• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025

Saint Nicholas, Pope Francis, and Abortion Madam Merle Hoffman

December06/ 2018

Today is the feast day of Saint Nicholas. Saint Nick was a bishop in what is now Turkey. During the time of Emperor Constantine, and up until Moslem invasions during the Middle Ages, Turkey had many Christians – mostly Orthodox Christians.

Saint Nicholas threw dowry money into the houses of three girls who were set to be sold into slavery. This saved them from being sexual prey.

Saint Nicholas also brought back to life three boys who a butcher had murdered. The evil scumbag put their bodies in brine and was preparing to sell their flesh as pork because there was a famine in the land.

Children in many countries of Europe put their shoes out on St. Nicholas Day. The Saint (actually their parents) fill the shoes with candy and nuts and leave presents.

US Army photo … Soldier Dick Brookins played Saint Nicholas for the poor children of war-torn Wiltz, Luxembourg. US troops and Catholic nuns gave out gifts and sweets to the children. I read this story in the magazine  “America in WWII.” Days later, the Battle of the Bulge began, and we had to smash the Germans. Let anyone who criticizes the hearts of the vast majority of our military and first responders repent or suffer the punishment they deserve!


This tradition survived the Protestant Reformation in the Netherlands. So while witch-hunting Puritan prunefaces banned Christmas celebrations in Massachusetts (just like the Democrat politicians and other pervs who run Pansychusetts today have tried to take Christmas out of public life there), the Dutch immigrants in New York carried on the tradition. The Puritans by and large took the side of England during the Revolutionary War, and were discredited. However, since most Americans still hated Catholics, even though the French and Spanish kings had aided America in the war, and 30% of the Continental Army was Irish and Catholic, and Polish officers Koskiuszko and Pulaski were Catholics. So they really couldn’t celebrate Christmas with the kind of merriment the Catholics could — until they realized Americans of Dutch Protestant blood did likewise.

So Saint Nicholas became “Santa Claus” (Claus is German for “Nicholas”) and Americans in the 1800s returned the celebration to the Christmas holiday thanks to this great and charitable bishop who loved children, hated child murders, and hated child sexual abuses.

Saint Nicholas Day is a good day to talk about two items in the news.

The first is that Pope Francis, while not a reader of “How To Be Your Own Detective,” did something very intelligent the other day.

He said homosexuality is incompatible with the priesthood.

Since about 80% of the victims of the evil priests who committed rape and other sex offenses were boys, defrocking or isolating in monasteries current homosexuals in the priesthood and forbidding others the ability to become priests will essentially end the Church’s child molester cancer.

As someone who has fought abusers in the Church for a generation, I applaud the Holy Father’s statement. Now I await concrete action in this regard.

Of course, the politicians will protect sex offenders who are public school teachers. Teachers and other public school employees have raped hundreds of times as many children as priests have done. This doesn’t excuse the priests. But it is a call-out to politicians to stop protecting the biggest group of child molesters in the country – those who are unionized government employees.

Now for Saint Nicholas’ other pet peeve – child murderers.

A few months ago, we reported abortion madam Merle Hoffman used willing New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman like a hired goon to abuse the rights of several sidewalk preachers and other pro-life witnesses outside her Queens abortion mill.

Not many women can say they went to work for an abortion mill owner, serviced him sexually, got him to divorce his wife, married him, then took over the abortion mill when he croaked, Even Stormy Daniels can’t stoop this low, huh?

Merle Hoffman, 72, can, for she is the owner of that brief life description. She got with a much older abortion mill owner, did him repeatedly, got him to push his wife aside, ran his abortion mill for him, then took it over when the sand ran out of the greedy old shit’s hourglass.

Merle used her influence and money often over the years. She has kept her Choices Women’s Medical Center abortion mill in New York City running despite hiring a guy who carved his initials in a woman’s abdomen, another who was involved in killing two women with abortions, and others with poor malpractice records.

Ms. Merle picked up the phone, called Albany, and got corrupt New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to abuse the law and file charges against a bunch of protesters outside her abortion mill for her. Soon a baker’s dozen of protesters were hauled into federal court to face Shysterman’s demand for an injunction designed to make them go away.

Merle and her abortion escorts claimed a number of things at trial. They claimed the abortion protesters, many who were members from a nearby church, harassed and assaulted women, and blocked entrance to her abortion mill. The defendants said all they did was witness to the evil of abortion and ask women to consider saving their babies’ lives.

