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Baby Blanket Bingo and Political Tricks in the Halloween Season

November02/ 2018

President Donald Trump announced this week he would look to end baby blanket bingo aka “birthright citizenship” by getting Congress to enact good laws or by executive order if need be.

Democrats, globalist Republican quislings like Paul Ryan, John Kasich, and Jeff Flake, and the other usual suspects damned the President for trying to protect Americans.

They claimed the 14th Amendment allows any illegal alien female to drop a kid on American soil, and get citizenship for herself and her entire extended family. They can all come to America and work under the table, mooch off of taxpayers, and maybe vote Democrat.

They quote the opening line of the Amendment; “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

They omit admitting “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” is legalese for an American national or a naturalized American.

Disclosure: This post in no way covers (or attempts to cover) the Annette movie of a similar name.


You my readers understand history and context as backgrounds of laws. These are part of the skill set you have when you are your own detectives. So let’s go thru the history, context, and background of the 14th Amendment.

The 14th Amendment, pushed by the Republicans in the wake of the murder of Abraham Lincoln by a Democrat racist, was aimed at helping American blacks and punishing former Confederate leaders.

The 13th Amendment, ratified in 1865, just after the end of the Civil War, outlawed slavery.

The 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, made blacks born in America American citizens. It also punished former Confederate leaders.

The 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, gave American black citizens the right to vote.

President U.S. Grant also signed into law in 1870 a bill that gave blacks who were not born in America the right to become naturalized citizens. This applied to blacks brought in as slaves from Africa and the Western Hemisphere. Grant and Congress also gave blacks the same rights to emigrate to America as the immigration laws gave whites.

The same U.S. Grant in 1875 signed into law a measure keeping out unskilled Chinese laborers.

Many American Indians did not get citizenship under the 14th Amendment because their tribes were not under U.S. government control. In other words, the feds considered the Sioux, the Apaches, the Nez Percé, the Comanches, and many other tribes of the Great Plains and the West to be non-citizens and hostiles. Some American Indians gained citizenship under the Dawes Act of 1887 if they left the tribal life; of course this allowed the palefaces to grab more tribal land.

Other American Indians who lived in frontier territories and states gained citizenship by marrying whites or blacks, or by serving in America’s armed forces. To their shame, American leaders did not grant full citizenship to all American Indians until 1924, under the Indian Citizenship Act of 1924.

American women didn’t have the right to vote nationwide until 1920, with the ratification of the 19th Amendment. Legislators in several western states had earlier granted women suffrage. The did so largely because ranchers and farmers wanted their females to vote to counterbalance the votes of itinerant cowboys (many of whom were blacks) and itinerant loggers and miners and railway workers. Most of the itinerants were not married.

Want the ultimate test?

Ellis Island Era officials and other lawmen knew the background and context of the 14th Amendment. They knew a baby born here to foreign parents didn’t automatically get American citizenship. The babe took the citizenship status of his or her alien parents, which is as it still should be. Returning to this common-sense interpretation of the law, as it was before LBJ’s failed presidency, would end the anchor baby scam.

Alien mothers gave birth to 500 babies while detained at Ellis Island. Almost none of them got American citizenship. The one or few who did had fathers who were American citizens.

American officials also understood a criminal cannot profit from her crime. An illegal alien cannot get citizenship by popping out a baby on American soil if she came here illegally or overstayed her visa or did something else illegal to gain entry to America.

From our friend, Iowa Congressman Steve King, this, from an article he wrote 8/19/2015 about the 14th Amendment:

“During Congressional debate of the Citizenship Clause it was made clear that the drafters did not intend automatic birthright citizenship for all persons born in the U.S. Senator Jacob Howard, a drafter of the 14th Amendment, in floor debate said of the Clause:

“This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.”[1]

Senator Howard also made clear that simply being born in the U.S. was not enough to be a citizen when he opposed an amendment to specifically exclude Native Americans from the Citizenship Clause. He said, “Indians born within the limits of the United States and who maintain their tribal relations, are not, in the sense of this amendment, born subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.”

