• Today is: Saturday, February 22, 2025


October22/ 2018

First of all, prayers for the victims of Hurricane Michael in the Florida Panhandle and across the Southeast. Please give what you can for the relief of these victims.

Thanks and gratitude for FEMA, the other government responders, and for the many many volunteers who are assisting the victims of this horrible tragedy.

Now on to today’s topic, which is the first of two posts that detail Democrats accused of wife-beating and sexual predation. These are the people who want to run your life and they must be taken out of office. Many of them have committed crimes meriting prison time.

It has not been a good week for Sherrod Brown.

Jim Renacci, Brown’s underfinanced rival for the Ohio senate seat he unworthily holds, finally outed him as a wife-beater and a sexual predator in this campaign.

It’s not that previous GOP opponents of the shifty Sherrod haven’t tried.

The media in the state, who tilt hard left, say it happened long ago and should be forgotten.

Renacci brought it up in a debate a few days ago. He basically asked how could Brown have any moral standing voting against confirming Judge Kavanaugh when he beat his own ex-wife more recently.

Brown, an old hand at excusing his inexcusable behavior, said his ex-wife supported him, and Renacci ought to be ashamed. Lots of clapping from She-Rod’s pissant fans.

She-Rod is not ashamed he beat his ex-wife Larke and mistreated her in other ways. He has denied the charges against him, but still says women who bring abuse charges against others less exalted than he should be believed.

I’m believing Larke back in the day. She at least filed police reports. Sixteen Christine Ford filed her nails.

What is the truth about She-Rod Brown?

Besides being a Democrat who claimed to be a friend of workers, he never stopped any Obama trade deal that hurt American workers. To his credit, he occasionally called out Bush 43 for the same globalist behavior. But She-Rod was too much of a coward to call out his political boss Barry for selling out Ohio factory workers and miners and farmers.

As for the wife-beating, per Stephen Koff, in the 6/22/2012 cleveland.com website, this:

“Records from the 1986 divorce in Franklin County [Columbus] Common Pleas Court show a searing level of vitriol between Sherrod Brown (named in the court filing as “S. Campbell Brown”) and his then-wife of seven years. She filed the case in May that year, saying in the complaint that Brown “has been guilty of gross neglect of duty and extreme cruelty” toward her.

She also got a restraining order to keep him from harassing or annoying her and from “doing bodily harm.” In a supporting affidavit, she said she was “in fear for the safety and well-being of myself and our children due to (Brown’s) physical violence and abusive nature.”

She later sought to keep Brown from going further than the curb when he came to pick up their young daughters for visitation. She said in a supporting affidavit that Brown “intimidated, pushed, shoved and bullied” her on several occasions.

In that affidavit, she described an incident on Oct. 11, 1986, in which Brown arrived at her home to pick up his daughters but refused to wait for her to bring the girls out. He “pushed me up against the wall with his arms in order to pass and enter the house,” the affidavit said. “He refused to leave when asked and began to say insulting, derogatory things about me, my mothering of my children and my character in front of my friends and children.”

She concluded by saying that “I am definitely afraid of my husband, that he has struck and bullied me on several different occasions, he has completely destroyed my peace of mind and that I am extremely intimidated by him.”

The acrimony did not end with the divorce decree.

According to a Columbus Dispatch story from April 1989, when Brown was Ohio secretary of state, Brown’s ex-wife accused him of malicious destruction of property and filed a police report saying Brown broke the door after pounding on it. She did not follow up with charges.

The Dispatch story also said that Brown assaulted his ex-wife’s new husband, Joseph Recchie, grabbing him around the neck and beginning to strangle him. Joseph Recchie filed a complaint but did not follow up with formal charges, the Dispatch reported.”

Sherrod Brown (with bib, presumably to catch drooling) 


Why didn’t ex-wife Larke and Joseph Recchie follow up?

Sherrod Brown was one of the highest ranking public officials in Ohio at the time. I’m guessing they feared the prosecutors and judges would tank any prosecution against She-Rod.

Larke now supports the man who beat and abused her so many years ago. Perhaps she is a forgiving soul. But perhaps money and threats make people do what you want them to do also. Abuse victims want to avoid further abuse.

