• Today is: Sunday, February 23, 2025


December03/ 2018

A few months ago I covered how to check on questionable prosecutors. The behavior of some of these scumbags has become so blatant recently it is time to revisit the lesson.

The FBI a few days ago raided the house of a man named Dennis Cain, who was a key whistleblower in the Hillary Clinton Foundation case. In other words, they grabbed evidence showing she was a felon and possibly a traitor in allowing uranium for atom bombs to go to Russia … despite the guy’s status as a “protected” whistleblower witness who had already given copies of evidence to watchdogs who turned the info over to Congress! If the Feds can work openly illegally against President Trump, it is conceivable the local prosecutor and police could do likewise to anyone.

We have to stop lawless people with badges.

The FBI needs to be disbanded and many of its agents need to go to prison. I don’t want to hear about “good FBI agents.” If they are too cowardly to narc out the corrupt ones among them, they are no better than “good Germans” who tolerated the Nazis.

Bear in mind an FBI agent (retired) Monica McLean evidently helped Christine Blasey Ford make up the story about Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Problem is Christine’s letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Dirtbag-CA) noted there were four other people at the alleged get-together. Since she named all of them to the authorities, she could not have been in a stranger’s house like she claimed. Seems many FBI people, including the gal Christine showed how to beat the lie detector test (allegedly) so she could become a G-Gal aren’t even competent enough to lie properly.

I have covered Robert Gestapo Mueller, the corrupt fed whose DOJ people were in cahoots with mob boss Whitey Bulger. Mueller was also involved in the Uranium One scandal, in which Hillary’s Clinton Foundation got close to $150 million in bribes, errr, donations for allowing the Russians to grab 20 per cent of America’s uranium reserves. Mueller did nothing about this corruption of Mrs. Clinton’s. Mueller is a coward or an enabler, and he deserves to spend the rest of his unnatural life in prison.


Mueller and Whitey Bulger. Symbiotic relationship between parasite and predator.


I have covered corruptocrat Sherri Bevan Walsh, the prosecutor of Summit County, Ohio. She is being accused of forcing her employees to work on her political campaigns (sometimes while on the clock) and donate to them. Democrats have operated like this since before the Civil War, so they will shrug it off. Problem is this evil bitch also protects child molesters like Scott Dietz, when he shacked up with Sherri’s child support enforcement agent Jean Workman. Jean had no problem servicing a slime who had made his own pre-school age daughters and kid sister service him before her.

Even the network that had the excrement fest known as “Honey Boo Boo” cancelled the show when they found out Honey’s mom was having sex with the guy who molested one of her daughters. When a prosecutor’s morals are lower than a TV network’s, that is not a good thing.

Of course, Sherri is on a moral equivalency with former New York AG Eric Schneiderman. Shysterman, who whored for abortion madam Merle Hoffman to attack pro-lifers, had to resign in disgrace earlier this year after he was outed mistreating four women before, during, and away from sex. Shysterman even called one of them, a woman whose roots are in the Indian subcontinent, his “brown slave.” New York Democrats decided not to prosecute him. His anti-Trump and pro-abortion service, along with his party affiliation, got him the pass.

I got a call from a woman in California over the weekend who has problems with the county prosecutors in her county – Contra Costa County. Contra Costa County, above Oakland, and across the bay from San Francisco, is flush against Berkeley.

I told her about the corruption she was going to be fighting.

Diana Becton, the county’s current District Attorney, got in because the previous DA Mark Peterson was convicted on charges for spending campaign money illegally. Ms. Becton, who has no prosecutor experience and who was accused credibly of plagiarism, got campaign money from a George Soros group. She got appointed to the job in 2017, then won a whisker-close election to keep the job in June 2018. Her opponent won the endorsement of police groups, which in the Bay Area and other heavily populated areas of California teeming with illegals, dopers, child molesters, and garden variety leftists, is a disadvantage.

WARNING: Do not read the next 11 paragraphs if you are a sensitive soul.

But that’s garden variety politician behavior. The Contra Costa County DA’s office evidently had two rival female prosecutor sodomy clubs.

A 29-year-old female prosecutor with the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s office charged the agency’s lead sex crimes prosecutor – 51-year-old Michael Gressett – managed to cuff her, rape her, and used the handle of an icepick to pack her body cavities with crushed ice at his house during a lunch break in May 2008.

However, it seemed there was a lot more to the case than a single prosecutor acting like the sex offenders he routinely prosecuted. An in-depth article on the case by John Geluardi in the East Bay Express noted a number of strange things. The first tip-off was the alleged victim’s actions.

What did the female prosecutor do after the horrific crime? Instead of reporting the crime to the District Attorney’s higher-ups who supposedly hated Gressett, or stopping by a hospital to have a rape kit made, she went shopping with another prosecutor within minutes. She didn’t report the incident for several days. And then she reported it to a lawyer in private practice, not the police or her bosses in the DA’s Office.

The Contra Costa District Attorney found out about the alleged incident several days after it allegedly took place. However, the police were not told about it until late September 2008. The local police did their jobs. They entered Gressett’s house, and found a stash of marijuana, a stash of Viagra, and an icepick with the female prosecutor’s DNA on it. So they concluded there was evidence to arrest him for committing a sex crime. County officials fired Gressett in October 2008.

Gressett admitted he did many vile things to the female prosecutor. But he pleaded not guilty anyway. Why? He claimed the noontime sadism and sodomy session was consensual. Great hygiene in not cleaning your icepick after using it to stuff your colleague’s body cavities like a Thanksgiving turkey, Mr. Gressett.

Gressett posted a $1 million bond for his release. How do you do that legally unless you are grossly overpaid as a public servant?

It was disclosed the female prosecutors in Contra Costa County had a little workplace bonding activity called the “Anal Club.” How did one gain membership in such an elite sorority? By bragging she enjoys being sodomized. Contra Costa County female prosecutors snubbed for membership in the “Anal Club” formed a sisterhood called the “Butt Pucker Club,” said Gressett’s defense attorney.

Gressett and the boys in the DA’s Office liked to play rude and crude too. In an era when such behavior would lead to firings for sexual harassment, government prosecutors reportedly acted like debauched scum.