Thanks to some good lawyers and a fair judge, Merle’s attack on the pro-lifers was foiled.

U.S. District Court Judge Carol Bagley Amon, who heard the case in Brooklyn, ruled for the pro-lifers. In so many words, she found the abortion people spied on pro-lifers, then lied about them in court. The New York AG’s Office was also in on the failed surveillances and stings.

Leftists break laws and commit perjury. That’s who they are; that’s what they do.

So naturally Haggard Merle would drive an appeal.

This is not an attempt to slur country music legend Merle Haggard. But look at the evil wench’s face. Almost like a Bitch of Belsen Nazi camp guard evil.

Shysterman is no longer the AG in New York. He resigned in disgrace when four women accused him of abuse before, during, and away from sex. One woman, whose ancestry is from the Indian subcontinent, said Shysterman abused her and called her his “brown slave.”

New York taxpayers are paying for the bovine current New York Attorney General Barbara (Bossy) Underwood to attack the pro-lifers again, because she is appealing the earlier decision.

New York AG website shows Ms. Bossy ordering more clover, errr, waving to other criminals.

Meanwhile, Ms. Bossy chewed over the Shysterman case along with her cud. She and other New York prosecutors did not prosecute Shysterman for abuse because like them, he hates President Trump and loves abortion on demand.

Evil never sleeps. That’s why a stake must be run thru Evil’s filthy heart.

Back in February I filed a freedom of information request with the Fire Department of New York for a list of ambulance runs to Merle Hoffman’s Choices Women’s Medical Center charnel house.

This is a “How To Be Your Own Detective” teaching point. In most states, such records are open. The authorities will give you a log with dates, times, and codes on it that indicate briefly what happened. If you want details, you have to file for each report on the log.. If you are not the person who was treated, or her or his attorney, the authorities will usually redact the name of the patient or victim.

I wasn’t trying to out any victim, but I wanted a sense of how often New York’s paramedics had to help women in trouble due to Merle Hoffman’s hamfisted bunglers.

There are many ambulance chasers among the attorneys in the Big Apple. So the pile of FOIA requests for ambulance records in that town presumably is taller than the Tower of Pisa. It might even be longer than Chuckie Schumer’s nose, which is long even when he isn’t lying.

So I didn’t get the report until a few weeks ago. I also had to get a decoder report so I could translate the codes.

Under a freedom of information law (FOIL) request, City of New York Fire Department officials released summaries of paramedic calls to 147-32 Jamaica, Queens. This is the address of Merle Hoffman’s Choices Women’s Medical Center abortion facility. Our understanding is there is no other free-standing surgical business in the building.

Though the facility is on the second floor of the address, the FDNY in most cases did not say which floor they went to to save victims. It is a pretty safe bet that most listed gynecological, obstetrics, abdominal pain or internal bleeding calls and many other calls had something to do with treatment received at Merle’s abortion facility.

Another point FDNY officials made was this: Emergency calls are coded per what the caller says. A Merle Hoffman employee, not wanting to say “botched abortion,” could say obstetrical problem” or “miscarriage” or “abdominal pain” or “internal bleeding.” Not there are also a lot of “gynecological hemorrhage” and “gynecological major” calls. It is a safe bet to assume the level of care women and girls received at Merle’s abortion facility had something to do with these emergencies and others on this list. Let her prove otherwise if she can … and I don’t think she can.

Here are the call summaries by year. Bear in mind the year 2018 didn’t have many because FDNY officials received our request in February or March of 2018, and the year is not over.


In 2012, FDNY emergency services people had to help the following people at Choices Women’s Medical Center’s address:

05/08/12 (09:16) 7/EDP 147-32 JAMAICA AV,QN
EMTs responded to an “emotionally disturbed person” call.

06/01/12 (09:16) 5/ABDPN 147-32 JAMAICA AV ,QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the caller called abdominal pain.

06/15/12 (17:35) 6/SICK 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a “sick person” call.

09/12/12 (10:17) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

09/18/12 (12:22) 5/GYNHEM 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering gynecological hemorrhage.

09/12/12 (10:18) 3/ALTMEN 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to an “altered mental state” call (a more serious problem than “emotionally disturbed person”).

08/07/12 (12:14) 5/ABDPN 147-32 JAMAICA AV (1st FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the caller called abdominal pain.

08/07/12 (15:11) 2/ASTHMB 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering a severe asthma attack interfering with her or his breathing.