Ever since the Clintons made it OK for Democrats to threaten and abuse and occasionally Arkancide people inconvenient to them, every Democrat politician and operative fits the profile of potential or actual abuser or bankroller of abusers. Too many of them are egging on their demented followers publicly to say otherwise. Deal with it, She-Rod.

She-Rod ended the week being accused of sexually stalking an Ohio woman after his first wife Larke divorced him and outed him as a wife-beater.

Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Scott Wartman wrote this 10/19/2018:

“Late Thursday night, an attorney released a statement on behalf of one of the women (who Brown supposedly sexually hassled).

In the statement, Canton, Ohio area attorney Laura Mills described a sexual encounter her client had with Brown in the late 1980s. Brown was Ohio’s Secretary of State at the time and the unnamed woman had met Brown in the course of her work.

According to Mills, Brown pushed her client up against a wall.

“She described an unexpected, uninvited, unwanted, and sudden advance, roughly pushing her up against a wall,” Mills said in the statement. “It did stop after she expressed dismay and very firmly pulled away, explaining that was not her style nor why she was there. He then said he remembered what she had on the day they had met some time earlier and that he had been attracted to her.”

Mills is a friend and donor of Jim Renacci, Brown’s opponent. But Dems never questioned Dem lawyers who came forward with false witnesses Christine Blasey Ford and the other two who were even less credible. Hey, believe the woman, baby!

A few days ago, another Ohio politician, Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh (D) was outed for shaking down her employees for campaign money, having them do political work for her while on the job, and for tolerating sexual harassment, bullying, and racial discrimination by her top people.

Per Tom Meyer, who bills himself as “The Investigator” on Cleveland’s TV station WKYC, and one-time Akron Beacon Journal scribe Phil Trexler, who had covered up for Sherri for years, this on WKYC 10/10/2018:

“AKRON — For nearly two decades, Sherri Bevan Walsh has built a powerful political base, trumpeting herself as champion for crime victims as Summit County’s prosecutor.

She came into power as an unknown underdog when first elected in November 2000.

And ever since, she’s been the face of Summit County Democrats, among their top vote-getters, routinely snapping up nearly 70 percent of the vote. Her popularity is so strong, Republicans barely bother to run a serious competitor.

According to county records and interviews, Walsh is accused of turning her back to acts of bullying, sexual harassment and racial discrimination – all while allowing political campaigning to take place by favored workers, sometimes on county time, and requiring campaign donations of her workers and denying pay hikes to those who did not.

Walsh’s campaign finance reports, reviewed by Channel 3 News, reflect the cash flow, showing her employees contributed thousands of dollars, or about half of her entire campaign funds in the past six filing periods.

But in the past several weeks, cracks have emerged as five workers have filed complaints of mistreatment. The allegations come from a long-time assistant prosecutor, as well as Walsh’s former chief criminal investigator, her grand jury coordinator and two minority secretaries.

The allegations are a stark contrast to the brand Walsh has molded during her five terms in office.

Reported Victim Chelsea Fernandez


“Sherri Bevan Walsh does not care about victims,” said Chelsea Fernandez, a secretary, who resigned last month after three years. “Because I was a victim of sexual harassment and nobody cared about me.

“The amount of bullying by that administration ….it’s uncalled for. For an office that advocates for victims, the amount of bullying that goes on is horrendous.”

Walsh declined to be interviewed about the allegations. Instead she released the following statement:

“We have evidence that these are retaliatory claims. These are disgruntled former employees who clearly have an axe to grind. The County has a process in place to review these claims along with our evidence. I have been advised to not comment publicly while this process is pending.”

Three of the five workers resigned from their jobs. One remains. The fifth claims he was fired two hours after filing a complaint against Walsh with the county’s Human Resources office.

Fernandez filed her complaint with the county Human Resources Equal Employment Opportunity office alleging she felt “bullied and harassed by Lisa Holdt,” Walsh’s close friend and chief administrator. Holdt has worked for Walsh since 2001.

Fernandez said she reached out for help, but her cries were summarily dismissed.

Instead of intervention, she said she lived through mental anguish, stress and sleepless nights, all of which required medication and counseling.