Apparently the female prosecutor openly voiced her desire to have sex with Gressett. Another female prosecutor claimed the alleged victim invited Gressett to her own place for playtime days before she was allegedly raped.

Did other female prosecutors warn the alleged victim Gressett was a sexual predator? Nope. They warned her about being too public with her desire to have sex with Gressett because the powers-that-be in the DA’s Office considered him a maverick who crossed them too often. Geluardi implied the alleged victim worried about losing her job, so she came up with the charges before her rating period to save her behind (figuratively).

END OF WARNING. Resume reading here if you are sensitive.

County officials paid off the female prosecutor with $450,000 of taxpayer money in October 2009, after Gressett was indicted. This was because she reportedly lived in fear in the same workplace as Gressett while top District Attorney officials did nothing for months. She had a point – if there was anything to the rape charges they should have separated the two or suspended him. She moved to Florida after the payout and was working as a public defender.

An arbitrator in February 2011 ruled Gressett should get his job back with back pay. He noted the female prosecutor, after getting $450,000, failed to show up to the hearing to confront Gressett.

However, Gressett still faced the rape charges. A judge threw them out in November 2011, for much the same reasons that the arbitrator did in making his ruling.

In February 2012, the Contra County DA’s people decided not to re-file charges against Gressett.

Did Gressett rape the female prosecutor? Or did she lie about it?

The alleged victim never showed up for the hearing. She evidently showed no evidence of physical trauma, and she refused to co-operate with the police. She evidently didn’t even name the alleged rapist for many weeks, and her story kept changing. And she sent a “pornographic” picture of a woman to Gressett days after the day she alleged he raped her!

Later in 2012, Gressett sued Robert Kochly, the former DA of Contra Costa County, and some of his subordinates. He also named the female prosecutor as Holly Harpham.

(This Holly Harpham, middle name Cynthia, is not the same J. (Janice) Holly Harpham who is a prosecutor in L.A. County. I did a law license database check to make sure. Since L.A. County prosecutors have trouble prosecuting Hollywood movers and shakers who rape children or murder their wives, and have had problems prosecuting serial murderers like the Hillside Stranglers, I had to make the distinction so you wouldn’t think the pinheads in the L.A. County District Attorney’s Office hired the Contra Costa Holly Harpham, even though they are corrupt enough and/or stupid enough to do so.)

Gressett said Kochly wanted his friend Dan O’Malley to succeed him as DA …. O’Malley’s law partner co-incidentally served as Ms. Harpham’s lawyer. Since Mark Peterson supervised Gressett, he charged, his own criminal case would look bad for Peterson in the election. However, Peterson won the election and would keep the office until his 2017 felony conviction. Kochly, in deposition, looked “bumbling and indecisive.”

A federal judge in early 2015 ruled county prosecutors were only doing their duty in investigating Gressett. He ruled against Gressett, who appealed.

Gressett remained on paid leave until June 2015, when he was allowed to return to work to handle the county DA’s side of parole hearings before parole boards. He dropped his appeal weeks later.


Gressett’s new job involves traveling to prisons to argue against ACLU types and others who want to spring criminals onto society before they’ve paid for their crimes. This work keeps Gressett productive and keeps him away from the prosecutors who are sodomy club sorority gals.


Holly Harpham got $450,000, and Gressett got his job and back pay back …. and he didn’t have to work for the DA’s office for almost seven years while drawing paychecks worth well over a million dollars.

So who got raped?

The taxpayers. They had to cover both prosecutors’ settlements, and Contra Costa County’s legal fees in the federal lawsuit.

Do you think the Contra Costa District Attorney’s prosecutors have any credibility prosecuting any sort of crime when they can’t handle their own business in a professional and ethical manner?

(Sources: Geluardi articles (10/28/2009, 8/31/2011, 3/21/2012, 6/25/2014, 8/30/2017) in the East Bay Express, an article by Darwin Bond Graham in the 5/7/2018 East Bay Express, and a
CBS News article 6/8/2018)



Prosecutors wrap themselves in the American flag and claim they protect the public. If it were up to me, I’d wrap a lot of them in concrete and sink them in the ocean to protect the public. After all, these guys and gals are LAWYERS first, bureaucrats second, and public servants in name only.

A case in Cincinnati can serve as an example. Edward Cook, a 46-year-old black mechanic, lost his four children in a garage fire in 1991. He and his children had to live in the garage because city officials evicted them from an apartment complex after a fire had damaged it, and they could afford nothing better. Since the garage was in a dangerous part of town, Cook locked his children in the garage for their protection one night while he ran to the store for some groceries.

When Cook returned, the garage was ablaze. Cook suffered head burns trying to rescue his children. Firemen tackled him to keep him from losing his own life. Fire investigators determined later the children had started the fire by playing with matches.

Now the tragic story turns hateful. Some yuppie geeks in the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office tried to get Cook indicted for child endangerment and involuntary manslaughter. Obviously, none of them ever had to really scuffle for a living. None of them evidently had any appreciation of how hard it is to try to raise children on little money in a dangerous area.

Cook’s relatives and friends made an angry outcry over the prosecutors’ misconduct. People came forward to say what a good father Cook was, how well his children did in school, and how well-taken care of they were. They raised money for him so he could bury his children. (Cook’s plight touched even my cast iron heart, and I sent a $50 check to the fund.) People kept vigil at the courthouse to monitor the injustice against Cook.

Eventually the prosecutors put Cook’s case before the grand jury. Cook testified before the grand jury, and the grand jurors told the prosecutor pukes to stick their case where the sun doesn’t shine. Justice was served, but not by the prosecutors who are supposed to uphold it.


How can prosecutors rape Ms. Justice? Let me count the ways.



Prosecutors plea-bargain anywhere from 65 to 95 percent of all criminal cases. Of course, most people who are charged usually are guilty of something, but that’s not always why prosecutors plea-bargain so freely. Prosecutors claim they care about people, but many of them really look at criminal cases like statistics. The more convictions they can show, the better it will look for them when they run for office or go into private law practices.

So many prosecutors will plea-bargain with criminals to pad their statistics. After all, a murderer who pleads guilty to the reduced charge of manslaughter or felony assault counts as a conviction just as much as if the prosecutor had to work a little and try him and convict him on the more serious charge and keep him locked up awhile. Prosecutors who plea-bargain too freely endanger the public because the truly dangerous and crooked criminals will avoid just punishment and will be able to prey on the people much quicker.