Notice the reasoning deployed, Native Americans maintain their tribal relations so they are not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” Senator Edgar Cowan said, “It is perfectly clear that the mere fact that a man is born in the country has not heretofore entitled him to the right to exercise political power.”[2]

Senator Lyman Trumbull said:

“The provision is, that ‘all persons born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens. That means, “subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof.”[3] (emphasis added)

He further elaborated, “What do we mean by subject to the jurisdiction of the United States? Not owing allegiance to anybody else.”

There was still more discussion of the language by Senator Reverdy Johnson. He said:

“Now, all that this amendment provides is, that all persons born in the United States and not subject to some foreign Power for that, no doubt, is the meaning of the committee who have brought the matter before us, shall be considered as citizens of the United States.”[4]

Supreme Court on Birthright Citizenship for illegal immigrants:

While some have discussed birthright citizenship as if it is settled law that any person born in the U.S. is a citizen, the Supreme Court has never ruled as such. In the famous 2004 Supreme Court case, Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, Taliban fighter Yaser Esam Hamdi was discovered to have been born in the United States to parents that were subjects of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Even though he was born in the United States, the Court never called him a citizen and the Court made no declaration in that case that anyone born on American soil was automatically a citizen.

In the Slaughter-House Cases of 1873, the Supreme Court said, “[t]he phrase, ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign States born within the United States.”

Next, in 1884, the Supreme Court addressed a claim of citizenship in Elk v. Wilkins. The Court held that John Elk did not meet the jurisdiction requirement of the 14th Amendment because he was a member of an Indian tribe at birth. The Court said that even though Elk was born in the U.S. he did not meet the “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” requirement because that required that he “not merely be subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction.”

Proponents of birthright citizenship for illegal immigrants point to the 1898 Wong Kim Ark case. However, that case dealt with a man that was born to parents that were legally and permanently domiciled in the United States at the time of his birth. In that case, there was more expansive language used on birthright citizenship, but it was neither the holding of the case nor does it operate as binding precedent on the Court or as the law of the land.

Maternity ward in Ellis Island’s hospital (by Augustus Sherman). 500 babies were born on Ellis Island; none of them got citizenship unless one of their parents was an American citizen already.


Congressional power to change the policy:

Under the Constitution and reiterated by the Supreme Court, Congress has plenary power over immigration and naturalization. We see this in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution and Section 5 of the 14th Amendment explicitly grants Congress the power to enforce the Citizenship Clause.

So not only does Congress have the power of naturalization in Article I, but the 14th Amendment provides Congress the power to enforce the Citizenship Clause. Together, these two provisions make it clear there is no need to amend the Constitution to change the current faulty birthright citizenship policy.

Congress has the power and duty to say who can be a citizen of the United States. The legislative branch has a responsibility to uphold the Constitution, and on the issue of birthright citizenship it is clear the plain meaning of the Citizenship Clause as originally understood is being violated. The Congress can and should make the legislative fix necessary to correct this problem.


It is undisputed that the 14th Amendment’s Citizenship Clause requires that one is both born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. Further, no fair reading of the legislative history of the drafting of that Clause leads to any conclusion other than it required those granted citizenship have complete allegiance to the United States.

Logic dictates that illegal immigrants in defiance of the jurisdiction of the United States and citizens of foreign powers are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States as required by the 14th Amendment. And the Supreme Court has never held the opposite to be true. Congress, therefore, with its plenary power over immigration and empowerment to enforce the Citizenship Clause can restore the correct birthright citizenship policy through legislation. And indeed, if we are to have a rational immigration policy controlled by government as opposed to one controlled by every person who illegally enters, Congress must return to the original meaning of the 14th Amendment.

I authored H.R. 140, The Birthright Citizenship Act in the House for many years in order to restore the 14th Amendment and the Rule of Law.

[1] The Congressional Globe, May 30, 1866. Debate on the Senate Floor. Remarks of Senator Howard.