“I’m not even under [Walsh any longer] but I’m still afraid of the retaliation from Sherri Bevan Walsh’s office, even talking today,” she told Channel 3 News in an interview. “It was a toxic environment. It really was.”

Fernandez, 23, said she hoped campaigning for Walsh would endear her superiors and make her job tolerable. She had no idea that laws may have been broken by using government time, computers and assets to campaign for Walsh’s re-election in 2016.

“I didn’t know that during work hours campaigning was illegal. I did not know that on county time you could not do that. I thought it was normal,” Fernandez said.

It seemed normal, she said, because fundraisers often involved office chats and envelopes being passed around. Contributions and attending fundraising events were expected of everyone, she said.

“I thought that everybody did it, honestly,” she said.

“If I didn’t campaign, I felt that I would no longer be up for a promotion. I felt that if I didn’t campaign, I would no longer be up for raises.”

Shari Barton Harrell, an assistant prosecutor since 2007, said she found out the hard way what happens when a worker doesn’t contribute.

In her written complaint to the county last month, she said was denied pay raises for not donating enough to Walsh’s campaign or attending fundraisers.

She said a medical condition prevented her from attending many events.

“[Walsh] clearly paid higher salaries to those who attended,” Harrell wrote. “My salary was much lower than the others and the reason I was given was I needed to attend more of her functions [for re-election].”

Harrell, an attorney for 22 years, provided a payroll spreadsheet, pointing out less experienced, male assistant prosecutors, who earned more than her $62,534 annual salary. She also pointed out less experienced, but favored females, earning more as well.

Holdt, who holds no college degree, is paid $91,000. About 40 assistant prosecutors are paid less, records show.

Other examples of the pay scale: Walsh’s director of communications, James Pollack, is paid $93,000 annually performing public relations work for the office.

Walsh’s top assistant prosecutor Brad Gessner earns $120,000, while Walsh is paid $137,193. Assistant Prosecutor Margaret Scott, whom Walsh strongly backed for a failed campaign for judge, earns $106,000.

Harrell, 50, also alleged that Holdt, “engaged in a persistent pattern of mistreatment of others which caused both physical and emotional harm to individuals and the office as a whole.”

“[Holdt] has demonstrated threatening, humiliating and intimidation which has created a climate of fear in the office,” Harrell wrote.

Harrell said when she tried to report Holdt’s conduct she was told “[Holdt] is Sherri Bevan Walsh’s best friend, there is nothing we can do.”

Reported abuser (and Bestie of Sherri Bevan Walsh) Lisa Holdt


Harrell initially agreed to an interview with Channel 3 News, but abruptly stopped communicating with a reporter investigating the complaints.

She has since dismissed her complaint, but she did not back away from her claims of mistreatment.

“….it is basically not worth my time and effort. There are more important things to focus on in life than a wrong that cannot be corrected,” she wrote to the county HR EEO compliance officer.

Jennifer Cline, who worked for Walsh as coordinator for the county grand jury, also filed a complaint alleging sexual harassment and cyber stalking. She said Holdt consistently pried into her personal life, asking personal questions about who she is dating and making inappropriate comments about male police officers attending grand jury.

[Author’s note: There are rumors from around the Summit County Courthouse that Sherri, who is married, also likes women sexually. The complaint about Ms. Holdt being Sherri’s bestie is in a different light if they are each others’ friends with benefits. I don’t have any evidence on any sexual relationship between Sherri and Lisa. If I was a good Democrat, I’d allege it anyway.]

Cline said she spoke to Walsh about the treatment, but said her concerns were brushed aside.

But what about Walsh’s mantra of victims’ rights?

“Ha, that’s her public persona. Yes, behind the scenes she wouldn’t even listen to me,” Cline said in an interview with Channel 3 News. “I felt like my personal life was being invaded. It was very creepy to me.”

Cline resigned last month after three years working for Walsh. She earned about $37,000 a year.

“I feel this is a story that needs to be told. It was a toxic environment. It really was,” she said.

Cline also agreed that working for Walsh’s campaign was part of the job. She said she often spent weekends knocking on doors, or posting yards signs.