For example, prosecutors cut a deal with “Ricky Slaughterhouse” (a killer whose criminal career I covered) which allowed him to plead guilty to “hindering prosecution” for shooting a Kentucky man to death. He had previously been convicted of murder in the case, but a federal appellate judge had thrown the case out on a technicality. So instead of retrying Ricky, the prosecutors cut the deal with him. In other words, Ricky agreed he “hindered prosecution” of a felony assault-with-a-gun charge by mortally wounding the man he assaulted with a gun. Ricky, who was also serving a concurrent (at the same time) sentence for stabbing a man to death in Ohio, was then free to walk out of prison and start a whole new life of assault-related crime.

A federal judge sent Ricky to prison for committing a crime with a gun some years later. (He ventilated the house of his girlfriend’s parents with a shotgun, then beat the girlfriend with the weapon.) This time, he had to do at least 15 years of hard time.

Another key reason why prosecutors use the plea bargain so readily is that they’re bureaucrats. Many of them have lots of cases to review, and they get lazy on some of them. This means they don’t review many of their cases thoroughly to see whether the alleged victims are vindictive liars, or to see whether they have the right person charged for crimes which some criminals DID commit against the victims. Too many prosecutors take the easy way out instead. They threaten the defendants with massive prosecutions and long prison terms unless they accept plea-bargains.

Some defendants are innocent, but scared. They know there are enough worthless judges and dopey jurors out there who could rule the wrong way on them, so they cave in to the pressure and accept the plea bargain. And in such cases, since the plea-bargaining defendants had nothing to do with the crimes, the real perpetrators are still on the loose to prey upon the public.



This is a fancy name for a prosecutor deciding to abuse his or her office by charging people with crimes to punish them because of prejudice or because the defendants are opponents of the prosecutor or his or her masters.

The Bush 41 administration then the Clinton administration tried to murder, then imprison Terry Reed. Reed, a CIA operative, was present with Oliver North when future Bush AG William Barr took the CIA’s gun manufacturing and money laundering business away from Bill Clinton and his Arkansas cronies because they were more greedy than the average banana republic, and they couldn’t manufacture weapon parts competently, after threatening to out the Iran-Contra scheme unless they got the gunmaking business. Reed discovered the drugrunning that the Clinton machine and the Bush people were engaging in, and became a marked man. Officials charged him with fraud and drugrunning, and a number of other false charges. He finally won vindication, but at huge cost to himself, his wife, and his family. His book “Compromised: Clinton, Bush, and the CIA” is one of the most disturbing crime books I have read.

An even more corrupt pattern became evident during the reign of Obama the First. His Justice Department covered up all matters of criminal conduct, not the least of which were the criminal acts of Hillary Clinton. Starting with disgraced former FBI chief James Comey and crooked US AG Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, and corrupt former IRS head Lois Lerner, and working down to the local federal prosecutors and FBI agents, the justice system attacked too many whose real “crime” was disagreeing with the regime. Too many Republicans, starting with Chief Justice Roberts and failed presidential candidates McCain and Romney, and many members of the Senate and the House, did little or nothing to stop these abuses. Perhaps they agreed with the Dems and the globalists who contribute to them. Perhaps some or many of them are compromised like former GOP House Speaker Denny Hastert (a homosexual molester) was.



Prosecutors also commit crimes against public safety when they fail to prosecute dangerous or clever criminals even if they KNOW they’re guilty. Prosecutors pull this stunt in cases where they’ll have to work a little to get a conviction. For example, reputed homosexual J. Edgar Hoover had his FBI agents concentrating on bank robbers and spying on Martin Luther King instead of going after more of the sophisticated Mob and white-collar criminals. (Hoover was aided and abetted in this wrongdoing against Dr. King by LBJ, and top aides in his and in JFK’s administrations.)

A sleazy example of failure to prosecute was the Hillside Strangler case. Cousins Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono raped and murdered ten women and girls in the L.A. area in 1977 and 1978. Bianchi later moved to Washington with his girlfriend, and he murdered two more women in the Evergreen State in 1979. He confessed to these two murders later that year. While in custody, Bianchi more or less confessed to the L.A. killings and implicated his cousin.

According to Darcy O’Brien, who wrote the book “Two of a Kind” about Buono and Bianchi, the Hillside Strangler case unfolded as follows:

Bianchi – pretending to be suffering from a multiple personality disorder – changed details of his story constantly. Police detectives found some forensic evidence and plenty of circumstantial evidence linking Buono with the slayings. They believed the prosecutors could get Buono convicted if they worked a little. However, Roger Kelly, the prosecutor assigned to the case, belittled witnesses who said they saw Buono help Bianchi abduct women. Kelly also ignored forensic evidence a woman police technician had found to link Buono to a murdered teenage girl. One of the detectives thought Kelly was trying to sabotage the case against Buono by this behavior.

But why would a prosecutor act this way? One of the detectives thought Kelly might drop the murder charges against Buono because he would have to work hard and chance losing the case – and hurt his conviction rate as a prosecutor. His fears seemed to be realized when in 1981, Kelly and his boss, Los Angeles County District Attorney John Van de Kamp, decided to ask the judge in the case to let them drop all murder charges against Buono.

But Judge Ronald George refused to be a “rubber stamp,” as he told me in an interview. Judge George refused to let the prosecutor take a dive on the case. He refused to let the murder charges drop, and he ordered Van de Kamp to prosecute the case or get the hell out of the way so the state attorney general could send a prosecutor to try the case.

Van de Kamp still had cold feet; he decided to pull his prosecutor out of the case. California Attorney General George Deukmejian jumped on the case with both feet. He sent two prosecutors and an investigator to take care of business. Immediately the Buono trial took on political overtones because Deukmejian, a Republican, was going to run for governor in 1982 on a tough-on-crime platform. And Van de Kamp, a Democrat, was going to run for Deukmejian’s attorney general job. If Buono was convicted by election day, Deukmejian would look good, and Van de Kamp would look bad. On the other hand, Deukmejian would look foolish and Van de Kamp would look like less of a sissy if Buono walked.