[2] The Congressional Globe, May 30, 1866. Debate on Senate Floor. Remarks of Senator Cowan.
[3] The Congressional Globe, May 30, 1866. Debate on Senate Floor. Remarks of Senator Trumbull.

[4] The Congressional Globe, May 30, 1866. Debate on Senate Floor. Remarks of Senator Johnson.”

Steve King or his staffers referred to the Congressional Globe in quoting the senators. It was the predecessor to the Congressional Record. It is on line. I used it in researching a screenplay I wrote for a prequel to “Lincoln” – a movie script about the tumultuous 16-month presidency and possible poisoning of American hero Zachary Taylor.

Iowan Steve King is a reliable public servant who deserves re-election. He’s far better than the illegal immigration apologist Abby Finkenauer, who is running for Congress in the district in Iowa where an illegal is accused of murdering and possibly sexually abusing coed Mollie Tibbetts before concealing her body in a cornfield.

Illegal from Mexico is being charged with abducting Mollie Tibbetts and stabbing her to death


“Democrat Abby Finkenauer, running against Rep. Rod Blum in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, says illegal aliens “desperately need” amnesty to permanently remain in the United States. During a debate against Blum, Finkenauer said she supported amnesty for all 12 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S., adding she supporters giving “earned citizenship” to the entire illegal population.”

(Source: Breitbart, 11/1/2018)

The 14th Amendment’s framers had no intention of allowing alien females to play baby blanket bingo by dropping a baby on American soil and getting herself and all her village into America as citizens.

The 14th Amendment was designed to give freed slaves citizenship, not babies born to illegals. In that era, a baby born to foreign parents on American soil had the status of his or her parents – foreign nationals. This is as it should be.

Thanks to the chicanery of Lyndon Johnson, Teddy Kennedy and others in foisting the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act on the American people, illegals since the mid 1960s often give birth to babies on American soil to get into the country legally as the parents of “American citizens.” Teddy’s brother Bobby was murdered by an Arab immigrant in 1968; his brother John was murdered by a Communist and/or by the Deep State in 1963.

Irresponsible bureaucrats, many members of Congress, judges, and presidents have undermined the 14th Amendment by allowing illegal foreign females to drop “anchor babies” on American soil and gain legal status as a result. They have been burdening the taxpayers with these illegals and their offspring, most of whom take in more taxpayer-covered services than they produce in tax revenue.

President Trump is right to try to end baby blanket bingo aka “birthright citizenship.” He is forcing the corrupt Democrats and the globalist Republicans into a day of reckoning. He is protecting American citizens from having their wages undercut, their taxes made more burdensome, their lives made less safe, and their institutions and heritage forced under degradation by un-American foreigners.

While the caravan of Central American criminals is heading northward, two other caravans are coming on its heels. The troops deployed at the Mexican border have been putting up wire. They have apparently also been emplacing “active denial” weapons meant to burn and scramble the hearing of the mobs heading northward.

Peaceful caravan of criminals break into Mexco and get government assistance.


These devices may be nonlethal, but they are not pleasant. There has been no refusal to use tear gas, vomiting gas, fence electrification, or other means of riot control short of shooting the invaders. Nor has there been a refusal to rule out lethal force. President Trump is okay with our people shooting illegals who throw rocks at them. As Defense Secretary Mattis noted, the military does not do stunts.

Sheriffs work for the people. Police chiefs work for the mayors.

County sheriffs demonstrated again why they are the most pro-people elected officials.

Form the 10/24/2018 Kansas City Star, this:

The sheriff’s office in Dent County, Missouri, wants to make sure local registered sex offenders don’t have any tricks planned this Halloween.

Missouri law doesn’t allow sex offenders to hand out candy on Halloween, according to the Missouri Sheriffs’ Association. “If their crime happened in 2008 or after, they also have to post a sign saying they’re a sex offender and can’t serve candy,” the association says.

So this sheriff is handing out signs.

“From now until Halloween stop by the Sheriff’s Office and pick up your required, ‘No treats or candy at this residence’ sign,” the sheriff’s department posted on its Facebook page.