“It’s known that you were expected to contribute if you work here,” Cline said. “It’s very well known that you contribute. You have to pay to play.”

Perhaps the oddest departure was that of Chief Criminal Investigator Ben Bergeron. He said in his complaint that he was repeatedly questioned about who he would eat lunch with and time he spent mentoring Chelsea Fernandez.

Bergeron, 39, who is married with children, filed a complaint with HR alleging sexual harassment and two hours later, he said he was fired. He later alleged retaliation. Bergeron would not comment on his complaint.

“I have protected this office and Sherri [Walsh] every single day I have been employed here,” he wrote to Gessner in an email. “I have never in my life felt so much embarrassment and mental stress over petty office gossip.”

One worker who filed a complaint did not resign and remains employed with Walsh. Yolanda Richardson, 55, a secretary for 22 years during three different county prosecutors, wrote of verbal abuse and harassment. An African-American, she cited racial discrimination in her written complaint. She earns $32,000.

Richardson, who declined to comment, said she was denied pay raises and promotions and was a witness to what she called “Lisa Holdt’s reign of terror.”

She compared Walsh to previous prosecutors she worked under, Michael Callahan, and Maureen O’Connor, who is now Ohio’s Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

[Author’s note: Callahan and O’Connor are Republicans.]

“And Sherri Bevan Walsh is by far the worst,” she said.”

You have read on this site how Sherri Bevan Walsh protected her child support enforcement agent Jean Workman … the homely sow who shacked up with and later married Scott Dietz, a serial child rapist who went to prison for raping his toddler daughters.

I filed a report against Sherri with the FBI and the U.S. Attorney in Cleveland because I had reason to believe she allowed the use of her staffers’ time to help Jean Workman against us in court lying about me allegedly harassing her and her child molester. We beat her like a drum. After all, we had outed Sherri as a protector of a guy who did 13 years in prison for raping his two daughters. He also confessed to molesting his kid sister and two kid cousins.

Nothing came of it. It was 2010, Obama was president, and the Feds knew they had to protect deserving Democrats.

Ted Strickland (D), who had a close and personal aide named Bryan Specht who was busted for alleged weenie wagging (in front of children outside a school, no less), was the governor of Ohio in 2010, and Richard Cordray (D) was the state’s attorney general. We complained to Cordray about Sherri Bevan Walsh protecting Workman and Dietz, but Cordray and his people did nothing. We were warned not to retaliate against any sex offender.

(Specht, BTW, had his arrest and punishment expunged, per multiple sources. He was outed by Democrat and Republican opponents of Strickland in 2006.  Specht has sinced maintained he is involved in preventing child abuse. I don’t buy the takes “reformed” sex offenders feed us saying they’re all better now thanks to therapy or to Jesus or to some other miraculous happenstance.  In my humble opinion, send these criminal no money for anything, unless it’s a couple of bucks for their castration.)

I contacted every judge in Summit County about the Workman-Dietz-Sherri Bevan Walsh triangle. The scumbags in black robes did nothing.

Jean Workman and Scott Dietz at a kiddie park, many years and many pounds lighter ago.

I took this off Jean’s Facebook page.


I then contacted virtually all the lawyers who opposed Jean Workman in court. I let them know while she was in on child support cases against them when their clients lost their jobs and fell behind in making payments, Jean was servicing a serial child rapist who owed the state about $60K to $70K in welfare reimbursement (because his daughters were on cash welfare while he was in prison for raping them). Jean’s porcine presence as Dietz’s prosecutor employee fellatrix protected her child rapin’ sugar bear from repaying the money he owed …. it was in her household and conflict of interest was involved. Jean eventually was let go.

Richard Cordray protected Sherri and Jean Workman and Scott Dietz. We were warned by Cordray’s people not to retaliate against any sex offender. We moved from the state in disgust.

Cordray is now running against Mike DeWine for governor of Ohio. Mike DeWine is not a favorite of mine. But he isn’t AIDS in human form like Cordray is. AIDS can’t be cured, so Ohioans who care about the country should quarantine Cordray from ever holding public office again.

Ohio State University earlier this year had to deal with the case of Richard Strauss, the OSU doctor who reportedly groped more than 100 young guys while he worked there. Strauss committed suicide in 2005. Some of his victims are suing the university.

