• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


January24/ 2019

The clown car known as the group of Democratic presidential candidates just picked up some more Bozos.

Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, threw his thong into the ring. He went to Harvard and Oxford and served in Navy Intelligence. However, he apparently flunked anatomy. Butt-gig is young, openly gay, civilly united to another fruitcake, and a darling of some of the Silicon Valley robber baron pervs who think he’s cute.

Meanwhile, many in his city say the roads look like IEDs blew up the blacktop. I agree with them. 99 and I were there on business last fall. South Bend is also in the top 20 in terms of violent crimes per resident.

(Source: Breitbart, 1/23/2019)

Democrat voter? Or the unveiling of the next Dem running for President?


Cue Judy Collins’ “Send in the Clowns” while we cover which Democrats are running for president so far.

Kirsten Gillibrand, the spawn of two attorneys, was a congresswoman until the governor of New York gave her the New York Senate seat Hillary stained when the First Witch became Obama’s Secretary of State. Kirsten looks like a lot of suburban women who have a jones for “Fifty Shades of Gray” and their golden retrievers. She spoke out against sex abuse in the military but kept the ball gag in her mouth about sexually abusive Dems like Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Janet Reno, who had more power and seniority than she when they were in office.

Lieawatha Warren, also a declared candidate, made big wampum paying lowball prices for properties from old people in Oklahoma and flipping them into lucrative deals for herself. Lieawatha has a number of nicknames, ranging from “Great White Sow” to some vulgar ones ending in “Beaver.”

(Sources: Jerry Kronenberg’s 6/2/2012 Boston Herald article and Jillian Kay Melchior and Eliana Johnson’s 5/27/2015 National Review article.)

Beta O’Rourke, former congressman from El Paso, is the Pretty Boy who hopes to win the Dems’ hearts like Ricky Martin. His run will be like when Marco Rubio tried to fire up Republican cougars, no, even older females in the Carly Fiorina age bracket like a pool boy.

Sherrod “Wife Beater” Brown and Joe “Dopey Gropey” Biden think they can pry working Americans away from President Trump’s base. Neither man is charismatic, and both are old. President Trump will expose their weaknesses in beating and groping …. and in abandoning American workers when the globalist Clintons and Obama and Soros and all the Silicon Valley robber barons demanded the Democrats abandon American blue-collar workers.

Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), who served with a MASH unit in Iraq during the endless wars in that part of the world, is too often guilty of rational thought for other Democrats’ tastes. Tulsi was home-schooled until she did two years at an all-girls missionary high school in the Philippines. She is Hindu, like her white mother from Indiana (the state where South Bend is). Her father is a Samoan (I have never met a Samoan who wasn’t tough) and is Catholic. He is a pro-life and pro-family politician. Tulsi was pro-family, until she wanted to run for Congress. She is having to apologize for being an opponent of gay “marriage.” The Ellen and Maude set and the Chipper and Dustin set have been beating her with their purses and sex toys.

Another on the list of pretenders is Julian “Fidel” Castro. He was mayor of San Antonio, then the HUD Secretary for President Obama. He likes the White House, having served Bill Clinton as an intern there. (Hold off on the intern and cigar jokes.)

What does Castro have to offer besides a last name that sexually excites many Democrats?

Hillary hovers like a buzzard over the Democrats’ Clown Car. She needs to look for campaign buses that aren’t incontinent, like this one. It was filmed dumping filth in Georgia in 2016.

Let’s now talk about the star of the circus who might actually get the Democrats’ nomination to lose to President Trump in 2020.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the center ring swallowing swords, Miss Kamala Harris!

While it would be easy to say Kamala got ahead of women worthier than herself by becoming powerful California politician Willie Brown’s young mistress, we’ll avoid that angle in today’s column. We will avoid the urge to call her “Kamala Toe.” Americans forgive social climbing whores if they use their power properly.

Willie Brown and Kamala Kameleon. Photo by AP.


Instead, let’s focus on the public record. Ignore the smokescreens and lounge music and cheap glamor shots of this floozy. The public record says Kamala’s a power-hungry and incompetent attorney general who let rapists run free in California before the knotheads in that state sent her to DC.

Kamala Harris won election as California’s Attorney General in 2010. Kamala won re-election in 2014, and drew a paycheck as California’s Attorney General until she ran for the US Senate in 2016 and won election to that body of overpaid quislings.

While Kamala was state Attorney General, she postured about being a feminist, a woman who cared about other women. She is a radical pro-abort. She took money from Planned Parenthood. She repaid their renting of her body in spades when she got a state law changed which allowed her and her successor AG (secessionist Xavier Becerra) to raid the home of a guy who caught Planned Parenthood personnel offering to sell aborted baby body parts, and then charge the citizen muckraker as a felon. (His trial is pending.)

Kamala didn’t do her job in the most basic way imaginable. And because of Kamala’s negligence and the negligence of county prosecutors and police forces in the state (which she evidently did nothing to rectify), thousands of women and girls in California were raped or sexually abused, and their abusers ran free.

The Joyful Heart Foundation, affiliated with actress Mariska Hargitay, has an initiative called “End the Backlog.” The website www.endthebacklog.org noted there were more than 13,000 backlogged rape kits in the hands of California authorities in 2018. That’s a low estimate – they have not gotten any feedback from L.A. County or some of the other large counties in the state..

Here’s more from the “End The Backlog” people.

They consider a rape kit “untested” if the police have not submitted it to a crime lab for testing within 10 days of booking it into evidence. This is part of the backlog.

They consider a rape kit “backlogged” if it hasn’t been tested 30 days or more after the police have sent it to a crime lab for testing.

It is a very humiliating process for women and girl and boy victims to submit to being processed for the rape kit. The females’ vaginas are probed; all victims’ rectums and mouths are probed. On top of it, many jurisdictions charge the victims hundreds of dollars to look for the rapist’s DNA.

(Source: Kris Van Cleave, CBS, 11/12/2014)

From the “End the Backlog” people, this:

“Every 98 seconds, someone is sexually assaulted in the United States. In the immediate aftermath of a sexual assault, a victim may choose—or may be asked—to undergo a forensic examination to collect any evidence left behind in the assault. A doctor or nurse will conduct the four- to six-hour examination, and will preserve this evidence in a sexual assault evidence collection kit, commonly referred to as a rape kit. If a survivor chooses to report the rape to the police, the evidence in the rape kit can be one a very powerful tool to bring a perpetrator to justice.”