However, the case lasted well into 1983. Meanwhile, Deukmejian became governor and Van de Kamp became attorney general. Finally, the jurors found Buono guilty of nine of the ten murders he was charged with. They gave him life in prison for his crimes. Judge George – again showing some concern for justice – said he was sorry the law wouldn’t allow him to overrule the jurors so he could sentence Buono to death.

A far more corrupt pattern became evident during the reign of Obama the First. His Justice Department covered up all matters of criminal conduct, not the least of which were the criminal acts of Hillary Clinton. Starting with disgraced former FBI chief James Comey and crooked US AG Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, and corrupt former IRS head Lois Lerner, and working down to the local federal prosecutors and FBI agents, the justice system covered for too many with power.

For example, top FBI people and top DOJ people decided to “clear” Hillary before they questioned her. They gave her underlings immunity from prosecution but didn’t require them to give up anyone in exchange. They lied about checking e-mails on the laptop of Anthony Weiner, the estranged sex offender hubby of Hillary’s girltoy Huma Abedin. They didn’t tape Hillary when they interviewed her; nor did they take notes. So the “interview” was worthless evidence-wise. The “interviewers’” softball questions and the butt-kissing of Hillary by law enforcement agents would have looked embarrassing in type and even worse in audio.

IRS lead harpy Lois Lerner sticks her evil puss onto a mike.



Another prosecutor offense is putting on a weak case against defendants, especially against those with the right political ties. For example, federal lawmen accused federal prosecutors in New Jersey of failure to prosecute a number of public officials connected with the Abscam scandal. Higher-ups in the U.S. Justice Department took the cases away from the New Jersey federal prosecutors, and sent others into New Jersey to handle the prosecutions. The highest-ranking federal prosecutor in the Garden State accused of foot-dragging soon resigned. Two other prosecutors kicked off the case later appeared as witnesses for the defendants when they appealed their convictions.

Imrin Awan, the Pakistani IT guy who more than 40 Congressional Dems used, got off with a few days imprisonment for home equity loan fraud. Anti-Trump DOJ officials dropped charges he stole money and intel from members of Congress, spied on them, and stole tens of thousands of dollars in computer gear. An Obama appointed judge okayed the plea bargain. This saved the 40 or more House Democrats from having to testify why a thief and spy was on their payroll and how he compromised them. (Source: Frank Miniter for Fox News, 8/23/2018)

James Wolfe, the Senate Intelligence Committee security chief, got off on another illicit undercover job in more ways than one. Wolfe evidently leaked classified info to Ali Watkins, a female New York Times reporter he was servicing, and to other media whores to make Trump associates look bad. Wolfe escaped leaking charges in 2018. He pled guilty to a minor charge of lying to federal lawmen about his leaking activities to newspeople. (Source: Washington Times, 10/15/2018)



Prosecutors sometimes renege on deals they cut with witnesses. Prosecutors pull this crap because they know it’s their word against the testimony of convicts, and people won’t usually believe the lousy criminals. I covered such a case in a federal court – it involved a prisoner who witnessed two of his fellow biker gang “brothers” kill another prisoner by locking him in his cell, splashing a flammable liquid on him, and throwing lit matches at him until the liquid ignited and he burned to death. According to the suit the prisoner filed, he claimed state officials promised him if he testified against the killers, they would keep his identity secret until the trial, they would keep him locked up in another prison in the state, and they would reduce his armed-robbery sentence.

The state officials went back on their word big-time, the prisoner charged. He said other gang members showed him a copy of his signed statement a month before the trial, and they proceeded to make his life a living hell. He testified against the gang members anyway, and his testimony convicted them. As his reward, he said, the officials decided to move him out of state and decided not to reduce his sentence. The prison warden and the local prosecutors I spoke with about the case told me circumstantial evidence was totally on the prisoner’s side. They said they believed he wouldn’t have jeopardized himself unless the state officials made those promises to him.



One of my earliest articles concerned an L.A. city prosecutor who saw fit to waste an unspecified amount of money to prosecute a priest who had drowned some nuisance stray cats that had been hanging around his high school. (The priest, who had once been a farmer, evidently still had a farmer’s seemingly harsh but realistic attitude toward pests.) Steve McKee, the prosecutor in question, got involved after a few bozos picketed the priest’s high school. With all the REAL crime that goes on in L.A., I said to McKee, why was he prosecuting someone for doing what local animal control people do all the time – kill strays?

McKee said he thought the drownings were serious offenses. McKee denied he was going after the priest to showboat for the lunatic mainstream in L.A., but he also refused to say whether or not he was a churchgoer, an atheist or an anti-Catholic bigot. He did say his boss Ira Reiner (a one-time Manson Family defense attorney who was city attorney for L.A. before becoming the district attorney for L.A. County) had given the go-ahead to prosecute the case.

A current ridiculous case, courtesy of Lauren Meltzer of ABC News, follows:

“The town of Old Bridge has threatened to shut down the famed light show if homeowners Thomas and Kris Apruzzi fail to pay $2,000 per night for security, he said. They also want him to bus in people to avoid traffic issues.

Last year, authorities received complaints about large crowds gathering to watch the elaborate show, along with traffic. The town used volunteer auxiliary officer for security detail to manage what they referred to as “unsafe conditions” in the neighborhood, but now, they want the Apruzzi family to pay the fee as crowds grow and regular officers are needed.

Apruzzi Family House. New Jersey has more than its share of knothead public officials.


“I am not gonna pay for nothing,” Thomas told New York ABC station WABC. “They want me to bus people in and out so they don’t have to park on the road and that’s totally wrong.

“The problem is this could’ve been taken care of many months ago and they tried to strong-arm me in October knowing that I wasn’t going to have a lot of time to do what I need to do,” he continued.

“[They] tried to do stipulations with this and that and everything like that. They brought in auxiliary cops for past five years to direct people for the traffic for everything like that and it never turned into a big deal until a couple of neighbors [complained].”

Old Bridge Mayor Owen Henry, who lives just two blocks from the display, says they have no plans to force the Apuzzis to end the show — it’s just about safety.

“There’s a lot of misinformation out there,” Henry told ABC News. “All we are trying to do is make the event safe. We’re not canceling the event … we’re not telling family to shut the lights off. We are there to try to protect public safety.”

(Note the mayor and the prosecutor who handles the city’s law enforcement didn’t deny the shakedown attempt.)