08/17/12 (07:09) 4/UNKNOW 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering from an unknown medical problem.

09/22/12 (12:30) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

04/05/12 (11:00) 5/OBLAB 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman going into labor.

12/06/12 (13:58) 5/GYNHEM 147-32 JAMAlCA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering gynecological hemorrhage.

09/15/12 (14:01) 5/GYNHEM 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering gynecological hemorrhage.

12/10/12 (09:59) 5/ABDPN 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the caller called abdominal pain.

08/23/12 (10:41) 2/STATEP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “status epilepticus” (repeated seizures while unconscious) call.

08/23/12 (12:22) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.


In 2013, FDNY emergency services people had to help the following people at Choices Women’s Medical Center’s address:

03/30/13 (15:34) 3/INBLED 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the caller called serious internal bleeding.

04/10/13 (14:04) 2/OBCOMP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a high-seriousness OB/GYN complication.

11/22/13 (16: 35) 7/EDP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to an “emotionally disturbed person” call.

03/29/13 (09: 50) 4/OBMIS 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering an OB/GYN problem, which the caller called a miscarriage.

07/29/13 (14:14) 5/INJURY 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified injury.

11/14/13 (12:31) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

06/26/13 (11:20) 4/RESPIR 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified respiratory problem.

08/28/13 (16: 31) 7/EDP 147-32 JAMAICA AV (LL), QN
EMTs responded to an “emotionally disturbed person” call.

12/03/13 (13:31) 2/DIFFBR 147-32 JAMAICA AV (BSMT), QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering difficulty breathing.

02/06/13 (16:12) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

08/05/13 (12:06) 7/EDP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to an “emotionally disturbed person” call.


In 2014, FDNY emergency services people had to help the following people at Choices Women’s Medical Center’s address:

01/24/14 (16:25) 5/ABDPN 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the caller called abdominal pain.

05/31/14 (10:00) 4/DRUG 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified drug problem.

06/03/14 (12:26) 2/OBCOMP 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FLR), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a high-seriousness OB/GYN complication.

06/21/14 (12:49) 2/DIFFBR 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering difficulty breathing.

12/20/14 (13:11) 7/EDP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to an “emotionally disturbed person” call.

03/07/14 (11:36) 4/DRUG 147-32 JAMAICA AV (BSMT), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified drug problem.

03/25/14 (12:10) 4/DRUG 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified drug problem.

09/26/14 (13:33) 5/GYNHEM 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering gynecological hemorrhage.

01/22/14 (10:34) 7/HYPTN 147-32 JAMAICA AV (GROUND), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering hypertension (very high blood pressure).

04/22/14 (15:45) 3/OBMAJ 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a major OB/GYN complication.

09/11/14 (15 :48) 4/DRUG 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified drug problem.

06/18/14 (10:11) 6/SICK 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a “sick person” call.

01/29/14 (11:40) 4/DRUG 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified drug problem.

07/02/14 (13 :32) 2/STATEP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “status epilepticus” (repeated seizures while unconscious) call.

08/08/14 (14:36) 2/DIFFBR 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering difficulty breathing.

07/17/14 (10:02) 6/SICK 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a “sick person” call.

10/17/14 (15:43) 4/CVA 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering a stroke.

12/06/14 (15:21) 6/SICK 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a “sick person” call.


In 2015, FDNY emergency services people had to help the following people at Choices Women’s Medical Center’s address:

01/21/15 (11:29) 2/OBCOMP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a high-seriousness OB/GYN complication.

03/26/15 (18:19) 6/SICK 147-32 JAMAICA AV (1 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a “sick person” call.

12/11/15 (15: 24) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

05/26/15 (10:04) 7/HYPTN 147-32 JAMAICA AV (1FL ), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering hypertension (very high blood pressure).

11/17/15 (09:28) 3/OBMAJ 147-32 JAMAICA AV (1 FL).QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a major OB/GYN complication.

12/10/15 (13:44) 5/OBLAB 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL) .QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman going into labor.

02/19/15 (10 :49) 6/SICK 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a “sick person” call.

06/18/15 (10:29) 4/OBMIS 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering an OB/GYN problem, which the caller called a miscarriage.

03/18/15 (15 :42) 3/GYNMAJ 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a major GYN problem.

09/15/15 (18:29) 3/OBMAJ 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a major OB/GYN complication.