“First, the examiner obtains a thorough medical history from the victim. The victim stands on a large sheet of paper while undressing in order to catch any hair or fiber evidence that may fall from her or his body. The victim’s clothing and the sheet are collected for testing of hair, fibers and any additional evidence. During the physical examination, any injuries from the attack are documented and treated, and evidence is collected. The examiner collects biological evidence, such as saliva, blood, semen, urine, skin cells and hair by taking swabs of the victim’s skin, genitalia, anus and mouth, scraping under the victim’s fingernails and combing through the victim’s hair. The victim’s body is photographed head to toe to preserve evidence of bruising and injuries. It is important to note that any or all parts of this examination can be declined at any point. When the rape kit exam is complete, the evidence collected is carefully packaged and labeled to prevent contamination.

The contents of the kit vary from state to state, but most kits include the following items:

Detailed instructions for the examiner
Forms for documenting the procedure and evidence gathered
Tubes and containers for blood and urine samples
Paper bags for collecting clothing and other physical evidence
Swabs for biological evidence collection
A large sheet of paper on which the victim undresses to collect hairs and fibers
Dental floss and wooden sticks for fingernail scrapings
Glass slides
Sterile water and saline (solution)
Envelopes, boxes and labels for each of the various stages of the exam

While any doctor or nurse can perform the examination by following the instructions provided in the kit, some hospitals have specially trained personnel on staff called Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners (SAFEs) or Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANEs) to perform the rape kit examination. Research shows that programs with trained examiners significantly increase evidence collection and investigation in sexual assault cases, which results in significantly higher prosecution rates. Further, SANEs and SAFEs are trained to conduct exams that are sensitive, dignified and reduce trauma.”

My only complaint with the description is the sexual assault frequency. By our estimation, based upon police evidence, there are between 700,000 and 800,000 sexual assault victims minimum per year. (This does not count prison rapes, which almost always involve perpetrators and victims of the same sex.) Of the victims, about 350,000 to 400,000 victims are girls (females below 18) and another 90,000 to 105,000 are boys (males below 18).

Doing the math, there are 31,536,000 seconds in a year. This means there is a unique sexual assault victim every 39 to 45 seconds. Since the average child is victimized multiple times, the frequency is higher.

The “End the Backlog” website noted the following:

“In 2018, California enacted a law which requires medical facilities, law enforcement agencies, and crime laboratories to conduct an audit of untested rape kits in their possession and report certain data to the California Department of Justice by July 2019.

S.B. 1449, a bill that would have required law enforcement to submit rape kits to crime labs for testing within 20 days of collection and crime labs to test kits within 120 days of receipt, passed the California legislature unanimously but was vetoed by Governor Jerry Brown.

The 2018 state budget included $1 million to conduct the inventory and $6.5 million to test backlogged kits.

In 2014, The Accountability Project issued an open records request to bring the number of untested rape kits in San Diego to light. Through this request, we uncovered a backlog of 2,873 untested kits in San Diego.

In 2015, The Accountability Project issued open records requests to Fresno, Sacramento, and San Jose:

Between December 2015 and June 2016, Joyful Heart submitted four records request letters to the Fresno Police Department (FPD). FPD has not fully responded to any of our records requests. According to the California Department of Justice, grant funding from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office was partially used to process 561 previously untested rape kits from FPD.

Through our efforts, we have learned that the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department (SCSD) submitted 62% of all rape kits received between 2005 and 2015 to the lab for testing. As of January 2016, SCSD reported 456 untested rape kits. Since 2013, SCSD submits all newly collected kits for testing, and they are in the process of submitting previously untested kits to the lab at this time.

Sacramento Police Department (SPD) did not fully respond to our request. SPD stated that they have “no documents responsive” to the total number of kits in their custody, tested or untested. SPD took no additional measures to attempt to provide this information. As such, we were unable to ascertain the number and testing status of rape kits in the custody of SPD.

The San Jose Police Department (SJPD) has not fully responded to our request. Through our efforts, we discovered that SJPD did not have an evidence tracking system for rape kits until mid-2012, and it appears that SJPD does not know how many rape kits were received into evidence before then. SJPD did report to us that, as of January 1, 2016, the department will submit all newly collected kits to the lab for testing.

(Comment: The San Jose police and city leaders are being sued by Trump supporters who police funneled into a hostile mob. San Jose leaders have multiple problems enforcing the law and protecting citizens. Their apparent misconduct in this matter is no surprise to HTBYOD.)

In 2017, The Accountability Project (of the End the Backlog people) issued open records requests to Bakersfield, Long Beach, Oxnard, Redding, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, Shasta County, and Stockton:

Based on data provided, Bakersfield Police Department (BPD) received a total of 1,165 rape kits between 2003 and 2017, and submitted just 48% of these kits to the lab for testing. BPD stated that data provided includes rape kits collected from all offenses, including homicides.

Long Beach Police Department (LBPD) provided a table showing a total of 1,657 rape kits collected between July 1993 and August 2017.

It was not clear how many of these kits were submitted to a lab for testing, and LBPD did not provide clarification. Because of this incomplete information, we have been unable to determine the extent of the backlog in Long Beach.

Based on data provided, Oxnard Police Department (OPD) received 490 rape kits between 1997 and mid-2017, and submitted 77.8% of these kits for testing. 88 kits were not sent to the lab, and 21 kits are unaccounted for in the data we received. OPD did not respond to our follow-up efforts.

Based on data provided, Redding Police Department (RPD) received 621 rape kits between 2000 and 2017, 167 of which have not been submitted to the lab for processing. RBD was unable to determine whether the 298 kits destroyed during this time were tested.

San Bernardino Police Department (SBPD) provided evidence management system records of all sexual assault kits received between 1984 and 2011. These records do not indicate whether the kits were submitted for testing. Despite follow-up efforts, we were unable to determine the extent of the backlog in San Bernardino.

The Santa Cruz Police Department (SCPD) provided a list of kits in inventory without collection date or testing status. In subsequent communication, the Deputy City Attorney stated that identifying collection date and testing status for these kits “would require a manual search of these case reports.” Despite our efforts, we were unable to obtain complete information about the backlog in Santa Cruz.

Shasta County Sheriff’s Office (SCSO) indicated they do not possess documentation of the number of rape kits collected, submitted for testing, or not submitted for testing. As such, we are unable to determine the extent of the backlog in Shasta County.