About 13,000 people stopped to admire the display over 20 days last year, according to the mayor. As many as 1,000 people stop on a single night closer to Christmas Day.”

I wonder how much money the town demanded of any “Gay Pride” event group. Or did the town bend over and swallow the costs? The Apuzzis’ lawyer and many enquiring minds want to know.



Prosecutors rape Ms. Justice often by intentional misconduct. Sometimes they merely shaft her due to garden-variety negligence. As an example of prosecutor error, the Raymond Tanner case bears examination.

Prosecutor Robin N. Piper III told me he decided not to prosecute Tanner for cutting off his wife’s head on Valentine’s Day of 1990. Why? He said two state-retained psychologists who interviewed Tanner many weeks after he beheaded his wife believed Tanner was probably mentally ill the day he killed her.

I asked prosecutor Piper why he hadn’t checked with the two psychologists who examined Tanner in the Butler County, Ohio jail the day after he killed his wife and concluded he was faking insanity. The prosecutor replied, with some astonishment, that he wasn’t aware of any other evaluation. When I told Piper the sheriff had reported to the media he had ordered the two shrinks to examine Tanner the day after the examinations took place, the prosecutor confessed he was unaware of their findings. In short, the prosecutor overlooked a huge piece of evidence in the murder case of a man who cut off his wife’s head.

Piper didn’t read the police report with much comprehension skills either. The police officers who arrested Tanner noted he asked for a lawyer, and gave them his brother’s phone number and said he was a Cincinnati police officer. (True.) He also said he would probably wind up in the state nuthouse.

How does a guy who was supposedly out of his mind enough a few minutes earlier to chop off his pretty young wife’s head, and show it to a neighbor young woman (who quaked in her boots worrying about her own head being chopped off) clearly analyze his situation like this?

Maybe the prosecutor didn’t analyze the autopsy report well either.

Tanner, who worked as a meat cutter in a restaurant, took two cuts to sever his wife’s head from her body. This was strong evidence he was in control of his motor nerves when he murdered Maria. The ACLU might argue as a point of mitigation that Tanner didn’t culturally appropriate the Islamicist practice of sawing off a victim’s head with a knife.

Tanner eventually told shrinks a tale about Maria, a pretty young blonde, being in a plot with the Masonic Order to kill him. He cut off her head to thwart the conspiracy, he said with a straight face.

Piper paid attention to this fake story being a sign of mental impairment but didn’t pay much heed to Maria’s relatives. Maria’s mother Shirley Cleaver told me Maria found out Tanner owed child support for two other children he baby-daddied, and she had to work to help him pay these obligations. Meanwhile, she miscarried one of two twins she was carrying, and the surviving baby died after a few weeks of life. Tanner blamed her for the loss of their babies. Maria said she was going to leave Tanner, her mother said, and Tanner threatened to kill her if she did. Maria made preparations to leave, and he cut her down. Literally. It was the only important promise he ever kept to her.

Piper overlooked motive (jealousy) and method (motor control in beheading his wife), as well as the two psychologists who said Tanner was faking insanity when they interviewed him the day after the murder. (Technically it was a homicide. Morally it was a murder, IMHO, regardless of what the prosecutor and judge say.)

Was Raymond Tanner insane? Most rational men don’t decapitate their wives on Valentine’s Day (or any other day, for that matter). But jury members who received all the evidence should have made that decision, not a prosecutor who IMHO mishandled the case. Piper did not oppose Tanner’s lawyer’s motion to have Tanner declared not guilty by reason of insanity. A judge found Tanner not guilty of killing his wife by reason of insanity in June 1990. He had to spend a short stay in a state nuthouse … along the lines he predicted not long after he murdered Maria.



Former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russian Collusion Snipe Hunt because he campaigned for Donald Trump. Sessions had his No. 2 man in the DOJ, lifer attorney Rod Rosenstein, choose a special prosecutor.

Rosenstein chose a friend of his – Robert Mueller, the former FBI chief. Mueller in turn is friends with his successor and former subordinate James Comey, who Trump had fired.

In the 2017 raid on Trump attorney Michael Cohen, U.S. Attorney for New York Geoffrey Berman recused himself because he is a Trump donor. Robert Khuzami, the No. 2 man in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New York City, is not. He’s a Bush 43 supporter and a big McCain donor. But that didn’t stop Obama from appointing him to run the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Uniparty, anyone?

Khuzami’s SEC people stood accused by an SEC investigator of negotiating fines with corporate violators to keep them out of prison. Later, writer Matt Taibbi reported Khuzami’s SEC people were destroying investigation records systematically. Khuzami didn’t deny it, but defended it as a continuation of SEC policy. A quick Wikipedia search on Khuzami revealed these items.

Khuzami is the kind of prosecutor Wall Street could be proud of. Khuzami gave the go-ahead for the FBI goons to make the Michael Cohen raids. The raids were meant to discredit President Trump, but they didn’t uncover anything that would harm him legally.


Also, about half of the lawyers Mueller hired for his Brownshirts were big Hillary donors. None was a Trump donor.



Honchos in the FBI and elsewhere in the Justice Department are not releasing subpoenaed documents as ordered. Current FBI chief Christopher Wray and DOJ No. Two Rosenstein in 2018 were being threatened with congressional impeachment and removal for the lawbreaking of their subordinates.

Compare this with Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch submitting to Bill Clinton during the Hillary investigation. Some call this tampering.

Comey and other FBI officials paid for a false dossier whose author was in the pay of Hillary and used it illegally to secure a FISA warrant to spy on Mr. Trump and his associates.

Double standards, selective prosecution, and personal misconduct are all other things a crooked prosecutor could do.

In Ohio, compromised state attorneys tried to imprison a police officer who was checking on a resort owner and big donor he suspected of trafficking girls. In a sham of a trial, the judge sentenced the officer to jail for five months for allegedly misusing a police computer system. It was evidently the largest sentence ever given for such a conviction in Ohio.

To my knowledge, only two other police officers drew any jail time at all for this. One was using the police computer system for harassing an ex. Another was using it to tip off drug dealers. A number of female prosecutors were using the police computer system to check on boyfriends and girlfriends; none of these sweeties drew any jail time.