“They can make their own sign,” Whitney Capps of the sheriff’s department told KY3 in Springfield. “The statute just says that they have to post a sign and the sign says no treats or candy at this residence. There’s no requirements how this message is presented.”

The back of the sign from the sheriff’s office has other reminders about the Halloween rules Missouri sex offenders must follow, she said.

“They have to be inside their residence from 5 to 10:30 pm on Halloween night. All outside residential lighting has to be turned off,” said Capps, adding that sex offenders risk a class A misdemeanor for breaking these laws.

Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee and Texas “all have ‘no candy’ laws that ban sex offenders from handing out treats on Halloween,” the Boston Herald reports. “In Florida, sex offenders out on parole cannot hand out candy or wear costumes on Halloween night.”

Some states, the Herald reports, “also ban offenders from corn mazes and haunted houses.”

Local authorities across the country are using social media to remind parents to check online registries that list where registered sex offenders live before kids go door-to-door.

“This Halloween season, the La Porte County Sheriff’s Office is urging parents to use on-line tools to know the identity of registered sex offenders in the area where they plan to trick-or-treat,” the Indiana department wrote on Facebook last week.

“An on-line sex offender registry is available for residents of La Porte County allowing parents to conduct a search prior to trick-or-treating to prevent their children from visiting these homes during door-to-door trick-or-treating.”

In Tennessee, police and parole officers have undertaken “Operation Blackout,” a sweep of registered sex offenders to make sure they are in compliance with their parole requirements ahead of the holiday.

The effort has already turned up five sex offenders violating their paroles, WMC 5 in Memphis reported, including one man found with graphic nude photos of himself on his phone and a Snapchat account.

Police found pornographic images of children ages 7 to 13 on the phone of another parolee, the TV station reported.”

Last year, ACLU types criticized Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd in Florida because during hurricane season he made sex offenders shelter in the county jail instead of with women and children in other shelters. Judd was right and they were wrong.


Florida authorities had to arrest a man during Hurricane Michael for reportedly molesting a 6-year-old girl in a shelter. (see above)

Mayors choose police chiefs. Voters choose sheriffs. See the difference?

ACLU lawyers and other sex offender advocacy scum are due to show up in federal appeals court in Denver on or about November 15 to argue why a federal judge’s order for Colorado officials to take down their sex offender registry should stand. We will be covering these vermin and their attacks on your children. If Democrats win power anywhere, look for them to push the sex offender agenda.


Now on to spooks, snitches, skanks, anti-Semites, and other scum surfacing this week.

Special prosecutor Robert “Gestapo” Mueller wound up in the news earlier in the week. He claimed women were being recruited to claim he sexually used and/or abused them. He called for an FBI investigation. (Source: Daily Mail, 10/31/2018)

Mueller didn’t get the memo. We should just believe the women. Mueller is a fed and a former FBI boss. He therefore, IMHO, fits the profile of white-collar criminal.

Mueller allowed the Uranium One Russian heist of 20 percent of our uranium reserves. Hillary Clinton was involved, and the Clinton Foundation picked up $150 million or so for selling out the nation while Mueller stood there like a castrated dupe or coward, allegedly. Mueller has also wasted millions of dollars on a corrupt and dishonest attempt to blame Donald Trump and supposed Russian operatives like Boris and Natasha for causing Hillary Clinton to lose the 2016 presidential election.

Why would Mueller even worry about these women? He know the media and the Democrats and pussy-hat Republicans like Paul Ryan and John Kasich and Mitt Romney and Jeff Flake would cover for him.

Perhaps he was trying to divert another story about something much worse – his ties to murdered mobster Whitey Bulger, who may well have worked with him while he was a federal prosecutor in Massachusetts in the 1980s.

Mueller and Bulger: Partners in Crimes?


On Tuesday, mob boss and Mueller informant Whitey Bulger got the death sentence. The 89-year-old lifer, guilty of many horrible crimes, including murder, suffered a beating and facial mutilation that killed him in a West Virginia federal prison within hours of his transfer there.