Based on data provided, Stockton Police Department (SPD) received 481 rape kits between 2010 and 2017, and submitted 96% of these kits for testing, leaving a backlog of 19 unsubmitted rape kits.

Federal Grants

In 2015, the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office awarded funding to several agencies in California:

The California Department of Justice was awarded $1,606,239 to test 2,000 rape kits statewide;

The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office was awarded $835,830 to test 1,075 rape kits;
The Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office was awarded $1,841,535 to test 2,400 kits; and The Riverside Police Department was awarded $433,800 to test 650 kits.

In 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) awarded Orange County $1,864,651 to process nearly 3,600 unprocessed kits, investigate and prosecute cases, and re-engage survivors.

In 2018, BJA awarded the City of Fresno $1 million to test kits, investigate and prosecute cases, and re-engage survivors.”

The “End the Backlog” people apparently didn’t seek records from Los Angeles area police forces, or Orange County, Riverside County, San Francisco, Alameda (Oakland) County, or Contra Costa County police forces.

So despite getting out-of-state money, and enacting window-dressing laws, California authorities, including top law enforcer Kamala Harris, didn’t solve the backlog problem. Hollywood types and other rapists vote too, and they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. This is why Democrats spearhead drives to let felons vote.

Illegals vote too, and they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. A lot of them are rapists also. Maybe sloughing off on testing rape kits is Kamala’s way of taking care of her base.


Who is Mariska Hargitay? She’s an actress who plays a sex crimes investigator on TV.

As a young girl, Mariska was at the scene of a very infamous incident. She was in the back seat of a Buick that ran under a truck near New Orleans in early 1967. She and two of her brothers, also young children, suffered wounds. The three adults in the front seat died in the wreck. Among them was her mother Jayne Mansfield.

Jayne either lost her head (by decapitation) in the wreck, or suffered something even more gruesome – impact so hard it forced her brain out of her skull.

Jayne’s hideous death led to a law ordering the installation of “Mansfield bars” on the rears of truck trailers to prevent such a recurrence.

Barry and Mariska air-kiss.


Is Mariska a Republican? Hardly. She gave $5000 to Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign committee, according to the group Open Secrets. She also endorsed Hillary Clinton when she ran against Donald Trump in 2016. Mariska did so in an editorial article in Elle Magazine, 10/17/2016.

In this article, Mariska wrote: “Whether it is arguing for change in how campuses address the epidemic of sexual assault, drawing attention to the use of rape as a weapon of war, or advocating for the criminal justice system to do all that it can to ensure victims of sexual assault have full access to all the tools at law enforcement’s disposal, including the mandatory testing of all rape kits, Hillary has a vision and a plan for action. And after a lifetime dedicated to working for the rights of women and girls, her vision and her plan are informed, hard-won, and comprehensive.”

Did Hillary have compromising photos or other evidence on Mariska? Or is the actress so much of a bubblehead that she is unaware Hillary is the wife of a rapist, a lawyer for rapists, and a friend of serial actress abuser Harvey Weinstein? Is she aware Hillary’s vision and plan for action was to slime every woman who Bill ever raped or otherwise sexually abused? And is the woman who plays a sex crimes detective on TV aware Hillary defended the rapist of 12-year-old Kathy Shelton, and the rapist’s underpants, which had Kathy’s blood on them, magically disappeared from law enforcement custody? Is Mariska aware Hillary called the girl, who was a virgin till Hillary’s client raped her, a liar and tried to have Kathy undergo psychiatric testing by court order?

Victims of the Clintons, who were Donald Trump’s guests at the second debate. From left, Paula Jones (in red), Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathy Shelton (in blue).


Acting is a fabulous bills-payer for those who can get gigs. People think Mariska is a good actress. Mariska is OK with sex offenders, as long as they have hiring authority, money, and/or membership in the Democratic Party.

However, Mariska’s group did a good job exposing the lack of investigation into rapists the police and prosecutors have done in the last decade. For that they are to be commended. In six of those 10 years, Kamala was the top law enforcement agent in a state with severe problems in that regard.


Let’s assume for a moment Mariska Hargitay’s people are overzealous. (I believe they are not, based on my own calculations, but let’s argue the point for the sake of argument.)

What do media outlets in California say about rape kit testing?

Martin Macias, in the 4/25/2018 Courthouse News, reported this:

“The Los Angeles Police Department will use a grant from a national criminal justice research group to clear a backlog of over 500 investigations awaiting DNA testing results after the City Council voted Wednesday to accept the funds.

The $1 million grant comes from the National Institute of Justice, a crime research organization helping law enforcement implement science-based policing. The NIJ grant will support the LAPD’s efforts to clear a backlog of cases stalled by inefficient DNA testing operations.

A Dec. 6 letter from LA Police Chief Charlie Beck said the grant will allow the LAPD to clear “at least 522 additional DNA cases” from its backlog.

“The grant award will also increase laboratory capacity to meet existing and future demand for DNA screening and testing,” Beck said in the letter to the Board of Police Commissioners.

The grant program supports law enforcement departments with existing crime labs to “process, record, screen, and analyze forensic DNA and DNA database samples,” according to a report by Richard Llewellyn, the city’s administrative officer.

Funds will be used for salaries, travel for training workshops, equipment and other costs at LAPD’s Forensic Science Division and Serology/DNA Unit, according to the report. About $640,000 will go toward salaries and $267,000 toward equipment, the report said. The grant will cover “support staff to process DNA cases on an overtime basis; travel and registration expenses for the continuing education of DNA analysts,” Llewellyn said.

Llewellyn’s report noted the city will not have to match the grant amount, which will cover the period of Jan. 1, 2018 through Dec. 31, 2019.

DNA testing entered the national spotlight Wednesday when Joseph James DeAngelo, thought to be the so-called Golden State Killer, was arrested on suspicion of committing 12 murders and 45 rapes throughout California in the 1970s and 80s.

His DNA sample linked him to as many as 175 crimes spanning two decades across the state.

At a press conference in Sacramento Wednesday, Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, joined by other law enforcement officials, said the investigation gave the state a “strong incentive” to update the statewide DNA database, which he said has 2 million profiles.

Rackauckas said he worked with family members of DeAngelo’s victims to pass legislation that would require every felon’s DNA to be entered in the state’s database.