On my advice, the officer pleaded indigence (he was broke and the state attorneys were killing his job opportunities) and a court appointed lawyer won him a reversal of the unjust conviction on appeal.



Dirt-digging on prosecutors is not an exact science. However, there are ways to get the job done.

You can check the percentage of felony cases in which prosecutors get convictions. Likewise, you can check the percentage of felony charges that are downgraded to misdemeanors. If your county has a low conviction ratio or high downgrading ratio relative to other counties in your state, your county prosecutors may not be getting the job done. (Or maybe your local police have trouble making arrests that stick.)

You can check for evidence of inequities in plea-bargaining, failure to prosecute, weak prosecution, wasting time with stupid cases, and incompetence in the criminal cases. Go through the criminal case files as follows:

Note the kinds of cases the prosecutor has tried.

Check for race, sex, and evidence of income of defendant. (White females, especially lesbians and bisexuals, appear to get preferential treatment.)

Check for how rigidly authoritarian or how ridiculously lax the prosecutor is in arranging to lower charges and sentences in exchange for guilty pleas.

Check the pattern of plea bargaining – how far the prosecutor will go depending on what evidence he or she has, whether or not he or she drops numbers of charges or drops the most serious charges, or whether or not he or she insists on imprisonment. Check for evidence of discrimination based on race, sex, or income. How does he or she handle crimes of violence? How does he or she handle non-violent crimes?

Check for evidence of a strong defense case and evidence of a prosecutor bullheadedly trying to prosecute the case or trying to secure a plea-bargain by ridiculously overcharging a defendant.

Check for selective or exemplary or discretionary prosecution. Is the prosecutor letting allies and donors get away with more serious crimes than he or she is prosecuting others for? Do the prosecutions look targeted against political opponents or people the prosecutor is prejudiced against?

Check for evidence the prosecutor isn’t presenting a strong case when damaging evidence might be available to him or her.

Check for evidence the prosecutor has mishandled the case in some other way.

See what kinds of sentences the defendants receive if tried and convicted. See if they are convicted on a lesser charge because the prosecutor couldn’t make a more serious charge stick.

Note how often defense attorneys get judges to issue directed verdicts. A judge, in issuing a directed verdict, is in effect throwing out the case because the prosecutor hasn’t proven the defendant committed the crime. Note how often juries or judges find defendants innocent. Note how often defendants successfully appeal the convictions.

Also check to see if the prosecutor gives a damn about victims. Too many prosecutors treat victims as mere pieces of evidence instead of as people who have been hurt deeply by the criminals. Does the prosecutor seek restitution for victims? Does he or consider victims’ wishes and concerns? Does he or she shield victims from abusive and unwarranted cross-examination in court while still allowing the defense attorneys to defend their clients?

You can also check for civil suits filed against prosecutors. Victims’ survivors might sue over botched prosecutions. Acquitted defendants might sue over the hassles the prosecutor caused them by prejudice or by failing to screen cases. Plea-bargaining witnesses might sue because prosecutors broke their word on deals.

You can also check them for conflicts of interest and for lawbreaking. So many prosecutors are corrupt they don’t try too hard to hide it. In fact, some openly flaunt their lawlessness as a way to intimidate their opponents with less power. This is not much different from a larger predator marking areas with his urine to scare off smaller animals.

A shortcut way of determining a prosecutor’s effectiveness is to contact defense attorneys, citizens’ groups, special-interest groups, police groups, the ACLU, local Republican or Democrat big shots, or anyone else in a position to know how a prosecutor performs (or fails to). If any of these folks has a gripe against your prosecutor, they’ll let you know in a heartbeat.



It’s important to know how good or how bad your prosecutors are, especially if they run for higher office. After all, justice and public safety rest uneasily in their slimy hands.

And on that note, I’m going to let you consider a textbook example of a mismanaged criminal case – the truly terrifying McMartin Preschool case. According to published accounts of the case, this is what went down:

In 1984, Los Angeles County prosecutors charged Peggy McMartin Buckey, her son Raymond Buckey, and five other staffers at the big-name preschool in Manhattan Beach, California with several hundred counts of child molestation. They made the charges after police investigators determined staffers had sexually abused 369 children.

In the pretrial hearings, the Buckeys’ lawyers subjected the first 13 child witnesses to savage and repetitive cross-examination. The little children – who had been raped, sodomized, and reportedly forced to watch little animals being killed – broke down, fidgeted intensely, started lisping, and displayed other signs of systemic emotional abuse as the lawyers’ cross-examinations continued. Judge Aviva Bobb allowed this abuse to continue, and she also refused to allow the children to testify via closed-circuit TV, even though the children’s parents got the law changed during the 13-month pretrial hearing period to allow this setting for testimony to protect little children.

Prosecutors made no major effort to get Judge Bobb overruled or removed from the case. Instead, they decided not to call other children as witnesses. Bobb then dismissed roughly 200 charges against the defendants. Ira Reiner inherited the case from Deukmejian buddy Phil Philibosian (who replaced John Van de Kamp as the L.A. County District Attorney when Van de Kamp became attorney general) when he beat Philibosian in an election to became the district attorney; Reiner dropped charges against the five other staffers in early 1986.

Eventually, Peggy McMartin Buckey was acquitted in early 1990. Her son Raymond survived two trials; each ended in a hung jury. As the jurors put it, the evidence proved the children had been molested, but the prosecutors couldn’t prove who had done the molesting.

Prosecutors decided to drop the case after the second trial ended in mid-1990. The case cost the taxpayers $13.5 million.

If the Buckeys were innocent, they paid a terrible price. Peggy Buckey spent two years in jail and Raymond Buckey spent five years in jail until the trials were over. They never ran another preschool or enjoyed any kind of a normal life, either. But, if they were guilty, they got off pretty damn lightly. And in either case, THE REAL MOLESTERS WERE FREE TO MOLEST MORE LITTLE CHILDREN.

Some wags, noting that Ira Reiner briefly served as a lawyer for Manson Family murderess Leslie Van Houten, commented sarcastically, “In that trial, it’s a good thing Reiner worked for the DEFENSE!”



California children, in the state where secessionist Xavier Becarra is the state attorney general, are especially vulnerable due to the prosecutors, public officials, and other government employees who pull paychecks in the Granola State.

