lived until the 1960s. Former Nazi Otto Strasser during World War Two shared the info with Americans in the OSS who were psychologically profiling Hitler.

Hitler’s vegetarianism, excessive kindness to animals, and his bisexual kinks were the acts of someone who would receive little or no criticism from the Deep State about these habits. He would fit right in sexually with Harveywood, the Clintons, and other Establishment pervs.

So there is you enemy in a nutshell.

What can you do?

Pray, love your loved ones, and organize for the coming Civil War.

You will have to know which politicians to vote for and against.

You will have to have food, basic first aid supplies, and weapons for disruptions.

You will have to ally with groups in your area who want to do right.

I have recommended you read the Conservative Treehouse to follow the national news and get good explanations about the big picture. When you read “mainstream news,” realize they have an agenda and are often lying. Double-check what they say against reliable sources like the Daily Caller and World Net Daily and One America News Network. Breitbart gets overwrought at times, but often prints the news accurately.

For example, the lunatic mainstream media reported President Trump’s move to allow the reopening of the shut-down parts of the federal government for three weeks is a cave to the Democrats. This is not true.

President Trump is playing for time, and playing to put the anti-American members of Congress, such as virtually all Democrats, some RINO house members, and some quailing senators like Mitt Romney, Lamar Alexander, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins on the record. He knows Nancy Pelosi will block the use of the House of Representatives for a setting for his State of the Union address. (If Trump was a bad speaker, Pelosi would be happy to let him step in it in the House on national TV. That’s what Trump did in letting Ted Cruz set himself on fire before a national TV audience at the Republican Convention in 2016.)

President Trump also knows Mitch McConnell and other Swamp people in the Senate and Pelosi and most of the House will not allow funding for a physical wall. Another “caravan” of Central American criminals is heading north and there will be footage of these animals when the House and Senate again refuse to vote funds for the Wall.

To quote the President:

I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!

7:33 PM – Jan 25, 2019″

What does “Off to the races” mean?

On Thursday, the Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson’s on-line website, published a story saying Congressional researchers found out President Trump can build a border fence or wall without Congressional approval in order to stop drug trafficking routes. Our border with Mexico is one giant drug trafficking route. Therefore, they say, President Trump can build The Wall in accordance with a law okaying the Defense Department building barriers to interdict illicit drug flow..

Here’s the link:


Is the Daily Caller right?


I contacted attorney Dirk Van Capias on this matter, and he sent me back a portion of the US Code to affirm the Daily Caller article.

Federal law under Title 10, Armed Forces, says the following:

“10 U.S. Code § 284 – Support for counterdrug activities and activities to counter transnational organized crime

(a)Support to Other Agencies.—The Secretary of Defense may provide support for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of any other department or agency of the Federal Government or of any State, local, tribal, or foreign law enforcement agency for any of the purposes set forth in subsection (b) or ( c), as applicable, if—

(1) in the case of support described in subsection (b), such support is requested—

(A) by the official who has responsibility for the counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of the department or agency of the Federal Government, in the case of support for other departments or agencies of the Federal Government; or

(B) by the appropriate official of a State, local, or tribal government, in the case of support for State, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies; or

(2) in the case of support described in subsection ( c), such support is requested by an appropriate official of a department or agency of the Federal Government, in coordination with the Secretary of State, that has counterdrug responsibilities or responsibilities for countering transnational organized crime.

(b)Types of Support for Agencies of United States.—The purposes for which the Secretary may provide support under subsection (a) for other departments or agencies of the Federal Government or a State, local, or tribal law enforcement agencies, are the following:

(1) The maintenance and repair of equipment that has been made available to any department or agency of the Federal Government or to any State, local, or tribal government by the Department of Defense for the purposes of—

(A) preserving the potential future utility of such equipment for the Department of Defense; and

(B) upgrading such equipment to ensure compatibility of that equipment with other equipment used by the Department.

(2) The maintenance, repair, or upgrading of equipment (including computer software), other than equipment referred to in paragraph (1) for the purpose of—

(A) ensuring that the equipment being maintained or repaired is compatible with equipment used by the Department of Defense; and

(B) upgrading such equipment to ensure the compatibility of that equipment with equipment used by the Department.