It’s not clear how many untested sexual assault kits are on backlogs across California. The Joyful Heart Foundation, which tracks rape kit backlogs across the U.S, estimated 13,000 kits remain untested in the state (as of early 2018).

Kits contain swabs and other materials used to preserve evidence from a victim’s body after an attack, and can cost about $500 to $1,500 to test.

A bill from Assemblyman David Chiu, D-San Francisco, would require more than 500 law enforcement, crime labs and other agencies in California to report to the United States Department of Justice by July 2019 how many untested kits they have. Chiu’s bill would apply to all sexual assault kits collected on or after January 2018.

NIJ’s website says no industry-wide definition of what constitutes a backlog exists, but the organization defines it as a kit “that has not been completed within 30 days of receipt in the laboratory.” Backlogs are split into two categories: DNA evidence collected at crime scenes and DNA samples taken directly from arrestees or offenders, according to the NIJ.

An NIJ official did not respond by press time to further inquiry about DNA testing and clearing backlogs.

The current grant to the LAPD would not cover “untested evidence stored in” LAPD facilities, which is not considered in backlog counts.

NIJ is part of the Office of Justice Programs, a branch of the United States Department of Justice.”

Polly Klaas.  Rape and murder victim, California. Rest in peace, Polly, child of God!


Angela Hart had this to say in the Sacramento Bee 4/26/2018:

“Law enforcement officials said a major break leading to the arrest of Joseph James DeAngelo was made possible, in large part, by DNA evidence tied to old crimes carried out by the suspected rapist and killer.

California has an estimated 13,615 untested rape kits, according to the Joyful Heart Foundation, a sexual assault advocacy group that is leading a national campaign called “End the Backlog.” The nonprofit tracks local and statewide statistics on untested rape kits and advocates for policies to speed up testing.

“There’s never been a statewide inventory in California,” said Ilse Knecht, director of policy and advocacy for the foundation.

A pair of bills moving through the Legislature seek to address the state’s historic problems with untested rape kits. Assembly Bill 1138 from Assemblyman David Chiu, D-San Francisco, would require a statewide audit of all untested kits, providing a more accurate count how many there are and how far they date back. Senate Bill 1449 from state Sen. Connie Leyva, D-Chino, would require California law enforcement agencies to test rape kits.

At present, testing is voluntary (by law enforcement agencies).

The legislation from Leyva would also appropriate $2 million to the state Department of Justice, which would assist local law enforcement agencies with compliance. The bill is holding in the Senate Appropriations Committee, with an estimated cost of $6 million. Gubernatorial candidate and state Treasurer John Chiang on Thursday said California has enough money now to end the backlog.

“As our state treasurer, I can tell you without hesitation, we have the funds to immediately test these rape kits,” Chiang said at a press conference at the Capitol.

Chiang said it would cost $5 million to $13 million to test the rape kits. He said California could pay for it from this year’s general fund surplus.

“We refuse to let rape kit backlog grow any larger,” he said. He said if elected (governor), he’d immediately fund testing of all rape kits.”

Chiang didn’t make it. Gavin (Any Twosome) Newsom is now the governor of the Golden State.

Note that when Kamala Harris left to become a senator, the backlog was huge and there were no laws in place making the police do the right thing. Nor was there a statewide inventory of rape kits.

Police in California gripe that they don’t have the time or money for rape kit testing.

Yet they got plenty of money, and fighting rape is one of their most important jobs.

(Comment; This is why I advocate making sex offenders pay for their monitoring. They should also be assessed to pay for the rape kit lab work.)

Bear in mind California probation and parole officers are sad sacks who don’t check on sex offenders.


Convicted rapist John Gardner lived near a school and got onto the grounds of a prison after his parole, state parole officials admitted. His parole officers overlooked these items. Gardner raped and beheaded Amber Dubois, 14, in early 2009, and then raped and strangled Chelsea King, 17, in early 2010, no thanks to his parole nonsupervision.

Sad-eyed Amber Dubois. Rape and murder victim, California. Rest in peace, Amber, child of God!


California Inspector General David Shaw in 2010 detailed the parole officers’ failings in a report ironically titled “The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s Supervision of John Gardner.”

(Comment: Amber Dubois’ case is personal to me. The same law enforcement agency mental midgets who treated this poor girl like a hillbilly runaway left my brother Bryan’s body unsecured like an animal days earlier, and falsely and evilly claimed it was OK because he was a retard. (Bryan didn’t show up for his job as a maintenance man and guide at a county park. He had died in his sleep.) The government assholes were lying … Bryan had an associate’s degree in wildlife management, and had passed civil service tests to earn the job he had. In Bryan’s home the government assholes saw several hundred college level books and a computer he had built himself. Also, even if someone is retarded, there is no excuse for government agents to treat him or her without dignity. I gave a sworn statement of San Diego County authorities’ negligence to Amber’s mother to show the agency’s misconduct was a pattern.)


Did things improve after Kamala Harris took office in January 2011?

Per a Fox 2/25/2014 report, this:

“Nearly 1,400 lifers in California’s prisons have been released over the past three years in a sharp turnaround in a state where murderers and others sentenced to life with the possibility of parole almost never got out.

Since taking office three years ago, Gov. Jerry Brown has affirmed 82 percent of parole board decisions, resulting in a record number of inmates with life sentences going free.

Brown’s predecessor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, authorized the release of 557 lifers during his six-year term, sustaining the board at a 27 percent clip. Before that, Gov. Gray Davis over three years approved the release of two.

This dramatic shift in releases under Brown comes as the state grapples with court orders to ease a decades-long prison crowding crisis that has seen triple bunking, prison gyms turned into dormitories and inmates shipped out of state.

Crime victims and their advocates have said the releases are an injustice to the victims and that the parolees could pose a danger to the public. More than 80 percent of lifers are in prison for murder, while the remaining are mostly rapists and kidnappers.

“This is playing Russian roulette with public safety,” said Christine Ward, executive director of the Crime Victims Action Alliance. “This is a change of philosophy that can be dangerous.”

The governor’s office said the overcrowding crisis plays no role in the parole decisions. Rather, the governor’s office said, each case is addressed individually and Brown is bound by court orders that require state officials to ease the stringent parole requirements that have dramatically increased the time murderers spend in prison.

Since then (the mid 1990s), the number of lifers has grown from 9,000 to 35,000 inmates, representing a quarter of the state prison population. But two seminal California Supreme Court rulings in 2008 have significantly eased tough parole restrictions.