Los Angeles Unified School District officials let grade school teacher Mark Berndt resign in 2011. Sheriff’s deputies showed school district officials photos of boys and girls being gagged with tape and blindfolded, and some being fed spoonfuls of a substance alleged to be semen. Lawmen arrested Berndt for a number of lewd conduct offenses.

School district officials suspended Berndt. Berndt lawyered up with lawyers who teachers’ union officials use to defend their dirtbags, so school officials allowed him to resign (instead of firing him) and keep his $4000 a month pension. They also paid him his full salary and paid his legal expenses. Since then, roughly 200 pupils’ parents have sued the school district because Berndt apparently fed kids his sperm for decades. School officials wound up reassigning every staffer at the school where Berndt taught and abused kids, because not a one of them ever came forward to report Berndt for his crimes. Some parents refused to settle lawsuits with the L.A. Unified School District, because they accused them of withholding information.

LAUSD teacher and child molester Mark Berndt in class.


Sadly, the parents were proven right. L.A. Unified School District officials had records dating back to 1983 in which pupils or parents complained Berndt committed sexual acts, from dropping his pants before startled children during a field trip, to masturbating in class, to molesting children. MEANWHILE, L.A. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIALS DID NOTHING.

So who exposed Berndt? A drugstore employee who developed film Berndt dropped off saw 40 photos of children with their eyes and mouths taped shut and roaches on their faces, or children being fed what looked like semen. Unlike the scumbag public school officials, the hourly employee had the integrity to call police. Berndt in 2013 drew a 25-year-sentence for molesting children. Among his other crimes, said a judge who ruled to make public a lot of info in the case, were forcing children to touch his genitals, exposing himself to children, and groping girls’ vaginas and breasts … on those girls barely old enough to have small breasts.

In the wake of the Berndt case came the revelation L.A. Unified School District lawyers destroyed 20 years of sex offense records against teachers and other employees of the district – from 1988 to 2008 – in 2008. A spokesperson for lawyers representing LAUSD against the parents of children Berndt molested admitted to the records destroying – after the records went to the general counsel of the school district – during an interview in 2014.


A L.A. Unified School District lawyer tried to prevent Los Angeles County Superior Court officials from making the info on Berndt public. Since most of it was info L.A. County Sheriff’s Department deputies gathered, LAUSD lawyers didn’t get a chance to destroy it, and lie about it for their LAUSD masters.

Meanwhile, New York City officials demoted Michael Osgood, the NYPD’s Special Victims Division chief, a few days ago after they learned he committed the “crime” of donating money to Donald Trump’s campaign in 2016. Mr. Trump on several occasions gave thousands of dollars for the printing of WANTED posters to help underfunded NYPD officers catch rapists.

NYC officials in so many words reportedly claimed Osgood was a pest in asking repeatedly for more help to combat rapists.

NYC officials tried to blame Osgood because rapes are up in the Big Apple. Sure they are. Mayor De Blasio and his cast of overpaid leftist pukes ban guns, declare themselves a sanctuary city, and release illegals who are also rapists. Why wouldn’t rapes be up?
(Source: New York Daily News, 11/15/2018)

Osgood is an innovator in the policing of sex offense cases, and is responsible for the convictions of thousands of rapists, despite having to work with prosecutors in New York City who are leftist vermin. Even feminists like the National Organization for Women said Osgood was excellent ast his job.

Osgood’s men brought Harvey Weinstein in for questioning in 2015 after he tried to rape an Italian model named Ambra Battilana. Weinstein threatened the officers like the entitled pig that he is. Then his lawyer got ahold of the Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. (the son of Cyrus Vance the failed Secretary of State for the failed Jimmy Carter) and his minions in the Manhattan (New York County) District Attorney’s Office.

Per New York Magazine 3/19/2018, this:

“He (Weinstein) retained two lawyers with ties to the district attorney’s office, including Elkan Abramowitz, Vance’s former law partner and a donor to his campaign. To cement their access to Vance’s office, the lawyers hired Linda Fairstein, the former head of the DA’s Sex Crimes Unit and a close friend of Bashford’s.” (Martha Bashford is a chief sex crimes prosecutor for the Manhattan District Attorney.)

(How to be Your Own Detective teaching point: The writer looked up the backgrounds of the lawyers in the DA’s Office and their fellow obstructors of justice on Team Weinstein. Then the writer checked databases for donations Weinstein and his shysters made to the DA shysters and their political allies. The writer found out any relationships between Team Weinstein and the prosecutors. This is what you and I should do, and can. Especially follow the money and relationships trails when there are odd government official actions that fly in the face of justice.)

The DA’s people were so hateful to Miss Battilana (they essentially spied on her and asked her roommates if she was a prostitute) that Osgood and his men had to hide her out for several days from the leftist jagoffs of the highly politicized Manhattan DA’s Office.

“Five days after he and his team sequestered Ambra Battilana in a hotel room to protect her from Vance’s office, she agreed to meet with Martha Bashford, the head of the DA’s sex crimes unit. Bashford didn’t inform the SVD, but Battilana’s lawyer did, and Osgood’s investigative team showed up at the attorney’s office before Bashford arrived.”

“During the meeting, according to Bock (a NYPD officer), Bashford grilled Battilana about her personal life — including one of the infamous sex parties thrown by Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi that she had attended. Battilana told Bashford that she and her friends had left as soon as the sex started. “The questioning was aggressive and accusatory,” Bock recalls. “Again, the victim was upset. She felt like she was under attack.”

Days later, Dem DA Vance and his pussy hat wearing prosecutor shysters decided not to prosecute Harvey Weinstein.

Osgood did not fold. Before and after actress Rose McGowan came forward against Harvey Weinstein late last year, he continued the investigation against the movie mogul perv. Since Ms. McGowan came forward, Osgood has investigated the cases of more than a dozen women who have come forward against Weinstein. (New York Magazine, 3/19/2018)

The social justice bedwetters remain silent about their leftist politicians, including cop hater New York mayor De Blasio. Vance and Ms. Bashford still have jobs, which the taxpayers of New York pay for.

But prosecutor insanity and crookedness are manifesting all over the country.

In Michigan, a prosecutor who was squeezably soft on girl molester Larry Nassar is now governor of the Wolverine State.