(3) The transportation of personnel of the United States and foreign countries (including per diem expenses associated with such transportation), and the transportation of supplies and equipment, for the purpose of facilitating counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime within or outside the United States.

(4) The establishment (including an unspecified minor military construction project) and operation of bases of operations or training facilities for the purpose of facilitating counterdrug activities or activities to counter transnational organized crime of the Department of Defense or any Federal, State, local, or tribal law enforcement agency within or outside the United States.

(5) Counterdrug or counter-transnational organized crime related training of law enforcement personnel of the Federal Government, of State, local, and tribal governments, including associated support expenses for trainees and the provision of materials necessary to carry out such training.

(6) The detection, monitoring, and communication of the movement of—

(A) air and sea traffic within 25 miles of and outside the geographic boundaries of the United States; and

(B) surface traffic outside the geographic boundary of the United States and within the United States not to exceed 25 miles of the boundary if the initial detection occurred outside of the boundary.

(7) Construction of roads and fences and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the United States.

(8) Establishment of command, control, communications, and computer networks for improved integration of law enforcement, active military, and National Guard activities.

(9) The provision of linguist and intelligence analysis services.

(10) Aerial and ground reconnaissance.”

Sorry you had to read thru the law. Paragraph (7) is President Trump’s EFF YOU to Pelosi, Schumer, and the RINOs.

There is another possibility.

A few months ago I wrote about certain church group parasites (the Baptists are by far the worst, but Catholics and Lutherans get dishonorable mention for their greed also) who profiteered on government contracts to resettle alien foreigners in America. They get money, and the local taxpayers have to pay for the social services the aliens suck. The locals have to put up with higher crime and higher health care costs.

Nonprofit group scammers without religious ties do it too, but they are garden-variety scumbags who have discovered a lucrative racket. Religious group are supposed to believe in the Ten Commandments, especially the ones that forbid stealing, lying, and coveting.

A cause group got a number of documents in a FOIA request from the Feds recently, that covered Obama’s administration. The group had some youngsters passed off as experts who couldn’t decipher what they had. I charged them some money to scan and analyze the documents. I was able to determine the Obama administration was paying these greedy contractors north of $40,000 per niño and niña to settle unaccompanied alien children with “sponsors.” Of course, then the parents would try to come into America and grift.

This is why so many Islamists from Bosnia and the Middle East ended up in places like Idaho and Utah to molest and kill women and children. The Bushes and the Clintons also imported so many Somalis into Minnesota that the white-bread white leftists of that state have joined the unassimilated immigrants in electing a Somali Islamist Jew hater and ISIS apologist to Congress.

Minneapolis’ former police chief (and out lesbian) Janee Harteau boogies clumsily with other women at a street event. Photo from MInnesota Public Broadcasting.


A Somali named Mohamed Noor who lesbian police chief Janee Harteau foolishly allowed to become Minneapolis cop shot dead a white Australian woman named Justine Diamond when she came to report an attempted rape. The female mayor of Minneapolis, who praised the hiring of Noor, made Ms. Harteau resign because even she realized this was a threat to her re-election effort. Ms. Harteau, when not presumably using her handcuffs and billy club for extracurricular activities, had okayed the accelerated training and hiring of Noor, even though two psychiatrists questioned his suitability of becoming a policeman in America.

(Sources: Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 7/23/2017 and 9/6/2018, and New York Times, 7/21/2017)

Why do I mention this?

Because President Trump views declaring a national emergency as a last resort. The new caravan of criminals from Central America will be hitting the border about the time the Dems and the RINOs decide not to fund the border wall. This will strengthen the President’s hand.

But in the President’s speech Friday during Rush Hour in the Eastern Time Zone, he delivered a shot across the bow to people who could read and listen.

Here it is:

“Without new resources from Congress, we will be forced to release these people into communities — something we don’t want to do — called catch-and-release. You catch them. Even if they are criminals, you then release them. And you can’t release them from where they came, so they go into our country and end up in places you would least suspect. And we do as little releasing as possible, by they’re coming by the hundreds of thousands.