The court ordered prison officials to consider more than the severity of the applicant’s underlying crimes. It ruled that inmates’ records while incarcerated plus their volunteer work should count heavily in assessing early release.

State figures show that since the rulings, the board has granted parole to nearly 3,000 lifers, including 590 last year and a record 670 in 2012. In the three decades prior to the 2008 rulings, only about 1,800 such prisoners were granted parole.

Davis allowed only two inmates released out of 232 board decisions granting parole between 1999 and 2002. Schwarzenegger sustained the board at a 27 percent clip during his seven years in office when he was presented with 2,050 paroles granted by the board.

Mean-looking matron deputies and another other cop escort Manson Family murderers Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Leslie Van Houten  (L-R) into court. Susan died in prison. Patricia and Leslie are still alive in prison. Parole officials have recommended parole for Leslie, but Jerry Brown wasn’t stoned enough to sign the release papers.


Brown has allowed 82 percent of the 1,590 paroles granted by the board.”

Did Kamala Harris try to protect the public by trying to get Governor Moonbeam to slow down on his pace of freeing murderers and rapists?

Evidently not.


Kamala Harris was also AWOL when it came to checking on child protection agents.

California child protection agents placed at least 600 and likely more than 1000 children in homes with registered sex offenders.

Even leftist publications like the Huffington Post and the Los Angeles Times have reported California officials and/or their contractors have put hundreds of children (600 to 1000) in residences and facilities whose addresses show up in the state sex offender registry in recent years. Kentucky officials, by comparison, put 12 foster children into such places in the same general time period. If they had California’s population, they would have harmed 120 children this way. This is by no means acceptable, but California is way out of control any way you measure the state.

(Source: Huffington Post, 12/27/2011)


Then there is the VD and excrement-filled jacuzzi called Hollywood. There are many outed pervs besides Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey. More people are alleging producer Bryan Singer molested them when they were boys. In Harveywood, sex offenders are a protected class.

Where was Kamala?

Nowhere near any investigations into charges powerful Hollywoodites sexually abuse girls, boys, and young women.

The Los Angeles Times reported 10/6/2017 Harvey Weinstein had donated $5000 to Kamala Harris’ campaign. A lot of Harveywood will be giving her money to run for president, like they gave her money to run for the US Senate in 2016, and like they gave her for her state AG campaigns. Kamala is their little bitch.


I have been almost alone in covering the move by the ACLU and other scavengers in trying to get sex offender registries overthrown and sex offenders paid “raperations.” You the taxpayers will be made to pay billions of dollars to these vermin.

For example, the shakedown racketeers, errr, advocacy group California Reform Sex Offender Laws brag they muscled 44 communities to stop enforcing sex offender notification laws they didn’t like in 2014.

Janice Bellucci, the lawyer who runs California Reform Sex Offender Laws, which is now called Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws, has the following payoff tactic:

Janice whores for vermin who have molested children and other rapists against California cities whose leaders enact sex offender residency laws a little stiffer than what the state law is. She sues the city. The city attorney, usually a politically connected shyster and/or a worm who couldn’t make it in private practice, comes in on his or her knees to the city council and advises settling out of court. Janice drops the lawsuit after she collects lawyer fees and “expenses.”

Janice has done this to many towns in the Granola State. Am I wrong to think some of these city attorneys may get kickbacks from Janice?

Why didn’t AG Kamala Harris stop Janice’s evident extortion racket?

Why do I call such cases an extortion racket?

Alison Ruttenberg, the Colorado rapists’ lawyer who got drooling imbecile or drooling perv federal Judge Richard Matsch to rule sex offender registries are illegal, claimed “only 5% of sex offenders were arrested for new crimes,” the Denver Post reported.

She is of course wrong, because the recidivism rate among sex offenders is much higher than the joke of a number she quoted. It’s no shock she wasn’t leveling with the public when she said this. She’s a lawyer. Lawyers lie. But even if she was right, it would prove marking sexual predators as scum publicly is a great idea because it keeps out of their paths potential victims who otherwise might stray there.

Alison no doubt is looking at the legal fees she could extort out of the public if the appellate judges and the U.S. Supreme Court are foolish and corrupt enough to uphold Judge Matsch’s corrupt and insane ruling in her favor. She is also representing three other rapists (Brockhausen, Toner, Cook, Case No. 16 CV 2090, also in US. District Court in Colorado) for similar issues. If Alison Ruttenberg represents all the rapists in Colorado, she could retire on the money the taxpayers would have to give her for representing the worst people in the Rockies.

But Alison might have to split it with the ACLU, whose lawyers have been litigating on similar issues against a Colorado city in the federal court system. (See Stephen Brett Ryals v. Englewood, Case No. 12 CV 02178 for details. Alison is listed in that case too.)

In my opinion, what nuisance lawsuit groups do in suing towns with Nativity Scenes or school districts without bathrooms for self-identifying freaks into doing their bidding against the will of the vast majority of the public is akin to running a shakedown, a protection racket, or some other form of extortion. In my opinion, they commit abuse of process. They plot to sue small government entities in federal court in areas where they figure the cases will go to sympathetic judges, or the appeals will go to sympathetic judges. They find some dorks to be “local aggrieved citizens,” and then they file suit.

Even if the ACLU or a similar nuisance litigation group wins nominal damages for the dork plaintiffs, the lawyers often win full legal fees, which they jack up through the stratosphere. Judges – who are also lawyers – allow it. This is how such groups parasite off of the public.

Many millions of dollars of the ACLU’s budget come from lawsuit wins against small government entities. You can see the ACLU’s IRS returns (Form 990s, for nonprofit groups, which are public records obtainable thru the IRS, thru some on-line charity monitoring companies, and randomly on the Internet), and in some cases their audited financial statements which they make public.

The ACLU’s Form 990s (nonprofit group tax returns) also indicate quite a few ACLU employees get more than $200,000 a year. This doesn’t count the lawyers they retain who are not employees.

Alison Ruttenberg is called a civil rights attorney. More than 20 years ago, she was called a sexual harassment lawyer by a Newsweek reporter in a 11/24/1996 article about the rapes of female soldiers. (The Colorado Supreme Court Attorney Discipline website says she’s been a lawyer in the state since 1988.) Whoring for sex offenders is evidently far more lucrative than protecting rape victims. Otherwise Alison and the ACLU might consider protecting women and children instead of rapists.