There is a Democrat fixer connection to this sordid case.

A 7/20/2018 WOSU article on Strauss noted, “Ohio State’s investigation is being conducted by the Seattle law firm Perkins Coie. The probe began in April after former wrestlers publicly alleged sexual abuse by Strauss, the team’s doctor.”

OSU officials likely hired Perkins Coie to protect themselves. Perkins Coie is the law firm Hillary used to pay for the false Steele dossier to try to cheat Donald Trump out of winning the Presidency. The law firm’s ethics smell worse than a public toilet at a sauerkraut festival.

Speaking of stinking, Ohio State got smashed by the Purdue Boilermakers Saturday night in Indiana. Fortunately, there were steady high winds across the Great Lakes States during that time, so Indiana and western Ohio didn’t have to smell the burning couches and dumpster fires in Columbus.

But OSU isn’t the only Big Ten university with a molesting problem and Democrat fixers.

Michigan State doctor Larry Nassar cost the taxpayers of Michigan $500 million in settlements for molesting more than 100 girls and young women while he worked there as a sports doc for young gymnasts and other female athletes. He also molested US female Olympic gymnast gold medalists McKayla Maroney, Gabby Douglas, Simone Biles, and Aly Raisman.

How did Nassar get away with it for so long?

The local prosecutors in Ingham County, Michigan, where Michigan State is, were Democrats who bowed to the pressure a big university can exert. Stuart Dunnings III, the first coverup artist, later went to jail for his crimes in connection with prostitutes.

Gretchen Whitmer, who succeeded Dunnings, was such a wimp or a fixer that the MSU campus police chief Jim Dunlap took the child pornography evidence against Nassar to a federal prosecutor and took the rape evidence against Nassar to Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette. Dunlap didn’t want Gretchen rolling over or taking a dive on the cases.

The feds got Nassar a much stiffer sentence than Gretchen could because federal penalties for child pornography are more Spartan than Michigan state penalties. AG Schuette’s people won convictions on Nassar for all the rapes he committed, when Gretchen didn’t even want to try the cases.

Rachael Denhollander — Heroine who outed Larry Nassar. IMHO the media ignored her because she was a home-schooled Evangelical. Other women coaches warned her not to come forward.


Ironically, Gretchen (D) is challenging Schuette (GOP) for the chance to be Michigan’s next governor this year. Smashing child molesters should be a nonpartisan activity, but too many Democrats have soft spots for all the child rapists and the parasitical attorneys who are part of their base.

This is a no brainer, Michiganders. Vote for Schuette and punish Gretchen the Goose Girl.


Then there is relative Big Ten newcomer Penn State aka State Penn. Their child molester coverup reached all the way to the Obama Administration.

Penn State’s problems with public school teacher and boy molester football coach Jerry Sandusky were so brazen that key officials of that school were sentenced to prison. Graham Spanier, a long-time perv who used to be the school’s president, worked for the Obama Administration as a consultant after he had to leave Penn State in disgrace. Spanier, who faces jail time for his role in the cover-up of Sandusky’s crimes, is still fighting to overturn his conviction, per the 10/14/2018 York, PA Daily Record.

Odds are good that the Democrat majority in Pennsylvania’s state supreme court will cover for Spanier or go light on him. Democrat governor Tom Wolf, who looks like a cross between a perv and a goat, could always decide to commute or otherwise mickey with Spanier’s sentence to keep Spanier away from stronger convicts who might want to show a boy molester enabler some jailhouse justice.


Wolf is running for re-election against Republican Scott Wagner. Wagner, a former bail bondsman and waste hauling company owner, knows how to deal with criminals and trash. Vote for Wagner on Election Day.

State Penn is lower than the USC Trojans …. serial cheaters and the only college in the country whose teams are named after a brand of condom.

Speaking of the University of Southern California, per the Los Angeles Times 10/19/2018, this:

“USC said Friday it had agreed to pay $215 million to former patients of Dr. George Tyndall, the first in what is expected to be a wave of payouts stemming from the sexual abuse scandal involving the longtime campus gynecologist.