I have had zero Democrat lawmakers volunteer to have them released into their districts or states. And I think they know that, and that’s what we’re going to be discussing over the next three weeks.”

President Trump is threatening to release alien criminals who judges allow to stay into states and congressional districts of his opponents. Odds are they will be more prone to rape, rob, and murder people in areas that sent these anti-Americans to the House and Senate.

President Trump could decide to drop the alien criminals in districts which barely went Democrat in the 2018 elections. Then he could tie the criminals to the Democrat members of Congress, making it harder for them to win re-election in 2020. After all, patriots like Louie Gohmert and Jim Jordan and Duncan Hunter oppose illegal immigration and support The Wall — why should the people who were smart enough to put them and others like them in office have to suffer the problems illegals pose to their safety, their schools, and their health care?

One GOP state that could host a boatload of these criminals is Utah. President Trump can flip off Mitt Romney and the people who put Mitt the Catcher in the Senate.

Romney’s great-grandfather was a degenerate polygamist who fled with his sister wives to Mexico when federal authorities finally started cracking down on the evil practice of the wealthier followers of Bring ‘em in Young.

Mitt Romney’s father George was born in Mexico due to the fugitive status of his polygamous ancestor. IMHO, he ran for president illegally. However, since George Romney admitted he was brainwashed, he posed no threat to win the GOP nomination. So the Dems kept quiet.

Romney opposes The Wall. Utah has plenty of open space to house our Latin American and Islamist brothers and sisters. Let the people of the state who sent this arrogant human hemorrhoid to the Senate deal with the result of his policies.

Meanwhile, President Trump will, in the name of using defense spending for The Wall to block drug trafficking routes, will bring our men and women home from Syria and Afghanistan. Donald Trump is also in the mold of Zachary Taylor, in trying to avoid war unless national safety and national honor is at stake. Trump is not a warmonger. The globalist anti-Americans in the Swamp and the Deep State and elsewhere on the anti-American New Copperhead side are.

President Trump may not have to resort to declaring a national emergency. The drug wall law, and the threat of flooding congressional districts with alien criminals may get the job done.

President Trump can also stop wasteful government spending by suspending the use of military planes for congressional travel. Nancy Pelosi and her winged monkeys will be upset having to use their own money for travel and alcohol and hookers.

He can also forbid Secret Service members from accompanying Bill and Hillary to Jeffrey Epstein’s Island of Underage Girls. The Secret Service should not be aiding and abetting the sexual abuse of underage girls by a former president and First Lady.

In other heartening news, this from TV station WCPO in Cincinnati, 1/23/2019:

“As Covington Catholic High School welcomed back students Wednesday for the first time since viral videos stirred up a social media frenzy, investigators were trying to track down people who made threats against the school and some of its students.

Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders said it’s the largest-scale investigation he’s ever seen in the county. Threats came in from across the country by phone, email and social media. Sanders said the investigation could take weeks, or even months.

“It’s not a fast process,” he said. “A lot of people think that we can just run right out and arrest a Twitter handle. It’s not that easy. We have to go out, we have to find out who owns that Twitter handle. We have to find out what IP address was being used.”

Sanders wouldn’t say exactly how many threats were made, but said they were “numerous.” Several different agencies are assisting his office in the investigation, he said.

“The bottom line is, we either have the resources here or we know where to find them,” Sanders said. “We’re going to make that make that happen. It’s going to take some time, but we’re going to pursue every possible case we can.”

Investigators will be going through all the messages and picking out the ones that violate the law, Sanders said. There are tens of thousands of emails alone. That will take some time to go through.

While investigators are working on picking out all the threats, student safety remains the priority. CovCath had a heavy police presence outside the school Wednesday. Unscheduled visitors were not allowed.

“Our number one priority from day one was making sure the students could return to school safely and get back to their studies and their classes without any concern that they were in harm’s way or in danger of any kind,” Sanders said.”

A follow-up from WCPO-TV on 1/24/2019 was this:

The family of 16-year-old Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann … on Thursday hired a Georgia attorney known for aggressive libel and slander suits against media organizations.

L. Lin Wood, nicknamed “attorney for the damned” by former CBS anchor Dan Rather, visited the Sandmann family earlier in the day [in Cincinnati], according to a news release from Sandmann family attorney Todd McMurtry.