Some in the rapist lobby claim the sex offender registries lead to more sex offenses. Others claim sex offenders have lower recidivism rates than other offenders. These sex offender suck-ups need to co-ordinate their lying a little better.

Kentucky sheriffs used to hang convicted rapists publicly on the lawns of their county courthouses. By state law. What parent wouldn’t want that level of justice for child rapists?

Sex offenders have higher recidivism rates than what is reported because victims, especially children, in most cases are too scared and/or humiliated to report. Some sex offenders, when released to prey upon the public again, are smarter about who they target and how they commit more sex crimes to stay out of trouble. But it doesn’t mean they aren’t a threat to children or that they are raping less.

If the low-grade scum who support sex offenders are right about sex offenders committing fewer sex crimes when released, they are proving the sex offender registries are a great idea. Why? Marking sexual predators as criminal scum publicly keeps out of their paths many potential victims who otherwise might stray there. To help children and people too poor to have Internet access to sex offender criminal registries, I would support face-branding convicted rapists and those who commit other sex offenses against children.

But I digress.


California children, in the state where predator prostie Janice Bellucci lives and practices lawfare, are especially vulnerable due to the public officials and government employees like Kamala Harris who pull paychecks in the Granola State.

Los Angeles Unified School District officials let grade school teacher Mark Berndt resign in 2011.

Kamala was AG then.

Mark Berndt, L.A. Unified School District teacher and child molester, in class dressed up like a pervy Mickey Mouse. Where was Kamala?


Sheriff’s deputies showed school district officials photos of boys and girls being gagged with tape and blindfolded, and some being fed spoonfuls of a substance alleged to be semen. Lawmen arrested Berndt for a number of lewd conduct offenses.

School district officials suspended Berndt. Berndt lawyered up with lawyers who teachers’ union officials use to defend their dirtbags, so school officials allowed him to resign (instead of firing him) and keep his $4000 a month pension. They also paid him his full salary and paid his legal expenses. Since then, roughly 200 pupils’ parents have sued the school district because Berndt apparently fed kids his sperm for decades. School officials wound up reassigning every staffer at the school where Berndt taught and abused kids, because not a one of them ever came forward to report Berndt for his crimes. Some parents refused to settle lawsuits with the L.A. Unified School District, because they accused them of withholding information.

Sadly, the parents were proven right. L.A. Unified School District officials had records dating back to 1983 in which pupils or parents complained Berndt committed sexual acts, from dropping his pants before startled children during a field trip, to masturbating in class, to molesting children. MEANWHILE, L.A. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIALS DID NOTHING.

So who exposed Berndt? A drugstore employee who developed film Berndt dropped off saw 40 photos of children with their eyes and mouths taped shut and roaches on their faces, or children being fed what looked like semen. Unlike the scumbag public school officials, the hourly employee had the integrity to call police. Berndt in 2013 drew a 25-year-sentence for molesting children. Among his other crimes, said a judge who ruled to make public a lot of info in the case, were forcing children to touch his genitals, exposing himself to children, and groping girls’ vaginas and breasts … on those girls barely old enough to have small breasts.

In the wake of the Berndt case came the revelation L.A. Unified School District lawyers destroyed 20 years of sex offense records against teachers and other employees of the district – from 1988 to 2008 – in 2008. A spokesperson for lawyers representing LAUSD against the parents of children Berndt molested admitted to the records destroying – after the records went to the general counsel of the school district – during an interview in 2014.

A L.A. Unified School District lawyer tried to prevent Los Angeles County Superior Court officials from making the info on Berndt public. Since most of it was info L.A. County Sheriff’s Department deputies gathered, LAUSD lawyers didn’t get a chance to destroy it, and lie about it for their LAUSD masters.




The California Federation of Teachers public school teacher union endorsed Kamala Harris in her run for the US Senate in 2016. They endorsed her against another Democrat in the general election. By California law, the top two vote getters in the primaries get to run for the Senate seat even if they are both from the same party. So the teachers’ union endorsed Kamala over another Democrat female. They believed Kamala was more pliable and responsive.

Camel and “Eye of the Needle” Gate, Israel. Pliable and responsive camels got thru it.


Bottom line?

Kamala Harris was the top law enforcement officer in the Golden State for six of the past 10 years.

Kamala did not solve the rape kit backlog scandal in her state.

Kamala stood idly by as California teachers raped children, teacher unions protected the rapists, and school board lawyers shredded the evidence like Oliver North.

Kamala stood idly by as California child services nippleheads put foster children into homes with registered sex offenders.

Kamala stood idly by as Governor Moonbeam Brown released murderers and rapists from prisons.

Kamala stood idly by as predatory lawyers sued California towns whose leaders wanted to protect children and women from rapists.

Kamala has taken money from Harveywood, where rapists in positions of power abuse girls, boys, and young women.

Kamala Harris was AG of California for six of the past 10 years. She did squat to fight sex offenders.


Compare Kamala’s pathetic performance on rape kits with the performance of Ohio’s Mike DeWine.

DeWine beat then-AG Richard Cordray in the 2010 elections to become AG of Ohio.

Cordray had replaced Marc Dann, another Democrat. Dann resigned in disgrace after there were sexual harassment scandals and other scandals among his hirelings, and after he was exposed for having sex with one of the young babes he hired.

Cordray, after he lost in 2010 to DeWine, went to DC with an outstretched hand. Obama appointed him the “consumer czar.” Cordray resigned before President Trump could fire him.

DeWine noticed there was a backlog of almost 14,000 rape kits across Ohio. The vast majority of these were in the cities and counties with Democrat mayors and Democrat county prosecutors. DeWine, a colorless little guy, did not criticize any of the slackers. Nor did he copy Kamala’s act of sticking her thumbs where the sun doesn’t shine. Instead, DeWine ensured the backlog went away.

Cleveland Plain Dealer’s Rachel Dissell, in a 2/23/2018 article, reported this:

“In 2011, when DeWine first asked departments to start sending untested kits, which dated back decades, it was hotly debated whether the effort to test them was worth it. Nearly 300 law enforcement agencies eventually sent a total of 13,931 kits. The results, DeWine said, have shut down any argument as to the value of the undertaking:

About 65 percent of the time, a DNA profile was identified and entered into state and national crime databases. 36 percent of the time, those profiles resulted in a hit to a criminal profile or a match to another case. Testing helped link 300 suspected serial offenders to 1,127 crimes, mostly rapes.