Ironically, the feds bounced Bulger, who was confined to a wheelchair, from a federal prison in Florida to one in Oklahoma and days later, to the West Virginia prison where others murdered him.

Bulger had been an FBI informant since 1975. He certainly helped the FBI take out his rivals when Mueller was a U.S. Justice Dept. prosecutor in Massachusetts in the 1980s. Mueller and other feds gave Bulger a pass to commit all sorts of crimes. The feds also gave Bulger intel on those who were giving tips about him to the cops …. and Bulger had the tipsters killed. It was a horribly corrupt deal between organized criminals with FBI badges and Justice Department jobs, and an organized criminal without either.

Bulger got away with crimes he committed from 1975 through 1995. Mueller did nothing to stop Bulger, evidently.

In 1995, state lawmen and a US Drug Enforcement agency official started to try to send Bulger to prison for the murders, extortions, drug running, and other crimes he committed and ordered. FBI honchos opposed the lawmen. Bulger got a heads-up from FBI people and was able to go into hiding for 16 years until police captured him near the beach in the Los Angeles area in 2011.

(Source: National Public Radio, 10/30/2018)

Bulger was supposedly under prison watch to protect him from the many who wanted to kill him for being a snitch. The feds once again crapped their pants.

Was Bulger a threat to tell what his dealings were with Mueller?

Was Bulger hit to cover for Mueller?

Enquring minds want to know.

Donald and Melania Trump and Ivanka and Jared Kushner came to Pittsburgh to honor the victims of a cowardly germ who murdered 11 Jewish worshipers at the Tree of Life Synagogue. The anti-Semitic coward also wounded six other Jewish worshipers, and wounded four police officers before giving up when he got wounded himself. Sadly, Jewish doctors and nurses, true to the Hippocratic Oath, saved the anti-Semitic coward’s life in the hospital.


The First Family met with the rabbi, placed small stones on the memorials of the dead, and visited two surviving victims and two police officers in the hospital.

From the Pittsburgh Post Gazette 10/30/3018, this:

“The president kept a solemn tone and was gracious,” said Dr. Steven Shapiro, UPMC chief medical and scientific officer. “One officer had his 3-month old son and the president spent a lot of time with the baby.

“The beauty of it was,” Mr. Shapiro added, “there was nothing political, nothing profound. He was interested in hearing the patients’ stories and meeting the doctors and caregivers.”

The Secret Service had to work extra hard because rent-a-mob scumbags (allegedly) and other losers came to protest President Trump at a memorial for the dead, and because Pittsburgh’s Democrat mayor decided to reduce his police force’s presence. Was the mayor hoping for harm to come to the President and his wife and daughter?

Meanwhile, the Democrats have been letting their Klan robes show. It’s not just for Halloween anymore.

Hillary has always gotten away with slurring blacks. Per the Washington Examiner and Fox News 10/29/2018, this:

“Hillary Clinton joked about how black men like Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., and former Attorney General Eric Holder “all look alike.”

During an interview on Friday, Clinton made the quip while correcting Recode’s Kara Swisher about who recently goaded on Democratic voters by rhetorically encouraging them to “kick” Republicans when they “go low.”

After Clinton noted how she adores Booker, Swisher asked the former secretary of state what she thought about this “kick them” remark.

“Well, that was Eric Holder,” Clinton noted.

“Eric Holder, oh, Eric Holder, sorry,” Swisher said.

“Yeah, I know they all look alike,” Clinton quipped to a wave of laughter and applause in the room.”

Not a peep of disapproval or even of coverage out of the America-haters who run the networks or the New York Times or the Washington Post or other fishwraps full of practical treason. And the assholes in the room laughed.


Bill said something similarly uplifting to Teddy Kennedy about Barack Obama, per the 9/3/2012 New York Post. “ President Bill Clinton said of him: “A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags.”

Another source said Clinton said “A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would have been getting us coffee.” Same thought pattern.


On to the Corn Belt. Per CNN 10/31/2018, this:

“Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly from Indiana awkwardly touted minority staff members during a debate Tuesday night, seeming to suggest they succeeded despite their race or ethnicity.