In the Nassar case, the local prosecutors in Ingham County, Michigan, where Michigan State University is, were Democrats who bowed to the pressure a big university can exert. Stuart Dunnings III, the first coverup artist, later went to jail for his crimes in connection with prostitutes.

Gretchen Whitmer, who succeeded Dunnings, was such a wimp or a fixer that the MSU campus police chief Jim Dunlap took the child pornography evidence against Nassar to a federal prosecutor and took the rape evidence against Nassar to then Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette. Dunlap didn’t want Gretchen rolling over or taking a dive on the cases.

The feds got Nassar a much stiffer sentence than Gretchen could because federal penalties for child pornography are more Spartan than Michigan state penalties. AG Schuette’s people won convictions on Nassar for all the rapes he committed, when Gretchen didn’t even want to try the cases.

Ironically, Gretchen beat Schuette for the chance to be Michigan’s next governor a couple of weeks ago. How did this happen?

Gretchen called AG Bill Schuette, her opponent, a liar even though his people prosecuted Larry Nassar and she did not. MSU police chief Dunlap referred the case to him, not her, because he sensed she was going to take a dive on prosecuting Nassar on rape charges. Schuette looked like he had something to hide because the Republican Party in Michigan attacked her but he didn’t, and he wasn’t strong in defending himself. Then Gretchen went to the “I was raped as a coed”card to claim her “martyrdom,” and he didn’t challenge it.

Schuette would have been better off saying, “If you were a rape victim, why were you unwilling to prosecute Nassar for rape and Michigan State officials for the cover-up? And not give the victims the closure they deserved?”

Schuette also cowered when victims who were Democrats argued against “politicizing the crimes.” Schuette should have said it was he who punished the criminals, not Gretchen … that’s what grown-ups do. The Democrat victims should have been grateful Schuette did his job. Gretchen whiffed on them and they were still willing to help her by attacking the guy who went to bat for them. Being good in gymnastics doesn’t equate to having common sense in life.

More shysters will become county and state prosecutor before there are less. George Soros, who profited during the Holocaust by grabbing possessions belonging to Jews sent to concentration camps, is seriously funding state attorney general races and county prosecutor races. The objective is to use prosecutors to protect certain classes of criminals and to prosecute others, like the pro-lifers I have helped defend in California and New York from dirty prosecutions by dirty prosecutors.

If your prosecutors are shysters, it’s up to you to purge them. If you don’t, they’ll waste your tax money, let criminals roam free, and prosecute you if you don’t agree with them.

Too many prosecutors don’t give a damn about you or other decent Americans. You will really start having to follow these people at the local and state levels. You will also have to pressure members of Congress and the Administration to get rid of bad prosecutors at the federal level.

When it comes to defending your loved ones, you are your own first responder. Because too many of those charged with enforcing the laws are among the biggest lawbreakers.





Information on the Edward Cook case comes from articles in the Cincinnati Enquirer on November 17, 18, and 19, 1991, from articles in the Cincinnati Post on December 23, 1991 and January 22, 1992, and from an Enquirer article on January 23, 1992.

Information on the FBI’s surveillance of Martin Luther King comes from Victor Lasky’s book “It Didn’t Start With Watergate.”

Information about the attempt to drop the case against Hillside Strangler suspect Angelo Buono comes from Darcy O’Brien’s book “Two of a Kind,” and from my interview of Judge Ronald George in 1991. Judge George, according to O’Brien, accurately slammed L.A. County prosecutors John Van de Kamp and Roger Kelly by saying, “In making the decision to prosecute, the prosecutor should give no weight to the personal or political advantages or disadvantages which might be involved or to a desire to enhance his or her record of convictions.”

Information about the foot-dragging of federal prosecutors in New Jersey in prosecuting public officials tied to the Abscam scandal comes from Robert Greene’s book “The Sting Man.”

Information on L.A. city prosecutor Steve McKee, who prosecuted a priest for putting nuisance strays to sleep while cases against real criminals backlogged, comes from my 1982 article in the San Fernando Sun.

Raymond Tanner’s murder case is CR 90-02-169, Butler County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court. Besides interviewing prosecutor Robin Piper, I interviewed police officials, Butler County Sheriff Richard Holzberger, two of the shrinks who checked Tanner (neither would comment), the coroner who conducted the autopsy on Maria Tanner, and family members of both Raymond Tanner and Maria Barker Tanner. I also reviewed the autopsy report, some psychiatric evaluations on Tanner, and several newspaper articles on the case, as well as the jailhouse log and the criminal case file.

Information on the McMartin Preschool case comes from an article in the April 9, 1984 issue of Newsweek, an article in the June 24, 1985 issue of Newsweek, an article in the July 8, 1985 issue of People, an article in the December 15, 1986 issue of Newsweek, an article in the January 29, 1990 issue of Time, and an article in the August 6, 1990 issue of Time.

Information on Ira Reiner’s involvement in the Manson Family case comes from Vincent Bugliosi’s and Curtis Gentry’s book Helter Skelter.

Info on the Los Angeles Unified School district and teachers Mark Berndt and the lawyers of the school district who destroyed the sex abuse records of the district comes from a 12/6/2012 article by Christina Hoag of Associated Press, a 2/1/2012 Los Angeles Times article, a 2/29/2012 article by Tami Abdollah and Shirley Jahad for radio station KPCC, a 5/1/2014 NBC-TV (Los Angeles) article, and Juliet Rylah’s 5/1/2014, 9/26/2014, and 11/13/2014 articles for the website LAIST.
On the Nassar/US Olympics/FBI/Gretchen Whitmer scandal:
Indianapolis Star 2016 series “Out of Balance”
Indianapolis Star, 12/20/2017
Michigan Live, 2/13/2017, 12/26/2017
Detroit News, 8/10/2017, 12/13/2017
NBC College Football Report, by Zach Barnett, 1/21/2018
NBC News, by Tracy Connor, 1/22/2018
Detroit Free Press, 1/21/2018
Sports Illustrated, 1/20/2018
Lansing State Journal, 1/22/2108
Breitbart, 1/22/2018
CNN, 1/16/2018
ESPN, 1/16/2018
Business Insider, 10/19/2017
Washington Times and Associated Press, 12/8/2017, 12/15/2017
New York Post, 1/23/2018

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