The proposed settlement would provide $2,500 to any USC student treated by Tyndall during his three-decade tenure and up to $250,000 to those who allege they were abused by him. As many as 17,000 students and alumnae are eligible, a university lawyer said.”

A 5/25/2018 USA Today story about the USC scandal had this hilarious written defense by Tyndall:

“I chose to become the first-ever obstetrician-gynecologist to be offered a full-time position at USC’s student health center because I’d decided that my new mission in life would be to do my utmost to protect the health of Trojan women,” Tyndall wrote. “I will do everything I possibly can,” I said to myself, “to assist Trojan women to achieve their career goals without being sidetracked by a preventable condition or disease.”

USC Song Girls


USC has some very hot coeds, some of whom have augmented their scholarship money or Daddy’s allowances with proceeds from prostitution. So Trojan Doc basically said he was standing ramrod-erect in his duty to the women of Troy.

Tyndall’s first alleged victim said he molested her while she was taking part in USC’s testing of the chemical coathanger abortion pill RU-486, according to a 5/29/2018 report by KTTV-TV in Los Angeles.

It was logical for the abortion criminals to do the trials at USC; USC is intertwined with the abortion racket. Many oft-sued abortionists in the L.A. area, to include abortion for population control of blacks and Hispanics advocate Edward Allred, are graduates of USC’s medical school.

Sadly for decent Trojans, Clay Helton doesn’t look like the best of football coaches. He has tried to instill integrity into the USC program, which is as hard for a decent man like Helton to do as it is to drain the Swamp in DC for anyone.

Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have governor races and Senate races this year. Redistricting after the 2020 census is coming, as is the oversight of the election apparatus for the 2020 elections, which include a presidential election. Democrat control of governor jobs means vote fraud will be easier for Democrats to commit.

John James — Protector

Democrats are leading in the Senate races in these states, but a good turnout against them may change that. We’ve profiled Renacci’s race against She-Rod the wife beater and alleged sexual harasser Brown. John James, who graduated from West Point and served as an Army Ranger and a helicopter pilot, is the Republican candidate for Senate in Michigan. His opponent is incumbent Democrat Debbie Stabenow, a Nanny State leftist. Think Bossy the Cow.


Lou Barletta — Man of Respect


Lou Barletta, an aggressive defender of Americans against illegals, is the Republican Senate candidate in Pennsylvania. Barletta as mayor of Hazleton cracked down on landlords who rented to illegals; the feds attacked him. Barletta is a man of respect. His opponent, Democrat incumbent Bob Casey Jr., sucks up to the Clintons and the rest of the Democrat hierarchy who punished his father Bob Casey Sr. for being a pro-life Democrat. Junior is a disloyal unworthy son of a great father, who has the name but not the guts or the cojones of Bob Senior.

Oroville Dam. Notice the failed spillway.


Even Democrat and illegal-overrun California has a winnable governor’s race for Republican John Cox. President Trump signed a federal water infrastructure bill that will help farmers and other producers in the Golden State. This is something Democrats would never do nowadays. Democrats let the Oroville Dam spillway fail in 2017, threatening the lives of people below the dam and costing the people of that thirsty state countless amounts of drinking water.

California has a number of Republicans trying to retain their House seats and a few Republicans with a fighting chance to take House seats from the Democrats. Your vote will matter in the governor race and your House district race. President Trump needs a majority in both the House and the Senate to really do the people’s work.

That caravan of criminals from Central America may be at or near the Mexican border by Election Day. If the Dems win the House or Senate, expect more migrations of undesirables to move north.

This is why it is important for you to vote.

Elections are a few days away. The GOP has many problems, but like VD, they can be cured. The Democrats in their current condition are like AIDS. They can’t be cured.

You are your own detective because you are your loved ones’ first responder. Your job will become easier when you vote this election and in future elections against all Democrats without exception until they purge their sociopaths.

Of course, that will reduce the Democrats to about the size of the Green Party.

But then the ousted Democrats can form a Sociopath Party and invite the neverTrumpers and GOP globalists to join them. They will not find it hard to fundraise or victimize … unless they are imprisoned.

We will cover other Democrat wife beaters and sexual vermin in the next post.



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