“Our state director is Indian-American, but he does an amazing job,” he said. “Our director of all constituent services, she’s African-American, but she does an even more incredible job than you can ever imagine.”

At least CNN felt okay about outing a Democrat, for once. That’s because he will probably lose his Senate seat next week and they need an excuse to blame the loss on. Evidently there is not a Trump-Russia network in the Hoosier State.


On to the Show Me State. Per the Free Beacon 10/31/2018, this:

In Missouri, the Democrat senator put survival over party unity. Because she is trailing Republican Josh Hawley in her race for re-election, Claire McCaskill (D-MO) called a Democrat state senator (Maria Chappelle-Nadal) who called for President Trump’s assassination a “crazy Democrat.”

Crazy Democrat Maria Chappelle-Nadal wrote Ms. McCaskill “Dixie Claire: There are no more plantations. You are not Madam Massa.” MCN also called “Dixie Claire” a “a piece of shit.”

No harm, no foul. Both ladies are telling the truth about each other.


Florida has more than its share of bizarre behavior on a daily basis than most states. Part of it is because Florida has so many people. Part of it is because the state is a freak magnet.

From the Daily Caller 10/31/2018, this:

“Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum is the latest to be stung by a Project Veritas undercover video. A video released on Thursday shows a campaign staffer they identify as Omar Smith using a racial slur and saying the candidate makes promises he knows he can’t keep.

“It’s a cracker state,” Smith stated. “Get it? Ask anybody outside of here. You go Port St. Lucie, Orlando … man them crackers ain’t gonna let us do that sh*t dawg. Boy, you crazy?”

He went on, saying, “Gillum is a progressive. He is a part of the crazy, crazy, crazies.”

Then the undercover reporter asked how Gillum plans to pay for many of his campaign promises, Smith said he couldn’t. “That’s not for them to know … That’s not for [the voters] to know. Remember our saying, modern-day fairy tales start with ‘once I am elected.’”

President Donald Trump has waded into this race calling Gillum “a thief,” because the Tallahassee mayor has reportedly been under investigation by the FBI.” His opponent is Ron DeSantis, a Republican.


Now out to Big Sky Country. Per Fox News 10/31/2018, this:

“A libertarian candidate [in the race for Senator from Montana] endorsed his Republican opponent after an illegal campaign mailer tried to siphon votes from the GOP candidate and pave victory for the incumbent Democrat.

Republican Matt Rosendale is in a dead-heat race against Democrat Jon Tester, with polls showing the GOP candidate trailing within the margin of error.

But Libertarian Rick Breckenridge, who has no chance of winning the race, took an unprecedented step in Montana politics and endorsed Rosendale, saying he’s taking a stand against “dark money” in politics.

The move came after an anonymous campaign mailer from an unknown group, which is a violation of state and federal election laws, went out to people in a bid to garner support for the Libertarian candidate and thus undermine Rosendale’s election chances.

It remains unclear who’s responsible for the mailer, but the tactic resembles the efforts by Democratic groups that supported Tester’s 2012 bid, where a mailer was sent out to promote another libertarian candidate.

Tester won that race by 4 percentage points thanks to the Libertarian candidate who received over 6 percent of the vote – just enough votes to swing the election if the votes had gone to the Republican candidate at the time.

Breckenridge deemed the mailer an attempt to influence the election, prompting his endorsement of the Republican, even though he disagrees with some of his views.

“The reality is I’m only going to get 3 or 4 percent of the vote, and [Rosendale] has the character to combat this issue,” Breckenridge told the Associated Press. “I’m standing in unity and solidarity with Matt to combat dark money in politics.”

Democrat voter struggles with the consequences of her choices. At least she’s not wearing a pussy hat.


Will Rogers said, “Come pretty near having two holidays of equal importance in the same week, Halloween and Election, and of the two, Election Day provides us the most fun. On Halloween they put pumpkins on their heads, and on Election day they don’t have to. “

Back in the day, Will was a humorist. Now he would be smarter and more honest than any TV analyst except for maybe Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, and Maria Bartiromo.




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