“Every police department in the state should now know there’s intrinsic value in these rape kits,” DeWine said in phone interview Thursday. “And they should see the value in having them tested.”

Recent reports that Cleveland police had not followed a state law that in 2015 cemented rape kit testing as mandatory, and had stockpiled 200 or more rape kits, did not dissuade DeWine’s optimism about the legal and culture shift.

A statewide tracking system, he said, might have merit in furthering accountability.

“There may be cases in the future that evidence is not tested,” he acknowledged. “I still believe that we have come a long, long way.”I don’t think we’ll ever again see mass hoarding of rape kits in property rooms.”

For the most part, that seems to be the case.

Since 2011, the number of rape kits submitted to the state’s Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) forensic labs has skyrocketed by 167 percent, with 2,836 submitted last year. That number doesn’t include several larger cities that send their evidence to local or regional testing labs.

State law, since 2015, requires departments to submit rape kits to a crime lab for testing within 30 days of determining a crime “may have” been committed.

Mike DeWine and Sheriff. DeWine won the Ohio governor’s race in 2018. John Kasich, his GOP predecessor, was miffed DeWine sought President Trump’s endorsement, and did not campaign for him until the week before the election, when it was clear DeWine would beat Cordray anyway.


The ripple effect of testing has led to the indictments of more than 650 rape suspects in Cuyahoga County. (That’s the county Cleveland is in.) DeWine said the task force created by former County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty in Cleveland, which includes investigators, prosecutors and victim advocates, should be a model for communities across the state.

Yet, there’s unfinished business.

The majority of follow-up investigations have been in urban centers like Cleveland, as well as in Toledo and Akron, which have asked for and received help from state nvestigative agents.

Other Ohio communities, DeWine said, “have taken no action or very little action.”

DeWine is careful not to criticize those departments, and instead said his office and lab will continue to reach out and offer help to get the cases investigated.

Every victim of sexual assault deserves to have her or his evidence tested, Sondra Miller, president and CEO of the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center (CRCC) said. But the journey for sexual assault survivors doesn’t end with evidence being tested, she said. Each person deserves to be notified of their results and have their case fully investigated and prosecuted.

Thousands of people who reported sexual assault cases prior to 1993 in Cleveland still have untested kits, Miller said. CRCC and the city have a grant that will pay to start counting and testing and notifying victims in some — but not all — of those cases. Many can’t be prosecuted but Miller said many of those survivors are still waiting for answers and an opportunity for justice.

In newly submitted cases, DeWine said mandatory testing has the potential to prevent wrongful arrests, though it is hard to quantify how often that happens.

“Testing means police departments can avoid pointing the finger at people who are innocent,” he said. “[Suspects] can be ruled out much earlier, including some that may have been charged [without testing].”

It had to pain the Plain Dealer’s staff to print the story. They have endorsed DeWine’s opponents over the years when he has run for statewide office. They endorsed charlatan Richard Cordray, who didn’t address the problem when he was AG. Cordray and DeWine had a rematch when they ran against each other for Ohio governor in 2018. DeWine won again.

I have criticized Mike DeWine on this website. But he at least has returned most of my phone calls over the years. In fact, in 2010 I was on the phone with one of his major donors, who was grousing about not hearing from DeWine, when my other phone rang and it was DeWine on the other line. He was returning my call about my ideas to make it tougher for sex offenders.

I had recently exposed Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (D) for protecting her child support enforcement agent who was shacked up with a serial child molester who raped his own daughters and molested his kid sister and kid cousins. And I beat Sherri and her minions in court by showing the judge proof of all the depravity. (My guardian angel and my patroness Joan of Arc are to be credited for helping me be bold and resolute and sharp enough in court to show the truth to the judge.) I had some info of use for Mr. DeWine and the women and children of Ohio.

The moneyman stewed while he heard me talking with Mr. DeWine.

Far more importantly than returning the calls of a critic like me, Mr. DeWine cleaned up most of the rape kit backlog in Ohio. In October 2018, on this website, I said people should vote for DeWine instead of Cordray, on that accomplishment, as much as any others of his while DeWine was the AG.

DeWine today is governor of the Buckeye State.

Mike DeWine is a short man who is not very articulate IMHO. But he stepped up like a big man to solve a problem to protect women and children. He let his actions speak for him.


Kamala Harris goes along to get along. From Willie Brown’s mistress to the AG who protected Harveywood. She is of Jamaican and Indian subcontinent origin.

Kamala Harris. When rape victims needed her, her thumbs were elsewhere.


Why do I mention this? Because disgraced New York AG Eric Schneiderman would call her a “little brown slave” if he was paddling her backside.

I will not the only user of the public record to expose Kamala Harris.

I have just hit her from a direction she thinks she had covered. Until now.

Sadly, if this column gets any national traction, the Dems IMHO will force Mariska Hargitay to disown my use of her foundation’s work. It is what it is. That doesn’t mean the problems didn’t exist while Kamala was AG of California.

Publicity still from “Law and Order” featuring Mariska Hargitay as a hostage


Nothing is stopping anyone from vetting their politicians. It is your right and your duty as a free American. How To Be Your Own Detective shows you how.

I’m like Moses when his loyal lieutenant Joshua, who was jealous for Moses’ sake, complained about the elders Eldad and Medad prophesying in the camp of the Children of Israel.

Since they were prophesying the truth and not in a way offensive to G-d, Moses said, “I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put His Spirit on them!” (Numbers 11:29)

If only all Americans were prophets (telling the truth as it comes from God) and that the Lord would put His spirit on all of us!





How was I able to claim Kamala Harris got money from Planned Parenthood? I looked up the public record. I used Federal Election Commission records and other records listed below. Read ‘em and laugh or weep.