11/05/15 (10:46) 2/DIFFBR 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2), QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering difficulty breathing.

06/18/15 (10:23) 4/OBMIS 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering an OB/GYN problem, which the caller called a miscarriage.

09/04/15 (17:36) 2/DIFFBR 1147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FLR), QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering difficulty breathing.

06/27/15 (02:01) 7/EDP 147-32 JAMAICA AV (` FL), QN
EMTs responded to an “emotionally disturbed person” call.

12/24/15 (10:31) 2/DIFFBR 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering difficulty breathing.


In 2016, FDNY emergency services people had to help the following people at Choices Women’s Medical Center’s address:

01/09/16 (15:26) 1/ARREST 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to an extreme-seriousness call for a person suffering cardiac arrest.

10/01/16 (15:44) 5/ GYNHEM 147-32 JAMAlCA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering gynecological hemorrhage.

09/29/16 (12: 00) 3/GYNMAJ 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a major GYN problem.

11/30/16 (10:58) 3/INBLED 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the caller called serious internal bleeding.

06/24/16 (16:31) 3/CARD 147-32 JAMAICA AVE, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering a cardiac problem.

10/01/16 (15:59) 3/GYNMAJ 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a major GYN problem.

03/10/16 (8:25) 4/OBMIS 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering an OB/GYN problem, which the caller called a miscarriage.

03/17/16 (14:20) 5/INJURY 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified injury.

04/12/16 (13:30) 7/EDP 147-32 JAMAICA AVE .QN
EMTs responded to an “emotionally disturbed person” call.


In 2017, FDNY emergency services people had to help the following people at Choices Women’s Medical Center’s address:

06/16/17 (12:14) 4/OBMIS 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering an OB/GYN problem, which the caller called a miscarriage.

07/22/17 (12:22) 5/INJURY 147-32 JAMAICA AV (OR 3), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering an unspecified injury.

09/15/17 (12:22) 3/INBLED 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the caller called serious internal bleeding.

04/22/17 (13:50) 3/INBLED 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the called called serious internal bleeding.

06/15/17 (15:31) 3/ALTMEN 147-32 JAMAICA AVE, QN
EMTs responded to an “altered mental state” call (a more serious problem than “emotionally disturbed person”).

10/17/17 (12:12) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

03/21/17 (13:18) 6/SICK 147-32 JAMAICA AV (1 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a “sick person” call.

04/14/17 (14:29) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), ·QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

10/17/17 (12:13) 2/STATEP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “status epilepticus” (repeated seizures while unconscious) call.

05/25/17 (12:21) 2/OBCOMP 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a high-seriousness OB/GYN complication.

07/05/17 (12:56) 2/DIFFBR 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering difficulty breathing.

12/16/17 (11:49) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

02/01/17 (15:36) 6/SICK 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a “sick person” call.

03/18/17 (15:26) 5/ABDPN 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a person suffering what the called called abdominal pain.

08/31/17 (14:31) 5/GYNHEM 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering gynecological hemorrhage.


In 2018, FDNY emergency services people had to help the following people at Choices Women’s Medical Center’s address:

02/10/18 (11:41) 3/CARD 147-32 JAMAlCA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering a cardiac problem.

04/27/18 (13:08) 2/UNC 147-32 JAMAICA AV (2 FL), QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness “unconscious person” call.

05/26/18 (13:10) 3/OBMAJ 147-32 JAMAICA A V (1FL), QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a major OB/GYN complication.

03/24/18 (09:35) 2/OBCOMP 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a call for a woman suffering a high-seriousness OB/GYN complication.

03/19/18 (10:21) 3/CARD 147-32 JAMAICA AV, QN
EMTs responded to a high-seriousness call for a person suffering a cardiac problem.


UNC 10


Given the results, it appears Merle’s meatheads are so careless the ambulances know their way to her slaughterhouse even without GPS.

We will continue the Merle Hoffman saga. The church people should make this case not only a freedom of speech case, but also a consumer protection case, because Merle Hoffman and her associates have harmed so many.





On Pope Francis, New York Post, 12/3/2018

On Merle Hoffman:
New York Times, 7/22/2018, Breitbart, 2/24/2018, and Judge Carol Bagley Amon’s ruling, Case No. 17-CV-3206 (CBA), New York v. Griepp, US District Court Eastern New York, Brooklyn

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