Wood “often (seeks) eye-popping damages for those he believes have been libeled or slandered in the press,” according to a 2011 Washington Post article about his defense of Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain. (Cain had been facing accusations of sexual harassment that derailed his campaign.)

Other notable clients include the family of JonBenet Ramsey, who were suspects in the child pageant queen’s murder, and Richard Jewell, a Centennial Olympic Park guard misidentified as having bombed his workplace in 1996.

Sandmann traveled with classmates to Washington, D.C., to participate in Saturday’s March for Life. The group was filmed later that day outside the Lincoln Memorial, where bellicose members of a fringe …. movement called the Black Hebrew Israelites began insulting them as well as nearby Native American activists participating in the Indigenous Peoples March for the rights of native communities.

The students and the Black Hebrew Israelites exchanged chants. [The Black Israelites basically called the kids crackers and fags. The media people didn’t condemn them for homophobia because they were attacking Catholic pro-lifers from Kentucky.] The Native American activists, among them Omaha tribe elder Nathan Phillips, entered the crowd in what Phillips described as an effort to defuse the mounting confrontation. He played a traditional drum and sang as he walked through the Covington group.

It was at this point Sandmann, wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap, was recorded smiling and standing less than a foot from Phillips’ face while he continued to sing.

(Then came a long explanation of the videos that got leftists, RINOs, and the cowardly bishops of Covington and Lexington to attack Nick Sandmann and the other high school kids.)”

Some celebs are starting to apologize because they don’t want to lose a libel or a defamation suit. Hopefully their unmentionables will be in the wringer anyway. I hope that lawyer can take megamillions from the scumbags and newspeople who slurred Sandmann and the other boys.

Likewise for the criminals who threatened the boys’ safety, the school, and the families. They need to be fined and jailed in Kentucky, where things aren’t so nice for convicts. The out-of-state criminals will be penned in federal pens upon conviction and sentencing. Odds are good their cellmates with be violent criminal aliens … on the same side of the bars as they are.

Vocabulary review for this post:

You decent Americans, President Trump, and the relatively few politicians, Cabinet members and some agents and workers in their agencies, most Border Patrol people, and most sheriffs and deputies and most police officers and other first responders and most soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are on the American side. You are all Unionists and nationalists. Red states are free states.

All you pro-American pro-Trump Southerners out there, welcome to the New Union. Your Rebel ancestors, while serving a bad cause, at least were real men, not skulking slithering Copperheads. For those unaware of American history, the vast majority of white males of military service age in the Confederate states served in their military. Our fellow Americans were our toughest enemies; the Civil War was by far the worst bloodletting in America’s history. We lost fewer men and killed far more of the enemy in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, both World Wars, and the Korean War combined than we did in the Civil War. When we are divided, we kill each other. When we are united, we can do damn near anything.

On the anti-American side are globalist side and their allies among the secessionists, nullifiers, and organized criminals who consist of virtually everyone else in government, lobbying, government contracting, multinational corporations, and the higher levels of the media, the education profession, and Harveywood.

In DC and in the high-dollar suburban Beltway counties around DC in Northern Virginia and Maryland live thousand of power couples. They are interlinked thru colleges and country clubs and agency service. Tens of thousands of these people, and virtually all the top career government people and most judges, virtually all Democrats and about half the Republicans in Congress, and many of the top military officers and their spouses and the swarms of lobbyists and government contractors fit this mold and are in the Swamp.

They embrace fascist control tactics, and Nazi devotion to evil, violence, and sexual perversion. They hate what makes America great. In short, they are the New Copperheads.


We can hope for a sign. Maybe the New Copperheads will rush into the Potomac River and other convenient bodies of water and drown, like the demonically-possessed swine that they are.

Odds are we won’t be let off the hook that easily.

Joan of Arc told her troops God would give them the victories but they still had to live clean lives, train hard, and go out into battle and earn the victories. She wasn’t standing around waiting for the Rapture.

As her fellow warrior St. Ignatius of Loyola would say sone years later, we need to pray as if everything depends upon God and work as if everything depends upon us.



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