Campaign contribution records from the California Secretary of State indicate the following groups gave money to Kamala Harris (Harris for Attorney General) for her 2010 attorney general campaign (2009-2010 cycle):

Glenda Newell-Harris (PP Golden Gate doc/abortionist?) gave $250 3/4/2009 (p.346)

Maryanne Iskander (PP Federation of America COO) gave $300 3/23/2009 (p. 388)

Joi Chaney (PP Federation of America exec) gave $50 6/21/2010 (p. 1403)

Jesse Mermell (PP League of MASS VP) gave $100 6/21/2010 (p. 1406)

Christine Lyon (PP Santa Barbara exec) gave $250 9/10/2010 (p. 1554)

PP Advocacy Project L.A. County Action Fund gave $2000 10/27/2010 (p.2033)

Center for Reproductive Rights (Nancy Northup, president) gave $500 2/24/10 (p. 881)

Privacy PAC NARAL Pro Choice California gave $1000 11/1/2010 (p. 2096)

NARAL Pro Choice America (Meghan Doran, Oakland) gave $100 6/11/2009 (p.109)

NARAL Pro Choice America (Meghan Doran, Oakland) gave $100 6/3/2010 (p.1365)

Privacy NARAL Pro Choice America (San Francisco) gave $4000 8/9/2010 (p. 1453)

Privacy NARAL Pro Choice America (San Francisco) gave $350 8/30/2010 (p. 1711)

Patricia Williams (Emily’s List) gave $250 4/6/2009 (p. 2)

Emily’s List NF Fund (DC) gave $5000 4/13/2010 (p. 1061)

Emily’s List NF Fund (DC) gave $1500 5/20/2010
(pp. 1266-1267)

Emily’s List NF Fund (DC) gave $6500 9/16/2010 (p. 1541)

Campaign contribution records from the California Secretary of State indicate the following groups gave money to Kamala Harris (Re-Elect Attorney General Kamala) for her 2014 attorney general campaign (2013-2014 cycle except as noted):

PP Action Fund Pacific Southwest gave $2500 5/1/2014 (p.467)

PP Advocacy Project L.A. gave $5000 5/13/2014 (p. 479)

PP Orange & San Bernardino Counties PAC gave $2500 6/3/2014 (p. 494)

PP Advocates Mar Monte Candidates PAC gave $2500 8/5/2014 (p. 518)

Vote PP Shasta Pacific gave $2500 7/8/2014 (p. 521)

Privacy PAC NARAL Pro Choice California gave $2000 10/19/2012 (p. 317)
2011-2012 cycle

Privacy PAC NARAL Pro Choice California gave $500 12/6/2013 (p. 343)

Emily’s List NF Fund DC gave $1250 10/27/2014 (p. 582)

Campaign contribution records from the Federal Election Commission indicate the following groups gave money to Kamala Harris for her 2016 senate campaign:

PP Illinois Action Committee member Bernadette Chopra gave $1500 6/29/2015 (p. 24)

PP Golden Gate doc (abortionist?) Glenda Newell-Harris gave $2500 4/16/2015 (p.100)

PP Golden Gate doc (abortionist?) Glenda Newell-Harris gave $500 3/15/2015 (p.100)

Amy Everett of NARAL Pro Choice America (Burlingame CA) gave $250 4/1/2015 (p. 40)

Nancy Northup, Center for Reproductive Rights (NY) pres gave $1700 9/25/15 (p. 101)

NARAL Pres. Ilyse Hogue gave $300 4/24/2015 (p. 63)

Emily’s List gave $50 9/30/2015 (p. 38)

Emily’s List gave $250 9/30/2015 (p. 38)

Emily’s List gave $500 10/21/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $250 10/21/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $300 11/23/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $1000 3/31/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $25 3/31/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $1000 3/31/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $50 3/31/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $250 8/18/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $500 8/4/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $250 7/30/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $250 8/24/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List gave $5000 4/2/2015 (p. 39)

Emily’s List pres Stephanie Schrock gave $1000 3/30/2015 (p. 126)

Planned Parenthood affiliates raised many thousands of dollars and gave the Democrat slate in California help in 2014 with affiliate PACs. They provided labor, phone banks, voter guides, and the like. Also lobbying.

Kamala Harris was a statewide candidate and presumably benefited from this.

Here are the most recent available Form 990 reports on such activities:

PP Pacific Southwest Action Fund spent $617,636 in 2013.

PP Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo spent $265,573 in 2014.

PP Advocacy Project Los Angeles County spent $902,820 in 2013.

PP Advocates Mar Monte spent $2,246,140 in 2013,

PP Orange and San Bernardino Counties Community Action Fund spent $550,038 in 2013.

PP Shasta Diablo Action Fund spent $326,390 in 2013.

California PP Education Fund spent $2,000,446 in 2014.

PP Affiliates of California spent $2,165,856 in 2014.

It is likely most of the money for the latter two entities came from assessments on the PACs of the affiliates …. all their Form 990s show assessments or dues entries.

Another PP entity is “Protecting Choice in California” which is on the Federal Election Commission radar.

Here are my end notes on the other issues I raised:

Info on ACLU finances comes from the ACLU and ACLU Foundations’ IRS Form 990s (both are public records), from the ACLU, Inc. and Consolidated Entities Consolidated Financial Report dated 3/31/2014, from the ACLU Foundation, Inc. and Subsidiary Consolidated Financial Report dated 3/31/2014, and from similar documents from several ACLU state affiliates. Info on the ACLU’s court actions and legal work on issues comes from the ACLU 2014 Annual Report, and from an ACLU statement opposing congressional attacks on “sanctuary cities” by Joanne Lin 7/23/2015.

On sex offenders and the lawyers who profit from such cases:
Denver Post, 9/1/2017, 9/13/2017
San Diego Union Tribune, 8/7/2017South Bay (Los Angeles County) Daily Breeze, 12/2/2015
Los Angeles Times, 7/3/2015
Huffington Post, 10/27/2011
NARSOL website
ACSOL website
Iyer Law Office (criminal defense lawyers) blog on the Colorado sex offender registry case
J.J. Prescott, “Do Sex Offender Registries Make Us Less Safe?” Regulation magazine, Summer 2012
Paul Heroux, “The Disappearing Sex Offender,” Huffington Post, 5/21/2016. This clown (D) is a state representative in Massachusetts. When people elect this sort of representative, it implies Massachusetts is less a state than a condition.

Info on the Los Angeles Unified School district and teachers Mark Berndt and the lawyers of the school district who destroyed the sex abuse records of the district comes from a 12/6/2012 article by Christina Hoag of Associated Press, a 2/1/2012 Los Angeles Times article, a 2/29/2012 article by Tami Abdollah and Shirley Jahad for radio station KPCC, a 5/1/2014 NBC-TV (Los Angeles) article, and Juliet Rylah’s 5/1/2014, 9/26/2014, and 11/13/2014 articles for the website LAIST.

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